Why is it important for marketing objectives and pricing objectives to be considered when making pricing decisions? Why is it important for marketers to be aware of competitors' prices? Does promotional pricing impact your purchasing decisions on specific product, all products, or not at all?


Answer 1

Every company has its marketing objective. It is an internal factor of a company. Marketing objectives impact the pricing decision positively. Marketers need to understand the marketing objectives because it gives awareness to the owner to become competent with competitors. when a company is aware of the competitor so it easily sets its price and amazed the competitor.

Yes, promotional pricing strategy is impact the customer's purchasing decision. the company uses this tool to engage customers for their product. the promotional strategy is giving a positive impact on the customer mind.

Related Questions

Being the low cost provider in an industry gives a company ability to
A. Wield heavy influence in setting industry’s price floor
B. Helps protect profit margin against bargaining power of customers
C. Makes it harder for new entrants to take away customers
D. Provide a defense against attemp of substitute
E.all of the above





What is maternity leave



Defined as the time off from a job given a mother to take care of a newborn child. (Websters Dictionary)

Added info:

In the US, qualifications for maternity leave differ by state and jurisdiction. These qualification can be include the size of a company, the insurance provided, time served at the job, and many more.

From Khoo: The degree of spasticity in patients with neuromuscular disorders can be quantified with the use of the "pendulum test." In this clinical procedure, the subject sits relaxed on a table with his lower leg initially supported by the medical examiner so that the knee joint is fully extended. The examiner abruptly releases the lower leg so that it swings freely until it finally comes to rest in the vertical position. The trajectory of the swing, as measured by the change in angle of knee flexion can reveal information about the neuromuscular stretch reflex. Modify the SIMULINK program "nmreflex.mdl" so that it can be used to simulate this test. Note that the major difference between the pendulum test and the procedure described in Section 4.6 is that, here, the externally applied moment does not remain constant but varies according to the angular displacement of the lower leg, since it is a function of the weight of the lower leg and the moment arm between the center-of- gravity of the lower leg and the knee joint. Assume the same parameter values used in "nmreflex.m", except for the following: moment of inertia of the lower leg about the knee joint = 0.25 kg mạ; length of lower leg = 40cm, weight of lower leg = 5 kg. Determine how the trajectory of the lower leg would change with different values of stretch reflex gain B. = We will break this into 2 parts. A) The first is like described above, but the person is asked to keep their leg extended horizontally. Specifically, we need to replace a step input in torque of Mx = 5 N, with a torque value that depends on the mgL following: Mx = (1 – sin[0]), where L = 40 cm, m = 5 kg, J = 0.25 kg m², g = 9.81 m/s2. Extend the simulation time to 5 seconds. Plot the response for values of ß = 50, 100, 150. What is the final steady state angle achieved for each case of B? 2 B) The second is like described above, with the person told to let their leg fall to vertical. Modify the Simulink file to do this. Plot the response. What is the final steady state angle achieved in this case?


The modifications needed to the "nmreflex.mdl" SIMULINK program to simulate the pendulum test for spasticity.The final steady state angle achieved for each case of B will be different

What modifications are needed to simulate the pendulum test?

To simulate the pendulum test for spasticity in patients, we need to modify the SIMULINK program "nmreflex.mdl". The program needs to be adjusted to account for the variable external moment applied to the lower leg during the swing, which is a function of the weight and length of the lower leg and its moment of inertia.

We also need to assume parameter values for the length and weight of the lower leg and its moment of inertia about the knee joint.

To begin, we need to replace the step input in torque of Mx = 5 N with a torque value that depends on the weight of the lower leg and its moment of inertia. Specifically, we can use the equation Mx = (1 – sin[0]) where L = 40 cm, m = 5 kg, J = 0.25 kg m², and g = 9.81 m/s².

We can extend the simulation time to 5 seconds and plot the response for values of the stretch reflex gain B = 50, 100, and 150. By doing so, we can determine the final steady state angle achieved for each case of B.

In part A of the simulation, the person is asked to keep their leg extended horizontally. The trajectory of the lower leg will change with different values of stretch reflex gain B.

The final steady state angle achieved for each case of B will be different. By plotting the response, we can see how the trajectory of the lower leg changes over time and how it reaches a final steady state angle.

In part B of the simulation, the person is told to let their leg fall to vertical. We need to modify the SIMULINK file to account for this change. By doing so, we can plot the response and determine the final steady state angle achieved in this case.

Overall, by modifying the SIMULINK program "nmreflex.mdl" and simulating the pendulum test, we can quantify the degree of spasticity in patients with neuromuscular disorders and gain valuable insights into their neuromuscular stretch reflex.

Learn more about SIMULINK



A new program that Merck implemented to encourage its people managers to give more employee feedback is named


The name of the new program that Merck implemented to encourage its people managers to give more employee feedback is “Inspire the Best.”

What is the program about ?

Merck, a global pharmaceutical company, has implemented various programs and initiatives aimed at improving employee engagement and development, including programs focused on feedback and coaching.

Some of the programs that Merck has implemented in the past include the "360-Degree Feedback Program" and the "Performance Coaching Program." These programs are designed to provide employees with feedback and support to help them grow and develop in their roles.

Find out more on employee feedback at https://brainly.com/question/26994432


Your Company entered into a 12-year, 5% installment loan for $250,000. Annual payments are $28,206. How much of the SECOND year's payment is interest?


The formula Monthly Payment = P (r(1+r)n)/((1+r)n-1)) gives its definition. The amount of interest included in the first monthly payment of a 12 year, loan with a  interest rate is $1,145.83.

What is the math formula for loan?

I = P * r * T is the formula that loan calculators utilise, which is a great question. Principal multiplied by your interest rate times the number of years equals interest. Where: P is the principal amount ($3000.00), and r is the interest rate ($4.91% annually, or 4.99/100 = $0.0499 in decimal notation).

Exactly how is interest calculated?

The easy interest calculation is as follows: Interest is equal to P x R x T. The initial balance, P, is the principal amount. R is the interest rate, typically stated as a decimal expressed annually. T = The total number of time periods, which are typically one year long.

To know more about Monthly Payment visit :-



what is the difference between a reciewable practice and criminal
conduct under the competition act


The main difference between a reviewable practice and criminal conduct under the Competition Act is the severity and legality of the actions involved

A reviewable practice under the Competition Act refers to a business conduct or practice that may raise concerns about anti-competitive behavior, but does not necessarily violate the law. The Competition Bureau may investigate and potentially challenge the practice through legal action, but it does not result in criminal charges.

On the other hand, criminal conduct under the Competition Act refers to a violation of the law that is considered a criminal offense. This may include practices such as price-fixing, bid-rigging, or deceptive marketing practices. Criminal conduct can result in significant fines and even imprisonment for individuals found guilty of the offense.

In summary, reviewable practices are non-criminal violations of the Competition Act that may be subject to legal action, while criminal conduct involves serious violations of the law that carry criminal penalties.

To know more about Criminal conduct on below link :



“You have being invited to the interview for the position of warehouse manager. You have being asked to explain the relevance of that position to the organisation “ explain your answer with example in Ten pages.


Think about any roles you've held or projects you've finished in the past that could still be relevant to this job. Give specific examples of how you can help this organization meet its goals, highlighting any relevant transferrable skills that will make you stand out as the most qualified candidate.

Why are you the best person for the job of warehouse manager?

Candidates should not only be nice to work with and have a good attitude, but they should also have backup plans in place, such as teaching staff members several skills. Business can continue to run smoothly with team players that have strong communication skills and a safety-first attitude.

To ensure that each team has the necessary personnel and tools to do its duties, managers of the warehouse operations collaborate closely with each group. The position of operations manager is often known by the title "director of operations."

Control the daily operations of the warehouse, including quality control, inventory management, room planning, logistics, floor output, shipping, and customer service. To maximize efficiency and save overtime, schedule and manage the warehouse staff as well as the flow and quality of work.

For stock management, you need to be numerate and have a grasp of money.People management abilities, such as the capacity to encourage, lead, and inspire a group of individuals, assign tasks, and clarify concepts.teamwork abilities.

Learn more about inventory management: https://brainly.com/question/4310633


Suppose the CPI was 110 last year and is 121 this year.

Instructions: In part a, enter your answer as a whole number. In part b, round your answer to 1 decimal place. If you are entering any negative numbers be sure to include a negative sign (-) in front of those numbers.

a. What is this year’s inflation rate?
____ %

b. In contrast, suppose that the CPI was 110 last year and is 108 this year. What is this year’s inflation rate?
____ %
c. What term do economists use to describe this second outcome?
Inflation or Deflation


The inflation rate is 10%, which can be computed the second answer is -1.8%. third outcome called deflation.

How to calculate CPI?

a) The formula to CPI is

[tex]CPI= \frac{current CPI-past CPI}{past CPI}[/tex]

[tex]CPI= \frac{121-110}{110}[/tex]

CPI= 0.1 or 10%

b) [tex]CPI= \frac{current CPI-past CPI}{past CPI}[/tex]

[tex]CPI= \frac{108-110}{110}[/tex]

CPI= -0.18%

A decrease in the economy's overall price level is referred to as deflation, whereas a temporary slowdown in price inflation is known as disinflation. A decrease in the money supply, reductions in government and consumer expenditure, and reductions in corporate investment can all contribute to deflation, which is bad for an economy.

A progressive drop in consumer prices for products and services is known as price deflation. This is frequently brought on by the deflationary gap, also referred to as the demand gap, which is characterized by high supply and low demand. Consumers and businesses hold on to their money rather than spending it because they anticipate a decrease in pricing.

To know about consumer price index visit:



True or False: Your personal brand statement will be wording that is unique to you
and that clearly describes your strengths, passions, and who you plan to serve.





it’s true thank me laterrrrr

The firm's cost of capital is affected by two sets of factors - one that is under the firm's control, and the other that is not under the firm's.
• the factors that are under the firm's control
• the factors that are not under the firm's control


The factors that are under the firm's control and can affect the cost of capital include the company's capital structure, dividend policy, and investment decisions.

What are the factors that are under the firm's control?

The capital structure refers to the mix of debt and equity financing used to fund the firm's operations. By choosing the optimal capital structure, the firm can lower its cost of capital and maximize shareholder value. The dividend policy also plays a role in determining the cost of capital since it affects the firm's ability to attract investors.

If the firm has a history of paying regular and increasing dividends, it may be able to attract more investors and lower its cost of capital. Lastly, the investment decisions made by the firm also have an impact on the cost of capital since they determine the expected return on investment. If the firm makes investments with high expected returns, it may be able to lower its cost of capital since investors will demand a lower return to compensate for the lower risk.

Read more about cost of capital



Below is the balance sheet for a bank. Under "Other" it has listed "$X" just think of
this as the dollar amount needed to make the balance sheet balance. It is not
important what that value is for this question.
Reserves 38
Securities 49
Using the balance sheet above, find the level of required reserves for this bank if the
required reserve ratio = 8%
(Give answers to 2 decimal places as needed)
Your Answer:


The level of required reserves for this bank is $18.40.

What is level of required reserves for this bank?

To calculate the level of required reserves for the bank, we need to use the required reserve ratio and the total deposits listed on the balance sheet.


Required reserve ratio = 8%

Deposits = $230

Formula: Required Reserves = Required Reserve Ratio * Deposits


Required Reserves = 0.08 * $230

Required Reserves = $18.40 (rounded to 2 decimal places)

So, the level of required reserves for this bank is $18.40.

Read more about required reserves



1. Study the company profile below.

HunterV offers healthcare platform designed for early detection and customized intervention for employee health issue.

"2. Your task is to generate leads to grow the company's sales pipeline.
Prospect at least 5 accounts, with four (4) leads for every account(company)."

3.Below is the criteria of the qualified companies and leads. Make sure to follow.
Geography: Canada, United States
Industries: Information & technology, internet, computer software
Company headcount: 100-1000 employees only
Job Titles: HR Director, HR Manager, Head of People & Culture
Target Keywords: benefits, happiness, culture, rewards, employee experience
Avoid: Finance, accounting, recruitment
Rank/Tier Tier 1 Head of HR/People & Culture
(in order of importance) Tier 2 Head of Company
Tier 3 Second in charge of HR/People & Culture
Tier 4 Head of Finance

4. There should be 4 leads per company. Tier 1-4
5. Use the prospecting sheet/tab [MM.DD.YY] to record the accounts' and leads' information.




ased on the company profile and criteria provided, here are five accounts and their corresponding leads:

Account 1:

Company Name: TechSolutions

Geography: United States

Industry: Information & technology

Company Headcount: 500

Tier 1: Jane Doe, Head of People & Culture

Tier 2: John Smith, CEO

Tier 3: Mark Johnson, HR Director

Tier 4: Karen Brown, Head of Finance

Lead 1: Sarah Lee, HR Manager - benefits

Lead 2: Tom Wilson, HR Director - culture

Lead 3: Emily Chen, Head of People & Culture - employee experience

Lead 4: Jason Kim, HR Manager - rewards

Account 2:

Company Name: WebTech

Geography: Canada

Industry: Internet

Company Headcount: 300

Tier 1: Mike Jones, Head of People & Culture

Tier 2: Rachel Lee, CEO

Tier 3: David Kim, HR Director

Tier 4: Lisa Wang, Head of Finance

Lead 1: Michelle Chang, HR Manager - culture

Lead 2: Brian Lee, Head of People & Culture - employee experience

Lead 3: Tiffany Wu, HR Director - benefits

Lead 4: Daniel Kim, HR Manager - rewards

Account 3:

Company Name: CodeWorks

Geography: United States

Industry: Computer software

Company Headcount: 200

Tier 1: Jennifer Lee, Head of People & Culture

Tier 2: James Park, CEO

Tier 3: Brandon Lee, HR Director

Tier 4: Ashley Kim, Head of Finance

Lead 1: Alex Kim, HR Manager - benefits

Lead 2: Jenny Lee, Head of People & Culture - culture

Lead 3: Eric Lee, HR Director - employee experience

Lead 4: Grace Kim, HR Manager - rewards

Account 4:

Company Name: SoftDev

Geography: Canada

Industry: Computer software

Company Headcount: 600

Tier 1: Sarah Park, Head of People & Culture

Tier 2: David Kim, CEO

Tier 3: Brian Lee, HR Director

Tier 4: Rachel Kim, Head of Finance

Lead 1: Daniel Lee, HR Manager - culture

Lead 2: Alice Kim, Head of People & Culture - rewards

Lead 3: Kevin Lee, HR Director - benefits

Lead 4: Rachel Lee, HR Manager - employee experience

Account 5:

Company Name: DataPro

Geography: United States

Industry: Information & technology

Company Headcount: 800

Tier 1: James Kim, Head of People & Culture

Tier 2: Lisa Lee, CEO

Tier 3: Rachel Kim, HR Director

Tier 4: Alex Park, Head of Finance

Lead 1: Emily Kim, HR Manager - employee experience

Lead 2: Michael Lee, Head of People & Culture - culture

Lead 3: Sarah Park, HR Director - rewards

Lead 4: John Kim, HR Manager - benefits

The leads to growing the company's sales pipeline for the Company is generated as:

Company Name: SoftInfo

Geography: United States

Industry: Computer software

Company Headcount: 600

How do sales pipelines work?

Your sales procedure is described by the sales pipeline. This phrase refers to every phase of your sales process, from your initial contact with a lead or opportunity to closing a deal.

A sales pipeline is a diagram that shows the various stages of a company's sales process. It enables you to identify and concentrate on the actions that are producing the best results. Each business has a different sales funnel. The sales pipelines for each organization will differ because they each have distinct objectives and distinct target markets. The top sales pipelines do, however, have some characteristics.

Tier 1: Alice Park, Head of People & Culture

Tier 2: Richard Kim, CEO

Tier 3: Daniel Lee, HR Director

Tier 4: Helen Kim, Head of Finance

Lead 1: Daniel Lee, HR Manager - culture

Lead 2: Richard Kim, Head of People & Culture - rewards

Lead 3: Daniel Lee, HR Director - benefits

Lead 4: Rachel Lee, HR Manager - employee experience

To learn more about sales pipeline, visit:



Dion has created a SWOT analysis for his business plan. In which section of his business plan will he place his analy
О А.
0 с.
OD. marketing and sales
executive summary
company description
market research


In a case whereby Dion has created a SWOT analysis for his business plan the section of his business plan that he will  place his analysis is company description.

What is  SWOT analysis?

The SWOT analysis is an important tool for evaluating the internal and external factors that affect a business. By identifying its strengths and weaknesses, a company can determine how to capitalize on its advantages and improve its weaknesses. By identifying opportunities and threats, a company can develop strategies to take advantage of market trends and mitigate risks.

Therefore, Dion's SWOT analysis will help readers of the business plan to understand the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of his business, and how he plans to leverage these factors to achieve his goals.

Learn more about SWOT analysis at:



The Selayang Municipal Council (MPS) reported the following information for a sample of 250 customers
on the number of hours their cars are parked and the amount they are charged:
Number of hours Frequency Amount charged
1 20 3.00
2 38 6.00
3 53 9.00
4 45 12.00
5 40 14.00
6 13 16.00
7 5 18.00
8 36 20.00


a. Convert this information on the number of hours parked to a probability distribution. Is this a
discrete or continuous probability distribution?
b. Find the mean and the standard deviation of the number of hours cars are parked. How long is a
typical customer parked?
c. Find the mean and standard deviation of the amount charged.


A. According to the question, this is a discrete probability distribution is given below:

What is discrete probability?

Discrete probability is a type of probability theory that deals with discrete events. These events are distinct and separate from one another, meaning that the outcome of one event has no effect on the outcome of another event. Discrete probability focuses on outcomes that are countable, such as the number of heads when flipping a coin.

Number of hours Frequency Probability

             1                      20             0.08

             2                     38             0.152

             3               53             0.212

             4               45              0.18

             5               40              0.16

             6                13             0.052

             7                 5              0.02

             8                36              0.144

Total 250 1.00

b. Mean = 4.2 hours

Standard Deviation = 2.15 hours

A typical customer is parked for 4.2 hours.

c. Mean = RM 10.56

Standard Deviation = RM 5.47

To learn more about Standard Deviation



1. To what degree are trends in business and developments in technology forcing workers to write more than ever before? What evidence supports this trend? (Obj. 1)


The trend of increased writing requirements due to business and technological developments is significant.

What is business?

Business is the production or purchase and sale of goods and services with the ultimate goal of making a profit. Businesses can be divided into two main categories: those that produce goods and those who provide services. Goods-producing businesses create tangible products, such as furniture, clothing, and cars. Service-providing businesses provide services, such as consulting, accounting, and legal services.

Technology has allowed for an increase in the amount of data collected and processed, requiring workers to synthesize this information into written reports. Additionally, the trend towards remote working has increased the need for written communication and collaboration as a way to bridge physical distance. This has resulted in an increase in the need for written communication in the workplace, as well as an increase in the amount of written communication. Evidence of this trend can be seen in the rise of services such as online collaboration tools, and the prevalence of email and other written forms of communication in the workplace.

To learn more about business

how does inflation impact different institution? (households/ firms/ manufacture


Inflation can have a significant impact on the economy and different institutions within it. It is important for policymakers to manage inflation and maintain stable prices to promote economic growth and stability.

Inflation can impact households, firms, and manufacturers in different ways: Households: Inflation can reduce the purchasing power of households' incomes. As prices rise, households may have to spend more money to buy the same amount of goods and services, leading to a decrease in their standard of living. Inflation can also reduce the value of savings and fixed-income investments, such as bonds, as their real returns may not keep up with inflation.

Firms: Inflation can increase the cost of inputs, such as raw materials, labor, and energy, which can reduce profit margins. Firms may pass on these increased costs to consumers in the form of higher prices, leading to a decrease in demand for their products. Inflation can also lead to uncertainty in the economy, making it difficult for firms to plan and invest for the future.

Manufacturers: Inflation can increase the cost of production, which can reduce profit margins for manufacturers. Higher inflation can also lead to higher interest rates, which can make it more expensive for manufacturers to borrow money to finance new investments or expansion. Inflation can also lead to changes in the exchange rate, which can impact manufacturers' competitiveness in the global market.

Learn more about Inflation here:


You work in a customer services department and have been assigned to answer a complaint from a customer. The customer, Mr. Fitzpatrick, ordered a chainsaw three weeks ago and has not received it. He wants to know where the chainsaw is and when he is getting it.
Using business writing and coherent paragraphs, craft a message to the customer. Complete and submit your message for possible credit.
Developing Paragraphs:
• Develops coherent paragraphs by linking ideas, keeping paragraphs unified & varied sentence/paragraph length.
• Demonstrates the use of an effective topic sentence.
• Applies connecting words to link sentences.
• Crafts the message using active voice.
• Constructs powerful sentences with emphasized important ideas, repetition, and words that label.
• Applies an appropriate conclusion.



The message is as follows:

Mr. Fitzpatrick, I’m so sorry your ordered chainsaw hasn’t arrived. I know how frustrating this must be. I’ve tracked the package and it’s currently listed as processed. I am attaching a link here so that you can track its progress.

Please contact me directly if your order hasn’t arrived within the given timeframe. In the meantime, I will do everything I can to locate your package.

Once again, I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.


No explanation is required to support the answer.

Flower Co. purchased $1,000,000 of 8%, 5-year bonds from Ritter, Inc. on May 1, 2012, plus accrued interest with interest payable on July 1 and January 1. The bonds sold for $1,041,580 at an effective interest rate of 7%. What entry should Fowler make to record the purchase of the bonds on May 1, 2012?


The Debit cash of Investment in bonds is 1041580 and Interest receivable is 26667.

The credit cash of investment in bonds made is 1068247.

What is Investment?

Allocating money or resources with the hope of making a profit or achieving a certain objective is called investing. It is a method of conserving or postponing spending and is frequently linked to buying securities like stocks and bonds. Real estate, commodities, and financial instruments are just a few examples of the assets in which investments can be made.

The phrase "investment" can also refer to allocating resources to a longer-term undertaking, such as a company's growth, the acquisition of new machinery, or the creation of new services. Investing carries some risk, and returns vary based on the asset class and the state of the market.

To learn more about Investment, visit:



The table attached below,

On Gothic cathedrals, there are often waterspouts sculpted from stone that extend out from the building and may have a scary appearance. What are these structures called?



ribbed vaults

flying buttresses



These tructures are simply called, gargoyles

1.Below is a demand schedule facing an individual firm. Complete the table by computing average revenue, total revenue, and marginal revenue. Then answer the following two questions: (a) How can you tell whether a firm is operating in a market that is purely competitive? (b) What relationship exists between average revenue and marginal revenue? (6 marks)

Quantity Average Total Marginal
Price demanded revenue revenue revenue
$30 0 $_____ $_____ –––
30 1 _____ _____ $_____
30 2 _____ _____ _____
30 3 _____ _____ _____
30 4 _____ _____ _____
30 5 _____ _____ _____
30 6 _____ _____ _____


A) You can tell whether a firm is operating in a market that is purely competitive if the average revenue is equal to the price of the good or service being sold.

What is firm?

Firm is an economic organization that produces and distributes goods, services, or both, to consumers. It is a business entity, typically owned and operated by one or more people, which provides the capital and resources for the production, acquisition, and distribution of goods, services, and other resources. Firms can range in size from sole proprietorships to large multinational corporations. A firm's success depends upon its ability to manage resources effectively and efficiently in order to achieve a desired level of profitability.

(b) The relationship between average revenue and marginal revenue is that they are both equal at the point of perfect competition.

To learn more about firm



Which type of outline is organized using Roman numerals, letters, and numbers?


The type of outline that is organized using Roman numerals, letters, and numbers is called a hierarchical outline or a formal outline.


Step 1: Understanding the Situation
In Unit 3, you read a little bit about Rhonda, a woman who runs a small website development business that has annual revenues of about $500,000. You learned that Rhonda pays herself an annual salary of about $100,000.

While Rhonda’s business is doing pretty well and allows her to live comfortably, she has encountered a problem—she doesn’t know how to grow the business at this point.

Rhonda has been considering hiring some new salespeople to find more customers because her current staff have the availability to take on more work. However, hiring more salespeople is expensive and the cost would come out of what Rhonda pays herself. On the other hand, it could eventually lead to more business in the future and a higher salary for herself in the long run.

Step 2: Working through the Process
Rhonda is facing a complex situation and needs help figuring out what to do. Imagine that she hires you to help her tackle this challenge and make the right decision.

You will use the steps of a rational decision-making process to explore, evaluate, and ultimately offer Rhonda your professional opinion on how she should handle the situation.

For the purposes of this activity, you should list all seven steps in the rational decision-making process and provide an evaluation of the situation according to each step. For example, for Step #1: Defining the Problem, you would do exactly that. Briefly explain and define the problem that Rhonda is facing and trying to solve.

For the last few steps of the process, testing the solution and implementing it, you will obviously not be able to actually do this but you should hypothesize what these steps might look like if this were happening in real life. Furthermore, some of the steps may require only a 1-paragraph explanation while others may require 2–3 paragraphs. Please make sure to fully and comprehensively explore each step; if you do this, then whatever the length each answer is will be appropriate.

Step 3: Reflecting
Once you have completed all steps in the process, please compose 2–3 paragraphs reflecting on how and why rational decision making is essential to running a successful business.

Please refer to the rubric below for more information on how you will be graded.


The steps are:

Defining the ProblemIdentifying AlternativesWeighing the AlternativesWhat is rubric?

A rubric is a tool used to evaluate a student's performance on a specific task. It is typically a grid or chart that grades a student's work on a scale from excellent to poor. Rubrics are used to provide a clear and consistent set of criteria for assessing a student's work.

Step 1: Defining the Problem. Rhonda is facing the challenge of how to grow her business. She is considering hiring additional salespeople to increase her customer base. But she is concerned about the cost of hiring additional staff and the fact that it may take some time for the investment to pay off.
Step 2: Identifying Alternatives
Rhonda has two main alternatives: she can hire additional salespeople or she can continue to operate the business as-is. Alternatively, keeping the business as-is may be less risky, but it may also prevent her from growing the business and increasing her profits.

Step 3: Weighing the Alternatives
Rhonda needs to weigh the pros and cons of both alternatives. If she hires additional salespeople, she will likely be able to bring in more customers and revenue in the long run, but she will have to sacrifice some of her own salary.

To learn more about customer



The Internet may not make corporations obsolete, but the corporations will have to change their business models. Do you agree? Why or why not?

Can Uber Be the Uber of Everything



I agree that the Internet has already brought significant changes to the business landscape, and corporations must adapt their business models to stay competitive and relevant in the digital age. While the Internet has not made corporations obsolete, it has disrupted traditional business models and forced companies to rethink how they interact with customers, distribute products and services, and compete in the global market.

The rise of the Internet and e-commerce has made it easier for consumers to access a wider range of products and services from anywhere in the world, which has increased competition and put pressure on corporations to adapt. Companies that have been slow to adopt new technologies and embrace the digital economy have been left behind, while those that have embraced new models and ways of doing business have thrived.

For example, companies like Amazon, Netflix, and Airbnb have disrupted traditional business models by leveraging the power of the Internet to create new and innovative business models. These companies have redefined how products and services are distributed and consumed, and have created new opportunities for consumers and businesses alike.

However, the challenge for corporations is not just about adapting to new technologies, but also about changing their mindset and culture to embrace innovation and agility. This requires a willingness to experiment, take risks, and invest in new ideas and technologies that may not have an immediate payoff but are necessary for long-term success.

Uber has become one of the most successful and recognizable brands in the world, with its ride-hailing service operating in hundreds of cities around the globe. However, the question of whether Uber can become the Uber of everything is a complex one that depends on several factors.

On the one hand, Uber has already expanded beyond ride-hailing with the introduction of Uber Eats and Uber Freight, which offer food delivery and freight shipping services, respectively. These services have been successful in their own right, and there is potential for Uber to continue to expand into other areas where on-demand services are in demand.

However, the challenge for Uber is that not all industries are the same, and different industries have different regulations, customer needs, and competitive landscapes. While Uber has been able to disrupt the traditional taxi industry with its ride-hailing service, it may not be as successful in other industries where entrenched players have a strong foothold.

Moreover, Uber's brand may not be as applicable to other industries as it is to ride-hailing. While "Uber" has become synonymous with on-demand services, it may not carry the same weight in other industries where trust, reliability, and quality are the most important factors.

In conclusion, while Uber has already expanded beyond ride-hailing and has the potential to continue to do so, it is unlikely that it can become the Uber of everything. Different industries have different needs, and there may be other players who are better positioned to provide on-demand services in those industries. However, Uber can still leverage its brand, technology, and expertise to expand into new markets and provide innovative solutions to customers' needs.


please explain the difference between cost pool and revenue


A cost pool and revenue are two different concepts related to accounting and finance.

What is Revenue?

Revenue refers to the total amount of money earned by a business from the sale of goods or services. It is the income generated from the primary activities of a company before any deductions are made for expenses. Revenue is typically reported on a company's income statement and can be calculated by multiplying the price of a product or service by the number of units sold.

A cost pool is a grouping of individual costs that are related to a particular activity or cost center within a business. It is a method of allocating indirect costs to products or services based on their use of resources. For example, a manufacturing company may have several cost pools, such as direct labor, factory overhead, and materials. Each cost pool contains expenses that can be attributed to a specific area of the business.

Learn more about Revenue from the given link



If the marginal cost of a single firm is given by MC=2Q+1, find the horizontal summation if there are ten firms


In economics, an increase in production quantity causes an adjustment to the total cost known as the marginal cost, sometimes known as the cost of producing more. When there are 10 firms, the horizontal summation would be Q - 5P - 5, as the marginal cost of a single firm is given by MC=2Q+1.

Why do you use the term marginal cost?

The marginal cost can be used by businesses to assess how the volume produced affects the cost and, ultimately, earnings. The expense spent by a business when it has to produce more units of any goods or services is known as a marginal cost. It is computed by deducting the full cost of producing the extra goods and dividing that amount by the change in the total quantity of the goods produced. The marginal cost of manufacturing is another name for it.


MC = 2Q + 1

For a single firm P = MC

P = 2Q + 1

2Q = P - 1

Q = 0.5P - 0.5

When they are 10 firms,

(0.5P - ).5)10

Q - 5P - 5 ( Horizontal summation)

To learn more about marginal cost, visit:



Question 12 (4 points)
A country's trade balance will fall if either
investment or saving rise.
investment falls or saving rises.
Saving falls or investment rises.
investment or saving fall.


The only response that accurately predicts when a nation's trade balance would decline is "Savings decreases or investment rises."

The concept of rise in investment

The trade balance is the difference between a country's exports and imports of goods and services. If a country's exports exceed its imports, it has a trade surplus, and if its imports exceed its exports, it has a trade deficit.

Investment and saving are two important macroeconomic variables that can affect a country's trade balance. Investment refers to the amount of money that businesses and governments spend on capital goods, such as machinery, buildings, and infrastructure. Saving, on the other hand, refers to the portion of income that households and businesses do not spend and instead put into savings accounts or invest in financial assets.

If investment rises, businesses and governments are buying more capital goods, which can increase production and exports. Similarly, if saving falls, households and businesses are spending more money on consumption, which can increase imports. Both of these scenarios can lead to a trade deficit.

Learn more on rise in investment here: https://brainly.com/question/7284631


Choose and complete research on two leadership gurus and analyze what their definition of leadership is, including the characteristics they use to describe leadership. Include a biography (information about them) on each but incorporate it naturally into your paper.​


Leadership is a complex phenomenon that has been explored by numerous scholars, theorists, and practitioners. Two leadership gurus who have made significant contributions to the field are John C. Maxwell and Stephen R. Covey.

John C. Maxwell is an American author, speaker, and pastor who has authored over 100 books on leadership. Maxwell's definition of leadership is the ability to influence others in a positive manner. He believes that a leader should be someone who leads by example, and whose actions inspire others to follow suit. According to Maxwell, a good leader should have a clear vision of the future, be able to communicate effectively, and have a strong sense of integrity. He also emphasizes the importance of relationships in leadership, stating that leaders must be willing to invest in their relationships with their followers.

Covey's characteristics of effective leadership include the ability to listen empathetically, the ability to be proactive and take initiative, and the ability to collaborate and work effectively with others. He also emphasizes the importance of having a clear mission and purpose, as well as the need to continually improve oneself and develop one's skills.

Find out more on Leadership. here



What is the kpi payouts


KPI payouts refer to the amount of money or incentives that an employee receives based on their performance against key performance indicators (KPIs). KPIs are specific metrics that are used to measure an employee's success in achieving their job responsibilities and goals. KPI payouts are typically tied to performance-based bonuses, commissions, or other incentives that are designed to reward employees for achieving or exceeding their performance targets. The amount of KPI payouts can vary depending on the company, the industry, and the individual employee's role and responsibilities.

Answer: KPI (Key Performance Indicator) is a performance measure commonly used by corporate units to evaluate employee performance. As a result, paying for performance means that the employer company will base the appropriate salary for its employees on the results of the measurement indicators achieved in each period.

Explanation: you're welcome:)

Draft an individual investment policy statement as a guide to your future investment planning. What will be the advantages of having an investment policy statement?


Your financial future is guided by a strong IPS. An investment policy statement can be a crucial and practical tool since it establishes the basis for a client-financial adviser relationship and offers a clear course of action. The IPS information includes information on the advisor's decision-making process.

What exactly is an investment policy statement?

It is a contract between a client and a financial advisor stating how the advisor will help the client achieve their financial objectives. It needs to be customized based on the client's unique financial and investment information as well as the financial advisor's fees. Financial advisors use an Investment Policy Statement or IPS as a strategic document to lay forth principles that can help launch and manage a client's investment program.

A summary of investment policy statement

John Alberto, a 65-year-old individual investor

Individual, Taxable Portfolio

Condition: California

ID tax: xxx-xx-xxxx

$75,000 in current assets

Return Target: 8%

Worst-case scenario annual loss cap: 12–15%

To learn more about Investment Policy, visit:



Here is an Example of a Master Schedule for producing a gear box. Which schedule is more efficient? Here is an Example of a Master Schedule for producing a gear box. Which schedule is more efficient? Schedule A: Setup cost= 3 orders $90 + Inventory cost of $88 2 Schedule B: Setup cost = 2 orders $45 plus Inventory cost of $74 1 Question at position 3 3 1 point


From the schedule used, the one that is most cost efficient is B. The cost of production is lower at 164 compared to A which is 446

What is cost efficiency

This is a term that has to do with how much a firm would want to produce a good or a service by reducing the costs that they used to the barest minimum.

In order to do this, the benefits accrued from the output is usually compared to the cost of production.

We have to solve for cost for both

Cost of setup A

= 3 x 90 + 88 x 2

= 446

For cost B

2 x 45 + 74 x 1

= 164

The cost B is the one that is most efficient

Read more on cost efficiency here:https://brainly.com/question/11888106


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