a company has multiple cas and intermediate cas issuing digital certificates in different departments, with no one cross-checking their work. which pki trust model should the company use? a. bridge trust model b. web of trust model c. hierarchical trust model d. distributed trust model


Answer 1

The Hierarchical trust model is the best option for a company with multiple CAs issuing digital certificates in different departments, as it provides centralized control and monitoring of certificate issuance while still allowing for delegation of responsibilities.

The situation presented indicates a lack of coordination and oversight within the company's PKI, which can lead to issues such as duplication of certificates or issuance of fraudulent ones. To address this, the company should implement a PKI trust model that ensures proper control and monitoring of certificate issuance across all departments.
Out of the four options presented, the most suitable one for this scenario is the hierarchical trust model. This model involves a central CA that acts as the root of trust for the entire organization, with intermediate CAs that issue certificates to specific departments or areas of the company. This setup allows for better control and coordination of certificate issuance, as the central CA can monitor and audit the work of the intermediate CAs to ensure compliance and accuracy.
The bridge trust model involves two or more independent CAs that agree to trust each other's certificates, but this may not provide enough oversight for the situation at hand. The web of trust model relies on trust relationships between individuals or organizations, which may not be practical for a large, multi-departmental company. The distributed trust model involves multiple CAs that issue and verify certificates, but this may be too complex for the company's needs.In summary, the hierarchical trust model is the best option for a company with multiple CAs issuing digital certificates in different departments, as it provides centralized control and monitoring of certificate issuance while still allowing for delegation of responsibilities.

To Learn More About CAs



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given this input script: 3 5 and this output script: a b 3 op equal what two opcodes should replace a and b to make this a valid transaction?


To make this a valid transaction, the opcodes that should replace a and b are OP_PUSHNUM_3 and OP_PUSHNUM_5 respectively. These opcodes will push the values 3 and 5 onto the stack, which will then be compared using the opcode OP_EQUAL.

In general, opcodes are used in low-level programming languages and are used to perform specific operations on the data stored in memory or on the stack. The specific opcodes needed for a given transaction would depend on the desired operation and the data being manipulated.Based on the provided input and output script, it appears that the transaction involves performing some operation on the values "3" and "5", and the output script indicates that the result of the operation should be "equal". Without additional information, it is impossible to determine the specific operation that was performed and the opcodes needed to execute that operation.

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what are the primary concepts of a relational database model? (check all that apply) check all that apply entitiesentities attributesattributes primary keyprimary key foreign keyforeign key data cubedata cube data warehousedata warehouse data lakedata lake


The primary concepts of a relational Database model include entities, attributes, primary keys, and foreign keys.

1. Entities: These are the objects or items represented in a database. They are usually defined by a table, with each row in the table representing an instance of the entity.

2. Attributes: Attributes are the properties or characteristics that describe an entity. In a table, each column represents an attribute, and each row in the table has a specific value for each attribute.

3. Primary Key: This is a unique identifier for each row in a table, which ensures that no two rows have the same values for the primary key attributes. It is essential for establishing relationships between tables and maintaining data integrity.

4. Foreign Key: A foreign key is an attribute or set of attributes in one table that refers to the primary key in another table. It is used to create relationships between entities and ensure referential integrity within the database.

Other terms like data cubes, data warehouses, and data lakes are related to data storage and analysis, but they are not primary concepts of the relational database model itself.

To Learn More About Database



which of the following is not a good reason to network?. question 3 options: a) none. all are good reasons. b) gain access to diverse skill sets c) broaden opportunity d) gain access to private information e) expand power previous page next page


Reduce the amount of routing table entries by combining several entries is not a strong reason to use a network.

What is network?A group of computers that share resources on or provided by network nodes is referred to as a computer network. To communicate with one another across digital links, computers use standard communication protocols. A set of two or more devices or "nodes" that can communicate together is referred to as a network in computing. It is possible for physical or wireless connections to be made between the involved nodes or devices. The crucial factor is that at least two distinct components are present and are linked. A network is made up of two or more computers connected to share resources (such CDs and printers), transfer files, and enable electronic communication. Cables, phone lines, radio waves, satellites, infrared laser beams, or other technologies can all be used to connect the computers on a network.

To learn more about network, refer to:


In active multiprogramming schemes, a job can monopolize the CPU for a long time while all other jobs waited. True or False


In active multiprogramming schemes, a job can monopolize the CPU for a long time while all other jobs waited. The statement is False.

Multiprogramming is a computer operating system feature that allows multiple programs to run concurrently on a single CPU. In multiprogramming schemes, the operating system can load multiple programs into main memory, and each program is given a small time slice to execute on the CPU. The operating system switches rapidly between programs, giving the impression that multiple programs are executing simultaneously.

In active multiprogramming schemes, a job cannot monopolize the CPU for a long time while all other jobs wait. Multiprogramming is designed to efficiently share the CPU among multiple jobs, preventing one job from dominating the processor and ensuring fair allocation of CPU time to all jobs.

This ensures that no single job monopolizes the CPU for an extended period of time, and that all jobs are given a fair share of the CPU's processing power. So, it is not true that a job can monopolize the CPU for a long time while all other jobs wait in active multiprogramming schemes.

To know more about operating system,



In active multiprogramming schemes, a job can monopolize the CPU for a long time while all other jobs waited.
The statement is False.

Active multiprogramming is a technique used in operating systems where multiple jobs or tasks are executed concurrently on a single CPU. This is achieved by dividing the CPU's time into small intervals and switching between jobs during those intervals. The purpose of active multiprogramming is to increase the utilization of the CPU by keeping it busy with multiple tasks. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that no job monopolizes the CPU for a long time, as this can lead to a significant decrease in the overall efficiency of the system. To prevent any job from monopolizing the CPU, a scheduling algorithm is used to determine which job should be given access to the CPU at any given time.The scheduling algorithm takes into consideration various factors such as the priority of the job, the amount of time it has already spent on the CPU, and the amount of time it still requires to complete.

For such more questions on multiprogramming



you need to provide dhcp and file sharing services to a physical network. these services should be deployed using virtualization. which type of virtualization should you implement? answer virtual networks virtual servers network as a service (naas) virtual desktops


A physical network requires file sharing and dhcp services. Utilizing virtualization is the best way to deploy these services. You should use virtual servers as a sort of virtualization.

What is physical network?The coaxial cable, twisted pair, fibre optic, and telephone lines used to connect the network's various pieces of hardware, the network adapter used by computers connected to the network (hosts), and any concentrators, repeaters, routers, or bridges that may be employed in the network make up the physical network. The Internet is a global network of physical cables, some of which can be copper telephone wires, TV cables, and fibre optic cables. These actual cables are necessary in order for wireless connections to the Internet, including Wi-Fi and 3G/4G. Each of the four different types of wireless networks—wireless local area networks, wireless metropolitan area networks, wireless personal area networks, and wireless wide area networks—has a specific purpose.

To learn more about physical network, refer to:


The best type of virtualization for providing DHCP and file-sharing services in a physical network is using virtual servers. These are instances of servers in a software emulation, which allows different services to be hosted on different servers.

To provide DHCP and file-sharing services in a physical network environment using virtualization, you should implement virtual servers. Virtual servers are instances of a server running in a software emulation of a physical server. This form of virtualization allows you to host different services on different servers, simplifying management and increasing efficiency. For instance, you could host your DHCP service on one virtual server and your file-sharing services on another whilst keeping your underlying physical network hardware the same.

Learn more about virtual servers here:


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