Why did the South continue to depend on slave labor after the Revolutio
O The South's failed industrialization made agriculture important.
O The South's population continued to decline after the war.
O The South's labor force lacked the necessary skills.
O The South's economy depended on labor-intensive agriculture.


Answer 1


the answer is d


the souths economy depended on labor-intensive agriculture

Related Questions

Read each sentence and choose the correct answer to complete it.
Ramses II is remembered for defeating the
Ramses II signed the world's first known
Ramses II restored Egypt's



Correct answers are:


peace treaty



Ramses II was the last great pharaoh of the New Kingdom. He ruled in the first half of 13th Century BC. He defeated Hittites in the famous battle of Kadesh, after which he signed a peace treaty with them. He restored the power of Egypt by spreading the boundaries of kingdom to river Euphrates.


a b c


South Africa has a mixed economy. True or false


The answer you're looking for is: True

If 60 chickens ran away from a from a pack of 600 bulls how many numbers I got



you ain't got no chickens if they ran away


Answer: There would be 540 bulls left.

We’re the Americans colonists justified in declaring independence from the British


Answer and Explanation: The American colonists believed they were justified in breaking away from British rule because they believed the British Parliament and King George III were implementing tyrannical laws that impeded against the colonists' rights as Englishmen

What is TRUE about social groups?

Any collection of individuals is considered to be a social group.

Social groups are only important until the end of a person’s teenage years.

It is possible to have a social group that only interacts online.



Any collection of individuals is considered to be a social group.


It is possible to have a social group that only interacts online.

Explanation: because you will have different Social groups throughout your life and not any collection of individuals is considered to be a social group if that were true than an assembly at your school would be considered a social group.

Why does Montana shrink and New Jersey grow on the Electoral Power map?



new jersey has a larger population than montana, and therefore it has more electoral votes.


Montana shrink and New Jersey grow on the Electoral Power map because Montana has less population than New Jersey.

What is an Electoral power map?

The electoral power map shows the power of regions in the map.

The electoral college is the group of presidential electoral.

They are formed for electing the president and vice president every four years.

Each state nominates its electoral.

Thus, Montana shrink and New Jersey grow on the Electoral Power map because Montana has less population than New Jersey.

Learn more about electoral power


If the United States and other developed nations pay the cost of reducing public​ emissions, developing nations such as China could benefit from the reduction while not contributing to it. In this​ sense, one can think of reducing carbon emissions as being like a



public good.


Global Public Goods can be defined as those goods that are consumed across global borders. People across borders share the benefits of global public goods. For instance, ozone layer, sunlight, etc are examples of global public goods.

In the given case, the cost of reducing carbon emissions will be counted under public goods. The emission of carbon dioxide and greenhouse gas comes under the global public goods.

Therefore, the correct answer is public goods.

please answer this question



From what I can tell, the answer is D


The original 13 colonies were controlled by which European power



Great Britain


How did the publication of the pamphlet Common Sense impact the American colonists? It convinced colonists to establish fair trade with Britain. It convinced colonists to restrict access to printing presses. It encouraged colonists to establish more modern schools in each colony. It encouraged colonists to go to war and declare independence from Britain.



It encouraged colonists to go to war and declare independence from Britain.


The publication of the pamphlet "Common Sense" was written by Thomas Paine in 1776. The pamphlet comprised two main messages which are:

1. The need for the independence of American colonies from British rule

2. The need for the establishment of a democratic republic government.

Hence, these messages or arguments were written in such a way that it encouraged colonists to go to war and declare independence from Britain.






Im in Ap History that should be enough

The Earth rotates once every _____.

O 23 1/2 hours
O 365 days
O 24 hours
O 366 days



c.24 hours





Because day and night. trust me it's 24hrs

Read the prompt.

Your state representative has asked you to serve on a committee on teen driver safety. You need to create a policy recommendation for teen driving requirements. At what age should teens be able to drive? What restrictions should they have?

Use research to support your opinions.

Which would be effective research questions for this prompt? Check all that apply.

Which laws are already in place that have restrictions for teenage drivers?

Which states have the youngest and oldest teen drivers?

When should teenagers be able to drive?

How many teens are driving?

Why are some people for or against raising the minimum driving age?

What do the data on accidents related to teen drivers reveal


Answer and Explanation:

Teenagers should be allowed to drive from 18 years of age. This is because driving is an act of extreme responsibility, where the driver must be agile and must know how to make correct decisions in a serious and rational way. It is very difficult for young people under the age of 18 to have this degree of maturity, and it is favorable for them to avoid driving during this period. However, driving permits for 18-year-olds must have restrictions, such as having a high cognitive and psychological quality, not presenting criminal passages and strictly following traffic laws.

Regarding the most effective research questions for this prompt, those that are most appropriate are:

Which laws are already in place that have restrictions for teenage drivers? Why are some people for or against raising the minimum driving age? What do the data on accidents related to teen drivers reveal?


The correct answers are A, E, and F.


I got it right on Edg :)

How can a change in energy chance ice into liquid water?​


Answer: A block of ice is solid water. When heat (a form of energy) is added, the ice melts into liquid water. It has reached its melting point – 0°C. Continue to apply heat, and the water will turn into water vapour, which is water in its gaseous state.


if you help me you will get 40 points Write a journal entry as if you were a settler headed for the Oregon Territory in the 1840s. Do some research and describe why you are headed west, what problems you have faced, and a few specific instances along your journey.



March 13th, 1840

we've begun heading west, getting all of our food and essential resources together in the wagon. its a good thing my brother is a doctor, snake bites and broken limbs have been reported from travelers before us.

our religion isn't practiced here, as Mormons we need to be in a new area in the west as others have said.

April 2nd, 1840

today was the first wound besides thrist and hunger we've encountered. my young niece fell out of the wagon on one of our stops, breaking her arm we'd assume. her father is helping her but we need to get going before it gets too hot.

April 14th, 1840

we've come across a little townie settlement, Fort Laramie. we've restocked our resources and we'll be on our way again soon. my wife is going tk have another baby soon and we don't know what we'll do if the baby is ready to come whe we are in an area we can't stop at.

may 6th, 1840

my pregnant wife and young niece have been bitten by a snake with unknown origins. we don't know how this will effect their health or the baby.

may 8th, 1840

two members of our wagon group have passed away, my wife and my young niece. my brother who is a doctor couldn't help them anymore, leaving only me, him, his wife, and my son.

June 17th, 1840

today we are planning to cross a river by cocking and boarding the wagon, but I am scared to go because we don't have a lot of food to spare, and if any is lost we'll starve.

June 18th, 1840

we lost our entire wagon in the river, and my doctor brother drowned to death. we've been walking for about an hour but since his wife is newly pregnant, its hard for her to walk.

June 23rd, 1840

after a few days of walking we've paid money to ride in a wagon with a few other people, a mother and father with a baby and a daughter.

The Oregon Trail was a roughly 2,000-mile route from Independence, Missouri, to Oregon City, Oregon, which was used by hundreds of thousands of American pioneers in the mid-1800s to emigrate west. The trail was arduous and snaked through Missouri and present-day Kansas, Nebraska, Wyoming, Idaho and finally into Oregon. Without the Oregon Trail and the passing of the Oregon Donation Land Act in 1850, which encouraged settlement in the Oregon Territory, I would have been slower to settle the American West in the 19th century.

Select the name of the correct step in the writing process from the dropdown menu for each description. (A) Use a computer to type your writing. Then print it to share with others or post it online in a safe place. (B) Check your grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. (C) Rewrite sentences, reorganize, add more facts or details, use more specific language, and share your draft to get feedback.




Use a computer to type your writing. Then print it to share with others or post it online in a safe place.------Social media platform, BLOG

A blog is a platform for discussion or informational website published on the World Wide Web consisting of discrete information. Writings are reviewed and comments are made based on uoloaded writing.

Social media handles can serve as a platform to upload writings after its been done.

(B) Check your grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. ------PROOFREADING is done after writing to ensure accuracy, the writing is looked into properly for mistakes.

(C) Rewrite sentences, reorganize, add more facts or details, use more specific language, and share your draft to get feedback--------EDITING Editing allows a writter to put a final touch to the work done. It allows for reorganization of words, removing errors noticed while proof reading, and putting the writing in the perfect shape.

What do you think the progressives would have to say about the relationship between campaign financing and corruption in government?



The 1890's are often viewed today as a happy time period when Americans lived uncomplicated lives with few problems to worry about. But, time has a way of covering up the negative and the ugly. Rather than being a "happy time," the 1890's may have been one of the worst times for Americans.

First of all, the 1890's was a time when a very few individuals and families made fantastic fortunes and lived the life of kings. By the turn of the century Andrew Carnegie, the steel tycoon, made over $20 million a year tax-free (there were no income taxes then). Yet, the vast majority of Americans were barely getting by. One of Carnegie's steelworkers would have earned about $450 a year working 12-hour shifts six days a week.


3) What was the name of the first British fort in Georgia?



fort king george


it is located in Darien and was established in 1721.

Which empire's invasion did Chandragupta Maurya help to defeat? the Turkish empire the Greek empire the Chinese empire the Egyptian empire​



The Greek


He defeated Alexander

Greek empire's invasion did Chandragupta Maurya help to defeat. Thus, option B is the correct option.

Chandragupta Maurya, the founder of the Maurya Empire, played a pivotal role in repelling the Greek invasion led by Alexander the Great. As Alexander's empire extended its reach into the northwest regions of the Indian subcontinent, Chandragupta Maurya emerged as a formidable opponent.

With strategic prowess and a well-organized army, he successfully resisted Alexander's forces and managed to defeat the Greek empire's invasion. This momentous victory not only secured the independence of the Indian territories but also laid the foundation for the powerful Maurya Empire, which would subsequently flourish and become one of the largest and most significant empires in ancient history.

Thus, option B is the correct option.

Learn more about Chandragupta Maurya here:



Most African farmers _____. Have given up the rural life and moved to cities to work in factories choose to grow cash crops because there are no risks involved are successful because they have plenty of land and tools struggle because their land has poor soil and receives little rain



Have given up the rural life and moved to cities to work in factories


Most rural farmers no longer stay in the village, they also want to enjoy the good life of the city.

Most villages lack social Amenities, no good road, light, no good hospital facilities all this made most farmers to abandon their work in the village and move to the city where they could access all this resources to work and live. They prefer to work in various factories or sectors that need their service rather than staying in the village where life seems to be unbearable for them.

Make a list of climates and natural vegetation of Asia.




Using the Köppen climatic classification, Asia may be divided into three major climatic realms: Boreal Asia in the north.


The Tundra:

The Taiga:

Temperate Grasslands, the Steppes:

Mediterranean Scrubland and Forest:

Desert Vegetation:

Monsoon Region:

Tropical Rainforest:

Vegetation in the Mountains:


In what type of government is power held by the citizens of the country?


l am sorry its democracy

Which idea is found in both "Early Summer Morning" and "How to Release Ladybugs

Into the Garden"?

O Pesticides are dangerous to ladybugs.

O It is difficult to get ladybugs to eat aphids.

O Ladybugs encounter a variety of dangers.

O It is challenging to capture ladybugs in gardens.



Ladybugs encounter a variety of dangers.


The two articles highlight the importance of ladybugs to our ecosystem and show how important and useful they are to maintain not only the ecological balance, but for agriculture as well. However, ladybugs face many dangers during their lives, not only for natural reasons, but also for the manipulation of human beings in the ecosystem. This reinforces the concept of preserving the environment and respecting all forms of life.

what is importance of energy​





It can provide us energy for warmth,communicating, transportation, cooking food (AKA microwave)  and a lot more things that can help us survive!

Please give brainilist, i am new!

How did geography impact the development and success of Phoenicia? Why?


Geography affected the development of Phoenician civilization because they had a good trading location.The Phoenicians trade with other people by getting the things they want to trade in boats and then they traveled to other places and traded what was in the boat there for something else.

For this, Galileo was arrested and threatened with torture and death, but he refused to deny what he knew to be true. "I do not believe that the same God who has endowed us with senses, reason and intellect has intended us to forgo their use," he said


Hello. This question is incomplete. The full question is:

or this, Galileo was arrested and threatened with torture and death, but he refused to deny what he knew to be true. "I do not believe that the same God who has endowed us with senses, reason and intellect has intended us to forgo their use," he said.

Why does the author include this selection in the article?


The author includes the quote to show how great thinkers like Galileo were committed and dedicated to humanism and the sciences they believed in.


As you may already know, many great thinkers and scientists have been persecuted and punished for their thoughts and research. Today, we know that these thinkers were correct, but at the time that they lived, people did not take well the ideas and discoveries that they obtained, causing them to suffer strong reprisals from the church and the government. The most notable example of this was the persecution suffered by Galileo, but even with so much persecution he did not give up what he knew was correct.

When the author quoted Galileo in his article, it means that he seeks to emphasize the dedication and responsibility of these authors to what they studied.

Which organization limited the amount of weapons created for war in Europe?

A. the European Coal and Steel community.

B. the European Economic Community

C. the European Agriculture Community

D. the European Political and Religious Community​




the European Coal and Steel Community


It was in my notes:

The first state was the creation of the European coal and steel community. One of the causes of the war was this very rich coal deposit that France and Germany were fighting over. So they decided that they would manage these resources, the coal and steel production, together. And they would also limit the creation of weapons of war. This cooperation is going to expand in 1957 with the  European economic community, which creates a common market.


It is A

Explanation: I got it right on edge2020. . . . . . . . . . .


Plz plz plz helllllllpppppppp!!!!!! I cannot find the answer of it.Can you ppppllllleeeeaaaassseee help!



c. rural

d. duty

e. development of the country


not so sure about c and e so if im wrong i will read it again and i will tell u the correct ans

How is someone death the sead of a nation



I think you mean "seed" It's two times


1. ____________________________ occur when air pressure differs from one location to another.1. ____________________________ occur when air pressure differs from one location to another.1. ____________________________ occur when air pressure differs from one location to another.1. ____________________________ occur when air pressure differs from one location to another.1. ____________________________ occur when air pressure differs from one location to another.1. ____________________________ occur when air pressure differs from one location to another.



Local winds


Local winds can be defined as a type of wind which typically blows over a limited geographical area.

Loc winds occur when air pressure differs from one location to another such as small-low and high pressure systems. Also, the speed and direction of local winds change over a small period of time.

Generally, local winds are largely influenced or dependent on the topographical features of a region such as nearness to a sea, lake or ocean and mountainous range etc. There are four (4) main types of local winds and these includes; sea breezes, mountain breezes, valley breezes and land breezes.

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