World History Chapter 12 Assessment
Humans are selfish and greedy, social contract, absolute power should be strong in order to preserve order in society is the quotes of __
A. Jean-Jacques Rousseau
B. Thomas Hobbes
C. John Locke
D. Montesquieu
E. Voltaire


Answer 1

The quote "people are selfish and greedy, social agreement, absolute strength ought to be strong to be able to maintain order in society" is attributed to the English philosopher Thomas Hobbes.

Hobbes believed that people were naturally selfish and violent and they needed a strong primary authorities to hold order in society. He argued that people might willingly surrender their person freedoms in alternate for safety from the nation.

This idea of a social agreement between residents and the authorities is a crucial theme in Hobbes' political philosophy. His influential work "Leviathan" advocates for an absolute monarchy because the first-class form of presidency to ensure social stability and order..

Learn more about Thomas Hobbes:-


Answer 2

Humans are selfish and greedy, social contract, absolute power should be strong in order to preserve order in society is the quotes of Thomas Hobbes. So, option B is correct.

The quotes "humans are selfish and greedy," "social contract," and "absolute power should be strong in order to preserve order in society" are associated with the political philosophy of Thomas Hobbes, particularly his work "Leviathan." Hobbes believed that humans are naturally selfish and violent, and that a strong central authority is necessary to prevent chaos and maintain social order. He argued that individuals give up some of their freedoms in exchange for protection and security provided by the government through a social contract.

To know more about Thomas Hobbes


Related Questions

Auguste Comte (1798 – 1857) introduced the idea of studying society scientifically; he is associated with the term positivism and ideas of social progress. Max Weber (1864 – 1920) is one of the founders of modern sociology; he is associated with the term Verstehen and the importance of symbols. Write a dialogue between Comte and Weber about the nature and goals of sociological research. Using everyday language rather than technical terms, the dialogue should reflect their differences regarding the following: Micro- versus macro-level orientations Objectivity versus subjectivity in sociological research Scientific, interpretive, and critical approaches to sociological investigation (10 points)


Hi Max, I'm very glad to have met you. Auguste Comte, a pioneer in the study of sociology, is who I am.

The originator of positivism, an ideological and political movement that experienced widespread adoption in the second half of the nineteenth century, is Auguste Comte (1798–1857).

What is sociology?

The study of people and groups in their environments and how they interact is known as sociology. It is a field of study that aims to comprehend social institutions, social structures, and social conduct. Sociology studies different facets of society, including culture, class, gender, race, & religion, as well as how they affect both the individual and the group.

Max Weber: Ah, Auguste, good to meet you. I'm Max Weber, a pioneer of contemporary sociology.

Comte: I am aware of your work, yes. We may have some similar ideas about sociology, but I'm sure we also have significant differences.

Weber: Yes, there are undoubtedly some distinctions between our methods. For instance, whereas you study sociology from a macro-level perspective, I approach it from a micro-level perspective.

Comte: That's accurate. I think it's crucial to consider society as a whole rather than just its component pieces. Additionally, I believe that sociological study must be approached objectively.

Weber: That's a good point, but I think it's equally crucial to consider sociology from a subjective angle. I believe it's crucial to comprehend the symbols and meanings that individuals associate with various social phenomena.

Comte: Though I like scholarly, unbiased methods to sociological study, I can understand that. This, in my opinion, is the most reliable method for comprehending society.

Weber: Although I think interpretive and critical techniques are equally vital to fully comprehend society, I also think that scientific approaches are important. Without these additional viewpoints, we are unable to fully comprehend the complexity of social life.

Comte: That is accurate, yet I continue to think that scientific methods are the most crucial.

Weber: All right. We may have different points of view on this, but I'm confident that our goals are the same: to comprehend and better society.

To learn more about sociology, visit:


taverns encouraged women to participate in card games and other gambling activities.


While taverns were certainly gathering places for men and women alike in early America, they were not always welcoming spaces for women's participation in card games and gambling activities.

In fact, many taverns and other public spaces were considered inappropriate for women to visit without male escorts, and women who were seen participating in such activities were often subject to social stigma and ostracism.

That being said, there were certainly exceptions to this general trend, and some taverns and other public spaces did encourage women's participation in card games and other forms of gambling. In particular, there were a number of female-run gaming establishments in urban areas, such as New Orleans and Philadelphia, where women could participate in card games and other forms of gambling without fear of social ostracism.

Overall, the role of women in gambling and card-playing activities in early America was complex and varied, with some women actively participating in such activities while others were discouraged or prevented from doing so.

Learn more about gambling  here:.


in the early 1900s, dr. hamilton wright, the father of american narcotics laws, decided the united states could gain favored trading status with china by leading international efforts to


Restrict the production and trade of opium. To accomplish this, he spearheaded the passage of the Harrison Narcotics Tax Act of 1914,

The Harrison Narcotics Tax Act of 1914 was a United States federal law that regulated and taxed the production, importation, and distribution of opiates and cocaine. The Act was named after its sponsor, Representative Francis Burton Harrison, and aimed to curb the recreational use of these drugs, which had become increasingly prevalent in the early 20th century. The Act required individuals who produced, imported, or sold these drugs to register with the government and pay a tax, and it also established penalties for noncompliance. While the Harrison Act did not make drugs illegal, it did effectively criminalize the possession of narcotics without a prescription, leading to increased law enforcement efforts and the growth of the prison industrial complex.

Learn more about Harrison Act here:


how changes in Earth’s systems affect the growth of life on Earth.


Earth's systems, such as the atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, and biosphere, all interact with each other to create the conditions necessary for life to exist and flourish.

Effects of changes in Earth's systems

Changes in these systems can have a significant impact on the growth and survival of life on Earth.

One example of how changes in Earth's systems can affect the growth of life is through the carbon cycle. Carbon is a crucial element for all living organisms, and the carbon cycle is responsible for regulating the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. However, human activities such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation have led to an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels, which is contributing to global climate change. These changes in climate, such as rising temperatures and changes in precipitation patterns, can have negative effects on the growth and survival of many species, particularly those that are sensitive to changes in temperature or require specific environmental conditions.

Another example is the impact of changes in the hydrosphere on the growth of life. The availability of water is essential for life on Earth, and changes in the distribution and availability of water can affect the growth of both terrestrial and aquatic species. For example, droughts can lead to water stress and reduced plant growth, while changes in ocean currents and temperatures can affect the distribution and abundance of marine species.

Learn more about Earth's systems at


The panic on Wall Street in __________ persuaded Americans that the banking system was out of date.


The panic on Wall Street in 1907 persuaded Americans that the banking system was out of date.


The Panic of 1907 was a financial crisis that occurred in the United States in October 1907. The crisis was triggered by the failure of the Knickerbocker Trust Company, a New York trust company, which set off a chain reaction of bank failures and temporarily closed the New York Stock Exchange. The Panic of 1907 convinced many Americans that the banking system was outdated and needed reform. This led to the creation of the Federal Reserve System in 1913, which aimed to provide a more stable and flexible monetary system in the United States.

Therefore the answer is B. 1907.

one of the unintended consequences of the social security act block grant system authorized in 1974 was:


One of the unintended consequences of the Social Security Act block grant system authorized in 1974 was the creation of funding disparities among states and communities.

The block grant system aimed to provide financial support for various social welfare programs by allocating a fixed amount of funds to states based on their needs. However, since the allocation process relied on states' estimations and sometimes outdated population data, some states received more funds than necessary, while others faced shortages. As a result, certain communities experienced inadequate resources and services, negatively impacting vulnerable populations who relied on these programs for assistance. This consequence highlights the importance of regularly updating demographic data and reassessing the allocation process to ensure a more equitable distribution of social security funds. In summary, the block grant system introduced in 1974 inadvertently led to funding disparities, affecting the efficiency and effectiveness of social welfare programs in some regions.

For more information on demographic see:


the ancient cities of london, rome, and alexandria all share what common feature that encouraged settlement and urban growth?


The ancient cities of London, Rome, and Alexandria all share the common feature of being located on major rivers, which encouraged settlement and urban growth.

London: The city of London is situated on the River Thames, which provided a natural transportation route for goods and people. The river allowed for trade, commerce, and communication, enabling the growth of the city as a major economic and cultural center.

Rome: Rome is located on the banks of the Tiber River, which served as a crucial waterway for transportation and trade. The river facilitated the movement of goods, people, and ideas, and played a significant role in the expansion and prosperity of the city during the ancient Roman civilization.

The presence of these major rivers and access to water transportation provided these ancient cities with key advantages, such as trade opportunities, urban growth, access to resources, and communication networks, which encouraged settlement and urban growth over time. These rivers played a vital role in the development of these ancient cities and their significance as important cultural, economic, and political hubs in their respective regions.

To learn more about urban growth, visit here


The common feature that encouraged settlement and urban growth in the ancient cities of London, Rome, and Alexandria is their strategic locations near major waterways.

The ancient cities of London, Rome, and Alexandria all share the common feature of being located along major waterways, which encouraged settlement and urban growth.

The River Thames in London, the Tiber River in Rome, and the Nile River in Alexandria provided access to water for drinking, irrigation, and transportation, as well as opportunities for trade and commerce.

This made the cities desirable places to live and led to the development of urban centers that played important roles in the history of their respective civilizations.

These waterways provided easy access to trade, transportation, and resources, which were essential for the development and expansion of these cities.

Visit here to learn more about Ancient Cities:


Which leader was the first Black woman to earn a bachelor's degree and was the founder of the National Association of Colored Women?
A. Anna J. Cooper
B. Mary Church Terrell
C. Harriet Tubman
D. Ida B. Wells​


Option (b), Mary Church Terrell, who founded the National Association of Colored Women, was the first Black woman to receive a bachelor's degree.

What has Mary Church Terrell gained the greatest notoriety for?

Mary Church Terrell was one of the first black female college graduates in the United States. She graduated with a Master's degree in 1888 after receiving her Bachelor of Arts in Classics from Oberlin College.

She is best known for the novels "What it Means to be Colored in the Capital of the United States" and "A Colored Woman in a White World." After Mary Church Terrell participated in a successful lawsuit in 1950, restaurants in the Washington, DC, area were forced to desegregate.

Mary Church Terrell (1863–1954), who was a founding member of both the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and the National Association of Colored Women, created the latter organization and waged a lifelong, aggressive battle against lynching and segregation. Her phrase, "Lifting As We Climb," became the association's catchphrase, and she became a well-known national figure.

Learn more about Mary Church Terrell:


The Constitution grants Congress the power to make treaties with other
countries. This provision was written to address which problem?

Foreign governments purchasing huge amounts of public land in many

State banks giving foreign companies better loans than American

European currencies becoming significantly more valuable than American

Individual states conducting diplomacy without consulting the national


I think the answer is individual states conducting diplomacy without consulting the national government.

Compare American expansion in Oregon Territory to expansion in the Southwest during
the Polk Administration.
(3-4 sentences)


Despite the more extreme demands of his own supporters, Polk consented to a border at the 49th parallel, granting the United States authority over the Columbia River as well as the present states of Oregon, Idaho, and Washington.

Why did northerners like the Oregon Territory expansion in the 1840s more than the areas ruled by Mexico?

Many in the north backed American authority over Oregon because the ports in the Pacific Northwest would act as entrance points for trade with Asia. Southerners felt that northerners would not oppose plans for growth towards the southwest in exchange for their support of development towards the northwest.

How did the Southwest, Oregon, and Texas join the rest of the country?

Significant change is usually brought about by conflict. Through a conflict with Mexico and diplomatic negotiations with Great Britain, the United States was able to take control of Texas, Oregon, California, Utah, and the remainder of the Southwest.

Learn more about Oregon Territory expansion:


the confederacy's primary mechanism for generating revenue during the civil war was to:


The Confederacy's primary mechanism for generating revenue during the Civil War was to issue paper money, collect taxes, and implement tariffs on imported goods.

The American Civil War (April 12, 1861 – May 26, 1865; also known by other names) was a civil war in the United States. It was fought between the Union and the Confederacy ("the South"), the latter formed by states that had seceded. The central cause of the war was the dispute over whether slavery would be permitted to expand into the western territories, leading to more slave states, or be prevented from doing so, which was widely believed would place slavery on a course of ultimate extinction. Decades of political controversy over slavery were brought to a head by the victory in the 1860 U.S. presidential election of Abraham Lincoln, who opposed slavery's expansion into the western territories. An initial seven southern slave states responded to Lincoln's victory by seceding from the United States and, in February 1861, forming the Confederacy. The Confederacy seized U.S. forts and other federal assets within their borders. Led by Confederate President Jefferson Davis, the Confederacy asserted control over about a third of the U.S. population in eleven of the 34 U.S. states that then existed. Four years of intense combat, mostly in the South, ensued.

Learn more about Civil War here:


The Confederacy's primary mechanism for generating revenue during the Civil War was to rely heavily on taxation and borrowing.

The Confederate government imposed various taxes on the people, including a tax on land, slaves, and various goods such as tobacco and alcohol. They also issued war bonds to borrow money from their citizens and foreign investors, promising to repay them with interest after the war.

However, these measures were not enough to cover the costs of the war, and the Confederacy resorted to printing paper money, which led to inflation and a decline in the value of their currency. They also attempted to seize property from Union sympathizers and use it for their own purposes, but this was not a significant source of revenue.

Ultimately, the Confederacy's efforts to generate revenue were inadequate and contributed to their eventual defeat in the Civil War.

For more question on Civil War


How were traders able to reach the markets of Axum?


Answer: Traders could reach the markets of Axum by the seaports it lay close to along the Red Sea. Axum was a crucial trading center that linked the Indian Ocean with the Mediterranean Sea: goods traveling from one way to the other would need to get across the land bridge linking African and Asia.


What is the time perid (years) that historians have labeled as the second industrial revolution?


The time period that historians have tagged as the second industrial revolution is typically believed to be from the mid-19th century to the early 20th century.

During this period, there were important technical improvements and creations that converted industrial exhibitions and had a significant impact on international scrimping, like the opening of the Bessemer process for steel production, etc.

These changes led to improved productivity, higher norms of living, and effective social and financial changes across the world. The development of the internal combustion engine, the growth of railways and telecommunications, and the rise of mass production strategies in factories were also some inventions.

To learn more about the Industrial Revolution


What was the impact of global depression on Japan?
A. It encouraged Japanese expansion and the invasion of Chinese territories.
• B. It decreased production, requiring more exports and trade agreements.
• C. It caused the government to create an alliance with the Communists.
D. It forced peasants to give up their land yto warlords.


The impact of the global depression on Japan encouraged Japanese expansion and the invasion of Chinese territories. So, option (A) is correct.

Japan suffered from global depression, economically as well as politically. There was a major economic downturn beginning in 1929 and lasting throughout 1930. There was a rise in unemployment as well as a decline in industrial production resulting from the reduction in Japanese exports.

The economic downturn gave a rise to political instability, as well as unrest and struggle within the Japanese boundaries which further gave rise to the desire for conquest and expansion. Japan began its expansion and invasion of Chinese territories to acquire resources in order to revive its economy.

So, option (A) is correct.

To know more about, global depression, visit :

What was one major effect of the order President Lincoln issued in the
Now, therefore I, Abraham Lincoln, President of the United
States, by virtue of the power in me vested as Commander-
in-Chief, of the Army and Navy of the United States in time
of actual armed rebellion against the authority and
government of the United States... I do order and declare
that all persons held as slaves within [the Confederacy]...
are, and henceforward shall be free; and that the Executive
government of the United States, including the military and
naval authorities thereof, will recognize and maintain the
freedom of said persons.
A. Thousands of enslaved people fled from Union territories to the
B. Support for the Union war effort became more popular in the
C. The Confederacy lost support from potential European allies.
D. Most of the border states left the Union and joined the


Answer:  C. The Confederacy lost support from potential European allies.

Explanation: President Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation, which declared that all persons held as slaves within the Confederacy would be free, had an impact on international relations during the American Civil War.  The proclamation aimed to weaken the Confederacy's support and legitimacy, especially in the eyes of European countries that had abolished slavery.

By making slavery a central issue in the war, the Emancipation Proclamation put pressure on European nations to reconsider their support for the Confederacy.  Many European countries, such as Britain and France, had already abolished slavery and viewed it as a moral issue.  The proclamation further solidified the Union's position as the side fighting for freedom and equality.

The Confederacy's dependence on slavery as an economic institution and the Emancipation Proclamation's condemnation of slavery made it difficult for potential European allies to openly support the Confederacy without facing criticism for backing a pro-slavery cause.  This loss of support weakened the Confederacy's diplomatic standing and limited its ability to gain international recognition or assistance.

Learn more about the Emancipation Proclamation:

in the early 1900s, the cultural influence between japan and western nations went both ways, as seen by the popularity of


In the early 1900s, the cultural influence between Japan and Western nations was a two-way street, as evidenced by the popularity of Japanese art and aesthetics in the West.

And the adoption of Western-style clothing and customs in Japan. This cultural exchange was a result of increased globalization and international trade, as well as a growing interest in the exotic and unfamiliar. As a result, Japanese art and design, such as ukiyo-e prints and kimono textiles, became highly sought after in Western nations, while Western fashion and lifestyle trends, such as the use of suits and ties and the consumption of coffee and tea, became popular in Japan. This exchange of cultural influence helped to shape the modern world and continues to impact our global society today. This mutual exchange of ideas and styles greatly impacted both cultures and their development.

To know more about development refer :


What is the purpose of the European Union?



Here are the purposes and goals of the European Union


The aims of the European Union within its borders are: promote peace, its values and the well-being of its citizens. offer freedom, security and justice without internal borders, while also taking appropriate measures at its external borders to regulate asylum and immigration and prevent and combat crime.

largest group and made the least money


The largest group that seem to make the least money were the C. Unskilled workers.

Why was this the case ?

Unskilled workers typically earn lower wages than skilled workers, who have more training, experience, and specialized skills.

While there is no one-size-fits-all definition of an unskilled worker, they generally have fewer opportunities for advancement and earn lower wages than skilled workers. Many unskilled workers may also experience job insecurity, as their jobs may be more susceptible to automation or outsourcing.

Find out more on unskilled workers at


The full question is:

Which was the largest group and made the least money?

A. Skilled workers

B. Managers

C. Unskilled workers

D. Owners

Select all that apply.

Today, many languages have the following in common:

They came from nomadic pastoral people.

Old languages developed and evolved into new languages.

They have many cognates in common

One-third of the world's language come from a single language family,

They developed in tidal waves.





* Old languages developed and evolved into new languages.

* They have many cognates in common.

* -third of the world's language come from a single language family.


As discussed in the chapter's "Continuity and Change" section, in Henri Testelin's Jean-Baptiste Colbert Presenting the Members of the Royal Academy of Science to Louis XIV, why does Louis look out of place amid the scientific dignitaries and instruments?
A. He looks bewildered by the instruments
B. He is the image of ostentatious excess
C. He is much shorter than the scientists
D. He is rendered obsolete by the scientists


In Henri Testelin's painting "Jean-Baptiste Colbert Presenting the Members of the Royal Academy of Science to Louis XIV," Louis XIV, as the king, may be depicted in a way that contrasts with the scientific dignitaries and instruments.

Louis XIV was known for his lavish and extravagant lifestyle, often portrayed in art as a symbol of opulence and excess. In the context of the painting, Louis XIV's opulent appearance could make him stand out or look out of place among the more scholarly and scientific figures who may be portrayed as more serious and focused on their work.

In the painting, Louis XIV may be depicted in luxurious or extravagant attire, adorned with jewels, and surrounded by opulent elements such as ornate furniture, sumptuous fabrics, or expensive decorations. This depiction may create a visual contrast with the scientific dignitaries and instruments, who are likely shown in more modest and utilitarian attire, focused on their work with the scientific instruments.

To learn more about Louis XIV, visit here


Louis XIV looks out of place amid the scientific dignitaries and instruments because he is depicted as the image of ostentatious excess. The correct answer is B.

This can be seen in his elaborate and ornate clothing, as well as his grandiose posture and expression.

In contrast, the scientific dignitaries are depicted in more modest and practical attire, and are shown engaged in activities related to their field, such as examining scientific instruments and conducting experiments.

This contrast highlights the tension between the traditional values of the monarchy, which emphasized grandeur and excess, and the emerging values of the Enlightenment, which emphasized reason, science, and practicality.

Therefore, the correct answer is B.

For more question on ostentatious


Which of these statements are facts about Jefferson DeBlanc? Check all that apply.

He was a Marine Corps fighter pilot.

He was shot down over the Solomon Islands.

He died at the end of World War II.

He became a math and physics teacher.

He was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor.

If your not at least 80% sure don’t answer I already failed the first test


The following statements are facts about Jefferson DeBlanc:

He was a Marine Corps fighter pilot.

He was shot down over the Solomon Islands.

He was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor.

During World War II, Jefferson DeBlanc served as a fighter pilot for the US Marine Corps. For his actions during the Battle of the Coral Sea in May 1942, he received the Medal of Honor. As a member of a Marine squadron, DeBlanc piloted a Douglas SBD Dauntless dive bomber that attacked and destroyed a Japanese aircraft carrier. DeBlanc managed to fly on despite suffering serious injuries and losing his gunner, returning his damaged plane to base.

DeBlanc was shot down over the Solomon Islands later in the conflict and saved by a U.S. Navy submarine. He kept on flying combat missions until he suffered another injury, at which point he left to train new pilots in the United States. DeBlanc worked as a nurse following the war.

To know more Marine Corps here


the impacts of pseudoscientific ideas of race on the Jewish nation during the period 1933 to 1946 background


During the period of 1933 to 1946, the pseudoscientific ideas of race, particularly those espoused by Nazi Germany, had a significant impact on the Jewish nation. These ideas were based on the concept of a supposed racial hierarchy, with the "Aryan" race at the top and Jews, along with other groups, considered inferior and undesirable.

The Nazi regime used these ideas to justify their persecution and ultimately genocide of the Jewish people, which became known as the Holocaust. The Nazis believed that Jews were a threat to the supposed purity and strength of the Aryan race and used propaganda to spread anti-Semitic beliefs among the German population.

These pseudoscientific ideas also impacted the international community's response to the plight of the Jewish people. Many countries, including the United States, Canada, and Australia, implemented immigration policies that limited the number of Jewish refugees allowed into their countries, in part due to the belief that their presence could threaten the racial purity of these nations.

The impact of these pseudoscientific ideas on the Jewish nation was devastating, with millions of Jews being targeted, persecuted, and ultimately murdered in the Holocaust. The legacy of this period continues to be felt today, with ongoing efforts to combat anti-Semitism and promote tolerance and understanding among different groups.

Britain wanted control over the
because it was the shortest naval route between



It is difficult to answer this question without additional context, as there are several potential answers depending on the specific location being referred to. However, in general, Britain sought control over strategic naval routes and ports around the world in order to maintain its global power and protect its economic and strategic interests. The shortest naval routes between Britain and various regions around the world were often of particular importance, as they allowed for faster and more efficient transportation of goods, troops, and information. For example, during the 19th and early 20th centuries, Britain sought control over the Suez Canal in Egypt and the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa as key strategic points along the sea route to India and its other colonies in Asia. Similarly, Britain sought control over key ports in the Caribbean and the Pacific in order to protect its interests in those regions.

Members of a leftist coalition that overthrew the Nicaraguan dictatorship of Anastasia Somoza in 1979 and attempted to install a socialist economy. The United States financed armed opposition by the Contras. The Sandinistas lost national elections in 1990 Select one: True False.


True. The leftist coalition that overthrew the Nicaraguan dictatorship of Anastasio Somoza in 1979 was called the Sandinistas, named after Augusto César Sandino, a revolutionary who fought against the US occupation of Nicaragua in the 1920s and 1930s.

After taking power, the Sandinistas attempted to install a socialist economy and establish close ties with Cuba and the Soviet Union, which led to the United States financing armed opposition by the Contras, a right-wing paramilitary group. The Contras were accused of human rights violations and were widely criticized by the international community. In 1990, the Sandinistas lost national elections to a coalition of opposition parties, and they subsequently accepted the outcome of the election and peacefully handed over power.

To learn more about coalition visit;


The given statement is "Members of a leftist coalition that overthrew the Nicaraguan dictatorship of Anastasia Somoza in 1979 and attempted to install a socialist economy. The United States financed armed opposition by the Contras. The Sandinistas lost national elections in 1990 is True (because the Sandinistas, a leftist coalition led by Daniel Ortega, overthrew the dictatorship of Anastasio Somoza in 1979 and attempted to install a socialist economy in Nicaragua).

However, their efforts were met with opposition from the United States, who financed armed opposition by the Contras. The Contras carried out a campaign of violence and destabilization in Nicaragua throughout the 1980s, with the support of the US government.

Despite this opposition, the Sandinistas were able to maintain power until they lost national elections in 1990 to a coalition of right-wing parties. The Sandinistas have since returned to power in Nicaragua, with Ortega serving as president since 2007. The legacy of the Sandinista revolution and the Contra war continues to shape political and social dynamics in Nicaragua today.

For more question on socialist economy


How did the reality of German reunification fail to live up to the visions activists had had for it?


The reality of German reunification failed to live up to the visions that many activists had in a number of ways, such as economic disparity, political and social integration, as well as cultural differences.

Economic disparity - The economic disparity between  East and West Germany was one of the major struggles that Germany faced after reunification. East Germany had outdated industries as well as infrastructure due to years of socialist planning. East Germans faced difficulty in adapting to the new capitalist system and were feeling left out as they were unable to cope with rapid changes leading to unemployment.Political and social integration - The political and social integration of East and West Germans was yet another major issue. East Germans had a feeling of being second-class citizens in New Germany even after consistent efforts to advance reconciliation.Cultural Differences - Major cultural differences surface during the reunification process. East and West Germans were used to a completely different set of cultural norms and values. East Germans felt that their unique identity was in danger.

To know more about, German reunification, visit :

Explain the various causes and consequences of mass atrocities in the period from 1900 to the present.


Various causes and consequences of mass atrocities from 1900 to the present include factors such as political ideologies, economic disparities, and social tensions. These causes often lead to consequences like loss of life, forced migration, and long-lasting psychological impacts on survivors.

Political ideologies like fascism, communism, and nationalism have contributed to mass atrocities, including the Holocaust, the Armenian Genocide, and the Rwandan Genocide. Economic disparities can also fuel mass atrocities, as competition for resources and wealth exacerbates tensions between different social or ethnic groups. Examples include the Cambodian Genocide under the Khmer Rouge and the Nigerian Civil War. Social tensions, such as religious or ethnic differences, can escalate into mass atrocities when discrimination and marginalization lead to violence. Instances of this include the Bosnian Genocide and the ongoing Rohingya crisis in Myanmar. Consequences of mass atrocities are widespread and long-lasting. They often result in significant loss of life, traumatizing survivors and destroying communities.

Learn more about atrocities here:


Nativism was a reaction to the massive influx of immigrants at the turn of the 20th century. What groups, ideas, laws, and agreements grew out of this movement?


Nativism led to the growth of groups such as the Ku Klux Klan, ideas like eugenics, laws like the Immigration Act of 1924, and agreements like the Gentleman's Agreement.

The Ku Klux Klan was a white supremacist organization that advocated for racial purity and targeted immigrants, particularly Catholics and Jews. Eugenics promoted the idea of selective breeding to improve the genetic quality of the population and was used to justify immigration restrictions.

The Immigration Act of 1924 set quotas for immigration based on national origin and effectively barred many Southern and Eastern Europeans from entering the United States. The Gentleman's Agreement was an informal agreement between the United States and Japan to limit Japanese immigration in exchange for Japan's agreement to prevent further emigration to the United States.

To learn more about Immigration follow the link:


In his letter, de Medici notes that the de Medici family "ought to esteem ourselves highly favored by Providence. For the many honors and benefits bestowed upon our house…" How does he suggest to his son that these honors may be repaid?


De Medici suggests to his son that these honors and benefits bestowed upon their house may be repaid by striving to live an exemplary life, in the service of God, and in the service of their country.

He encourages his son to strive for excellence in all areas of his life, to learn from the teachings of the Church, to revere the laws of God and the Pope, to practice justice, and to show kindness and compassion to others.

He also encourages his son to foster a spirit of gratefulness and humility in the face of such honors and to not become prideful, as such pride can lead to the downfall of their house. He suggests that such a life, lived in service and humility, is a worthy repayment of the honors bestowed upon them by Providence.

To know more about De Medici, click here:


What is the response of the Allied Powers after Hitler marches in Austria?
A. Economic sanctions
B. Nothing
C. Declaration of war
D. Led a coup’d etat


The Allied Powers after Hitler marched into Austria in 1938 was option B: Nothing. This event is commonly known as the Anschluss, which refers to the annexation of Austria by Nazi Germany.

Following the end of World War I and the signing of the Treaty of Versailles, Austria had been prohibited from uniting with Germany. However, Hitler's Nazi regime disregarded this provision and aimed to incorporate Austria into the expanding German Reich. Hitler's annexation of Austria was met with little resistance from the international community, particularly the Allied Powers.

At that time, the Allied Powers, including the United Kingdom, France, and the Soviet Union, did not respond with economic sanctions, a declaration of war, or a coup d'état. Instead, they largely chose to adopt a policy of appeasement towards Hitler's aggressive actions. This approach aimed to avoid conflict and maintain peace by acquiescing to Hitler's demands, in the hopes that it would satisfy his territorial ambitions.

It was not until subsequent aggressive actions by Hitler, such as the invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1939, that the Allied Powers began to take a firmer stance against Nazi Germany. The invasion of Austria was a significant precursor to the subsequent actions of Hitler and set the stage for the events that would ultimately lead to the outbreak of World War II. Therefore the correct option is B

Know more about Treaty of Versailles here:


in what way did the united kingdom france and the soviet union deal with germany similarly in the years before world war 11?
help me pls?


The united kingdom France and the soviet union deal with Germany similarly in the years before world war 11 They tried to avoid war with Germany by agreeing to some of its demands.

What were the differences between Soviet and US policy toward Germany at the end of World War Two?

Stalin, however, wished to undermine the German economy in order to prevent Germany from ever regaining its former glory. The Western Allies, on the other hand, desired that Germany be powerful enough to contribute to international trade.

Which region of Germany did the US, UK, and France dominate following World War II?

Berlin was divided into occupation zones as well; the Soviets were in charge of the eastern part, while the US, UK, and France were in charge of the western part.

To Know more about  international trade.


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