1. List three reasons why a mother may choose not to breast-feed.

2. Describe several health and developmental problems that low-birth-weight infants are more likely to experience.

3. List five advantages that breast milk has over formula as the first food for an infant.


Answer 1

Certain medical conditions or treatments can make it difficult or unsafe for a mother to breastfeed, such as HIV infection, active tuberculosis, or some medications.

What is an infection ?

An infection is a process in which harmful microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites, invade and multiply within a host organism's body. These microorganisms can cause various types of illnesses and diseases, ranging from mild to severe.

When a pathogen enters the body, the immune system responds by triggering an inflammatory response, which can cause symptoms such as fever, pain, swelling, and redness. The immune system also produces antibodies to fight the infection and prevent it from spreading.

Infections can be transmitted through various means, including direct contact with infected individuals or their bodily fluids, inhalation of airborne pathogens, ingestion of contaminated food or water, and contact with contaminated surfaces. Breast milk contains all the necessary nutrients in the right proportions that a newborn baby needs, including protein, fat, carbohydrates

To know more about infection visit :



Related Questions

A population of rabbits may be brown (the dominant phenotype) or white (the recessive phenotype). Brown rabbits have the genotype BB or Bb. White rabbits have the genotype bb. The frequency of the BB genotype is .68.

What is the frequency of heterozygous rabbits?
What is the frequency of the B allele?
What is the frequency of the b allele?


They can "hide" from predators in heterozygous (Bb) brown rabbits, which explains why. This serves as a helpful reminder that phenotypes, not genetics, are what natural selection affects.

Is there a connection between heredity and genetics?

The trans of palms made from dates is depicted in other ancient carvings. But before genetics became a disciplined science in the 19th century, the majority of the processes of inheritance remained a mystery. The discovery of genes—the basic building blocks responsible for heredity—led to the development of genetics.

What is the genetics introduction?

See Introduction to genetics for a more approachable and non-technical introduction to this subject. Biology's field of genetics focuses on the investigation of genes, genetic diversity, and inheritance in living things.

To know more about genetics visit:



A COTA works in a busy outpatient clinic that has a large open space where several therapy sessions are occurring simultaneously. The COTA is providing intervention for a client who has executive dysfunction secondary to an acquired brain injury. The client wants to return to work as a receptionist in an office that has an open concept design. Currently, the client is able to complete most work tasks in the therapy environment, but becomes easily distracted by movements and sounds. Which adaptation to the treatment environment would be MOST BENEFICIAL for promoting the client’s progress towards the return-to-work goal?

Position a portable partition to block the client’s line of sight from the other activities occurring in the clinic.

Schedule future sessions in a quiet treatment room within the rehabilitation department that has no visual or auditory distractions.

Configure a simulated work station cubicle with side walls and have the client use noise cancellation headphones during sessions.


The adaptation to the treatment environment that would be MOST BENEFICIAL for promoting the client's progress towards the return-to-work goal would be to configure a simulated work station cubicle with side walls and have the client use noise cancellation headphones during sessions. This adaptation would recreate the environment that the client wishes to return to and provide a controlled environment where distractions can be minimized. The noise-cancelling headphones would help to block out any external sounds that may cause the client to become distracted. With this setup, the client can practice working in an open concept design environment while still being able to focus on the task at hand.

How do cells in single-celled and multi-celled organisms differ?


While both single-celled and multi-celled organisms are made up of cells, the cells in multi-celled organisms are typically more specialized, larger, and organized into tissues and organs to perform specific functions in a coordinated manner.

What are the differences?

Cells in single-celled and multi-celled organisms differ in several key ways:

Organization: Single-celled organisms, such as bacteria and protozoa, consist of only one cell that performs all the functions necessary for life, including reproduction, metabolism, and response to environmental stimuli. Multi-celled organisms, on the other hand, are made up of many specialized cells that are organized into tissues, organs, and organ systems, each with specific functions.

Size: Cells in single-celled organisms are typically small in size, ranging from a few micrometers to a few hundred micrometers, whereas cells in multi-celled organisms can vary greatly in size depending on their type and function. For example, cells in human body tissues can range from tiny cells in the nervous system to large cells in muscle tissue.

Specialization: In single-celled organisms, each cell is capable of performing all the functions necessary for survival. In contrast, cells in multi-celled organisms are specialized to perform specific tasks. For example, cells in the heart are specialized for pumping blood, while cells in the skin are specialized for protection and sensation.

Communication: Cells in multi-celled organisms communicate with each other through various signaling mechanisms, such as hormones and neurotransmitters, to coordinate their functions and respond to changes in the environment. Single-celled organisms do not have this level of complex communication, as they typically rely on simple chemical and physical cues to respond to their environment.

Reproduction: Single-celled organisms reproduce through binary fission or other simple forms of cell division, whereas multi-celled organisms reproduce through sexual or asexual reproduction, involving specialized cells such as eggs and sperm.

Complexity: Cells in multi-celled organisms are generally more complex compared to those in single-celled organisms. Multi-celled organisms have different types of cells with specialized organelles, such as mitochondria, nucleus, and endoplasmic reticulum, which are responsible for specific functions within the cell.

Learn more about single cells here:  https://brainly.com/question/26329975


Can DermalMD Acne Serum be used in conjunction with other acne treatments?


Answer: it all depends on your skin, if you have really sensitive skin, then don't try it.


is it possible for an organization to develop a “middle way” that synthesizes the advantages of all cultures while avoiding their excess? or is it more important for an organization to simply live by the management practices of the dominant culture? justify your position. how can the theories of hofstede and off trompenaars and hampden-turner be applied to the development of a “global management theory”?


It is possible for an organization to develop a "middle way" that synthesizes the advantages of all cultures while avoiding their excess. The development of a global management theory that incorporates different cultural dimensions is crucial in today's globalized business environment.

What is organization?

An organization is a group of individuals who work together to achieve a common goal or purpose. It can be a business, a non-profit organization, a government agency, or any other type of formal or informal group that has a defined structure, hierarchy, and set of rules or procedures.

It is not necessary for an organization to live by the management practices of the dominant culture if it wants to be successful in a global marketplace. Rather, it is essential to acknowledge and respect cultural differences while developing management practices that are effective in various cultural settings.

To develop a global management theory, organizations must consider the cultural dimensions that affect management practices and communication styles. They must also acknowledge the importance of cultural diversity and embrace different perspectives to foster innovation and creativity. The global management theory should incorporate the best practices from various cultures, while avoiding the negative aspects of each culture.

Learn more about organization on https://brainly.com/question/19334871


4. You have put your resident's hearing aids in for her, but she is still unable to hear. The FIRST thing
you should do is


If a resident is unable to hear even after their hearing aids have been put in, here are some steps that could be taken:

What are these steps?

Check the hearing aids: Ensure that the hearing aids are properly inserted in the resident's ears and turned on. Verify that the batteries are functioning and have sufficient power. If the hearing aids are dirty or clogged, clean them as per the manufacturer's instructions.

Adjust settings: Depending on the type of hearing aids, there may be settings that can be adjusted to optimize the sound for the resident. Check if the settings are appropriate for the resident's hearing needs, such as volume, tone, and program settings.

Verify positioning: Confirm that the hearing aids are positioned correctly in the resident's ears. Sometimes, improper positioning can affect the effectiveness of the hearing aids.

Communicate with the resident: Ask the resident if they can hear any sound or notice any changes. If possible, use alternative means of communication, such as writing or sign language, to understand the resident's feedback on their hearing experience.

Consult with a healthcare professional: If the resident is still unable to hear despite the above steps, it may be necessary to involve a qualified healthcare professional, such as an audiologist or an otolaryngologist, for further evaluation and troubleshooting.,

Learn more about hearing aids here: https://brainly.com/question/4721450


How does L.Y.'s text-messaging behavior affect her perception of pain?


Could you please provide more context and send me a message possibly? Thank you

The most common nosocomial infection in patients admitted to the hospital?
Rationale: Harding, M., Kwong, J., Roberts, D., Hagler, D., & Reinisch, C. (2020). Lewis’s Medical-surgical nursing : Assessment and management of clinical problems (11th ed.,). Elsevier, Inc.


According to Harding et al. (2020), the most common nosocomial infection in patients admitted to the hospital is urinary tract infection (UTI).

What are nosocomial infection?

Nosocomial infections also referred to as healthcare-associated infections (HAI), are infection(s) acquired during the process of receiving health care that was not present during the time of admission.

Multidrug-resistant microorganisms obtained through invasive procedures, excessive or inappropriate antibiotic usage, and a failure to adhere to infection control and prevention protocols are the main causes of nosocomial infections.

Learn more about Nosocomial infections  at: https://brainly.com/question/13279580


How are female condoms and diaphragms different?


Female condoms and diaphragms are both barrier methods of contraception used by individuals with female reproductive anatomy to prevent pregnancy.

What are some of the key differences?

Design: Female condoms are typically made of soft, thin polyurethane or nitrile material and are worn inside the vagina, covering the cervix and lining the vaginal walls.

They have a flexible ring at each end, with one ring remaining outside the vagina for easy removal. Diaphragms, on the other hand, are shallow, dome-shaped devices made of silicone or latex that are inserted into the vagina and cover the cervix to prevent sperm from reaching the uterus.

Size and fit: Female condoms are designed to fit most women, regardless of their size or shape, as they are usually one-size-fits-all. Diaphragms, however, come in various sizes and must be fitted by a healthcare provider to ensure proper sizing and placement. A poorly fitting diaphragm may be less effective in preventing pregnancy.

Lubrication: Female condoms often come pre-lubricated to reduce friction and increase comfort during intercourse, although additional lubricant can be used as needed. Diaphragms require the use of a spermicide, a type of contraceptive gel or cream that is applied to the diaphragm before insertion, to immobilize sperm and increase its effectiveness.

Effectiveness: When used consistently and correctly, both female condoms and diaphragms can be effective in preventing pregnancy, but their typical use failure rates are higher compared to other forms of contraception, such as hormonal methods like birth control pills or intrauterine devices (IUDs). Female condoms have a typical use failure rate of around 21%, while diaphragms have a typical use failure rate of around 12%.

Protection against sexually transmitted infections (STIs): Female condoms provide a higher level of protection against STIs, including HIV, compared to diaphragms, as they cover the external genitalia as well as the cervix. Diaphragms, on the other hand, only provide a barrier against sperm and do not protect against STIs.

Availability: Female condoms are available over-the-counter at drugstores in many countries, although they may not be as widely available as other forms of contraception. Diaphragms, on the other hand, require a prescription from a healthcare provider and may be less commonly used.

Learn more about diaphragms here: https://brainly.com/question/14541777


List the six steps to successful professional communication


Successful professional communication typically involves the following six steps:

Define your objective: Clearly identify the goal or purpose of your communication, such as informing, persuading, or building relationships.

Know your audience: Understand the demographics, interests, and preferences of the people you are communicating with, so you can tailor your message effectively.

Choose the appropriate channel: Select the most suitable medium for your message, such as email, phone calls, in-person meetings, or social media platforms, based on your audience and objective.

Develop your message: Craft a clear, concise, and engaging message that is tailored to your audience, using appropriate language and tone. Make sure to provide necessary context and consider the use of visuals, if applicable.

Deliver the message: Share your message through the chosen channel, ensuring that your delivery is timely, professional, and appropriate to the context. Be aware of non-verbal cues, such as body language and tone of voice, when communicating in person or via video calls.

Seek feedback and follow up: After delivering your message, solicit feedback from your audience to ensure understanding and address any questions or concerns. Follow up as needed to maintain communication, provide updates, or further clarify your message.

How might you convince a physician to use checklists in his/her practice in order to reduce error?
Using specific examples (they can come from fields like aviation and construction as well as medicine), evaluate the pros and cons of using checklists the increase safety in clinical settings.
Initial posts should be approximately 300 words or more and should thoroughly explore the topics


Visual aids called patient safety checklists serve as reminders for safe behavior, standardize communication, and guarantee that no step is missed before or during a medical operation.

Why are checklists crucial in the medical field?

In the healthcare industry, checklists are described as systematic lists of tasks that allow users to consistently complete each task, document completion, and reduce errors. Checklists can assist staff members in achieving consistently better results in the healthcare industry.

What function do checklists serve in medicine?

In the healthcare industry, checklists are frequently used in health sciences, surgery, cleanliness, safety checks, home visits, and risk assessments for mental health. In law enforcement, checklists frequently concentrate on tools, processes, and even speaking with crime victims.

To know more about patient safety visit :



3. Dorothy has been asked to perform a two-step tuberculin skin test on a new employee. Why is this being done? Explain the procedure to the new co-worker.​


The two-step tuberculin skin test is being done to check if the new employee has been exposed to tuberculosis (TB) in the past. TB is a bacterial infection that primarily affects the lungs and can be spread through the air when an infected person coughs or sneezes. The two-step test is necessary to ensure that any reaction to the test is not due to a previous TB infection, which can cause a false positive result.

The procedure for the two-step tuberculin skin test involves two separate injections of a small amount of purified protein derivative (PPD) under the top layer of the skin on the forearm. The first injection is given and the area is marked. After 48-72 hours, the healthcare provider will examine the area for any swelling or redness, which is an indication of a reaction to the test. If the reaction is negative, indicating that the person has not been exposed to TB in the past, a second injection will be given at least one week later. The second injection is necessary to ensure that a delayed hypersensitivity reaction does not occur, which can also cause a false positive result.

The new co-worker should be informed that the test is a standard procedure to check for a past TB infection, and that it involves two separate injections and two follow-up visits to read the results. They should also be instructed to keep the area dry and avoid rubbing or scratching the injection site, as this can affect the accuracy of the test. If the test does show a positive reaction, the new employee will need further evaluation and possibly treatment for TB to prevent the spread of the infection to others.

why does the ball come back when you roll it up hill​


Answer:while sitting in moving bud if we throw a ball upward

Explanation:consider that the bud move with a constant while in a velocity It's naturally the same velocity as the bus.

1. What is the FIRST step for working toward equity, which in turn moves the world closer to global health?
providing clean drinking water worldwide
limiting the amount of illegal immigration that occurs
acknowledging that there is unfair treatment, or inequity
eliminating poverty in all nations


providing clean drinking water worldwide is the FIRST step for working toward equity, which in turn moves the world closer to global health

What has changed in the field of global health?

The phrase "international health" is quickly being replaced with the word "global health." We discuss the World Health Organization's (WHO) position in global and international health as well as the transition between the two.

The phrase "global health initiatives" is used to describe institutions that coordinate the efforts of international stakeholders to raise and distribute funding to solve health concerns, and who accomplish this through assisting the implementation of health projects in low- and middle-income countries.

learn more about global health



Why might an older house have more safety risks than a new one



Older homes did not have the same safety requirements when they were constructed that newly built homes now have to meet; any preventative measures like smoke alarms were left up to the home owners.


Looking at the label of her favorite microwave popcorn, Eloise notes that the total fat for a serving is 12 grams, which is marked as 18% DV. It is further broken down into 2.5g of saturated fat, listed as 13%DV. There is 4.5g of trans fat per serving. What can Eloise MOST likely conclude from this information?

The popcorn she likes is not the healthiest choice she could make.

Her favorite popcorn is much healthier than she had realized.

The amount of fat in her favorite popcorn would be considered low.

The trans fat included combats the saturated fat and cancels it out.


Based on this knowledge, Eloise most likely came to the conclusion that the trans fat balances out the saturated fat.

The correct answer is A

Why are trans fats harmful and what are they?

Trans fats cause an increase in your bad cholesterol (LDL) and a decrease in your good cholesterol (HDL). Consuming trans fats raises your risk of heart disease & stroke. It also raises the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Is trans fat more harmful than saturated fat?

While less dangerous than trans fats, saturated fats nevertheless have a deleterious impact on health and should only be ingested in moderation. Red meat, cheese, butter, and ice cream are a few examples of foods high in saturated fat.

To know more about trans fat visit:



Using the reflective discussion method, discuss two measures healthcare organizations should consider putting into place to protect health record data to ensure that the health record integrity is maintained and the health record data is available for treatment. Are there any issues with these measures? How will you apply these measures as a HIM professional?


Measure 1: Implementing robust access controls and authentication

One measure healthcare organizations should consider is implementing strong access controls and authentication protocols. This can involve using multi-factor authentication (MFA) to ensure that only authorized individuals can access health records. Additionally, healthcare organizations should implement role-based access controls to limit the information accessible to each user based on their job function.

Potential issues with this measure could include increased complexity for users, such as remembering multiple passwords or using MFA devices. There may also be resistance from staff members who find the new security measures inconvenient.

As a HIM professional, I would work with IT and security teams to develop and implement access control policies and ensure that all employees are trained in the appropriate protocols. I would also work to communicate the importance of these measures in protecting patient privacy and maintaining health record integrity, to help gain buy-in from staff members.

Measure 2: Establishing regular backups and data redundancy

Another measure to protect health record data and ensure its availability is establishing regular backups and data redundancy. This involves creating multiple copies of health record data and storing them in different locations, such as on-premises and in the cloud. Regular backups should be scheduled to minimize data loss in case of a system failure or cyberattack.

Potential issues with this measure include the cost of additional storage and infrastructure, as well as ensuring that backup data is also secure and protected from unauthorized access.

As a HIM professional, I would work closely with IT and security teams to develop a comprehensive backup and data redundancy strategy, ensuring that all critical data is securely backed up and accessible in the event of a disaster. This would involve selecting appropriate backup solutions, monitoring the success of backup processes, and regularly testing backup data to verify its integrity and accessibility.


By implementing these measures and addressing potential issues, healthcare organizations can help protect health record data and maintain the integrity and availability of the information necessary for patient treatment.

What is means by risk assessment


Answer:A risk assessment is a process to identify potential hazards and analyze what could happen if a hazard occurs.


A researcher who knew the director of a natural birthing facility interviewed 100 women who were planning to give birth at the center. Specifically, the researcher interviewed the mothers-to-be during their 6-month checkups at the birthing center. She asked the mothers-to-be if they planned to breastfeed their infants until the infants were at least one year of age. Imagine that exactly 90% of the 100 mothers-to-be who were interviewed answered that they planned to do so. Using the OOPS! Heuristic, as a guide, explain why the researcher cannot safely conclude that 90% of American mothers today do, in fact, breastfeed their infants for the first year of life.




The researcher cannot safely conclude that 90% of American mothers today do, in fact, breastfeed their infants for the first year of life because the sample size of 100 mothers-to-be used in the study is not representative of all American mothers. The sample size used in the study is too small and the mothers-to-be interviewed may have been self-selecting, meaning that they may not be representative of all American mothers. Additionally, the study was conducted at a single birthing center, and the results may not apply to mothers who give birth in other settings. Finally, the study was conducted at the 6-month checkup, which may not be representative of the population at large.

A term for labeling and passing judgement on people in a way that leads to unhealthy anger


The term for labeling and passing judgement on people in a way that leads to unhealthy anger is "stereotyping". Stereotyping involves making assumptions about individuals based on their membership in a particular group, without taking into account the individual's unique characteristics or circumstances. This can lead to unfair treatment, discrimination, and feelings of anger or resentment towards the stereotyped group. Stereotyping can be harmful and perpetuate negative stereotypes, which can have a lasting impact on individuals and communities.

If Gerry eats too much, his body will store extra energy as _____.

muscle fibers


fat is the correct answer

When your immune system recognizes a foreign protein or chemical, it forms specific ___.


When your immune system recognizes a foreign protein or chemical, it forms specific antibodies. Antibodies are proteins produced by the immune system in response to the presence of antigens, which are foreign substances that the body recognizes as harmful. The antibodies are designed to specifically recognize and bind to the antigen, marking it for destruction by other immune cells. This process is called the immune response and is a critical part of the body's defense against infections and diseases. The ability to produce specific antibodies is a key feature of the adaptive immune system, which is capable of recognizing and responding to a wide range of different pathogens and foreign substances.

Imagine you are playing basketball with some friends at the park. In an effort to get the ball, two of your friends collide with each other. One seems to be fine; he has no visible bumps or scrapes. However, the other has a cut on her head. It is starting to swell and bleed. There are some small drops of blood on the clothes of both of your friends, as well as on the court.
Based on this situation, answer both A and B:

A.) Should standard precautions be used in this situation? Why or why not?

B.) Describe what you would do to help your friend, but also to protect yourself and others.


Answer: call an ambulance, a sign of blood is never good. Always be careful, and don't play TOO rough when playing basketball


Amino acids are bound together by a chemical bond known as an amino acid bond to form proteins. (True or False)


Answer: False

Explanation:  Peptide bonds are the how amino acids are bound.

First Responder Checklist
survey - check to see if the scene is safe


Answer: 2. Check if person is unresponsive. If responsive ask for consent and SAM; continue to step 4. If unresponsive continue down to next step.

3: consent is implied

4. Put gloves on

5: start care

6: do 5 cycles of 30 chest compresions and 2 rescue breaths.

7. Repeat until police or ambulance come.


What is the definition of nepotism


Nepotism is a practice of favoring relatives or friends, especially by giving them jobs or other opportunities, regardless of their qualifications or abilities. It involves using one's power or influence to provide preferential treatment to someone based on their personal relationship rather than on merit. Nepotism can occur in many different settings, such as in politics, business, education, and entertainment, among others. It is often regarded as unethical and can create a culture of favoritism, which can undermine fairness, diversity, and meritocracy.

Harlan undergoes a mediastinotomy. In what section of the CPT manual would the code for this procedure be located? What additional information would be needed to assign a code? If the mediastinotomy involved the removal of a foreign body, could it be coded using the excision codes? Why or why not?


To assign an appropriate code, additional information would be needed, such as the approach used (e.g., anterior or cervical), whether the procedure was performed with or without biopsy, or if any additional procedures were performed during the mediastinotomy.

If the mediastinotomy involved the removal of a foreign body, it would not typically be coded using the excision codes. Excision codes are generally reserved for the removal of lesions or tumors. Instead, a separate code for the removal of a foreign body would be used, if available in the specific subsection of the CPT manual. It is essential to select the code that most accurately describes the procedure performed, and sometimes an additional code may be needed to specify the removal of the foreign body.

Which is a good plyometric exercise for a beginner?
O depth jumps
O squat jumps
O single-leg jumps
O weighted jumps


The answer is Squat jumps

These are some plyo exercises you can perform at home using nothing more than your own bodyweight to make your own Hot plyo workout! Jump Squat. Jump from the splits. Knee-Up Jump from Reverse Lunge.

Correct option is, B.

Can novices engage in plyometric exercise?

Before attempting leaping and bounding exercises, beginners should start their plyometric workouts with the foundations. When you've mastered the fundamentals, adding jumps and bounds to your training regimen will help you build stronger muscles, make each movement more powerful, and even help you avoid injuries.

Who is plyometric exercise for?

Plyometric training has been shown to promote development when used between the ages of 10 and 11 and 12 and 13, according to research. These young people can execute slow to moderate exercises that train the cycle of muscular lengthening and contraction.

To know more about bodyweight  visit:



Which of the following is NOT a health benefit of a "built environment"?
O visible and well-lit stairs
O increased levels of pollution
O designated bike paths and sidewalks
O housing built in close proximity to schools, shops, and work sites


Answer: increased levels of pollution


Increased levels of pollution is not a health benefit of a built environment. In fact, pollution has negative effects on health. A well-designed built environment promotes physical activity, social interaction, and access to essential services, which contribute to better overall health. Visible and well-lit stairs, designated bike paths and sidewalks, and housing built in close proximity to schools, shops, and work sites are all examples of features in a built environment that can promote health and well-being.

_________ is having another person watch you lift and assist you if anything goes wrong. A. Coaching B. Observing C. Spotting D. Co-lifting


Answer:C spotting

Explanation: a spotter is a person who watches a person light or perform an exercise and helps only if needed to avoid injury to the

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