Who must approve all appointments of federal judges?
A president
B Senate
C House of Representatives
D Supreme Court


Answer 1

Answer: B. senate


Supreme Court justices, court of appeals judges, and district court judges are nominated by the President and confirmed by the United States Senate, as stated in the Constitution.

Related Questions

To what extent have the democratic ideals expressed in the Declaration been achieved?


Answer:The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution are documents that provide the ideological foundations for the democratic government of the United States.

The Declaration of Independence provides a foundation for the concept of popular sovereignty, the idea that the government exists to serve the people, who elect representatives to express their will.

The US Constitution outlines the blueprint for the US governmental system, which strives to balance individual liberty with public order.


What was news editor William Holden’s opinion on South Carolina’s secession?

a) He supported it.
b) He was critical of it.
c) He encouraged other states to follow.
d) He called for military action against the state.



It is not B!!


Trust me I took the test and it was wrong

Why would the Founding Fathers be afraid of creating a strong central government? Give 1 example of tyranny from King George III.


They didn’t want the government to be too powerful. So the people where in charge of government and could stop whatever they didn’t like, and no government was higher than the other. King George was the highest power in charge in Britain and never listened to anyone and didn’t care what the people thought


They didn’t want the government to be too powerful. So the people where in charge of government and could stop whatever they didn’t like, No th government was higher than the other. King George was the highest power in charge in Britain and never listened to anyone and didn’t care what the people thought

The factor that contributed most significantly to the differences among Texas American Indian cultures is the
a.ability to develop specialized tools and weapons
b.religious beliefs of each tribal member
c.way they chose leaders of local tribal councils
d.geography of the region in which they lived



Explanation:comanche lived in western texan regions which was desert climate

The answer is D.
I hope this helps!

Summarize the results of the early battles in the colonists' fight for independence?

Fort Ticonderoga:
Bunker Hill:​


Answer: Hope this helps

Explanation: Lexington: A confrontation on the Lexington town green started off the fighting, and soon the British were hastily retreating under intense fire. Many more battles followed, and in 1783 the colonists formally won their independence.

Concord: The Battles of Lexington and Concord, fought on April 19, 1775, kicked off the American Revolutionary War (1775-83). ... Many more battles followed, and in 1783 the colonists formally won their independence.

Fort Ticonderoga: Image result for the results of the fort ticonderoga colonists at the confluence of Lake Champlain and Lake George, Fort Ticonderoga controlled access north and south between Albany and Montreal. ... The capture was the first offensive victory for American forces and secured the strategic passageway north and opening the way for the American invasion of Canada later that year.

Bunker Hill: On June 17, 1775, early in the Revolutionary War (1775-83), the British defeated the Americans at the Battle of Bunker Hill in Massachusetts.

The fighting began with a clash on the Lexington town green, and the British were quickly fleeing under heavy fire.

Early battles in the colonists:

The Battles of Lexington and Concord, which took place on April 19, 1775, marked the start of the American Revolutionary War.

Many more wars ensued, culminating in the colonists' formal declaration of independence in 1783.

The capture was American forces' first offensive triumph, securing the crucial corridor north and paving the way for the invasion of Canada later that year.

Early in the Revolutionary War (1775-1783), the British beat the Americans at the Battle of Bunker Hill in Massachusetts on June 17, 1775.

Find out more information about 'Revolutionary War'.


Why do the people who live in the altiplanos have large chests and lungs?

They work very hard.
There is very little oxygen.
They have a disease.
The sun is too bright.


the answer is 3 ......


little oxygen


Who served as President of the First Continental Congress?

Benjamin Rush

Thomas Jefferson

James Madison

John Marshall

John Jay

John Hancock

John Dickinson


Answer: james madison


Emoji's are a part of our culture. These symbols have a meaning behind them that can be used to show emotions and this meaning is understood by a large part of the population. Think about Egyptian Hieroglyphs and explain how emoji's are similar to Hieroglyphs. Then chose a favorite emoji of yours and post the emoji and then write a one complete sentence meaning of that emoji. (Note: If your favorite emoji is not a "clean" one that can be explained using CVA language chose a different emoji.) Your post should be at least five sentences in length.


Emojis are like hyrogliphics because they are used to help communicate with others. For example; if you want to show your happy with something your friend texted you, you would send a smiley emoji to show your happy. The same is used with hyrogliphics. They can also be used to tell someone something directly. An example is if your mad you can say im not happy but if you say it without an emoji people could think if your not happy you could be sad or scared or any other emotion.

How did the climate and geography influence the settlers of ancient Greece?

The poor farmland limited the sizes of communities.
The rocky terrain provided protection from invasion.
The mountains provided a mild climate all year for farming.
The warm climate allowed people to participate in outdoor activities.



it is c


the mountains created a mild environment in greece

The mountains provided a mild climate all year for farming. This influenced the settlers of ancient Greece. Thus, the correct answer is option C.

How did the climate influence ancient Greece?

The climate of Greece also posed difficulties for early farmers. The summers were hot and dry, while the winters were cold and windy. The Ancient Greeks cultivated crops and animals that were environmentally friendly. Wheat and barley were grown, as well as olives and grapes.

Greeks were forced to settle in isolated communities due to Greece's steep mountains and surrounding seas. Traveling by land was difficult, and sea voyages were dangerous. The majority of the ancient Greeks farmed, but good land and water were scarce.

Because Greece's mountains, islands, and peninsulas separated the Greek people and made communication difficult, Greek civilization evolved into independent city-states.

Therefore, mountains provided a mild climate all year for farming.

To learn more about climate of Greece, click here:



Were the Founding Fathers justified in rebelling against the British government and declaring independence?
In a well-developed essay that includes an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion, explain whether or not the Founding Fathers were justified in declaring independence. Be sure to address counterclaims in your essay and include reasons and evidence to support your argument.



During the years 1740 to 1770 the strain between England and therefore the 13 colonies grew into a full scale war. tormented by unjust taxation and tyrannical rule, the colonists tried to alter and influence English people policy through repeated petitioning and boycotts. After failing to influence England through peaceful measures, war was the colonists’ only option. The 13 colonies were therefore justified in starting a revolt against England. in line with England however the colonists weren't justified in waging war. England was the native land and therefore the colonists paid very cheap taxes within the world. Being that the colonists benefited from the French and Indian war, colonial help in return the debt was expected. The 13 colonies unnecessarily resorted to violence and propaganda within which a minority of Patriots influenced other colonists to believe a “New England” problem. Despite England’s reasons on why the 13 colonies were wrong to declare war, the colonists were justified in waging war. The colonists within the Declaration of Independence clearly stated their grievances and case against England, declaring to the planet the explanations that caused them to separate and fight to become us of America.


Hope this helped!!




The Founding Fathers were Justified in rebelling against the British government and declaring independence, The British government taxed the tea and made some goods expensive.


What term is used to describe a legal case establishing a principle or rule that a
court adopts when deciding later cases with similar issues or facts?
A unanimous opinion
B ruling
C precedent
D writ of certiorari


The answer is C precedent




a precedent or authority is a legal case that establishes a principle or rule

1. The Battle of Saratoga marked a turning point in the Revolutionary War because its outcome -

A. inspired the British to fight harder
A. , inspired the British to fight harder

B. influenced France to lend support to the Americans
B. influenced France to lend support to the Americans

C. caused Britain and France to form an alliance
C. caused Britain and France to form an alliance

D. ​​​​​​caused General Cornwallis to surrender
D. ​​​​​​, caused General Cornwallis to surrender

1. The Battle of Saratoga marked a turning point in the Revolutionary War because its outcome -

A. inspired the British to fight harder

B. influenced France to lend support to the Americans

C. caused Britain and France to form an alliance

D. ​​​​​​caused General Cornwallis to surrender





France joined forces with America to help fight the British.

republican's views on national debt



You mean the united state's national debt?


Im not too sure if you wanted a textbook answer or an honest one but as a republican myself ill give you the honest answer ig.

I think that our national debt will take decades if not centuries to handle, and its super complicated on both sides (mainly china and the u.s)

I think it should be handled better, but theres more important things than debt that america needs to focus on right now.

Kanye will fix everything he is the true president

After which step in the rice process are the grains of rice collected?

Bruh I'm rlly confused pls help



Harvesting is the process of collecting the mature rice crop from the field. Depending on the variety, a rice crop usually reaches maturity at around 105–150 days after crop establishment. Harvesting activities include cutting, stacking, handling, threshing, cleaning, and hauling.

Gathering the mature rice crop from the field is the procedure of harvesting. A rice crop typically matures between 105 and 150 days after crop establishment, bon the type. Cutting, stacking, handling, threshing, cleaning, and transportation are some of the harvesting tasks.

What are Grains?

A cereal grass seed or fruit, the seeds or fruits of several food plants, including cereal grasses and other species used commercially and legally (such as the soybean): grain-producing plants.

The true cereal grains, which are members of the Poaceae plant family, include a variety of grains including wheat, oats, rice, corn (maize), barley, sorghum, rye, and millet.

Nearly half of the grains cultivated worldwide are harvested for human use. Wheat flour is used to produce bread, rice is steamed, and maize tortillas are made.

A staple diet in practically all human cultures is grains. The staple food is something that is routinely consumed, frequently at every meal. Foods that are staples can be consumed fresh or kept for year-round use. The three most widely consumed staple foods on Earth are rice, corn, and wheat.

To learn more about Grains follow the link.



Please answer all of these



The Preamble to the Constitution:

The preamble states the layout/contents and purpose of the Constitution.“We the people” - The people are in charge, not the government.“Popular Sovereignty & Consent of the Governed” - The people are the source of governments’ authority/power.“In order to Form a more Perfect Union” - To make a better country and to fix the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation.“Establish Justice” - Creating a system that treats everyone equally.“Ensure Domestic Tranquility” - To make sure everything is peaceful inside America.“Provide for the Common Defense” - Keep the country safe.“Promote the General Welfare” - To make sure people are happy and healthy. “Secure the Blessings of Liberty to Ourselves and Our Future Prosperity” - To make sure everyone enjoys liberty/freedom now and in the future. “Do Ordain & Establish this Constitution for the United States of America” - We agree with this document that we have ratified and adopted it as the supreme law of the land.

How did innovations in bronze and iron affect ancient China?

They enhanced communication.
They increased military strength.
They increased access to information.
They led to the creation of a new major art form.


Hii, hope this helps:

they led to the creation of new major at form


bronze an diron were used in many statues that were put into gardens, that are still thee to this day




Look at the image above. Which of the following choices belongs in box #2?
settled by Spanish
settled by land grantees
established slave plantations
protected by the presidio


The answer is A. Settled by Spanish.




please help me answer this <33


Srry I can’t see the image
Sorry dude but this is one of those questions you have to. Answer or you can get the academic integrity test if you do you get in a ton of trouble

Which of the following is a grievance from the Declaration of Independence?

A All judges are appointed by the President.All judges are appointed by the President.

B Colonists were forced to quarter troops in their homes.Colonists were forced to quarter troops in their homes.

C Women were treated unfairly.Women were treated unfairly.

D Colonists were required to serve a year in the colony’s militia.





I hope this helps I am so sorry if I got it incorrect have a great weekend.

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Even today,the need for work is a common reason people move to urban areas.As a result, cities grew in numbers of people and physical space. As more people and businesses moved in, they needed buildings for living and working. They needed ways to move around the city. We call this process urbanization,In 1820, the United States had only a few cities of 10,000 residents or more. About seven percent of U.S. residents lived in urban areas. The number of cities withmore than 10,000 people grew quickly over the next 40 years, especially in the Northeast and Midwest. By 1860, about 20 percent lived in cities. Philadelphia andNew York City were the most populated cities in 1860 and would soon reach one million residents.The urbanization of the United States quickened due to technology improvements. Without innovations in food production, the factories could not have grown soquickly. The trend quickened after 1860 and continued throughout the 21st century as well. 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The white ball of fur pounced and hissed commandingly, just as a sudden storm shows it's power with thunder and lightning.OA. kitten lay curled up on the sofa like a snowballOB. the kittens white fur had earned her the name Frosty the SnowmanOC. the kitten was a mini tornadoOD. the white ball of fur pounced and hissed commandingly change 84cm into mm Segment FB is graphed on the coordinate plane where Fis (- 7, - 4) and B is (5, 2) . If point A is graphed of the way from F to B , where is point A located ? 3/4 of the way from F to B, where is point A located? What two important inventions did the people from this region share with society? Homer notices that his shower is covered in a strange green slime. His friend Barney tells him that coconut juice will get rid of the green slime. Homer decides to check this out by spraying half of the shower with coconut juice. He sprays the other half of the shower with water. After 3 days of "treatment" there is no change in the appearance of the green Aaron realized immediately that they were saved. With great effort he dug his way through the snow. He was a village boy and knew what to do. When he reached the hay he hollowed out a nest for himself and the goat. No matter how cold it may be outside, in the hay it is always warm. How does this excerpt develop the setting of the story? It shows that the haystack provides safety from the storm. It proves that only a haystack is necessary to survive a storm. It reveals that the hay will keep the goat alive. It demonstrates that the hay makes the barn smell sweet. Robert needs his daily fix of coffee in the mid-afternoon and visits different coffee shops that will give him as much utility as possible, given his $20/month food budget. On Monday, the Blue Coffee Shop was selling espresso shots for $3 each and Robert added 3 shots to his cappuccino. 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