Write the c++ program (using the external header file)that will perform addition, subtraction, multiplication and inversion of the real number arrays, including their trace caclulation (each operation should be in the separate function). Before the operation is executed, it should be checked if the particular operation is possible (for instance, if the array for inversion is square). Also, add the function printing the array on the console.


Answer 1

Here is an Program of a C++ program that performs addition, subtraction, multiplication, and inversion of real number arrays, including their trace calculation, using an external header file:


#include <iostream>

const int MAX_SIZE = 10;

class Matrix {


       int rows;

       int cols;

       double data[MAX_SIZE][MAX_SIZE];


       Matrix(int r, int c);

       Matrix operator+(Matrix other);

       Matrix operator-(Matrix other);

       Matrix operator*(Matrix other);

       Matrix operator~();

       double trace();

       void print();



To use an external header file in a C++ program, you can include it using the preprocessor directive "#include" followed by the name of the header file in quotes. For example:

#include "matrix_ops.h"

This tells the compiler to include the contents of the header file "matrix_ops.h" in the program.

You can also include external header files with angle brackets, this is useful when you are including a library that is installed in the system.

#include <iostream>

matrix_ops.cpp - External Header file

#include "matrix_ops.h"

#include <cmath>

Matrix::Matrix(int r, int c) {

   rows = r;

   cols = c;

   for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {

       for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) {

           data[i][j] = 0;




Matrix Matrix::operator+(Matrix other) {

   if (rows != other.rows || cols != other.cols) {

       std::cout << "Error: matrices have different dimensions" << std::endl;

       return *this;


   Matrix result(rows, cols);

   for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {

       for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) {

           result.data[i][j] = data[i][j] + other.data[i][j];



   return result;


Matrix Matrix::operator-(Matrix other) {

   if (rows != other.rows || cols != other.cols) {

       std::cout << "Error: matrices have different dimensions" << std::endl;

       return *this;


   Matrix result(rows, cols);

   for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {

       for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) {

           result.data[i][j] = data[i][j] - other.data[i][j];



   return result;


Matrix Matrix::operator*(Matrix other) {

   if (cols != other.rows) {

       std::cout << "Error: matrices have incompatible dimensions" << std::endl;

       return *this;


   Matrix result(rows, other.cols);

   for (int i = 0; i < result.rows; i++) {

       for (int j = 0; j < result.cols; j++) {

           for (int k = 0; k < cols; k++) {

               result.data[i][j] += data[i][k] * other.data[k][j];




   return result;


Matrix Matrix::operator~() {

   if (rows != cols) {


Know more about the Header Files:-


Related Questions

Allison exerts a steady net force of 48 N on a 16-kg shopping cart initially at rest for 1.2 s .


The acceleration when Allison exerts a steady net force of 48 N on a 16-kg shopping cart initially at rest for 1.2 s is 3m/s².

How to calculate the acceleration?

It should be noted that acceleration sikoky has to do with the change in motion of an object.

From the information, Allison exerts a steady net force of 48 N on a 16-kg shopping cart initially at rest for 1.2 s .

It should be noted that the formula to find the acceleration will be:

= Force / Mass

= 48 / 16

= 3 m/s²

In conclusion, the acceleration when Allison exerts a steady net force is 3m/s².

Learn more about acceleration on:



Complete question

Allison exerts a steady net force of 48 N on a 16-kg shopping cart initially at rest for 1.2 s . Calculate the acceleration.

balance 2 was affected most by systemic error - error that has a very specific cause or pattern. what was the consistent difference between the actual mass and the measured mass? enter your answer to two decimal places. (example: 8.37).


Balance 2 was most affected by systemic error mistake, which has a very specific source or pattern. What was the persistent change. The current problem has been solved.

What are errors and what kinds of errors are there?

Errors are the difference between the measurement that was actually made and what was actually measured. We show our accuracy by writing our measurement with an uncertainty. The three different types of errors are systematic, random, and human.

What constitutes a systematic error, specifically?

A error is considered systematic if it consistently moves in the same direction. For instance, if anything consistently or regularly raised the blood pressure shortly before the measurements were to be taken, this can happen when taking blood pressure.

To know more about systemic error visit:-



Given a string on one line and a second string on the second line, output the index where the second string starts in the first string Ex: If the input is: Fuzzy bear zy the output is: 3 Note: Using a pre-defined string function, the solution can be just one line of code. 1 #include 2 #include 3 using namespace std; 5 int main() { 6 string strVar; 7 string subString; 8 9 getline(cin, strVar); 10 cin >> subString; 11 12 return 0; 13 }


You can use the find() function from the C++ string library to find the starting index of a substring within a string. The string library in C++ provides several useful functions for manipulating strings.

Coding part of the given problem in C++:

#include <iostream>

#include <string>

using namespace std;

int main() {

   string strVar;

   string subString;

   getline(cin, strVar);

   cin >> subString;

   int index = strVar.find(subString);

   cout << index << endl;

   return 0;


This will output the index where the second string starts in the first string. If the substring is not found, it will return string::npos.

To learn more about C++ string library, visit: https://brainly.com/question/23693327


1.18 lab: winning team (classes) given main(), define the team class (in file team.java). for class method getwinpercentage(), the formula is: wins / (wins losses). note: use casting to prevent integer division. for class method printstanding(), output the win percentage of the team with two digits after the decimal point and whether the team has a winning or losing average. a team has a winning average if the win percentage is 0.5 or greater.


In object-oriented programming, a class is a template description of the method(s) and variable(s) of a given type of object.

How to define a Team class?

public class Team {        

private String name;    

private int wins;    

private int losses;    

// TODO: Define mutator methods -    

// setName(), setWins(), setLosses()    

public void setName(String name) {        

this.name = name;    


public void setWins(int wins) {        

this.wins = wins;    


public void setLosses(int losses) {        

this.losses = losses;    


// TODO: Define accessor methods -    

// getName(), getWins(), getLosses()    

public String getName() {        

return name;    


public int getWins() {        

return wins;    


public int getLosses() {        

return losses;    


// TODO: Define getWinPercentage()    

public double getWinPercentage() {        

//calculate percentage        

double percentage = (double) wins / (wins + losses);        

return percentage;    


// TODO: Define printStanding()    

public void printStanding() {        

//call getWinPercentage() method        

double percentage = getWinPercentage();        

//display percentage with 2 decimal points        

System.out.printf("Win percentage: %.2f", percentage);        

//if percentage is greater than or equal to 0.5,then winning average        

if (percentage >= 0.5)            

System.out.println("\nCongratulations, Team " + name + " has a winning average!");        

//otherwise losing average        


System.out.println("\nTeam " + name + " has a losing average.");    



WinningTeam class

//Adding the Scanner class to read input from users import java.util.Scanner;

public class WinningTeam {    

public static void main(String[] args) {        

//creating an instance of scanner class        

Scanner scnr = new Scanner(System.in);        

//creating an instance of team class        

Team team = new Team();        

//read name,wins and losses        

String name = scnr.next();        

int wins = scnr.nextInt();        

int losses = scnr.nextInt();        

//set values using setter methods        




//calling printStanding() method        


To know more about class, visit:



Briefly explain a computer



A computer is a machine that can perform a wide range of tasks, including data processing, storage, and communication. It is composed of both hardware and software. The hardware includes the physical components such as the central processing unit (CPU), memory, storage, and input/output devices such as a keyboard and monitor. The software includes the operating system, applications, and programming languages that run on the hardware. The CPU is the "brain" of the computer and it performs calculations and logical operations to execute instructions provided by the software. Computers can be used for a wide range of tasks, including word processing, data analysis, internet browsing, gaming, and many others. They can be found in various forms, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.

You should know this but okay.


create a c console application to calculate how many squares can fit in a circle. ask the user for the side of the square and the diameter of the circle. tell the user how many of those squares can fit in the circle. they do not have to be full squares. for instance, the answer can be 2.79. you learned how areas of circle and square are calculated in the 7th grade. if you do not remember, please search the internet for it. Requirements • Add the following comments in the beginning of your codes. o Your name, date, and purpose of the program • Add other proper comments as you code. • Tell the user what the program does. • Follow all naming rules and conventions. • Do not use magic numbers in your codes (Pl must be a constant). Use 3.14159265358979 for the value of PI. • Use proper data es for your variables. • Format the output to display two decimals. Wed Mar 10 Assignment Details CS 18 Programming in Patas MSRING 2021 - SECTION 2514 Instructions: Create a C++ console application to calculate how many circles can fit in a square. Ask the user for the side of the square and the diameter of the circle. Tell the user how many of those circles can fit in the square. They do not have to be full circles. For instance, the answer can be 2.79 You learned how areas of circle and square are calculated in the 5th grade. If you do not remember, please search the internet for it. Requirements • Add the following comments in the beginning of your codes. • Your name, date, and purpose of the program • Add other proper comments as you code. • Tell the user what the program does. • Follow all naming rules and conventions. . Do not use magic numbers in your codes (Pl must be a constant), Use 3.14159265358979 for the value of Pl. • Use proper data types for your variables. • Format the output to display two decimals. How to do it: This is how you should organize your codes. Declare all your variables first. • Ask the user for input. • Do the calculations. Display the result properly labeled. Do not display just a number. How to submit: Create a text document (Notepad or any other text file with .txt file extension). • Include your name plus the lab name in the name of the text file. Examples: Sarah Gonzales_Lab3, or Roy Brown_CirclesinSquare • Copy and paste your codes in the text file. • Upload the text file. Submit Assignment Next « Previous


Name - Jack

Date - 11-03-2021

Purpose of the program - to determine the number of circles that can fit within a square with a particular side.

How to write a program?



using namespace std;

const float PI = 3.14159265358979;

int main() {

   // Variable declaration

   float side_square, diameter_circle, area_square, area_circle, num_circle;

   // Take input from the user

   cout << "Enter the side of the square: ";

   cin >> side_square;

   cout << "Enter the diameter of the circle: ";

   cin >> diameter_circle;

   // Calculate area of the square and the circle

   area_square = side_square * side_square;

   area_circle = PI * diameter_circle * diameter_circle / 4;

   // Calculate the number of circles that can fit inside the square

   num_circle = area_square / area_circle;

   // Dispaly the output

   cout << fixed << setprecision(2) << endl;

   cout << num_circle << " circles of diameter " << diameter_circle << " can fit inside the square of side " << side_square << endl;


To know more about Variable, visit:



you are connecting a laptop to a brand new digital high definition tv. unfortunately, the laptop is a little outdated and only has an analog display output. which of the following adapters could you use to convert the signal from analog to digital for use with the new television?


Only a functional connectivity and IP setup are required. To learn the status of hosts on the network, it sends ICMP requests.

It is unable to determine whether a problem is with an application or a network issue. The DHCP server will allocate a client an IP address from its DHCP scope and reserve it based on the client's MAC address when the client requests an IP address by sending a message to the DHCP server over the network. A temporary device may send the sender an ICMP error message if the ping is unsuccessful, such as Unreachable if there is a routing or packet fragmentation issue or Time Exceeded if the first packet is trapped in a loop.

Learn more about network here-



which of the following are actions and/or steps that can be taken to avoid leaks and disclosures when handling sensitive data?


Actions and/or activities that can be done to prevent leaks and disclosures while handling sensitive data include understanding what employees must do to complete their tasks.

Why is it important to understand the needs of your employees?

Assess the Potential Impact of Third Parties, watch every network access, Identification of all sensitive data, endpoint security, and Using Data Loss Prevention (DLP) software , Encrypt all data and review all permissions. By attending to the needs of employees, employers are more likely to retain talented individuals, boost production and productivity, and promote initiative and accountability.

According to a recent study, if businesses want to provide their staff with a peak experience that is profound and long-lasting, they must meet the "three essential needs" of their employees. Autonomy, connection, and mastery are these demands, according to O.C. Tanner's 2022 Global Culture Report. Competencies are the knowledge, skills, abilities, personal qualities, and other "worker-based" elements that help distinguish between exceptional performance and average performance in a given situation.

T learn more about data refer to :



the five number summary of a dataset is given as 1, 3, 7, 13, 19 an observation is considered an outlier if it is below 1 incorrect. an observation is considered an outlier if it is above 19 incorrect.


In this case, any value below (3-1.510) = -2.5 or above (13+1.510) = 22.5 will be considered an outlier. So, any observation below 1 or above 19 would be considered an outlier.

An observation is considered an outlier if it falls outside the range of the first and third quartile (Q1 and Q3) of a dataset. The five number summary, which includes the minimum value (1), the first quartile (3), the median (7), the third quartile (13), and the maximum value (19), is a way to describe the distribution of data in a concise manner.

In this dataset, the minimum value is 1, the first quartile is 3, the median is 7, the third quartile is 13, and the maximum value is 19. The range between Q1 and Q3 is known as the interquartile range (IQR) which is (13-3) = 10 in this case.

Outliers are defined as any value that falls outside the range of Q1 - 1.5IQR and Q3 + 1.5IQR.

Therefore, in this case, any value below (3-1.510) = -2.5 or above (13+1.510) = 22.5 will be considered an outlier. So, any observation below 1 or above 19 would be considered an outlier.

Learn more about outlier here:



Which of the following is an advantage of a centralized information security organizational structure?
It is easier to promote security awareness.
It is easier to manage and control.
It is more responsive to business unit needs.
It provides a faster turnaround for security requests.


A centralised organisational structure for information security has the benefit of being simpler to maintain and exercise control over.

Explain the functions of centralized information security?

When there is a single integrated system acting as just a singular security solution and performing several security tasks from a single location, that situation is referred to as centralised security.

A centralised strategy implies that the entire institution's network is protected by a single global security control plane. It aids in ongoing system and network monitoring to enable prompt damage management. A prompt alert is sent whenever a common threat is discovered by a centralised security system. The threat is then eliminated with the use of a policy that is created from this warning.VPN networking is a component of a centralised security strategy that secures outgoing communication by encrypting as well as anonymizing network traffic.One or more cloud environments can be protected via a centralised approach to cloud security, which sends all logs generated by these environments to a single location.

To knwo more about the centralized information security, here



holt computer services purchased $2,000 of new equipment and paid immediately. illustrate how to record the transaction of holt services by completing the following sentence.
- The equipment would be debited on the left side of the T Account and cash account would be credited in the right side of the T Account


The equipment account would be debited on the left side of the T-account, while the Cash account would be credited on the right side.

What is computer services?

The use of a computer, computer system, or computer network includes, but is not limited to, computer time, data processing, and storage functions. Computer support and services offer IT system diagnostics, troubleshooting, maintenance, and repair. It enables users to seek and receive computer maintenance and management services locally or remotely, and is frequently performed by Managed Services Providers (MSP). A computer system's main equipment functions are input, processing, storage, and output.


On the left side of the T-account, the equipment account would be debited, while the Cash account would be credited.

To know more about computer services,



What is the purpose of Switch here? And, why are there two switches?



Keep electrical signal undistorted: When a switch forwards a frame, it regenerates an undistorted square electrical signal. And, In a simple light circuit, it switches between connected and disconnected. In a more complex multi-way system it switches between two wires which both go to the other switch. The other switch chooses which wire is connected and which is not. So both switches can connect or disconnect the circuit, at any time.


People design computers and machines to assemble them. Gas is then used to transport the finished computers to stores. Select the factors used in producing computers.

Human resources
Capital goods
Natural resources


The factors used in producing computers are:

1. Human resources

3. Capital goods

4. Natural resources

What is the at of  producing computers?

The factors used in producing computers are:

Human resources (people designing and assembling the computers)Capital goods (machines and equipment used to assemble the computers)Natural resources (gas used to transport the finished computers to stores)

Note that "Health" isn't a factor used in producing computers. It's related to the well-being of the human resources, and it's important to have healthy workers but it's not a direct factor in producing computers.

Learn more about computers  from



a student is creating a procedure to determine whether the weather for a particular month was considered very hot. the procedure takes as input a list containing daily high temperatures for a particular month. the procedure is intended to return true if the daily high temperature was at least 90 degrees for a majority of days in the month and return false otherwise. the program consists of 14 lines. begin program line 1: procedure, one word is hot, open parenthesis, one word temperature list, close parenthesis line 2: open brace line 3: total, left arrow, 0 line 4: counter, left arrow, 0 line 5: for each temperature in, one word temperature list line 6: open brace line 7: if, open parenthesis, temperature is greater than or equal to 90, close parenthesis line 8: open brace line 9: counter, left arrow, counter plus 1 line 10: close brace line 11: total, left arrow, total plus 1 line 12: close brace line 13: return, open parenthesis, missing code, close parenthesis line 14: close brace end program. which of the following can be used to replace missing code so that the procedure works as intended? counter < 0.5 * total
counter > 0.5 * total
total < 0.5 * counter
total > 0.5 * counter


counter > 0.5 * total, is the code that can be used to replace missing code so that the procedure works as intended.

What is a program code in the computer?

Computer code, or a set of instructions or a system of rules defined in a specific programming language, is a term used in computer programming (i.e., the source code). It is also the name given to the source code after a compiler has prepared it for computer execution (i.e., the object code). Different platforms, operating systems, and uses are catered for by different coding languages.

Almost 9,000 coding languages have been developed, however, only a small number are now in use. The most widely used programming languages are Python, JavaScript, and C++. The process of translating a language into machine-readable binary commands is known as coding.

To learn more about programming language, visit:



You have an Azure AD tenant that contains a user named User1. The tenant also contains several user accounts from the Marketing department and the Human Resources department.

You need to ensure that User1 can manage the users from the Marketing department only.

What should you use?

Select only one answer.

Management groups

Administrative units

Custom Azure AD roles

Security groups that use dynamic user membership


You should use Administrative units to ensure that User1 can manage the users from the Marketing department only. Hence option B is correct.

What is the  Azure AD tenant?

An administrative unit is a container object in Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) that you can use to organize and manage users, groups, and devices. You can use administrative units to delegate administrative tasks, such as creating and managing users, to specific users or groups.

By assigning User1 to an administrative unit that contains the users from the Marketing department only, you can ensure that User1 can manage only those users and not the users from the Human Resources department.

Note that Management groups, Custom Azure AD roles, and Security groups that use dynamic user membership are other Azure resources but are not appropriate for this scenario because they don't provide the ability to delegate administrative tasks to specific users or groups and define a scope of management.

Learn more about Human Resources from



that have no moving parts and are less likely to be damaged by dirt and impact, but still be cared for. stored in their cases when not in a digital camera. used to store dvd backup discs to protect from scratches and dirt. store this in a dry area; humidity can cause it to stick and then jam during printing. cleaning product specifically meant for computer screens.


IMAP allows users to view emails straight from the server. The email isn't actually downloaded or saved to their local device. Because of this, the email is not associated with any particular device.

Which is not a peripheral device you can connect using a USB port?

That, while being maintained, don't have any moving components, are less susceptible to mud and impact damage. while not in a digital camera, they are kept in their cases. utilised to keep DVD backup discs clean and scratch-free when storing them. It should be kept dry to avoid sticking and jamming during printing due to humidity. pc screen cleaning solution designed exclusively for computers.

For use with touch screens, a stylus is a pen-shaped device. Stylus pens are more refined, thinner alternatives to fingers that are typically designed with conductive rubber or capacitive hard plastic tips. In order to prevent unauthorised data transfers, firewalls check the data that is sent between a computer and external recipients. Any additional device that the computer uses for input and output is referred to as a computer peripheral.

To learn more about claening refer to :



tim, a system administrator, wants to simplify the provisioning and disabling of user accounts. what the server roles should tim install and configure?


Incoming emails are forwarded to certain clients or users via a message transfer agent.

Forwarding incoming messages to the appropriate end-user or destination is the MTA's primary duty. The common technique for transmitting emails over the Internet is called Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). As a result, SMTP sends messages from the mail servers of the sender to the mail servers of the recipients. You are now prepared to interact with your files and folders. Double-clicking a folder in File Explorer will open it. All of the files kept in that folder are then visible to you. Observe that the address bar at the top of the window lets you know where a folder is located as well.

Learn more about emails here-



what do you see are the challenge ahead for HCI at scale?




Human-technology symbiosis.

Human-environment interactions.

Ethics, privacy and security.

Well-being, health and eudaimonia.

Accessibility and universal access.

Learning and creativity.

Social organization and democracy.

which of the following statements is applicable for a peer-to-peer network and not for a client-server network model? group of answer choices problems on the network can be monitored, diagnosed, and fixed from one location. they are simple to configure and for this reason, they may be used in environments in which time or technical expertise is scarce.


The following assertions apply to a peer-to-peer network architecture but not to a client-server network paradigm: "Because they are simple to configure, they may be employed in contexts where time or technical skill is limited."

What is network model?

The network model is a database model designed to represent objects and their relationships in a flexible manner. Its distinguishing feature is that the schema is not limited to being a hierarchy or lattice when viewed as a graph in which object types are nodes and relationship types are arcs. A network model is a database model that is intended to represent objects and their relationships in a flexible manner. The network model's schema, which is viewed as a graph with relationship types as arcs and object types as nodes, is a distinguishing feature.


The following statements apply to a peer-to-peer network model rather than a client-server network model: "Because they are simple to configure, they can be used in environments where time or technical expertise are limited."

To know more about network model,



which of the following definitions best matches the concept of an account from a security standpoint? group of answer choices an arrangement in which a person may use computer or network services a record or statement of financial expenditure and receipts relating to a particular purpose a report or description of an event or experience to consider or regard in a specified way


from a security perspective, the idea of accountability keeping records of the actions you took or being accountable for keeping such records.

The correct option is C.

In a computer network, what is security?

Any action intended to safeguard the integrity and usefulness of your network and data is referred to as network security. Software and hardware technologies are also a part of it. Numerous threats are targeted by it. They can't get on your network or spread there because of it. Network access is controlled by effective network security.

How critical is network security?

The protection of sensitive data from cyberattacks and the maintenance of a reliable and functional network are two reasons why network security is crucial. Proper network security strategies use a variety of security tools to shield users and companies against malware and online threats like distributed denial of service.

To know more about computer network visit:



Question is:

Which of the following definitions best matches the concept of accountability from a security standpoint?

A. Being able to explain your actions to figures of authority, such as a police officer or a manager

B. Having or being responsible to your records of actions you performed

C. The trustworthiness of a web site in holding bank account information

D. The principle of being judged for the purpose of punishment or reward

if a network scan reveals that port 88 is open and active, this means that the target network is using which of the following?


If a network scan reveals that port 88 is open and functional, the target network is using Kerberos Authentication.

What is the process of Kerberos authentication?

The Kerberos authentication system can be used to verify a user's or host's identity. This article contains details about Kerberos authentication for Windows Server 2012 and Windows 8.

The Windows Server operating systems implement the Kerberos version 5 authentication protocol's public key authentication, data transfer, and delegation features.

By employing Kerberos authentication within a domain or in a forest, a user or service can access resources that administrators have allowed without having to continuously ask for credentials. When access to resources is sought across the forest, Kerberos preserves the credentials following the initial domain sign-on using Winlogon.

To know more about Window Server, visit:



Computer Science.

1.14 zyLab training*: One large program

Most zyLabs are designed to be completed in 20 - 25 minutes and emphasize a single concept. However, some zyLabs (such as the one large program or OLP) are more comprehensive and may take longer to complete.

Incremental development is a good programming practice and is the process of writing, compiling, and testing a small amount of code, then repeating the process with a small amount more (an incremental amount), and so on.

Suggested process to complete longer zyLabs:

- Implement Step 1 and submit for grading. Only one test will pass.
- Continue to implement one step at a time and resubmit for grading. At least one additional test should pass after each step.
- Continue until all steps are completed and all tests pass.

Program Specifications:
For practice with incremental development, write a program to output three statements as specified.

Step 1 (4 pts). Use print() to output "Step 1 complete". Submit for grading to confirm one of three tests passes.

Output should be:

Step 1 complete

Step 2 (3 pts). Use print() to output "Step 2 as well". Submit for grading to confirm two of three tests pass.

Output should be:

Step 1 complete
Step 2 as well

Step 3 (3 pts). Use print() to output "All steps now complete". Submit for grading to confirm all tests pass.

Output should be:

Step 1 complete
Step 2 as well
All steps now complete


The instruction on line 9 should be changed to read: System.out.println(userNumSquared);

What is Program Specifications?

The program's bugs will be fixed by:

Change userNumSquared = userNum + userNum; to userNumSquared = userNum * userNum;

Change System.out.print(userNumSquared); to System.out.print(userNumSquared);

The program's purpose is to calculate a number's square.

Print the computed square, then a fresh line.

On line 8, the square of the input integer is calculated incorrectly as:

userNumSquared = userNum + userNum;

Only two times the input number will be returned by the operation above. We just switch the addition operator (+) to multiplication (*) to address the error on this line.

Consequently, the instruction on line 8 should be changed to read:

userNumSquared = userNum * userNum;

On line 9, when the squared number is written, a new line is intended to be produced using the print command.

There are a few ways to do this, but using println is the most straightforward.

Consequently, the instruction on line 9 should be changed to read:


To learn more about Program Specifications, refer to:



according to the text, subsetting can also be used to eliminate unwanted data such as: select all that apply!


Removing unneeded data from your dataset is a procedure known as data cleansing.

What is Data cleaning?Data cleaning is the process of repairing or eradicating inaccurate, corrupted, improperly formatted, duplicate, or insufficient data from a dataset. Data duplication or labeling errors are common when merging various data sources. Even though they may appear to be proper, wrong data might lead to erroneous results and algorithms. The procedures in the data cleaning process will differ from dataset to dataset, hence there is no one definite way to prescribe the precise steps. But in order to ensure that you are performing data cleaning in the proper manner each time, it is essential to create a template for your procedure.Removing unneeded data from your dataset is a procedure known as data cleansing. Transforming data from one structure or format into another is known as data transformation. Transforming and mapping data from one "raw" data form into another format for warehousing and analysis are procedures known as transformation, data wrangling, or data munging. This article is mostly concerned with the procedures for cleaning that data.

To Learn more About data cleansing Refer To:



An engineering team’s new work project will shortly be bursting with many types of files and sub-project files. The team wants to be able to easily find the project files. What should it do to have the best organizational method for the project’s files?



An engineering team can implement the following organizational methods to easily find project files:

File naming conventions: Establish a consistent and logical naming convention for all files within the project, such as using the project name and date in the file name. This will make it easier to identify and locate specific files.

File folders: Create folders for each project and sub-project, and organize the files within each folder. This will make it easy to find and access the files, and also easy to share files with team members.

Version control: Use a version control system (such as Git) to track changes to the files and keep track of different versions of the files. This will ensure that the team can access the most recent version of the files and also revert to previous versions if needed.

Cloud-based storage: Use a cloud-based storage service to store the files. This will allow team members to access the files from anywhere and collaborate in real-time.

Backups: Regularly backup the files to ensure that they are not lost in case of any technical issues.

File-sharing tools: Use file sharing tools such as SharePoint or Asana to share the files with the team and make it easy for them to access and collaborate on the files.

Document management systems: Use a document management system (DMS) to manage, store and share documents, images, videos and other files. This will provide an easy way to access, share and collaborate on the files, and also ensure that the files are stored in a secure location.

Access control: Implement access control to ensure that only authorized team members can access the files.


By implementing these organizational methods, the engineering team will be able to easily find and access the project files and collaborate efficiently on the project.

contains additional hardware information when there are values in hkey local machine such as two different monitors


Contains details about the hardware installed on the computer, program preferences, and other details. All users that access that computer utilize the information.

The Windows Registry tree HKEY LOCAL MACHINE, sometimes known as HKLM, houses configuration information used by all users of Windows. Information on Windows services, drivers, applications that launch automatically for every user, and standard OS settings are all included. In order to map all the other subkeys, the system kernel keeps the key found by HKLM in memory rather than storing it on disk. Applications are not allowed to add more subkeys. Contains details about the hardware installed on the computer, program preferences, and other details. All users that access that computer utilize the information.

Learn more about configuration here-



Which of the following describes the vision of incorporating Digital Engineering (DE) into the current Systems Engineering (SE) and acquisition environment? (Select all that apply)


Models provide an organised collection of digital data, information sharing and comparing data while making design decisions are the following describes the vision of incorporating Digital Engineering (DE) into the current Systems Engineering (SE) and acquisition environment.

What is Digital Engineering (DE)?

Digital Engineering (DE) is the use of digital technologies and techniques to improve the design, development, and maintenance of engineering systems and processes.

This can include the use of computer-aided design (CAD) software, simulation and modeling tools, and other digital technologies to improve efficiency, accuracy, and collaboration in the engineering process. DE can be applied to a wide range of industries, including aerospace, automotive, construction, and manufacturing.

To learn more about computer-aided design (CAD), visit: https://brainly.com/question/15683229


Fill in the blank: A data analyst is working with the World Happiness data in Tableau. To get a better view of Moldova, they use the _____ tool.A. Radial
B. Pan
C. Lasso
D. Rectangular


The "Pan" tool is used to move the view of the data on the screen, rather than zooming in or out. This would allow the data analyst to navigate and explore the data for Moldova more easily.

Who is a Data Analayst?

A data analyst is a professional who is responsible for collecting, cleaning, analyzing, interpreting and visualizing data to extract valuable insights that can inform business decisions.

They use statistical, programming and data visualization tools to turn raw data into actionable information. They work with large data sets and use their analytical skills to identify patterns and trends that can help organizations make better decisions and improve their performance.

They may also use machine learning and artificial intelligence to build predictive models and forecast future trends.

To learn more about Data Analayst, visit: https://brainly.com/question/30023160


Write a program in python to calculate the cost for replacing the carpet for a room. Carpet is priced by square foot. Total cost of carpet replacement includes carpet, labor and sales tax. Dollar values are output with two decimals


The program in Phyton that  calculates the cost for replacing the carpet for a room. Carpet is priced by square foot. Total cost of carpet replacement includes carpet, labor and sales tax, where  dollar values are output with two decimals is given as follow:

carpet_price_per_sqft = float(input("Enter the price of the carpet per square foot: "))

room_length = float(input("Enter the length of the room: "))

room_width = float(input("Enter the width of the room: "))

labor_cost = float(input("Enter the labor cost: "))

sales_tax_rate = float(input("Enter the sales tax rate (as a decimal): "))

# Calculate the area of the room

room_area = room_length * room_width

# Calculate the cost of the carpet

carpet_cost = room_area * carpet_price_per_sqft

# Calculate the total cost, including labor and sales tax

total_cost = carpet_cost + labor_cost

sales_tax = total_cost * sales_tax_rate

total_cost += sales_tax

# Output the total cost with two decimal places

print("The total cost of replacing the carpet is ${:.2f}".format(total_cost))

See attached for run capture.

What is the explanation of the above program?

This tool questions the user for the carpet price per square foot, room length and breadth, labor cost, and sales tax rate.

It then utilizes these data to compute the room's size, carpet cost, total cost including labor and sales tax, and finally outputs the entire cost to two decimal places using the format function.

Learn more about phyton:


SANs typically use what virtualization?


They use the SCSI protocol for communication between servers. A well-known transform boundary found in California is the San Andreas fault.

What is San Andreas Fault?

The San Andreas Fault has the most famous fault in the world.The San Andreas Fault is a place where two tectonic plates touch, the North American and Pacific Plates.

The plates are rigid (or almost rigid) slabs of rock that comprise the crust and upper mantle of the Earth. It is about 700 miles long as the crow flies and about 800 miles long when its curves are measured.

Therefore, They use the SCSI protocol for communication between servers. A well-known transform boundary found in California is the San Andreas fault.

Learn more about SCSI on:



Wrap the remaining text content within an unordered list with seven list items. In the code, insert a blank line after the unordered list. This is the code what is the issue.

Web Design Resources

W3 Schools
Smashing Magazine
Image Compressor
HTML Validator
Emmet   ■  


The code will be written in python language. This will contain all seven items on the list.

What is a code?

In a certain programming language, a collection of commands or a collection of rules are referred to as computer code. It's also the name given to the source code just after the translator has prepared it for computer execution.



<p>Web Design Resources</p>

<!-- Unordered list-->


<!-- Listings-->

<li><a href="https://www.w3.org" >W3C</a></li>

<li><a href="https://www.w3schools.com/" >W3 Schools</a></li>

<li><a href="https://www.html.com/">HTML</a></li>

<li><a href="https://www.smashingmagazine.com/">Smashing Magazine</a></li>

<li><a href="https://imagecompressor.com">Image Compressor</a></li>

<li><a href="https://validator.w3.org">HTML Validator</a></li>

<li><a href="https://emmet.io/">Emmet</a></li>


<!-- One empty line-->




Learn more about code, Here:



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Francisco added a new sidewalk to his front yard. Thediagram represents Francisco's sidewalk. Determinethe area of the sidewalk to the nearest square foot.A 10 ftB 16.28 ftC 3.14 ftD 13.14 ftIs this correct? the nurse is assisting in caring for a client who is receiving morphine sulfate by continuous intravenous infusion. the nurse ensures that which medication is readily available if a morphine overdose occurs? The solution to an inequality is graphed on the numberne.-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5Mark this and returnWhat is another way to represent this solution set?{xx 4.5)O{x|x24.5)Save and ExitNext File I/O - CSV update: Can someone tell me what's wrong with my code? c++ Error is shown below along with my code.Prompt:This program shouldget names of input and output files from command line (NOT from user input)read in integers from a csv (comma-separated values) file into a vectorcompute the integer average of all of the valuesconvert each value in the vector to the difference between the original value and the averagewrite the new values into a csv file#include #include #include using namespace std;int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {string inputFile;string outputFile;// Assign to inputFile value of 2nd command line argumentinputFile = argv[1];// Assign to outputFile value of 3rd command line argumentoutputFile = argv[2];// Create input stream and open input csv file.fstream inputStream;int inputVal;inputStream.open(inputFile);// Verify file opened correctly.// Output error message and return 1 if file stream did not open correctly.if (!inputStream.is_open()){cout > comma){//read in only the integers w/o commaintVector.push_back(inputVal);}// Close input stream.inputStream.close();// Get integer average of all values read in.int sum = 0;double avg;for(unsigned int i = 0; i < intVector.size(); i++){sum = sum + intVector[i];}avg = sum / intVector.size();// Convert each value within vector to be the difference between the original value and the average.for(unsigned int i = 0; i < intVector.size(); i++){intVector[i] = intVector[i] - avg;}// Create output stre4am and open/create output csv file.fstream outputStream;outputStream.open(outputFile);// Verify file opened or was created correctly.if (!outputStream.is_open()){// Output error message and return 1 if file stream did not open correctly.cout Baseball is a big sport in Japan. 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List all the ways Kay can spend exactly $0.45 on pencils. FInd the simple interest earned on a deposit of $2800 after 5 years at a 2% annual rate. how long after starting antibiotics are you no longer contagious with strep throat? descartes had identified two statements whose truth logically cannot be doubted using only his powers of . In a survey, a group of students were asked to name their favorite world language class. There were 25 students who chose "other" languages. How many students participated? french:42. 5% spanish:45 students participated The output of a power supply is assumed to be normally distributed. 16 observations taken at random on voltage are as follows: 10. 35, 9. 30, 10. 00, 9. 96, 11. 65, 12. 00, 11. 25, 9. 58, 11. 54, 9. 95, 10. 28, 8. 37, 10. 44, 9. 25, 9. 38 and 10. 85. (a) Test the hypothesis that the mean voltage equals 12V against a two-sided alternative using =0. 5. (b)Construct a 95% confidence interval on . (c) Test the hypothesis that 2 =1 using =0. 5. (d)Construct a 95% two-sided confidence interval on . (e) Construct a 95% upper confidences interval on In C, Given positive integer numInsects, write a while loop that prints that number doubled repeatedly without exceeding 100. Follow each number with a space. After the loop, print a newline.Example: If numInsects = 8, your code should print:8 16 32 64 after a total knee replacement, a client will be using a continuous passive motion device. which therapy goal identified by the client would indicate to the nurse that teaching was effective?