In a person who loses the ability to absorb vitamin B12, approximately what period of time could elapse before deficiency signs develop?A) One month B) Six months C) One year D) Three years


Answer 1

In a person who loses the ability to absorb vitamin B12, deficiency signs may take D) Three years to develop, as the body can store large amounts of this vitamin in the liver.

The period of time before deficiency signs develop in a person who loses the ability to absorb vitamin B12 can vary depending on several factors, including the individual's age, diet, and overall health. However, in general, it may take several years for deficiency signs to develop.

The liver stores large amounts of vitamin B12, which can provide a reserve for the body for up to 3-5 years. Therefore, it can take a significant amount of time before a person who loses the ability to absorb vitamin B12 begins to experience deficiency signs.

Therefore, the correct option is D) Three years.

To learn more about vitamin B12 here


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The sensory receptors that transduce sound waves into electrical signals to be transmitted to the brain are are called _____ a) hair cells b) hearing cells.


The sensory receptors that transduce sound waves into electrical signals to be transmitted to the brain are called hair cells. The correct option is option a).

These are specialized cells located in the inner ear and are responsible for converting sound vibrations into electrical signals that can be processed by the brain. Hair cells are named after the small hair-like structures that protrude from their surface, which help detect vibrations in the fluid of the inner ear.

The process of sound transduction begins when sound waves enter the ear and cause the hair cells to move. This movement triggers a series of biochemical events that lead to the release of neurotransmitters, which in turn stimulate the auditory nerve fibers. The auditory nerve fibers then transmit the electrical signals to the brainstem and finally to the auditory cortex in the brain, where the signals are interpreted as sound.

Hair cells are extremely sensitive and can be damaged by loud noises, certain medications, and age-related degeneration. This can lead to hearing loss, tinnitus, and other auditory disorders. Researchers are currently exploring ways to regenerate hair cells in the inner ear as a potential treatment for hearing loss.

Know more about Hair cells here:


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