8Cost of common stock equity Ross Textiles wishes to measure its cost of common stock equity. The firm's stock is currently selling for $60.39. The firm just recently paid a dividend of $4.08. The firm has been increasing dividends regularly. Five years ago, the dividend was just $3.01. After underpricing and flotation costs, the firm expects to net $56.77 per share on a new issue. a. Determine average annual dividend growth rate over the past 5 years. Using that growth rate, what dividend would you expect the company to pay next year? b. Determine the net proceeds, N., that the firm will actually receive. c. Using the constant-growth valuation model, determine the required return on the company's stock, ls, which should equal the cost of retained earnings, fr. d. Using the constant-growth valuation model, determine the cost of new common stock, in


Answer 1

The cost of new common stock is 15.91%.The average annual dividend growth rate over the past 5 years is 6.16%. Using that growth rate, the company is expected to pay a dividend of $4.33 next year.

a. To determine the average annual dividend growth rate over the past 5 years, we can use the formula:

Dividend growth rate = (Dividend in year 5 / Dividend in year 1)^(1/5) - 1

Substituting the values, we get:

Dividend growth rate = ($4.08 / $3.01)^(1/5) - 1 = 7.89%

Using this growth rate, the dividend that we can expect the company to pay next year is:

Expected dividend = $4.08 * (1 + 7.89%) = $4.40

b. The net proceeds, N, that the firm will actually receive can be calculated as:

N = $56.77 - Flotation costs

Since the flotation costs are not given, we cannot calculate the net proceeds.

c. The required return on the company's stock, ls, can be calculated using the constant-growth valuation model:

ls = (Dividend / Current stock price) + Dividend growth rate

Substituting the values, we get:

ls = ($4.08 / $60.39) + 7.89% = 14.65%

Therefore, the cost of retained earnings is 14.65%.

d. The cost of new common stock, in, can be calculated using the constant-growth valuation model:

in = (Dividend / Net proceeds per share) + Dividend growth rate

Substituting the values, we get:

in = ($4.08 / $56.77) + 7.89% = 15.91%

for more such questions on stock



Related Questions

point-of-sale terminals record purchase information and electronically send it in a flow of information that initially travels from blank______ to blank______.


Point-of-sale terminals record purchase information and electronically send it in a flow of information that initially travels from the merchant to the acquiring bank.

When a customer makes a purchase with a credit or debit card, the point-of-sale terminal records the transaction information and sends it to the acquiring bank, which is the bank that the merchant has an account with.

The acquiring bank then forwards the transaction information to the issuing bank, which is the bank that issued the card to the customer. The issuing bank verifies the transaction and approves or declines it based on the customer's available credit or funds.

Once approved, the transaction is completed, and the merchant receives the funds in their account. This flow of information is essential for ensuring the security and accuracy of credit and debit card transactions.

To know more about Point-of-sale terminals, refer here:

a shift in cultural values away from accumulating material possessions to spending time with family and friends benefit those who market:


A shift in cultural values away from accumulating material possessions to spending time with family and friends can significantly benefit marketers in various industries.

What's the effects of shift in cultural values

By understanding this change in priorities, businesses can tailor their offerings to cater to consumers' desire for experiences, relationships, and emotional connections.

For instance, marketers in the travel and tourism sector can promote packages that encourage bonding with loved ones, such as family vacations or group retreats. Likewise, event planners can capitalize on this trend by organizing activities focused on building connections, such as workshops or team-building events.

In the retail industry, companies can shift their focus from selling products to providing personalized services, such as offering curated gift boxes that emphasize thoughtfulness and sentimental value.

Additionally, marketers in the food and beverage sector can emphasize the social aspect of dining, promoting shared meals and spaces that encourage conversation and quality time spent together.

Overall, this cultural shift offers new opportunities for marketers to create meaningful, experience-driven campaigns that resonate with consumers and foster long-term brand loyalty.

Learn more about cultural values at



The government mandate of insurance on all people is ... A. Justified because high risk people will not always join insurance schemes B. Unjustified because it is not the role of the government C. Unjustified because low risk people do not need insurance D. Justified because without it insurance schemes will fail


The government mandate of insurance on all people can be seen as both A. Justified because high-risk people will not always join insurance schemes, and D. Justified because without it, insurance schemes may fail.

This is because mandatory insurance ensures that everyone is covered and the costs are spread more evenly, which can ultimately help maintain the stability of insurance schemes.

From the perspective of (A), proponents of the individual mandate argue that without it, high-risk individuals may choose to forgo insurance coverage, leading to adverse selection.

Adverse selection occurs when individuals with higher risks of needing medical care are more likely to enroll in insurance, while those with lower risks may choose to remain uninsured.

This can result in an imbalanced risk pool, where insurance plans end up covering a disproportionate number of high-risk individuals, leading to higher costs for insurers and ultimately higher premiums for everyone.

By mandating insurance coverage for all individuals, including high-risk individuals, the risk pool is broadened, spreading the costs across a larger population and reducing the impact of adverse selection.

Furthermore, from the perspective of (D), proponents argue that mandatory insurance helps prevent the failure of insurance schemes. Insurance is based on the principle of pooling risk, where premiums from a large number of individuals are used to cover the costs of a smaller number of individuals who require medical care.

If only those who anticipate needing medical care enroll in insurance, it can result in an unsustainable situation where premiums may skyrocket or insurers may exit the market altogether.

This can leave those who need medical care without coverage, resulting in financial burdens, limited access to care, and potential disruptions in the healthcare system.

By mandating insurance for everyone, it helps ensure that there is a larger pool of healthy individuals contributing to the system, which can help stabilize insurance schemes and prevent their failure.

To learn more about insurance, refer below:



Exploring Finance: Short-Term versus Long-Term Cash Flows
Conceptual Overview: Explore how time and the cost of capital affects the net present values of two alternative investments.
The equations below show the discounted or present value of cash flows either one year or twenty years in the future. The first equation in each set of three shows the discounted value when the interest rate (or cost of capital) equals 5%. The second equation in each set of three shows the discounted value for an interest rate that is controlled by the slider. The third equation compares the two discounted values. Change the slider and observe whether the discounted value of the one-year cash flow changes more or less quickly than the discounted value of the twenty-year cash flow.


In finance, the time value of money is a key concept that recognizes that a dollar received today is worth more than a dollar received in the future due to the opportunity cost of not having the use of that dollar today. The net present value (NPV) of a cash flow represents the value of that cash flow in today's dollars, given the time value of money and the cost of capital.

The equations provided illustrate how the NPV of cash flows changes with time and the cost of capital. When the interest rate is fixed at 5%, the NPV of a one-year cash flow is greater than the NPV of a twenty-year cash flow. However, when the interest rate is adjusted using the slider, the NPV of the twenty-year cash flow changes more than the NPV of the one-year cash flow. This illustrates the principle that the longer the time horizon of an investment, the more sensitive it is to changes in the cost of capital.

In practical terms, this means that short-term investments are generally less risky than long-term investments because there is less uncertainty about future interest rates and cash flows. Long-term investments, on the other hand, offer the potential for greater returns but also carry greater risk due to their sensitivity to changes in the cost of capital over time. Understanding the time value of money and the impact of the cost of capital on cash flows is crucial for making informed investment decisions.

Learn more about net present value



in the mid-twentieth century, which of the following was a similarity between the approaches of china and the soviet union in managing their respective economies? responses insistence on the participation of industrial workers in planning their economies insistence on the participation of industrial workers in planning their economies recognition of the independence of satellite states in developing their economies recognition of the independence of satellite states in developing their economies building popular support for their regimes by slowing the pace of industrialization building popular support for their regimes by slowing the pace of industrialization direct intervention in their economies to speed the process of industrialization


In the mid-20th century, a similarity between the approaches of China and the Soviet Union in managing their respective economies was "direct intervention in their economies to speed the process of industrialization." Both countries implemented central planning and state control to accelerate industrial growth and modernize their economies.

In the mid-20th century, both China and the Soviet Union shared a similarity in their approach to managing their economies, which was the direct intervention in their economies to speed up the process of industrialization. Both countries believed that rapid industrialization was crucial for their economic development and international standing, and they implemented policies to achieve this goal.

However, while the Soviet Union focused on heavy industry and state planning, China adopted a more decentralized approach, promoting rural industrialization and mobilizing the masses to participate in the process. Despite these differences, both countries recognized the importance of economies in achieving their political goals and strengthening their regimes.

Read more about "Soviet Union": https://brainly.com/question/12785747


Consider the following projects: Cash Flows ($) Project C0 C1 D –11,500 23,000 E –21,500 37,625 Assume that the projects are mutually exclusive and that the opportunity cost of capital is 10%. a. Calculate the profitability index for each project. Project Profitability Index D E b-1. Calculate the profitability-index using the incremental cash flows. (Do not round intermediate calculations. Round your answer to 2 decimal places.) Profitability-index b-2. Which project should you choose? Project D Project E


To calculate the profitability index for each project, we need to divide the present value of the cash flows by the initial investment (C0).

For Project D, the present value of the cash flows (PV) can be calculated using the formula: PV = C1/(1 + r)^1, where r is the opportunity cost of capital (10%). Thus, PV = 23,000/(1 + 0.10)^1 = 20,909.09. The profitability index for Project D is then calculated as follows:

Profitability Index (D) = PV/C0 = 20,909.09/11,500 = 1.82

For Project E, the present value of the cash flows (PV) can be calculated using the same formula: PV = 37,625/(1 + 0.10)^1 = 34,204.55. The profitability index for Project E is then calculated as follows:

Profitability Index (E) = PV/C0 = 34,204.55/21,500 = 1.59

To calculate the profitability-index using the incremental cash flows, we need to calculate the difference in cash flows between the two projects (D-E). These incremental cash flows can then be discounted back to the present using the same formula as above, and the profitability index can be calculated as follows:

Incremental Cash Flows:
Year 0: C0 (E-C) = 21,500 - 11,500 = 10,000
Year 1: C1 (E-C) = 37,625 - 23,000 = 14,625

PV of Incremental Cash Flows:
PV (E-C) = 10,000/(1 + 0.10)^0 + 14,625/(1 + 0.10)^1 = 22,840.91

Profitability Index (E-C) = PV (E-C)/C0 (C) = 22,840.91/11,500 = 1.99

Based on the profitability index calculations, both projects are acceptable as they both have a value greater than 1. However, if we compare the profitability indexes for each project, Project D has a higher profitability index (1.82) than Project E (1.59), indicating that it is more profitable. Similarly, when we calculate the incremental profitability index between the two projects, Project E-C has a higher profitability index (1.99) than Project D-C, indicating that it is the better choice. Therefore, the decision on which project to choose ultimately depends on the specific goals and priorities of the decision-maker.

to know more about the profitability:



If STC = 200 +2q+4q^2 and SMC = 2+8q where q is output, what is hte minimum level of average variable cost
a. 6
b. 0
c. 2
d. 8


To find the minimum level of average variable cost (AVC), we first need to find the total variable cost (TVC) function. The STC function given is:

STC = 200 + 2q + 4q^2

Since the total fixed cost (TFC) is the constant term, TFC = 200. We can find the TVC by subtracting TFC from STC:
TVC = STC - TFC = (200 + 2q + 4q^2) - 200 = 2q + 4q^2
Now, we can calculate AVC by dividing TVC by the output q:
AVC = TVC/q = (2q + 4q^2)/q = 2 + 4q
To find the minimum level of AVC, we need to find the first derivative of AVC with respect to q and set it equal to zero:
d(AVC)/dq = d(2 + 4q)/dq = 4
Since the derivative is a constant, AVC does not have a minimum value within the given options. So, none of the choices a, b, c, or d are correct.

Learn more about minimum here:



Suppose two assets with the following characteristics: Asset A offers an expected return of 15% and has a volatility of 20%. Asset B offers an expected return of 20% and has a volatility of 35%. Its correlation coefficient is -1. Calculate the weight to invest in the two assets in such a way as to eliminate the risk of the portfolio. a) Invest 0.63 in the first asset and the rest in the second b) It is never possible to totally eliminate risk with 2 assets c) Invest 0.80 in the first asset and the rest in the second d) You have to invest 2 times your wealth in asset A, with lower risk


According to the question, Invest 0.80 in the first asset and the rest in the second.

What is asset?

An asset is a resource that is owned by an individual or business and has economic value. Assets can be tangible, such as cash, land, equipment, or investments, or intangible, such as intellectual property, goodwill, and brand recognition.

The risk of a portfolio can be reduced by diversifying its investments. With two assets, the weight to invest in each asset can be calculated using the formula:

Weight of asset A = Covariance/ (Volatility of A)2 + (Volatility of B)2

Weight of asset B = Covariance/ (Volatility of A)2 + (Volatility of B)2

In this case, since the correlation coefficient is -1, the covariance will be negative. Thus,

Weight of asset A = -20/(20)2 + (35)2 = 0.8

Weight of asset B = 20/(20)2 + (35)2 = 0.2

Therefore, the weight to invest in the first asset is 0.8, and the weight to invest in the second asset is 0.2.

To learn more about asset



1. ISO 14001 is a set of standards that govern how a company designs service processes.
2. No process can exist without at least one product or service.
3. Process structure is the mix of equipment and human skills in a process.
4. Resource flexibility determines whether resources are organized around products or processes.
5. Customer involvement reflects the ways in which customers become part of the process and the extent of their participation.
6. Capital intensity is the ease with which employees and equipment can handle a wide variety of products, output levels, duties, and functions.
7. Beginning points for manufacturing process structure decisions are the volume level, amount of customization, and competitive priorities.
8. The degree of customization is one factor that impacts the selection of process type.
9. Service providers with a line process follow a standardized-process strategy.
10. People-processing services involve tangible actions provided for the person rather than to the person, that do not require physical presence.
11. A moment of truth or service encounter is face-to-face interaction between the customer and a service provider.
12. Physical presence does not occur in a manufacturing service process.
13. Possession-processing services involve intangible actions to physical objects that provide value to the customer.
14. Active contact in services means that the customer is very much part of the creation of the service.
15. A process that is very broadly defined with a number of subprocesses has high complexity.
16. Divergence is the extent to which the process accommodates the customer and involves considerable interaction and service customization.
17. A front office structure features high levels of customer contact where the service provider interacts directly with the internal or external customer.
18. Back office work is typically complex with many steps having considerable divergence.
19. A continuous flow process is characterized by a high degree of job customization.
20. A job process has a relatively high level of customization.
21. A job process has the highest level of customization of the five process types.
22. Job processes typically use a line flow through the operations.
23. Job processes generally have higher volumes than batch processes.
24. In a line process, variety is possible by careful control of the addition of standard options to the main product or service.
25. Petroleum refineries typically use continuous flow processes.
26. Continuous flow processes have a high level of customization.
27. The product-process matrix brings together the elements of volume, process, and quality.
28. A make-to-stock strategy involves holding items in stock for immediate delivery and is feasible for standardized products with high volumes and reasonably accurate forecasts.
29. Mass production is a production strategy that uses batch processes in a make-to-stock strategy.


ISO 14001 is a set of standards focused on environmental management, not specifically on service process design.

However, in designing service processes, companies should consider factors such as process structure, resource flexibility, customer involvement, capital intensity, and competitive priorities.

These factors help determine the appropriate manufacturing or service process type, ranging from job processes with high customization to continuous flow processes with low customization, as seen in petroleum refineries.

The degree of customization and customer involvement can influence the selection of process type, such as line processes for standardized services or people-processing services involving tangible actions provided for the person.

Active customer contact is an important aspect of service creation, and moments of truth occur during face-to-face interactions with service providers.

Process complexity and divergence also play a role in shaping the process structure, affecting front office and back office work. A high level of customization is typically associated with job processes, while continuous flow processes have lower customization levels.

In terms of production strategies, a make-to-stock strategy is suitable for standardized, high-volume products with accurate forecasts, while mass production uses batch processes in such a strategy.

The product-process matrix helps businesses analyze the relationship between volume, process, and quality to make informed decisions about their production and service processes.

To learn more about matrix, refer below:



Nishi Corporation’s common stock just paid $0.79 dividend recently and dividends are expected to grow at a constant rate for the foreseeable future. The investors’ required rate of return on the stock is 10.89%. If the stock’s current price is $15.62 per share, what is the growth rate projected? Use the Goal Seek to find your answer. Please post pictures of your excel work and solutions. Please give a detailed explanation.


The growth rate projected for Nishi Corporation's common stock is 2.09%.

The dividend growth rate can be calculated using the Gordon Growth Model:

P0 = D1 / (r - g)

where P0 is the current price of the stock, D1 is the dividend per share, r is the required rate of return, and g is the growth rate of dividends.

Rearranging the formula to solve for g, we get:

g = r - (D1 / P0)

Substituting the given values, we get:

g = 10.89% - ($0.79 / $15.62) = 2.09%

Therefore, the growth rate projected for Nishi Corporation's common stock is 2.09%.

Excel screenshot is attached.

For more questions like Rate click the link below:



poor project planning is an example of: technical risks. quality or performance risks. project management risks. organizational risks. external risks.


Poor project planning is an example of project management risks. Project management risks refer to the potential problems or challenges that can arise in the process of planning, executing, and monitoring a project.

In the context of poor project planning, this type of risk might manifest as unclear objectives, inadequate allocation of resources, unrealistic timeframes, or ineffective communication among team members. Additionally, poor planning can result in scope creep, where the project's goals and requirements change or expand during its execution, further increasing the risk of delays and budget overruns.

To mitigate project management risks, it is crucial for project managers to establish clear goals and objectives, develop a comprehensive project plan, and ensure effective communication and collaboration among team members. This includes monitoring progress and making adjustments as needed, as well as implementing appropriate risk management strategies.

In comparison, technical risks involve challenges related to the technology, tools, or processes used in a project. Quality or performance risks focus on the potential issues that can affect the project's output, such as defects or failures in the product or service. '

Organizational risks are associated with a company's internal structure, culture, or processes that may hinder a project's success. External risks include factors outside of the organization's control, such as market changes, regulatory issues, or natural disasters.

Know more about Project management here:



7Cost of common stock equity-CAPM Netflix common stock has a beta, b, of 1.1. The risk-free rate is 5%, and the expected market return is 9%. a. Determine the risk premium on Netflix common stock. b. D etermine the required return that Netflix common stock should provide.c. Determine​ Netflix's cost of common stock equity using the CAPM.


a) The risk premium on Netflix common stock is 4%.

b) The required return that Netflix common stock should provide is 9.4%.

c)  Netflix's cost of common stock equity using the CAPM is 9.4%.

a. The risk premium on Netflix common stock can be calculated as the difference between the expected market return and the risk-free rate.
Risk premium = Expected market return - Risk-free rate
Risk premium = 9% - 5%
Risk premium = 4%
Therefore, the risk premium on Netflix common stock is 4%.

b. The required return that Netflix common stock should provide can be determined using the CAPM formula, which is:
Required return = Risk-free rate + Beta × (Expected market return - Risk-free rate)
Required return = 5% + 1.1 × (9% - 5%)
Required return = 9.4%
Therefore, the required return that Netflix common stock should provide is 9.4%.

c. Finally, we can determine Netflix's cost of common stock equity using the CAPM formula again:
Cost of common stock equity = Risk-free rate + Beta × (Expected market return - Risk-free rate)
Cost of common stock equity = 5% + 1.1 × (9% - 5%)
Cost of common stock equity = 9.4%
Therefore, Netflix's cost of common stock equity using the CAPM is 9.4%.

For more such questions on premium



in his first year, a math teacher earned $32,000. each successive year, he earned a 5% raise. what were his total earning over his 30-year career?\


The math teacher' s  total earnings over his 30 years career is $2,811,984.39 .

To find the math teacher's total earnings over his 30-year career, we can use the formula for the sum of a geometric series:

S = a(1 - rⁿ) / (1 - r)

where S is the sum of the series, a is the initial term, r is the common ratio, and n is the number of terms.

In this case, the initial term is $32,000, the common ratio is 1.05 (since the teacher earns a 5% raise each year), and the number of terms is 30 (since the teacher worked for 30 years).

Plugging in the values, we get:

S = 32000(1 - 1.05³⁰) / (1 - 1.05)

S = 32000(1 - 0.0723) / (0.05)

S = $2,811,984.39

Therefore, the math teacher earned a total of $2,811,984.39.

To know more about earnings click here



the overall message southcom personnel should convey on leahy law to our partners is


Here are some common messages SOUTHCOM employees should convey to partners regarding illegal laws: It is a national security interest of the United States.

The United States should ban support for groups and individuals suspected of human rights abuses and urge allies to hold perpetrators accountable. This is for national security.

Through its human rights initiatives, SOUTHCOM actively promotes human rights with partner countries' militaries to improve local understanding and respect for human rights among military and security personnel. Since 2004, partner countries have committed to deploying their own military and security personnel to implement her HRI, or have launched their own human rights initiatives.

To learn more about SOUTHCOM, here:



Complete question:

The overall message SOUTHCOM personnel should convey on leahy law to our partners is____________

The overall message that Southcom personnel should convey to our partners regarding the Leahy Law is that the United States takes human rights violations very seriously and that we will not tolerate working with individuals or units that have been found to commit such abuses.

The Leahy Law is a U.S. law that prohibits the United States from providing military assistance or training to foreign military units that have been found to have committed gross violations of human rights. This law is not meant to punish or isolate any particular country, but rather to ensure that U.S. military aid and training are not used to support human rights abuses.It is important to convey to our partners that adherence to the Leahy Law is not optional, but rather a legal requirement for U.S. military assistance and training.

Southcom personnel should also emphasize that by adhering to the Leahy Law, our partners are sending a strong message to their own citizens that their government is committed to protecting human rights and the rule of law.In addition to discussing the Leahy Law, Southcom personnel should also engage in frank and open discussions with our partners about human rights concerns in their country.

This dialogue should be conducted in a respectful and collaborative manner, with a focus on identifying ways in which the United States can support our partners in addressing human rights challenges. By working together, we can build stronger and more effective partnerships while also upholding the values that define us as a nation.

For more such questions on human rights



4. (12 points) The product manager for a brand of all-natural herbal shampoo has compiled 15 weeks of data on the weekly sales of the brand (in units), the level of media advertising (in thousands of dollars), the price (in dollars), and the use of displays (in number of stores with the brand on an end-aisle display). She then carried out a multiple regression analysis on these data in order to calculate a price elasticity. Her data and the results of the regression analysis can be seen below.
(a) Name each of the variables that were used in this multiple regression analysis. For each of these variables, indicate whether it was an independent variable or a dependent variable in this regression analysis.
(b) Use these data and the results of the regression analysis to calculate the price elasticity for this shampoo brand. Show your work.
(c) Based on the course material, describe at least two issues that should lead the product manager to not entirely trust the price elasticity calculated from this analysis.


(a) Variables: Independent Variables: Sales, Media Advertising, Price Dependent Variable: Use of Displays

(b) Price Elasticity = -2.841 Price Elasticity = (Change in Quantity Demanded / Change in Price) * (Price / Quantity Demanded)

= (-2.841) * (2.50 / 500) = -0.1136

(c) The price elasticity calculated from the regression analysis should not be entirely trusted for two reasons. First, the sample size of 15 weeks may not be large enough to provide an accurate representation of the overall demand for the shampoo.

Second, the use of displays as the dependent variable may not accurately reflect the demand for the shampoo, as displays may have been placed in stores based on other factors. Thus, the calculated price elasticity may not be an accurate representation of the true demand for the shampoo.

Know more about Price Elasticity here



if the u.s. dollar appreciated, then what impact will it have on the value of a dollar and the demand for american goods abroad?


If the U.S. dollar appreciated, meaning that its value increased relative to other currencies, then American goods would become more expensive for foreign buyers.

This would likely lead to a decrease in demand for American goods abroad, as they would be less affordable. Additionally, an appreciated dollar could make imports cheaper for Americans, potentially increasing the demand for foreign goods. Overall, an appreciation of the U.S. dollar could negatively impact American exports and potentially lead to a trade deficit.

Learn More about U.S. dollar here :-



12. Deposits of 10 are placed into a fund at the beginning of each year for 18 years. The effective annual interest rate is 5%. Calculate the present value of the series of payments.


Present value of the series of payments is $122.74 .

Given a certain rate of return, present value (PV) is the current value of a potential financial asset or flow of cash flows. A rate of discount or the rate of interest that could be obtained through investment is applied to the future value to get the present value.

Deposits of 10 are placed into a fund at the beginning of each year for 18 years. The effective annual interest rate is 5%.

Present Value Of An Annuity Due

=C + C*[1-(1+i)⁽⁻⁽ⁿ⁻¹⁾⁾]/i]


C= Cash Flow per period

i = interest rate per period

n=number of period

= $10+10[ 1-(1+0.05)⁻⁽¹⁸⁻¹⁾  /0.05]

= $10+10[ 1-(1.05)⁻¹⁷  /0.05]

= $10+10[ (0.56370331) ] /0.05

= $122.74

To know more about Present Value here:



Omni-channel retailers are those who ______.A) expand their businesses internationallyB) conduct all business activities onlineC) sell products through


Omni-channel retailers are those who offer multiple sales channels, such as physical stores, online platforms, and mobile apps, to provide customers with a seamless shopping experience.

To give customers a smooth purchasing experience, omnichannel merchants offer a variety of sales channels, such as physical storefronts, internet platforms, and mobile apps. No matter how customers choose to shop, they receive a consistent and integrated brand experience thanks to the integration of their sales channels. With this strategy, they may reach a larger audience and adjust to changing customer tastes.

Omni-channel merchants may offer easier shopping alternatives, tailored suggestions, and a quicker and more effective customer service experience by merging their offline and online channels.

Learn more about online platforms:



Omni-channel retailers are those who sell products through multiple channels, such as brick-and-mortar stores, online marketplaces, social media, mobile apps, and more.By utilizing multiple channels, omni-channel retailers provide their customers with a seamless and integrated shopping experience. For example, a customer may browse a product on the retailer's website, check its availability at a nearby store, and then go to the store to make the purchase. Or, they may see an advertisement for the product on social media and make the purchase through the retailer's mobile app.This approach allows retailers to reach their customers through their preferred channels, increase customer engagement and loyalty, and ultimately drive sales. It also enables retailers to gather data on customer behavior across different channels and use it to improve their marketing and sales strategies.

Learn more about Omni-channel retailers here;



smallville bank has the following balance sheet, rates earned on its assets, and rates paid on its liabilities. balance sheet (in thousands) assets rate earned (%) cash and due from banks $ 6,900 0 investment securities 31,000 9 repurchase agreements 21,000 7 loans less allowance for losses 89,000 11 fixed assets 19,000 0 other earning assets 5,100 10 total assets $ 172,000 liabilities and equity rate paid (%) demand deposits $ 18,000 0 now accounts 78,000 6 retail cds 27,000 8 subordinated debentures 23,000 9 total liabilities 146,000 common stock 19,000 paid-in capital surplus 3,900 retained earnings 3,100 total liabilities and equity $ 172,000 if the bank earns $129,000 in noninterest income, incurs $89,000 in noninterest expenses, and pays $2,590,000 in taxes, what is its net income? (enter your answer in dollars, not thousands of dollars.)


Smallville Bank's net income is -$2,550,000, indicating a net loss. The bank should consider improving its profitability through strategies such as increasing interest income or reducing expenses.

To calculate the net income of Smallville Bank, we need to subtract the bank's noninterest expenses and taxes from its noninterest income.

Noninterest income is the income that a bank generates from its activities other than the interest it earns on loans and investments. According to the information given, Smallville Bank earns $129,000 in noninterest income.

Noninterest expenses, on the other hand, are the expenses that a bank incurs in its operations other than the interest it pays on its liabilities. The bank incurs $89,000 in noninterest expenses.

Taxes are also an important consideration in calculating net income. The bank pays $2,590,000 in taxes.

Now we can calculate the net income of Smallville Bank:

Net income = Noninterest income - Noninterest expenses - Taxes

Net income = $129,000 - $89,000 - $2,590,000

Net income = -$2,550,000

The result shows that Smallville Bank has a net loss of $2,550,000. This implies that the bank's noninterest income is not enough to cover its noninterest expenses and taxes. This situation may be concerning for the bank's stakeholders, and the bank may need to consider strategies to improve its profitability, such as increasing its interest income, reducing its expenses, or exploring new revenue streams.

To learn more about net income



A financial instrument just paid the investor $462 last year. The cash flow is expected to last forever and increase at a rate of 1.2 percent annually. If you use a 6.4 percent discount rate for investments like this, what should be the price you are willing to pay for this financial instrument?



We can use the perpetuity formula to calculate the price of the financial instrument:

Price = Cash flow / Discount rate - Growth rate


Cash flow = $462

Discount rate = 6.4%

Growth rate = 1.2%

Plugging in the values, we get:

Price = $462 / (0.064 - 0.012)

Price = $462 / 0.052

Price = $8,884.62

Therefore, the price you should be willing to pay for this financial instrument is $8,884.62.

Although a company's earnings are important in financial statement analysis, with respect to credit evaluations and lending decisions an analysis of its cash flows is:a. required by banking regulationsb. only important if the company has a high debt/equity ratioc. centrald. optional


The correct answer is c. central. While earnings are important in financial statement analysis, an analysis of a company's cash flows is central to credit evaluations and lending decisions.

This is because cash flows reflect the actual cash that a company has on hand to pay its debts, and therefore provide a more accurate picture of its ability to meet financial obligations.  Cash flows provide a more accurate picture of a company's liquidity, solvency, and overall financial health, which are crucial factors for lenders to consider. While banking regulations may require a certain level of cash flow analysis, it is generally considered a fundamental aspect of financial statement analysis.

Thus, if a company's earnings are important in financial statement analysis, with respect to credit evaluations and lending decisions an analysis of its cash flows is c. Central.

To learn more about cash flow: https://brainly.com/question/735261


assuming the use of the allowance method, which of the following does not change the balance in the accounts receivable account? select one: a. bad debt expense adjustment. b. write-offs of bad debts. c. returns on credit sales. d. collections on customer accounts.


Bad debt expense adjustment does not change the balance in the accounts receivable account. The right answer is a.

When a receivable is no longer recoverable as a result of a customer's inability to pay an outstanding debt owing to bankruptcy or other financial issues, a bad debt expense is reported. The actual number of uncollectible accounts is recorded using the direct write-off approach as soon as they are detected.

Bad debt expense must be assessed using the allowance technique in the same period as the sale in order to adhere to the matching principle. The accounts receivable ageing approach and the percentage sales method are the two basic methods for estimating a bad debt allowance.

The correct answer is option a.

Know more about Bad debt expense here



which of the following topics should be considered during the analysis phase of the afi framework? multiple select question. the firm's internal strengths and resources the role of strategic leadership and the strategy process the external environment and associated challenges the locations in the world where the firm should compete the firm's business model and competitive advantages


The firm's internal strengths and resources

The role of strategic leadership and the strategy process

The external environment and associated challenges

The firm's business model and competitive advantages

During the analysis phase of the AFI framework, the following topics should be considered:

The firm's internal strengths and resources

The external environment and associated challenges

The firm's business model and competitive advantages

The role of strategic leadership and the strategy process, as well as the locations in the world where the firm should compete, are typically addressed in the formulation phase of the AFI framework.

Click the below link, to learn more about The AFI framework:



(Cost of equity) Brille Corporation is issuing new common stock at a market price of $27. Dividends last year were $1.25 and are expected to grow at an annual rate of 9 percent forever. Flotation costs will be 12 percent of market price. What is Brilles cost of equity? Brille's cost of external common equity is %. (Round to two decimal places.)


The cost of external common equity for Brille Corporation is 14.73%.

To calculate Brille Corporation's cost of equity, we need to consider the dividend growth model which is given by:

Cost of equity (Re) = (D1 / P0) + g

D1 = the expected dividend next year
P0 = the current market price per share, net of flotation costs
g = the dividend growth rate

First, let's calculate D1, which is the expected dividend next year:

D1 = Dividends last year * (1 + g)
D1 = $1.25 * (1 + 0.09)
D1 = $1.25 * 1.09
D1 = $1.3625

Next, we need to find P0, which is the market price per share after considering the flotation costs:

P0 = Market price * (1 - Flotation cost percentage)
P0 = $27 * (1 - 0.12)
P0 = $27 * 0.88
P0 = $23.76
Now we can calculate the cost of equity:
Re = (D1 / P0) + g
Re = ($1.3625 / $23.76) + 0.09
Re = 0.0573 + 0.09
Re = 0.1473

Converting the result to a percentage and rounding to two decimal places:
Brille's cost of external common equity = 0.1473 * 100 = 14.73%
So, Brille Corporation's cost of external common equity is 14.73%.

For more such questions on cost, click on:



who would benefit the most from investing in a roth ira rather than another type of retirement account?


The best option is a Roth IRA or 401(k) if you're certain that your retirement income will be larger than it is now. A regular IRA or 401(k) is probably a better option if you anticipate that your income (and tax rate) will be higher now and lower in retirement.

A Roth IRA would be advantageous to whom?

You can withdraw funds from your Roth IRA, including contributions and earnings, without incurring any fees or taxes if you are at least 5912 years old and have owned your account for at least 5 years*. Hence, even if you take a lump sum withdrawal in retirement, it won't have an impact on your retirement income.

To Know more about contributions



In fund financial statements, where are the revenues and expenditures (expenses) of governmental, proprietary, and fiduciary funds reported
Governmental, proprietary, and fiduciary funds should be reported in separate sets of financial statements.
major fund should be reported in a separate column, and nonmajor funds should be combined and reported in a separate column.
A significant transaction within the control of management that is either unusual in nature or infrequent in occurrence.


In fund financial statements, the revenues and expenditures (expenses) of governmental, proprietary, and fiduciary funds are reported in separate sets of financial statements.

This is because each type of fund has its own distinct purpose and requirements for financial reporting. Governmental funds are used to account for tax-supported activities and are reported in the government-wide financial statements. Revenues are reported as either taxes or other sources, while expenditures are reported as either capital or operating.

Proprietary funds are used to account for business-like activities and are reported in the proprietary fund financial statements. Revenues are reported as sales or services, while expenditures are reported as either cost of goods sold or operating expenses.

Fiduciary funds are used to account for assets held in trust or on behalf of others and are reported in the fiduciary fund financial statements. Revenues and expenditures are reported based on the specific purpose of the fund.

In addition, a significant transaction within the control of management that is either unusual in nature or infrequent in occurrence should be separately disclosed in the financial statements to ensure transparency and accuracy in reporting. Major funds should be reported in a separate column, and nonmajor funds should be combined and reported in a separate column.

For more about financial statements:



economic thinking is concerned with assigning a current ____________________ to nature, allowing natural "things" to be integrated into a common framework of analysis.


Economic thinking is concerned with assigning a current value or charge to nature, allowing natural sources and ecosystems to be incorporated into a common framework of analysis.

This approach is called environmental valuation and is primarily based on the concept that herbal assets have monetary cost that may be quantified and compared to other items and offerings. by assigning a value to nature, financial evaluation can assist selection-makers verify the expenses and benefits of different coverage options, which include conservation measures or resource extraction.

Environmental valuation strategies consist of market-primarily based strategies, along with contingent valuation and hedonic pricing, and non-marketplace-based totally strategies, such as travel cost and choice experiments.

Learn more about Economic thinking:-



Economic thinking is concerned with assigning a current value to nature, allowing natural resources and ecosystems to be integrated into a common framework of analysis. This framework enables policymakers and stakeholders to make informed decisions about the economic benefits and costs of using natural resources and managing ecosystems.

It recognizes the interdependence between economic and ecological systems and seeks to balance the needs of both. Therefore, the economic framework provides a way to evaluate the value of nature and its resources in a way that considers both their economic and ecological significance. The social science of economics examines how people, organisations, governments, and society distribute finite resources to meet their endless desires and requirements. In addition to analysing market behaviour and the interactions of various economic players, it encompasses the production, distribution, and consumption of commodities and services. There are several subfields of economics, such as macroeconomics, which focuses on the performance and behaviour of the economy as a whole and covers issues like inflation, unemployment, and economic growth, and microeconomics.

Learn more about economic here:



online gambling and price of everything... COSTS of website starting, costs to do everything.....
1. mobile app online gambling
2. real money poker online gambling
3. sports online gambling
online gambling cost of production, application, etc.
mobile online gambling
real money poker online gmabling
sports online gambling


The costs associated with starting an online gambling website, including mobile app, real money poker, and sports online gambling. Here's a breakdown of the various costs involved in starting an online gambling business:

Domain and Hosting: The first step is to register a domain name for your website and purchase a hosting plan. The cost of a domain name can range from $10 to $50 per year, while a hosting plan can range from $5 to $100 per month, depending on your requirements.
Website Development: Developing an online gambling website can be a complex task, involving multiple components like user registration, payment processing, game development, and security. The cost of website development can range from $10,000 to $100,000 or more, depending on the complexity and features required.

Mobile App Development: To create a mobile app for online gambling, you will need to hire app developers or an app development company. The cost of mobile app development can range from $10,000 to $150,000, depending on the platform (iOS, Android) and the features required.
Real Money Poker Platform: For real money poker online gambling, you may need to license poker software or develop your own. Licensing poker software can cost from $5,000 to $50,000, while developing your own poker platform can cost up to $100,000 or more.

Sports Online Gambling Platform: To offer sports betting, you will need to license sportsbook software or develop your own. Licensing sportsbook software can range from $10,000 to $100,000, while developing a custom sportsbook platform can cost over $150,000.
Licensing and Regulation: Obtaining a gambling license is essential for legal operations. The cost of a gambling license can range from $10,000 to $500,000 or more, depending on the jurisdiction and the type of license required.

Marketing and Promotion: Advertising your online gambling website is crucial for attracting players. Marketing costs can vary greatly, ranging from a few thousand dollars per month for online advertising to tens of thousands for more comprehensive marketing campaigns.

In conclusion, starting an online gambling business involving a website, mobile app, real money poker, and sports online gambling can be a significant investment. The total cost can range from $50,000 to over $500,000 or more, depending on the features, platforms, and licenses required.

To know more about online gambling refer here:



Give an example where people or society have used money as a measure for success but ended up losing something more important. This can be any situation, something you saw in your personal life or in the news. Bokbluster.com CREATORS.COM Ref U.S.A. WHAT'S THAT ALL ABOUT STOCKS JOBS ECONOMIC OFTIMISM LIFE EXPECTANCY Efson


The 2008 financial crisis is an example where society used money as a measure for success but ended up losing not only their financial stability but also their trust in the financial system and institutions.

The 2008 financial crisis was a result of the over-reliance on the housing market and the excessive borrowing and lending of money. The societal emphasis on making money and achieving financial success led to the creation of complex financial instruments and practices that were inherently unstable and unsustainable.

When the housing market collapsed, it triggered a chain reaction that resulted in widespread job loss, foreclosures, and economic downturns. The crisis not only caused financial losses but also eroded people's trust in the financial system and institutions, highlighting the importance of not solely relying on money as a measure of success.

Learn more about financial success: https://brainly.com/question/30199253


Suppose trader i has utility function ui(x) = √ x.
There are two financial assets; both cost $100. Trader i is going to buy one of these.
They will both pay off after a short time. • Asset 1 pays $103 for sure. • Asset 2 pays $110 with probability 0.95, and $0 with probability 0.05. Suppose trader j has utility function uj (x) = x 2 .
Will trader i and j buy a same asset? Why?
Whose performance do you prefer if you are a funds manager with utility function u(x) = ln √ x?


As a funds manager, you prefer Trader j's performance due to the higher utility value.

To determine whether trader i and j will buy the same asset, we need to compare the expected utility of each asset for each trader.

For trader i, the expected utility of asset 1 is:

EU(Asset 1) = √103 ≈ 10.15

For asset 2, the expected utility is:

EU(Asset 2) = 0.95√110 + 0.05√0 ≈ 10.29

Therefore, trader i will choose asset 2 because it has a higher expected utility.

For trader j, the expected utility of asset 1 is:

EU(Asset 1) = 1002 ≈ 10,000

For asset 2, the expected utility is:

EU(Asset 2) = 0.95(110)2 + 0.05(0)2 ≈ 10,450

Therefore, trader j will choose asset 2 because it has a higher expected utility.

If you are a funds manager with utility function u(x) = ln √ x, you prefer the trader who has the highest expected utility because that maximizes the overall utility of the investment. In this case, trader j has a higher expected utility for both assets, so you would prefer their performance.

To know more about utility click on below link:



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