A loaded gun is dropped on a frozen lake. The gun fires, with the bullet going horizontally in one direction and the gun sliding on the ice in the other direction. The bullet's mass is 0. 04 kg, and its speed is 325 m/s. If the gun's mass is 1. 7 kg, what is its speed (in m/s)?


Answer 1

Using the principle of conservation of momentum, we can determine that the gun moves in the opposite direction with a speed of 9.41 m/s after the bullet is fired. This calculation assumes no external forces acting on the system.

This scenario can be analyzed using the principle of conservation of momentum. According to this principle, the total momentum of a system remains constant if no external forces act on it. In this case, the system consists of the gun and the bullet, which are initially at rest on the ice. When the gun is dropped, it gains some horizontal velocity, while the bullet is propelled forward due to the explosion inside the gun.

Let's assume that the gun moves with a speed v after the bullet is fired. The momentum of the system before the gun is dropped is zero since both the gun and the bullet are at rest. After the bullet is fired, the momentum of the system is given by:

p = mv + Mu

where m is the mass of the bullet, u is its initial velocity (325 m/s in this case), M is the mass of the gun, and v is the velocity of the gun after the bullet is fired. Since momentum is conserved, we can equate the initial and final momenta:

0 = mv + Mu

=> v = -(m/M)u

Substituting the given values, we get:

v = -(0.04 / 1.7) * 325

= -9.41 m/s

To learn more about conservation of momentum



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QUESTION: imagine that you carry a box of books, weighing 67.8 N, up a flight of stairs. if each step is 15.0 cm high, and there are 22 steps in the flight of stairs, how much work do you do on the box of books​



The answer for Work done is ≈224J or 224Nm


Work done=F×D





W=223.74J or 223.7Nm

W≈224J or 224 Nm

The school bus slows from 60 km/h to 40 km/h when entering the school zone.
Given that this change of speed occurred over 8 seconds, calculate the average deceleration of the bus.


To calculate the average deceleration of the bus, we can use the following formula:

Average deceleration = (Final velocity - Initial velocity) / Time taken

Here, the initial velocity (v1) is 60 km/h, the final velocity (v2) is 40 km/h, and the time taken (t) is 8 seconds. To make the units consistent, we'll convert the velocities from km/h to m/s.

1 km/h = 1000 m / 3600 s = 5/18 m/sv1 = 60 km/h * (5/18) = (60 * 5) / 18 = 50/3 m/s v2 = 40 km/h * (5/18) = (40 * 5) / 18 = 100/9 m/s

Now, we can plug the values into the formula:

Average deceleration = (v2 - v1) / t Average deceleration = ((100/9) - (50/3)) / 8

Now, we'll find a common denominator for the fractions and simplify:

Average deceleration = ((300 - 450) / 27) / 8 = (-150 / 27) / 8Lastly, we'll divide the fraction by 8:Average deceleration = -150 / (27 * 8) = -150 / 216

So, the average deceleration of the bus is approximately -150/216 m/s².

if a plunge pool undercuts the support of the resistant rock layer above and causes it to collapse, then the


If a plunge pool undercuts the support of the resistant rock layer above and causes it to collapse, then this can result in a potentially dangerous situation, the collapse can cause erosion of the surrounding soil and vegetation, leading to further instability of the area.

The collapse of the resistant rock layer can lead to a landslide or rockfall, which can cause significant damage to the surrounding area and pose a threat to anyone in the vicinity. Additionally, the collapse can cause erosion of the surrounding soil and vegetation, leading to further instability of the area.

To prevent such occurrences, it is important to properly design and maintain plunge pools. The proper design includes ensuring that the pool is not located near a resistant rock layer or if it is, that measures are put in place to prevent the pool from undercutting the rock.

This may include reinforcing the rock layer, installing retaining walls or other support structures, or moving the pool to a different location.

Regular maintenance of the plunge pool is also crucial to prevent erosion and undercutting of the rock layer. This may involve monitoring the pool for signs of erosion or instability and taking corrective action if necessary, such as repairing or reinforcing the surrounding area.

Overall, it is important to ensure that plunge pools are designed and maintained properly to prevent the undercutting of resistant rock layers and potential collapses, which can have serious consequences.

To know more about erosion refer here:



A rock thrown horizontally from the roof edge of a 12.4 m-high building hits the ground below, a horizontal distance of 17.8 m from the building. What is the overall speed of the rock when it hits the ground?


The overall speed of the rock when it hits the ground is approximately 11.758 m/s.

Upload your two-page paper that includes the following:
. H
History: Discovery, development, or invention
Description: What is it? How is it used?
• Discussion: How did this benefit patient care?
Advantages and disadvantages


Here is a breakdown of patient care document on Penicillin, history, discussion and advantages and disadvantages.

How to write a research document?

Penicillin: A Breakthrough in Antibiotics

History: Discovery, Development, or Invention

Alexander Fleming, a Scottish biologist and pharmacologist, is credited with the discovery of penicillin in 1928. While studying staphylococci bacteria, Fleming noticed that a mold called Penicillium notatum had contaminated his petri dishes and inhibited bacterial growth around it. He identified the substance as penicillin, but it wasn't until 1939 that the first attempt to use penicillin to treat bacterial infections was made by Howard Florey and Ernst Chain, a team of British scientists. They succeeded in producing enough penicillin to test it on mice and humans, and by 1942, mass production of penicillin had begun in the United States.

Description: What is it? How is it used?

Penicillin is a type of antibiotic that kills or stops the growth of bacteria. It is made from the Penicillium mold and is commonly used to treat bacterial infections, including strep throat, pneumonia, and meningitis. Penicillin works by targeting the cell wall of bacteria, which weakens and ruptures the cell, causing it to die. It is available in several forms, including oral tablets, injections, and topical ointments.

Discussion: How did this benefit patient care?

The discovery and development of penicillin revolutionized the field of medicine and had a significant impact on patient care. Before the discovery of penicillin, bacterial infections were often fatal, and there were no effective treatments available. Penicillin's ability to kill bacteria led to a significant reduction in mortality rates and allowed doctors to treat previously untreatable infections. It also paved the way for the development of other antibiotics, which have since saved countless lives.

Advantages and Disadvantages

The use of penicillin has several advantages, including its ability to effectively treat bacterial infections, its low cost, and its ease of administration. However, penicillin can also have side effects, including allergic reactions, nausea, and diarrhea. Overuse of antibiotics, including penicillin, can also lead to the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, which can make infections more difficult to treat.

In conclusion, the discovery and development of penicillin is a remarkable example of how scientific research can have a profound impact on patient care. Its ability to treat bacterial infections has saved countless lives and has paved the way for the development of other antibiotics. While there are potential side effects and risks associated with the use of penicillin, its benefits far outweigh its drawbacks.

Find out more on patient care here: https://brainly.com/question/4784548


A 20 Kg bike accelerates at 10 m/s^2. With what force was the person pedaling


To calculate the force with which the person is pedaling, we need to use Newton's second law of motion, which states that the net force acting on an object is equal to the mass of the object times its acceleration. In this case, the net force is the force applied by the person pedaling the bike. Therefore, we have:

Net force = mass x acceleration

Substituting the given values, we get:

Net force = 20 kg x 10 m/s^2

Net force = 200 N

Therefore, the force with which the person is pedaling the bike is 200 N.

how fast must a nonrelativistic electron move so its de broglie wavelength is the same as the wavelength of a 3.4-ev photon?



1990.47 m/s


Answer: the answer is in the screen shots


it takes light approximately 8 minutes to reach the earth from the surface of the sun. the distance between jupiter and the sun is five astronomical units (5 au). how long does it take light to travel that distance?


It takes light approximately 39.5 minutes to travel the distance from the Sun to Jupiter.

Since it takes light approximately 8 minutes to reach the Earth from the surface of the sun, we know that the distance between the sun and the Earth is 1 astronomical unit (1 au).

Therefore, to find out how long it takes light to travel 5 au (the distance between Jupiter and the sun), we can use the following formula:

time = distance ÷ speed of light

The speed of light is approximately 299,792,458 meters per second.


time = 5 au x 149,597,870,700 meters/au ÷ 299,792,458 meters/second
time = 39.5 minutes

Therefore, it takes approximately 39.5 minutes for light to travel from the surface of the sun to Jupiter.

Know more about astronomical unit here:



The potential energy of an apple is 6.0 Joules. The apple is 1.22m high. What is the mass of the apple?



The mass of the apple is 0.49kg


Potential energy=mgh




divide both sides by 12.2



The wavelength of red light is 700nm. Calculate the frequency of red light.


The frequency of red light when the wavelength is 700 NM is 4.29 x 1014 Hz.

Given: Wavelength 700NM.

To Find: Frequency of red light.

Solution: Frequency is the inverse of the period (t) and it is the number of oscillations per unit of time or the number of repetitions of an event by an object per unit of time.

Frequency can also be calculated in terms of wavelength and speed of light.

The formula for frequency is given by the equation:

frequency c (in ms-2) wavelength in m Here,c = speed of light in ms-2 = 3x 108 wavelength = 700 × 10-9 m

The formula for frequency = [tex]\frac{speed }{wavelengh}[/tex]

Frequency = [tex]\frac{3\times 10^{8} }{700\times 10^{-9} } = \frac{30}{7}\times 10^{14} =4.29\times 10^{14}[/tex]

Henceforth, the frequency of red light when the wavelength is 700 NM is 4.29 x 1014 Hz.

Learn more about wavelength:


An asteroid is 4. 5 times as far from the sun as the earth. What is the period of that asteroid in terms of earth years?


The period of the asteroid in terms of Earth years is approximately 8.13 years. This means that it takes the asteroid 8.13 years to complete one orbit around the sun, while the Earth takes one year to complete its orbit.

To determine the period of an asteroid orbiting the sun, we can use Kepler's Third Law, which states that the square of the period of an object in orbit around the sun is proportional to the cube of its average distance from the sun. Mathematically, this can be expressed as:

[tex]\frac{(T_{\text{asteroid}})^2}{(T_{\text{earth}})^2} = \left(\frac{d_{\text{asteroid}}}{d_{\text{earth}}}\right)^3[/tex]

where T is the period of the asteroid and earth respectively, and d is the average distance from the sun.

Given that the asteroid is 4.5 times farther from the sun than the Earth, we can plug this ratio into the equation:

[tex]\frac{(T_{\text{asteroid}})^2}{(1 \text{ year})^2} = 4.5^3[/tex]

Solving for T asteroid, we get:

[tex](T_{\text{asteroid}})^2 = 4.5^3[/tex]

[tex]T_{\text{asteroid}} = \sqrt{4.5^3}[/tex] = 8.13 years

It is important to note that this calculation assumes a circular orbit, which is not always the case for asteroids.

To learn more about Kepler's Third Law



0.950 kg mass is spun in a circle on a string of radius 60.0 cm. if its centripetal force is 12.0 n, at what velocity does it travel?


The mass, 0.950 kg mass spun in a circle on a string of radius 60.0 cm and  centripetal force is 12.0 N, travels at a velocity of 2.75 m/s.

To find the velocity of the 0.950 kg mass, we can use the formula for centripetal force:

Fc = m * v² / r

where Fc is the centripetal force (12.0 N), m is the mass (0.950 kg), v is the velocity, and r is the radius (0.60 m).

1. Rearrange the formula to solve for velocity (v):

v² = (Fc * r) / m

2. Substitute the given values into the equation:

v² = (12.0 N * 0.60 m) / 0.950 kg

3. Calculate the result:

v² = 7.578947368

4. Take the square root of the result to find the velocity (v):

v = √7.578947368 ≈ 2.75 m/s

So, the velocity of the 0.950 kg mass is approximately 2.75 m/s.

More on velocity: https://brainly.com/question/29358718


this question has multiple answers. choose all that are correct. the hotter an object group of answer choices the brighter the object. the faster the object. the redder the object. the dimmer the object. the bluer the object. the slower the object.


The hotter an object is, the brighter and redder it appears, while cooler objects appear dimmer and bluer.

The question is asking about the relationship between an object's temperature and its brightness, color, and speed. The correct answers are that the hotter an object is, the brighter it appears and the redder it appears.

This is because hot objects emit more light, including more of the red end of the spectrum. The opposite is also true, meaning that cooler objects appear dimmer and bluer.

The speed of an object is not directly related to its temperature, so that answer is incorrect. However, it is important to note that the temperature of an object can affect its movement and velocity in certain situations.

To learn more about : objects



what is the minimum number of slits required in a diffraction grating to just resolve light with wavelengths of 471.0 nm and 471.6 nm?


The minimum number of slits required is 393.

The minimum number of slits required to resolve two wavelengths [tex]\rm \( \lambda_1 \)[/tex] and [tex]\rm \( \lambda_2 \)[/tex] in a diffraction grating can be found using the formula [tex]\rm \( N = \frac{R}{m} \)[/tex], where [tex]\rm R = \frac{\lambda_{\text{avg}}}{\Delta \lambda} \)[/tex] and m is the order of the interference.

Given [tex]\( \lambda_1 = 471.0 \) nm and \\\\\( \lambda_2 = 471.6 \) nm, the average \( \lambda_{\text{avg}} \) is \\\\\( \frac{471.0 \, \text{nm} + 471.6 \, \text{nm}}{2} = 471.3 \) nm. \\\\The difference \( \Delta \lambda \) is \( 471.6 \, \text{nm} - 471.0 \, \text{nm} = 0.6 \) nm\\Calculate \( R = \frac{\lambda_{\text{avg}}}{\Delta \lambda} = \frac{471.3 \, \text{nm}}{0.6 \, \text{nm}} \\\\= 785.5 \).[/tex]

Now, substitute R into the formula for N:

[tex]\rm \[ N = \frac{R}{m} \\\\= \frac{785.5}{2} \\\\= 392.75 \][/tex]

Since N must be a whole number, the minimum number of slits required is N = 393.

Know more about diffraction grating:



a rocket is launched vertically upward from earth's surface at a speed of 5.5 km/s k m / s . part a what is its maximum altitude?


The maximum altitude of the rocket is 1,542 km. The result is obtained by using the kinematical equation.

Kinematic Equation

There are 3 main kinematical equations. They are

vf = vi + gtvf² = vi² + 2ghh = vi t + ½gt²

Where vf is the final velocity, vi is the initial velocity, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and h is the displacement.

We have initial velocity 5.5 km/s. The question is to find the maximum altitude.

Let's convert the initial velocity from km/s to m/s.

5.5 km/s = 5,500 m/s

In this case, at the maximum altitude, the final velocity is zero, vf = 0. While the acceleration due to gravity is g = -9.81 m/s².

We can use the second equation to get the maximum altitude, h
vf² = vi² + 2gh

0 = 5,500² - 2(9.81)h

30,250,000 = 19.62 h

h = 1,541,794 meters

h ≈ 1,542 km

Therefore, the maximum altitude the rocket will reach is approximately 1,542 km.

Learn more about kinematical equation here:



32. using the parkland formula, calculate the total estimated amount of fluid to be infused during the first 8 hours of a burn injury for a 65kg male who sustained burns to the front and back of the trunk and front and back of both arms?


The total estimated amount of fluid to be infused in the first 8 hours would be 14,040 mL.

The total estimated amount of fluid to be infused during the first 8 hours of a burn injury can be calculated using the Parkland formula:

4 mL x body weight in kg x % total body surface area (TBSA) burned

For a 65 kg male with burns to the front and back of the trunk and front and back of both arms, the TBSA burned can be estimated using the Rule of Nines:

Trunk: 18% front + 18% back = 36%Arms: 9% each x 2 = 18%Total TBSA burned = 36% + 18% = 54%

Thus, the total estimated amount of fluid to be infused in the first 8 hours would be:

4 mL x 65 kg x 54% = 14,040 mL

Note that this formula is only an estimate and fluid requirements may vary depending on the individual patient's response to treatment. Close monitoring and adjustment of fluid therapy is essential in burn patients.

To learn more about total body surface area (TBSA), here



a certain pendulum on earth has a period of 1.1 s. what would be the period of this pendulum if it were taken to another planet that had 2.5 times the mass of the earth and 2 times the earth's radius? express your answer in seconds to three significant digits.


The period of the pendulum on this planet would be 2.51 seconds to three significant digits.

The period of a pendulum is given by the formula:

T = 2π√(L/g)

where T is the period, L is the length of the pendulum, and g is the acceleration due to gravity.

Since the length of the pendulum is not changing, we can see that the period is directly proportional to the square root of the acceleration due to gravity.

On the other planet, the acceleration due to gravity will be:

[tex]g' = (GM')/r'^2[/tex]

where G is the gravitational constant, M' is the mass of the planet, and r' is the radius of the planet.

We are told that this planet has 2.5 times the mass of the Earth and 2 times the Earth's radius. Therefore,

[tex]M' = 2.5M[/tex]

[tex]r' = 2r[/tex]

Substituting these values into the formula for g', we get:

[tex]g' = (GM')/r'^2 = (G(2.5M))/(4r^2) = (5/8)g[/tex]

So the acceleration due to gravity on this planet is (5/8) times the acceleration due to gravity on Earth.

Using the formula for the period of a pendulum, we can see that the period of the pendulum on this planet would be:

[tex]T' = 2π√(L/g') = 2π√(L/(5/8)g) = 2.51s[/tex]

Therefore, the period of the pendulum on this planet would be 2.51 seconds to three significant digits.

Learn more about the pendulum



you push a book sitting on a desk with a force of 5 n, but the book does not move. what is the static friction? o n 5 n between o n and 5 n


If you push a book on a desk with a force of 5 N but the book does not move, it means that the force of static friction between the book and the desk is equal and opposite to your applied force. Therefore, the static frictional force must also be 5 N in magnitude.

Static friction is the force that resists the relative motion between two surfaces in contact that are not moving relative to each other. The maximum value of static friction is determined by the normal force (the force exerted by the surface perpendicular to the book) and the coefficient of static friction between the two surfaces.

The coefficient of static friction depends on the nature of the two surfaces in contact and is a measure of the amount of friction generated between them when they are not moving relative to each other.

Learn more about a force



static friction is 5 N.

Static friction is a force that hinders the movement of an object moving along the path. When two fabrics slide over each other, this friction occurs. There's friction all around us. When we walk, for instance, our feet are in touch with the floor.

The static friction between the book and the desk is equal to the force you applied, which is 5 N. This means that the force of static friction is equal and opposite to your pushing force and is preventing the book from moving. Therefore, the static friction is 5 N.

To learn more about friction , click on this -



Find the difference in electric potential ΔV=VB−VA, between the points A and B.
The electric field does 0.052 J of work as you move a +5.7- μC charge from A and B


If the electric field moves the charge from A to B by doing 0.052 J of work, we must determine the potential difference between a and B. That much is clear. The voltage differential is 9122.8 volts as a result.

How do you calculate the difference in electric potential between two points?

Moving a +5.7-C charge between A and B causes the electric field to exert 0.052 J of work. When a charge q is transported from point A to point B, the potential difference between the two points is defined as the change in potential energy of the charge divided by the charge, or V = VB - VA. Voltage, also known as potential difference, is frequently abbreviated to V.

What is the potential difference VA VB formula?

The SI unit for electric potential is volt (V). Potential difference is calculated using the method V = W/Q. Joules and Coulombs are the equivalent SI units for work and positive charge, respectively. Consequently, the formula can be written as VB-VA = WA B/Q.

To know more about electric field visit:-



The initial volume of air in the rubber balloon was 2 liters, and it was at a temperature of 293 K. The balloon was placed in the parked car, where the volume increased to 2.5 liters. What was the temperature inside the parked car in °C?
a. 3°C
b. 93.25°C
c. 75.53°C
d. 366.25°C





We can solve this using ratios.


Cross multiply:


x=366.25 K

Now we got the temperature in kelvins, but we need to convert it to ⁰C.

All we need to do is subtract 273.15 degrees

366.25-273.15=93.1 ⁰C

polaris and the star at the other end of the little dipper, kochab, are both apparent magnitude 2. in a photo of the night sky, they would appear similar to how they appear here in a planetarium simulation: larger than other stars. this is because


Polaris and Kochab's apparent magnitude of 2 and their proximity to the celestial pole make them appear larger in a photo or planetarium simulation compared to other stars.

A comparatively brilliant star as compared to other stars in the night sky, Kochab and Polaris both have an apparent magnitude of 2, making them both bright stars. In addition, they are both close to the celestial pole, which gives them a motionless appearance in the sky while giving the impression that other stars are rotating around them.

They stand out in the night sky because of their fixed location and brightness, and because of their brightness and proximity to the celestial equator, they look bigger than other stars in pictures or planetarium simulations.

Learn more about planetariums:



how does the charge depend on time for a discharging capacitor in terms of capacitance c , resistance r , and initial charge q0 ?


The charge on a discharging capacitor decreases exponentially with time, and the rate of the decrease is determined by the resistance and capacitance values in the circuit.

The charge on a discharging capacitor decreases exponentially with time according to the following equation:

[tex]Q(t) = Q0 * e^{-t / (R * C})[/tex]

where Q(t) is the charge on the capacitor at time t, Q0 is the initial charge on the capacitor, R is the resistance in the circuit, C is the capacitance of the capacitor, and e is the mathematical constant known as Euler's number.

The time constant for the discharging process is given by the product of resistance and capacitance,

τ = R * C.

The time constant represents the time it takes for the charge on the capacitor to decrease to approximately 36.8% of its initial value

(i.e.,[tex]Q(τ) = Q0 * e^{-1} ≈ 0.368 * Q0[/tex]).

Therefore, the charge on a discharging capacitor decreases exponentially with time, and the rate of the decrease is determined by the resistance and capacitance values in the circuit.

For more such questions on metabolism , Visit:



what happens to each bulb if the switch is closed? match the words in the left column to the appropriate blanks in the sentences on the right. resethelp once the switch is closed, the current flows blankbecau


When the switch is closed, the circuit is completed, and the current starts flowing. The behavior of each bulb depends on the arrangement of the bulbs and the switch in the circuit.

If the bulbs are arranged in a series circuit, the current flows through both bulbs in the same direction. In this case, the voltage across each bulb is proportional to its resistance. Therefore, if the bulbs have the same resistance, they will have the same voltage across them. If one bulb has a higher resistance than the other, it will have a higher voltage across it. The current flowing through both bulbs will be the same, but the voltage across them will differ.

If the bulbs are arranged in a parallel circuit, the current splits into different branches and each branch contains a bulb. In this case, the voltage across each bulb is the same, and the current flowing through each bulb is proportional to its resistance. Therefore, if one bulb has a higher resistance than the other, it will have a lower current flowing through it. If one bulb has a lower resistance than the other, it will have a higher current flowing through it. The voltage across both bulbs stays the same, and no other bulb becomes short-circuited.

In conclusion, the behavior of each bulb depends on the arrangement of the circuit. If the bulbs are arranged in a series circuit, the voltage across them differs, and the current flowing through them is the same. If the bulbs are arranged in a parallel circuit, the voltage across them is the same, and the current flowing through them differs.

To learn more about circuit



Complete question:

What happens to each bulb if the switch is closed? Match the words in the left column to the appropriate blanks in the sentences on the right. Res through both bulbs Once the switch is closed, the current flows because only through bulb A only through bulb B the voltage across it becomes zero the voltages across them stay the same another bulb becomes short-circuited no branch of a circuit is opened.

If we know the size of an asteroid, we can determine its density by A) comparing its reflectivity to the amount of light it reflects. B) looking for brightness variations as it rotates. C) determining its mass from its gravitational pull on a spacecraft, satellite, or planet. D) radar mapping. E) spectroscopic imaging.


Option C) is correct in determining its mass from its gravitational pull on a spacecraft, satellite, or planet. Knowing the mass and size of an asteroid allows us to calculate its density.

Option A) is incorrect because reflectivity only tells us about the asteroid's surface properties, not its density. Option B) is incorrect because brightness variations during rotation do not give us enough information to determine density. Option D) and E) are methods of studying asteroids but are not directly related to determining density.

Knowing the size of an asteroid alone is not enough to determine its density, as different materials can have different densities at the same size. By measuring the gravitational pull of the asteroid on a spacecraft, satellite, or planet, we can determine its mass. Once we have the mass and the size, we can calculate the asteroid's density. Methods such as radar mapping and spectroscopic imaging can provide additional information about the asteroid's composition, but they are not directly used to determine its density.

To learn about gravitational pull please visit:



C) calculating its mass based on the gravitational attraction it exerts on a satellite, planet, or spacecraft.

We can determine an asteroid's mass by observing the gravitational pull it has on a neighbouring body, like a planet, satellite, or spacecraft. We can determine the asteroid's density once we know its mass and size. The gravitational force of an object will be stronger the denser it is. As a result, an asteroid must be denser the more massive it is for a given size.

The density of an asteroid can be determined using this method, which is especially helpful for small or erratic-shaped asteroids that are challenging to see using other techniques like radar mapping or spectroscopic imaging. Additionally, it can offer crucial details on the asteroid's makeup and structure, which can aid researchers in understanding the asteroid's formation and evolution.

learn more about mass here:



161 a motorboat is able to travel at a speed of 20 km/hr in still water. in 8 hours, the boat traveled 20 km against the current and 180 km with the current. find the speed of the current of the river.


The speed of current of the river is 2.5 km/hr and the motorboat can travel at a speed of 20 km/hr in still water, allowing it to travel 20 km against the current and 180 km with the current in 8 hours.

How to find the speed of the current of the river?

Let the speed of current be represented by v and the speed of the motorboat in still water be represented by b.

We know that the distance traveled is equal to the rate multiplied by the time:

distance = rate x time

Against the current:

20 = (b - v) x 8

With the current:

180 = (b + v) x 8

Solving these two equations simultaneously for b and v, we get:

b = 25 km/hr

v = 2.5 km/hr

Therefore, the speed of the current of the river is 2.5 km/hr.

Learn more about Speed of current



the value for ψ in root tissue was found to be -0.15 mpa. if you take the root tissue and place it in a 0.1 m solution of sucrose (ψ = -0.23 mpa), the net water flow would


The  evaluated net water flow is 0.08 MPa under the context  that 0.15 mpa is selected as the root tissue and placed it in a 0.1 m solution of sucrose ψ = -0.23 mpa.

Then water potential of root tissue = -0.15 MPa, now  that of a 0.1 M solution of sucrose = -0.23 MPa. Then water potential gradient is

Δψ = ψ1 - ψ2


Δψ = water potential gradient,

ψ1 = water potential of root tissue

ψ2 = water potential of a 0.1 M solution of sucrose

Staging the values in the formula

Δψ = (-0.15) - (-0.23)

Δψ = 0.08 MPa

Hence, the level of  sucrose solution has a lower in comparison to  water potential present in the root tissue, therefore water will flow from the sucrose solution into the root tissue.

To learn more about water potential



the current is uniformly distributed in a wire with a diameter of 9.76 mm. find the magnetic field magnitude


To find the magnetic field of a wire with a diameter of 9.76 mm and a uniformly distributed current, you'll need to know the current (I) flowing through the wire, and the distance (r) from the center of the wire to the point where you want to measure the magnetic field. You can use Ampere's Law to determine the magnetic field (B).

1. Convert the diameter of the wire to meters: 9.76 mm = 0.00976 m.
2. Calculate the wire's radius: radius = diameter / 2 = 0.00976 m / 2 = 0.00488 m.
3. Determine the current (I) flowing through the wire. This information should be provided in the problem.
4. Determine the distance (r) from the center of the wire to the point where you want to measure the magnetic field.
5. Use Ampere's Law to calculate the magnetic field (B): B = (μ₀ * I) / (2 * π * r), where μ₀ is the permeability of free space (μ₀ = 4π x 10⁻⁷ Tm/A).
6. Plug in the values of I, μ₀, and r into the equation and solve for B.

Once you have followed these steps with the appropriate values for I and r, you will have found the magnetic field at the desired distance from the wire's center.

To know more about magnetic field:



a crane uses a block and tackle to lift a 2000 N flagstone to a height of 30 m. How much work is done on the flagstone


The work done on the flagstone by the crane is equal to the product of the force applied and the distance it is moved in the direction of the force. In this case, the force is the tension in the rope of the block and tackle that is lifting the flagstone, and the distance is the height to which the flagstone is lifted.

The block and tackle system reduces the force required to lift the flagstone, while increasing the distance through which the rope must be pulled. The amount of force reduction depends on the number of pulleys in the system. Assuming that the block and tackle has a mechanical advantage of 4 (meaning that the force required to lift the flagstone is 1/4 of the weight of the flagstone), the tension in the rope will be:

Tension = Force required / Mechanical advantage
Tension = 2000 N / 4
Tension = 500 N

The work done on the flagstone by the crane is then:

Work = Force x Distance
Work = 500 N x 30 m
Work = 15,000 J

Therefore, the crane does 15,000 joules of work on the flagstone.

a box with a mass of 0.82 kg has these forces acting on it 9.5 N to the right 6.2 N to the left 8.0 N up and 8.0 N down What is the strength and direction of the acceleration of the box?


The acceleration of the box is [tex]4.02 m/s^2[/tex]to the right.

To find the net force acting on the box, we need to add up the individual forces acting on it. The horizontal forces cancel each other out (9.5 N to the right - 6.2 N to the left = 3.3 N to the right), and the vertical forces also cancel each other out (8.0 N up - 8.0 N down = 0 N).

So the net force acting on the box is 3.3 N to the right. We can use Newton's second law of motion, which states that force equals mass times acceleration (F=ma), to find the acceleration of the box.

Rearranging the equation, we get a = F/m. Plugging in the values, we get

a = 3.3 N / 0.82 kg

a = [tex]4.02 m/s^2 to the right[/tex]

Therefore, the acceleration of the box is[tex]4.02 m/s^2[/tex] to the right.

Learn more about  the acceleration



The box is under a net force of 1.3 N to the right. The box accelerates to the right at a rate of 1.6 m/s2.

By deducting the forces acting to the left (6.2 N) and the forces acting to the right (9.5 N), we can get the net force, which is 3.3 N to the right. In order to get a net force of 0 N in the vertical direction, we must first subtract the forces acting upward (8.0 N) from the forces acting downward (8.0 N). The box won't accelerate vertically because there is no net force acting in that direction. The box will therefore move more quickly to the right due to the net force of 3.3 N. We may calculate the acceleration to be 1.6 m/s2 to the right using Newton's second law, F = ma.

learn more about box accelerates here:



why is uranus' and neptune's atmosphere blue compared to the reds and oranges of jupiter's and saturn's?


The blue color of Uranus and Neptune's atmosphere is due to the presence of methane gas.

Uranus and Neptune have blue atmospheres primarily because of the presence of methane gas. Methane absorbs light in the red part of the spectrum more efficiently than in the blue part, causing the reflected sunlight to appear blue. This is similar to why the ocean appears blue; water absorbs red light more efficiently than blue light, causing the reflected light to appear blue.

In contrast, Jupiter and Saturn have predominantly red and orange atmospheres because of the presence of ammonia and other hydrocarbons. These chemicals absorb blue light more efficiently than red light, causing the reflected sunlight to appear reddish or orange. Jupiter's famous Great Red Spot, for example, is a massive storm that exposes deeper layers of the atmosphere where these chemicals are more abundant, resulting in reddish color.

Overall, the colors of a planet's atmosphere depend on the chemical composition of the atmosphere and how it interacts with sunlight. Different chemicals absorb and reflect different wavelengths of light, giving each planet its own unique coloration.

Learn more about methane gas:


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