write a letter to your friend in another school telling him/her about a sports competition held in your area​


Answer 1




Dear (name of friend),

These past couple of days have been amazing for me, I participated in a basketball competition! I entered my team last minute and we still won! I went and saw some of the greatest players in our area, I wish you were there, it would've been so much more fun. The score was 48-29. It was fairly easy, but the opposing team got better near the end. There were other teams we played against, and we easily won. How is everything at (name of school)? Is it better there? Tell me all about it and write back!


                        (your name)

Related Questions

Which image appears in both stories?
animals with yellow eyes
animals enclosed in areas
the moon high in the sky
sprawling green pastures



I think this a lisining exam yeah ?

I think the correct answer is :animals with yellow eyes

Because I see this Quetion before I um not sure

The design principle that varies font size or font type or color is ?

a) Contrast
b) Repetition
c) Alignment
d) Proximity


One of the simpler aspects of graphic design to comprehend is proportion. It is, to put it simply, the relationship between the sizes of the elements.

What design rule is applied when different sizes change?

One of the simpler aspects of graphic design to comprehend is proportion. It is, to put it simply, the relationship between the sizes of the elements. A design's importance and lack thereof are communicated through proportion. The importance of larger parts is greater than that of smaller ones.

What exactly is the design emphasis principle?

The element in a design that attracts the viewer's attention is the emphasis. Typically, the artist will use contrast to highlight certain elements in their work. There could be variations in the area's size, color, texture, form, etc. The way is movement.

To know more about design principle visit:



You have been given 25+ points to answer this. Please write your answer at 2 sentences.

1. You know that your best friend is struggling in one of your subjects. As a result, his grades did not qualify him to be an awardee that made him feel discouraged to do his best. How would you motivate him?
2. Just as the Church is a sacrament, we, the members of the Church, are called to be instruments of Jesus’ presence in the world. How could you become an instrument of Jesus’ presence in the world? Cite at least 2 ways and explain them.
3. Reaching out to the members of our community brings many wonderful blessings. How could you be a blessing to the members of the community where you belong? Cite at least 2 ways and explain them.
4. How could you help the leaders of the Church to remain faithful to their mission? Cite at least 2 ways and explain them.


I would motivate my friend by reminding him that grades don't define him and that he should focus on learning and understanding the subject. I would offer to help him study and find resources that could aid him in his learning process.

What is the motivation  about?

One way to become an instrument of Jesus' presence in the world is by showing love and compassion to those around us. Another way is by living a life that reflects Jesus' teachings and being a positive influence on others.

To be a blessing to the members of my community, I could volunteer at a local charity or organization, or organize a community service project to help those in need. I could also make an effort to connect with and befriend members of the community who may feel isolated or marginalized.

Therefore, To help the leaders of the Church remain faithful to their mission, I could offer my support and encouragement to them, and pray for them regularly. I could also hold them accountable to their responsibilities and help them stay grounded in their faith and values.

Learn more about motivation on:



Why does the author include the detail in paragraph 7 about the woman who misdirected them?


The author includes the detail in paragraph 7 about the woman who misdirected them to illustrate the difficulty of their journey.

What is author?

An author is someone who creates or writes a literary work. This work can be anything from a novel, a poem, a play, an essay, or even a song. Authors often use their own experiences, observations, and imaginations to create stories that capture the attention of their readers. This process involves a great deal of creativity and often requires a lot of research. Writing has the potential to make an impact on individuals and society as a whole, and authors can have a powerful influence on their readers. Authors are the creators of stories that can make people laugh, cry, think, and reflect.

By highlighting how they were misdirected by a woman who seemed helpful but gave them bad information, the author is demonstrating the struggles they faced in trying to reach their destination. This detail serves to emphasize the difficulty of the journey and how it tested their resilience.

To learn more about author




Please look at picture attached


We can identify the different types of phrases in the sentences by looking at their functions as gerunds, appositives, participles or infinitives.

To provide a good life for his family - infinitive phrase, functions as a noun (object).Standing quietly on the beach - participial phrase, functions as an adjective modifying "he."Diving for pearls - gerund phrase, functions as a noun (subject).Kino's only real possession - appositive phrase, functions as adjective modifying "canoe."Frightened by the approaching men - participial phrase, functions as an adjective modifying "Juana."

Types of phrases

A participial phrase is a phrase that includes a verb in the present or past participle form and functions as an adjective. For example, "The dog, barking loudly, chased the cat." An infinitive phrase is a phrase that includes an infinitive verb preceded by "to" and can function as a noun, adjective, or adverb. For example, "To finish the race is my goal."

A gerund phrase is a phrase that includes a gerund verb (-ing) and functions as a noun. For example, "Swimming is my favorite hobby." An appositive phrase is a phrase that renames or explains a noun and is set off by commas. For example, "My friend, the doctor, helped me with my injury."

With that in mind, we can conclude we have correctly answered this question.

Learn more about infinitive phrases here:



how can you motivate action in the closing of your cover letter? check all that apply. avoid suggesting reader benefits supply your phone number and the best times to call you ask for the job avoid wishy-washy expressions like i hope


The closing of a cover letter is just as important as the opening, as it determines the action the reader will take after reading it. To motivate action in the closing of your cover letter, you should ask for the job, supply your phone number and the best times to call you, and avoid wishy-washy expressions like "I hope."

This option is incorrect : Avoid suggesting reader benefits, Supply your phone number and the best times to call you, Ask for the job, and avoid wishy-washy expressions like "I hope."

Suggesting reader benefits can make your cover letter more attractive and effective, but it does not motivate the reader to take any specific action. Supplying your phone number and the best times to call you in your closing statement shows that you are available and interested in the position, and it encourages the employer to take action.

The whole purpose of a cover letter is to get the job, so it's essential to ask for it in the closing statement. This shows that you are confident in your skills and that you want to work for the company. Avoid wishy-washy expressions like  Wishy-washy expressions like "I hope" are passive and do not show confidence. They also do not motivate the reader to take any action.

Therefore, to motivate action in the closing of your cover letter, you should ask for the job, supply your phone number and the best times to call you, and avoid wishy-washy expressions like "I hope."

know more about cover letter here



please it's for tomorrow;)

III - WRITTEN EXPRESSION (20 points) To conclude this homework, you will carry out a written expression work which will take the form of a poem. Here is the topic: Write a poem in free verse in which, in the manner of Verhaeren, you will propose your own vision of the modern city, with its elements, its forms, its noises... Here are the guidelines to follow 1- Describe, in your poem, different elements of the city: buildings, streets and avenues, stores, using name expansions. Uses a variety of vocabulary. 2- Use different figures of speech in your description: at least two metaphors that you frame and a personification that you will underline. 3- Enrich your description by expressing the different noises perceived in the city. 4- Use various meters and rhyme a few verses. 5- Propose games on sounds: at least one alliteration in red and one assonance in Green. 6- Take care of the spelling and the correctness of the language. Checks subject/verb agreements as well as agreements in noun phrases (determinant-noun-qualifying adjective agreements). 7- Write a poem of thirty lines, divided into stanzas


The instructions on how to write the poem are:

Brainstorm and gather ideasOrganize your ideas into stanzasUse descriptive languageUse figurative languageIncorporate different noises:

What is the poem?

Brainstorm and gather ideas: Take some time to think about your own vision of the modern city. What elements, forms, and noises come to your mind when you think about the city? Jot down any ideas that come to you.

Organize your ideas into stanzas: Divide your poem into stanzas of approximately equal length. This will help you structure your thoughts and make your poem easier to read.

Use descriptive language: Use descriptive language to paint a vivid picture of the city. Use name expansions to describe different elements of the city, such as buildings, streets and avenues, and stores. Use a variety of vocabulary to keep your poem interesting.

Use figurative language: Use at least two metaphors and one personification in your poem. Metaphors compare two things without using "like" or "as" and can help you create vivid and unique images. Personification gives human qualities to non-human things, which can help bring your poem to life.

Incorporate different noises: Use descriptive language to express the different noises you hear in the city. This can help make your poem more immersive and sensory.

Lastly, Play with sounds: Use at least one alliteration and one assonance in your poem. Alliteration is the repetition of the same sound at the beginning of multiple words in a sentence or phrase. Assonance is the repetition of vowel sounds in a sentence or phrase.

Learn more about poem on:



2. OBITUARY Your cousin with whom you were close, has passed away due to Covid 19, this person was a breadwinner in his/her family.​



An obituary is a written announcement sharing the news that someone passed away. This announcement not only shares the birth and death date,


Q1. That feels amazing. Bah!,phew!,yeah!,ahh!





Rewrite the ending of Frankenstein. The Creature tells us he will set fire to
himself, but we don't know if this is truly what happened, because he floated away
on ice. Start the story from the moment The Monster floats away from Walton's ship.
This option needs to include a minimum of 12 sentences. Don't tell me what
happened, show me by writing a story. Write as if you are Mary Shelley herself. You
will write this using The Creature's perspective.


The reader is free to infer their own conclusions about the characters' destiny from Mary Shelley's Frankenstein's ambiguous and open-ended finale.

Walton leaves for England after the horrific events he witnessed—the deaths of Victor Frankenstein and his creation—disillusioned and profoundly impacted. He thinks on the perils of ambition and the results of unrestrained scientific inquiry, promising to learn from Frankenstein's errors and prevent himself from doing them.

Frankenstein's last scene can be read in a variety of ways, but one view is that it emphasizes the destructive power of ambition and the significance of accepting responsibility for one's deeds. It implies that the advancement of scientific knowledge and progress must be balanced with moral considerations and a feeling of moral obligation in order to avoid disastrous outcomes. The conclusion also highlights the intricate connection between the creator and the created, as well as how one's actions can have a significant impact on the other. Ultimately, Shelley's cautionary tale's conclusion in Frankenstein is eerie and thought-provoking, leaving readers to mull over its more significant ramifications.

To know more about ending of Frankenstein, click on the link below:



Compose a dialogue between you and your friend talking about the problems of garbage management.​



Me: Hey, have you noticed how bad the garbage situation has been lately?

Friend: Yeah, it's been terrible. There's garbage everywhere, and it smells so bad.

Me: I know, right? It's like the government is not doing anything about it.

Friend: Exactly. I think we need to start being more conscious about our own waste too. We should try to reduce our use of single-use plastics and recycle more.

Me: That's a good point. But I feel like the government needs to take more responsibility for managing the garbage in our city. They should provide more trash bins and invest in better garbage collection systems.

Friend: Yes, I agree. We should also encourage our community to take action. We can start by organizing a community cleanup day or educating people on the importance of proper garbage disposal.

Me: That's a great idea. It's important to raise awareness about the impact of improper garbage management on our environment and health. If we work together, we can make a difference in our community and help create a cleaner and healthier environment for everyone.

Friend: Absolutely. Let's start by sharing information on social media and talking to our neighbors about the issue. We can also reach out to local authorities to let them know our concerns and ask for their support in addressing the issue.



Me: Hey, how are you doing today?

Friend: I'm good, thanks. How about you?

Me: I'm doing alright, but I've been thinking a lot about the problems we have with garbage management lately. It's really been bothering me.

Friend: Yeah, I know what you mean. It seems like we're producing more waste than ever before and it's becoming harder and harder to manage it all.

Me: Exactly. And the worst part is that a lot of the waste we produce is non-biodegradable, which means it won't break down in the environment and will just continue to pile up.

Friend: That's definitely a big problem. And it's not just about the waste itself, but also about the impact it has on the environment and the health of people who live near landfills.

Me: Yeah, I read that a lot of communities that are located near landfills or waste disposal sites suffer from health problems like respiratory issues and skin conditions. It's really concerning.

Friend: It is. But what can we do about it? It's not like we can just stop producing waste altogether.

Me: I think we need to focus on reducing our waste as much as possible, and also on properly disposing of what we do produce. That means recycling, composting, and using proper waste disposal methods.

Friend: That's a good point. And we can also try to raise awareness about the issue and encourage others to be more mindful of their waste as well.

Me: Definitely. It's going to take a collective effort to make a real change, but I think it's worth it for the health of our environment and our communities.

Friend: I agree. Thanks for bringing this up, it's an important conversation to have.


Select two details from Passage 1 that demonstrate how Queen Elizabeth uses rhetoric to motivate her troops.

"We have been persuaded by some that are careful of our safety, to take heed how we commit

ourselves to armed multitudes. "

". I do not desire to live to distrust my faithful and loving people. "

"To lay down for my God, and for my kingdom, and my people, my honour and my blood, even in


"I have the heart and stomach of a king, and of a king of England too,"

"In the mean time, my lieutenant general shall be in my stead.


The following two examples from Passage 1 show how Queen Elizabeth employs rhetoric to inspire her soldiers:

1. With the phrase "to lay down for my God, and for my realm, and for my people, my honor and my blood, even indust," Queen Elizabeth invokes feelings of responsibility and patriotism in her warriors. She makes the implication that their struggle is not just for her benefit, but also for the benefit of their God, kingdom, and people. She underscores her willingness to give everything, even her life, for their cause by saying "even in dust," which inspires them to follow suit.

2. In order to emphasize her own bravery and motivate her troops, Queen Elizabeth uses a metaphor in the phrase "have the heart and stomach of a king, and of a monarch of England too". She underlines that she is neither frightened or weak and that she is prepared to lead them into combat by comparing herself to a king. Furthermore inspiring a sense of patriotism among her warriors, the phrase "of a king of England too" encourages them to fight for their nation.

Learn more about Queen Elizabeth



A letter advicing your friend that why a noise ring is a bad idea A formal letter ​


Beloved friend, Nose rings are a horrible choice because they leave an exposed sore in the nose, which makes it vulnerable to infections brought on by dangerous bacteria and germs.

How should a letter to a friend be written?

Introduce a challenge first. What recently triggered a memory of your friend? Clearly describe your favorite joint memory. Name five things about your friend that you find admirable. Which trait of your friend do you most cherish and long for? Tell about your first encounter with your pal.

A formal letter should start here, right?

"Dear" is used in formal correspondence before the recipient's name. If you don't know the person's name, provide their department or job title. cite "To Whom It May"

To know more about formal letter visit:



Were you surprised when Dally showed up for the rumble? Why or why not?


Dally, a member of the greasers gang in the book, is a character noted for his carefree attitude and disrespect for authority. He is known for being unpredictable and frequently gets into legal trouble.

How did Dally arrive at the brawl?

The Greasers met up with the Greasers from Brumly and Tim Shephard's crew. During the fight between the Socs and Greasers, Paul Holden calls out Darry.

What does Dally think of the brawl?

Dally, who is still in the hospital, is also visited by Pony and Two-Bit. He feels like his old self and is disappointed that he won't be able to participate in the brawl that evening. When Two-Bit gives him his black-handled switchblade.

To know more about book visit:-



Answer the following question according to formal grammatical rules.

What is the antecedent for the pronoun "It" in the following passage?

The sixth-grade students liked volunteering their time to read to the elderly people in the hospital. It made them happy.

Sixth-grade students


The antecedent for the pronoun "It" in the passage is "volunteering their time to read to the elderly people in the hospital".

What is antecedent?

An antecedent is a word, phrase, or clause that is replaced by a pronoun in a sentence. It is the noun or phrase to which the pronoun refers. The antecedent can be found by looking at the pronoun in a sentence and determining what it is referring to. For example, if a sentence reads, “John went to the store and he bought some apples,” the antecedent of the pronoun “he” is the noun “John.” Antecedents are important in making sure a sentence has clarity and does not create confusion. In the example sentence, if the pronoun “he” had been replaced with “she” without changing the antecedent, it would create confusion because “John” is a male. Knowing how to properly use antecedents is an important part of grammar.

To learn more about antecedent



Talking about a subject with classmates can be considered activating prior knowledge.


The statement is True. Talking about a subject with classmates can help activate prior knowledge. It allows students to recall and share what they already know about a topic before delving deeper into the subject matter.

Through discussion and collaboration, students can connect their own experiences and ideas with those of their peers, which can help them deepen their understanding of the subject matter and generate new ideas.

Furthermore, discussions and collaboration can help students clarify any misunderstandings and identify areas where they need further clarification. Overall, discussing a subject with classmates can effectively activate prior knowledge and promote meaningful learning.

To learn more about collaboration, visit here



Figures of speech base on triumph in the face of adversity


The topic of difficulty, effort, fear, ambition, and opportunity is present in Kedibone Seku's essay Victory in the Face of Adversity.

The reader realises right away that Seku may be examining the issue of hardship in this first-person narrative written by a young adolescent girl named Thulisile. The fact that Thulisile doesn't feel regret or sorrow about the death of her father is remarkable given the fact that both of her parents have passed away. He was a violent man who assaulted Thulisile's mother. The reader also has a sneaking suspicion that Thulisile's grief over her mother's passing is motivated by the realisation that her mother never really lived up to her full potential. She was a devoted wife even if her husband battered her. Something that some reviewers could find surprising given the circumstances

Learn more about Adversity here:



Select the correct answer.
What is emphasized in both the text and the image?

the role of women in positions of authority
the accomplishments of female engineers
the importance of computers for progress
the value of electrical engineering for society


The accomplishments of female engineers is being emphasized in both the text and the image. The Option B is correct.

What is an accomplishments and progress of female engineers?

Over the past few decades, the accomplishments and progress of female engineers have been significant. Women engineers have been breaking barriers, challenging stereotypes, and making their mark in various fields of engineering. Today, more women than ever before are entering engineering programs and pursuing careers in traditionally male-dominated fields such as mechanical, civil, and electrical engineering.

They have been responsible for designing innovative solutions to complex engineering problems, leading research teams, and creating new technologies that have transformed industries. The female engineers have been instrumental in advocating for diversity and inclusivity in engineering, paving the way for future generations of women to excel in the field.

Read more about female engineers



So, if you can answer ALL of these questions, you will earn 100 points.
* On page 10, find the passage that begins, “By the end, if you are still alive, you are
breathing through a tube . . .”
Identify the metaphor Morrie uses to describe the effects this disease is having on his body.

-Why is this metaphor a powerful one?

* Morrie decides to have a “living funeral.” Do you think having a “living funeral” is beneficial for both sides (the living who will remain and the dying who will be moving on)? Explain your thoughts.

From “The Student”
* This chapter relates Mitch’s first real experience with death. He tells us about his favorite uncle who died of pancreatic cancer.
A. After Mitch’s uncle’s death, Mitch changes. How so? Be specific!

B. Would you have responded the way Mitch did if you were in his shoes? If yes, why?
If no, why not, and how would you have responded instead?

*How would Morrie feel about the Mitch who is described in this chapter, and why?

From “The Audiovisual”
*Tell at least two examples of how Morrie has physically changed since the onset of his

*Consider the meeting between Morrie and Ted Koppel, the famous newscaster who
hosts Nightline. First, discuss Morrie’s attitude toward Ted. Then, explain how his attitude toward Ted helps to illustrate how Morrie feels about what society views as important.

*How do we know that Morrie has allowed himself to grieve?

A. What does Morrie dread most at this point about failing physically?

B. Why would Mitch include this little tidbit of information?

From “The Orientation”
*When Mitch visits with Morrie (now or previously in college), they enjoy sharing meals
and conversing. Food serves as a metaphor in their relationship. In future chapters, you will see that Mitch often brings food (literally) to share with Morrie, hoping this food will physically nourish Morrie’s body and make him stronger so that he can live longer. What metaphorical “food” is Morrie providing for Mitch? (Think: For what part of Mitch
is Morrie providing this metaphorical “nourishment”?)


Answer:Morrie uses the metaphor of breathing through a tube to describe the effects the disease is having on his body. This metaphor is powerful because it creates a vivid image in the reader's mind of the struggle Morrie is facing and the loss of autonomy that comes with it.

Having a living funeral can be beneficial for both the living and the dying. For the living, it allows them to say goodbye and begin the grieving process before their loved one passes away. For the dying, it provides an opportunity to hear how much they are loved and appreciated and can bring them a sense of closure.

From "The Student"

A. After Mitch's uncle's death, he changes by becoming more aware of his own mortality and the fragility of life. He becomes more reflective and introspective, and starts to re-evaluate his priorities.

B. Answers may vary, but it's possible that some people may have responded similarly to Mitch by becoming more introspective and re-evaluating their priorities. Others may have responded differently by trying to distract themselves from their grief.

*It's not clear which Mitch is being referred to in this question.

From "The Audiovisual"

*Two examples of how Morrie has physically changed since the onset of his disease are that he has lost a significant amount of weight and has trouble walking.

*Morrie is initially dismissive of Ted Koppel, but he eventually warms up to him and becomes more open. This illustrates how Morrie feels about what society views as important because he initially dismisses Koppel, who is a famous newscaster, but becomes more open once he realizes that Koppel is genuinely interested in him as a person.

*We know that Morrie has allowed himself to grieve because he is open about his emotions and doesn't try to hide or suppress them. He talks openly about his fears and regrets, and allows himself to cry.

A. Morrie dreads the loss of his ability to care for himself and become a burden on others.

B. Mitch may have included this information to emphasize the physical toll the disease is taking on Morrie and the fear and anxiety it is causing him.

From "The Orientation"

*Morrie provides metaphorical nourishment for Mitch's soul. He helps Mitch to become more reflective and introspective, and encourages him to live a meaningful life. He serves as a mentor and role model for Mitch, and helps him to become a better person.

What can I say to you your welcome - Doctor Suess.

essay the season the bring out the best in me​


The fact that spring season falls in between winter and summer and has moderate temperatures makes it a pleasant time of year.

What should I include in my essay about my favorite season?

Since it is so sunny and gorgeous, summer is generally my favorite season. Even the fruits and vegetables that we get have brilliant colors, giving them a nice appeal. Although we get to play and relax more over the summer, kids who go to school prefer it even more. Gorgeous, sunlit, and mild summers are within reach.

Why is summer my favorite season?

We all take summer breaks from school, so we get to enjoy the lengthy vacations. The opportunity to experience ice-cold beverages and warm weather is another reason why summer is my favorite season.

To know more about season visit:



What is plagiarism?
writing a report that includes direct quotes from other writers
sharing information that you found by doing research online
using someone else’s ideas or words without giving that person credit
using other people’s ideas in your research report


It is in which other people copy or paste the ideas of someone else.It does not involve any effort like by learning or knowing about something. For avoiding

We should do what we know

We should use our own ideas

What similar attitudes about climate change do you see between Bev in “Quiet Town” and the real-life residents quoted in “The Sea Also Rises”? To what degree are they responsible for the situation they are in? To what degree are they helpless?
In 6-8 sentences.


Bev lives in a small town that has been devastated by rising sea levels brought on by climate change in "Quiet Town."

Due to rising sea levels and the effects of climate change, the actual residents portrayed in "The Sea Also Rises" face similar challenges. Bev and the real-life residents alike are having trouble accepting and overcoming the difficulties they face.

Bev and the actual residents are aware of the impact that climate change has had on their situation, and both of them are accountable for their actions. Bev has made the decision to remain in her house despite the risks it poses for the sake of her family's safety and the preservation of some sense of normalcy. The actual residents are also accountable for their choices and actions, such as choosing to remain in or leave the climate-change-prone regions.

Bev and the actual residents, on the other hand, are in some ways helpless as well. They are powerless to undo the damage caused by climate change, which they cannot control. In addition, they lack the resources necessary to deal with the situation and must rely on the assistance of others to make the most of it. In the end, Bev and the actual residents face similar challenges as a result of climate change, and they are both responsible and helpless in different ways.

Learn more about climate change:




Can you give me a lot of quotations and plot points from Romeo and Juliet that match with Sleeping vs. Waking. Pls tell me what act and scene they are from. PLS HELP AND HURRY! I NEED THIS TODAY LIKE RIGHT NOW!



Romeo and Juliet appears to convey the idea that human beings do not determine their own destiny. There are several references to "fate" as well as the power of the "stars" in the play, beginning with the prologue, even before the action of the play begins. The Chorus explains that the young lovers are produced by their parents' "fatal loins" and are "star-crossed", doomed to die even before they meet.



Sure, here are some quotations and plot points from Romeo and Juliet that match with Sleeping vs. Waking, along with their act and scene:

Act 1, Scene 1:

"Ay, me! sad hours seem long" - Romeo talks about how he is unable to sleep and is tormented by his love for Rosaline.

Act 1, Scene 4:

"I dreamt a dream tonight" - Mercutio talks about his dream and how it relates to their upcoming evening.

Act 2, Scene 1:

"Can I go forward when my heart is here? Turn back, dull earth, and find thy centre out." - Romeo talks about how he is unable to leave Juliet's balcony even though he knows he should go.

Act 2, Scene 2:

"O, I am fortune's fool!" - Romeo realizes that he has made a mistake in killing Tybalt and laments his fate.

Act 3, Scene 1:

"And, in this rage, with some great kinsman's bone, as with a club, dash out my desperate brains?" - Romeo talks about how he is so tormented by his love for Juliet that he is willing to kill himself rather than live without her.

Act 4, Scene 1:

"Is it e'en so? Then I defy you, stars!" - Romeo decides to take control of his own fate and confronts the stars that have brought so much pain into his life.

Act 5, Scene 1:

"I dreamt my lady came and found me dead." - Romeo has a premonition of his own death and believes that it is a bad omen.

Act 5, Scene 3:

"O happy dagger! This is thy sheath; there rust and let me die." - Juliet decides to take control of her own fate and kill herself rather than live without Romeo.


The sit-in movement commonlot

2. How does the description of how the protesters
were treated contribute to the main idea of the
A lthighlights the bravery and courage of the
B. It details the protestors' motivation for getting
C. It describes why the whites physically attacked
the protestors.
D. It shows why the protests were such a
controversial part of the Civil Rights movement.





it highlights the bravery and courage of the

How does the sentence, "Playing video games on every platform, from large computer displays to handheld devices or even cell phones, improves thinking skills, reaction time, and hand-eye coordination," function to strengthen the argument?

A) It gives detailed support for one important part of the argument by giving statistical support.
B) It gives the reader an opposing viewpoint about video games so they can better understand the argument.
C) It establishes the main points of the argument that the writer will develop over the rest of the passage.
D) This sentence does not strengthen the argument at all, as it does not have anything to do with the rest of the passage.



The sentence "Playing video games on every platform, from large computer displays to handheld devices or even cell phones, improves thinking skills, reaction time, and hand-eye coordination," functions to strengthen the argument by providing evidence to support the claim that playing video games can have positive effects on cognitive abilities. Specifically, it highlights the variety of platforms on which video games can be played and suggests that the benefits of playing extend beyond just one type of device. This helps to reinforce the argument that video games can have a wide range of positive effects on cognitive function. Therefore, the correct answer is A) It gives detailed support for one important part of the argument by giving statistical support.

If something is absolute it is defined or without question. How do you describe absolute silence?


Absolute silence is a state in which there is a complete absence of any sound or noise. It is a condition in which no sound waves are detected by the human ear or any other listening device.

Absolute silence is a rare occurrence in our noisy world, as there are always some ambient sounds present, such as the hum of electrical appliances or the rustling of leaves in the wind. However, in situations where absolute silence is necessary, such as in recording studios, anechoic chambers, or during moments of reflection and meditation, it can be a powerful and profound experience that allows us to focus on our thoughts and inner selves.

For such more question on silence



Why does Mr. Pirzada begin coming to Lilia's house? Why does Mr. Pirzada begin coming to Lilia's house?


Mr. Pirzada begins coming to Lilia's house because he is a friend of her parents and has recently moved to their neighborhood.

Where is he from?

He is originally from Dacca, in what was then East Pakistan (now Bangladesh), and is in the United States studying microbiology. Lilia's parents are originally from India and they share a common cultural background with Mr. Pirzada.

Initially, Mr. Pirzada visits Lilia's family to share news from their homeland and to discuss their shared cultural heritage. He also brings Lilia and her family treats, such as Indian candies and a special type of pomegranate that he believes will protect them from harm.

Overall, Mr. Pirzada's visits to Lilia's house serve to highlight the connections between different cultures and the ways in which people from different backgrounds can come together and form meaningful relationships.

Read more about Mr. Pirzada here:



"The Days Gone By"

O the days gone by! O the days gone by!
The apples in the orchard, and the pathway through the rye;
The chirrup of the robin, and the whistle of the quail
As he piped across the meadows sweet as any nightingale;
When the bloom was on the clover, and the blue was in the sky,
And my happy heart brimmed over in the days gone by.

Which figurative language device is present in the bolded words? The bolded words are quail



The figurative language device present in the bolded words is onomatopoeia. Onomatopoeia refers to the use of words that imitate the sounds they describe. In this case, "chirrup" and "whistle" are examples of onomatopoeia because they imitate the sounds made by the robin and the quail.
The figurative language device present in the bolded words "chirrup" and "whistle" is onomatopoeia. Onomatopoeia is the use of words that imitate the sounds associated with the objects or actions they refer to, and in this case, the words are used to imitate the sounds of the robin and the quail.

Susan has already bought asome books (into negative)



short answer



Susan did not buy some books

where does malinda stand with her friends in 3 marking period


It is impossible to answer this question without knowing more details about Malinda and her friends.

Malinda's standing with her friends in any given marking period can be influenced by a variety of factors, including the quality of communication between them, their level of trust, the amount of time they spend together, their willingness to compromise, their ability to resolve conflicts, and the extent to which they demonstrate respect for one another.

Malinda's friendships may also be impacted by the amount of effort she puts into maintaining the relationship and how well she meets the needs of her friends. Finally, Malinda's standing with her friends may be shaped by the shared values, interests, and goals that they have in common.

To learn more about Malinda link is here:



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