Write a personal narrative about a hero in your life. The story should tell about an experience that shows why this person is a hero to you 50 POINTS pls need this nowwww!!!!!!!


Answer 1

Here is a personal experience of someone who is not me. Feel free to read throughout.


Answer: Hero in my life is my grandfather


There were no other information about the form of the essay except that it should be a personal story. So I wrote a personal essay with standard 500 words.

The essay:

Throughout life we know, meet and admire many people.

Still, there is always a special person that represents the hero to whom we look up to. When people mention the word “hero”, the first thing that pops into our heads is a person with a cape and superpowers, but we should be aware that not all of the heroes wear capes! Such a hero is my grandfather…

My grandfather was an infant boy who was a very sickly child.

At the age of 6, he was already hospitalized several times because of his poor health. When he had finished primary and high school, he started working as a mailman in the small town, but he was soon recruited to fight in wars. During the military training, he proved himself to be quite capable of becoming a pilot which he did. By the age of 18, he already had his flight hours!

Still, because of his health problems, he was denied further flight activities so he had to return to his little town. Without any money and job opportunities, he worked as a cleaning man in the local theatre.

His job was not only to sweep the floors but to make sure that everything is working perfectly on set, from equipment and costumes to actors and their lines. One day, the main actor of one play broke his leg while climbing the backstage and he was unable to perform.

My grandfather who remembered the entire text jumped in and started acting instead of him. The theatre decided to employ him as one of their actors since they were amazed by his undiscovered talent. Throughout his short life, he became one of the better-known theatre-actors in his little town and he earned a lot of money considering the job that he did and the time in which he had lived.

Later, he married my grandmother and he accomplished everything that he imagined. At one point he wrote his plays for the theatres and many of the plays were quite successful. When I was little, he was in the late stage of Parkinson's disease and he was unable to move anything except his left arm.

Even with such struggles, he thought me the basic principles of theatre and stage performance. He explained to me what is the purpose of living a life and how to live it. Even though he died young in his 40’ and despite his health problems, he became a hero to me because he had taught me that you can accomplish anything you desire no matter how hard your life is and that the only thing you need is a will to live.

As I said at the beginning, not all heroes wear capes. Still, I can assure you that my hero wore not one but many capes throughout his acting career days. He proved to everyone that you can wrestle with destiny and win! I know that most people expect from a hero to be a hero to everyone which is almost always the case with a soldier, a policeman, a firefighter, etc. but I could not be more proud of having a person who is a hero to me.

Related Questions

What's an adjective



an adjective describes something or someone


I like your profile pic. Like is the adjective bc it describes your profile pic





a word or phrase naming an attribute, added to or grammatically related to a noun to modify or describe it.

In linguistics, an adjective is a word that modifies a noun or noun phrase or describes its referent. Its semantic role is to change information given by the noun. Adjectives are one of the main parts of speech of the English language, although historically they were classed together with nouns.

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which sentence expresses opinion?
A. Peter has a coin that belongs to his guardian.
B. Peter sees a fortunetellers sign pinned to a tent
C. Peter learns that his sister is still alive.
D. Peter makes a good decision in giving up his coin.


Answer: D

Explanation: D. This sentence uses the word “Good” which is an opinion. Whether something is good or bad is an opinion. All the other options are facts.




dez nuts

what are the adjectives in the sentence 'in the nest were three tiny newborn robins'​




Three tiny newborn



three, tiny, newborn.


an adjective is a word that describes things.

can someone help me write an essay? we can exchange socials or numbers



hi of course tell me your ig

Ecclesiastes 3:3-8
3 For everything there is a season, and a time for every [a]purpose under heaven: 2 a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; 3 a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; 4 a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; 5 a time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; 6 a time to seek, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away; 7 a time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; 8 a time to love, and a time to hate; a time for war, and a time for peace.

Q: In the passage from Ecclesiastes, what do you think the phrase “a time to cast away stones” means? What does “gather stones together” mean? What modern figures of speech would you use to express these ideas?




gather stones means i think like gather memories and lose memories


Answer & Explanation::

Chapter three of Ecclesiastes is about how there is a time for everything. 3:5 KJV "a time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together;" is likely referring to an ancient custom of destroying a farmers field by throwing many stones at it. The Bible is often very literal, sometimes it is hard to tell due to it being written in a very different time. This is why it is very helpful to know who wrote the book and when they did.

How does the perspective of Henry Stanton differ in the two accounts of the World Anti-slavery Convention?
Use text evidence to support your response.


Answer: The Society for the Abolition of the Slave Trade was principally a Quaker society founded in the eighteenth century by Thomas Clarkson. The slave trade had been abolished throughout the British Empire in 1807. In August 1833 the British government passed the Slavery Abolition Act, advocated by William Wilberforce, which abolished slavery in the British Empire from August 1834, when some 800,000 people in the British empire became free.[5]

Similarly, in the 1830s many women and men in America acted on their religious convictions and moral outrage to become a part of the abolitionist movement. Many women in particular responded to William Lloyd Garrison's invitation to become involved in the American Anti-Slavery Society. They were heavily involved, attending meetings and writing petitions. Arthur Tappan and other conservative members of the society objected to women engaging in politics publicly.[6]

Given the perceived need for a society to campaign for anti-slavery worldwide, the British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society (BFASS) was accordingly founded in 1839.[2] One of its first significant deeds was to organize the World Anti-Slavery Convention in 1840: "Our expectations, we confess, were high, and the reality did not disappoint them."[7] The preparations for this event had begun in 1839, when the Society circulated an advertisement inviting delegates to participate in the convention.[2] Over 200 of the official delegates were British. The next largest group was the Americans, with around 50 delegates. Only small numbers of delegates from other nations attended.[2]

Benjamin Robert Haydon painted The Anti-Slavery Society Convention, 1840, a year after the event[6] that today is in the National Portrait Gallery. This very large and detailed work shows Alexander as Treasurer of the new Society.[8] The painting portrays the 1840 meeting and was completed the next year.[1] The new society's mission was "The universal extinction of slavery and the slave trade and the protection of the rights and interests of the enfranchised population in the British possessions and of all persons captured as slaves."[8][9]

The question of women's participation

The circular message, distributed in 1839, provoked a controversial response from some American opponents of slavery. The Garrisonian faction supported the participation of women in the anti-slavery movement. They were opposed by the supporters of Arthur and Lewis Tappan. When the latter group sent a message to the BFASS opposing the inclusion of women, a second circular was issued in February 1840 which explicitly stated that the meeting was limited to "gentlemen".[2]

Despite the statement that women would not be admitted, many American and British female abolitionists, including Lucretia Mott, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Lady Byron, appeared at the World Anti-Slavery Convention in London. Wendell Phillips proposed that female delegates should be admitted, and much of the first day of the convention was devoted to discussing whether they should be allowed to participate.[2] Published reports from the convention noted "The upper end and one side of the room were appropriated to ladies, of whom a considerable number were present, including several female abolitionist from the United States." The women were allowed to watch and listen from the spectators gallery but could not take part.[6]

In sympathy with the excluded women, the Americans William Garrison, Charles Lenox Remond, Nathaniel P. Rogers, and William Adams refused to take their seat as delegates as well, and joined the women in the spectator's gallery.

Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, who eight years later organized the Seneca Falls Convention, met at this Convention.


He assisted the farmers occasionally in the lighter labors of their farms, helped to make hay, mended the fences, took the horses to water, drove the cows from pasture, and cut wood for the winter fire. He laid aside, too, all the dominant dignity and absolute sway with which he lorded it in his little empire, the school, and became wonderfully gentle and ingratiating. He found favor in the eyes of the mothers by petting the children, particularly the youngest; and like the lion bold, which whilom so magnanimously the lamb did hold, he would sit with a child on one knee, and rock a cradle with his foot for whole hours together.

What is the main effect of comparing Ichabod to a lion lying down with a lamb?
A. ironic
B. frightening
C. sad
D. moving





I j took the quiz

The principal impact of likening Ichabod to a lion cub curled up next to a lamb is as given in option (A): ironic.

What is Irony—is that a comparison?

A scenario in which there is a discrepancy between expectation and actuality is what literary irony is defined as.

For instance, the distinction between what something seems to signify and what it actually means. Tragic and comic events are both connected to irony.

Check out the link below to learn more about ironic comparisons;



Does anyone know what instant gratification is?



"The desire to experience pleasure or fulfillment without delay or deferment is instant gratification."  It's when you want it, basically, and you want it now. Instant gratification, delayed gratification, is the opposite of what we have been told and are trying so hard to practice.

Hope this helps please give me brainliest !

God bless :p

1. If I have time, I _________ go to Dani´s party.

2. You won´t improve your English ______ you practice it.

3. You´ll feel better ___________ you start to do excersice.

4. Sara won´t go swimming _________ she tidy up her room.

5. If you want to buy the new phone, you ______ get a par-time job.

6. If we work quickly, the teacher ______ give us free time.

7. You will damage your health_________ you smoking.

8.Emma will be here tonight ______her flight is delayed.


1- will
2- unless
3- when
4- until
5- have to
6- should
7- if
8- because

What pronoun can I use for the word school?




I hope this helps!


Montresor, lures Fortunato deep into the catacombs in order to fulfill his revenge.

Which of the following sentences correctly repairs the sentence above?

Question 1 options:

Montresor, lures, Fortunato deep into the catacombs in order to fulfill his revenge.

Montresor lures Fortunato deep into the catacombs in order to fulfill his revenge.

The sentence is correct as is.



Montresor lures Fortunato deep into the catacombs in order to fulfill his revenge is the correct answer


Montresor lures Fortunato deep into the catacombs in order to fulfill his revenge is the correct answer



If you could, please check my dialogue. I'm not too sure if it is all grammatically correct.



It all seems grammatically correct!


hope you get an A :))

Describe the characteristics of the people in the Great Basin culture area. Be sure to mention their settlements and social groups in your answer



The Great Basin (or desert) groups lived in desert regions and lived on nuts, seeds, roots, cactus, insects and small game animals and birds. These tribes were influenced by Plains tribes, and by 1800 some had adopted the Great Plains culture.


Hope that helps! :)

The people who belonged to the Great Basin culture were the ones who lived in deserted lands till the nineteenth century.

What is the significance of the Great Basin culture?

The Great Basin culture was popularized as a region of settlement till the nineteenth century. This culture was idolized as a settlement near the deserted lands in the west. Moreover, this culture was known for its unique characteristics.

The people belonging to the Great Basin culture used to have nuts, roots, and insects as their food. They also hunted and gathered animals and birds for food. They formed a tribe in their settlement and came to an end in the society by the nineteenth century.

Therefore, the significance regarding the Great Basin culture has been aforementioned.

Learn more about the Great Basin culture here:



read this sentence from the paragraph on page 3 of passage 2 "it is hoped they will die quietly of hunger" How does blanc use this sentence to help develop his overall theme


Answer: by starting with the phrase it is to be hoped he draws attention to future possibilities



by starting with the phrase it is to be hoped he draws attention to future possibilities


Read the text "New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern earns praise at home and abroad". Use the text to answer questions 1-7.

1. Select the best objective summary for the tant (1.12)

A Jacinda Ardern is both criticized and loved for her polical views and how she governs her


B. Across the world, Jacinda Ardem is admired for her progressive politics and ability to be a

New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern earns

sympathetic leader to her country

praise at home and abroad

C Jacinda Ardem is expanding people's ideas of what a world leader should be by being a

woman mother and Muslimin e

D. Throughout New Zealand, people are expressing their concern for Muslims in their

communities after the terrorist attacks



B. Across the world, Jacinda Ardem is admired for her progressive politics and ability to be a sympathetic leader to her country.


The correct answer to the given question is:

B. Across the world, Jacinda Ardem is admired for her progressive politics and ability to be a sympathetic leader to her country.

The text in the question says that New Zealand's PM receives praise in her own country and outside the country which suggests that she is admired for her actions and sympathetic nature.

Write a sentence fragment.



Because of the rain


On its own, because of the rain doesn't form a complete thought.

hope this helps :)

5. Which interview question is likely to lead to the most detailed answer?
Did you ever get in trouble at school?
What was a typical school day like for you?

How old were you when you started school?
What was your favorite subject in school?



What was a typical school day like for you?


This will allow them to explain their school day. The other questions will maybe result in a short answer or yes or no.

What was a typical school day like for you

Which inference about rivers is supported by the passage


Answer:Which of the following inferences about Hrothgar is best supported by the ... Which passage from the poem lines 144-300 best describes Grendel's nature? "All were ... My love is such that rivers cannot quench,Nor ought but love from thee give ...

Rating: 5 · ‎6 reviews


Rewrite this phrase using a possessive noun.
The new house belonging to the Crandall family





In the place of belonging

Consider the structure of the last 2 paragraphs in
the text. What implicit, or unspoken, conclusion
does the article make?
A Even though the controversial ad was pulled, it
nevertheless contributed greatly to Johnson's
landslide victory
B. With the controversial ad pulled, people soon
forgot about Goldwater and voted for Johnson
C People still talked about the Daisy Girl Ad after
it was pulled, contributing free publicity to
Johnson's campaign.
D People were shocked by the ad, demanded it be
pulled, and voted for Goldwater instead.


Consider the structure of the last 2 paragraphs in
the text. What implicit, or unspoken, conclusion
does the article make?
A Even though the controversial ad was pulled, it
nevertheless contributed greatly to Johnson's
landslide victory
B. With the controversial ad pulled, people soon
forgot about Goldwater and voted for Johnson
C People still talked about the Daisy Girl Ad after
it was pulled, contributing free publicity to
Johnson's campaign.
D People were shocked by the ad, demanded it be
pulled, and voted for Goldwater instead.

Help me pls!
Should school do random drug testing?



if the drugs are legally get permitted by government then why not ... but the drug test shouldn't be done on small children

also the test should be done on only those students who's parents have agreed for it and all sorts of necessary details must be give to them

thank you

if you loved my answer then please like it and rate it also mark me as brainliest if you wish

Read the following introduction to a website titled Tarantu-love! What is the most logical conclusion you can make about the credibility of this source?

Welcome to Tarantu-love! Your source of spider-info since 2013! This week's Tarantula Tidbit: Although many people believe tarantulas to be dangerous, research in Wildlife Weekly magazine proved that their venom was weaker than that of the typical bee! Want to learn more? Select a link from the menu to take a virtual tour of the Jackson Zoo's Tarantula Terrarium, to view a list of recommended books from biologists, or to submit a question to an expert from the Albertville Arachnid Association. (5 points)

Group of answer choices

The site has an agenda and wants to sell tickets to the zoo.

This should be a good source of objective information since it provides unbiased information.

The title of the site is Tarantu-love. This silly title proves that it is not a serious website.

The year in which the website was started suggests that the information is likely outdated.



The site has an agenda and wants to sell tickets to the zoo.


Before the first Crusade Anna
Comnena, historian and daughter
at the Byzantine emperor worried
about how the Crusades might
Affect the empire. What information in your reading supports her concern?

1. Discuss some of the accomplishments of the Tesla Roadster during the past 2 years.just list some of the accomplishments plz​



Tesla branded vehicles are healthier for our environment because they don't pollute the air as much as a vehicle running on fuel.


Which of the following best describes the author’s exigence in the passage?

The tension between the author’s worldview and the worldview developed by Alice Walker in The Color Purple (paragraph 1, sentence 1)

The tension between the author’s worldview and the worldview developed by Alice Walker in The Color Purple (paragraph 1, sentence 1)

The pressure on the author to “get involved in some of the big ideas of our time” (paragraph 3, sentence 1)

The pressure on the author to “get involved in some of the big ideas of our time” (paragraph 3, sentence 1)

Growing indifference toward “the problems that plague our nation and our society” (paragraph 3, sentence 2)

Growing indifference toward “the problems that plague our nation and our society” (paragraph 3, sentence 2)

The fact that the audience “clapped more for Ferris” than they did at the mention of President Bush (paragraph 6, sentence 1)

The fact that the audience “clapped more for Ferris” than they did at the mention of President Bush (paragraph 6, sentence 1)

The question of how to lead a meaningful life “in a transitional period” (paragraph 9, sentence 1)





Transitional Period is now in the current time she is speaking

Selection 1 is a Modern Gothic story. Using your knowledge of the characteristics of this genre, you can most reasonably predict that — Tom and Martha's recent bad luck will turn out to be the result of an elaborate practical joke. Tom and Martha's recent bad luck will turn out to be the result of an elaborate practical joke. Martha's suspicion that Gus is haunting them will be reinforced by further mysterious events. Martha's suspicion that Gus is haunting them will be reinforced by further mysterious events. Martha will go into therapy and successfully overcome her belief that Gus is haunting them. Martha will go into therapy and successfully overcome her belief that Gus is haunting them. Tom will pull himself together after he is offered a new job with a good future. Tom will pull himself together after he is offered a new job with a good future.


what was the answer ?

how can you tell that the yeti crabs are “thriving”?



Gathered in heaps around the thermal vents, white

crabs wave their claws together in unison. Dubbed “yeti crabs”

for their hairy chests and legs, these creatures are new to science.

And they are clearly thriving, with up to 600 “yetis” living on each

square meter (about 11 square feet) of their favored real estate.

What do they eat? Scientists aren’t sure but conjecture that mineral eating bacteria might grow on the crabs’ hairs and that the crabs

might scoop up the bacteria

What is the basic unit of measuring Storage capaciły



The basic unit of measure for storage capacity is a byte.


1000 bytes = 1 kilobytes

1000kilobytes= 1 megabyte

1000 megabytes = 1 Gigabytes

1000 Gigabytes = 1 terabyte

Pretty sure it’s a byte

Which of the following statements is true about a story's narrator? (5 points) Group of answer choices The narrator is usually the author so that he or she can tell you what all of the characters are thinking or feeling at any time. The narrator controls what information your reader receives about events in the story and what the characters are thinking. The narrator is usually one of the characters in the story who knows everything about what the others are thinking and feeling. The narrator controls only the information that the main character is aware of and so is limited by that character's experiences.



The narrator controls what information your reader receives about events in the story and what the characters are thinking.


Which statement is the best call to action for a speech trying to persuade an audience to vote?

Voting is the best way to participate in a democracy.
Are you registered to vote?
Let your voice be heard this November: VOTE!
Call a friend and ask what he or she is going to do tomorrow.



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The Secret to Writing a Call to Action in A Persuasive Speech


how to write a call to action that resonatesA well constructed and delivered presentation changes minds and ignites action.

Yet, there’s a key part of a presentation that doesn’t get mentioned enough—the call to action or CTA—and, a clear CTA creates a critical turning point in your presentation (or any other form of persuasive communications too).

The call to action which comes right before the end of a persuasive speech is where you clearly tell the audience a role they can play after they leave your talk. The CTA gives audience members concrete tasks to tackle, and these tasks are ones that must be completed in order to bring your ideas to fruition. And, it’s a key part of what makes your speech persuasive.

An audience might be thoroughly gripped by your narrative and convinced to believe what you do–but if they leave not knowing what they are supposed to do with your ideas, your presentation will have been–essentially–fruitless.

Because CTAs are such an important part of a presentation, it’s essential to make sure that the one you deliver lands with the people hearing it. The way to ensure that you write a call to action that persuades is to keep in mind that one size does NOT fit all—and you’ve got to tailor your CTAs.

People respond to different types of calls to action based on their temperaments, daily activities, goals, and more. So, it’s important to get to know who is in your audience before you decide how you’re going to deliver their post-talk “to-dos.” Once you do, you can ensure your call actually gets a response.




What is the most popular movie in 2020
Please tell me I want too see one


Enola Holmes it’s new!


the new Mulan My friend said it was good


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