Social Studies

8. Choose the best answer. A(n) ___ is one who is qualified to vote; especially, one who is able to cast a vote for President in the electoral college.A) collaboratorB) electorC) supporterD) emancipatorE) voter9. Choose the best answer. The powers not given to the United States are reserved to the ___ or to the people.A) presidentsB) statesC) chartersD) governorsE) politicians10. Choose the best answer. The number of votes a state receives in the House of Representatives is based upon its ___.A) representation in the SenateB) slavesC) tariffsD) chartersE) population11. Choose the best answer. A) The definition of usurp is ___.B) to reduce the authority of anotherC) to increase the authority of anotherD) to take wrongfully or forcefully the authority or property of anotherE) to ignore the authority of anotherF) to give away all authority12. Choose the best answer. A) The members of the House of Representatives are ___.B) elected by the Supreme CourtC) appointed by the PresidentD) elected directly by the people of the statesE) appointed by state legislaturesF) appointed by elections at a convention13. Choose the best answer. Treason is defined as ___.A) assassination of a government officialB) levying war against the governmentC) conspiracy to commit fraudD) conspiracy against the presidentE) any crime committed against the government14. Choose the best answer. The ___ Compromise involved the counting of slaves.A) GreatB) Three-FifthsC) ColonialD) VirginiaE) Trade15. Choose the best answer. The right to keep and bear arms shall not be ___.A) infringedB) addedC) excessiveD) removedE) uplifted16. Choose the best answer. The first President under the Constitution was ___.A) John AdamsB) Thomas JeffersonC) Samuel AdamsD) Benjamin FranklinE) George Washington17. Choose the best answer. The Senate is headed by the U.S. ___.A) ConstitutionB) CongressC) Vice PresidentD) chief of StaffE) President18. Choose the best answer. After the ratification of the Constitution, a ___ was to be added.charterA) valueB) bannerC) bill of rightsD) clarification