Write your reaction to what occurred in Chapter 8. This is not a summary. Write at least 5 sentences. Next, reflect on how the characters have changed from chapter 1 to chapter 8.


Answer 1

Related Questions

Match the definition to the term.

1. tense

vocal force or emphasis

2. intonation

pause between sounds, words, or phrases

3. pitch

the highness or lowness of a tone

4. inflection

where vocal folds (cords) are located

5. auxiliary

stress, pitch, and juncture

6. conjugation

a helping verb

7. stress

systematic arrangement of the forms of a verb

8. juncture

the time an action takes place

9. irregular verb

a verb that does not follow a regular pattern

10. larynx

alteration in pitch or tone of the voice; endings on verbs and other words

( the numbers are the words and i need them matched with the sentences below thx)


1.) the time the action takes place
2.) vocal force or emphasis
3.) the highness or lowness of a tone
4.) alteration in pitch or tone or the voice
5.) helping verb
6.)systematic arrangement of the forms of a verb
7.)pause between sounds, words, or phrases
8.)stress, pitch, and juncture
9.)a verb that does not follow a regular pattern
10.) where vocal folds (cords) are located

(i tried my best to figure it out based on the basic definition sorry if any are wrong)

The correct responses are - 1.) the time the action takes place,2.) vocal force or emphasis, 3.) the highness or lowness of a tone, 4.) alteration in pitch or tone or the voice,5.) helping verb, 6.)systematic arrangement of the forms of a verb, 7.)pause between sounds, words, or phrases, 8.)stress, pitch, and juncture,9.)a verb that does not follow a regular pattern, 10.) where vocal folds (cords) are located.

What is the larynx?

In humans and other animals, the larynx's main job is to prevent the lower respiratory tract from inhaling food into the trachea when breathing. It also houses the vocal cords and serves as a voice box for phonation, the production of sounds.

A component of your respiratory system is your larynx. It is a hollow tube that allows air to go from your pharynx, which is your throat, to your trachea, then to your lungs. It is sometimes referred to as the voice box since it also houses your vocal cords, which are necessary for human speech.

A component of your respiratory system is your larynx. It is a hollow tube that allows air to go from your pharynx, which is your throat, to your trachea, then to your lungs. It includes your vocals as well.

To read more about the larynx, refer to - https://brainly.com/question/27008578


help me i need to do this


Im not 100% sure but C

Is there anyone on here??????????????????????????????????????????

Not on a subject


What's up? ?????????????

Type the spelling words that have double letters. Put your answers in alphabetical order.

abbreviation- a shortened form of a word
accommodate- to do a favor or service for someone; oblige
aisle- a narrow passage between sections of seats; a walkway
antonym-a word whose meaning is opposite that of another word
arid lacking moisture; parched by heat
communication the giving and exchanging of information
congenial having the same tastes; agreeable; suitable
conservation protection and preservation
deceit misrepresentation; falseness
dexterous skillful
docile capable of being taught; easily led or managed
holy sacred; set apart
homonym a word which has the same pronunciation as another word but a different meaning and often different spelling
infiltrated having subtly penetrated or spread
infinite boundless; limitless
isle an island; especially a small one
obedient characterized by obeying commands or guidance
orient to locate or place; to discover the bearings of
psalmist one who writes psalms
raze to tear down or demolish
salvation the deliverance from sin and God's condemnation
saturation the condition of being unable to hold or contain more
slothful lazy; indolent; sluggish
sluggard a slothful, idle person
synonym a word which has the same meaning as another word
thesaurus a book of synonyms
undaunted fearless; not discouraged or disheartened
unity the state of being one; singleness
unyielding refusing to submit or surrender to another
wholly entirely















As you can see all of these have doubled letters and therefore they are your answers! I hoped this helped you!!!

Please answer that question :)


Bog is a wetland area with peaty/muddy soil. Frog is a context clue. I hope you get it right!
Bog is a wetland that accumulates a deposit of dead plant materials, and produces a lot of moss.

Grace means unmerited favor.


true, grace is the unmerited favor of God

the answer to your question would be true

read " Im nobody who are you?"
answer this
To whom is the poet speaking in the first stanza? In other words, who is “you” and who are “they”? Cite textual evidence from the selection to support your answer.

help asap


Answer: The poem begins with an introduction from the speaker, who announces themselves as “Nobody!” They ask the identity of the addressee—which could be the reader—and if they’re "Nobody" too. Presumably learning that the addressee is "Nobody" too, the speaker expresses that together they make a “pair” of “Nobodies.” The speaker instructs the addressee not to tell anyone about this, because other people would make a fuss—which, the speaker implies, is something the addressee already knows.

The speaker then talks about how boring it would be to be a “Somebody.” It would leave nothing private. The speaker likens being a somebody to being a frog.“Somebodies” spend their time talking themselves up to anyone who will give them attention and admire them, comparable to frogs making their noises in a swamp.


The poem argues in favor of outsiders and criticizes people who depend on others' attention for approval. It sets up this premise immediately with its emphatic opening statement, in which the speaker introduces themselves with an oxymoron. The speaker refers to themselves as "Nobody," the capitalization of the word making it read as a proper noun (like a person's first name). Not only is the speaker "Nobody," but they're also enthusiastic to say so, as shown by the exclamation mark caesura in the middle of line 1.

In essence, this opening is a kind of parody. Overall, the poem questions those who are overly reliant on external approval—people whose lives are governed by garnering attention and being liked. This type of social behavior—at least from this poem's perspective—is a kind of performance, and the first line seems to deliberately mimic such behavior. It's almost like the opening remark of one businessperson meeting another for the first time, making sure that the other is under no illusion as to the first's identity. It echoes the language that two people might use when shaking hands and gives the impression that they're trying to impress each other. But while the line has the tone and insistence of a confident meeting, it is actually a deliberate expression of anonymity. That's why it's an oxymoron—you can't be "nobody" in the literal sense if you are a living, talking human being saying the word "nobody" out loud (or writing it on the page).

With that in mind, then, "nobody" already means something different from what it might mean in a sentence like "nobody was there." Whereas in that example, "nobody" denotes an absence (there were no people around), "Nobody" here does precisely the opposite—it announces someone's presence.

Following this proclamation, the speaker asks the reader—or an off-page addressee—who they are. In a way, this is a rhetorical question—the poem provides no answer in textual form, and whoever is on the receiving ends of the question can't answer. But of course, the rest of the poem undercuts this brilliantly by providing its own answers. This begins in the second line, with the speaker asking hesitantly whether the reader is a "nobody" too. The two caesurae in this line—the characteristic Dickinson dashes—create a sense of hesitation. This is important, because the poem overall is implying that most people are not willingly "Nobodies," but rather prefer to be "Somebodies." The speaker is so amazed to find another "Nobody" that the basic question ("Are you nobody too?") doesn't come easily—it's almost like the speaker is checking that this other "Nobody" is real.

The word "too," though small, is crucial. It speaks to a process of recognition, as the speaker realizes that he or she isn't the only "Nobody" in the world. Thematically speaking, these lines establish a sense of solidarity between two people, showing the reader how connection can occur without seeking the approval of others. This is the poem's central paradox: a community of people based on anonymity, who, by virtue of their shyness (or just personal preference) are unlikely to ever actually meet face-to-face. Dickinson's inability to find literary fame during her lifetime is also relevant. People who don't seek fame and attention, the poem seems to suggest already , still make an important contribution to humanity and are capable of living happy lives.

We can say the following about the speaker and the "you" of the poem "I'm Nobody! Who Are You?" by Emily Dickinson:

- The speaker is not explicitly revealed, but we can assume it is Dickinson herself. In any case, the speaker is someone who prefers to live a more private, introverted life.

- The "you" seems to refer to anyone who is similar to the speaker, who also prefers to anonymity over fame.

By Emily Dickinson, the poem "I'm Nobody! Who Are You?" discusses the benefits of being anonymous rather than famous.The speaker sees herself as a nobody - and she likes being a nobody a lot! She clearly sees no advantage to being known by everyone else.She talks to someone, a "you" that is a nobody too. And she tells that "you" to keep it a secret that they are both nobodies.The speaker wants to remain anonymous, living comfortably and privately.

Learn more about "speaker" here


Paragraphs are the building blocks of papers. Many students define paragraphs in terms of length: a paragraph is a group of at least five sentences, a paragraph is half a page long, etc. In reality, though, the unity and coherence of ideas among sentences is what constitutes a paragraph. A paragraph is defined as “a group of sentences or a single sentence that forms a unit” (Lunsford and Connors 116). Length and appearance do not determine whether a section in a paper is a paragraph. For instance, in some styles of writing, particularly journalistic styles, a paragraph can be just one sentence long. Ultimately, a paragraph is a sentence or group of sentences that support one main idea. In this handout, we will refer to this as the “controlling idea,” because it controls what happens in the rest of the paragraph.



thank u for the points


I honestly don't know, maybe next time you could cut it in different parts :)

Use the abbreviations below to label the sentence pattern.

S = Subject
V = Verb
IO = Indirect Object
DO = Direct Object
PA = Predicate Adjective
PN = Predicate Noun

Leroy swims at 3:00 p.m. every day.


Leroy subject swims verb everyday is when

Is the monkey’s paw about good and bad luck? Why or why not?


Answer: Its not good because the monkey's paw is a legendary item of evil and who ever holds it to obtain wishes at a horrific price being prone.



The Monkey's Paw was mainly about bad luck.


The monkey's paw itself was a symbol of desire and greed and if somebody used it for their own selfish reasons or other, then they would be inflicted with bad luck. The monkey's paw may give you your wish but it won't come as easily as you may think. Mr. White wished for money, and he got it, but the price to pay was his son. And when he knew he had a chance to use the paw to brink him back, he didn't take it. He knew that something bad would come if he did. And that "it" in the story was his son, but he knew if he were to bring him back, it wouldn't be the son that he knew and loved.

What is considered good luck in Haiti?


Answer: The gris-gris voodoo charm is considered to be very luck in haiti


An old teacher asked her student, "If I say, 'I am beautiful,' which tense is that?" The student replied, "It is obviously past."



it is acually present


Answer: The tense is talking about her self


identify two examples of simile from the poem


“white lilies, pure as falling snow” and “the air is like a mother’s hand” :)


1. "White lilies, pure as falling snow," (In stanza 3)

2. "The air is like a mother's hand" (In stanza 4)


A simile is a sentence that uses "like" or "as" to compare things. Both sentences used "like" or "as" to compare things.


Read the excerpt from Catching Sun Rays.

But there is another benefit: switching to renewable energy can create jobs. One environmental group says solar power could mean hundreds of thousands of jobs in the United States. For example, the largest solar farm on the East Coast in New York created more than 200 local construction jobs. And the farm makes enough electricity each year to power 4,500 homes!

Why does the evidence provided in the excerpt make the author's argument more effective?

It is vague.
It is specific.
It is complicated.
It is scientific.


Answer: It is specific because it talks specificly about how renewable energy benefits the economy, creates jobs, and most of all to save energy. The answer to the question is it is specific. Hope this helps you!

The correct response is - It is specific because it discusses in detail how renewable energy boosts the economy, creates jobs, and, most importantly, reduces energy use. The question has a specific response.

What is renewable energy?

The energy that is derived from resources can be regenerated naturally over time and are therefore considered to be renewable. It includes energy sources like sunlight, wind, water currents, and geothermal heat. Despite the fact that the majority of renewable energy sources are sustainable, some are not.

Anything that is regenerable has an unlimited supply or may be replaced. Renewable energy sources never run out. Things that are renewable are always fresh and new because the word "re" implies "again" and the supply can never run out. This phrase frequently refers to energy.

To read more about renewable energy, refer to - https://brainly.com/question/14120097


Who in history best illustrated the characteristics of the autocratic leadership style?
Nelson Mandela

Martin Luther King Jr.

Mahatma Gandhi






I would say Hitler. I hope it helps

Which articles did she read about this experimental vehicle?

Which word is the direct object?










i would say vehicle


Write a perspective speech about how you will celebrate Christmas with your own brainthinking


Festival time happy time with family. It’s a special day we wake up to presents under the tree and a great breakfast. The night before we make cookies and gingerbread houses singing around the tree with friends. Then we go to sleep in our comfy pajamas under the blanket watching the snow fall down.

Depression. How do you get out of it? is there any way to make the pain stop? Help me please if you know.. thanks.


try to talk to someone you love you about it my friend, it’s hard i know but it’s better to go through with family and friends rather then alone :)


Well... you could talk to someone about it and they can point you in the right direction because their are people in this world who love you like friends and family.


Which of these statements about the news explains why the news stories differ from one news outlet to another? PLEASE HELP ASAP??
A.People interpret events differently from each other.
B.People cannot trust anyone to tell the truth.
C.People know that the truth must be objective.
D.People want news that is relevant to their lives.



Pretty sure it's D, but im not sure!


Normally when people watch their local news channel, there will be news om local things rather than universally. Lets say there is a hurricane in one part of a country, that part of the country will talk and care more about it than somwhere else in the country. I'm sorry if this isnt well explained. Hop ethis helps!

The inference on why news stories differ from one news outlet to another is A. People interpret events differently from each other.

What is an inference?

An inference simply means the conclusion that can be deduced based on the information given in a literary work.

In this case, the inference on why news stories differ from one news outlet to another is that people interpret events differently from each other.

Learn more about inference on:



When deciding how to organize a persuasive text, what should come first in the text?(1 point)

the most important arguments

a call to action

an opposing claim

the most interesting information


Answer: I think it’s the most interesting information

Explanation: when being to write your paper you want to draw in your reader. So if you said something like “ do remember when ...?”.

Note: I am not a professional***

The most interesting information, should come first in the text. Thus, option (d) is correct.

What is text?

The term text refers to the lines are the completing including in the words and the letters are the included. The text are the bunch of the words and the letters. They are the complete of the sentence are the understanding of the readers. They are the significant point are the highlighted of the text.

According to the text, was the first in to describe are the relative in the information. There are the proper information are to creation the interest of the reader. It was the proper information are the text are to grab the attention of the reader.

As a result, the most intriguing information, should come first in the text. Therefore, option (d) is correct.

Learn more about on text, here:



Read the paragraph.

Amber wants to use a quote from an article called "Reading and Writing in College.” The source is a website, www.collegewriting.edu. There is no known author or page number.

Which is the correct internal citation?

(Anonymous, no p. #).
(Anonymous, “Reading and Writing in College”).
(“Reading and Writing in College”). 50pt ANSER NW!


Answer:Its D

Explanation:I TOok THe Test




which statement best summarizes the main idea of this passage? LOOK AT THE PICTURE!





A is the answer have a good day

Can someone pls help I wasn’t paying attention because I have 5 other missing assignments I had to finish.



oh my god i feel so sorry for you



i think true, but i'm not sure


if you still need help try searching it up on google and reading an article about it

Name three objects that are considered good and bad luck and in Haiti.



1. If you swear by thunder, you'll die by a strike of lightning.

2. If you sharpen both ends of your own pencil, you'll lose both your parents on the same day.

3. Walking backwards will cause you to lose a member of your family.


these are examples but they have objects too (don't take these seriously, they are myths from Haiti, for example, the black bird is considered "bad luck")

Answer the 2 questions and Look at the pictures.




I can not see paragraph 4


9 is b. i can’t read the other

What are 3 DIFFERENT reasons that vaccines are "the greatest invention of all time?"
Will give brainliest for best answer.


They stop spread or disease
They control pandemics and outbreaks
They allow for travel

1. Vaccines help prevent the spread of illnesses and diseases.

2. Vaccines help prevent pandemics.

3. Vaccines help save lives. They help prevent several childhood diseases that may be deadly.

4. They allow people to travel safely from place to place. (helps with immigration)


Integration of Knowledge & Ideas - (a) In what ways does her mother identify with the buffalo? (b) Contrast - How is Power different from her mother? *

the story called museum indians



I love lambos


According to recent research, what is NOT a reason teens commit more crimes?

A)They do not always react in ways they should.

B)They are often not able to overcome their emotions.

C)There are differences in the way teen and adult brains are wired.

D)They are faster than adults at attacking criminals.


D? Or c? I’m not sure it’s not a question I would expect to answer




They go through depression cause they feel not loved and not cared about

You know what among us Real life ill be the spectator and ill choose the imposter(s) ill explain how the killing works too

731 464 3135







What are you doing here there is no question

go out and answer other peoples question




free points thank you. so the slope of the line is (x) ha iooooakkkkaka

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