Social Studies

Lewis and Clark Journal entriesInstructions: Below you will read a journal entry made from the lewis and Clark expedition. After reading the entry you will answer questions about the entry. Make sure to answer the question fully and with complete sentences Lewis & Clark Written Primary Source Activity One of the major objectives of the Corps of Discovery expedition was to take a census of the fauna and flora in the Louisiana Territory. Other major objectives were to map the territory and to befriend the Native Americans who lived there. President Jefferson encouraged Lewis and Clark to keep detailed journals of what they saw and experienced on their journey. In addition, they were encouraged to return home with animal, plant, and mineral specimens.Here are several journal entries for you to read and discuss Capt. Lewis, May 29, 1805--Last night we were all allarmed by a large buffaloe Bull, which swam over from the opposite shore and coming along side of the white perogue, climbed over it to land, he then allarmed ran up the bank in full speed directly towards the fires and was within 18 inches of the heads of some of the men who lay sleeping before the centinel could allarm him or make him change his course, still more alarmed, he now took his direction immediately towards our lodge, passing between 4 fires and within a few inches of the heads of one range of the men as they yet lay sleeping, when he came near the tent, my dog saved us by causing him to change his course a second time, which he did by turning a little to the right, and was quickly out of sight, leaving us by this time all in an uproar with our guns in o[u]r hands, enquiring of each other the ca[u]se of the alarm, after which after a few moments was explained by the centinel; we were happy to find no one hirt. Questions: (I need help with/me)Based on the entries, what was the trip like? Was it very dangerous or not? Give me some supporting details on why you believe this? Make sure to write in complete sentences