which vitamin help us to the formation of sperm​


Answer 1

Answer: Vitamin B-12


Vitamin B-12 B12 is essential to the sperm production process.

Related Questions

100 POINTS please help, info should be pretty short but enough to probably fit on one slide!

My assigned technology is GENE THERAPY!

Include a real-life scenario or “case” to explain how the technology has or is currently being used. For example, for GMOs you might include the scenario of Golden Rice Project to increase vitamin A in communities exhibiting vitamin A deficiency, or for cloning, you might describe the first successful cloning of Dolly the sheep. Your case should include the following:

· When did the scenario/case happen?

· Where did the scenario/case happen?

· Explain the background/details of the case/scenario.

· How was the technology involved in solving the problem or case?

· 2-3 related pictures


Gene therapy is a rapidly evolving technology that has the potential to revolutionize medical treatments. It offers hope to patients with previously untreatable genetic disorders and diseases.

What is blood?

Blood is a fluid connective tissue that circulates throughout the body, carrying oxygen, nutrients, and hormones to tissues and organs, while also removing waste products and carbon dioxide from them. It is composed of various types of cells, suspended in a liquid matrix known as plasma.


Title: Gene Therapy - Revolutionizing Medical Treatments


Gene therapy is a promising technology that involves the delivery of genetic material to cure or prevent diseases. It is an innovative approach to address genetic disorders that were previously untreatable. This technology is being used to treat a variety of diseases, such as genetic disorders, cancer, and viral infections.

Real-life scenario:

In 2017, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the first gene therapy for use in the United States. The treatment, called Kymriah, is a type of gene therapy used to treat pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL).


Pediatric ALL is a type of cancer that affects the blood and bone marrow. It is the most common type of cancer in children, accounting for around 25% of all childhood cancer cases. The traditional treatment for ALL involves chemotherapy, radiation, and bone marrow transplant. However, these treatments can be very harsh and can have severe side effects.

How was the technology involved in solving the problem or case?

Gene therapy involves the insertion, removal, or modification of genes within a person's cells and tissues to treat or prevent disease. In the case of Kymriah, the patient's own T-cells (a type of immune cell) are modified with a new gene to target and kill cancer cells. The modified T-cells are then infused back into the patient's body to attack the cancer cells.


Picture 1: A child receiving gene therapy treatment

Picture 2: A lab technician working on gene therapy research

Picture 3: A diagram of the gene therapy process

To know more about blood,



I need help can you give me a hand



See explain


This is a difficult question to give an answer to because of the fact that this is supposed to pertain to your own personal life so I will give you some tips and examples hopefully to help you better understand your assignment:

Your teacher is asking you to create a personal narrative (a story) about yourself in which one of the themes from the story The Great Gatsby is present. First, start by looking at the themes your teacher provided about The Great Gatsby and think about if you have any stories about yourself you would be okay with sharing that embody that theme, for example for the pursuit of the American Dream theme you may choose a story about how you fought for an internship or job or education so you could propel your individual success through your freedom or a story about how you learned about society and class in society through viewing others lives as another example, (a little unethical but this story you choose doesn't need to be real so you can make up a realistic story maybe mixed with some truth about something you 'experienced'). After you've picked a theme, write a story about yourself in first person (use words like I did this I spoke to 'whomever' or I walked and not 'Pepe did this or 'Pepe spoke to him') that makes sure to embody the theme you've chosen and make sure to include:

A title that relates to the chosen theme of your narrative

Elements of the story (other people, a conflict about something pertaining to your theme and story, a setting in which all the events take place (like school, and can change during the course of the story), a plot which is a storyline (a good way to understand plot for a story which is important is to think about the series of events you want your character to go through in order) and make sure that the theme you've chosen is a good fit for your story and that it will fit the message your story is trying to get across)

The dialog which is talking and chatting between characters (I spoke to Dave and told him 'No!')

Description which is all the details (the details of the setting like the time of day, what day it is, your shirt and clothes, who the person is that you're talking to and why they're important and all the small details about the events and yourself and the people and places around you)

Finally, a reflection which will normally take place at the end of the story after the events have happened your character will reflect on the events and the importance of what has taken place and what you will take from the experience and whatnot)

If you have any other questions or need of assistance, you can also reply to this answer and I will try my best to get back when I can :)

Enrichment Questions from Carbon cycle game. Will everyone’s journey be the same, why or why not?


No, everyone's journey in the carbon cycle game will not be the same due to the complex interactions and processes involved.

This is because the carbon cycle game is designed to simulate the complex interactions and processes that occur in the real carbon cycle, which can vary depending on a variety of factors such as location, climate, and human activity.

Players will make decisions throughout the game that can affect their carbon footprint and the carbon cycle, such as choosing transportation options, land use, and energy sources. These decisions will affect the amount of carbon that is released or stored in various parts of the carbon cycle. Additionally, chance events such as natural disasters can impact the game and create different outcomes for different players.

Know more about carbon cycle here: https://brainly.com/question/30633292


HELP PLEASE Which of the following does NOT support the theory of natural selection? *

There are species that live in North America that are not found in Australia

Humans have small bones at the end of our spine that resemble tail bones in other animals

Prehistoric mastodons are similar to today's elephants

Species that are similar to each other tend to live near each other



It's A!


The answer is A. There are species that live in North America that are not found in Australia. This observation does not directly relate to the theory of natural selection, which is concerned with how variations within a population can lead to differential survival and reproduction, ultimately resulting in changes in the traits of a population over time. The fact that different species exist in different regions is more related to biogeography and historical factors such as continental drift, rather than natural selection.

On the other hand, options B, C, and D are related to the theory of natural selection. Option B refers to the vestigial tailbones in humans, which suggest a common ancestry with other animals and are an example of a trait that has lost its original function through natural selection. Option C refers to the similarity between prehistoric mastodons and modern elephants, which suggests that elephants have evolved over time through natural selection. Option D refers to the observation that similar species tend to live near each other, which can be explained by the fact that they share similar environmental requirements and have evolved similar adaptations to survive in their respective habitats.

Hope this helps! If not, I'm sorry about that! If you still need help you may ask me! :]

19. Mendel correctly concluded that offspring receive___ “Heritable factors" for each trait - one from each parent.

20. When ____ (sperm and egg cells) form, only _____of the two factors for each trait is given to a gamete.

21. The 2 gametes fuse during____so the resulting offspring has
for each trait.

22. Today these "heritable factors" are called____


Mendel correctly deduced that children inherit "heritable factors"—one from each parent—for each feature. These elements are now known as genes.

What is Gamete?

Only one of the two components for each trait is provided to a gamete when it forms (sperm and egg cells).

After fertilization, the two gametes merge, resulting in an offspring with two components (alleles) for each trait.

What is Heritable factors?

These "heritable factors" are known as genes today.

The degree to which genetic variations among persons may adequately explain the variations in their attributes is known as heritability. Characteristics like height, eye color, and IQ are examples of traits, as are illnesses like schizophrenia and autism spectrum disorder.

To know more about Heritable factors



The movement of water for areas of
high to low concentrations of water
Differences in concentration





Osmosis is the movement of water from a high concentration region to low concentration...

What kind of factors are light, temperature, and soil composition?








The correct answer is —- abiotic


Sunlight, air, precipitation, minerals, and soil are some examples of abiotic factors. These factors have a significant impact on the survival and reproduction of species in an ecosystem.

C: abiotic

Explanation: k12 test 1.05

A mutation caused by a piece of DNA breaking away from its chromosome and becoming attached to a nonhomologous chromosome as demonstrated from the text figure and lecture is called


A mutation caused by a piece of DNA breaking away from its chromosome and becoming attached to a non-homologous chromosome is translocation.

Translocation is a type of genetic alteration when a segment of one chromosome separates and joins another. Chromosomes from different species can occasionally swap portions with one another. Refer the image for the same.

Medical conditions include leukaemia, breast cancer, schizophrenia, muscular dystrophy, and Down syndrome may result from translocations. The term "mutation" refers to an organism's abrupt, stable, discontinuous, and inheritable alterations brought on by a permanent change in genotype.

Normally, a genetic mutation modifies the messages that are sent by a gene. Just the number of positions of genes that are already present are changed by chromosomal mutation.

To know more about translocation, refer:



Energy comes in many forms: thermal, nuclear, chemical, mechanical, etc. Even though there are many forms of energy, all energy abides by the same rules or laws. For this project, write about the first two laws of thermodynamics or energy, define each law and provide an example to help explain it using at least 175 words. This essay must include examples using at least four of the six forms of energy for the first law. In the second law explain why energy is lost, what form it is lost in and define entropy and give at least two examples to explain the second law


The conservation of energy is explained by the first law of thermodynamics, and the direction of energy flow and the rise in entropy are explained by the second law. We may better comprehend how energy is changed and preserved in our daily lives by comprehending these laws.

1) First law of thermodynamics: Energy transformation and conservation are described by the first two laws of thermodynamics. The first law, sometimes referred to as the law of conservation of energy, holds that energy can only be transported or changed from one form to another and cannot be created or destroyed.

This law can be expressed mathematically as the equation: ΔU = Q - W, Where ΔU denotes the change in internal energy of a system, Q denotes the heat added to the system, and W denotes the work performed on the system.

Example: Take an automobile moving up a hill as an example to demonstrate this law. Fuel is used in the car's engine to create thermal energy, which is subsequently transformed into kinetic energy to propel the vehicle forward. As they slow the car down, the brakes also change kinetic energy into thermal energy. Chemical energy is stored in the car's battery and transformed into electrical energy to run the radio and lights. The sound system in the car then transforms electrical energy into sound energy.

2) The second law of thermodynamics: According to the second rule of thermodynamics, an isolated system's entropy, or disorder, inevitably rises over time. The principle of heat flow, which can be used to express this law, states that heat will always move from hot to cold objects but not the other way around when no effort is being done. Every time energy is transferred or converted, energy is therefore lost as heat, which raises the universe's entropy.

Example: Take the burning of fuel in an automobile engine as an illustration. The majority of the energy from the fuel is wasted as heat as a result of friction and other inefficiencies, though some of it is transformed into kinetic energy to propel the automobile. The subsequent release of this heat energy into the environment adds to the general rise in entropy. The combustion of fossil fuels to produce electricity is another illustration. The majority of the energy is lost as heat, which contributes to global warming and other environmental problems, even though some of it is turned into electrical energy.

To know more about thermodynamics



A cell has detected a problem: One segment of its copied DNA contains an error. The cell is at which checkpoint in the cell cycle?

A. M checkpoint
B. Go checkpoint
C. G₂ checkpoint
D. G₁ checkpoint

which one is please help ​


Answer:The answer is C


d. your dog is heterozygous for dominant alleles of raly (has tan saddle color patch on back) and krt71 (has curly hair), in trans (one of its parents had curly hair and the other had a tan saddle). if your dog mates with another dog that is homozygous recessive for both genes and so lacks both traits, what percent of puppies do you expect will have both of these dominant traits (tan saddle and curly hair) that you see in your dog?


If your dog mates with another dog that is homozygous recessive for both genes and lacks both traits, you should expect 0% of puppies to have both of these dominant traits (tan saddle and curly hair)

What is Mendelian inheritance?

Mendelian inheritance or Mendelian genetics refers to the fundamental principles of inheritance that Gregor Mendel proposed in his studies of pea plants' genetic patterns. Mendel is regarded as the father of genetics, as he laid the foundation for the study of inheritance patterns in offspring.

Mendel's studies on pea plants' inheritance patterns established several fundamental principles of heredity, including dominance, segregation, and independent assortment. Mendelian inheritance principles dictate how traits are transmitted from parents to offspring, and in which ratios, dominant and recessive alleles will be inherited.

If a heterozygous parent (Tt) and a homozygous recessive parent (tt) are crossed, the expected ratio of offspring with the dominant trait to those without the dominant trait is 1:1.Only the genotype Tt will result in the dominant trait. Since your dog is heterozygous for both dominant alleles, the genotypic ratio of its offspring with the homozygous recessive dog will be Tt:tt= 1:1.

As a result, none of the offspring will have both of these dominant traits (tan saddle and curly hair) that you see in your dog, and the expected percentage of puppies with both of these dominant traits will be 0%.

To know more about Mendelian inheritance, refer here:



You end up with two DNA molecules at the end. Do they have the same genetic information or are
they different?



Both strands of double-stranded DNA store the same biological information. This information is replicated when the two strands separate.


The documentary presents a series of possible "intermediary steps" in the formation of a complex eye organ. Explain why natural selection would favor each of these changes, and give an example of a modern organism that still relies on that design. Cup-shaped vision organ, compared to the primitive flat patch of sensory cells


Option A: Cup-shaped vision organ, compared to the primitive flat patch of sensory cells, resembles eye and this provide the support that modern organism can rely on the model of complex eye organ.

Individuals in a population who are well-adapted to a specific set of environmental conditions have an advantage over those who are not as well-adapted through the process of natural selection. These people pass on their genes and desirable traits to their kids, providing the same advantages to the progeny.

Natural selection affects every structure of an organ like the eye over many generations, leading to a gradual improvement. Each minor modification to a structure depends on modifications to all the other structures. Individual components of a system develop cooperatively in this way to be compatible from a structural and functional standpoint.

To know more about natural selection, refer:



Complete question is:

The documentary presents a series of possible “intermediary steps” in the formation of a complex eye organ. Explain why natural selection would favor each of these changes, and give an example of a modern organism that still relies on that design.

a. Cup-shaped vision organ, compared to the primitive flat patch of sensory cells.

b. Constricted eye openings.

c. A clear convex lens in front of the opening.

Ways government can encourage youth participate in the democratic process


Encouraging youth participation in the democratic process is essential for a healthy and vibrant democracy.

Reducing the voting age: Making the voting age 16 or 17 is one strategy to promote young participation in democracy. This might encourage young people to vote and participate in civic life earlier in life.

Education and awareness: The government can fund initiatives that instruct young people on how to participate in local politics, the value of voting, and the democratic process.

Councils for young people: Governments can create councils for young people to give them a direct role in politics. These councils can offer recommendations to elected authorities, offer commentary on programs and policies, and promote youth involvement in neighborhood issues.

Young people are more likely to interact with political problems online and on social media than older individuals.

To know more about democracy click here



what structural features are common to all trnas? multiple select question. loop that attaches to the spliceosome a, p, and e sites acceptor stem for amino acid attachment cloverleaf pattern with three stem-loops


The structural features that are common to all tRNAs are the cloverleaf pattern with three stem-loops, acceptor stem for amino acid attachment, and a, p, and e sites. Therefore, the correct answer is "cloverleaf pattern with three stem-loops, acceptor stem for amino acid attachment, and a, p, and e sites."

tRNA or transfer RNA is a type of RNA that plays a critical role in protein synthesis. It helps in the transfer of amino acids from the cytoplasmic pool to the growing polypeptide chain, which is critical for the formation of proteins.

There are several types of tRNAs, each of which is distinct in terms of its amino acid binding capacity and anticodon sequence. Although they are not entirely alike, all tRNAs have specific structural features that make them useful in protein synthesis.

The following are the common structural features of all tRNAs: Cloverleaf pattern with three stem-loops: The characteristic cloverleaf shape of tRNA is due to the presence of three stem-loops. This shape is critical for tRNA functionality.

The T stem loop is responsible for amino acid attachment, while the D stem loop is responsible for aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase recognition. An acceptor stem: A single-stranded stem is present at the 3' end of tRNA, which is used to accept and bind with the appropriate amino acid.

The sequence of the acceptor stem is responsible for specificity in amino acid selection. a, p, and e sites: These are ribosomal binding sites that help in the elongation of the growing polypeptide chain. They also help in the decoding of the mRNA sequence by anticodon complementarity. Therefore, these sites are critical for translation.

To know more about tRNAs, refer here:



Is the kangaroo rat more similar to the rattlesnake or the hummingbird in its strategies for keeping warm at night? Give evidence to support your answer.


The kangaroo rat is a nocturnal rodent that lives in the deserts of North America. To survive the cold desert nights, kangaroo rats have evolved various strategies for thermoregulation.

However, it is difficult to determine whether the kangaroo rat is more similar to the rattlesnake or the hummingbird in its strategies for keeping warm at night, as these animals have different ways of regulating their body temperature.

Rattlesnakes are ectothermic animals, meaning that their body temperature is primarily regulated by their external environment. In contrast, hummingbirds are endothermic animals, meaning that they can generate their own body heat through metabolic processes.

Kangaroo rats are also endothermic, and they have several adaptations to conserve body heat at night, such as reducing their activity levels and lowering their metabolic rate. They also have specialized kidneys that can concentrate urine to conserve water, which is important for maintaining their body temperature.

Therefore, it is more accurate to say that the kangaroo rat is more similar to the hummingbird in its strategies for keeping warm at night, as they are both endothermic animals that can generate their own body heat. However, it is important to note that the strategies used by these animals are different due to their unique physiological and ecological adaptations.

To learn more about thermoregulation refer to:



Which statement describes complete dominance when different alleles are present?


any allele that can hide the presence of a different allele


Only one allele determines the phenotype


The partially positive hydrogen atoms of water molecules are attracted to the partially negative oxygen atoms on another water molecule


Water is a polar molecule, meaning it has a partially positive end (hydrogen atoms) and a partially negative end (oxygen atom).

This polarity results from an unequal sharing of electrons between the atoms in the water molecule. As a result, the partially positive hydrogen atoms of one water molecule are attracted to the partially negative oxygen atoms of another water molecule, forming hydrogen bonds.

The attraction between the partially positive and partially negative ends of water molecules is important for many biological processes. For example, hydrogen bonds between water molecules contribute to the surface tension of water, allowing insects to walk on water. Hydrogen bonding also plays a key role in the folding of proteins and the structure of DNA, which are essential for the functioning of cells.

Overall, the ability of water molecules to form hydrogen bonds is a fundamental property of water that underlies many of its unique properties and makes it essential for life on Earth.

To learn more about  hydrogen refer to:



Fill in the table below comparing the concentration of sodium and potassium ions inside and outside the cell during resting membrane potential.


The sum of the potassium and sodium equilibrium potentials is -30.3 mV, and the concentration ratios of potassium ions inside and outside the cell to sodium ions inside and outside the cell are 0.3027 and 0.9788,.

What variations exist between the amounts of sodium and potassium ions inside and outside the cell membrane at resting membrane potential?

Within the cell, the potassium concentration is higher than outside, whereas the sodium and chloride ion concentrations are lower. The membrane active transport system, which pumps potassium into the cell and sodium out, is responsible for these variations in sodium and potassium concentrations.

Is the cell's sodium and potassium inside or outside?

While a normal neuron is at rest, potassium and other anions are concentrated inside the cell, while sodium, chloride, and calcium are concentrated outside. The resting membrane potential is negative as a result of this ion distribution.

to know more about resting membrane potential here;



PREDICT: investigation 1 1. If antibiotic particles are released into the simulation, will they have the same chance of destroying all those variations of bacteria when they reach them? Justify your answer... Can you please help me.​ ​


Before bacteria to multiply, their cell size must increase. Bacteria increase as the simulation progresses because they are in a fertile habitat.

How do antibiotics interact with bacteria?

Antibiotics destroy critical bacterial cell structures or functions. This either kills the organism or prevents it from developing. Based on these findings, an antibiotic is characterized as either bactericidal or bacteriostatic.

Antibiotic use has been linked to an increase in inheritable mechanisms such mutation, recombination, gene transfer, and prophage production 112-121. These changes must, of course, be fixed for evolution to be relevant, and fixation can only occur when bacteria are selected for.

learn more about antibiotic



Whoever answers correctly with a detailed answer will get BRAINLIEST!


The underlying genetic cause is a chromosomal abnormality, rather than a specific gene mutation.

What is chromosomes?

Chromosomes are thread-like structures made of DNA and proteins that are found in the nucleus of a cell. They carry genetic information in the form of genes, which are segments of DNA that code for specific traits or characteristics. Chromosomes come in pairs, with one copy inherited from each parent. In humans, there are 23 pairs of chromosomes, for a total of 46 chromosomes in most cells. The first 22 pairs are known as autosomes, and they are numbered in order of size from largest to smallest. The 23rd pair is known as the sex chromosomes, and they determine the biological sex of an individual. Females have two copies of the X chromosome (XX), while males have one X and one Y chromosome (XY).


3. It is not possible to determine the sex of the individual based on the information provided.

4. The diploid number cannot be determined from the karyotype image as the number and identity of the chromosomes are not visible.

5. Based on the information provided in the karyotype, there are 22 autosomes present. One pair of sex chromosomes is present.

6. The chromosome set with the abnormality cannot be determined from the information provided.

7. Down Syndrome is caused by the presence of an extra copy of chromosome 21, resulting in a total of three copies of chromosome 21 in each cell instead of the usual two copies. This is also known as trisomy 21. The extra genetic material on chromosome 21 can cause a range of physical and developmental features, such as intellectual disability, characteristic facial features, and an increased risk for certain health conditions.

To know more about chromosomes,



Federal aid for the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service stems from the ____

a. Pittman-Robertson Act

b. Dingell-Johnson Act

c. Neither Anor B

d. Both A and B


Federal aid for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service stems from both the Pittman-Robertson Act and the Dingell-Johnson Act. These acts were passed in 1937 and 1950, respectively, and are also known as the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act and the Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration Act.

The Pittman-Robertson Act provides funding for wildlife conservation and restoration through an excise tax on firearms, ammunition, and archery equipment. The Dingell-Johnson Act provides funding for sportfish restoration and conservation through an excise tax on fishing equipment and motorboat fuel.

Both acts are administered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the funds collected are distributed to states and territories for conservation and restoration projects. These acts have been instrumental in the recovery of many wildlife populations and the conservation of their habitats, as well as providing opportunities for recreational fishing and hunting.

To learn more about conservation refer to:



What is one solution that is already in place or proposed to solve for composting?

This is an Ecology question



-Proper composting of the organic waste we generate in our daily lives -inedible or unused food can reduce the dependence on chemical fertilizers, help recover soil fertility, and improve water retention and the delivery of nutrients to plants.

Explanation: Composting converts organic matter into a nutrient-rich soil known as compost.

Benefits of composting: Recycling of organic wastes into nutrients that enter back into the soil takes place. The need to buy expensive fertilizers is reduced.

Honor biology transport problems please help


When the molecules go from a higher concentration to a lower concentration in the presented picture, passive transport is the mode of transport that is being depicted.

What are some instances of active transportation?

The accumulation of large concentrations of substances that the cell requires, such as ions, glucose, and amino acids, is typically linked to active transport. The uptake of glucose in human intestines and the uptake of mineral ions into plant root hair cells are two examples of active transport.

What is passive transport and an illustration?

There is no energy input required for passive transport. Diffusion, the transfer of molecules from a region of high concentration to one of low concentration, is an illustration of passive transport. Facilitated diffusion involves channel proteins and carrier proteins.

To learn more about active and passive transport visit:



In the processes of photosynthesis and cellular respiration, carbon is cycled between all major spheres on Earth. Plants obtain carbon dioxide from the atmosphere as one reactant to conduct photosynthesis. Carbon dioxide is produced by organisms as a result of carrying out cellular respiration. Which claim is correct about the cycling of matter and the flow of energy in the carbon cycle?


Carbon dioxide is produced by organisms as a result of carrying out cellular respiration is correct about the cycling of matter and the flow of energy in the carbon cycle.

Organic molecules are created from carbon dioxide or bicarbonate during photosynthesis in terrestrial plants, microorganisms, and algae. Via food chains, photosynthesizing organisms produce organic compounds that are then transformed back into carbon dioxide gas by cellular respiration.

While cellular respiration emits carbon dioxide into the environment, photosynthesis removes it from the atmosphere. carbon cycle. Worldwide, cellular respiration and photosynthesis exchange carbon dioxide and oxygen to maintain stable levels of atmospheric oxygen and carbon dioxide.

Cellular respiration is the process through which glucose is broken down, and it produces carbon dioxide as a byproduct. Humans return carbon to the carbon cycle through the exhalation of carbon dioxide. aThrough a process known as photosynthesis, plants are able to catch this carbon dioxide and utilise it to create carbohydrates.

Learn more about  carbon cycle here



which are three general mechanisms that appear to be involved in the conversion of proto-oncogenes to oncogenes



Point Mutations, Gene Amplification, and Gene Fusion.


Proto-oncogenes are responsible for the specialization and division of cells. Following mutations, they become oncogenes that induce the formation of cancers. The three main methods involved in the conversion of proto-oncogenes into oncogenes are point mutations, gene amplification, and gene fusion.

Hope this helps

If the Peclet number for the transport of a drug in tissue is 0. 1, what is the dominant mechanism of transport?


The Peclet number for the transport of a drug in tissue is 0. 1, the dominant mechanism of transport is Diffusive transport.

Diffusive transport is a far more sophisticated mechanism than convective transport in porous electrodes. The electrochemical reactions that occur within the catalyst layer's three border zones consume the reactants to produce the end products. This results in component concentration gradients inside the catalyst layer and throughout the gas diffusion layer. The concentration gradients are the primary drivers of species diffusive movement.

The Péclet number is a class of dimensionless numbers that may be used to explore transport processes in a continuum. It is defined as the ratio of a physical quantity's rate of advection by flow to the rate of diffusion of the same quantity driven by an appropriate gradient.

Learn more about Mechanism of transport:



How would you expect the rate of meat digestion to differ in an animal whose digestive tract had less of the enzyme pepsin?



Because meat is fairly simple to digest, carnivores have very short digestive systems, which results in high stomach acid levels. In contrast, herbivores have extensive digestive systems, which result in delayed digestion and high stomach acid levels.

How do the digestive systems of carnivores, herbivores, and omnivores different? What specific part of their anatomy makes carnivores unable to live off of plants and vice versa?

Carnivores have a very short digestive system, because meat is very easy to digest. They have very high acid levels in their stomachs.

Herbivores have very long digestive systems, because plants are very difficult to digest. They have low acid levels in their stomachs, or even a neutral PH. Various species use different methods of extracting nutrition from plants. Some re-ingest their feces, and pass everything through their digestive system twice. Some have fermentation chambers in their intestinal tracts, and use bacteria to break down the plants. (Hindgut and foregut fermentation). Some soften plants, the regurgitate and re-chew them once.

Omnivores tend to have digestive systems that are in between, and ideally suited to neither plants nor animals. They have acidic stomachs, but no always as acidic as carnivores. The length of their lower intestinal tract varies (animals that eat more plants have a longer lower gut).

Carnivores cannot live off of plants because they have such a short lower gut, they cannot ferment the plant matter, or extract many nutrients from it.

Herbivores can extract nutrients from meat, but their bodies are specialized to extract protein from plants, and meat represent an overload. Too much meat, and their organs cannot keep up with the protein overload. Plus, it basically rots inside of them, due to the low acid level. Still, many herbivores eat meat on occasion, often for the calcium in animal bones.

Thank you,

Eddie E.

Faye is an agriscientist who wants to improve breeding practices for the cows on a farm. What is an improvement Faye would MOST likely try to make in these cows?

milder temperament

better quality of milk

higher top speed

longer maximum leg length


A. milder temperament is an improvement Faye would MOST likely try to make in these cows

What does Corteva Agriscience do?

From seeds to crop protection chemicals including fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, and seed treatments that protect against weeds, disease, and insects, we offer farmers a wide choice of goods

The precise, natural, economic, and social sciences that are pertinent to the study and practice of agriculture are a part of the vast, multidisciplinary field of biology known as "agriscience."

Agriculture science is largely concerned with the production of plants as a source of food for people.

learn more about agriscientist



How is oxygen carried from the lungs to the tissues



Oxygen is carried from the lungs to the tissues via the circulatory system. After we inhale, oxygen enters the lungs and diffuses across the thin walls of the air sacs (alveoli) and into the bloodstream. This process is facilitated by the high concentration gradient of oxygen between the air in the lungs and the blood in the capillaries surrounding the alveoli.

Once the oxygen is in the bloodstream, it binds to hemoglobin molecules in red blood cells, which act as a carrier. Hemoglobin is a protein that has four heme groups, each of which can bind to an oxygen molecule. In the lungs, each hemoglobin molecule can become fully saturated with oxygen (four oxygen molecules bound), giving the blood a bright red color.

The oxygen-rich blood then travels from the lungs to the heart, which pumps it out to the rest of the body via the arteries. As the blood flows through the capillaries in the body's tissues, the oxygen is released from the hemoglobin and diffuses into the cells, where it is used in cellular respiration to produce energy. The waste product, carbon dioxide, is then picked up by the blood and transported back to the lungs to be exhaled.

Answer:Inside the air sacs, oxygen moves across paper-thin walls to tiny blood vessels called capillaries and into your blood. A protein called haemoglobin in the red blood cells then carries the oxygen around your body.


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