A random sample of 110 observations produced a mean of x―=35.9
from a population with a normal distribution and a standard deviation σ=4.75.
(a) Find a 90% confidence interval for μ

(b) Find a 95% confidence interval for μ

(c) Find a 99% confidence interval for μ


Answer 1

Answer:the 99% confidence interval for μ is:

34.359 ≤ μ ≤ 37.441

Step-by-step explanation:

Related Questions

the sequenceconsists of 's separated by blocks of 's with 's in the block. what is the sum of the first terms of this sequence?


The sum of the first 10 terms of the sequence is 20.

The sequence is made up of alternating blocks of 's and 's, with the 's occurring in the blocks.

In other words, the sequence might look something like this:
[tex]s, sss, s, sss, s, sss, s, sss, ...[/tex]
Assuming that this is indeed the case, we can try to find the sum of the first terms of the sequence using a couple of different methods.
One way to approach the problem is to simply add up the first n terms of the sequence by hand.

The sum of the first 10 terms, we could write out the sequence like this:
[tex]s + sss + s + sss + s + sss + s + sss + s + sss[/tex]
and then add up the individual terms:
[tex]1 + 3 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 3 = 17[/tex]
So, the sum of the first 10 terms of the sequence is 17.
The problem is to look for a pattern in the sequence and use that pattern to find the sum of the first n terms more quickly.

In this case, we can see that each block of 's contributes 3 to the sum (since there are three 's in each block), while each individual s contributes 1.

So we can break the sum down into two parts:

the sum of the blocks of 's, and the sum of the individual s's.
The sum of the blocks of 's can be found by dividing n (the number of terms we want to sum) by 2 and rounding up to the nearest integer (since there are two terms per block).

The sum of the first 10 terms, we have 5 blocks of 's, so the sum of the blocks is:
[tex]5 * 3 = 15[/tex]
The sum of the individual s's is simply n minus the number of blocks, since each block contains three terms.

So in this case:
[tex]10 - 5 = 5[/tex]
Putting it all together, we get:
[tex]15 + 5 = 20[/tex]

For similar questions on sequence



a searchlight is shaped like a paraboloid of revolution. of the light source is located 2 feet from the base along the axis of symmetry and the depth of the searchlight is 4 feet, what would the width of the opening be?


The width of the opening is 2x, which equals 2(4√2) = 8√2 feet. To solve this problem, we'll use the properties of a paraboloid of revolution.

Given that the light source is located 2 feet from the base along the axis of symmetry and the depth of the searchlight is 4 feet, we have the vertex of the parabola at (0, 2). We also know the focus of the parabola is at the light source, which is at (0, 0).
Since the parabola opens downward, its equation is of the form (x - h)² = -4p(y - k), where (h, k) is the vertex and p is the distance between the vertex and the focus.
In our case, h = 0, k = 2, and p = 2. So the equation becomes x² = -4(2)(y - 2) or x² = -8(y - 2).
At the opening, the paraboloid is 4 feet deep, so y = -2. Substituting this value into the equation, we get:
x² = -8(-2 - 2) => x² = 32
Now, we find the width by solving for x:
x = ±√32 => x = ±4√2

Learn more about depth here:



The width of the opening of the searchlight is 2√32 feet.

To find the width of the opening of the searchlight, we'll first determine the equation of the parabola and then use that to find the width.
Identify the vertex and focus:

The vertex is at the base of the searchlight (0, 0) and the focus is 2 feet from the base along the axis of symmetry,

so it's located at (0, 2).
Determine the equation of the parabola:

Since the parabola opens upward, its equation will be in the form [tex](x-h)^2 = 4p(y-k),[/tex]

where (h, k) is the vertex and p is the distance from the vertex to the focus.

In this case, h = 0, k = 0, and p = 2,

so the equation is [tex]x^2 = 4(2)(y) or x^2 = 8y.[/tex]
Find the width at the depth:

Since the depth of the searchlight is 4 feet, we'll find the width at y = 4. Substitute y = 4 in the equation:

[tex]x^2 = 8(4)[/tex], which gives [tex]x^2 = 32[/tex].

To find the width, we need the distance between the two points where x is positive and negative, so x = ±√32.
Calculate the width of the opening:

The width of the opening is the difference between the positive and negative values of x, which is 2√32.

For similar question on width.



8x+4= 2y is the question. What is the slope and the y-intercept?



m = 4

Y-intercept: 2

Step-by-step explanation:

8x + 4 = 2y

We rewrite the equation in slope-intercept form y = mx + b

m = the slope

b = y-intercept

8x + 4 = 2y

-2y + 8x + 4 = 0

-2y = -8x - 4

y = 4x + 2

m = 4

Y-intercept: 2

Rewriting the equation in slope-intercept form (y = mx + b) makes it easier to tell the slope and y-intercept. The rewritten form is y = 4x + 2. Since 'm' represents the slope, the slope of the equation is 4. 'b' represents the y-intercept, so the y-intercept is 2.

Carlos is older than Adriel. Their ages are consecutive odd integers. Find Carlos's age if the product of their ages is 15.


Carlos is 5 years old.

Define quadratic formula

The quadratic formula is a mathematical formula used to find the solutions (or roots) of a quadratic equation of the form ax² + bx + c = 0, where a, b, and c are coefficients and x is the variable. The formula is:

x = (-b ± √(b²- 4ac)) / 2a

Let's assume that Adriel's age is x. Then, Carlos's age would be x+2 (since they are consecutive odd integers and Carlos is older).

According to the problem, the product of their ages is 15. So we can set up the equation:

x(x+2) = 15

Expanding the left side of the equation, we get:

x² + 2x = 15

Subtracting 15 from both sides, we get:

x² + 2x - 15 = 0

Now we can solve for x using the quadratic formula:

x = (-b ± √(b² - 4ac)) / 2a

In this case, a = 1, b = 2, and c = -15. Substituting these values, we get:

x = (-2 ± √(2²- 4(1)(-15))) / 2(1)

x = (-2 ± √64) / 2

x = (-2 ± 8) / 2

x = -5 or x = 3

Since Adriel's age cannot be negative, we can discard the first solution. Therefore, Adriel's age is 3, and Carlos's age is x+2 = 5. So Carlos is 5 years old.

To know more about variable, visit:



if p is a prime number and a is a positive inte- ger, how many distinct positive divisors does pa have?


If p is a prime number and a is a positive integer, then pa has (a+1) distinct positive divisors.

A prime number is a positive integer greater than 1, which is divisible only by 1 and itself. Divisors are the numbers that evenly divide a given number.

For a prime number p raised to the power of a (p^a), the number of distinct positive divisors can be found using the following formula:

Number of divisors = (a + 1)

This is because each power of p from 0 to a can divide p^a without any remainder, giving us a total of a + 1 distinct divisors. These divisors are:

1, p, p^2, p^3, ..., p^(a-1), p^a

For example, if p = 2 (a prime number) and a = 3 (a positive integer), then the number of distinct positive divisors for 2^3 (which is 8) would be:

Number of divisors = (3 + 1) = 4

The divisors for 2^3 (8) are 1, 2, 4, and 8.

Learn more about Prime numbers here: brainly.com/question/30358834


A certain genetic disease is present for 1 out of every 5000 people. Consider a small town with a population of 15,000. (a) what is the chance that at least someone in the town has the disease? gees is, en (b) what is the probability that at most 2 people in the town have the disease? (c) what is the expected number of people in the town who have the disease? (d) what is the variance for the number of people in the town with the disease?


(a) The probability that this genetic disease can be present is that at least someone in the town is 2.8% of the total population.

To compute the possibility that at least one person in town has the sickness, we may first calculate the probability that no one in town has the disease and then deduct that from 1. The probability that no one in the town has the disease is calculated by binomial distribution formula.

P(X ≥ 1) = 1 - P(X = 0)

where X is the number of people in the town with the disease.

P(X = 0) is the probability that nobody in the town has the disease. When we calculate P(X = 0) as:

P(X = 0) = (15000 chooses 0) * (1/5000)⁰ * (4999/5000)¹⁵⁰⁰⁰

P(0) ≈0.972

The probability that at least one person in the town has the disease is:

P(X ≥ 1) = 1 - P(X = 0)

≈ 1 - 0.972

P(X ≥ 1)  ≈ 0.028

As a result, there is a 2.8% probability that at least one person in town has the condition.

(b) The probability that this genetic disease can be present is that at most 2 people in the town is 99.9% of the total population.

To compute the probability that no more than two persons in the town have the sickness, we must sum the probabilities of none, one, and two people having the condition. The binomial distribution gives the chance that precisely x persons have the disease:

P(x) = (n choose x) * pˣ * (1-p)ⁿ⁻ˣ

where n is the sample size (15,000)

p is the illness probability (1/5000)

(n pick x) is the binomial coefficient, which is the number of ways to select x items from a collection of n items.

We can calculate using this formula:

P(0) = (15000 choose 0) * (1/5000)⁰ * (4999/5000)¹⁵⁰⁰⁰

P(0) ≈ 0.972

P(1) = (15000 choose 1) * (1/5000)¹ * (4999/5000)¹⁴⁹⁹⁹

P(1) ≈ 0.027

P(2) = (15000 choose 2) * (1/5000)² * (4999/5000)¹⁴⁹⁹⁸

P(2) ≈ 0.001

So the probability of at most 2 people in the town having the disease is:

P(0) + P(1) + P(2) ≈ 0.999

As a result, there is a 99.9%  probability that at most 2 people in the town have the disease.

(c) The expected number of people in the town who have the disease is 3 among the 15000 people.

The mean of the binomial distribution gives the expected amount of persons in the town who have the disease.

E(X) = n*p

where X is the random variable representing the number of people in the town with the disease.

Substituting n = 15,000 and p = 1/5000, we get:

E(X) = 15,000 * (1/5000) = 3

E(X) = 3

So we would expect about 3 people in the town to have the disease among the total population.

(d) The variance for the number of people in the town with the disease is 2.998 among the total population.

The binomial distribution's variance is given by:

Var(X) = n*p*(1-p)

considering n = 15,000 and p = 1/5000, we get:

Var(X) = 15,000 * (1/5000) * (4999/5000)

Var(X)  ≈ 2.998

So the variation in the number of persons in the town infected with the illness is around 2.998.

Learn more about Binomial Distribution:



You select a marble without looking and then put it back. If you do this 24 times, what is the
best prediction possible for the number of times you will pick a marble that is not orange?


Step-by-step explanation:

24 times, as there are no orange marbles in the set.

so, every pull will produce a marble that is not orange with 100% certainty.

in general, we have 12 marbles.

let's change the problem description into picking a marbles that is not blue.

we have 6 blue marbles.

the chance to pick a blue marble is therefore 6/12 = 1/2.

and the probability to not pick a blue marbles is 1 - 1/2 = 1/2.

so, in 24 pulls, we expect 24× 1/2 = 12 times to get a marble that is not blue.

or change it to "not green" marbles.

5 green marbles.

the probability to pick a green marble is 5/12.

the probabilty to not pick a green marble = 1 - 5/12 = 7/12.

in 24 pulls we expect 24 × 7/12 = 14 times to get a marble that is not green.

it change it to "not purple" marbles.

1 purple marble.

the probability to pick a purple marble is 1/12.

the probabilty to not pick a purple marble = 1 - 1/12 = 11/12.

in 24 pulls we expect 24 × 11/12 = 22 times to get a marble that is not purple.

please help with steps!!


The area of the sector with angle 50 degrees is determined as 9.15 cm².

What is the radius of the circle?

The radius of the circle is calculated as follows;

Area of sector = θ/360 x πr²


θ = 360 - 50 = 310⁰

Area of sector = θ/360 x πr²

56.87 =  310⁰/360  x  πr²

56.87 = 2.71r²

r² = 56.87/2.71

r² = 20.985

r = √(20.985)

r = 4.58 cm

The area of the minor arc is calculated as follows;

A = 50/360 x π(4.58)²

A = 9.15 cm²

Thus, the area of the minor arc is determined as 9.15 cm².

Learn more about area of sector here: https://brainly.com/question/22600628


Paul has 8 times as many marbles as Mark. If Paul has 56 marbles, how many marbles does Mark have? Write an equation and solve.​




Step-by-step explanation:

58 divided by 8 equals 7 use a calculator and you get your answer.hope it helps

A pancake company uses the
function f(x) = 1.5x² to calculate
the number of calories in a
pancake with a diameter of x cm.
What is the average rate of change
for the function over the interval
10 A.) 150 calories per cm of diameter
B.) 33 calories per cm of diameter
C.) 65calories per cm of diameter
D.) 215 calories per cm of diameter



To find the average rate of change of the function f(x) = 1.5x² over the interval [10, 11], we need to calculate the change in f(x) over the interval, and divide by the change in x.

The change in f(x) over the interval [10, 11] is:

f(11) - f(10) = (1.511^2) - (1.510^2) = 165 - 150 = 15

The change in x over the interval [10, 11] is:

11 - 10 = 1

Therefore, the average rate of change of the function over the interval [10, 11] is:

(15/1) = 15

This means that for every 1 cm increase in diameter (i.e., for every 1 unit increase in x), the number of calories in the pancake increases by an average of 15 calories per cm of diameter.

Therefore, the answer is (A) 150 calories per cm of diameter.

saved true/false: not all values in a dataset with a normal distribution can be converted to a z-score. question 5 options: true false


False. All values in a dataset with a normal distribution can be converted to a z-score.

False. All values in a dataset with a normal distribution can be converted to a z-score. The z-score standardizes the data, allowing for comparisons across different distributions by representing the number of standard deviations a data point is away from the mean.

A continuous random variable that tends to cluster around a centre or average value with a particular degree of spread or variation is described by the normal distribution, commonly referred to as the Gaussian distribution. The maximum frequency is near the mean and decreases in frequency as one moves farther away from the mean in both directions. It is a symmetrical bell-shaped curve.

The standard normal distribution, in which the mean and standard deviation are both 0, is a particular instance of the normal distribution. The standard score, also referred to as the z-score, is a measurement of how many standard deviations a data point deviates from the distribution's mean. The difference between the observation's value and the mean is used to calculate it.

Learn more about normal distribution here:



False. All values in a dataset with a normal distribution can be converted to a z-score.

The z-score transformation is used precisely to transform values from a normal distribution to a standard normal distribution, which has a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1.

All values in a dataset with a normal distribution can be converted to a z-score.

The statement "not all values in a dataset with a normal distribution can be converted to a z-score" is false.

A z-score represents the number of standard deviations a data point is away from the mean of a distribution and can be calculated for any value within a normal distribution.

In fact, the conversion of values to z-scores is a common method of standardizing data for statistical analysis.
To calculate a z-score, you subtract the mean of the distribution from the individual value and then divide the result by the standard deviation of the distribution.

This transformation allows for easier comparison between data points and across different datasets.

Z-scores can also be used to calculate probabilities and determine the likelihood of certain events occurring within a distribution.
While it is true that some datasets may not follow a normal distribution, this does not mean that z-scores cannot be calculated for all values within the dataset.

The distribution is not normal, other statistical techniques such as transformation or non-parametric tests may be necessary.

A normally distributed dataset, every value can be converted to a z-score, allowing for standardized comparisons and analysis.

For similar questions on normal distribution



Which statement is true?
Please help


The answer is A .

Find the equation of a circle whose center is at (2, 3) and passes through the point (-6, 10).


Using the centers we know that the equation of the circle is (x+2)²+(y−3)² =40.

What is the equation of the circle?

A circle is a two-dimensional, symmetrical figure in mathematics.

The circle's center is a place inside the circle from which all points on the circle's edge are equally far.

A circle's general equation is (x - h)² + (y - k)² = r², where (h, k) denotes the circle's center's location and r denotes the radius.

So, the equation of the circle form:

(x−h)² +(y−k)² =r²

The centers we have: (-2, 3)


It passes through points (4, 5). Now:

(4+2)² +(5−3)²=r²


r² =36+4

r² =40

Then, equation: (x+2)²+(y−3)² =40

Therefore, using the centers we know that the equation of the circle is (x+2)²+(y−3)² =40.

Know more about the equation of the circle here:



Correct question:

Find the Equation of the circle whose center is (−2,3) which passes through the point (4,5).

the weights of newborn baby boys born at a local hospital are believed to have a normal distribution with a mean weight of 3245 grams and a standard deviation of 625 grams. if a newborn baby boy born at the local hospital is randomly selected, find the probability that the weight will be greater than 2620 grams. round your answer to four decimal places.


The probability that the weight of a randomly selected newborn baby boy born at the local hospital will be greater than 2620 grams is 0.9099 (rounded to four decimal places).

The probability can be calculated using the standard normal distribution as follows:

P(Z > (2620 - 3245) / 625) = P(Z > -1.335)

Using a standard normal distribution table, we find that the probability of Z being greater than -1.335 is 0.9099.

We use the standard normal distribution because we know the mean and standard deviation of the population of newborn baby boys' weights. We convert the raw score of 2620 grams to a z-score, which tells us how many standard deviations the raw score is away from the mean.

Learn more about probability



15vto the power of 4 y to power of 7 u to power of 5 and 9v to the power of 8 y to the power of 3


The simplified expression is[tex]135v^12y^10u^5[/tex].

A mathematical expression is simplified when it is replaced with a

simpler, typically shorter, equivalent statement. to make it simpler, more

understandable, or easier. arithmetic to eliminate similar elements,

regroup terms in the same variable, etc. to simplify (an equation, fraction, etc.).

To simplify the expression, we'll combine the like terms:

Your expression:

[tex]15v^4y^7u^5 \times 9v^8y^3[/tex]

Multiply the coefficients (15 and 9):

15 × 9 = 135

Add the exponents of the like terms [tex](v^4 and v^8, y^7 and y^3[/tex]):

[tex]v^(4+8) = v^12\\y^(7+3) = y^10[/tex]

Combine the simplified terms:


The simplified expression is[tex]135v^12y^10u^5[/tex].

for such more question on expression



can someone please find these 7 questions? it’s due tomorrow it would help a lot!


The measures of central tendency are

Mode, Median, μ

The measures of spread are;

Range, IQR

Neither of the measures are;

MAD, Outliers

What are the measures of central tendency?

Central tendency is defined as a central or typical value for a probability distribution. These measures of central tendency are often called averages.

The common measures of central tendency are the arithmetic mean, the median, and the mode.

What are the measures of spread?

The measures of spread simply describes how similar or varied the set of observed values are for a particular variable (data item).

Measures of spread include the range, quartiles and the interquartile range, variance and standard deviation.

Learn more about measures of central tendency at: https://brainly.com/question/17631693


True or False? suppose bx and dx both contain positive integers. if adding them produces a negative result, the overflow flag will be set.



If adding two positive integers results in a negative number, it means that an overflow has occurred. The overflow flag is set when the result of an operation is too large to be represented with the given number of bits.
If bx and dx both contain positive integers and adding them produces a negative result, the overflow flag will be set. This is because when two positive integers are added, the result should also be a positive integer. If the result is negative, it means there was an overflow during the addition process, and the overflow flag will be set to indicate this issue.

Learn more about overflow flag here: brainly.com/question/28179547


these four geometry questions i’m not quite sure how to do and have been struggling in them for a while and it’s due tomorrow!!!!


The total areas of each composite shape are:

1) 121 in²

2) 150m²

3) 14.03 ft²

4) 538.36 cm²

How to find the area of the composite figure?

1) Formula for area of a rectangle is:

Area = Length * width


Area of composite shape = (9 * 8) + (7 * 7)

= 121 in²

2) Formula for area of rectangle is:

Area = Length * width

Area = 12 * 5 = 60 m²

Area of triangle = ¹/₂ * base * height

Area = ¹/₂ * 12 * 15

Area = 90 m²

Area of composite shape = 60 + 90 = 150m²

3) Area of triangle = ¹/₂ * 3 * 7 = 10.5 ft²

Area of semi circle = ¹/₂ * πr²

= ¹/₂ * π * 1.5²

= 3.53 ft²

Total composite area = 10.5 ft² + 3.53 ft²

Total composite area = 14.03 ft²

4) Total composite area = (¹/₂ * π * 7.5²) + (30 * 15)

= 538.36 cm²

Read more about Area of composite figure at: https://brainly.com/question/10254615


In a triangle PQR,the sides PQ, QR and PR measure 15 in, 20 in and 25 in respectively.


Triangle PQR's perimeter is **60 inches**.

What is the triangle's perimeter?

The lengths of a triangle's sides added together form its perimeter.

Pythagorean triplet: what is it?

The Pythagorean theorem asserts that in a right-angled triangle, the square of the hypotenuse's length (the side opposite the right angle) is equal to the sum of the squares of the lengths of the other two sides 1. A Pythagorean triplet is a group of three positive integers that satisfies this condition.

Triangle PQR has sides PQ = 15 inches, QR = 20 inches, and PR = 25 inches.

A triangle's perimeter is equal to the sum of its sides. Triangle PQR's perimeter is 15 + 20 + 25= **60 inches**.  as a result.

To know more about perimeter of triangle visit:



What is 1624.05 rounded


1624.05 rounded to the nearest whole number is 1624

An angle measures 37.6° more than the measure of its complementary angle. What is the measure of each angle?


The pair of required complementary angles are 26.2° and 63.8° respectively.

What are complementary angles?

Two angles are said to be supplementary angles because they combine to generate a linear angle when their sum is 180 degrees.

When two angles add up to 90 degrees, however, they are said to be complimentary angles and together they make a right angle.

If the total of two angles is 90o (ninety degrees), then the angles are complementary.

A 30-angle and a 60-angle, for instance, are two complementary angles.

So, to find the 2 angles which are complementary:

x + x + 37.6 = 90

Now, solve it as follows:

x + x + 37.6 = 90

2x = 90 - 37.6

2x = 52.4

x = 52.4/2

x = 26.2

Now, x = 26.2 and the second angle x + 37.6 is = 26.2 + 37.6 = 63.8°.

Therefore, the pair of required complementary angles are 26.2° and 63.8° respectively.

Know more about complementary angles here:



Find the volume of a pyramid with a square base, where the area of the base is 19. 6 ft 2 19. 6 ft 2 and the height of the pyramid is 11. 6 ft 11. 6 ft. Round your answer to the nearest tenth of a cubic foot


If the area of the base is 19. 6 ft^2 and the height of the pyramid is 11. 6 ft, the volume of the pyramid is approximately 79.1 cubic feet.

The formula for the volume of a pyramid is given by:

V = (1/3) × base area × height

In this case, we are given that the pyramid has a square base, so the base area is simply the area of a square with side length s:

base area = s^2 = 19.6 ft^2

We are also given the height of the pyramid:

height = 11.6 ft

Substituting these values into the formula for the volume of a pyramid, we get:

V = (1/3) × base area × height

= (1/3) × 19.6 ft^2 × 11.6 ft

≈ 79.1 ft^3 (rounded to the nearest tenth)

To learn more about volume click on,



The radius of a circle is 18 inches.
Find the circumference of the circle.
Use 3.14 for pi
Round decimals to the hundredths place.


Thus, the circumference of the circle for the given radius is found as:  113.04 inches.

Explain about the circumference:

A circle is a 2-D object made up of one point at the centre of a circular, uninterrupted line. Every point on the line is precisely the same distance from the single point with in centre because to the way the line is drawn around it.  

The constant number pi, denoted by the sign  π,, which equates to 22/7 or 3.14, is the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter.

Given that-

radius of circle r = 18 inchesπ = 3.14

circumference: c = 2πr

Put the values:

c = 2*3.14*18

c = 113.04 inches

Thus, the circumference of the circle for the given radius is found as:  113.04 inches.

Know more about the circumference



help its due tonight


The number of solutions of each quadratic equation is given as follows:

x² - x - 6 = 0: Two.x² - 10x + 25 = 0: One.-5x² - x - 2 = 0: Zero.

What is the discriminant of a quadratic equation and how does it influence the solutions?

A quadratic equation is modeled by the general equation presented as follows:

y = ax² + bx + c

The discriminant of the quadratic function is given by the equation as follows:

Δ = b² - 4ac.

The numeric value of the coefficient and the number of solutions of the quadratic equation are related as follows:

Δ > 0: two real solutions.Δ = 0: one real solution.Δ < 0: two complex solutions.

Hence the discriminant of each function is given as follows:

x² - x - 6 = 0: (-1)² - 4(1)(-6) = 25 -> two solutions.x² - 10x + 25 = 0: (-10)² - 4(1)(25) = 100 - 100 = 0 -> One solution.-5x² - x - 2 = 0: (-1)² - 4(-5)(-2) = 1 - 40 = -39 -> Zero solutions.

More can be learned about quadratic functions at https://brainly.com/question/1214333




A line graph would be an appropriate data display to show the average height of all the plants during the month and how the heights vary.

What is line graph?

A line graph is a visual representation that displays the relationship between two variables, in this case, the weekly heights of the sunflowers and the time in weeks. The x-axis would represent the weeks, and the y-axis would represent the height in inches. The line graph would show the trend in the data over time, and it would be easy to see how the heights of the sunflowers change over the weeks. Additionally, it would be possible to calculate the average height of all the plants during the month by adding up the heights of all the plants at each time point and dividing by the total number of plants. This average could then be represented on the graph as a horizontal line, showing how it compares to the actual heights of the sunflowers. Furthermore, the line graph could also be used to show the variability in the data by plotting error bars around the average line or displaying individual data points as dots or small lines. This would allow viewers to see how much the heights vary between plants and how consistent the growth is over time.


In summary, a line graph would be an appropriate data display to show the average height of all the plants during the month and how the heights vary. It would allow viewers to easily see the trends in the data over time, and how much the heights vary between plants, making it a useful tool for visualizing the growth of sunflowers.

To know more about line graph,



1. how many paths are there? 2. the critical path is the a) longest path. b) shortest path. c) path with the most activities. d) path with the fewest activities.


Answer to the question is (a) longest path. The critical path is determined by identifying all the possible paths and calculating their durations, and the one with the longest duration is identified as the critical path.

Explain how many paths are there?

The number of paths can vary depending on the specific situation or system being analyzed.

The critical path is the longest path in terms of duration or time required to complete all its activities. It is the sequence of tasks or activities that must be completed in order to complete the project within the minimum possible time.

The critical path determines the total duration of the project, and any delay in the critical path activities will cause a delay in the project's completion time.

Therefore, the answer to the question is (a) longest path. The critical path is determined by identifying all the possible paths and calculating their durations, and the one with the longest duration is identified as the critical path.

The critical path method (CPM) is a popular technique used in project management to identify and manage the critical path.

Learn more about critical path.



n homeroom, 3 of the 16 girls have red hair and 2 of the 15 boys have red hair. what is the probability of selecting a boy or a red-haired person as homeroom representative to student council


To calculate the probability of selecting a boy or a red-haired person as a homeroom representative to student council, we need to find the probability of each event and then use the formula P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B) - P(A and B).

There are 31 students in total (16 girls + 15 boys). The probability of selecting a boy is 15/31.

There are 5 red-haired students (3 girls + 2 boys). The probability of selecting a red-haired person is 5/31.

However, we need to account for the overlap between boys and red-haired students. There are 2 red-haired boys, so the probability of selecting a red-haired boy is 2/31.

Now we can use the formula: P(boy or red-haired) = P(boy) + P(red-haired) - P(boy and red-haired) = (15/31) + (5/31) - (2/31) = 18/31.

So, the probability of selecting a boy or a red-haired person as a homeroom representative to student council is 18/31.

Learn more about probability:



Graph the function: f(x) = -2 for x< 1. Show a T-chart with all of your work. Determine a solution that is part of the
function for the given interval.


The graph of the given function f(x) = -2 is as attached .

How to graph a function?

The general formula for the equation of a line in slope intercept form is:

y = mx + c


m is slope

c is y-intercept

We are given the function as:

f(x) = -2

Thus, this means that the graph will be a straight horizontal line cutting across the point -2 on the y-axis which is indicated in the graph attached

Read more about Function Graph at: https://brainly.com/question/4025726


Give a recursive definition of the functions max and min so that max(a1, a2,.. an) and min(a1, a2,. an) are the maximum and minimum of the n numbers a1, a2,.... an respectively


To give a recursive definition of the functions max and min, we can start by defining the base case and then building upon it.

For the function max, the base case would be when we have only two numbers, a1 and a2. In this case, we would simply compare the two numbers and return the maximum.

max(a1, a2) =
- a1 if a1 > a2
- a2 if a2 > a1

To extend this definition to n numbers, we can use recursion. We first find the maximum of the first n-1 numbers using the same recursive definition. We then compare this maximum with the nth number and return the greater of the two.

max(a1, a2, ..., an) =
- max(a1, a2, ..., an-1) if max(a1, a2, ..., an-1) > an
- an if an > max(a1, a2, ..., an-1)

Similarly, for the function min, the base case would be when we have only two numbers, a1 and a2. In this case, we would simply compare the two numbers and return the minimum.

min(a1, a2) =
- a1 if a1 < a2
- a2 if a2 < a1

To extend this definition to n numbers, we can use recursion. We first find the minimum of the first n-1 numbers using the same recursive definition. We then compare this minimum with the nth number and return the smaller of the two.

min(a1, a2, ..., an) =
- min(a1, a2, ..., an-1) if min(a1, a2, ..., an-1) < an
- an if an < min(a1, a2, ..., an-1)

Therefore, we have provided recursive definitions of the functions max and min, where max(a1, a2,.. an) and min(a1, a2,. an) are the maximum and minimum of the n numbers a1, a2,.... an respectively.

Let's start with the base cases:
1. max(a1): In this case, the maximum value is a1 itself, as there's only one number.
2. min(a1): Similarly, the minimum value is a1 when there's only one number.

Now, let's define the recursive steps for both max and min functions:

1. max(a1, a2, ..., an):
  - Compare a1 with the maximum value of the remaining n-1 numbers, i.e., max(a2, a3, ..., an).
  - If a1 is greater than max(a2, a3, ..., an), then max(a1, a2, ..., an) = a1.
  - Otherwise, max(a1, a2, ..., an) = max(a2, a3, ..., an).

2. min(a1, a2, ..., an):
  - Compare a1 with the minimum value of the remaining n-1 numbers, i.e., min(a2, a3, ..., an).
  - If a1 is smaller than min(a2, a3, ..., an), then min(a1, a2, ..., an) = a1.
  - Otherwise, min(a1, a2, ..., an) = min(a2, a3, ..., an).

By using these recursive definitions, you can find the maximum and minimum of n numbers a1, a2, ..., an respectively.

To learn more about recursive - brainly.com/question/30027987


Lucia has three separate pieces of ribbon. Each piece is 5 yards long. She needs to cut pieces that are 27 inches long to decorate folklorico dance dresses. What is the greatest number of 27-inch pieces that she can cut from three pieces of ribbon?

A 20
B 18
C 7
D 6


The greatest number of 27-inch pieces that she can cut from three pieces of ribbon is found to be 19. So, option B is the correct answer choice.

Each yard is equal to 36 inches, so 5 yards are equal to 180 inches. Therefore, each piece of ribbon is 180 inches long.

To find out how many 27-inch pieces Lucia can cut from each piece of ribbon, we divide 180 by 27.

180/27 = 6.67

Since Lucia can only cut whole pieces, she can cut 6 pieces of ribbon from each piece of ribbon.

Therefore, she can cut a total of 6 x 3 = 18 pieces of ribbon from the three separate pieces of ribbon.

Learn more about Division :



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