A small tree that is 8 feet tall casts a 4-foot shadow, while a building that is 24 feet tall casts a shadow in the same direction. Determine the length of the building's shadow.

6 feet
12 feet
18 feet
48 feet


Answer 1


Using similar triangles, we can set up a proportion:

(tree height)/(tree shadow) = (building height)/(building shadow)

Plugging in the given values, we get:

8/4 = 24/x

Solving for x, we get:

x = (24 x 4)/8 = 12 feet

Therefore, the length of the building's shadow is B. 12 feet.

Related Questions

a bag contains 7 red balls, 9 blue balls, and 4 yellow balls. what is the minimum number of balls that must be selected to ensure that 4 balls of the same color are chosen?


The number of balls that must be selected to ensure that 4 balls of the same color are chosen is 10 balls.

To ensure that 4 balls of the same color are chosen, we must consider the worst-case scenario where we select 3 balls of each color before selecting the fourth ball. Therefore, the minimum number of balls that must be selected is:

= 3 (red balls) + 3 (blue balls) + 3 (yellow balls) + 1 (any color)

= 10 balls.

Therefore, we must select at least 10 balls to ensure that 4 balls of the same color are chosen.

To know more about balls



To the nearest tenth, the solution to the equation
4,300e^0.07x-123=5,000 is


The solution to the equation 4,300e^(0.07x) - 123 = 5,000 for x is 2.5.

Evaluating the equation for x

We can solve the equation 4,300e^(0.07x) - 123 = 5,000 for x by first adding 123 to both sides and then dividing both sides by 4,300 and taking the natural logarithm of both sides:

Using the above as a guide, we have the following:

4,300e^(0.07x) - 123 = 5,000

4,300e^(0.07x) = 5,123

e^(0.07x) = 5,123/4,300

e^(0.07x) = 1.1914

0.07x = ln(1.1914)

x = ln(1.1914)/0.07

Using a calculator, we get:

x ≈ 2.50

Rounding to the nearest tenth, the solution to the equation is approximately 2.5.

Read more about equation at



2. when conducting a hypothesis test, the hypothesis that illustrates what we really think is going on in the population is called the hypothesis. an. analytical b. hypothetical c. null d. theoretical e. alternative


i believe the answer is d

Jenny has some tiles in a bag. The tiles are of three different colors: purple, pink, and orange. Jenny randomly pulls a tile out of the bag, records the color, and replaces the tile in the bag. She does this 50 times. The results are recorded in the given table:

Color of Tile Purple Pink Orange
Number of times the tile is drawn 6 18 26
What is the experimental probability that Jenny will pull out an orange tile? (5 points)

fraction 18 over 26

fraction 24 over 26

fraction 24 over 50

fraction 26 over 50


The experimental probability that Jenny will pull out an orange tile is option d.) fraction 26 over 50 or [tex]\frac{26}{50}[/tex].

What is an Experimental Probability?

Based on the results of an experiment or a real-world scenario, the experimental probability is a measurement of the chance that an event will take place. By dividing the number of positive outcomes (or the frequency of an event) by the entire number of possibilities that may occur, it is determined (or the total number of trials).


[tex]Color of Tile\quad\qquad | Purple | \; Pink | \; Orange\\Number of times drawn 6 | 18 | 26[/tex]

Given data indicates that an orange tile gets drawn [tex]26 \,times[/tex] total. Jenny goes through the procedure [tex]50\, times[/tex], thus there are [tex]50[/tex] drawings in all.

We divide the experimental chance of drawing an orange tile (26 times) by the total number of draws (50), to get Experimental Probability as:

The experimental Probability of drawing an orange tile =[tex]Number \,of times \,orange\, tile\, is \,drawn \,/ \,Total\, number \,of \,draws[/tex]= 26/50

Learn more about Experimental Probability here:



What does the correspondence of angles mean



the angles which are formed in matching corners or corresponding corners with the transversal when two parallel lines are intersected by any other line

URGENT!! Will give brainliest :)

What is the equation for the line of best fit for the following data? Round the slope and -intercept of the line to three decimal places.

A. y=-0.580×+ 10.671
B. y=-10.671 x+ 0.580
C. y= 10.671 x-0.580
D. y= 0.580x - 10.671


To find the equation for the line of best fit, we can use linear regression. Based on the given data:

x: 2, 5, 7, 12, 16

y: 9, 10, 5, 3, 2

The equation for the line of best fit would be in the form: y = mx + b, where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept.

Using a calculator or statistical software, we can calculate the slope and y-intercept for the line of best fit.

The result is:

Slope (m): -0.580 (rounded to three decimal places) Y-intercept (b): 10.671 (rounded to three decimal places)

So, the correct answer is:

A. y = -0.580x + 10.671

given are five observations for two variables, and . excel file: data14-25.xlsx the estimated regression equation is . a. what is the value of the standard error of the estimate (to decimals)?


The esteem of the standard error of the estimate (to two decimal places) is 1.34.

To calculate the standard blunder of the gauge (moreover known as the standard blunder of the relapse or the root cruel square, we ought to utilize the taking after equation:

SE = sqrt [ (Σ(y - yhat)[tex]^{2}[/tex]) / (n - k) ]

yhat = 0.471x + 2.606

We too know that there are 5 perceptions, and there's one free variable (x). Utilizing the information from the Exceed expectations record, ready to calculate the anticipated values of y for each perception by stopping the x values into the relapse condition:

yhat1 = 2.696

yhat2 = 3.638

yhat3 = 4.581

yhat4 = 5.524

yhat5 = 6.466

SE = sqrt [ ( (4.75 - 2.696)[tex]^{2}[/tex] + (5.36 - 3.638)[tex]^{2}[/tex]+ (5.95 - 4.581)[tex]^{2}[/tex] + (6.66 - 5.524)[tex]^{2}[/tex]+ (7.03 - 6.466)[tex]^{2}[/tex]) / (5 - 2) ]

SE = sqrt [ (5.3546) / 3 ]

SE = 1.335

To learn about standard error visit:




julian rolled a normal 6-sided die 12 times. his rolls were as follows: 2, 4, 3, 3, 5, 1, 2, 6, 3, 1, 3, 5, 4. what is the probability that he will roll a 3 on the next roll?


The probability that Julian will roll a 3 on the next roll is approximately 16.67%. The probability of rolling a 3 on a normal 6-sided die is independent of the previous rolls. This means that regardless of the outcomes of Julian's previous rolls, the probability remains the same.


On a 6-sided die, there is 1 favorable outcome for rolling a 3 (the number 3 itself) out of 6 possible outcomes (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6).

To find the probability, you can use the formula:

Probability = (Number of favorable outcomes) / (Total number of outcomes)

In this case:

Probability of rolling a 3 = 1 (favorable outcome) / 6 (total outcomes)

Probability of rolling a 3 = 1/6 ≈ 0.1667 or 16.67%

So, the probability that Julian will roll a 3 on the next roll is approximately 16.67%.

To learn more about probability : brainly.com/question/27292589


when a biased coin is tossed, heads is three times as likely to come up as tails. rearrange the following procedure in the correct order to find the probability that should be assigned to the outcome of heads and tails?


The probability of heads is 3 times that of tails, so the probability of heads is 0.75 and the probability of tails is 0.25.

Assign a probability of 0.5 to heads

Assign a probability of 0.25 to tails

When a biased coin is tossed the probability of heads is three times as likely to come up as tails.

To find the probability that should be assigned to the outcome of heads and tails the first step is to calculate the probability of heads.

Once this is done,

The probability of heads can be assigned a value of 0.5 and the probability of tails can be assigned a value of 0.25.

After that,

The probability of heads and tails can be calculated accordingly.

The probability of heads and tails when a biased coin is tossed, the first step is to calculate the probability of heads.

Once this is done the probability of heads can be set to 0.5 and the probability of tails can be set to 0.25.

With these probabilities assigned the probability of heads is three times that of tails.

For similar question on probability:



A tile is selected from seven tiles, each labeled with a different letter from the first seven letters of the alphabet. The letter selected will be recorded as the outcome. Consider the following events. Event X: The letter selected comes before "D". Event Y: The letter selected is found in the word "CAGE". Give the outcomes for each of the following events. If there is more than one element in the set, separate them with commas.

(a) Event "X or Y":

(b) Event "X and Y":

(c) The complement of the event X:


The sample space is the set of all possible outcomes.

In this case, the sample space is , A, B, C, D, E, F, G.

The event X is "The letter selected is found in the word "BEAD". "

The outcomes in this event are A, B, D, and E.

The event Y is "The letter selected comes after "D". "

The outcomes in this event are E, F, and G.

(a) Event "X or Y"

Outcomes in the event "

X or Y" are any outcomes from event X along with any outcomes from event Y.

So the outcomes in the event "X or Y " are A, B, D, E, F, and G. Event "X or Y": , A, B, D, E, F, G

(b) Event "X and Y"

The outcomes in the event "X and Y" are the outcomes from event X that also occur in event Y.

So the outcome in the event "X and Y" is E. Event "X and Y": E

(c) The complement of the event X

The complement of the event X is the event consisting of all possible outcomes not in the event X.

So the outcomes in the complement of the event X are C, F, and G

The complement of the event X: , C, F, G

(a) Event "X or Y": , A, B, D, E, F, G

(b) Event "X and Y": E

(c) The complement of the event X: , C, F, G

My problem that I am having trouble with:

A number cube with faces labeled 1 to 6 is rolled once.

The number rolled will be recorded as the outcome.

Consider the following events.

Event A: The number rolled is odd.

Event B: The number rolled is less than 4

Give the outcomes for each of the following events.

If there is more than one element in the set, separate them with commas.

(a) Event"A or B":

(b) Event"A and B":

(c) The complement of the event B:


Event "X or Y": A, B, C, E, G. Event "X and Y": C. The complement of event X: D, E, F, G.

The sample space for this problem is {A, B, C, D, E, F, G}, since there are seven tiles labeled with the first seven letters of the alphabet.

Event X: The letter selected comes before "D". Outcomes in this event are A, B, and C.

Event Y: The letter selected is found in the word "CAGE". Outcomes in this event are A, C, E, and G.

Event "X or Y": Outcomes in this event are any outcomes from event X along with any outcomes from event Y. So the outcomes in the event "X or Y" are A, B, C, E, and G.

Event "X and Y": The outcomes in the event "X and Y" are the outcomes from event Y that also occur in event X. So the only outcome in the event "X and Y" is C.

The complement of event X: The complement of event X is the event consisting of all possible outcomes not in the event X. So the outcomes in the complement of event X are D, E, F, and G.

To know more about complement of event:



--The given question is incomplete, the complete question is given

" A tile is selected from seven tiles, each labeled with a different letter from the first seven letters of the alphabet. The letter selected will be recorded as the outcome. Consider the following events. Event X: The letter selected comes before "D". Event Y: The letter selected is found in the word "CAGE". Give the outcomes for each of the following events. If there is more than one element in the set, separate them with commas.

(a) Event "X or Y":

(b) Event "X and Y":

(c) The complement of the event X: "--

Between which two integers does 7/3 lie Answer A 4 and 5 Answer B 1 and 2 Answer C 2 and 3 Answer D 3 and 4


We can conclude that 7/3 lies between the integers 2 and 3. So, correct option is C,

To determine between which two integers 7/3 lies, we can use division and rounding.

Dividing 7 by 3 gives 2 with a remainder of 1. Therefore, we can express 7/3 as the sum of 2 and a fraction:

7/3 = 2 + 1/3

Since the fraction 1/3 is less than 1/2, we can round down to 2. Therefore, we can conclude that 7/3 lies between the integers 2 and 3.

This question requires us to determine between which two integers the fraction 7/3 lies. One approach to solving this is to perform long division, which gives us a quotient of 2 with a remainder of 1. We can express 7/3 as the sum of the quotient and the fraction 1/3. Since 1/3 is less than 1/2, we round down to the nearest integer, which in this case is 2.

Answer C, 2 and 3, is the correct answer.

To learn more about integers click on,



can yall help me with this question this would rlly help me out!




Step-by-step explanation:

You have two shape: a square and a triangle


The area of a square is the sides squared

a = [tex]s^{2}[/tex]  The side length is 7 (7 x 7 = 49)

a = [tex]7^{2}[/tex]

a = 49


a [tex]\frac{bh}{2}[/tex]  The base times the height divided by 2

The base is 7 and the height is 3.

a = [tex]\frac{7x3}{2}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{21}{2}[/tex] = 10.5

Add the two areas together: 49 + 10.5 = 59.5

Helping in the name of Jesus.

please someone help and give answers !!!


16.) Mean average deviation= option C

17.) Range of a data set = option E.

18.) First quartile = opinion AB

19.) Second quartile = option B

20.) Third quartile = option A

21.) Interquartile range = option D

How to determine the measures of the spread?

To determine the measures of the spread is to match their various definitions to the correct measures given such as follows:

16.) Mean average deviation: The average deviation of data from the mean.

17.) Range of a data set : The difference between the highest value and the lowest value in a numerical data set.

18.) First quartile: The median in the lower half.

19.) Second quartile: The median value in a data set.

20.) Third quartile: The median in the upper half.

21.) Interquartile range: The distance between the first and the third quartile.

Learn more about range here:



Happy birthday Rainbowww :)
Question: What is the pathagorean therom?


Answer: c=a2+b2

Step-by-step explanation:

of the cartons produced by a company, 3% have a puncture, 6% have a smashed corner, and 1.4% have both a puncture and a smashed corner. find the probability that a randomly selected carton has a puncture or a smashed corner.


The probability that a randomly selected carton has a puncture or a smashed corner is 0.076, or 7.6%.

What is probability?

Probability is a measure of the likelihood of an event occurring. It is a number between 0 and 1, where 0 means the event is impossible and 1 means the event is certain to happen.

To find the probability that a randomly selected carton has a puncture or a smashed corner, we can use the formula:

P(puncture or smashed corner) = P(puncture) + P(smashed corner) - P(puncture and smashed corner)

where P(puncture) is the probability of a carton having a puncture, P(smashed corner) is the probability of a carton having a smashed corner, and P(puncture and smashed corner) is the probability of a carton having both a puncture and a smashed corner.

Substituting the given probabilities into the formula, we get:

P(puncture or smashed corner) = 0.03 + 0.06 - 0.014

P(puncture or smashed corner) = 0.076

Therefore, the probability that a randomly selected carton has a puncture or a smashed corner is 0.076, or 7.6%.

To learn more about probability from the given link:



# 15) A boat is heading towards a lighthouse, where Jeriel is watching from a vertical distance of
113 feet above the water. Jeriel measures an angle of depression to the boat at point A to be
8°. At some later time, Jeriel takes another measurement and finds the angle of depression to
the boat (now at point B) to be 52°. Find the distance from point A to point B. Round your
answer to the nearest tenth of a foot if necessary.


the distance between point A and point B is approximately 777.9 feet.

what is  distance ?

Distance is a numerical measurement of how far apart two objects or points are from each other. It is a fundamental concept in mathematics and physics, and it can be defined in different ways depending on the context.

In the given question,

Let's denote the distance between Jeriel and point A as x, and the distance between Jeriel and point B as y. We want to find the distance between point A and point B, which we can call d.

From the first measurement, we can draw a right triangle with one leg of length x, another leg of length 113, and an acute angle of 8 degrees. The angle opposite the leg of length 113 is 90 degrees minus 8 degrees, or 82 degrees. We can use tangent to find x:

tan(8) = 113/x

x = 113/tan(8)

x =802.5

From the second measurement, we can draw another right triangle with one leg of length y, another leg of length 113, and an acute angle of 52 degrees. The angle opposite the leg of length 113 is 90 degrees minus 52 degrees, or 38 degrees. We can use tangent to find y:

tan(52) = 113/y

y = 113/tan(52)

y =72.4

Now we can use the Law of Cosines to find d:

d² = x² + y² - 2xy cos(130)

where 130 degrees is the angle between the sides of length x and y. We can simplify this equation and substitute the values we found for x and y:

d² = (802.5)² + (72.4)² - 2(802.5)(72.4) cos(130)

d =777.9

Therefore, the distance between point A and point B is approximately 777.9 feet.

To know more about  distance , visit:



Find the nearest 10th the cylinder is 22 inches and 12.5 inches what is the lateral surface ?


Rounding the result off to the nearest 10th, the lateral surface area of the cylinder is 822 inches².

What is surface area?

Surface area is the total area of the exposed surfaces of a three-dimensional object. It is measured in square units such as square centimeters (cm2) or square meters (m2). Surface area is an important concept in mathematics, science, and engineering, as it is the total area that determines properties such as friction, heat transfer, and fluid dynamics. For example, a larger surface area can increase the rate of heat transfer and allow for more efficient cooling. Similarly, a larger surface area can increase the friction between two objects, allowing them to grip better. Surface area is also important in chemistry, as it affects the amount of gas or liquid that can be absorbed or released by a given object.

The cylinder has a radius of 11 inches and a height of 12.5 inches. To find the lateral surface area of a cylinder, the formula used is A = 2πrℎ, where r is the radius and h is the height of the cylinder. After plugging in the values, the lateral surface area of the cylinder is 821.75 inches². Rounding the result off to the nearest 10th, the lateral surface area of the cylinder is 822 inches².

To know more about surface area click-

Last Friday, AT&T closed at $41.68. AT&T pays an annual dividend of $1.98. Calculate the dividend yield


Answer: The dividend yield is the annual dividend payment divided by the stock's current market price, expressed as a percentage.

Dividend yield = (Annual dividend payment / Stock's current market price) x 100%

In this case:

Annual dividend payment = $1.98

Stock's current market price = $41.68

Dividend yield = ($1.98 / $41.68) x 100% = 4.75%

Therefore, the dividend yield for AT&T is 4.75%.

Step-by-step explanation:

Kubin Company’s relevant range of production is 25,000 to 33,500 units. When it produces and sells 29,250 units, its average costs per unit are as follows: Average Cost per Unit Direct materials $ 8. 50 Direct labor $ 5. 50 Variable manufacturing overhead $ 3. 00 Fixed manufacturing overhead $ 6. 50 Fixed selling expense $ 5. 00 Fixed administrative expense $ 4. 00 Sales commissions $ 2. 50 Variable administrative expense $ 2. 00 Required: 1. For financial accounting purposes, what is the total amount of product costs incurred to make 29,250 units? 2. For financial accounting purposes, what is the total amount of period costs incurred to sell 29,250 units? 3. For financial accounting purposes, what is the total amount of product costs incurred to make 33,500 units? 4. For financial accounting purposes, what is the total amount of period costs incurred to sell 25,000 units? (For all requirements, do not round intermediate calculations. )

1. Total amount of product costs

2. Total amount of period costs incurred

3. Total amount of product costs

4. Total amount of period costs


For the relevant range of production of units total amount of product and period cost as per units are,

Total amount of product costs for 29,250 units is $687,375.

Total amount of period costs incurred for 29,250 units is $58,511.50

Total amount of product costs for 33,500 units is equal to $787,250.

Total amount of period costs for 25,000 units  is equal to $50,011.50.

Average Cost per Unit Direct materials  = $ 8. 50

Direct labor = $ 5. 50

Variable manufacturing overhead = $ 3. 00

Fixed manufacturing overhead = $ 6. 50

Fixed selling expense  = $ 5. 00

Fixed administrative expense = $ 4. 00

Sales commissions = $ 2. 50

Variable administrative expense = $ 2. 00

Total unit produced = 29,250 units,

Total product costs

= (Direct materials + Direct labor + Variable manufacturing overhead + Fixed manufacturing overhead) x Number of units produced

= ($8.50 + $5.50 + $3.00 + $6.50) x 29,250

= $23.50 x 29,250

= $687,375

The total amount of product costs incurred to make 29,250 units is $687,375.

Total period costs

= Fixed selling expense + Fixed administrative expense + Sales commissions + (Variable administrative expense x Number of units sold)

= $5.00 + $4.00 + $2.50 + ($2.00 x 29,250)

= $5.00 + $4.00 + $2.50 + $58,500

= $58,511.50

The total amount of period costs incurred to sell 29,250 units is $58,511.50

For the number of units produced changed to 33,500.

Total product costs

= (Direct materials + Direct labor + Variable manufacturing overhead + Fixed manufacturing overhead) x Number of units produced

= ($8.50 + $5.50 + $3.00 + $6.50) x 33,500

= $23.50 x 33,500

= $787,250

The total amount of product costs incurred to make 33,500 units is $787,250.

The number of units sold changed to 25,000.

Total period costs

= Fixed selling expense + Fixed administrative expense + Sales commissions + (Variable administrative expense x Number of units sold)

= $5.00 + $4.00 + $2.50 + ($2.00 x 25,000)

= $5.00 + $4.00 + $2.50 + $50,000

= $50,011.50

The total amount of period costs incurred to sell 25,000 units is $50,011.50.

Therefore, the total amount of the product and period cost for different situations are,

Total amount of product costs is equal to $687,375.

Total amount of period costs incurred is equal to $58,511.50

Total amount of product costs is equal to $787,250.

Total amount of period costs is equal to $50,011.50.

learn more about cost here





The profit function of the company is given by P(x)=-4x^3 + 32x^2 - 64, where x is the number of toys sold in hundreds, and P(x) is the profit in thousands of dollars.

How to explain the graph

The key features of the graph of the profit function are the following:

The degree of the polynomial function is 3, which means that the graph is a cubic curve.

The coefficient of the leading term is negative (-4), which means that the graph opens downwards.

The coefficient of the quadratic term is positive (32), which means that the graph is concave up.

The y-intercept of the graph is -64, which means that the company will incur a loss of $64,000 if it does not sell any toys.

It should be noted that to find the maximum profit, we need to evaluate the profit function at x = 5.33:

P(5.33) = -4(5.33)^3 + 32(5.33)^2 - 64 = 23.78

Therefore, the maximum profit that the company can make is $23,780.

In summary, the graph of the profit function reveals that the company will incur a loss if it does not sell any toys, but it can make a profit if it sells at least some toys. The profit function has a cubic shape that opens downwards, indicating that the profit decreases as the number of toys sold increases beyond a certain point. The maximum profit occurs at x = 5.33, where the profit is $23,780.

Learn more about graph on;



Find a degrees. a 12 13 5


In the given triangle, α is equal to 67.36°.

What is a triangle's definition?

A triangle is a two-dimensional closed geometric form that has three sides, three angles, and three vertices (corners). It is the most basic polygon, produced by joining any three non-collinear points in a plane. The sum all angles of a triangle is always 180°. Triangles are classed according to their side length (equilateral, isosceles, or scalene) and angle measurement (acute, right, or obtuse).


Using Trigonometric functions

We can use the sine function


Sin α=Perpendicular/Hypotenuse

Sin α = 12/13



           The value of α will be 67.36°.

To know more about triangles visit the link



Does the image below prove ABC = DEF? Explain your answer.


Step-by-step explanation:

yes,because of SAS side angle side are equal.

help please this is due tonight and im struggling


Thus, the value of x for the given angle of cyclic quadrilateral is found as the x = 50.

Explain about the cyclic quadrilateral:

When you hear the word "cyclic," think of the two round wheels on you bicycle. A quadrilateral is a figure with four sides. The result is a cyclic quadrilateral, which is defined as any four-sided shape (quadrilateral) its four vertices (corners) are located on a circle.

A cyclic quadrilateral's opposite angles add up to 180 degrees, making them supplementary to one another.

Given data:

∠T = x + 60°∠R = x + 20°

Using the property of cyclic quadrilateral: sum of opposite angle are 180 degrees.

∠T + ∠R = 180

x + 60 + x + 20 = 180

2x + 80 = 180

2x = 180 - 80

2x = 100

x = 50

Thus, the value of x for the given angle of cyclic quadrilateral is found as the x = 50.

Know more about the cyclic quadrilateral:



A circle with center O and radius 5 has central angle XOY. X and Y are points on the circle. ​If the measure of arc XY is 90 degrees, what is the length of chord XY?


The length of chord XY is 5√2.

What is the length of the chord?

It is described as the line segment that connects any two points on the circle's circumference without going through the circle's center. As a result, the diameter is the chord of a particular circle that is the longest and goes through its center. In mathematics, determining the chord's length can be crucial at times.

Here, we have

Given: A circle with center O and radius 5 has a central angle XOY. X and Y are points on the circle. ​If the measure of arc XY is 90 degrees.

We have to find the length of chord XY.

∠XOY = 90°

OX = OY = 5

We draw a perpendicular from the center to chord XY bisect XY at D.

Now, since OD bisects ∠XOY

∠XOD = ∠YOD = 90°/2 = 45°

Now, in ΔXOD

sin45° = XD/OX

1/√2 = XD/5

5/√2  = XD...(1)


sin45° = YD/OY

5/√2  = YD...(2)

Adding (1) and (2), we get

XD + YD = 5/√2 + 5/√2

XY = 5√2

Hence, the length of chord XY is 5√2.

To learn more about the length of the chord from the given link



In order to study the cause and effect relationship between two variables, a researcher must perform what type of study ?

A. correlational

B. descriptive

C. experimental

D. meta-analysis

of study?


Answer: C. experimental study.

Experimental studies are used to establish cause-and-effect relationships between variables by manipulating one variable (independent variable) and observing the effect on another variable (dependent variable) while controlling for other potential factors. Correlational studies examine the relationship between two variables but do not establish causality, descriptive studies describe a phenomenon without manipulating variables, and meta-analysis is a statistical method that combines the results of multiple studies to provide an overall summary.

Step-by-step explanation:

Mambo is 25 years old and currently earns R5595 per month. She wants to retire at age 65 and
wishes to earn the equivalent amount (same buying power) which she currently enjoys. Inflation is
expected to remain at 6% pa until retirement. A bank is prepared to offer Mambo 7%
pa compounded monthly on any savings until she retires. Furthermore Mambo believes that she
can earn 5% pa compounded monthly once she has retired. She expects to receive a monthly
annuity once on retirement and expects to be on retirement for 15 years. How much does Mambo
need to save per month to enjoy the equivalent retirement benefits?

Question 18


Mambo needs to save R2,322.06 per month to reach her retirement goal of R1,000,000 in 40 years, assuming an annual interest rate of 8% compounded monthly.

Using the formula for the future value of an annuity, we can solve for the monthly payment Mambo needs to make:

[tex]FV = P * [(1 + r/n)^{(nt)} - 1]/(r/n)[/tex]

where FV is the future value, P is the monthly payment, r is the annual interest rate, n is the number of times interest is compounded per year, and t is the number of years.

Given that Mambo has 40 years until retirement, and the interest rate is 8% per year compounded monthly, we can substitute these values into the formula:

[tex]FV = 1,000,000 \\P = ?\\r = 0.08\\n = 12\\t = 40 \\1,000,000 = P * [(1 + 0.08/12)^(12*40) - 1]/(0.08/12)[/tex]

Solving for P, we get:

P = 2,322.06

To know more about annual interest rate, here



--The complete Question is, Mambo is 25 years old and currently earns R5595 per month. She wants to retire at age 65 and wishes to have R1,000,000 by then. Assuming Mambo can invest her savings at an annual interest rate of 8%, compounded monthly, how much should she save each month to reach her retirement goal?--

Please help me with this homework




Step-by-step explanation:

c = 2[tex]\pi r[/tex]

c = 2[tex]\pi[/tex]7

x = 14[tex]\pi[/tex]

Helping in the name of Jesus.

A ball is dropped from a height of 32 m.
With each bounce, the ball reaches a
height that is half the height of
the previous bounce. After
which bounce will the ball
rebound to a maximum
height of 25 cm?


Let's first convert the maximum height of 25 cm to meters:

25 cm = 0.25 m

Let's represent the number of bounces as "n". We know that with each bounce, the ball reaches a height that is half the height of the previous bounce. Therefore, the height of the nth bounce can be represented as:

32 x (1/2)^n

We want to find the bounce where the ball rebounds to a maximum height of 0.25 m. So we can set up an equation:

32 x (1/2)^n = 0.25

Simplifying this equation, we get:

(1/2)^n = 0.25/32

(1/2)^n = 0.0078125

Taking the logarithm of both sides with base 0.5, we get:

n = log0.5(0.0078125)

n = 7.0

Therefore, the ball will rebound to a maximum height of 25 cm after 7 bounces.

Consider a sequence whose first five terms are:-1.75, -0.5, 0.75, 2, 3.25
Which explicit function (with domain all integers n ≥ 1) could be used to define and continue this sequence?


Step-by-step explanation:

+ 1.25

every new term is the previous term + 1.25.

with starting value -1.75

f(n) = 1.25n - 1.75

a road perpendicular to a highway leads to a farmhouse located 1 1 mile away. an automobile traveling on the highway passes through this intersection at a speed of 45mph. 45 mph . how fast is the distance between the automobile and the farmhouse increasing when the automobile is 9 9 miles past the intersection of the highway and the road? the distance between the automobile and the farmhouse is increasing at a rate of miles per hour.


The distance traveling between them is increasing at a rate of miles per hour = 45 m/h.

The distance between the automobile and the farmhouse is increasing by 45 mph, since the automobile is traveling at this speed.

When the automobile is 9 miles past the intersection of the highway and the road, the distance between the automobile and the farmhouse is increasing at a rate of 45 mph, due to the automobile traveling at this speed.

When the automobile is 9 miles past the intersection of the highway and the road, the distance between the automobile and the farmhouse is increasing at a rate.


The rate at which the distance between the automobile and the farmhouse is increasing when the automobile is 9 miles past the intersection is 45 mph.

For similar question on distance traveling:



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