Why does Brayden MOST LIKELY throw the juice pouch into the river?


Answer 1


Because he thinks he is a rebel and wants to show off to his gf that he breaks the laws by littering.


You do not give much context.

Related Questions

It’s fill in the blanks for William Shakespeare I need help plz


Answer: It was publishes in 1623 7 years after his death. All I know is that only half of his play have been printed in small ones-play edition. 18 of them are known today because of The First Folio. Sorry I can't help with much. But my brother said you can look on Folger Shakespeare Library. Hope it helps. Good luck


what's the deeper meaning of the quote, “ you don’t learn to walk by following the rules. you learn by doing, and by falling over. “



Like you make mistakes so don’t quit get up and keep trying



you learn by messing up and doing what you want and not by following the rules and doing what you are told




put the events in order, beginning with the event that happened first.



^ The person above me is correct.


The events in chronological order: Anne Frank is born in Frankfurt, Germany, The Nazi party comes to power in Holland, Anne Frank and her family go into hiding, Frank moves to Holland and The play the diary of Anne Frank opens.

Who was  Anne Frank?

Anne Frank was a Jewish girl who became famous for the diary she kept during the two years that her family went into hiding from the Nazis in Amsterdam during World War II.

During their time in hiding, Anne wrote extensively in her diary, describing her thoughts, feelings, and daily life. She also wrote about her dreams and aspirations, and her hopes for the future.

Anne Frank is born in Frankfurt, Germany, The Nazi party comes to power in Holland, Anne Frank and her family go into hiding, Frank moves to Holland and The play the diary of Anne Frank opens are the events in the life of Anne Frank in chronological order.

Learn more about  Anne Frank here:



is water a social justice issue or why it is not a social justice issue.



The global issue of “safe water,” and access to that water is the main focus of . There are people who are poor and in the minority groups who suffer from poor water quality and lack of water so yes it is an issue.


How do you suppose Danticat hoped readers would respond to this

essay? What is her PURPOSE? What is your response, and why?!



What essay is it?

(An effective intelligence test should assess a person’s ___________________________ and _____________________________.)



ability and knowledge


Which of the following phrases would the writer most likely used to refer to where zoo animals are kept.

A. In captivity

B. In cages

C. In confinement

D. In enclosed spaces


C is what I think is the correct answer


Answer each with a concise but detailed response (3-5 sentences).

3. What are the traits of an insane person? Can someone who is no longer sane be helped? Explain.
4. What does isolation mean? How would you feel if you lived a life that was in total isolation? Explain.




Their traits are that a person cannot distinguish fantasy from reality, cannot conduct her/his affairs due to psychosis, or is subject to uncontrollable impulsive behavior. No, they cannot but you can comfort them and get them the help they need. Isolation in can be harmful

How do I write a thesis in a compare and contrast introduction?


Any compare and contrast essay compares two things, ideas, or people for the purpose of arriving at a conclusion. The thesis statement for this type of essay is the sentence in the introduction that relays to readers the results of the comparison and what to expect from the essay that follows.

they killed my father memoir excerpt



Until the age of five, Loung Ung lived in Phnom Penh, one of seven children of a high-ranking government official. She was a precocious child who loved the open city markets, fried crickets, chicken fights, and sassing her parents. While her beautiful mother worried that Loung was a troublemaker -- that she stomped around like a thirsty cow--her beloved father knew Lounge was a clever girl.

When Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge army stormed into Phnom Penh in April 1975, Ung's family fled their home and moved from village to village to hide their identity, their education, their former life of privilege. Eventually, the family dispersed in order to survive.

Because Lounge was resilient and determined, she was trained as a child soldier in a work camp for orphans, while other siblings were sent to labor camps. As the Vietnamese penetrated Cambodia, destroying the Khmer Rouge, Loung and her surviving siblings were slowly reunited

Explanation: Can you mark me brainliest?

Can someone answer this please!!


The literary device being used is repetition. By repeating the questions over and over, it emphasizes the point being made.


personification, or epistrophe


Personification  states--You can easily use personification in your own writing draw your reader’s attention, and convey a deeper meaning.

Epistrophe states that-- It is defined as the repetition of a word or phrase at the end of a sentence.

In bride of Frankenstein Think about the scene when the monster hears the blind man's violin-playing and is drawn to the soothing sound. Why do you think it makes the monster seem more human? Why is the blind man so accepting of the monster? Why does the monster cry when he hears the blind man's prayer?


Answer and Explanation:

1. This makes the monster more human, because it shows that like us, it can be touched by art. he has the ability to get involved with music and be moved by this work that touches his heart, showing that he has feelings and reasoning, just like us.

2. The blind person accepts the monster so much because, as he cannot see it, it does not define it in relation to its appearance, but it defines it by what it demonstrates to be through words and the sensitivity with which it speaks. This makes the blind see beyond the appearance of the monster, allows the blind to see who the monster really is.

3. Because the monster found someone who empathizes with him, who is willing to listen to him, to keep in touch and who actually cares for him. The monster never had this experience and it thrills him.


1. This makes the monster more human, because it shows that like us, it can be touched by art. he has the ability to get involved with music and be moved by this work that touches his heart, showing that he has feelings and reasoning, just like us.

2. The blind person accepts the monster so much because, as he cannot see it, it does not define it in relation to its appearance, but it defines it by what it demonstrates to be through words and the sensitivity with which it speaks. This makes the blind see beyond the appearance of the monster, allows the blind to see who the monster really is.

3. Because the monster found someone who empathizes with him, who is willing to listen to him, to keep in touch and who actually cares for him. The monster never had this experience and it thrills him.

What is the obligation of the individual in times of inhumanity?



This is sounds like torture sO


What is torture? Torture occurs when someone deliberately causes very serious and cruel suffering (physical or mental) to another person.

How does Starr feel after she learns the verdict? The hate you give



she gets angry


Starr recognizes that her anger over the verdict is shared by her community. Someone starts playing NWA's “Forget tha Police” and Starr shouts along with it; despite her love for Carlos, she has realized this is not about good cops like him.

Which adjectives does the writer use to
describe the following?
1 .............. cabin
2 .............. lake
3 ....
.... weather
4 .............. food
5 ....... ... drink
6 ....
.............. time



big cabin

long lake

bad weather

junk food

cold drink

past time

What is the meaning of the stem word chlor?




compound word chlor-ine

Which detail does the writer use to support the argument that there is so much to do in Boston?





Explain how Cassie grows as a character in Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry.


Answer: From the very beginning, we find out that Cassie speaks her mind—even if it gets her whipped. When she notices the racial slur in the "new" school textbooks, she speaks up. When she learns that T.J. got his little brother, Claude, into trouble for going down to the Wallace store, she wishes she could "knock his block off". We suspect she is like this due to Mama's influence: like mama, like daughter. Mama's known to be a "radical" compared to some of the other teachers and people in the town, and she's not afraid to stand up for what's right.Plus, Cassie's persistent, and uses her words to get what she wants. She's usually able to manipulate Stacey into telling her things that she wants to know, like what happened to Papa and Mr. Morrison on the trip back from Vicksburg.

hope this helps :)


Cassie is a character that speaks her mind no matter the circumstances. She is almost like a tiny, young version of mama. The same attitude, the same way of speaking, but they do resolve matters very differently. Cassie resolves things, or at least says she will, in a rough mean manner, while mama likes to resolve thing more politely. Cassie says, "if i see that man again i will not his block off" or digs a hole in a rode. Where mama resolves a problem by ripping a page out of a book, and taping a new one in. Cassie is a dynamic character and kind of changes with the story. But Cassies attitude is the thing that makes everyone love her.


I have not finished the test but i hope this helps.

what is the appropriate way to asking for help ​



By either physically raising your hand to ask someone for help and with a calm voice or In your sentences you shouldn't make it seem like you are violently asking a question.


Please Help! thank you!





its the only one that makes sense

D I hope I helped:)...

(PEOPLE WHO HAVE READ CORALINE) Can someone please help me? I would give you the world!
Coraline’s Survival Guide to the Other World
You will be creating a guidebook to help Coraline navigate the other world. Your guide must tell Coraline what to watch out for and how to deal with the physical, emotional, and mental challenges she faces.
You could include Paragraphs like:
Beware the Other Mother
Don’t Trust the Other Father
Watch Out for the Rats
A Map of the Other World
Your guide should also include advice on what to do as well as what not to do, who you can trust, and what you need to find.
Your guide should be at least 6-8 paragraphs long and contain at least one piece of textual evidence on each slide. Your guidebook should contain pictures and be visually attractive.

this is my last try. any greedy people and im quitting brainly. I dont understand why you people do this! I just need help, im crying because 3 people have been greedy and all I need is help. Sorry.. I don't have anymore points to give anymore. this is all I have




                               The other world is a pocket dimension that can be accessed from the door located in the the Pink Palace Apartments. The other world is inhabited by the beldam, also known as the other mother to her victim, but some undesired by the beldam also have access to the realm, such as the cat.

The beldam has control of the other world, able to create in it wondrous creations to impress and horrors to distraught. But the beldam's control is disputed by other beings, such as the cat, that also have some control of their own.

The beldam, with this control, models the other world in the appearance of the real world but more impressive. For example: The Pink Palace is not decrepit due to age and the garden is alive with lush plant and animal life. The other world, except for constants like that always night-time and the existance of the Pink Palace, likely changes per every new victim introduced as every child has a unique opinion on what is interesting. Additionally, when Coraline Jones attempts to walk away from the other world, the cat follows her and informs her that the beldam only created what she knew would impress Coraline; which is why any paths away from the Pink Palace leads back to the same location.

Nearing the end of the story, the entire other world is scaled back to only the Pink Palace house, which eventually becomes a spider-web in which Coraline falls down.


In the first scene with the "other" dining room, on the wall behind Coraline there are 3 silhouette portraits of children. They are actually the silhouettes of the three ghost children that Coraline meets.

The flooring, that eventually becomes the spider's web at the end of the movie, is already patterned like the spiderweb all through-out the movie.

It is noted that the other mother can only modify objects and people already existing in the real world, but cannot create her own. She also doesn't make anything that goes too far beyond the house, as Coraline discovers in of her attempts to escape.

Some suggesting factors implies that the well is a portal to the other world. Wybie states that you can see a sky full of stars in the middle of the day from down the well, it's always night-time with a sky full of stars in the other world. In addition, the well has a fairy ring around it in the movie and popular folklore believes that this indicates a portal to another realm.

The circumstances surrounding something are defined as the _________________.



Definition of circumstance


A state or reality that impacts a scenario. The way something happens: the precise aspects of an incident.

Answer is B
A character who plays tricks.



Uhh what do you mean?

Excerpt from "The Cloak" how does Akaky's character change as a result of deciding to cut his expenses further to save for the cloak?
A. He grows more cheerful because of his resolve.
B. His compulsiveness diminishes after the first few weeks.
C. He becomes embittered from the self-imposed deprivation.
D. His obsessive nature grows stronger and nearly all-consuming.



A. He grows more cheerful because of his resolve.


According to the book "The Cloak", Akaky is described as unassuming, quiet and just unremarkable but after getting his new coat, he changed completely and became more full of life, smiles, and even occasional bursts of anger.

Akaky loves his coat which is already threadbare and worn out but when he decides to cut his expenses to afford his new coat, he grows more cheerful because of his resolve.

help its my last question





I’ve done it before ,,, give me brainless

A puppy played in the yard is that a simple, compound, complex, or a compound-complex





The sentence has 1 subject and 1 verb, making it simple.


it is a simple sentence not a compound sentence if it were it would be the joining of two simple sentences with the help of conjunctions

Please I need help, Please help me


I would chose B
as the best answer because the word interpretation means the understanding or explaining of something so since William is giving his opinion/ understanding of death that would make it the interpretation.

How is the concept of "deus ex machina" related to foreshadowing?



Deus ex machina (pronounced DAY-us ex MACK-in-uh) is Latin for “a god from the machine.” It’s when some new character, force, or event suddenly shows up to solve a seemingly hopeless situation. The effect is usually unexpected, and it’s often disappointing for audiences. It’s as if the author has brought us to the climactic moment of tension and suspense, and then simply said, “But then everything was suddenly OK.”


The fog comes
on little cat feet.

It sits looking
over harbor and city
on silent haunches
and then moves on.

Source: Sandberg, Carl. “Fog.” Chicago Poems. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1916. 71. Representative Poetry Online. Web. 9 June 2011.

Which two things are being compared in the poem?

harbors and cities
fog and cats
cat feet and harbors
fog and moving


fog and cats are being compared

Explain the general purpose of professional writing in a paragraph with at least five



Using a more professional tone can make your audience respect you more. The reader may also, subconsciously, be more likely to believe and trust you. Formal writing makes you seem more knowledgeable on the topic.


sorry i couldn't do five sentences.

Professional  writing is defined towards illuminating or convincing a crowd of people in the realm of work and business. An expert composing style is utilized in light of the fact that it imparts have to know data rapidly. Experts hope to get the data they need immediately.  

There are four purposes authors use for composing. At the point when somebody imparts thoughts recorded as a hard copy, they generally do as such to put themselves out there, illuminate their peruser, to convince a peruser or to make an abstract work.  

Proficient composing is tied in with passing on data in the work environment. It is not quite the same as experimental writing like books, which are intended to engage. Proficient composing tries to illuminate, convince, or educate others in a working environment and business climate.

For more information, refer the following link:


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