3+4x greater than 27


Answer 1

subtract 3 from both sides to get

4x > 27

divide both sides by 4 to get

x > 27/4 or 6 3/4

Related Questions

$2000 are invested in a bank account at an interest rate of 5 percent per year.

Find the amount in the bank after 7 years if interest is compounded annually.

Find the amount in the bank after 7 years if interest is compounded quaterly.

Find the amount in the bank after 7 years if interest is compounded monthly.

Finally, find the amount in the bank after 7 years if interest is compounded continuously.


The amount in the bank after 7 years increases as the compounding frequency increases, and it is highest when interest is compounded continuously.

Simple interest calculation.

Using the formula A = P(1 + r/n)^(nt), where:

A = the amount in the account after t years

P = the principal (initial amount)

r = the annual interest rate (as a decimal)

n = the number of times the interest is compounded per year

t = the number of years

a) If interest is compounded annually:

A = 2000(1 + 0.05/1)^(1*7) = $2,835.08

b) If interest is compounded quarterly:

A = 2000(1 + 0.05/4)^(4*7) = $2,888.95

c) If interest is compounded monthly:

A = 2000(1 + 0.05/12)^(12*7) = $2,905.03

d) If interest is compounded continuously:

A = Pe^(rt) = 2000e^(0.05*7) = $2,938.36

Therefore, the amount in the bank after 7 years increases as the compounding frequency increases, and it is highest when interest is compounded continuously.

Learn more about simple interest below.



Here is another question DUE SOON PLEASE ASAP

Question 5(Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)
(08.07 MC)

The table describes the quadratic function p(x).

x p(x)
−1 10
0 1
1 −2
2 1
3 10
4 25
5 46

What is the equation of p(x) in vertex form?
p(x) = 2(x − 1)2 − 2
p(x) = 2(x + 1)2 − 2
p(x) = 3(x − 1)2 − 2
p(x) = 3(x + 1)2 − 2


The equation of p(x) in vertex form is;

p(x) = 9.67(x + 1.04)² - 10.25

The closest answer choice is:

p(x) = 3(x - 1)²  - 2, which is not correct.

What is vertex?

In the context of a quadratic function, the vertex is the highest or lowest point on the graph of the function. It is the point where the parabola changes direction. The vertex is also the point where the axis of symmetry intersects the parabola.

To find the vertex form of the quadratic function p(x), we need to first find the vertex, which is the point where the function reaches its maximum or minimum value.

To find the vertex, we can use the formula:

x = -b/2a, where a is the coefficient of the x²  term, b is the coefficient of the x term, and c is the constant term.

Using the table, we can see that the highest value of p(x) occurs at x = 5, and the value is 46.

We can then use the formula to find the vertex:

x = -b/2a = -5/2a

Using the values from the table, we can set up two equations:

46 = a(5)² + b(5) + c

1 = a(0)²  + b(0) + c

Simplifying the second equation, we get:

1 = c

Substituting c = 1 into the first equation and solving for a and b, we get:

46 = 25a + 5b + 1

-20 = 5a + b

Solving for b, we get:

b = -20 - 5a

Substituting b = -20 - 5a into the first equation and solving for a, we get:

46 = 25a + 5(-20 - 5a) + 1

46 = 15a - 99

145 = 15a

a = 9.67

Substituting a = 9.67 and c = 1 into b = -20 - 5a, we get:

b = -20 - 5(9.67) = -71.35

Therefore, the equation of p(x) in vertex form is:

p(x) = 9.67(x - 5)²  + 1

Simplifying, we get:

p(x) = 9.67(x²  - 10x + 25) + 1

p(x) = 9.67x²  - 96.7x + 250.85 + 1

p(x) = 9.67x²  - 96.7x + 251.85

Rounding to the nearest hundredth, we get:

p(x) = 9.67(x - 5²  + 1 = 9.67(x + 1.04)²  - 10.25

Therefore, the answer is:

p(x) = 9.67(x + 1.04)² - 10.25

The closest answer choice is:

p(x) = 3(x - 1)²  - 2, which is not correct.

To know more about vertex visit:



In a word processing document or on a separate piece of paper, use the guide to construct a two column proof proving AC > EF, given BC = EF. Upload the entire proof below.





1. 1.
2. 2. Betweenness
3. AC > BC 3.
4. 4.


The given information and the transitive property of inequalities, we can prove that [tex]AC[/tex] is greater than [tex]EF[/tex] .

What is the transitive property of inequalities?

Statement Reason

[tex]BC = EF[/tex] Given

Betweenness Given

[tex]AC > BC[/tex] Given

[tex]AC > EF[/tex] Transitive property [tex](3, 1)[/tex]


[tex]BC = EF[/tex] Given: Given statement that BC is equal to EF.

Betweenness Given: Given statement that states the concept of betweenness, where BC is between AC and EF.

AC > BC Given: Given statement that  [tex]AC[/tex] is greater than BC.

[tex]AC > EF[/tex] Transitive property: Using the transitive property, we can conclude that  [tex]AC[/tex] is greater than EF (based on statement 3 and 1).

Therefore, using the given information and the transitive property of inequalities, we can prove that AC is greater than [tex]EF[/tex]  .

Learn more about transitive here:



Hiya, I need help on a few questions URGENTLY

Boris has a coin collection that contains US, Euro and British coins.If the ratio of US to Euro coins is 5 to 2 and the ratio of Euro to British coins is 5 to 1. What is the ratio of US to British coins?

Amanda works at the local cafe and gets paid £10 per hour (h) and a fixed sum of £50 for a month. Write a formula for the money (m) that she will receive in a month?

A holiday package costs £190, plus £50 a day. What. formula shows the cost of the holiday, C for d days?


The ratio of US to British coins is 25 to 4.

The second term, £50, is a fixed sum she receives regardless of the number of hours worked.

The first term, £190, represents the fixed cost of the holiday package. The second term, £50d, represents the additional cost per day, which is £50 multiplied by the number of days.

How to solve the Problem?

1. The ratio of US to Euro coins is 5 to 2, and the ratio of Euro to British coins is 5 to 1. To find the ratio of US to British coins, we can combine these ratios.

First, we need to make sure that the ratios have a common term. We can do this by multiplying the first ratio (US to Euro) by 5, which gives us a ratio of 25 to 10.

Next, we can use the second ratio (Euro to British) to convert Euro coins to British coins. Since the ratio is 5 to 1, for every 5 Euro coins, there is 1 British coin. So for every 10 Euro coins, there are 2 British coins.

Finally, we can combine the US to Euro ratio (25 to 10) with the Euro to British ratio (10 to 2) to get the ratio of US to British coins.

25 : 10 :: 10 : 2

Multiplying both sides by 2, we get:

50 : 20 :: 10 : 2

Simplifying, we get:

The ratio of US to British coins is 25 to 4.

2. To calculate Amanda's monthly pay, we can use the formula:

m = 10h + 50

where m is the total money Amanda receives in a month, and h is the number of hours she works.

The first term, 10h, represents her pay for the number of hours she works, which is £10 per hour. The second term, £50, is a fixed sum she receives regardless of the number of hours worked.

3. To calculate the cost of the holiday package for d days, we can use the formula:

C = 190 + 50d

where C is the cost of the holiday package, and d is the number of days.

The first term, £190, represents the fixed cost of the holiday package. The second term, £50d, represents the additional cost per day, which is £50 multiplied by the number of days.

Learn more about fixed cost here: https://brainly.com/question/30641520


Briana helps her mother make a quilt The quilt is 6 feet wide and 12 feet long


Briana and her mother will need to measure and cut the fabric for the quilt. They will need to decide on a pattern and color scheme for the quilt. They will need to sew the pieces of fabric together to create the quilt top. They will need to layer the quilt top with batting and backing fabric and then quilt the layers together. Finally, they will need to bind the edges of the quilt.

Julia drew s sketches of flowers. She split them evenly among her 3 pen pals. Write an expression that shows how many sketches each pen pal received.




Step-by-step explanation:

since she drew s drawings and split them among 3 penpals, it would be s/3, for example, 6 drawings/ 3 would be 2 drawings for each person.

Home values in a town have declined 26% per year for each of the past
four years. What was the total percentage decrease in home values
during the four-year period?


Answer: 104%

Step-by-step explanation: 26% times 4 years

A farmer is building a fence to enclose a rectangular area against an existing wall, shown in the figure below. Three of the sides will require fencing and the fourth wall already exists. If the farmer has 176 feet of fencing,
what is the largest area the farmer can enclose?


Answer: 46 ft by 92 ft

Step-by-step explanation:

The largest area is enclosed when half the fence is used parallel to the wall and the other half is used for the two ends of the fenced area perpendicular to the wall. Half the fence is 184 ft/2 = 92 ft. Half that is used for each end of the enclosure.

6. WRITING IN MATH Describe why the
difference of squares pattern has no middle term
with a variable. Example w-121


The two middle terms, -11w and +11w, cancel each other out, leaving only the first and last terms. This is why there is no middle term with a variable in the factorization of the difference of squares pattern.

How do you find a middle term?

When expanding a binomial expression in the form of (a + b)ⁿ, the middle term can be found using the following formula:

Middle term coefficient = nC(k), where k = (n+1)/2 if n is odd, and k = n/2 or (n/2 + 1) if n is even. The middle term coefficient is then multiplied by the product of a raised to the power of (n-k) and b raised to the power of k.

The difference of squares pattern is a special algebraic pattern that arises when we factor a polynomial that is the difference between two perfect squares. For example,

x² - y² = (x+y)(x-y)

When we apply this pattern to the expression w - 121, we can rewrite it as:

w² - 11²

And, we can use the difference of squares pattern to factor it as:

(w + 11)(w - 11)

Notice that there is no middle term with a variable in this factorization. This is because when we multiply (w + 11)(w - 11), the middle term cancels out.

To see why this happens, let's expand the product:

(w + 11)(w - 11) = w² - 11w + 11w - 121

The two middle terms, -11w and +11w, cancel each other out, leaving only the first and last terms. This is why there is no middle term with a variable in the factorization of the difference of squares pattern.

To know more about middle term visit:



Four family members attended a
family reunion. The table below
shows the distance each person
drove and the amount of time each
person traveled.


If each person drove at a constant rate,than Laura drove the fastest

What is the distance ?

Displacement is the measurement of  the how far an object is out of place,therefore distance refers to  the how much ground an object has covered during its motion.so, examine the distinction between distance and displacement in this article.

What is the speed?

The means of Speed is :he speed at which an object of location changes in any direction. The distance traveled in relation to the time it took to travel that distance is how speed is defined. The speed simply has no magnitude but it has a direction, Speed is a scalar quantity.

to compute who drove the quickest by Using this   formula

speed=Distance /time,

first of all the convert times into hours:

Hank: 3.2 hours x 3 hours and 12 minutes.

Laura: 2.5 hours is 2 hours and 30 minutes.

Nathan: 2.25 hours is 2 hours and 15 minutes.

Raquel: 4 hours plus 24 minutes equals 4.4 hours.

now to calculate the speed by above formula

Hank: 55 miles per hour for 176 miles in 3.2 hours.

Laura: 60 miles per hour equals 150 miles in 2.5 hours.

Nathan: 50 miles per houris equal to 112.5 miles in 2.25 hours.

Raquel: 65 miles for 286 miles in 4.4 hours.

As a result, Laura moved the fastest, clocking in at 60 miles. The solution, Laura, is B.

Learn more about speed here:



0\left\{-10\le x\le10\right\}
Describe the transformations (vertical translation, horizontal translation, and dilation/reflection) from the parent function that happened to these formulas


The formula g(x) = 2 * 0{-10≤x+3≤10} represents a function that has been horizontally shifted left by 3 units, reflected about the y-axis, and vertically scaled by a factor of 2.

What is Function?

A function is a mathematical rule that assigns each input from a set (domain) a unique output from another set (range), typically written as y = f(x).

The notation "0{-10≤x≤10}" typically represents the domain of a function or an inequality. It means that the function is defined only for the values of x that are between -10 and 10 (including -10 and 10).

Assuming that the function in question is a constant function equal to zero, the parent function is f(x) = 0.

To describe the transformations that happened to this function, we need more information about the specific formula. For example, if the formula is:

g(x) = 0{-10≤x≤10}

Then there are no transformations from the parent function. The function is simply a constant function that is equal to zero over the interval [-10, 10].

However, if the formula is something like:

g(x) = 2 * 0{-10≤x+3≤10}

Then we can describe the transformations as follows:

Horizontal translation: The function has been shifted horizontally to the left by 3 units. This means that the point (3, 0) on the parent function is now located at the origin (0, 0) on the transformed function.

Dilation/reflection: The function has been reflected about the y-axis and vertically scaled by a factor of 2. This means that the point (-1, 0) on the parent function is now located at (-4, 0) on the transformed function, and the point (1, 0) on the parent function is now located at (2, 0) on the transformed function.

Vertical translation: There is no vertical translation in this case, since the constant function is already centered at y = 0.

To summarize, the formula g(x) = 2 * 0{-10≤x+3≤10} represents a function that has been horizontally shifted left by 3 units, reflected about the y-axis, and vertically scaled by a factor of 2.

To know more about Function visit :



The formula g(x) = 2 * 0{-10≤x+3≤10} represents a function that has been horizontally shifted left by 3 units, reflected about the y-axis, and vertically scaled by a factor of 2.

What is Function?

A function is a mathematical rule that assigns each input from a set (domain) a unique output from another set (range), typically written as y = f(x).

The notation "0{-10≤x≤10}" typically represents the domain of a function or an inequality. It means that the function is defined only for the values of x that are between -10 and 10 (including -10 and 10).

Assuming that the function in question is a constant function equal to zero, the parent function is f(x) = 0.

To describe the transformations that happened to this function, we need more information about the specific formula. For example, if the formula is:

g(x) = 0{-10≤x≤10}

Then there are no transformations from the parent function. The function is simply a constant function that is equal to zero over the interval [-10, 10].

However, if the formula is something like:

g(x) = 2 * 0{-10≤x+3≤10}

Then we can describe the transformations as follows:

Horizontal translation: The function has been shifted horizontally to the left by 3 units. This means that the point (3, 0) on the parent function is now located at the origin (0, 0) on the transformed function.

Dilation/reflection: The function has been reflected about the y-axis and vertically scaled by a factor of 2. This means that the point (-1, 0) on the parent function is now located at (-4, 0) on the transformed function, and the point (1, 0) on the parent function is now located at (2, 0) on the transformed function.

Vertical translation: There is no vertical translation in this case, since the constant function is already centered at y = 0.

To summarize, the formula g(x) = 2 * 0{-10≤x+3≤10} represents a function that has been horizontally shifted left by 3 units, reflected about the y-axis, and vertically scaled by a factor of 2.

To know more about Function visit :



Find any solution(s) (refer to attachment) of and select the correct statement.

A. The equation has no solution.

B. The equation has two solutions.

C. The equation has one solution.

D. The equation has one solution and one extraneous solution.


x1=-2, x2=1

4. The elevation at ground level is 0 feet. An elevator starts 80 feet below ground level. After
traveling for 20 seconds, the elevator is 30 feet below ground level. Which statement describes
the elevator's rate of change in elevation during this 20-second interval?
A. The elevator traveled upward at a rate
1 rate of 2½ feet per second.
B. The elevator traveled downward at a rate of 2 feet per second.
C. The elevator traveled upward at a rate of 4 feet per second.
D. The elevator traveled downward at a rate of 4 feet per second.



[tex]m = \frac{ - 30 - ( - 80)}{20 - 0} = \frac{50}{20} = 2 \frac{1}{2} [/tex]

A. The elevator traveled upward at a rate of 2 1/2 feet per second. -30 > -80.

La Suma delos cuadrados de dos números naturales consecutivos es 181 halla dichos numeros


The two consecutive natural numbers whose sum of squares is 181 are 9 and 10

Let's assume that the two consecutive natural numbers are x and x+1. Then, we can write an equation based on the given information:

x² + (x+1)² = 181

Expanding the equation:

x² + x² + 2x + 1 = 181

Combining like terms:

2x² + 2x - 180 = 0

Dividing both sides by 2:

x² + x - 90 = 0

Now, we can use the quadratic formula to solve for x:

x = (-b ± √(b² - 4ac)) / 2a

where a = 1, b = 1, and c = -90

x = (-1 ± √(1 + 360)) / 2

x = (-1 ± √(361)) / 2

x = (-1 ± 19) / 2

We discard the negative value, as it does not correspond to a natural number:

x = 9

Therefore, the two consecutive natural numbers are 9 and 10, and their sum of squares is 81 + 100 = 181.

To learn more about integers click on,



How long did Lizzie practice on Thursday and Friday altogether?
Lizzie's Drum Practice
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
= 5 minutes
7 8
1 2



Lizzie practiced for a total of 14 minutes on Thursday and Friday combined.

On Thursday, she practiced for 5 minutes according to the table.

On Friday, she practiced for 9 minutes according to the table.

Adding these two times together, we get:

5 minutes + 9 minutes = 14 minutes

Therefore, Lizzie practiced for a total of 14 minutes on Thursday and Friday combined.

14. The local credit union is offering a special student checking account. The monthly cost of the account is $15. The first 10 checks are free, and each additional check costs $0.75. You search
the Internet and find a bank that offers a student checking account with no monthly charge. The first 10 checks are free, but each additional check costs $2.50.

a. Assume that you will be writing more than 10 checks a month. Let n represent the number of checks written in a month. Write a function rule for the cost c of each account in terms of n.

b. Write an inequality to determine what number of checks in the bank account would be more expensive than the credit union account.

c. Solve the inequality in part b.


Answer: a.     c(n) = 15 + 0.75(n - 10)

b.   15 + 0.75(n - 10) = 2.50(n - 10)=

Simplifying and solving for n, we get:

n = 50

c.  n > 50

Step-by-step explanation:

a. The cost c of the credit union account in terms of the number of checks written n can be expressed as:

c(n) = 15 + 0.75(n - 10)

The first term, 15, represents the monthly cost of the account, and the second term represents the additional cost per check beyond the first 10 free checks.

The cost c of the bank account in terms of the number of checks written n can be expressed as:

c(n) = 2.50(n - 10)

The first term, 0, represents the monthly cost of the account, and the second term represents the additional cost per check beyond the first 10 free checks.

b. We want to find the number of checks for which the bank account is more expensive than the credit union account. Let x be the number of checks that makes the cost of the two accounts equal. Then we have:

15 + 0.75(n - 10) = 2.50(n - 10)

Simplifying and solving for n, we get:

n = 50

So if the number of checks written in a month is greater than 50, the bank account will be more expensive than the credit union account.

c. The solution to the inequality is:

n > 50

This means that the number of checks written in a month must be greater than 50 for the bank account to be more expensive than the credit union account.

Write an equation for the polynomial graphed below


The polynomial in factor form is y(x) = - (1 / 6) · (x + 3) · (x + 1) · (x - 2) · (x - 3).

How to derive the equation of the polynomial

In this problem we find a representation of polynomial set on Cartesian plane, whose expression is described by the following formula in factor form:

y(x) = a · (x - r₁) · (x - r₂) · (x - r₃) · (x - r₄)


x - Independent variable.r₁, r₂, r₃, r₄ - Roots of the polynomial.a - Lead coefficient.y(x) - Dependent variable.

Then, by direct inspection we get the following information:

y(0) = - 3, r₁ = - 3, r₂ = - 1, r₃ = 2, r₄ = 3

First, determine the lead coefficient:

- 3 = a · (0 + 3) · (0 + 1) · (0 - 2) · (0 - 3)

- 3 = a · 3 · 1 · (- 2) · (- 3)

- 3 = 18 · a  

a = - 1 / 6

Second, write the complete expression:

y(x) = - (1 / 6) · (x + 3) · (x + 1) · (x - 2) · (x - 3)

To learn more on polynomials: https://brainly.com/question/29260355


Naya has a pitcher that contains 3 cups of salted lassi, a yogurt drink with sait and sites. She pours 6 fluid ounces of lassi into each glass. If she uses all of the lassi, how many glasses does Naya use?
A. 2
B. 4
C. 16
D. 18


After 6 fluid ounces , Naya uses 4 glasses as a result.

Define ounces?

A unit of weight is an ounce. There are various kinds of ounces, including avoirdupois, troy, and fluid ounces. One sixteenth of a pound is equivalent to one avoirdupois ounce .  A troy ounce, often known as an apothecaries' measure, is equivalent to 480 grains or one-twelfth of a pound. A volume unit is a fluid ounce. 1/8 of a cup, 2 tablespoons, or 6 teaspoons make to one fluid ounce

In Naya's pitcher, there are three glasses of salted lassi.

She fills each glass with six fluid ounces of lassi.

By translating cups to fluid ounces and dividing the entire amount of lassi by the amount put into each glass, we can determine how many glasses Naya uses if she consumes all of the lassi.

8 fluid ounces make constitute a cup.

Consequently, 3 cups equal 24 fluid ounces (3 x 8).

24 divided by 6 results in:

4 glasses are equal to 24/6.

Naya uses four glasses as a result.

To know more about ounces visit:



Complete the truth table for (A ⋁ B) ⋀ ~(A ⋀ B).


The truth table for (A ⋁ B) ⋀ ~(A ⋀ B) is:

A   B   (A ⋁ B) ⋀ ~(A ⋀ B)

0   0                0

0    1                0

1     0               0

1     1                0

The truth table is what?

A truth table is a table that displays all possible combinations of truth values (true or false) for one or more propositions or logical expressions, as well as the truth value of the resulting compound proposition or expression that is created by combining them using logical operators like AND, OR, NOT, IMPLIES, etc.

The columns of a truth table reflect the propositions or expressions themselves as well as the compound expressions created by applying logical operators to them. The rows of a truth table correspond to the various possible combinations of truth values for the propositions or expressions.

To complete the truth table for (A ⋁ B) ⋀ ~(A ⋀ B), we need to consider all possible combinations of truth values for A and B.

A   B   A ⋁ B   A ⋀ B   ~(A ⋀ B)   (A ⋁ B) ⋀ ~(A ⋀ B)

0   0      0            0             1                      0

0    1       1            0             1                      0

1    0       1            0             1                      0

1    1        1             1             0                     0

So, the only case where the expression is true is when both A and B are true, and for all other cases it is false.

To know more about truth tables, visit:



Find a formula for the exponential function passing through the points
(-3, 5/8 ) and (3, 40).


The exponential function is y=5.[tex]2^x[/tex].

What is exponential function?

A mathematical function called an exponential function is employed frequently in everyday life. It is mostly used to compute investments, model populations, determine exponential decline or exponential growth, and so forth.

Here the exponential function is [tex]y=ab^x[/tex]

Since (-3,5/8) is on the graph, -[tex]\frac{5}{8}[/tex]=[tex]ab^{-3}[/tex] -----> 1

Since (3, 40) is on the graph, 40=[tex]ab^3[/tex] ------> 2

So, [tex]\frac{ab^3}{ab^{-3}}=\frac{40}{\frac{-5}{8}}[/tex]

=> [tex]b^{3+3}=8\times8[/tex]

=> [tex]b^6=2^6[/tex]

=> b = 2

put b=2 into 2 then,

=> 40= [tex]a\times2^3[/tex]

=> 8a=40

=> a =5

Then the exponential function is y=5.[tex]2^x[/tex].

To learn more about exponential function refer the below link





The next entry on the long division would be 0.054, and 0.0054

How to perform long division

Long division is a method of dividing two numbers using a step-by-step process. Here's how to perform long division:

Step 1: Write the dividend (the number being divided) and the divisor (the number you're dividing by) in the long division format, with the dividend inside the division symbol and the divisor outside.

Read more on long division here:https://brainly.com/question/25289437


A four-sided shape with the top side labeled as 10.2 cm. The height is labeled 5 cm. A portion of the base from the perpendicular to a vertex is labeled 4 cm. The portion of the base from the perpendicular to the right vertex is 6.2 cm.

What is the area of the figure?

25.5 cm2
45.5 cm2
51 cm2
56.1 cm2


The area of the figure is 51 cm², which is option C.

What is area?

In mathematics, area refers to the measure of the size of a two-dimensional surface or shape. It is typically expressed in square units, such as square meters (m²) or square centimeters (cm²), and can be calculated for a variety of geometric shapes, including squares, rectangles, triangles, circles, and more complex shapes such as trapezoids or polygons.

To find the area of the figure, we need to identify the shape of the figure. From the given information, we know that the figure has a top side, a height, and a base. We are also told that the base is divided into two parts by a perpendicular, and one of the parts is labeled as 4 cm, while the other part from the perpendicular to the right vertex is 6.2 cm.

Based on this information, we can draw the figure as a trapezoid, where the top side is the shorter base, the height is the vertical distance between the two bases, and the longer base is the sum of the two parts of the base.

Using the given information, we can calculate the longer base:

longer base = 4 cm + 6.2 cm = 10.2 cm

Now we can use the formula for the area of a trapezoid to find the area of the figure:

A = (1/2)h(b₁ + b₂)

where h is the height, b₁ is the shorter base, and b₂ is the longer base.

Plugging in the given values, we get:

A = (1/2)(5 cm)(10.2 cm + 10.2 cm) = 51 cm²

Therefore, the area of the figure is 51 cm² , which is option C.

To know more about area visit:



Complete Question:

A four-sided figure has one side labeled 10.2 cm, a height of 5 cm, and a portion of the base from the perpendicular to a vertex labeled 4 cm. The portion of the base from the perpendicular to the right vertex is labeled 6.2 cm. What is the area of the figure?

Simplify 6^2/6 x 6^12/6^8


Step-by-step explanation:

6^2 / 6^1   x    6^12 / 6^8   =

6^(2-1)      x    6^(12-8)   =

6^1          x    6^4   =

6^(1+4)  =   6^5     or  = 7776

Please help with this math question!


The exponential function of the population is P(x) = 15000 * 1.046^x

Calculating the exponential function of the population

From the question, we have the following parameters that can be used in our computation:

Initial, a = 15000

Rate, r = 4.6%

The equation of the function is represented as

P(x) = a * (1 + r)^x

Substitute the known values in the above equation, so, we have the following representation

P(x) = 15000 * (1 + 4.6%)^x


P(x) = 15000 * 1.046^x

Hence, the function is P(x) = 15000 * 1.046^x

Read more about exponential function at



the area of Rectangle is 112 in sq. if the height is 8 in, what is the base length




Step-by-step explanation:


base length=14cm


To find the base length of a rectangle, given its area and height, you can use the formula for calculating the area of a rectangle, which is:

Area = Length x Width

In this case, you are given that the area is 112 square inches and the height is 8 inches. Let's denote the base length as "x" inches.

So, the equation for the area of the rectangle becomes:

112 = x * 8

To solve for "x", you can divide both sides of the equation by 8:

112 / 8 = x

x = 14

Therefore, the base length of the rectangle is 14 inches.

Identify the correct equation of the graph.
O f(b) = (6+4)² +8
O f(b) = (b+8)² +4
O f(b) = (b-8)² +4
Of(b) = (6-4)²-8
Of(b) (6-4)² +8


Thus, the correct equation for the given parabolic graph is found as: f(b) = (b – 8)² + 4.

Explain about the quadratic function in vertex form:

A parabola has a lowest point if it opens upward. A parabola has a highest point if it opens downward.

The vertex of the parabola is located at this lowest or highest point.

Vertex form of a quadratic function:

f(x) = a(x – h)² + k, where a, h, and k are constants.

The vertex of the parabola is at because it is translated h horizontal units and k vertical units from the origin (h, k).

(h,k) are the vertex of parabola.

From the given graph:

f(b) is the given function:

Vertex (h,k) = (8, 4)

Thus, h= 8 and k = a = 1, x = b.

Put the values in quadratic function:

f(b) = 1(b – 8)² + 4

f(b) = (b – 8)² + 4

Thus, the correct equation for the given parabolic graph is found as: f(b) = (b – 8)² + 4.

Know more about the quadratic function in vertex form:



k^2+6k=0 solve the quadratic equation by factoring



K = √-6k

i did the math and got this answer and it was right

Is each number rounded correctly to the nearest hundred thousand?


yes is answer   for all option   .we can check it by rules of rounding off numbers .

what is rounding ?

Rounding is the process of approximating a number to a nearby value that is easier to work with or more appropriate for a given context. When rounding, we take a number with many decimal places or significant figures and adjust it to a simpler or more convenient value with fewer decimal places or significant figures.

In the given question,

Yes, each number is rounded correctly to the nearest hundred thousand based on the rules of rounding.

To round to the nearest hundred thousand, we look at the digit in the hundred thousand place and the digit to its right (i.e., in the ten thousand place).

If the digit in the ten thousand place is 5 or greater, we round up the digit in the hundred thousand place by adding 1.

If the digit in the ten thousand place is less than 5, we leave the digit in the hundred thousand place as it is.

Using these rules, we can see that:

350000 rounded to the nearest hundred thousand is 400000 because the digit in the ten thousand place is 5, so we round up the digit in the hundred thousand place.

555555 rounded to the nearest hundred thousand is 560000 because the digit in the ten thousand place is 5, so we round up the digit in the hundred thousand place.

137998 rounded to the nearest hundred thousand is 200000 because the digit in the ten thousand place is 7, so we round up the digit in the hundred thousand place.

792314 rounded to the nearest hundred thousand is 800000 because the digit in the ten thousand place is 3, so we leave the digit in the hundred thousand place as it is.

To know more about rounding , visit:



the 3rd and 6th term in fibonacci sequence are 7 and 31 respectively find the 1st and 2nd terms of the sequence



Step-by-step explanation:

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89,144,233,377,610,987, 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765, 10946, 17711, 28657, 46368, 75025, 121393, 196418, 317811, 514229, ... Can you figure out the next few numbers?

8. You and 4 friends are going to an event, and you want to keep the cost below $100 per person. Write and solve an inequality to find the total cost, x.


The answer is on the image shown :
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