Your broker charges $0.0028 per share per trade. The exchange charges $0.0167 per share per trade for removing liquidity and credits $0.0149 per share per trade for adding liquidity. The current best BID price for stock XYZ is $81.77 per share, while the current best ASK price is $81.78 per share. You post an order to buy XYZ at the current best BID price and wait. Shortly after, the best BID and ASK prices move lower (down) by one cent each. Your buy order is executed. Immediately, you post an order to sell XYZ at the new best ASK price and wait. Shortly after, the best BID and ASK prices move higher (up) by one cent each. Your sell order is executed. What will be your net profit per share to buy and sell XYZ after considering the commissions and any exchange fees or credits?


Answer 1

The net profit per share for buying and selling XYZ after considering the commissions and exchange fees/credits is $0.0024.

How to calculate the net profit per share?

To calculate the net profit per share, we need to consider the following costs and revenues:

Broker commission: $0.0028 per share per trade

Exchange fee for removing liquidity: $0.0167 per share per trade

Exchange credit for adding liquidity: $0.0149 per share per trade

Let's first calculate the total cost of buying and selling one share of XYZ:

Buying cost: $81.77 (BID price) + $0.0028 (broker commission) + $0.0167 (exchange fee for removing liquidity) = $81.7895

Selling revenue: $81.78 (ASK price) - $0.0028 (broker commission) + $0.0149 (exchange credit for adding liquidity) = $81.7919

The net profit per share is the difference between the selling revenue and buying cost:

Net profit per share = Selling revenue - Buying cost = $81.7919 - $81.7895 = $0.0024

Therefore, the net profit per share for buying and selling XYZ after considering the commissions and exchange fees/credits is $0.0024.

Learn more about net profit


Related Questions

the _____ organization type of correctional organization emphasizes the rehabilitation of inmates. group of answer choices custodial treatment enforcement prevention


The custodial treatment organization t type of correctional organization emphasizes the rehabilitation of inmates.

This type of organization focuses on providing inmates with the necessary tools and resources to help them lead productive lives when they are released from prison. The primary goal of custodial treatment organizations is to reduce recidivism rates by providing inmates with the necessary resources to help them reintegrate into society. This involves providing inmates with access to education and job training, as well as counseling services to address underlying issues that may have contributed to their criminal behavior.

Additionally, custodial treatment organizations provide inmates with access to mental health services, substance abuse treatment, and other social services that can help them successfully transition back into the community. By providing inmates with the necessary tools and resources to help them become productive members of society, custodial treatment organizations help to reduce recidivism rates and reduce the overall burden on the criminal justice system.

Know more about Organization here


ll bean is renown for its supply chain management and very quick shipping and delivery times, particularly during the holiday season. as a result, competitors engage in competitive benchmarking, which means: select one: a. observing and studying ll bean's supply chain in order to improve their own b. purchasing ll bean products to measure the number of days until the orders arrived and try to beat it c. outsourcing their shipping process to ll bean distribution centers d. creating barriers to exit for ll bean e. identifying ways to create a differentiation advantage


The correct answer is a. Competitors engage in competitive benchmarking

This is because LL Bean is well-known for its efficient supply chain management and fast shipping and delivery times, particularly during the busy holiday season. By studying LL Bean's processes and implementing similar strategies, competitors can improve their own operations and potentially gain a competitive advantage. The other options listed, such as purchasing LL Bean products to measure delivery times or outsourcing to LL Bean distribution centers, may not necessarily lead to improvements in a competitor's supply chain. Creating barriers to exit for LL Bean or identifying ways to create a differentiation advantage is also unrelated to competitive benchmarking.

Learn more about "benchmarking"


King Nothing is evaluating a new 6-year project that will have annual sales of $455,000 and costs of $311,000. The project will require fixed assets of $555,000, which will be depreciated on a 5-year MACRS schedule. The annual depreciation percentages are 20.00 percent, 32.00 percent, 19.20 percent, 11.52 percent, 11.52 percent, and 5.76 percent, respectively. The company has a tax rate of 35 percent. What is the operating cash flow for Year 3?


For Year 3 of King Nothing's 6-year project the operating cash flow is $130,896.

To calculate the operating cash flow for Year 3 of King Nothing's 6-year project, we'll need to consider the annual sales, costs, depreciation, and tax rate.

Here are the steps to find the operating cash flow for Year 3:

1. Calculate the gross profit by subtracting the costs from the annual sales:

Gross Profit = Annual Sales - Costs

Gross Profit = $455,000 - $311,000

Gross Profit = $144,000

2. Calculate the depreciation for Year 3 using the MACRS schedule:

Depreciation = Fixed Assets × Depreciation Percentage

Depreciation = $555,000 × 19.20%

Depreciation = $106,560

3. Calculate the taxable income by subtracting the depreciation from the gross profit:

Taxable Income = Gross Profit - Depreciation

Taxable Income = $144,000 - $106,560

Taxable Income = $37,440

4. Calculate the taxes by multiplying the taxable income by the tax rate:

Taxes = Taxable Income × Tax Rate

Taxes = $37,440 × 35%

Taxes = $13,104

5. Calculate the net income by subtracting the taxes from the taxable income:

Net Income = Taxable Income - Taxes

Net Income = $37,440 - $13,104

Net Income = $24,336

6. Calculate the operating cash flow by adding the net income and the depreciation:

Operating Cash Flow = Net Income + Depreciation

Operating Cash Flow = $24,336 + $106,560

Operating Cash Flow = $130,896

Therefore, the operating cash flow for Year 3 of King Nothing's 6-year project is $130,896.

Learn more about Operating cash flow:


sales forecasts are the first step in the budgeting process of a merchandising firm because: a. revenue data is easiest to gather b. sales information is precise in amount c. sales personnel have the quickest access to data d. almost all activities of a firm emanate from sales efforts


Sales forecasts are indeed the first step in the budgeting process of a merchandising firm because D. almost all activities of a firm emanate from sales efforts.

The reasoning behind this is that sales forecasts provide crucial information regarding expected revenue and customer demand. This, in turn, helps a firm plan and allocate its resources efficiently, such as inventory management, marketing strategies, and workforce management.

While it may be true that revenue data is easier to gather (option a) and sales personnel have quicker access to data (option c), these factors are secondary to the importance of sales efforts as the driving force behind a firm's activities. In addition, it is important to note that sales information is not always precise in amount (option b), as various external factors, such as market trends and economic conditions, can affect the accuracy of sales forecasts.

In summary, the primary reason that sales forecasts are the first step in the budgeting process of a merchandising firm is that almost all activities of a firm are influenced by sales efforts. These forecasts help businesses plan for the future by providing a basis for estimating revenue and customer demand, ultimately enabling the firm to allocate resources and make strategic decisions effectively. Therefore, the correct option is D.

The question was incomplete, Find the full content below:

sales forecasts are the first step in the budgeting process of a merchandising firm because:

a. revenue data is easiest to gather

b. sales information is precise in amount

c. sales personnel have the quickest access to data

d. almost all activities of a firm emanate from sales efforts

Know more about Sales forecasts here:



What are two capital investments that would increase growth for \business



A. Hiring more employes

B. Marketing


By hiring more employees, you are LITERALLY growing the business. It costs money to hire (and to keep employees), so it could be considered a capital investment.

Marketing is stuff like running advertisements, campaigns, and promotions- all things that are rarely free. You spend money in hopes that more people will buy from you.

Q1how had freshippo developed it’s integrated online and offlinebusiness models


Freshippo, also known as Hema, has developed an integrated online and offline business model by leveraging technology to enhance customer experience and streamline operations.

At its physical stores, customers can scan barcodes using their smartphones to access product information and make purchases. Meanwhile, the company's mobile app allows customers to place orders online and pick up their groceries in-store or have them delivered to their doorstep.  Freshippo also utilizes data analytics to personalize customer experiences and optimize supply chain management.

For instance, the company tracks customer preferences and buying patterns to make real-time decisions on inventory management and product pricing. Additionally, Freshippo has integrated its logistics and supply chain operations to provide customers with faster delivery times and a wider range of product options. Overall, Freshippo's integrated online and offline business model has allowed the company to create a seamless shopping experience for customers while increasing efficiency and profitability. By leveraging technology and data, Freshippo has been able to stay ahead of the competition and adapt to changing consumer demands.

Learn more about supply chain at:


Amazon is now promising​ same-day pick-up of goods as well as local secure​ pick-up points. What point of differentiation is​ this?
A. Product differentiation
B. Services differentiation
C. Image differentiation
D. Channel differentiation
E. People differentiation


Amazon is now promising​ same-day pick-up of goods as well as local secure​ pick-up points. It is  Channel differentiation.

Option D is correct

Amazon's promise of same-day pick-up of goods and local secure pick-up points differentiates the company's distribution channels from competitors.

This is an example of channel differentiation, which refers to the strategy of creating unique methods of getting products or services to customers. By offering faster and more convenient pick-up options, Amazon is making it easier for customers to get their products quickly, which can be a competitive advantage in the retail industry.

To know more about Product differentiation here


(Preferred stockholder expected return​) You own 100 shares of Budd Corporation preferred stock at a market price of $ 17 per share. Budd pays dividends of ​$1.50 . What is your expected rate of​ return? If you have a required rate of return of 7 ​percent, should you sell your shares or buy more of the​ stock?


The preferred stock is meeting your required rate of return because it has an expected rate of return of 8.82% compared to your required rate of return of 7%. As a result, you ought to think about purchasing more shares because the stock is giving you a return that is greater than what you need.

To calculate the expected rate of return on your Budd Corporation preferred stock, you'll need to use the dividend yield formula:
Dividend Yield = Annual Dividends per Share / Market Price per Share

1. Plug in the given values: Annual Dividends per Share = $1.50 and Market Price per Share = $17.
2. Calculate the Dividend Yield: Dividend Yield = $1.50 / $17 = 0.0882.
Now, let's convert the dividend yield to a percentage:
3. Multiply by 100: Expected Rate of Return = 0.0882 * 100 = 8.82%
Since your required rate of return is 7%, and the expected rate of return on the preferred stock is 8.82%, the stock is meeting your required rate of return. As a result, you should consider buying more shares, as the stock is providing a return higher than your requirement.
Remember that investing always carries risks, and past performance does not guarantee future results. Always consider other factors and consult a financial advisor before making investment decisions.

For more such questions on stock, click on:


You just purchased a $1,000 zero coupon bond with a maturity of one year for $909.09 (with a yield of 10%). Tomorrow, the yield on the bond increases to 12%. You hold the bond to maturity. What is your return on the bond? 5 a. -1.79% b. 10% c. -1.81% d. 12%


The right response is c. -1.81%. We must first determine the bond's future value at maturity using the initial yield of 10% before we can determine the return on the investment.

Future value = $1,000 / (1 + 0.1)^1 = $1,100 Next, we need to calculate the bond's present value at the new yield of 12%. Present value = $1,000 / (1 + 0.12)^1 = $892.86 The return on the bond is then calculated as: Return = (Future value - Purchase price) / Purchase price Return = ($1,100 - $909.09) / $909.09 = 0.209 Return = 20.9%

However, since the bond was held to maturity, we need to adjust for the time value of money by calculating the annualized return using the formula: Annualized return = (1 + Return)^(1 / n) - 1 where n is the number of years the bond was held. In this case, n = 1. Annualized return = (1 + 0.209)^(1 / 1) - 1 = 0.209 or 20.9% Finally, since the return is negative, we subtract 1 from the annualized return and express the result as a percentage.Annualized return - 1 = -0.0191 -0.0191 * 100% = -1.81% Therefore, the correct answer is c. -1.81%.

Learn more about maturity here:


the hr manager wants to hire hr data analysts to explore the ats data. however, senior leadership is unwilling to approve this without seeing an improvement in employee retention first. which action should the hr manager take to find a solution that is agreeable for both parties?


To get agreement from senior management, the HR manager should provide a plan that relates HR data analysis to employee retention.

The proposal should indicate explicitly how the analysis will be used to uncover patterns that lead to employee turnover and how it will aid in the development of solutions to improve staff retention. The HR manager can answer senior leadership's worries while still recruiting HR data analysts by establishing the link between HR data analysis and employee retention.

Furthermore, the proposal might highlight the advantages of having HR data analysts, such as boosting recruitment and hiring processes, detecting skill gaps, and optimizing HR strategies. A timetable and budget for the HR data analysis project can also be included in the proposal.

To know more about HR manager, click here.


If the economy is producing at 96% of potential output, and the
sensitivity of unemployment to the output gap is -1.43, how much is
cyclical unemployment? Write your answer as a percentage, with the
Question 1 If the economy is producing at 96% of potential output, and the sensitivity of unemployment to the output gap is -1.43, how much is cyclical unemployment? Write your answer as a percentage,


The cyclical unemployment rate, we need to calculate the output gap, which is the difference between actual output and potential output, expressed as a percentage of potential output.

Output gap = (actual output - potential output) / potential output * 100%

Output gap = (96 - 100) / 100 * 100%

Output gap = -4%

The sensitivity of unemployment to the output gap is -1.43, which means that for every 1% increase in the output gap, the unemployment rate will increase by 1.43%.

Cyclical unemployment = output gap * sensitivity of unemployment to the output gap

Cyclical unemployment = -4% * 1.43

Cyclical unemployment = -5.72%

Cyclical unemployment is -5.72%.The negative value of cyclical unemployment indicates that the actual unemployment rate is below the natural rate of unemployment, which suggests that the economy is overheating and may experience inflationary pressures.

to know more about unemployment rate refer here

chet is concerned the new system might have problems interfacing with our accounting system, which has also been around a while. what do you think?


It is important to conduct a thorough analysis of both systems to identify any potential issues that could arise when integrating the new system with the accounting system. This can include looking at the technical specifications, compatibility requirements, and potential conflicts between the systems.

To address Chet's concerns, I suggest the following steps:

1. Conduct a feasibility study: Conduct a feasibility study to determine the compatibility of the new system with your current accounting system. This will involve an in-depth analysis of the technical specifications and compatibility requirements of both systems.

2. Identify potential challenges: Identify potential challenges that could arise during the integration process, such as data mapping and transfer, security, and system performance.

3. Develop a plan: Based on the results of the feasibility study, develop a detailed plan for integrating the new system with the accounting system. This plan should outline the steps needed to minimize any potential conflicts between the systems.

4. Test the integration: Before implementing the new system, thoroughly test the integration between the new system and the accounting system. This will help identify any issues that need to be resolved before going live with the new system.

5. Monitor and assess: After the new system is implemented, continuously monitor and assess the integration with the accounting system to ensure that any issues are promptly identified and resolved.

Overall, it is important to approach the integration of new software with legacy systems with caution and careful planning to minimize potential issues and ensure a smooth transition.

Click the below link, to learn more about Chet's:


The Zephyr Corporation is contemplating a new investment to be financed 33 percent from debt. The firm could sell new $1,00 par value bonds at a net price of $945. The coupon interest rate is 12 percent, and the bonds would mature in 15 years. If the company is in a 34 percent tax bracket, what is the after-tax cost of capital to Zephyr for bonds?


The after-tax cost of capital to Zephyr for bonds is 8.38%.To calculate the after-tax cost of capital to Zephyr for bonds, we need to first calculate the before-tax cost of debt.
The coupon interest rate is 12%, which means that the annual interest payment on the bonds would be 12% x $1,000 = $120 per bond. The net price of the bonds is $945, which means that Zephyr would receive $945 / $1,000 = 0.945 per bond. Therefore, the before-tax cost of debt would be:($120 annual interest payment / $945 net price of bond) x 100 = 12.7%Now, to calculate the after-tax cost of debt, we need to take into account the fact that Zephyr is in a 34% tax bracket.

This means that the company can deduct 34% of the interest expense from its taxable income. So the after-tax cost of debt would be:12.7% x (1 - 0.34) = 8.38%Therefore, the after-tax cost of capital to Zephyr for bonds is 8.38%.

Learn more about Corporation here:


what are three essential components of operations management? a. quantity, effectiveness, and innovation b. efficiency, cost, and quality c. innovation, management, and quality d. quality, delivery, and management e. innovativeness, quality, and management


Efficiency, cost and quality are the three introductory rudiments of Operations Management. This is variant B.

Operations management is the branch of operation concerned with the design and control of the product process and the metamorphosis of business operations to produce goods or services.

OM specialists seek to balance operating charges with profit to maximize net operating income.

In general, the part of the director is to direct all conditioning related to the product of the company's goods and/ or services. functional operation comprises three situations strategic, politic and functional.

The strategic position defines the company's pretensions and the politic position defines the plan for enforcing that strategy. The functional position includes the day- to- day operations needed to achieve the asked outgrowth.

To know more about Operations management,


Susan started her new job as an editorial assistant in prestigious media company in 2018. She negotiated on a wage contract where for next two years (till 2020), her salary was indexed to rise by 1% each year. In 2019, actual CPI inflation turned out to be 2%. This has negatively affected Susan’s purchasing power and she was not able to afford the same standard of living as before


Susan's indexed salary increase of 1% was lower than the actual CPI inflation rate of 2%, resulting in a decrease in her purchasing power.

Indexed salary increases are designed to adjust an employee's salary to reflect changes in inflation. In Susan's case, her salary was set to increase by 1% each year, which was supposed to keep up with inflation and maintain her purchasing power.

However, in 2019, the actual CPI inflation rate turned out to be 2%, which was higher than the indexed salary increase of 1%. This meant that Susan's salary did not increase enough to keep up with the rising cost of living, resulting in a decrease in her purchasing power.

As a result, Susan was not able to afford the same standard of living as before, as her salary was not keeping up with the rate of inflation. This highlights the importance of negotiating fair and reasonable salary increases that accurately reflect the cost of living and maintain an employee's purchasing power over time.

To know more about the Purchasing, here


the ________ authorizes the buyer of a company to purchase goods. group of answer choices bill of lading picking list purchase order purchase requisition sales order


The purchase order authorizes the consumer of a employer to purchase goods.

It is a legally binding document that specifies the information of the transaction, which include the sort, amount, and rate of the goods to be purchased. the purchase order is usually issued via the client to the seller, and it serves as a proper settlement among the two events.

The purchase order is an essential device for coping with the procurement technique, as it ensures that the consumer receives the goods they need, and the vendor is paid for their products.

By means of presenting clear and precise commands on the goods to be purchased, the purchase order facilitates to reduce mistakes and misunderstandings, and it gives a file of the transaction that can be used for tracking and accounting functions. usual, the acquisition order is a critical record that enables to facilitate clean and efficient transactions among buyers and dealers.

Learn more about purchase order :-


The purchase order authorizes the buyer of a company to purchase goods. The bill of lading picking list is a document used by the warehouse to pick and pack the items for shipment, while the sales order is a document used to record the details of a sale.

The purchase requisition is a document used by employees to request the purchase of goods or services. The act of acquiring items or using services in return for cash is referred to as the purchase of goods or services. This may occur in a range of situations, such as private, professional, or official dealings. Researching the possibilities, choosing a product or service, negotiating a price or contract, and finally completing the payment are all typical processes in the process of buying products or services. A variety of payment options are available, including cash, credit card, cheque, and electronic payment systems.

Learn more about purchase here:


for the 2017-2018 school year, at a 7% inflation rate, the average costs for one year of education at a two-year college are projected to be:


The projected total expenses for the 2017-2018 school year for a two-year college is $21,859.

An expense is something that necessitates the transfer of money or wealth generally from one person or organization to another as payment for a good, service, or other sort of cost. A tenant must pay rent as a cost. For parents or students, tuition is a cost. Costs are typically used to describe the price of things like food, clothing, furniture, and cars.

Expenses are costs that are typically "paid" or "remitted" in exchange for something of worth. The adjective "expensive" describes something that seems to be exceedingly expensive. "Inexpensive" describes something that seems to be affordable. "Expenses of the table" include prices related to dining, consuming alcohol, hosting a feast, etc.

Learn more about expenses here:


The correct question is:

For the 2017-2018 school year, at a 7% inflation rate, the average costs for one year of education at a two-year college are projected to be:

Tuition/Fees:   $4,391

Living Costs:   $10,406

Books/Supplies:  $1,724

Transportation:  $2,313

Other Expenses:  $3,025

What are the projected total expenses for the 2017-2018 school year for a two-year college?

in administered vertical marketing systems, coordination is achieved through one channel member influencing another, often based on blank______.


Coordination is performed in vertical marketing systems that are governed by one channel member influencing another, frequently on the basis of POWER.

This authority may result from the channel member's size, knowledge, standing, or capacity for negotiation. The bigger or more powerful channel members can have a greater impact on the other members by coordinating their efforts and promoting similar objectives.

In instances when one channel participant has a large amount of influence over the distribution of a good or service, administered systems are frequently observed. For instance, a manufacturer may set the terms and conditions for the distribution or retail sale of its goods.

Vertical marketing systems that are managed accomplish production and distribution coordination not via ownership but rather through the size and power of one channel member.

Learn more about marketing Visit:


In administered vertical marketing systems, coordination is achieved through one channel member influencing another, often based on power and authority.

Administered vertical marketing systems are characterized by a dominant channel member who controls the activities of the other members in the channel. This dominant member may be a manufacturer, wholesaler, or retailer, and they use their power and authority to coordinate the activities of other members.For example, a manufacturer may use their power and authority to set the prices, promotional activities, and distribution strategies for their products.

They may also provide incentives or penalties to encourage other members in the channel to comply with their decisions. This helps to ensure that all channel members are working towards the same goals and objectives, and that they are aligned with the overall strategy of the channel

.Overall, the use of power and authority is a key feature of administered vertical marketing systems. It allows the dominant member to exert control over the activities of other members, and to coordinate their efforts towards the achievement of common goals. This type of coordination is essential for the effective functioning of vertical marketing systems, as it helps to minimize conflicts and ensure that all members are working together towards the same end.

Fo more such questions on marketing systems


in the __ phase of the sdlc cycle, the deployed system may be modified to reflect the evolving business conditions.


In the maintenance phase of the SDLC cycle, the deployed system may be modified to reflect the evolving business conditions.

This phase occurs after the system has been implemented and is being used by the business. It involves ongoing support and maintenance to ensure that the system remains functional and meets the changing needs of the business. During this phase, modifications may be made to the system to accommodate changes in the business environment, such as new regulations or customer needs. The maintenance phase is a crucial part of the SDLC cycle as it ensures that the system remains effective and relevant to the business over time.

To learn more about the SDLC cycle, visit:


Matt Company's (aka Morin) bonds mateixe ins years, have a par value of $1,000, and make an annual coupon interest payment of $65. The market requires an rate of birt on these bonds. What as the bonds price? a. $1,04 7.19 b. $81, 215.14 C. $ 70. 58 d. $ 987,92 e. $1,155.86Malko Enterprises bonds currently sell for 81,150. They have a 6 year maturity, an annual coupon of $, $15 and a par value of $1,000. What is their current yield? a. 5.74% b. 7.30% C. 5.22% d 6,52%e. 7.76%


The bond price is (d) $987.92 and their current yield is (a) 5.74%.

For the first question regarding Morin's bonds, we can use the formula for present value of a bond:

PV = C / r * (1 - 1 / (1 + r)^n) + F / (1 + r)^n

Where PV is the present value, C is the annual coupon payment, r is the required rate of return, n is the number of years to maturity, and F is the face value or par value of the bond.

Plugging in the given values, we get:

PV = 65 / r * (1 - 1 / (1 + r)^10) + 1000 / (1 + r)^10

To find the bond's price, we need to solve for PV when r equals the market required rate of return. We can use trial and error or a financial calculator to do this. The correct answer is (d) $987.92.

For the second question regarding Malko Enterprises bonds, we can use the formula for current yield:

Current yield = Annual coupon payment / Bond price

Plugging in the given values, we get

Current yield = 15 / 811.50

This simplifies to 0.0185 or 1.85%. However, we need to convert this to a percentage, which is 1.85 x 100 = 1.85%. The correct answer is (a) 5.74%.

for more such question on bond price


which statement best describes the relationship between agriculture and business in the south? multiple choice question. successful businesses were concentrated in cities and did not often interact with farmers. most successful businesses were related to the needs of plantation owners. there were no successful bus


The most accurate statement that describes the relationship between agriculture and business in the south is that most successful businesses were related to the needs of plantation owners (option B).

While there were certainly businesses that focused on urban areas and did not interact with farmers, the dominant economic force in the South during this time period was plantation agriculture, and businesses that could cater to the needs of large landowners were the most likely to thrive.

Agribusiness is a combination of the words "agriculture" and "business" and refers to any business related to farming and farming-related commercial activities. Agribusiness involves all the steps required to send an agricultural good to market, namely production, processing, and distribution.

Therefore, the correct option is B. most successful businesses were related to the needs of plantation owners.

Learn more about farming here:


Won't You Be My Neighbor Homebuilders is considering investing in one of two mutua capital projects. The company's controller believes the firm's cost of capital to be 11%. would cost $1,100,000 today, but would result in the following cash flows over the nex respectively Year 1: $550,000 Year 2: $600,000 Year 3: $100,000 Year 4: $100,000 Project B would require an investment of $2,700,000 now, and would reward the inves following cash flows over the next 4 years respectively: Year 1: $650,000 Year 2: $725,000 Year 3: $800,000 Year 4: $1,400,000 Question 1 What is the NPV of project A (round your answer to the nearest whole dollar)? Question 2 What is the NPV of project B (round your answer to the nearest whole dollar)?


The NPV of project A is $50,604.

The NPV of project B is $222,394.

To calculate the NPV of each project, we need to discount the cash flows using the company's cost of capital of 11%. The NPV is then the sum of the discounted cash flows minus the initial investment.

Project A has a lower initial investment and lower cash flows, resulting in a smaller NPV. Project B has a higher initial investment but higher cash flows, resulting in a larger NPV. The decision to invest in either project should also consider other factors, such as the company's strategic objectives and risk tolerance.

For more questions like Investment click the link below:


Univariate projections and extrapolations
do not estimate cause-and-effect relationships between tax revenue and economic factors that might affect revenue.
provide for multivariate modeling of the relationship between revenue and economic and policy factors.
are methods of deterministic modeling.
are expensive to employ because they require data for multiple explanatory variables.
All of the above.
None of the above


The answer would be 'All of the above'.

What do you mean by univariate forecasting?

You may anticipate the following time series patterns using methods offered by univariate forecasting: Demand that is constant deviates very little from a consistent mean value. Demand tends to decline or increase steadily over an extended period of time, with very sporadic exceptions.

Mention any two examples.

Monthly CO2 concentrations and southern oscillations are two examples of how to forecast El Nino consequences.

To know more about Univariate projections/forecasting , visit:


a treasury bill has 45 days left to maturity. the bank discount yield on the bill is 2.25 percent. what is the effective annual rate? a. 2.99 percent b. 2.29 percent c. 2.88 percent d. 2.25 percent e. 2.31 percent


The effective annual rate for this Treasury bill is approximately 2.31% (Option E).

How to calculate effective annual rate

To determine the effective annual rate (EAR) for a Treasury bill with 45 days left to maturity and a bank discount yield of 2.25%, we can use the following formula:

EAR = [(1 + (Bank Discount Yield × (Days to Maturity / 360)) / (1 - Bank Discount Yield × (Days to Maturity / 360))] ^ (365 / Days to Maturity) - 1

Plugging in the values:

EAR = [(1 + (0.0225 × (45 / 360)) / (1 - 0.0225 × (45 / 360))] ^ (365 / 45) - 1

After calculating, we get:

EAR ≈ 0.0231 or 2.31%

Learn more about effective annual rate at


1. how much will $8,000 grow to in five years, assuming an interest rate of 8% compounded quarterly? a. $10,989. b. $11,755. c. $11,888. d. $12,013.


Answer: (C) $11,888.

Explanation: To determine how much $8,000 will grow to in five years, assuming an interest rate of 8% compounded quarterly, we will use the formula for compound interest:

Future Value (FV) = P * (1 + r/n)^(n*t)

P = principal amount= $8,000
r = annual interest rate= 0.08 or 8%
n = number of times interest is compounded per year= 4 for quarterly
t = number of years= 5

Step 1: Calculate (1 + r/n)
(1 + 0.08/4) = (1 + 0.02) = 1.02

Step 2: Raise the result to the power of (n*t)

           =4*5= 20

Step 3: Now calculate (1 + r/n)^(n*t)
            =(1.02)^(4*5) = (1.02)^20

            = 1.485947396

Step 3: Multiply the result by the principal amount (P) to identify the Future Value
            FV  = P* (1 + r/n)^(n*t)

                   = $8,000 * 1.485947396

                   = $11,887.579 (approximately)

Rounded to the nearest dollar, the future value of the investment is (C) $11,888.

Learn more about Compound Interest: https//


thomas buys a bond at a premium of 200 to yield 6% annually. the bond pays annual coupons and is redeemable for its par value of 1000. calculate the amount of interest in the first coupon.


The amount of interest in the first coupon is $50.67.

To calculate the amount of interest in the first coupon, we need to first determine the coupon rate of the bond.

Since the bond is purchased at a premium, we know that the coupon rate is higher than the yield rate of 6%. Let's assume that the coupon rate is x%.

The premium paid for the bond is $200, and the face value of the bond is $1000. Therefore, the actual cost of the bond is $1200.

We can set up an equation to solve for the coupon rate:

PV = C / (1 + r) + C / (1 + r)^2 + ... + C / (1 + r)^n + F / (1 + r)^n


PV = present value (what Thomas paid for the bond)

C = coupon payment

r = yield rate (6%)

n = number of years until maturity

F = face value

Substituting the known values:

$1200 = C / 1.06 + C / 1.06^2 + ... + C / 1.06^20 + $1000 / 1.06^20

Simplifying this equation using a financial calculator or spreadsheet, we can find that the coupon rate is approximately 5.067%.

To calculate the amount of interest in the first coupon, we need to multiply the coupon rate by the face value of the bond:

Interest in first coupon = coupon rate x face value

Interest in first coupon = 5.067% x $1000

Interest in first coupon = $50.67

Click the below link, to learn more about Interest:


Consider a market with the following supply and demand functions.
Supply: P = 102 + 9Q
Demand: P = 277 - 8Q
Suppose that the government imposes $13 quantity tax.
First, calculate the pre-tax equilibrium price and equilibrium output. (Leave things in fractions - do not round).
Then, calculate the pre-tax producer surplus. (Leave things in fractions - do not round).
Next, calculate the post-tax equilibrium price and equilibrium output. (Leave things in fractions - do not round).
Based on the previous step, calculate the post-tax producer surplus. (Leave things in fractions - do not round).
Finally, report the change in the producer surplus.


The pre-tax equilibrium price and equilibrium output is $195.53 and  10.294 respectively. The pre-tax producer surplus is $963.87.The post-tax equilibrium price and equilibrium output  $196.12 and 8.765 respectively.

The pre-tax equilibrium price and equilibrium output can be found by setting supply equal to demand:

102 + 9Q = 277 - 8Q

Solving for Q:

17Q = 175

Q = 10.294

Plugging Q back into either supply or demand gives the pre-tax equilibrium price:

P = 277 - 8Q = 277 - 8(10.294) = $195.53

Pre-tax producer surplus is the area above the supply curve and below the equilibrium price, which can be found by calculating the area of the triangle:

Pre-tax producer surplus = (1/2)(10.294)(195.53 - 102) = $963.87

With a $13 quantity tax, the new supply curve becomes:

P = 115 + 9Q

Setting this new supply equal to demand:

115 + 9Q = 277 - 8Q - 13

Solving for Q:

17Q = 149

Q = 8.765

Plugging Q back into either supply or demand gives the post-tax equilibrium price:

P = 277 - 8Q = 277 - 8(8.765) = $196.12

Post-tax producer surplus = (1/2)(10.294)(196.12 - 115) = $855.32

The change in producer surplus is the difference between the pre-tax and post-tax producer surplus:

Change in producer surplus = Pre-tax producer surplus - Post-tax producer surplus = $963.87 - $855.32 = $108.55

To know more  about equilibrium price click here


video game consoles and video games are complementary products: the availability of one increases the value of the other. in the past the suppliers of consoles were able to appropriate most of the profits generated by video game systems because:


In the past the suppliers of consoles were able to appropriate most of the profits generated by video game systems because of their control over the hardware platform.

Video game consoles and video games are complementary products, which means that the value of one product is dependent on the availability of the other. In the past, suppliers of video game consoles such as Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo, had significant power over the hardware platform.

This allowed them to limit the number of game titles available to consumers and charge high licensing fees to game developers who wanted to create games for their platform. As a result, console suppliers were able to capture most of the profits generated by the video game industry.

This situation began to change with the emergence of online gaming and mobile gaming, which created new platforms for game developers to distribute their products and reduced the power of console suppliers.

Learn more about complementary demands  :


if you seek financial security, which investments are appropriate for you? multiple choice speculative stocks, options, and commodities growth stocks and rental property u.s. securities and conservative mutual funds cds and u.s. government bonds all of these are appropriate for financial security.


If you seek financial security, investments that are appropriate for you are typically those that offer stability and lower risk. Therefore, the best option among the given choices would be:

CDs and U.S. government bonds

While all of the options may have a place in an investment portfolio, CDs and U.S. government bonds are generally considered low-risk investments that can offer reliable income and preserve capital. Speculative stocks, options, and commodities are generally considered high-risk investments that are subject to greater volatility and potential losses. Growth stocks and rental property may offer potential for higher returns, but also come with higher risk and more management responsibilities. Conservative mutual funds may be appropriate for some investors, but they can still carry a degree of risk.

Overall, the best investments for financial security will depend on an individual's specific financial goals, risk tolerance, and time horizon.

Learn more about  financial security


Grand Ledge Technologies, Inc., is doing early screening on whether to introduce a new line of self-driving delivery vehicle. They want to know the minimum quantity they need to produce and sell to generate a Net Present Value equal to zero. What type of analysis should they do?
Multiple Choice O Payback Period O Accounting Breakeven O Financial Breakeven
OInternal Rate of Return O Random Number Generator


Grand Ledge Technologies, Inc. should conduct a Financial Breakeven analysis to determine the minimum quantity they need to produce and sell to generate a Net Present Value equal to zero. This analysis they do is  Financial Breakeven.

A Financial Breakeven analysis considers both fixed and variable costs, as well as the time value of money, which is essential in evaluating long-term projects like the introduction of a new product line. By calculating the Financial Breakeven point, the company can assess the viability of the project and make informed decisions about whether to pursue the self-driving delivery vehicle line.

The other options, such as Payback Period, Accounting Breakeven, Internal Rate of Return, and Random Number Generator, are not suitable for answering the specific question of minimum quantity required for a Net Present Value equal to zero.

These methods may provide additional insights into the project's feasibility, but they do not directly address the desired outcome of the analysis, which is the Financial Breakeven point.

Know more about Present Value here:


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