A _____ is a place in which a large number of people are permanently based and do not produce their own food.


Answer 1

A city is a place in which a large number of people are permanently based and do not produce their own food.

A city is a complex human settlement that typically includes a dense population of individuals who live and work within a defined geographical area.

It serves as a hub of economic, social, and cultural activities, and is characterized by a high degree of specialization and interdependence among its residents. While it is true that cities are not primarily focused on producing their own food, there are several factors that contribute to this phenomenon:

Economic Specialization: Cities are centers of economic specialization, where individuals engage in various non-agricultural professions such as manufacturing, trade, services, and knowledge-based industries. This specialization allows people to pursue different occupations and expertise, which may not involve food production.

Urban Infrastructure: Cities are typically characterized by developed infrastructure, such as transportation networks, utilities, and communication systems, which facilitate the flow of goods and services from outside the city. This makes it easier to import food from rural areas or other regions, rather than producing food within the city itself.

Limited Land Availability: Cities are often constrained by limited land availability, as they are densely populated and have competing land use demands for residential, commercial, and industrial purposes. This limited land availability makes it challenging to allocate space for agriculture and food production within the city.

Economies of Scale: Agricultural production is often more efficient in rural areas due to economies of scale, where larger tracts of land and favorable environmental conditions allow for more cost-effective and productive food production. Urban areas may not have the same economies of scale for agricultural production, making it more expensive and less competitive to produce food within the city.

To learn more about city, refer below:



Related Questions

alicia is trying to identify bottlenecks in her organization’s routing lists. which report could she run to provide her with the necessary data


To identify bottlenecks in her organization's routing lists, Alicia could run a report which should have average time, number of tasks and completed tasks.

Alicia may run a report that offers information on the average time it takes for a task to proceed from one step to the next in order to find bottlenecks in her organization's routing lists. The following details could be in this report:

The amount of time a task takes on average at each routing stepthe quantity of open tasks at each stage of the procedureThe number of tasks finished in a specific amount of time (such as a day, week, or month)

This data can assist Alicia in detecting work bottlenecks and potential areas for streamlining the routing procedure. To determine how her company is doing in comparison to benchmarks or industry norms, she might also compare the data to them.

For such more question on bottlenecks:



To identify bottlenecks in an organization's routing lists, Alicia could run a report that shows the average time it takes for a task to move from one stage to another in the routing process.

This report could also show the number of tasks that are currently stuck at a particular stage in the routing process. Based on this information, Alicia could identify which stages are causing delays and bottlenecks in the routing process.

One example of a report that could provide this information is a process cycle time report. This report shows the average time it takes for a task to move through each stage of a process. It can also show the maximum and minimum cycle times for each stage, as well as the number of tasks that are currently in each stage. By analyzing this report, Alicia could identify which stages are causing delays and take steps to improve the routing process.

Learn more about organization's here:



dr. branson conducts research on how our genetic inheritance affects development. his research involves which major issue in developmental psychology?


Dr. Branson's research on how our genetic inheritance affects development involves the major issue of nature vs. nurture in developmental psychology.

The nature vs. nurture argument focuses on the issue of how much of a person's development is controlled by environmental influences (nurture) and how much is governed by genetic characteristics (nature).

While those who study nurture concentrate on environmental impacts like parenting, education, and socialisation, those who study nature concentrate on the genetic and biological components that contribute to development.

The focus of Dr. Branson's research, which is on the nature side of the nature vs. nurture debate, is how genetic elements affect development.

For such more question on psychology:



Dr. Branson's research on how our genetic inheritance affects development is related to the major issue of nature vs. nurture in developmental psychology. His studies explore the extent to which genetic factors determine various aspects of development, such as intelligence, personality traits, and physical characteristics.

By investigating the complex interplay between genetic and environmental factors, Dr. Branson's research sheds light on the fundamental mechanisms that shape human development. Dr. Branson's research on how genetic inheritance affects development falls under the major issue in developmental psychology known as Nature vs. Nurture. This issue focuses on the debate about how much of our development is influenced by our genetics (nature) versus how much is influenced by our environment and experiences (nurture). Dr. Branson's research would fall under the "nature" side of this debate, as he is studying the role of genetics in development.

For more information on environment see:



a sixth-grade teacher recognizes that during her lesson on the human body, many students are not paying attention and one student has fallen asleep. the most appropriate actions for the teacher to take would be to


Moving on to a different activity that keeps the students engaged and reevaluating the lesson's effectiveness at a later time would be the teacher's most appropriate course of action.

Questions-and-answer sessions, discussions, interactive lectures in which students respond to or ask questions, short writing assignments, hands-on activities, and experiential learning are all examples of strategies.

If a teacher is unable to answer a student's question, he or she should state that they will consult.

The teacher facilitates collaborative study by providing the rich learning environments and experiences required. The educator likewise is expected to go about as an aide - a job that consolidates intercession, demonstrating, and instructing. Frequently the educator likewise is a co-student and co-specialist with the understudies.

To learn more about students engaged here



the concept of cost-benefit analysis reflects the ideas of group of answer choices divine command theory utilitarianism cultural relativism virtue ethics


The concept of cost-benefit analysis reflects the ideas of utilitarianism.

Utilitarianism is an ethical theory that emphasizes the maximization of overall well-being or happiness as the ultimate goal of ethical decision-making. Utilitarianism is a moral and ethical theory that seeks to maximize overall well-being or happiness by making decisions that result in the greatest benefit for the greatest number of people.

Cost-benefit analysis is a decision-making tool that involves comparing the costs and benefits of a given action or policy in order to determine its overall utility or net benefit. This approach is rooted in the utilitarian idea of maximizing overall well-being by weighing the costs and benefits of various options.

To know more about cost-benefit , click here.



oscar's mother yells at him when he takes $20 from her purse. which type of consequence is this an example of?


This is an example of a punishment consequence in operant conditioning.

Punishment is a type of consequence that involves the presentation of an aversive stimulus (in this case, yelling) following a behavior (taking $20 from her purse) with the goal of reducing the likelihood of that behavior occurring again in the future.

The use of punishment as a consequence can be effective in the short term, but it may also lead to negative side effects such as increased aggression and anxiety. It is important to note that punishment is most effective when it is applied consistently and immediately following the behavior.

Learn more about operant conditioning. 'https://brainly.com/question/12691454


The consequence that Oscar's mother has given him is a punitive consequence.

This type of consequence is designed to punish a behavior that is considered inappropriate or wrong. In this case, Oscar took $20 from his mother's purse, which is an unacceptable behavior. Therefore, his mother yells at him as a form of punishment to discourage him from repeating the behavior in the future. Punitive consequences are often used to deter undesirable behaviors and reinforce the importance of following rules and boundaries.

In this case, the mother's yelling serves to dissuade Oscar from repeating this behavior in the future.

To know more about Punitive consequence, click here:



Movement of people from rural areas or villages to urban areas or cities is known as ___________ migration.


Movement of people from rural areas or villages to urban areas or cities is known as B- Rural-urban migration.

Rural-urban migration refers to the movement of people from rural areas or villages to urban areas or cities in search of better economic opportunities, improved standards of living, access to better education, healthcare, and other amenities. It is a significant demographic phenomenon that has occurred in many countries around the world, especially in developing countries.

The reasons for rural-urban migration vary from country to country, but they usually include a combination of push and pull factors. Push factors include lack of employment opportunities, poor living conditions, low wages, limited access to education and healthcare, natural disasters, and conflicts. Pull factors include the promise of better jobs, higher wages, improved standards of living, access to education and healthcare, and other amenities.

Rural-urban migration can have both positive and negative effects on the migrants and the communities they leave behind and move into. On one hand, it can lead to increased economic growth, urbanization, and modernization. On the other hand, it can also lead to overcrowding, poverty, unemployment, social and economic inequality, and environmental degradation. Governments and policymakers need to manage the process of rural-urban migration to ensure that its benefits are maximized while minimizing its negative impacts.

learn more about Rural-urban migration here:



______ cases are criminal cases in which the defendant faces execution if convicted. a. Capital b. Corporal c. Civil d. Extrajudicial.


Capital cases are criminal cases in which the defendant faces the death penalty if convicted. Therefore the correct option is option D.

In this usage, the word "capital" is derived from the Latin word "capitalis," which meaning "relating to the head" or "involving the loss of life."

Arguments in favour of and against the death penalty can be found in the legal, ethical, and moral literature.

For the most egregious offences, some feel that the death penalty is a necessary form of punishment, while others contend that it is cruel, barbaric, and ineffectual as a crime deterrent.

While many nations no longer use the death penalty as a form of punishment for some crimes, others still do.  Therefore the correct option is option D.

For such more question on criminal cases:



A. Capital cases are criminal cases in which the defendant faces execution if convicted. In these cases, the prosecution seeks the death penalty as punishment for the crime committed.

Capital cases usually involve serious offenses such as murder, espionage, or treason. Unlike corporal cases, which involve physical punishment like flogging or caning, capital cases focus on the possibility of execution. Civil cases, on the other hand, involve disputes between individuals or organizations and do not result in criminal punishment. Extrajudicial cases refer to actions taken outside the legal system, often without proper legal authority or due process. In summary, capital cases are the type of criminal cases where the defendant faces the risk of execution if found guilty

For more information on  defendant see:



kenzie is a 17-year-old girl who has a well thought out plan for what she wants to major in during college. she has used her time well to gain experience in the community and excel in her schoolwork. she is in advanced classes at school and is in leadership roles in the clubs she belongs to. what area of kenzie's brain has made advances in development? question 1 options: a) prefrontal cortex b) occipital lobe c) brain stem d) limbic system


Based on the information provided in the question, it is likely that Kenzie's prefrontal cortex has made advances in development. Option A is correct.

The prefrontal cortex is responsible for decision-making, planning, and goal-setting, all of which are skills that Kenzie has demonstrated through her well thought out plan for college, her involvement in the community, and her academic achievements.

The prefrontal cortex is one of the last areas of the brain to fully develop, and this process continues well into young adulthood. As a result, it is not uncommon for teenagers and young adults to struggle with decision-making and planning. However, Kenzie's ability to excel in these areas suggests that her prefrontal cortex is developing at an advanced rate.

It is important to note that brain development is a complex process and is influenced by a variety of factors, including genetics, environment, and experiences. While Kenzie's prefrontal cortex may be developing at an advanced rate, it is also possible that other areas of her brain are developing at a slower rate or may require more attention and support.

Overall, the information provided suggests that Kenzie's prefrontal cortex has made advances in development, which may contribute to her success in planning for her future and excelling in her academic and community endeavors.

Thus option A is correct.

For more such questions on prefrontal cortex



moving a business outside the political boundaries of the home country exempts the company from the home-country’s laws. true false


The given statement "moving a business outside the political boundaries of the home country exempts the company from the home-country’s laws." is true, because it becomes subject to the laws and regulations of the host country.

In general, when a company moves its operations abroad, it becomes subject to the laws and regulations of the host country. However, the home country may still enforce certain laws that have extraterritorial application, meaning they apply beyond the country's borders.

For instance, tax laws, anti-bribery regulations, and export controls can still apply to a company's foreign operations, depending on the specifics of the home-country's legal framework. Moreover, companies are often required to comply with international treaties and agreements that involve multiple countries, such as trade agreements and labor standards.

In summary, while moving a business outside the political boundaries of the home country can exempt the company from some home-country laws, it is important to note that certain regulations and international agreements may still apply. Companies should carefully consider these factors when deciding to expand their operations abroad.

To know more about business, refer here:



common barriers to entry for both Monopoly and Oligopoly.



These barriers include economies of scale that lead to natural monopoly; control of a physical resource; legal restrictions on competition; patent, trademark, and copyright protection; and practices to intimidate the competition like predatory pricing.

lydia diets excessively, and her parents are worried that if she does not start eating, she will die. she suffers from the most deadly of psychiatric disorders, which is what?


Anorexia disorder is the answer your lookin for

in order to improve his tennis skills teenager x plays against those who are better than himself. which theorist might be interested in this little scenario?


To improve his tennis skills, teenager x plays against people who are better than him. Jean Piaget theorists might be interested in this little scenario. Here option D is the correct answer.

Jean Piaget might be interested in the scenario of a teenager playing against those who are better than himself to improve his tennis skills. According to Piaget's theory of cognitive development, individuals progress through different stages of cognitive development, which are characterized by distinct ways of thinking and understanding the world around them.

Piaget believed that children actively construct their knowledge through their experiences with the world, and that cognitive development is driven by the need to adapt to new experiences. In the scenario presented, the teenager is actively seeking out new experiences by playing against those who are better than him, in an effort to improve his tennis skills. This aligns with Piaget's theory, as the teenager is actively constructing his knowledge through his experiences with the game.

Additionally, Piaget believed that social interaction plays an important role in cognitive development, as it provides individuals with the opportunity to learn from others and expand their understanding of the world. In the scenario presented, the teenager is engaging in social interaction by playing against others, who may be able to offer him new insights and strategies for improving his game.

To learn more about Jean Piaget



Complete question:

In order to improve his tennis skills teenager x plays against those who are better than himself. which theorist might be interested in this little scenario?

A) Abraham Maslow

B) Lev Vygotsky

C) Erik Erikson

D) Jean Piaget

in the english language, /d/ and /k/ are examples of.


Examples of phonemes in the English language are /d/ and /k/. Using words that vary from each other simply by one sound, or minimum pairings, makes it simple to pinpoint phonemes in a language.

The smallest unit of spoken language, or phoneme, is what gives words their respective meanings. A phoneme is a sound used in speaking. It is the smallest sound unit that separates one word from another. As sounds cannot be written, we employ letters to stand in for or symbolize them.

One sound is represented in writing by a grapheme, which can be a single letter or a group of characters. A minimum pair of words is separated by phonemes, which are sounds. After delivering a speech, for instance, you could hear applause or jeers. Phonemes are another name for spoken sounds.

Learn more about english language Visit: brainly.com/question/15070883


In the English language, /d/ and /k/ are examples of consonant sounds. Consonant sounds are produced by obstructing or restricting the airflow through the vocal tract.

This obstruction or restriction can occur at different points in the vocal tract, such as the lips, teeth, tongue, or throat. In the case of /d/, the obstruction occurs when the tip of the tongue touches the roof of the mouth, creating a brief interruption of the airflow. In the case of /k/, the obstruction occurs when the back of the tongue touches the soft palate, creating a more complete blockage of the airflow. Consonant sounds are important for distinguishing between words in English and other languages, and they play a key role in the formation of syllables and the rhythm of spoken language.

Thus, the given sounds are examples of consonants.

To know more about Consonant sounds, click here:



A type of decoration used in metalwork and some woodwork in which small pieces are fitted into carved recesses.


The type of decoration that is used in metalwork and some woodwork where small pieces are fitted into carved recesses is called inlay. This technique can also be used in other materials such as porcelain, stoneware, and earthenware. However, it may require different methods and tools depending on the material being used.

You are referring to the decorative method known as inlay, which entails embedding tiny bits of one material, like metal, into a surface composed of another material, like wood. Pottery and other clay-based art frequently use ceramic materials like porcelain, stoneware, and earthenware. Ceramics fired at high temperatures and recognized for their strength and translucency include porcelain. Another type of ceramic, stoneware, is fired at a slightly lower temperature than porcelain and is more opaque and durable. The least durable and most porous of the three ceramic kinds, earthenware is usually fired at a lower temperature than stoneware or porcelain.

Learn more about stoneware here:



The type of decoration used in metalwork and some woodwork in which small pieces are fitted into carved recesses is called "inlay."

This technique involves precisely carving recesses into a surface and then fitting in small decorative pieces made of various materials, such as metal, wood, or even stones. These pieces are carefully placed into the recesses to create intricate patterns and designs, decorations.

To know more decoration  metalwork carved recesses https://brainly.com/question/31597012


after his election as governor, dan moody set a record for the number of proposed bills that he was able to get passed through the legislature and sign into law. a) true b) false


The given statement "after his election as governor, dan moody set a record for the number of proposed bills that he was able to get passed through the legislature and sign into law" is true because Dan Moody was the governor of Texas from 1927 to 1931. The correct options is "A"

Moody was able to have a record number of proposed measures enacted via the legislature and signed into law during his tenure as governor. Moody was recognized for his progressive ideas and willingness to challenge powerful state interests.

During his presidency, he oversaw the formation of the state's first public junior college system, the establishment of a state board of education, and the tightening of anti-trust laws.

The correct answer is "A"

To know more about election, click here.



in the _____ _____ attack the user supplied input is used to construct a sql request to retrieve information from a database


In the SQL Injection attack, the user-supplied input is used to construct a SQL request to retrieve information from a database.

In a SQL injection attack, a malicious user supplies a contribution to a web application that isn't as expected disinfected or approved, which can bring about the execution of erratic SQL code on the fundamental data set. This can permit the assailant to recover delicate information, adjust or erase information, or even assume command over the whole data set. To forestall SQL injection assaults, it is critical to appropriately approve and disinfect all client input prior to involving it in SQL questions.

Learn more about SQL Injection attack:



In the SQL injection attack the user supplied input is used to construct a SQL request to retrieve information from a database.

A online security flaw known as SQL injection (SQLi) enables an attacker to tamper with database queries that an application makes. In most cases, it enables an attacker to view data that they would not typically be able to access. Other users' data or any other data that the application itself has access to may fall under this category. In many instances, an attacker can update or remove this data, permanently altering the application's behavior or content.

Passwords, credit card numbers, and other sensitive data can be improperly accessed as a result of a successful SQL injection attack. SQL injection attacks have been the cause of numerous high-profile data breaches in recent years, which have resulted in reputational harm and legal penalties. In some circumstances, an attacker can gain access to a persistent backdoor, which can result in a long-term breach that can go undetected for a long time.

To know more about SQL injection (SQLi)



those who suggest that the choices we make today determine what our future will be like are emphasizing the importance of what?


The choices we make today emphasize the importance of personal responsibility. Our decisions and actions today can have an impact on our lives in the future.

Making responsible choices can help us build a better future. If we make choices that are not in our best interest, it can lead to negative consequences that can be hard to recover from.

For example, if we choose to make unhealthy lifestyle choices, such as smoking or drinking alcohol, it can lead to health problems in the future. Likewise, if we choose to be irresponsible with our finances, it can lead to financial difficulties.

It is important to remember that our choices today can determine our future. Making responsible decisions now can help us create a better future.

Taking the time to assess the potential consequences of our decisions can help us make better choices now, so that we can have the best possible outcome in the future.

Know more about financial  here



true or false: punishment will provide quick results and is a more effective way to modify behavior in the workplace than offering a reward.


No, the above statement is false. While punishment may provide immediate results, it is not necessarily more effective in the long term than offering a reward.

Punishment can create a negative work environment and may cause employees to resent their employer, leading to decreased motivation and productivity. Offering rewards for desired behavior can motivate employees to continue performing well and create a positive work environment. However, it is important to note that both punishment and rewards can be effective tools in modifying behavior, and their effectiveness may vary depending on the specific situation and individual employees.

Positive punishment, as mentioned above, entails including something unpleasant to deter a behavior. In order to encourage a behavior, positive reinforcement includes adding something enjoyable. Positive reinforcement includes things like giving a kid an ice cream cone for being quiet and compliant during a shopping excursion.

To learn more about Punishment, click here:



What are the things the Cherokee earned in the early part of the 19th century 


In early part of the 19th century, the Cherokee people earned several significant things, including:

1] Development of a Written Language: In 1821, the Cherokee Nation developed a written language, known as the Cherokee syllabary, which allowed them to document their history, culture, and laws.

2] A Constitution: In 1827, the Cherokee Nation drafted a written constitution, establishing a centralized government and legal system.

3] Economic Growth: The Cherokee Nation became a prosperous agricultural society, with successful farms and businesses, and established trading relationships with neighboring tribes and European settlers.

4] Education: The Cherokee Nation established schools, including a seminary for higher education, and sought to educate their people in both their own language and English.

5] Recognition by the United States: In 1835, the Cherokee Nation signed a treaty with the United States government, recognizing their sovereignty and granting them ownership of their lands in the southeastern United States. However, this treaty was later violated, leading to the forced removal of the Cherokee people on the Trail of Tears.

Learn more about Cherokee


typically, we make social comparisons question 3 options: a) randomly. b) on an absolute scale from good to bad. c) with people of professional status in their fields. d) with people of similar backgrounds and abilities.


Social comparison can inspire people to get better, but it can also encourage prejudice, bias, and excessively superior or competitive attitudes. Hence (c) is the correct option.

Although social comparison can be helpful since it allows us to know if we are "on track," it can also be quite detrimental and lead to negative attitudes and behaviours. A protective inclination that is employed as a tool for self-evaluation is downward social comparison. A person engages in a downward social comparison when they look to another person or group that they perceive to be less fortunate than themselves in an effort to feel better about themselves or their circumstances.

To know more about social comparison, click here:



the concept that factors outside the conscious control of individuals, chiefly the social organization of society and/or the environment, influence or determine behavior is called


The concept that factors outside the conscious control of individuals, chiefly the social organization of society and/or the environment, influence or determine behavior is called determinism.

This idea contends that a person's behaviour is influenced by a variety of internal and external elements, such as cultural, social, economic, and environmental circumstances, as well as their own free will.

Determinism refers to the idea that actions are influenced or determined by external forces, primarily the social structure of society and/or the environment.

Determinism can be applied to a variety of disciplines, such as psychology, sociology, and philosophy. It can be viewed as a response to individualism and the emphasis on personal choice and accountability.

For such more question on social organization:



true or false: the behavioral risk factor surveillance system (brfss) is an example of an ongoing cross-sectional study. group of answer choices true false


The answer is true - the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) is an example of an ongoing cross-sectional study. A cross-sectional study is a type of observational study that involves collecting data from a single point in time on a group of individuals who share a common characteristic, such as age, gender, or geographic location. In a cross-sectional study, data is collected at a single time point, rather than over a period of time.

The BRFSS is an ongoing cross-sectional study that has been conducted annually since 1984 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The purpose of the BRFSS is to collect data on a range of health-related behaviors and risk factors, including smoking, physical activity, and nutrition. The study is conducted through telephone interviews with a representative sample of adults in each state, as well as the District of Columbia and U.S. territories.

The BRFSS is an important tool for public health researchers and policymakers, as it provides valuable data on the prevalence of various health-related behaviors and risk factors across different populations. By collecting data in a cross-sectional manner, the BRFSS can provide a snapshot of the current state of public health in a given population, as well as track changes in behavior and risk factors over time.

While cross-sectional studies like the BRFSS have several advantages, such as their relatively low cost and the ability to collect data quickly, there are also some limitations to this study design. One potential limitation is that it can be difficult to establish cause-and-effect relationships between variables, as the data is collected at a single point in time. Additionally, cross-sectional studies may be subject to selection bias, as certain individuals may be more likely to participate in the study than others.

In conclusion, the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) is an example of an ongoing cross-sectional study. This study design is useful for collecting data on health-related behaviors and risk factors in a specific population, and provides valuable insights into the current state of public health. However, it is important to recognize the limitations of cross-sectional studies, and to interpret the results with caution.

Click the below link, to learn more about Cross-sectional study:



martin observes that while his older brother is playing basketball that if he dribbles it through his legs the other kids cannot steal the ball from him. however, martin is not yet able to dribble the ball that way. based on what you know about the necessary requirements for social learning to occur, which of the four processes will prevent martin from imitating his brother's behavior?


Motor behavior- is one of the 4 processes that will prevent martin from imitating his brother's behavior.

According to the question, Martin notices that when his elder brother is playing basketball, the other kids can't grab the ball from him if he dribbles it through his legs. Martin can't dribble the ball that way yet, though.

What is motor production?

Motor behavior comprises every sort of movement from involuntary twitches to goal-directed activities, in every area of the body from head to toe, in every physical and social environment from solitary play to group interactions.

Hence, motor behavior will stop Martin from acting in the same manner as his brother.

To know more about Motor behavior visit:



the city that replaced baghad as the greatest muslim city and the focus of trade was a. damascus. b. jerusalem. c. cairo. d. alexandria. e. medina.


The city that replaced Baghdad as the greatest Muslim city and the focus of trade was Cairo. The correct option is c. cario.

Cairo became the new center of the Islamic world during the Fatimid dynasty, which ruled from the 10th to the 12th century. Under their rule, Cairo became a thriving cultural and economic center, attracting scholars, merchants, and travelers from all over the world. The Fatimids were known for their patronage of the arts, and Cairo became famous for its beautiful mosques, palaces, and public buildings.

Cairo was also strategically located on the trade routes between Asia and Europe, which made it an important center of commerce. Its bustling markets and bazaars were filled with goods from all over the world, including spices, textiles, and precious metals. The city's location on the Nile River also made it a major hub for transportation and communication.

Overall, Cairo's rich cultural heritage, economic prosperity, and strategic location made it a worthy successor to Baghdad as the greatest Muslim city and the focus of trade in the Islamic world. The correct option is c. cario.

For more about Cairo:



marx stressed the importance of understanding the impact of __________.


Marx stressed the importance of understanding the impact of economic structures on social relationships, power dynamics, and human behavior.

Marx believed that economic systems were the primary force shaping society, with capitalism being the dominant economic structure of his time. He argued that capitalism was inherently exploitative, with workers being alienated from the products of their labor and from their own humanity.

Marx saw class struggle as the driving force for social change, with the working class ultimately rising up to overthrow the capitalist system and establish a socialist society in which the means of production were collectively owned and controlled.

Marx's ideas about the impact of economic structures on society continue to be influential in sociology and other social sciences.

To know more about  economic structures, refer here:

describe the model of need-drive-behavior sequence. how might this be important for someone who is trying to lose weight to understand?


The need-drive-behavior sequence model. How may knowing this be crucial for someone wanting to reduce weight nourishment living organisms have an innate desire to eat.

Drives them to do so in order to satisfy their physiological needs. The desire to eat is a physiological reaction of the body when it needs nourishment. This desire therefore satisfies the body's reaction as well as its physiological need for nourishment. To put it another way, the drive of hunger is the relationship between our actions and the physiological need for food or the body's reaction to it, and it describes how effectively humans and other living things are ruled by this need. As a result, the point of satiation is reached when the desire to eat has subsided and the need has been satisfied.

To know more about nourishment visit:



which traffic pattern departure procedure should a manned pilot use at a non-towered airport? comply with any faa traffic pattern established for that airport make all turns to the left depart any direction consistent with safety while making all left turns


It must adhere to any FAA traffic pattern set up for that airport and perform all left turns while departing in any direction that is safe.

When leaving the traffic pattern, after achieving pattern altitude, the aircraft should fly straight ahead or exit with a 45-degree left turn (right turn for right traffic pattern) at a non-towered pattern.

Unless the airport indicates otherwise, turns in the standard traffic pattern are always made to the left. You must first be aware of the traffic pattern height for the airport where you are arriving. Usually, it's not too difficult to recall that number. One thousand feet above the airport height is the normal traffic pattern altitude. That isn't always the case, though.

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The FAA recommends that a manned pilot use the traffic pattern established for that non-towered airport. If there is no established traffic pattern, the pilot should use the standard traffic pattern, which involves making all turns to the left.

In situations where there are conflicting traffic patterns or departing in a different direction is necessary for safety reasons, the pilot should communicate their intentions with other pilots in the area and ensure that the departure is done in a safe and orderly manner.Ultimately, the pilot's top priority should be to maintain safety and avoid any conflicts with other aircraft, regardless of whether or not there is an established traffic pattern at the airport.

To learn more about traffic click the link below:



in this communication strategy used in conflict, a family member avoids other members and refuses to talk:


Avoidance is a common communication strategy used in conflicts. It involves a person avoiding other members and refusing to talk, often when they feel overwhelmed.

This strategy can be beneficial in the short-term, as it allows people time to cool off, reflect, and consider their next steps. However, in the long-term, avoidance can cause further problems, as the conflict remains unresolved and tensions can grow.

In a family setting, using avoidance as a communication strategy can be damaging. It can cause feelings of isolation, hurt, and anger, as family members feel their concerns are not being heard or valued.

It can also lead to misunderstandings, or further escalate the conflict, as members are unable to communicate and make progress.

Therefore, if a family member is avoiding other members and refusing to talk, it is important to take action. Acknowledge their feelings and try to understand their perspective.

Ask if they would like some space, or if they would prefer to talk. Offer to help them to identify the root of the problem and to work together to find a solution.

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true or false? some healthcare organizations have started alumni organizations for their past patients. this approach is a strategy to reduce psychological risk.


The given statement " some healthcare organizations have started alumni organizations for their past patients. this approach is a strategy to reduce psychological risk " is  true because healthcare organizations have started alumni organizations as a strategy to reduce psychological risk among their past patients.

This approach aims to reduce psychological risk by creating a supportive community and fostering connections between individuals who have experienced similar health challenges. These alumni organizations often provide various resources such as educational materials, support groups, and networking opportunities.

By connecting past patients, alumni organizations help to alleviate feelings of isolation and provide a platform for individuals to share their experiences, advice, and coping strategies. This can lead to improved mental well-being and better long-term outcomes for patients who may otherwise feel overwhelmed by their health conditions.

This helps to reinforce trust in the care received, further reducing psychological risk. These organizations provide support, resources, and networking opportunities that can improve mental well-being and overall patient outcomes.

Know more about  healthcare organizations   here:



The civil rights movement is an example of. A. resistance. B. code-switching. C. passing. D. withdrawal.


The civil rights movement is an example of resistance. The civil rights movement was a powerful example of resistance against systemic racism and oppression, as African Americans and their allies actively and courageously fought for their rights, equality, and social justice.

The civil rights movement, which took place in the United States from the mid-1950s to the late 1960s, was a social and political movement aimed at ending racial segregation and discrimination against African Americans.

It involved various forms of resistance, including nonviolent protests, civil disobedience, and other forms of activism, in order to challenge and change discriminatory laws, policies, and practices.

The movement had a significant impact on U.S. history and led to important civil rights legislation, such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which aimed to address racial discrimination and promote equal rights for all citizens.

To know more about civil rights movement, refer here:



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