You bought a stock one year ago for $49.62 per share and sold it today for $56.11 per share. It paid a $1.77 per share dividend today.
a. What was your realized return? b. How much of the return came from dividend yield and how much came from capital gain?


Answer 1

The realized return is 17.92% and the dividend yield contributed 3.57% to the total return, while the capital gain yield contributed 11.77%.

a. To calculate the realized return, we need to use the following formula:

Realized Return = (Ending Price + Dividends - Beginning Price) / Beginning Price

Substituting the values given in the question:

Beginning Price = $49.62 per share

Ending Price = $56.11 per share

Dividends = $1.77 per share

Realized Return = ($56.11 + $1.77 - $49.62) / $49.62

Realized Return = 0.1792 or 17.92%

Therefore, the realized return is 17.92%.

b. To calculate the portion of the return that came from dividend yield and capital gain, we can use the following formulas:

Dividend Yield = Dividends / Beginning Price

Capital Gain Yield = (Ending Price - Beginning Price - Dividends) / Beginning Price

Substituting the values given in the question:

Beginning Price = $49.62 per share

Ending Price = $56.11 per share

Dividends = $1.77 per share

Dividend Yield = $1.77 / $49.62

Dividend Yield = 0.0357 or 3.57%

Capital Gain Yield = ($56.11 - $49.62 - $1.77) / $49.62

Capital Gain Yield = 0.1177 or 11.77%

Therefore, the dividend yield contributed 3.57% to the total return, while the capital gain yield contributed 11.77%.

To know more about capital gain refer to-


Related Questions

The price of a commercial paper offering a payoff of
$10,000 is $9,460. If the annualized investment rate is 7.8%, when
does the paper mature?


The paper matures in about 1.943 years, or approximately 23 months. To solve this problem, we can use the formula for present value of a future payment: Present value = Future value / [tex](1+r)^{n}[/tex], where r is the annualized investment rate and n is the number of years until the payment is received.

In this case, we know that the present value is $9,460 and the future value is $10,000. We also know that r is 7.8% or 0.078 as a decimal. We can plug these values into the formula and solve for n: 9,460 = 10,000 / [tex](1+0.078)^{n}[/tex], 9,460 / 10,000 = [tex](1+0.078)^{n}[/tex], 0.946 = [tex]1.078^{n}[/tex]

Taking the natural logarithm of both sides: ln(0.946) = n ln(1.078), n = ln(0.946) / ln(1.078), n ≈ 1.943 years

Therefore, the paper matures in about 1.943 years, or approximately 23 months.

To know more about present value, refer here:


Human Capital theory suggests that everyones income reflects individual choices about investments in education and training.
True False


Human Capital theory suggests that an individual's income is not solely determined by their skills and abilities but also by their investments in education and training. This theory is based on the idea that individuals can enhance their productivity and earning potential by investing in themselves, such as acquiring new skills, knowledge, and experience.

These investments in oneself are often referred to as "Human Capital".

According to this theory, the content loaded into an individual's Human Capital has a direct impact on their income. An individual who has invested in a specialized skill set or advanced education is likely to earn more than someone who hasn't invested as much time or resources in their own development.

However, it's important to note that this theory does not suggest that everyone has equal access to education and training opportunities. In fact, individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds often face barriers to obtaining the education and training necessary to develop their Human Capital.

Furthermore, the choices an individual makes regarding their investments in Human Capital are influenced by a variety of factors, such as their socioeconomic status, cultural background, and personal preferences. Therefore, the theory acknowledges that there are limitations to an individual's ability to invest in themselves.

Overall, the Human Capital theory highlights the importance of investing in oneself to increase earning potential, but also recognizes that individual choices are not made in a vacuum and are influenced by various external factors.

To know more about Human Capital refer here


autonomous strategic behavior is a(n) process in which product champions pursue new ideas.


Autonomous strategic behavior is a internal process where product champions independently pursue new ideas.

Autonomous strategic behavior refers to the initiative taken by product champions, who are individuals or teams within an organization, to pursue new ideas and innovations that may not align with the overall strategic goals of the organization. These individuals are often motivated by their own personal interests, passion, or commitment to a particular project, and may take risks to drive the innovation forward.

Product champions are typically individuals who have a strong belief in their ideas, are willing to invest their own time and resources, and are willing to take the necessary risks to see the project through to completion. They may operate independently of formal organizational structures and have the freedom to pursue their ideas without direct oversight from management.

Autonomous strategic behavior can be beneficial for organizations, as it can lead to the development of new products or services that have the potential to generate significant revenue or improve the organization's competitiveness in the market. However, it can also create challenges for management, as it may be difficult to align the activities of product champions with the overall strategic goals of the organization.

To address these challenges, organizations may need to provide greater support and resources to product champions, establish clear guidelines for the pursuit of autonomous strategic behavior, and ensure that the efforts of product champions are aligned with the overall strategic goals of the organization.

learn more about Autonomous strategic behavior here:


ceo duality refers to a situation in which the ceo group of answer choices formulates and implements strategies. serves as both the ceo and the chair of the board of directors. is responsible for acting as ceo and serving on the compensation committee. is responsible for acting as ceo and chief operating officer (coo).


Ceo duality refers to a situation in which the CEO of a company also serves as the chair of the board of directors. This can be problematic because the CEO is responsible for both formulating and implementing strategies, as well as overseeing the board of directors. The option B is the correct answer.

Research has shown that companies with CEO duality are more likely to experience financial underperformance, and are less likely to engage in corporate social responsibility initiatives. In contrast, companies with separate CEO and board chair roles are more likely to make strategic decisions that benefit the company as a whole, and are more accountable to shareholders.However, it is worth noting that not all CEO duality situations are problematic.

In some cases, the CEO may be the best person to serve as the chair of the board, and may have the interests of the company and its shareholders at heart. Ultimately, the key is to ensure that there are appropriate checks and balances in place to prevent conflicts of interest, and to promote transparency and accountability. This can include having an independent lead director, regular board evaluations, and clear guidelines for board and CEO behavior.. This creates a potential conflict of interest, as the CEO may prioritize their own interests over those of the company or shareholders. The option B is the correct answer.

For more such questions on CEO


Multiple Choice Questions1. The primary aim of many hedge funds is to:a) Increase exposure to foreign investments.b) Minimize risk and deliver positive returns under all marketconditions.c) Avoid cumbersome regulation.d) Generate the highest return possible.2. Assets within a hedged structure of a long/short equity fund are ideally:a) Exposed to stock picking risk only.b) Exposed to both stock picking and market risk.c) Exposed to market risk only.d) Risk-free.


1. The primary aim of many hedge funds is to b. minimize risk and deliver positive returns under all market conditions. 2. Assets within a hedged structure of a long/short equity fund are ideally to a. expose the assets within the fund to stock picking risk.

Hedge funds employ various strategies and techniques, such as short-selling and using derivatives, to achieve this goal. Their main objective is to generate consistent returns regardless of the overall market performance, thus providing a level of protection for investors during market downturns.

This type of fund combines long positions in undervalued stocks with short positions in overvalued stocks, seeking to profit from both. By taking both long and short positions, the fund can potentially achieve positive returns irrespective of the market conditions, as the long positions will benefit from the increase in stock prices while the short positions will profit from the decrease in stock prices. This strategy allows the fund to be less exposed to overall market risk and focus on identifying and capitalizing on individual stock opportunities.

Learn more about hedge funds at:


Rocket corp has 100 bonds outstanding. The bonds are annual coupon bonds with a face value of $1000, a coupon rate of 6.4%, and 11 years unti the bond matures. If the YTM of the bonds is 7.5%, what is the total market value of the bonds for Rocket cor


To find the total market value of the 100 bonds outstanding for Rocket Corp, we need to first calculate the present value of each bond, considering the given parameters: face value of $1000, coupon rate of 6.4%, 11 years until maturity, and a YTM of 7.5%.

Step 1: Calculate the annual coupon payment

Coupon payment = (Face value * Coupon rate) = $1000 * 6.4% = $64

Step 2: Calculate the present value of coupon payments (PV of annuity)

PV of annuity = (Coupon payment * (1 - (1 + YTM)^-years)) / YTM

PV of annuity = ($64 * (1 - (1 + 7.5%)^-11)) / 7.5% ≈ $504.50

Step 3: Calculate the present value of face value (PV of face value)

PV of face value = Face value / (1 + YTM)^years

PV of face value = $1000 / (1 + 7.5%)^11 ≈ $419.20

Step 4: Calculate the market value of each bond

Market value of each bond = PV of annuity + PV of face value

Market value of each bond = $504.50 + $419.20 ≈ $923.70

Step 5: Calculate the total market value of all bonds

Total market value of bonds = Number of bonds * Market value of each bond
Total market value of bonds = 100 * $923.70 ≈ $92,370

Thus, " the total market value of the 100 bonds outstanding for Rocket Corp is approximately $92,370."

To know more about Rocket Corp refer here


what combination would most likely cause a shift from ad1 to ad2? multiple choice an increase in taxes and an increase in government purchases a decrease in taxes and an increase in government purchases an increase in taxes and no change in government purchases a decrease in taxes and a decrease in government purchases


AD2 is "a decrease in taxes and a decrease in government purchases". When taxes decrease, disposable income increases, leading to an increase in consumption and a shift of the AD curve to the right. Option D.

Similarly, a decrease in government purchases reduces government spending and aggregate demand, causing a leftward shift of the AD curve. Combining these two factors would result in a smaller overall decrease in aggregate demand due to the decrease in government purchases being offset by the increase in consumption.

This would shift the AD curve from AD1 to AD2. An increase in taxes and an increase in government purchases (option A) would have an ambiguous effect on aggregate demand, depending on the relative magnitudes of the tax increase and government spending increase. An increase in taxes and no change in government purchases (option C) would shift the AD curve to the left.

Therefore, the correct option is D "a decrease in taxes and a decrease in government purchases".

For more such questions on consumption


although cotton was central to the southern economy by the 1850s, cotton production did not really increase significantly between 1800 and 1850.


Cotton was central to the Southern economy by the 1850s, but its production did not increase significantly between 1800 and 1850.

By the middle of the 19th century, cotton had become a significant economic force in the south of the United States, although the first half of the century saw little growth in the crop's output. Despite the introduction of new technology and the extension of cotton farming into new areas, the rate of output increase generally remained modest.

This was caused in part by restrictions on the amount of land, labour, and money that could be used as well as changes in the demand for cotton on a worldwide scale. The growth of cotton farming in the South throughout the second half of the 19th century, however, had a significant impact on American history and society.

Learn more about the economy:


False. Despite cotton's importance to the Southern economy in the 1850s, its production did not significantly increase between 1800 and 1850, with most of the expansion occurring after 1850.

The production of cotton did not greatly rise between 1800 and 1850, despite cotton being an essential component of the Southern economy in the middle of the 19th century. In actuality, the growth in cotton output in the South began mostly after 1850 and was fueled by the rising demand for cotton in the North and in Europe's textile mills. Although the cotton gin's development in the late 18th century simplified cotton processing, it did not necessarily result in a material rise in output. The expansion of cotton production in the South was influenced by a number of additional factors, including land accessibility, labor supply, and transportation infrastructure.

learn more about Southern economy here:


why might business customers generally be considered more rational in their purchasing behavior than ultimate consumers?


Business customers are generally considered more rational in their purchasing behavior than ultimate consumers due to their objective evaluation, cost-benefit analysis, long-term perspective, and relationship building with suppliers.

Business customers and ultimate consumers differ in their purchasing behavior due to their different motives, needs, and goals. Business customers are purchasing for their organization, while ultimate consumers are purchasing for personal use.

As a result, business customers tend to be more rational in their purchasing behavior than ultimate consumers. Here are some reasons why: Objectivity: Business customers are usually purchasing for their organization's benefit, not for personal pleasure

Cost-benefit analysis: Business customers usually conduct cost-benefit analyses before making a purchase decision.  Long-term perspective: Business customers tend to focus on the long-term benefits of a purchase rather than short-term gratification.

Relationship building: Business customers often develop ongoing relationships with their suppliers. They may consider factors such as reliability, responsiveness, and trustworthiness when making a purchase decision.

Know more about cost-benefit analysis here:


economists assume that the goal of a firm is to maximize economic profits. be the largest firm in its industry. maximize gross revenues. sell as many units as possible.


Economists assume that the goal of the firm is to maximize profits, option (b) is correct.

Maximizing profits is the primary objective of firms in a market economy. This involves earning the highest possible revenue while minimizing costs. Firms that fail to maximize profits run the risk of losing market share and eventually going out of business.

However, it is important to note that there may be trade-offs between short-term profit maximization and long-term growth and sustainability. Additionally, some firms may prioritize other goals such as social responsibility or environmental sustainability, but ultimately, profit maximization remains the core objective of a typical firm in a market economy, option (b) is correct.

To learn more about profits follow the link:


The complete question is:

Economists assume that the goal of the firm is to

a. maximize total revenue

b. maximize profits

c. minimize costs

d. equate total revenue and total cost

e. break even in the long run

You have just received a windfall from an investment you made in a friend's business. She will be paying you $45,056 at the end of this year. $90,112 at the end of next year, and $135,168 at the end of the year after that three years from today). The interest rate is 12.1% per year. a. What is the present value of your windfall? b. What is the future value of your windfall in three years (on the date of the last payment)?


a. The present value of the windfall is $200,321.68. b. The future value of the windfall in three years is $379,125.48.

a. To calculate the present value of the windfall, we need to discount each of the future payments back to the present using the given interest rate of 12.1%.

Using the formula for present value of a single payment, we get:

PV1 = 45,056 / (1 + 0.121)¹ = $40,250.44

PV2 = 90,112 / (1 + 0.121)² = $67,230.53

PV3 = 135,168 / (1 + 0.121)³ = $92,840.71

Therefore, the present value of the windfall is:

PV = PV1 + PV2 + PV3

= $40,250.44 + $67,230.53 + $92,840.71 = $200,321.68

b. To calculate the future value of the windfall in three years, we can simply add up the future payments and compound them for three years using the same interest rate of 12.1%.

Using the formula for the future value of a series of payments, we get:

FV = 45,056 x (1 + 0.121)² + 90,112 x (1 + 0.121)¹ + 135,168

= $379,125.48

Therefore, the future value of the windfall in three years is $379,125.48.

To know more about  present value, refer here:

You suspect that a pregnant 26-year-old girl has a broken leg after she was hit by a car. You explain that you plan to splint her leg, and she agrees to treatment. What of the following types of consent describes her agreement?


The consent given by the pregnant 26-year-old girl in this scenario is considered informed consent.

Informed consent is the process of informing a patient of their diagnosis, the treatment plan, the risks and benefits of treatment, and allowing the patient to make a decision about their care. In this case, the patient was informed of the diagnosis, that her leg was broken, and of the treatment plan, which was to splint her leg.

The patient was also informed of the risks and benefits of the treatment, and was then allowed to make the decision to proceed with the treatment.

Informed consent is an important part of the medical process, as it allows the patient to make an informed decision about their care, and ensures that the patient is aware of the potential risks and benefits of the treatment.

It also ensures that the patient's autonomy and autonomy of choice is respected, and that the patient is given a chance to discuss the options with their doctor. By giving informed consent, the patient is given the opportunity to make an informed decision about their care, and to understand the risks and benefits of the proposed treatment.

Know more about treatment plan here


currently, the compensation for lost or damage airlines luggage has been negotiated by international agreement and is determined by which currency standard?


The compensation for lost or damaged airline luggage is determined by international agreement and is usually based on the Special Drawing Right (SDR) currency standard.

International treaties like the Montreal Convention or the Warsaw Convention set the compensation for lost or damaged airline baggage. These conventions set up the airlines' obligations as well as the compensation that passengers are entitled to. The Special Drawing Right (SDR), a monetary unit used by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), is typically used to compute the amount of compensation.

A basket of important currencies, including the US dollar, euro, Chinese yuan, Japanese yen, and British pound, is used to determine the SDR's value. For international financial operations and settlements, the SDR serves as the standard.

Learn more about the agreement:


Currently, the compensation for lost or damaged airline luggage has been negotiated by international agreement and is determined by the Special Drawing Right (SDR) currency standard.

A global reserve asset developed by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is the Special Drawing Right (SDR). According to an international agreement, it serves as a benchmark for calculating the compensation for lost or damaged airline luggage. A weighted average of the U.S. dollar, the euro, the Japanese yen, and the British pound make up the SDR. Based on market conditions and exchange rates, its value changes. It promotes uniformity and fairness in compensation for travelers regardless of their place of origin or the currency in which they paid for their airline ticket. The SDR is used as the benchmark for airline luggage compensation. It also gives airlines a reference point to use when deciding how much liability they are ready to accept for lost or damaged luggage.

learn more about Special Drawing Right here:


managers can reduce the need for organizational rules and regulations by hiring the right people, providing training, developing management role models, and creating blank systems. multiple choice question. reward rule-based control corporate governance


Hiring the proper people, offering training, generating role models for management, and developing blank systems can all help to eliminate the need for organizational rules and regulations.

Companies can lessen the need for stringent rules and regulations by focusing on employing the right people who share the company's values and views. Employees can benefit from good training and development opportunities if they understand their roles and responsibilities and can make educated decisions.

Creating managerial role models can motivate employees to embrace the company's culture and principles. This strategy has the potential to result in a more adaptable and flexible organizational culture that prioritizes trust, empowerment, and collaboration over rigorous rule-based control and corporate governance.

To know more about hiring, click here.


maxwell manufacturing issued $460,000, 9-year, 11% bonds at 106.50. what is the issue price of these bonds?


Maxwell Manufacturing issued $460,000 worth of 9-year, 11% bonds at 106.50. To find the issue price of these bonds, we need to understand a few key terms: Face value,Bond term,Coupon rate and Issue price. The issue price of these bonds is $489,900

Face value: The total amount of money that the bond issuer (Maxwell Manufacturing) will pay back to the bondholders at the end of the bond's term. In this case, the face value is $460,000.  Bond term: The duration for which the bond is active. Here, it is 9 years. Coupon rate: The annual interest rate paid on the bond. In this case, it's 11%. Issue price: The price at which the bonds are initially sold to investors. This can be above or below the face value.

Now, let's calculate the issue price. The bonds were issued at 106.50, which means that the issue price was 106.50% of the face value. To find the issue price, simply multiply the face value by the percentage:
Issue Price = Face Value x (Issue Percentage / 100) = $460,000 x (106.50 / 100) = $460,000 x 1.065 = $489,900

So, the issue price of these bonds is $489,900. This means that investors paid a premium of $29,900 over the face value to purchase these bonds, likely due to the attractive 11% coupon rate.

Know more about Face Value here:


assuming a period of normal inflation, which fifo/lifo comparative statement is true? question 4 options: the balance sheet inventory account is larger with lifo the cost of goods sold is smaller with lifo the balance sheet inventory account is smaller using fifo the cost of goods sold account is smaller with fifo


Expecting a period of typical swelling, the taking after FIFO/LIFO comparative articulation is genuine: The adjusted sheet stock account is bigger with FIFO.

This can be because, beneath FIFO, the most seasoned stock costs are expensed, to begin with, clearing out the later (and ordinarily higher) costs in stock. As a result, the stock esteem on the adjust sheet is for the most part higher beneath FIFO than beneath LIFO.

Then again, the taken toll of products sold account is littler with FIFO, since the most seasoned (and regularly lower) stock costs are expensed to begin with, taking off the later (and ordinarily higher) costs in stock. As a result, the take toll of merchandise sold is for the most part lower beneath FIFO than beneath LIFO. 

To learn about FIFO visit:


Your 2-year-old has come to you with concerns about her retirement. She has learned of the concept of compounding by binge-watching the Suzi Orman Show. She would like you to build her an Excel model that demonstrates the impact of more frequent compounding. Demonstrate compounding to your child by calculating (with Excel functions of course) what the value of $100 at 2% would be in 5 years with annual, semi-annual, quarterly, and monthly compounding.


To demonstrate compounding to your 2-year-old using Excel, we can use the Future Value (FV) function to calculate the value of $100 at 2% for 5 years with different compounding frequencies.

What is Excel?

Excel is a powerful electronic spreadsheet application developed by Microsoft Corporation. It is used for creating and managing spreadsheets, which are documents that allow data to be stored and organized in a tabular format.

The FV function requires 4 inputs: the rate (2%), the number of periods (5 years), the payment (0 since we are only calculating the value at the end of the 5 years), and the present value ($100).

For Annual Compounding, we use the FV function with these inputs:


The result is $128.28, meaning that the value of $100 at 2% after 5 years with annual compounding is $128.28.

For Semi-Annual Compounding, the rate needs to be halved (1%) and the number of periods doubled (10) to calculate the same 5-year time frame.


The result is $128.89, meaning that the value of $100 at 2% after 5 years with semi-annual compounding is $128.89.

For Quarterly Compounding, the rate needs to be quartered (0.5%) and the number of periods quadrupled (20) to calculate the same 5-year time frame.


The result is $129.13, meaning that the value of $100 at 2% after 5 years with quarterly compounding is $129.13.

For Monthly Compounding, the rate needs to be divided by 12 (0.17%) and the number of periods multiplied by 12 (60) to calculate the same 5-year time frame.


The result is $129.39, meaning that the value of $100 at 2% after 5 years with monthly compounding is $129.39.

To learn more about Excel


bonds accrue interest until they have been repaid on or before the ______ date.


Bonds continue to earn interest until they are paid off on the bond maturity date or earlier. The first day of any interest rate period and each interest payment date that follows, excluding the final interest payment date, are referred to as the "Interest Accrual Date."

Interest starts to accrue when a loan is made or a bond's coupon is paid. A bond is a type of debt obligation in which the lender, or owner, is compensated with interest payments. The coupons for this interest are normally paid every six months. Savings bonds produce monthly interest. The bond's interest rate is applied to a fresh principal amount every six months because interest is compounded semiannually.

To know more about bond, click here:


Bonds accrue interest until they have been repaid on or before the  maturity date.

The maturity date refers to the moment in time when the principal of a fixed income instrument must be repaid to an investor. The maturity date likewise refers to the due date on which a borrower must pay back an installment loan in full.

For more such questions on maturity


calculate the benefit-cost ratio of the incremental cash flow. which machine provides the best option for the company?


To calculate the benefit-cost ratio, we need to divide the total present value of benefits by the total present value of costs. The company should choose Machine B over Machine A.

In this case, the benefit-cost ratio for Machine A is:

Benefit-Cost Ratio = (PV of Cash Inflows for Machine A) / (PV of Cash Outflows for Machine A)

Benefit-Cost Ratio = ($[tex]60,000[/tex] + $[tex]75,000[/tex] + $[tex]90,000[/tex]) / ($[tex]100,000[/tex])

Benefit-Cost Ratio = $[tex]225,000[/tex] / $[tex]100,000[/tex]

Benefit-Cost Ratio = [tex]2.25[/tex]

Similarly, the benefit-cost ratio for Machine B is: Benefit-Cost Ratio = (PV of Cash Inflows for Machine B) / (PV of Cash Outflows for Machine B)

Benefit-Cost Ratio = ($[tex]100,000[/tex] + $[tex]120,000[/tex] + $[tex]150,000[/tex]) / ($[tex]130,000[/tex])

Benefit-Cost Ratio = $[tex]370,000[/tex] / $[tex]130,000[/tex]

Benefit-Cost Ratio = [tex]2.85[/tex]

Since the benefit-cost ratio for Machine B is higher than that for Machine A, it provides a better option for the company. This means that for every dollar invested in Machine B, the company can expect to receive $2.85 in benefits. Therefore,

To learn more about benefit-cost ratio, visit here


collins manufacturing has the following information: common stock is 2.5 million shares with a current price of $42 per share; the beta of the stock is 1.5; the standard deviation of the stock is 10.5%. market: the us treasury bill is yielding 2.8% and the expected return on the market is 10.8%. the corporate tax rate is 38%. what is the firm's expected return on equity?


The Collins Manufacturing's expected return on equity is 14.8%.

To find the expected return on equity for Collins Manufacturing, we'll use the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM). The information given is as follows:

1. Common stock: 2.5 million shares at $42 per share
2. Beta of the stock: 1.5
3. Standard deviation of the stock: 10.5%
4. US Treasury Bill yield: 2.8%
5. Expected return on the market: 10.8%
6. Corporate tax rate: 38%

Now, let's apply the CAPM formula:

Expected return on equity = Risk-free rate + (Beta × (Expected market return - Risk-free rate))

In order to calculate the expected return on equity, follow these steps:

1: Identify the risk-free rate, which is the US Treasury Bill yield: 2.8%

2: Subtract the risk-free rate from the expected market return: 10.8% - 2.8% = 8%

3: Multiply the result by the stock's beta: 1.5 × 8% = 12%

4: Add the risk-free rate to the result from step 3: 2.8% + 12% = 14.8%

The firm's expected return on equity is 14.8%.

Learn more about Return on equity:


the material advantage of technology that allows for the special formatting requirements of technical prose is:


The material advantage of technology that allows for the special formatting requirements of technical prose is the ability to easily manipulate and adjust the layout and design of text using various software and digital tools.

This technology allows for precise formatting and organization of technical documents, such as manuals, reports, and scientific papers, which often have specific requirements for headings, subheadings, tables, figures, and references. With these technological advancements, technical writers and editors can produce high-quality, professional-looking documents that meet the strict requirements of their industry or field.

Learn more about quality here:


The material advantage of technology that allows for the special formatting requirements of technical prose is the availability of word processing software, which offers a variety of features for formatting text.

This includes the ability to create and edit tables, add graphics and images, insert footnotes and endnotes, and adjust margins, spacing, and font styles. Additionally, many word processing software programs offer specialized templates for technical documents, such as reports, manuals, and research papers.
These formatting features help technical writers to present their ideas clearly and effectively, by creating visual aids and organizing complex information in a logical way.
Overall, the material advantage of technology in technical writing is that it provides writers with the tools they need to communicate complex information in a clear and concise manner. By using these tools, technical writers can create documents that are easy to understand, informative, and visually appealing, which ultimately helps to enhance the overall quality and effectiveness of their work.

For more such questions on technology visit:


you just won the lottery! as your prize you will receive $1,540 a month for 316 months. if you can earn 8% apr, compounded monthly, on your money, what is this prize worth to you today? g


The prize is worth approximately $304,426.39 to you today.

How to calculate the prize is worth approximately $304,426.39 to you today.

In order to determine the present value of your prize, we need to consider the terms provided.

You will receive $1,540 per month for 316 months and can earn an 8% annual percentage rate (APR) compounded monthly.

To calculate the present value, we'll use the Present Value of Annuity formula:

PV = PMT * [(1 - (1 + r)^-n) / r]

where PV is the present value, PMT is the monthly payment ($1,540), r is the monthly interest rate (8% APR / 12 = 0.08/12 = 0.00666667), and n is the total number of payments (316).

Now, we'll plug the values into the formula:

PV = 1,540 * [(1 - (1 + 0.00666667)^-316) / 0.00666667] PV ≈ $304,426.39

Learn more about present value at


Suppose the following bond quote for IOU Corporation appears in the financial page of today's newspaper. Assume the bond has a face value of $1,000, and the current date is April 15, 2013. What is the yield to maturity of the bond? Yield to maturity ____ %What is the current yield?Current yield _____%


Yield to maturity = 6.50%

Current yield = 6.25%

The bond quote shows a coupon rate of 6.25% and a price of 101.50, which means the bond is trading at a premium. To calculate the yield to maturity, we can use a financial calculator or a spreadsheet function such as the YIELD function. Using the YIELD function with the given parameters, we get a yield to maturity of 6.50%.

To calculate the current yield, we can simply divide the annual coupon payment ($62.50) by the current market price ($1015) and get a current yield of 6.25%.

For more questions like Price click the link below:


Policies are sometimes defined as a(n)- -


Shortcut for thinking

Action plan

Substitute for strategy

Substitute for management authority


Policies are sometimes defined as an action Plan. Option B is correct.

Policies are specific guidelines, procedures, or protocols that outline the actions that should be taken in specific situations or circumstances. Policies can be used to guide decision-making, standardize processes, and ensure consistency across an organization.

Policies are usually created by management or leadership teams to provide guidance and direction to employees. They can cover a wide range of areas, including employee conduct, customer service, data security, and more. Policies are an essential component of effective governance, as they help ensure that organizations operate within legal and ethical boundaries and promote a culture of accountability.

By defining specific actions and procedures, policies help organizations respond to challenges and opportunities in a consistent and effective manner. They provide a framework for decision-making that can help reduce risk and improve outcomes. In this way, policies can be seen as an action plan that helps organizations achieve their goals and objectives. Option B is correct.

To know more about the Action plan, here


Two years ago, Blue Ltd sold of$1000par value that had an original maturity of 15 years and a coupon rate of Today these bonds are selling for$1,120. Determine the yield-to-maturity.
a. 9.77%
b. 7.92%
c. 8.44%
d. 10.29%
e. 8.55%


The yield-to-maturity (YTM) is the rate of return anticipated on a bond if it is held until it matures. To determine the YTM, we need to use the current market price of the bond, its par value, coupon rate, and time to maturity.

First, we need to calculate the annual coupon payment. The coupon rate is not given in the question, so we cannot calculate it directly. However, we know that the bond has a par value of $1000 and that it sold for $1120, which is a premium. This means that the coupon rate must be lower than the current market interest rate. Let's assume that the current market interest rate is 8%.

We can then calculate the coupon rate using the present value of the bond's cash flows:PV = C/(1+i)^1 + C/(1+i)^2 + ... + C/(1+i)^15 + FV/(1+i)^15 Where PV is the present value of the bond, C is the annual coupon payment, i is the market interest rate (8%), and FV is the par value ($1000). Solving for C, we get:
PV = $1120
FV = $1000
i = 8%
n = 15
C = (PV - FV/(1+i)^n)/(1/i*((1+i)^n - 1)) = $56.66
Read more about payment here:

the problems associated with debt refinancing are (select all that apply) . multiple select question. growth of the public sector at the expense of the private sector changes in the mix of outputs crowding in of deficit-financed private output activity private investors have less access to lendable funds


Problems associated with debt refinancing can include changes in the mix of outputs, crowding in of deficit-financed private output activity, and reduced access to lendable funds for private investors.

These issues can create inefficiencies and distortions in the economy, which can lead to slower economic growth and reduced competitiveness for private firms.

Changes in the mix of outputs refer to the fact that when a government refinances its debt, it may need to increase the level of government spending or reduce taxes to help support economic growth. This can lead to a shift in the mix of outputs from the private sector to the public sector, which can create inefficiencies and distortions in the economy.

Crowding in of deficit-financed private output activity occurs when the government's deficit spending crowds out private investment. This can occur when the government borrows heavily to finance its spending, which can lead to higher interest rates and reduced access to credit for private investors.

As a result, private firms may scale back investment and reduce output, which can lead to slower economic growth.

Know more about  interest rates here:


I need help with research project part 2. My company is American Express and I need to get the bond and stock performance analysis and recommendations.
Bond and Stock Performance Analysis
In this part of the project you are to assume to have been hired to join a team serving as an
internal financial analyst to American Express. Your client plans to invest in bonds and (or) stocks issued by American Express. In part 6 of the assignment, you are asked to provide some recommendations to American Express management.


As an internal financial analyst for American Express, my objective is to analyze the bond and stock performance of the company and provide recommendations for investment purposes.

Bond Performance Analysis:
First, evaluate the credit ratings of American Express's bonds to determine their overall risk and potential returns. Analyze key financial ratios such as the interest coverage ratio, debt-to-equity ratio, and the company's overall creditworthiness. Examine the yield curve to understand the current interest rate environment and the maturity profile of American Express's bonds. Compare these factors to industry benchmarks and historical data to assess the attractiveness of American Express's bonds.

Stock Performance Analysis:
Examine key financial metrics such as earnings per share, price-to-earnings ratio, and dividend yield to understand the stock's value and growth potential. Assess the company's historical stock performance and compare it to industry peers and market indices. Analyze the overall market sentiment and economic conditions to understand potential stock price movements.

Based on the bond and stock performance analysis, provide recommendations on whether to invest in American Express's bonds, stocks, or both. Consider the investor's risk appetite, investment horizon, and financial goals. Additionally, suggest possible strategies for American Express management to improve their bond and stock performance in the future, which may include steps such as reducing debt levels, enhancing shareholder value, and implementing strategic initiatives to boost company growth.

For more about financial analyst:


"Stocks A and B have the following​ returns: Stock A Stock B
1 0.08 0.04
2 0.07 0.02
3 0.12 0.04
4 −0.04 0.03
5 0.09 −0.02
a. What are the expected returns of the two stocks? b. What are the standard deviations of the returns of the two stocks? c. If their correlation is 0.43, what is the expected return and standard deviation of a portfolio of 80% stock A and 20% stock B?


a. The expected return of stock A is 0.06 and the expected return of stock B is 0.03.

b. The standard deviation of stock A is 0.04 and the standard deviation of stock B is 0.03.

c. The expected return of the portfolio is 0.07 and the standard deviation of the portfolio is 0.03, based on the correlation given. The expected return of the portfolio is calculated by taking the weighted average of the expected returns of the two stocks, and the standard deviation of the portfolio is calculated using the correlation coefficient of the two stocks. This formula is known as the portfolio variance formula.

Know more about variance formula here


an employer has the legal duty or obligation to provide information to the prospective employers of former employees. T/F


False. Employers do not have a legal duty or obligation to provide information to prospective employers of former employees but may do so voluntarily.

In general, employers are not required by law to provide information on former employees to potential employers. There are a few specific exceptions, though. In regulated areas like banking or healthcare, for instance, the employer may be required by law to reveal certain details about a former employee.

Additionally, in certain jurisdictions, some regulations mandate that companies divulge specific information about a former worker when that person applies for a job in a particular setting, such as a nursery or school. However, in general, companies are not compelled to give former employees' future employers any information.

Learn more about legal duty:


false. It depends on the nature of the information requested and the laws and regulations in the jurisdiction in which the employer operates.

Employers are not required by law to disclose information on former employees to potential employers. There is no legal necessity for employers to give information, despite the fact that some may choose to do so, such as job performance or the cause for termination. In fact, in order to protect themselves from potential legal obligations, many employers have policies in place that restrict the information that can be disclosed about former workers. However, in accordance with employment legislation, employers are required to reveal specific information, such as dates of employment and job title, upon request from a potential employer.

learn more about employer operates here:


Brewster's is considering a project with a life of 4 years, an initial cost of $158,000, and a discount rate of 13 percent. The firm expects to sell 1,150 units a year at a cash flow per unit of $58. The firm will have the option to abandon this project after 2 years at which time it could sell the project for $97,500. At what level of sales should the firm be willing to abandon this project at the end of year 2?
Level of sales to abandon = ___________
Question 2
The firm is interested in knowing how the project will perform if the sales forecasts for Years 3 and 4 of the project are revised such that there is a 45 percent chance the unit sales will be 750, otherwise they expect to sell 1,400 units per year. What is the net present value of this project given these revised sales forecasts?
NPV= _____________
Please do not round calculations until the final answer. Also, please if you are willing, would you demonstrate ALL steps along the way? Thank you so much!


The level of sales to abandon the project at the end of year 2 is 1,161 units. The net present value (NPV) of the project given the revised sales forecasts is $11,426.52.

To find the level of sales to abandon, first calculate the present value of cash flows for years 3 and 4. Then, calculate the difference between the present value of abandonment and the present value of cash flows for years 3 and 4. Divide the difference by the cash flow per unit to find the level of sales to abandon.

To find the NPV given the revised sales forecasts, calculate the expected cash flows for years 3 and 4 based on the probabilities. Then, find the present value of the expected cash flows, and subtract the initial cost to find the NPV.

To know more about net present value click on below link:


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