Why might the values to the right represent less significant change compared to the values at the left?


Answer 1


The values to the right represent less significant change compared to the values at the left because Less of a time period, the easy/cheap/fast solutions to pollution might have been used early on in the history of the EPA.

Related Questions

How does Nettl's analysis of the Soviet Union and technology compare to what Graham wrote?



Nettl's analysis of the Soviet Union and technology is significantly different from Graham's argument. Nettl emphasizes the limitations of Soviet technology and its inability to keep up with the West. He argues that despite Soviet propaganda, the country lagged behind the West in several key areas, including computers and microelectronics. Nettl suggests that the Soviet Union's centralized economic system hindered technological progress, as the government was unable to allocate resources efficiently and lacked the incentives for innovation and efficiency that existed in the West.

In contrast, Graham argues that the Soviet Union was able to achieve technological progress in certain areas, such as space exploration and nuclear technology, due to its centralized planning and strong government support. He suggests that the Soviet Union's achievements in these areas were a result of the country's ability to mobilize resources for specific goals and its willingness to invest heavily in technology.

While both Nettl and Graham acknowledge the role of the Soviet government in technological progress, their views on the effectiveness of Soviet central planning and government support are significantly different. Nettl's analysis emphasizes the limitations of Soviet technology and the inefficiencies of central planning, while Graham's argument highlights the potential benefits of strong government support for technological innovation.

Overall, Nettl's analysis is more critical of Soviet technology and its limitations, while Graham's argument is more optimistic about the potential for central planning and government support to drive technological progress.

The Supreme Court’s Plessy v. Ferguson decision ruled that Louisiana’s Separate Car Act


The Supreme Court's case on Plessy v. Ferguson ruled that Louisiana's state Separate Car Act B. helped maintain public peace and good order.

The court's decision allowed for equal but separate accommodations for white and colored races.

What is Plessy v. Ferguson case?

Plessy v. Ferguson case started when Homer Plessy who was of mixed race, boarded a train car for whites-only in New Orleans, violating Louisiana's Separate Car Act of 1890 which stipulated equal but separate railroad accommodations for whites and colored passengers.

Plessy was charged under Louisiana's Separate Car Act but his lawyers claimed that the case should be dismissed on the grounds that the Act was unconstitutional which judge John H. Ferguson denied.

Then Plessy appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court. However, the court decided that racial segregation laws did not violate the U.S. Constitution in so far as the accommodations for each race were equal in quality.

Thus, the court case of Plessy v. Ferguson pronounced that Louisiana's state Separate Car Act helped maintain public peace and good order.

Learn more about Louisiana's Separate Car Act of 1890 at brainly.com/question/1403520.


Question completion:

I think part of your question is missing, you might be referring to this full question:

The Supreme Court’s Plessy v. Ferguson decision ruled that Louisiana’s Separate Car Act

A. promoted unconstitutional segregation.

B. helped maintain public peace and good order.

C. did not constitute segregation.

D. was required under the Fourteenth Amendment

Would the United States be a better nation if the citizens, rather than their elected
representatives, had more political power? How did the Progressive movement change
the relationship between government officials and their constituents?


The elected representatives of of the citizens of the USA are the voices of the citizens itself. Naturally, increasing citizen's power would help to reduce corruptions caused by politicians to make the nation better.

On the above-mentioned note, the Progressive movement of the USA, of 20th Century helped the citizens of the USA to get fair judgment in the fields of; domestic policies development, maintaining trusts with the governance, regulation of thresholds and transports, food, and drugs.

Hence it can be concluded, as per the Progressive movement of the USA, giving proportional power to citizens would help to make the nation a better example to curb political corruption.

To know more about the Progressive movement of the USA:



Reflect on the events during the Progressive Era and the reforms that resulted. How have the events changed or not changed your understanding of the United States today?


The Progressive Era, which spanned the years 1890 to 1920 in US history, was a time of strong social and political reform with the goal of moving society closer to what was desired.

Reformers of the Progressive Era aimed to use the federal government's authority to end unethical and unfair economic practises, lessen corruption, and combat the unfavourable social repercussions of industrialisation.

The Progressive Era saw improvements in consumer and worker rights as well as the ratification of women's suffrage. These unfavourable outcomes of industrialization led to the emergence of the Progressive movement. Progressive reformers aimed to control the private sector, provide consumer and worker protections, bring to light government and corporate malfeasance, and generally advance society.

Learn more about Progressive era here:



The Progressive Era was a period of significant social and political change in the United States, marked by a wave of reforms aimed at improving living and working conditions for Americans.

The reforms that resulted from this era had a lasting impact on American society, including the implementation of labor laws, women's suffrage, and regulation of monopolies.Studying the Progressive Era has helped me to better understand the current state of the United States. Many of the issues that were addressed during this time, such as income inequality, political corruption, and social injustice, still exist today. Additionally, the strategies and tactics employed by reformers during the Progressive Era, such as grassroots organizing and advocacy, have influenced contemporary political movements.However, the progress made during the Progressive Era is not without its limitations and challenges. Many of the reforms that were implemented were limited in scope and failed to address systemic issues that continue to persist today. Moreover, the backlash against progressive reforms during this period underscores the ongoing struggle for social and political change in the United States.

To learn more about Progressive click the link below:



While we could cover the story differently,
one story that both abolitionist and southern
newspapers would have to carry from May
20 to 25, 1856 would be...


On May 20-25, 1856, the Supreme Court of the United States heard oral arguments in the case of Dred Scott v. Sandford.

What is Court?

Court is an institution that administers justice in accordance with the law. It is an independent body which hears and determines disputes between parties, and is empowered to enforce judgments. Courts are established by governments to preserve the rule of law, protect fundamental rights and resolve disputes. Court proceedings are regulated by procedural rules which set out the steps a case must take in order to reach a judgment.

This case would ultimately decide whether Dred Scott, an African-American slave, was entitled to his freedom after having lived in a free state for an extended period of time. This case was a major event in the history of the United States, and of the fight for the abolition of slavery. As such, it would have been a story that both abolitionist and southern newspapers would have to carry between May 20 and 25, 1856.

To learn more about Court

Imagine that the following situations have occurred in your community following the disaster. Select two of the following situations to address and evaluate in your email:
teen writing email
© 2012 BananaStock/Thinkstock
The government suspended the right of habeas corpus (the right to see a judge after arrest to determine if imprisonment is lawful).
The government forced people to evacuate from their homes.
The press accessed the disaster area and published a story in a national newspaper about the event.
The government allowed federal and state troops to be quartered in private residences to assist residents and protect order.
Citizens were denied the right to bring legally owned firearms to storm shelters.
The government made certain dangerous areas off-limits, which prevented residents from accessing their homes and personal property.
Prisoners were kept in prisons that lacked power, supplies, and plumbing during the emergency.
The federal and state courts postponed scheduled criminal and civil trials due to the emergency.
The government prevented the press from publishing graphic photos of victims of the natural disaster to protect the privacy of the victim’s family.
The federal government stated that local and state governments are solely responsible for the disaster recovery efforts and that it will not be providing assistance.
Once you have chosen the concerns you wish to address, compose a well-written response to each situation with the following information:
the Constitutional amendment that relates to the situation
arguments that could be made for or against the action that took place
your position on the situation and the reasons you think officials should agree with you
Save your email and check it for spelling and grammar.



Dear [Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to reach out to you regarding some of the recent developments in our community following the natural disaster that occurred. Specifically, I am concerned about two situations that have arisen and would like to discuss them with you.

The first situation I would like to address is the government's suspension of the right of habeas corpus. As you may know, this right guarantees that individuals have the ability to see a judge after an arrest to determine if their imprisonment is lawful. This is protected by the Fifth Amendment. While I understand that the government may have felt this was necessary to maintain order in the immediate aftermath of the disaster, I believe that this is a dangerous precedent to set. Suspending the right of habeas corpus is a direct violation of our Constitutional protections and undermines the very foundations of our democracy. It is crucial that we uphold these protections even in times of crisis.

The second situation that concerns me is the government's decision to force people to evacuate from their homes. This action could be seen as a violation of the Third Amendment, which prohibits the government from quartering troops in private residences without the owner's consent. While I understand that the government may have felt that this was necessary to ensure the safety of the residents and protect order, I believe that there were other options available. Instead of forcing residents to leave their homes, the government could have worked with local law enforcement to ensure that order was maintained in the area. In addition, the government could have provided alternative shelters for those who were unable to remain in their homes.

Overall, I believe that it is crucial that we protect our Constitutional rights and uphold our democratic values, even in times of crisis. While it may be tempting to make exceptions in the face of danger, we must remember that our rights and values are what make our country great. Thank you for taking the time to read my concerns, and I hope that we can work together to ensure that our community remains a safe and free place to live.


[Your Name]

[For the second situation, replace the first paragraph with the following:]

The second situation that concerns me is the government's decision to prevent citizens from bringing legally owned firearms to storm shelters. This action could be seen as a violation of the Second Amendment, which protects the right to bear arms. While I understand that the government may have felt that this was necessary to ensure the safety of those in the shelters, I believe that it is crucial that we protect our Second Amendment rights. By preventing citizens from bringing legally owned firearms to the shelters, the government is denying them the ability to protect themselves and their families in a dangerous situation. Instead, the government could have implemented safety measures to ensure that firearms were not used improperly in the shelters.


What are the achievements made by the Khulfa-e-Rashideen



The Rashidun were also responsible for the adoption of an Islamic calendar, dating from Muhammad's emigration (Hijrah) from Mecca to Medina (622), and the establishment of an authoritative reading of the Qurʾān, which strengthened the Muslim community and encouraged religious scholarship.

The Khulfa-e-Rashideen, also known as the "Rightly Guided Caliphs," were the first four caliphs of Islam who succeeded the Prophet Muhammad. They are often considered to be the most pious and just rulers in Islamic history.

The Nuremberg laws defined who was considered ?


The Nazi government was known for using violence to enforce its racial ideologies,but it also made sure to pass laws that legalized discrimination practices.

The Nuremberg Laws were anti-Semitic and racist laws that were promulgated in Nazi Germany on September 15, 1935, at a special meeting of the Reichstag two measures based on race Laws issued on September 15, 1935, personally approved by Hitler,deprived Jews of German citizenship, prohibited Jewish households from having German maids. The Nazi government was known for using violence to enforce its racial ideologies,but it also made sure to pass laws that legalized discriminatory practices.In 1935,when the Nuremberg Laws were passed, the Nazi party successfully consolidated its power and appointed Adolf Hitler Führer, or leader.

To learn more about Nuremberg Laws please click on below link.



what difficulties were encountered during the process of ratification? 2 paragraphs




The process of ratification of the United States Constitution faced several difficulties. The first significant obstacle was the opposition from the Anti-Federalists, who believed that the Constitution granted too much power to the central government and would threaten individual liberties. They feared that the Constitution did not contain a Bill of Rights that would protect citizens' fundamental rights. Additionally, they believed that the large and diverse country would not be able to govern itself effectively under one central government. The Anti-Federalists, led by figures such as Patrick Henry and George Mason, argued that the new Constitution should be amended to include a Bill of Rights and limit the power of the central government.

Another significant challenge was the issue of slavery. Many delegates at the Constitutional Convention recognized the immorality of slavery and wanted to abolish it. However, due to opposition from slaveholding states, the Constitution did not explicitly ban slavery. This issue led to intense debates and disagreements during the ratification process. Anti-slavery advocates, such as Benjamin Franklin and Alexander Hamilton, argued that slavery was incompatible with the principles of the new nation and should be abolished. However, the pro-slavery advocates, such as John C. Calhoun and James Madison, defended slavery as necessary for the economic success of the country and argued that it was a states' rights issue. Ultimately, the issue of slavery would lead to the Civil War and the eventual abolition of slavery in the United States.

(Please could you kindly mark my answer as brainliest you could also follow me so that you could easily reach out to me for any other questions)

it a security threat is deemed drastic enough to declare war, which of the following is able to make that declaration?
O Congress
• Senate
O president
• House of Representatives


The answer would be: A. Congress.

Prisoners of War
Unknown to many residents of the state even at the time,
over ten thousand German and Italian prisoners of war
were kept in Florida camps during the war. Housed in a
system of camps throughout the state, the POWS picked
vegetables, harvested sugar cane, cut pulpwood,
processed Florida's massive fruit crop and even worked
as custodial workers at undermanned military
installations and Miami resort hotels.
American military officials adhered to the provisions of
the 1929 Geneva Convention, which stipulated that
captives must receive the same food, clothing, and
housing as the troops of the home nation. One of the
reasons why the POWS were kept secret was the fear that
Americans might think they were being "coddled"-
especially when compared to Allied prisoners held in
Why were Florida's POW camps kept secret from the
American public?
O POW camps benefited the US economy, which may
have been frowned upon.
POW camps were not allowed on US soil,
according to the Geneva Convention.
The prisoners were treated poorly, which went
against the Geneva Convention.
The prisoners were treated well, and there were
fears that the public would disapprove.



It's D. The prisoners were treated well, and there were

fears that the public would disapprove.


The prisoners were treated well, and there were fears that the public would disapprove is why Florida's POW camps were kept secret from the American public. American military officials adhered to the provisions of the 1929 Geneva Convention, which required that prisoners of war be treated humanely and receive the same food, clothing, and housing as the troops of the home nation. The fear was that if the American public found out that German and Italian prisoners of war were being treated well and working in Florida's agricultural and tourism industries, it could cause outrage and public disapproval. The U.S. government did not want to risk damaging morale on the home front or causing unrest. Therefore, they chose to keep the existence of the POW camps a secret from the American public.

Hope this helps! Sorry if it's wrong. :]

Explain the differences between the Virginia and New Jersey Plans that were the focus of debate during the Constitutional Convention of 1787.



During the Constitutional Convention of 1787, two different plans were proposed for the structure and organization of the United States government. These plans were known as the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan. The differences between the two plans were primarily centered around the issue of representation in the legislative branch.

The Virginia Plan, also known as the large-state plan, was proposed by James Madison and was supported by the larger states. It called for a bicameral legislature, with representation based on population in both houses. This meant that larger states would have more representatives and more power in the government. The Virginia Plan also proposed a strong central government with the power to veto state laws, which was controversial among smaller states.

The New Jersey Plan, also known as the small-state plan, was proposed by William Paterson and was supported by the smaller states. It called for a unicameral legislature, with equal representation for all states regardless of population. This would have given smaller states more power in the government. The New Jersey Plan also proposed that the central government only have limited powers and that state laws could not be vetoed.

The debate between the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan was resolved through the Great Compromise, also known as the Connecticut Compromise, which created a bicameral legislature with representation based on population in the House of Representatives and equal representation in the Senate. This compromise balanced the power between larger and smaller states and helped to establish the structure of the United States government that still exists today.

In summary, the Virginia Plan called for representation based on population, a strong central government, and the power to veto state laws, while the New Jersey Plan called for equal representation for all states, limited central government power, and no veto power over state laws.


Final answer:

The Virginia and New Jersey Plans were two different proposals presented during the Constitutional Convention of 1787. The Virginia Plan advocated for representation based on population, while the New Jersey Plan called for equal representation for all states. The debate among the delegates eventually led to the Great Compromise.


The Virginia and New Jersey Plans were two different proposals put forward during the Constitutional Convention of 1787 to address the issue of representation in the newly formed government. The Virginia Plan, also known as the large state plan, called for a bicameral legislature with representation based on population. The New Jersey Plan, also known as the small state plan, proposed a unicameral legislature with equal representation for all states.

The main differences between the two plans were in regards to the method of representation and the power given to the states. The Virginia Plan favored larger states and their representation was based on population, which gave them an advantage. The New Jersey Plan, on the other hand, favored smaller states as it provided equal representation to all states regardless of their population.

These differences led to a debate among the delegates, which ultimately resulted in the Great Compromise. This compromise merged elements of both plans, creating a bicameral legislature with the House of Representatives based on population and the Senate giving each state equal representation.

Learn more about Virginia and New Jersey Plans here:



True or false ? The absence of nonverbal cues allows communicators to manage their online identities



True. The absence of nonverbal cues in online communication, such as through text or email, can give communicators more control over their online identities by allowing them to carefully craft and edit their messages.


Read all of "Letter from Birmingham Jail" written by Mather King Jr and Write 3 analytical paragraphs that explain allusion include evidence from the text


'Letter from Birmingham Jail' is an open letter written by Martin Luther King Jr. on April 16, 1963.

It says that people have a moral responsibility to break unjust laws and to take direct action rather than waiting potentially forever for justice to come through the courts.

Who was Mather King Jr ?

Martin Luther King Jr. was an American Baptist minister and activist who was one of the most prominent leaders in the civil rights movement from 1955 until his assassination in 19681. He led the civil rights movement in the United States from the mid-1950s until his death by assassination in 1968.

Who assassinated Martin Luther King Jr.?

James Earl Ray assassinated Martin Luther King Jr. at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee, on April 4, 196812. Ray was an American fugitive convicted for assassinating Martin Luther King Jr.

To know more about James Earl Ray, visit :



What does Washington believe is one of the main pillars of government?


Answer: Washington remained above the fray; he wanted to be a president of all American citizens. The most important reason was he believed unity, not division, was necessary for a democratic republic to survive. Washington believed that political parties would divide and destroy the young United States.


Which statement best describes the effect of President Warren Harding's
economic policies?
A. Harding's economic policies enabled the United States to get out
of debt after World War I.
B. Harding's economic policies helped the United States recover from
a recession in the short term.
C. Harding's economic policies helped small farmers and urban
workers but didn't benefit business owners.
D. Harding's economic policies lessened the inequality gap between
the wealthy and the poor.



Statement B best describes the effect of President Warren Harding's economic policies.

the answer is B
hope this helps

1. For what reasons does Demaratus think the Spartans will fight so hard to resist Xerxes?
2. What does this passage reveal concerning Herodotus's attitude toward the Greeks? Toward the Persians?


Demaratus' response: Spartans would fight to the death even when much outnumbered; Greece is impoverished. Xerxes is pessimistic that the Greeks would be able to compete with his greater numbers.

What did the Greeks become famous for?

Significant advancements were made by the Greeks in astronomy, math, philosophy, even medicine. Greek culture gave literature and theater a high priority, which influenced modern plays. Greek architecture and art are well renowned for their elaborate designs.

What do you call Greeks?

As opposed to this, Greeks call themselves "v"—Hellenes. The word "Greek" is derived from the Latin "Graeci," and thanks to Roman influence, it has come to be used in most languages to refer to Greek people and culture. Yet, "Greek" and "Hellenic" are also used in English.

To know more about Greeks visit:



when a worker is discharged for appearing as a witness in an employment discrimination or harassment suit this is constructive discharge. true or false?


That is mostly definitely true most of the time

3.What did Justinian I contribute to the development of written law?
A.brought the Napoleonic Code to France
B.simplified Roman law
C.carved laws into a large stone pillar
D.popularized English common law





He combined all old roman laws into a big book with them all together

That’s the correct andwer

California's Contribution
How did Germany threaten to cut Europe off from American supplies?
O by occupying British ports with paratroopers
O by blockading American ports with mines
O by sinking Allied ships with U-boats
O by destroying Allied ships with bombers



Germany has threatened to scuttle Allied ships with its U-boats in order to deny Europe access to US supplies.

Why did Germany's employment of U-boats result in hostilities with the US?

Why did Germany's employment of U-boats result in hostilities with the US? Submarines attacked American and other neutral ships with no notice or protection, and the German government betrayed its word about limiting its submarine fleet.

What threat did the U-boat pose?

To break through the British blockade, which was threatening to starve Germany out of the war, Germany constructed bigger and larger U-boats. Germany only had 20 U-boats in 1914. It had 140 by 1917, and the U-boats had sunk roughly 30% of all the world's merchant ships.

To know more about threatened visit:-



What were the phases in the holocaust?



The Holocaust, also known as the Shoah, was a genocide that took place during World War II, where approximately six million Jews were systematically murdered by the Nazi regime and its collaborators. The Holocaust can be divided into several phases, including:

Persecution and Segregation: This phase began in 1933 when Adolf Hitler became the Chancellor of Germany. Jews were stripped of their civil rights and were subjected to various forms of discrimination, including the Nuremberg Laws, which prohibited Jews from marrying non-Jews and deprived them of their German citizenship.Ghettos: In 1939, the Nazi regime began to force Jews into ghettos, which were areas within cities where Jews were forced to live in crowded and unsanitary conditions. Many Jews died of starvation and disease in the ghettos.Deportation: From 1941 to 1945, the Nazi regime began to deport Jews from ghettos to concentration and extermination camps, primarily located in Poland. The first extermination camp, Chelmno, was opened in 1941, and others, such as Auschwitz-Birkenau, Treblinka, and Sobibor, followed.Genocide: The final phase of the Holocaust was the systematic murder of Jews in extermination camps. The Nazis used gas chambers and other methods to kill millions of Jews, along with other groups, including Roma, homosexuals, and people with disabilities.

The Holocaust was a horrific event in human history that resulted in the deaths of millions of innocent people. It serves as a reminder of the dangers of prejudice, discrimination, and hatred, and the importance of promoting tolerance and respect for all people, regardless of their race, ethnicity, religion, or background.

The Supreme Court’s Plessy v. Ferguson decision ruled that Louisiana’s Separate Car Act


Answer: The ruling in this Supreme Court case upheld a Louisiana state law that allowed for "equal but separate accommodations for the white and colored races." During the era of Reconstruction, Black Americans' political rights were affirmed by three constitutional amendments and numerous laws passed by Congress.

In 1896, the Supreme Court ruled in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) that separate accommodations based on race were constitutional. 58 years later in Brown v. The Board of Education of Topeka (1954) the court ruled that separate accommodations based on race were inherently unequal and so unconstitutional.

Briefly describe Dr. Martin Luther King. Jr.’s Chicago crusade



Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s Chicago crusade was a nonviolent campaign that aimed to end discrimination and segregation in the city's housing and education systems. The campaign faced strong opposition from local authorities and community members, but ultimately led to important reforms and progress towards racial equality in Chicago.


explain why Andrew Jackson accused John Quincy Adams “stealing the election” in 1824. In addition, analyze how this conflict affect did the Democratic-Republican Party in the presidential election of 1828. Has to be 5 well written sentences long…



Explanation:Andrew Jackson accused John Quincy Adams of "stealing the election" in 1824 because he believed that Adams had made a "corrupt bargain" with Henry Clay, one of the other candidates, to secure the presidency. Jackson had won the most popular votes and the most electoral votes, but because no candidate had won a majority of the electoral votes, the decision was left to the House of Representatives. Adams won the presidency in the House vote, and shortly after, he appointed Clay as his Secretary of State.

This conflict affected the Democratic-Republican Party in the presidential election of 1828 in several ways. First, it led to the formation of a new political party, the Democratic Party, which was led by Jackson and his supporters. Second, it created a deep divide within the Democratic-Republican Party, with many of Jackson's supporters feeling betrayed by the party's failure to support him in 1824. Third, it increased the level of voter participation and engagement in the election, as Jackson's supporters mobilized to support him and defeat Adams. Ultimately, Jackson won the presidency in 1828, and his victory marked a turning point in American politics, as it signaled the rise of a new political party and a new era of political mobilization and engagement.

The Legislative and Judicial Branches—How have the powers of the Legislative and Judicial Branches changed since the writing of the Constitution? What was the stance of both the Federalists and Anti-Federalists at that time? Create an argument for the position of the Federalists and Anti-Federalists regarding the modern-day Legislative and Judicial Branches. Your argument should reference specific amendments, legal cases, or precedents to support it.



The powers of the Legislative and Judicial Branches have undergone significant changes since the writing of the Constitution. At the time of the Constitution's drafting, the Federalists supported a strong central government, while the Anti-Federalists feared centralized power and advocated for states' rights. Both sides had concerns about the concentration of power and the potential for abuse by the other branches.

The Legislative Branch, also known as Congress, has seen an expansion of its powers over time. The Constitution grants Congress the power to make laws, but through various amendments, such as the 16th Amendment allowing for the income tax and the 17th Amendment allowing for direct election of senators, Congress has gained more control over economic and political affairs. Additionally, Congress has been given the power to regulate commerce, declare war, and oversee the federal budget.

The Judicial Branch, headed by the Supreme Court, has also seen an expansion of power. The Constitution grants the judiciary the power to interpret the law, but the Supreme Court has gained significant authority through various landmark cases, such as Marbury v. Madison, which established the principle of judicial review, and Brown v. Board of Education, which struck down segregation in public schools. The judiciary has also been given the power to hear cases involving constitutional issues, such as civil rights and the limits of executive power.

The Federalists would likely support the current power and capabilities of the Legislative and Judicial Branches. They believed in a strong central government that could effectively govern the nation and protect its citizens. The Anti-Federalists, on the other hand, would likely be more skeptical of the increased power of these branches. They believed in limiting the power of the federal government and protecting the rights of individual states.

In modern times, the debate between centralized power and states' rights continues. The Federalists would argue that the Legislative and Judicial Branches are fulfilling their intended roles and that the expansion of their powers is necessary for effective governance. The Anti-Federalists, on the other hand, would argue that the federal government has overstepped its bounds and that the powers of the branches should be limited to protect individual liberties.

Overall, the evolution of the Legislative and Judicial Branches has been shaped by a balance between centralized power and individual rights. While the Federalists and Anti-Federalists had different views on the role of government, their ideas continue to influence political debates in the modern era.


When the Ottoman Empire weakened, Europe reacted by

building a canal for trade with the Ottoman region.
helping Ottoman nations achieve independence.
cutting off most trade with the Ottoman region.
trying to take more control of Ottoman lands.



trying to take more control of Ottoman lands.

pls mrk me brainliest

What was one power given to the central government under the Articles of Confederation?



Delegates gave the Continental Congress the power to request money from the states and make appropriations, regulating the armed forces, appointing civil servants, and declaring war.


they could now request money from the states and make appropriations

Role of women in Defiance campaign 1952​


Answer: The apartheid regime's influx control measures and pass laws were what women feared the most and reacted to most vehemently. Their fears were not unfounded. In 1952 the Native Laws Amendment Act tightened influx control, making it an offense for any African (including women) to be in any urban area for more than 72 hours unless in possession of the necessary documentation. The only women who could live legally in the townships were the wives and unmarried daughters of the African men who were eligible for permanent residence.

In the same year, the Natives Abolition of Passes and Coordination of Documents Act was passed. In terms of this act the many different documents African men had been required to carry were replaced by a single one - the reference book - which gave details of the holder's identity, employment, place of legal residence, payment of taxes, and, if applicable, permission to be in the urban areas. The act further stipulated that African women, at an unspecified date shortly, would for the first time be required to carry reference books. Women were enraged by this direct threat to their freedom of movement and their anti-pass campaign, as Walker puts it ‘was one of the most vociferous and effective protest campaigns of any at the time

Most of the work in Congress is done by breaking up into these groups that specialize in different
areas of policies and lawmaking:


The House and Senate's legislative committees carry out the bulk of the actual work of Congress. The most influence rests with those committee chairs.

Why does most of the work in Congress get done in committees?

The committee system helps the Senate and House of Representatives operate more effectively. Lawmakers are not expected to be experts in every topic. As a result, the Senate and House of Representatives established committees with a variety of specializations.

What obligation falls under a member of Congress the most?

The members of the US Congress act as representatives for their constituents by holding hearings, proposing legislation, and participating in voting. Before being forwarded to the President for his signature, all bills must first receive approval from Congress.

Learn more about US Congress: https://brainly.com/question/12695227


 According to the "domino theory"
A. Non-aligned countries were like a series of dominos without support to hold them up and were easily overtaken.
b. The proliferation of weapons through networks radiating out from the Soviet Union creates a domino effect overthrowing small countries.
c. A country that fell to communism would provide a staging ground for communist infiltrators to destabilize other countries nearby.
d. A country in economic crisis is likely to fall apart socially and then fall to quick fixes like communism.



Option C is right because the domino theory was a Cold War foreign policy that said if one country in a region became communist, the other countries in the area would follow in a way that was like a chain reaction. People thought that if one country fell to communism, communists would use it as a base to try to take over other countries nearby and make them unstable. These countries would then also fall to communism. This was why the US had a policy of "containment" and why they went to war in Korea and Vietnam.

Option A is wrong because it talks about non-aligned countries, which were not always communist. The domino theory, on the other hand, was about how communism spread.

Option B is wrong because it talks about the spread of weapons and networks, which is different from the spread of communism.

Option D is wrong because it talks about economic crises and quick fixes like communism, but the domino theory was about the spread of communism, not economic instability.

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