why is north korea bad


Answer 1
Because of this lack of international cooperation, travel to North Korea is not recommended.
Answer 2
North korea is not bad the governance is the only thing that make it bad

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In 1937, a large passenger airship called the Hindenburg mysteriously caught fire. Because the airship was filled with hydrogen gas, it immediately exploded once the fire reached the gas. Given this information, do you think one of the reactions above may have produced hydrogen? Explain your answer.



Hydrogen gas can be produced through various chemical reactions, such as the electrolysis of water, the steam reforming of natural gas or other hydrocarbons, and the reaction of certain metals with acids. However, without knowing the specific reactions mentioned in your question, I cannot definitively say whether any of them could have produced the hydrogen gas used in the Hindenburg.

It should be noted that the use of hydrogen gas as a lifting gas for airships was common at the time, despite its flammability. The Hindenburg disaster led to a significant shift in the use of alternative lifting gases, such as helium, which is non-flammable.


No, the reactions mentioned earlier in the conversation are unrelated to the production of hydrogen in the Hindenburg disaster. The Hindenburg airship caught fire and exploded due to the ignition and combustion of the hydrogen gas used to lift the airship, not any of the reactions discussed.


You have learned about the history and basic beliefs of communism. In this report, you will learn more about communism in an Eastern European country.

Here is your goal for this lesson:

Research a communist country

Choose any country (or a city within the country) that you have studied in this unit. These include Russia, Poland, The Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Germany, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Croatia, Macedonia, Slovenia, and Bosnia-Herezegovina. Using the Internet, an encyclopedia, or other resources, research the period of communism in the chosen country, and write a report in which you describe what life was like for the citizens during the era of communism. Your report should be approximately 300 words in length.


To research the period of communism in a country, one could start by looking at the history and timeline of the country during that era. In the case of this report, I will focus on Poland.

Poland was under communist rule for over four decades, from the late 1940s until the early 1990s. During this time, Poland was part of the Soviet bloc and had a heavily centralized economy with an emphasis on heavy industry. The government controlled virtually all aspects of life, from the media to the individual's job and living situation.

In the early years of communist rule, there was significant industrialization, leading to the expansion of new factories and industries across the country. However, this also created a significant environmental impact, with widespread pollution leading to health problems for the population.

The government pursued policies aimed at creating a classless society, leading to the collectivization of agriculture and the forced removal of wealthy landowners. This was done to redistribute land and resources to the masses, but it resulted in poor agricultural performance and food shortages.

Daily life under communism in Poland was very restrictive, with limited access to consumer goods, travel restrictions, and strict control of speech and expression. The secret police heavily monitored citizens, and dissidents were often imprisoned or worse.

Despite these restrictions, there were some positive aspects of life under communism in Poland. Education and healthcare were universally available and free, and the government invested heavily in improving infrastructure such as roads and public transportation.

The fall of communism in Poland in the late 1980s and early 1990s led to significant changes in the country's political and economic structure. Market-oriented reforms were implemented, leading to the privatization of state-owned enterprises and the opening of the country to foreign investment.

In conclusion, life under communism in Poland was characterized by a centrally planned economy, heavy government control over citizens' daily lives, and limited access to consumer goods. While there were some positive aspects such as free healthcare and education, the government's heavy-handed approach led to many negative experiences for the population. The fall of communism and subsequent reforms brought significant changes, leading to a more market-oriented economy and greater political freedom for Polish citizens.


To research the period of communism in a country, one could start by looking at the history and timeline of the country during that era. In the case of this report, I will focus on Poland.

Poland was under communist rule for over four decades, from the late 1940s until the early 1990s. During this time, Poland was part of the Soviet bloc and had a heavily centralized economy with an emphasis on heavy industry. The government controlled virtually all aspects of life, from the media to the individual's job and living situation.

In the early years of communist rule, there was significant industrialization, leading to the expansion of new factories and industries across the country. However, this also created a significant environmental impact, with widespread pollution leading to health problems for the population.

The government pursued policies aimed at creating a classless society, leading to the collectivization of agriculture and the forced removal of wealthy landowners. This was done to redistribute land and resources to the masses, but it resulted in poor agricultural performance and food shortages.

Daily life under communism in Poland was very restrictive, with limited access to consumer goods, travel restrictions, and strict control of speech and expression. The secret police heavily monitored citizens, and dissidents were often imprisoned or worse.

Despite these restrictions, there were some positive aspects of life under communism in Poland. Education and healthcare were universally available and free, and the government invested heavily in improving infrastructure such as roads and public transportation.

The fall of communism in Poland in the late 1980s and early 1990s led to significant changes in the country's political and economic structure. Market-oriented reforms were implemented, leading to the privatization of state-owned enterprises and the opening of the country to foreign investment.

In conclusion, life under communism in Poland was characterized by a centrally planned economy, heavy government control over citizens' daily lives, and limited access to consumer goods. While there were some positive aspects such as free healthcare and education, the government's heavy-handed approach led to many negative experiences for the population. The fall of communism and subsequent reforms brought significant changes, leading to a more market-oriented economy and greater political freedom for Polish citizens

Please tell me what I should put in my notes and help me.


What’s the image? It’s blank
I can’t help, the image is blank :(

Um what happens if i don't upgrade my stuff right now because todays my last day it says? Can i like not talk like can't comment or share, or answer and ask questions?




Today is your last day of your free trial, I believe they are giving everyone a free trial to get more brainly plus members. You can continue your free account after your free trial and things will be back to normal.


Answer: I think you still can, that’s what it says if your not signed in.


sign in or sign up if you haven’t already.

Ancient societies like the Mayans

only united when they were about to be conquered by enemies

never developed the ability to create accurate calendars

had a social structure similar to Egypt's pyramid structure

were concerned with religious duties more than daily activities


The correct answer is C
C is the correct answer

Payment from conquered peoples helped the Aztecs to

collect great wealth

become a democracy

give up money systems

create better maize


Answer: A they collected money from places they conquered to create better capital and to increase their wealth
A, because what people aren’t money hungry and helps their citizens

Which statement most accurately describes the purpose of the Bill of Rights?

It was created to protect people's freedoms from the government

It was created to protect people from one another

It was created to protect states from the federal government

It was created to protect people from the states


Answer: to guarantee freedoms that belong to every citizen.


It protected people’s freedom from the government
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