abc company holds a well-diversified portfolio in the amount of $90,000 that has an expected return of 11.0% and a beta of 1.15. it is buying 1,000 shares of def company stock at $10 a share and adding them to its portfolio. def company has an expected return of 13.0% and a beta of 1.34. currently, the risk free rate is 3.5%, and the stock market return is 8.2%. what will the required rate of return on the new portfolio be after the purchase of def stock? (hint: compute a new portfolio beta first and then use the capm.)


Answer 1

The required rate of return on the new portfolio after purchasing DEF stock will be 11.24%.

1. Calculate the new portfolio value: ($90,000 + (1,000 shares * $10/share)) = $100,000
2. Calculate the weight of each stock in the portfolio: ABC weight = $90,000 / $100,000 = 0.9, DEF weight = $10,000 / $100,000 = 0.1
3. Compute the new portfolio beta: (ABC weight * ABC beta) + (DEF weight * DEF beta) = (0.9 * 1.15) + (0.1 * 1.34) = 1.159
4. Use the CAPM to calculate the required rate of return: Risk-free rate + (New portfolio beta * (Market return - Risk-free rate)) = 3.5% + (1.159 * (8.2% - 3.5%)) = 11.24%

To know more about rate of return click on below link:


Related Questions

Is now a good time to attempt market timing?
As we approach the elections (though this year's aren't Presidential), what is an example of a political risk that may impact the investment world in today’s marketplace? (Please try to keep this one Civil!) By the way, political doesn't have to JUST be our country ... as there are many international pieces moving on the chessboard!
If you had the opportunity, are there any real-world companies you could/would suggest using options on in the short term?


Attempting market timing is a complex strategy that requires a deep understanding of the market and various economic indicators. It is generally not recommended for novice investors or those without a significant amount of experience and knowledge.

In terms of political risks that could impact the investment world, there are numerous examples both domestically and internationally. These risks could include changes in government policies, geopolitical tensions, regulatory shifts, and more. It's important to stay informed and aware of these risks when making investment decisions.

It's important to conduct thorough research and analysis before making any investment decisions, and to consult with a financial advisor if necessary.

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according to the leadership grid, a manager who exhibits impoverished management . a. is an effective leader with much concern for people b. has a lot of concern for people and for work performance c. has little concern for people or for work performance d. has little concern for people, but a lot of concern for work performance e. has a lot of concern for people, but little concern for work performance


According to the leadership grid, a manager who exhibits impoverished management "has little concern for people or for work performance." (option c).

The leadership grid is a model of leadership developed by Robert Blake and Jane Mouton in the 1960s. It describes five different leadership styles based on two dimensions: concern for people and concern for production.

The five leadership styles are:

Impoverished management: Low concern for people, low concern for production.Country club management: High concern for people, low concern for production.Authority-obedience management: Low concern for people, high concern for production.Middle-of-the-road management: Moderate concern for people, moderate concern for production.Team management: High concern for people, high concern for production.

Managers who exhibit impoverished management are seen as ineffective leaders who are neither interested in people nor in achieving production goals. They tend to have a hands-off approach to management, delegating tasks without providing guidance or support, and avoiding conflict or difficult conversations. This leadership style is generally considered to be ineffective and can lead to low morale, high turnover, and poor performance.

Option c is answer.

You can learn more about leadership grid at


Since IT projects are developed in an environment that changes so rapidly and so extensively, there is little value in using past projects to guide our risk assessment of new ones.


False. Despite the rapidly changing environment of IT projects, using past projects to guide risk assessment for new ones still holds value.

Analyzing past projects can help identify common risks, lessons learned, and effective mitigation strategies that can be applied to new projects. This historical data can be useful in making informed decisions and reducing risks in future IT projects.While it is true that the IT industry is constantly evolving and changing, there is still value in using past projects to guide the risk assessment of new ones. Past projects can provide valuable insights into the types of risks that may arise during an IT project, as well as the strategies that were successful in managing those risks. By learning from past projects, project managers can be better equipped to identify and mitigate potential risks in new projects, which can help ensure a more successful outcome. Of course, it's important to also consider the unique characteristics of each new project and adapt risk management strategies accordingly.

Learn more about assessment here:


13. If you purchase commercial paper that matures in 180 days from the issuing firm this transaction will take place in markets and markets. a. capital; primary b. capital; secondary c. money, primary


"If you purchase stock from a firm conducting a seasoned equity offering, this transaction will take place in capital markets and primary markets." Option A is correct.

A seasoned equity offering (SEO) occurs when a company issues new shares of stock to the public in order to raise additional capital. The transaction takes place in the capital markets, which are the markets for long-term investments such as stocks, bonds, and other securities.

Additionally, the SEO is considered a primary market transaction, meaning that the new shares are being sold directly to investors by the issuing company, rather than through a secondary market where previously issued shares are bought and sold between investors.

In summary, buying stock from a firm conducting a seasoned equity offering involves participating in a primary market transaction within the broader context of the capital markets. Option A holds true.

This question should be provided as:

If you purchase stock from a firm conducting a seasoned equity offering, this transaction will take place in ____ markets and ____ markets.

a. capital; primaryb. capital; secondaryc. money; primaryd. money; secondary

Learn more about primary market:


Constructive Tension in Strategic Selling - The Challenger Model
The following question discusses the notion of "Constructive Tension" in the context of Strategic Selling using The Challenger Sale approach. It summarizes the book "The Challenger Sales" by Matt Dixon and Brent Adamson. The notion of this concept is that sales people can engage with customers to create constructive tension and make customers more engaged and accountable during the selling process.
Read the book "The Challenger Sale"
3. Give an example where a seller creates "constructive tension" during the sales process. Use either a sales situation that you have been either the seller or customer or just make up a scenario. You may also use the scenario from last week (Selling 3M Cubitron II Extract Sander to Tuuli Energy).


Constructive tension is a crucial concept in the Challenger Sales approach. One example of how a seller can create constructive tension during the sales process is by challenging the customer's assumptions about their business or industry. For instance, let's say a seller is trying to sell software to a manufacturing company.

The seller could start by asking the customer about their current software system and how it has helped their business. Then, the seller could introduce data or insights that suggest that the current software is actually hindering the company's performance.

The seller could then propose their software as a solution to the customer's problems. By creating this tension and challenging the customer's assumptions, the seller can engage the customer in a more meaningful conversation and demonstrate the value of their solution.

This approach requires the seller to have a deep understanding of the customer's industry and business challenges and to be willing to challenge the status quo.

To know more about Constructive tension refer here:


zolezzi incorporated is preparing its cash budget for march. the budgeted beginning cash balance is $29,000. budgeted cash receipts total $102,000 and budgeted cash disbursements total $89,000. the desired ending cash balance is $80,000. the company can borrow up to $70,000 at any time from a local bank, with interest not due until the following month. required: prepare the company's cash budget for march in good form. make sure to indicate what borrowing, if any, would be needed to attain the desired ending cash balance.


Zolezzi Incorporated Cash Budget for March

Beginning Cash Balance: $29,000

Budgeted Cash Receipts: $102,000

Budgeted Cash Disbursements: $89,000

Net Cash Inflow: $13,000

Ending Cash Balance (Desired): $80,000

Required Borrowing: $38,000

Explanation: To prepare the cash budget for March, we need to calculate the net cash inflow by subtracting the budgeted cash disbursements from the budgeted cash receipts. In this case, the net cash inflow is $13,000.

Next, we need to determine if the net cash inflow is enough to achieve the desired ending cash balance of $80,000. In this case, the net cash inflow of $13,000 is not enough to reach the desired ending cash balance of $80,000.

Therefore, we need to borrow funds to make up the difference. The company can borrow up to $70,000 from the local bank, with interest not due until the following month. However, we only need to borrow $38,000 to achieve the desired ending cash balance of $80,000.

Therefore, the required borrowing is $38,000. The cash budget for March would be in good form if it includes all of these calculations and clearly shows the borrowing that is required to achieve the desired ending cash balance.

For more questions on: Budget


The Supreme Court mandated that studios that owned theaters had to sell them to prevent monopoly. This is done because?


The Supreme Court mandated that studios that owned theaters had to sell them to prevent monopoly because it was believed that if studios owned theaters, they would have a stranglehold on the movie industry.

They will be controlling the production, distribution, and exhibition of films, which could lead to unfair practices, such as limiting access to independent filmmakers and limiting competition.

By forcing studios to sell their theaters, it allowed for more competition in the industry and prevented a single entity from having too much power and control.
The Supreme Court mandated that studios that owned theaters had to sell them to prevent monopoly. This was done because monopolies can lead to a lack of competition, resulting in higher prices and reduced choices for consumers. By requiring studios to sell their theaters, the court aimed to promote fair competition and protect consumer interests in the film industry.

Learn more about monopoly here:


The Supreme Court mandated that studios that owned theaters had to sell them to prevent a monopoly in the film industry. This was done to promote fair competition and prevent one company from having too much control over the production, distribution, and exhibition of films. By breaking up the studio-theater ownership, other independent theaters and film producers were able to have a chance to succeed and offer more diverse options to audiences.

Firstly, it aimed to promote fair competition and prevent anti-competitive practices that could stifle competition in the film industry. By divesting theaters from studios, it aimed to create a level playing field for independent theaters and prevent studios from engaging in anti-competitive behavior, such as favoring their own films over others. Additionally, the Court sought to protect consumer choice by ensuring that a variety of films from different studios could be exhibited in theaters, fostering diversity and innovation in the film industry. Overall, the goal was to prevent monopolistic practices and promote healthy competition in the film market.

learn more about Monopoly here:


step one of the tqm process requires managers to build organizational commitment to ______.


Step one of the TQM process requires managers to build organizational commitment to Quality.

Step one of the Total Quality Management (TQM) process requires managers to build organizational commitment to quality. This involves establishing a shared understanding among all employees that quality is a top priority and that everyone in the organization is responsible for achieving it.

Managers must communicate the importance of quality and create a culture that values continuous improvement, customer satisfaction, and teamwork.

This commitment to quality should be reflected in all aspects of the organization's operations, from product design and development to customer service and support.

By building organizational commitment to quality, managers can create a foundation for implementing the other steps of the TQM process and improving overall organizational performance.

To know more about Total Quality Management (TQM) here:


Schick asserts that, if we believe that reality is what we want it to be, then:a. we will be better offb. we will be able to make better decisionsc. we cannot know anything about the worldd. both A and B


According to Schick, if we believe that reality is what we want it to be, then we cannot know anything about the world (option C).

This is because our beliefs would not be based on objective evidence or facts, but rather on our own desires and wishes. It is important to recognize and accept reality as it is, rather than trying to shape it to fit our own preferences. Believing in a distorted reality can lead to poor decision-making and negative consequences, rather than making us better off (option A) or helping us make better decisions (option B). Therefore, the correct answer is option C.
Schick asserts that, if we believe that reality is what we want it to be, then we cannot know anything about the world. Believing that reality is what we want it to be can lead to a distorted understanding of the world and prevent us from acquiring accurate knowledge about it.

Learn more about decision making here:


given the following sales and purchases for the omni company for the month of september, 2022. all sales are on credit, and all purchases are made on account using perpetual lifo, what entries should be made for the 09/21 sale?


Perpetual LIFO is an inventory accounting method that assumes the last items purchased are the first items sold, resulting in lower reported income and taxes compared to other methods, and requires detailed record-keeping.

Perpetual LIFO is a method of inventory accounting in which the last items purchased are assumed to be the first items sold. This means that the cost of goods sold is calculated using the most recently acquired inventory items, and the remaining inventory is valued at the cost of the oldest items.

Perpetual LIFO differs from other inventory accounting methods in several ways. For example, perpetual FIFO assumes that the first items purchased are the first items sold, while perpetual average cost uses the average cost of all items in inventory.

Another difference is that perpetual LIFO tends to result in a lower reported income and lower taxes compared to other inventory accounting methods, particularly in times of rising prices.

Furthermore, perpetual LIFO requires more detailed record-keeping since the cost of each individual item must be tracked and updated with each purchase. In contrast, periodic LIFO uses average cost to calculate the cost of goods sold at the end of a period, which makes it simpler to calculate but may not be as accurate.

Overall, the choice of inventory accounting method depends on various factors such as the company's size, industry, and tax implications.

Learn more about LIFO :


The correct question is :

What is perpetual LIFO, and how does it differ from other inventory accounting methods?

Company Y has equity of £126.5 million and total liabilities of
£193.9 million. What is the value of Company Y's assets in millions
of £? Enter your answer in millions of £ to 1 decimal place. For


The value of Company Y's assets can be calculated by subtracting the total liabilities from the equity. Therefore, the value of Company Y's assets is £(126.5-193.9) million, which equals to -£67.4 million.

It is important to note that a negative value for assets indicates that the company has more liabilities than assets. This could imply that the company is facing financial difficulties or that it has made poor financial decisions.

The company may need to take action to reduce its liabilities or find ways to increase its assets in order to improve its financial standing. It is important for companies to regularly evaluate their financial position and take appropriate measures to ensure their long-term sustainability.

To know more about equity click on below link:


1) Consider the oil market characterized by:
P= $/gallon
Q=million gallons
10P= 8+2Q
P= 100-10Q
τ (tao) = $1/unit (gallons)
a)What is the tax burden on customers and producers?
b)What is the DWL due to this policy?


The tax burden on customers is $5/gallon, and the tax burden on producers is $4/gallon. The DWL due to this policy is 0.5 million gallons.

1. Solve the given equations to find equilibrium price and quantity without the tax:
10P = 8 + 2Q
P = 100 - 10Q
Substituting P in the first equation:
10(100 - 10Q) = 8 + 2Q
Solving for Q and P, we get Q = 9 million gallons and P = $10/gallon.

2. Calculate the price and quantity after applying the tax:
The new supply equation will be 10P = 8 + 2Q + 2τ (since the tax is per gallon)
10P = 8 + 2Q + 2
Substituting P = 100 - 10Q:
10(100 - 10Q) = 8 + 2Q + 2
Solving for Q and P, we get Q = 8.5 million gallons and P = $15/gallon.

3. Calculate tax burden on customers and producers:
Customers pay an additional $5/gallon (from $10 to $15), and producers receive $4 less/gallon (from $10 to $6, since $15 - $1 tax = $6).

4. Calculate the DWL due to this policy:
DWL = 0.5 * (9 - 8.5) * ($15 - $6 - $10)
DWL = 0.5 * 0.5 * ($1)
DWL = 0.5 million gallons.

To know more about equilibrium price click on below link:


highly automated batch processes that can reduce the cost of making similar groups of products are called . group of answer choices flexible manufacturing systems. functional layouts. make-to-stock. adjacent processes.


Highly automated batch processes that can reduce the cost of making similar groups of products are called flexible manufacturing systems.

A flexible manufacturing system (FMS) is a manufacturing technique that can quickly adjust to changes in the nature and volume of the product being produced. It is possible to set up machines and computerized systems to produce a range of parts and adapt production levels.

Efficiency and production cost reduction are key factors in the business development process, and a flexible manufacturing system (FMS) can help with both. A make-to-order strategy that allows customized items and maintains minimal inventories can also include flexible manufacturing as a crucial element.

Learn more about flexible manufacturing systems:


a chain of cause-and-effect relationships that appropriately link the four balanced scorecard perspectives is: group of answer choices a high return on investment causes customer loyalty that results in skilled production workers that improve process quality. customer loyalty results in a high return on investment that results in the ability to attract skilled production workers that improve process quality. skilled production workers help to produce process quality that results in customer loyalty that helps to increase return on investment. improved process quality results in a high return on investment that causes customer loyalty that results in the ability to attract skilled production workers.


The chain of cause-and-effect relationships that appropriately link the four balanced scorecard perspectives is: improved process quality results in a high return on investment that causes customer loyalty that results in the ability to attract skilled production workers.

According to the balanced scorecard framework, the four perspectives - financial, customer, internal business processes, and learning and growth - are interconnected and influence each other. In this chain of cause-and-effect relationships, improved process quality leads to a high return on investment, which in turn leads to customer loyalty.

Customer loyalty then enables the organization to attract skilled production workers, which further improves process quality. This cycle of continuous improvement helps the organization achieve its strategic goals and objectives.

For more questions like Investment click the link below:


PLEASE ANSWER WITH HOW TO FIND FUTURE VALUE. I know it is 1,000. do not answer with just 1,000. ANSWER WITH WHAT I AM ASKING OR DO NOT ANSWER AT ALL. IF YOU CANNOT ANSWER THAT DO NOT RESPOND TO THIS QUESTION. Watters Umbrella Corp. issued 15-year bonds 2 years ago at a coupon rate of 8 percent. The bonds make semiannual payments. If these bonds currently sell for 115 percent of par value, what is the YTM? DO NOT USE EXCEL. I am using this to study and Excel does not help. Please do not use Excel. Do not answer with Excel. Please show step-by-step with formulas. ALL FORMULAS. DO NOT EXCLUDE FORMULAS AND WASTE MY TIME. INCLUDE ALL, FV INCLUDED. BA II plus is fine, just include step-by-step with what to press. Thank you kindly, I will upvote.


The YTM for Watters Umbrella Corp.'s bonds is approximately 3.96%. The YTM (yield to maturity) is the rate of return that an investor would earn by buying the bond at its current market price and holding it until maturity.

Yield to maturity, or YTM, refers to the total return that can expect from your bond or debt mutual fund investment if you hold it to maturity. A percentage of a current market price is used to represent it.

To calculate the YTM, we can use a financial calculator.

Using a financial calculator, we would input the following values:

N = 26 (since there are 13 years left until maturity and semiannual payments)
PV = -1150 (since the bond is selling for 115 percent of its $1000 par value)
PMT = 40 (since the coupon rate is 8 percent and the bond has a $1000 face value, the semiannual coupon payment is $40)
FV = 1000 (since the bond will be redeemed at par value at maturity)

Solving for the interest rate (I/Y), we get:

I/Y = 3.96%

To know more about YTM visit:


- Can technical and fundamental analysis be used together? Explain why or why not in a few sentences.


Yes, technical and fundamental analysis can be used together. By using both analyses, investors can make well-informed decisions based on both company performance and market trends.

Can technical and fundamental analysis be used together?

Yes, technical and fundamental analysis can be used together. Combining both methods allows for a comprehensive understanding of the market, as fundamental analysis evaluates the financial health and value of a company, while technical analysis focuses on price movements and trends to predict future price patterns. By using both analyses, investors can make well-informed decisions based on both company performance and market trends.  

Fundamental analysis looks at a company's financial and economic factors, while technical analysis examines charts and patterns to identify market trends. However, it's important to use both approaches cautiously and consider other factors such as market sentiment and external events.

To know more about technical and fundamental analysis.



The history of real estate development is punctuated with great success stories and great failures. It is a risky, volatile business. It is sometimes described as a business that has 100 questions. If you answer all 100 questions correctly, then you can make a great deal of return on an investment. If you answer 95 correctly, then you can make some money. A mere 90 correct brings you even, and any fewer correct ensures that you will lose money. In this case, the investors were all knowledgeable in their areas but threw caution to the wind and put up a great deal of money with no real understanding of the impact of their actions. When they first started, they had no real reason to believe that their project would succeed. They had picked a good location and found savvy investors who had the financial strength they needed. Yet they failed. Fortunately for them they found out about their project before they lost any more money. To be sure, the loss they suffered was large, but it could have been much larger. They could have been approved and started construction, only to find that the nearby retail center was failing because of a change in the direction of the highway that abuts the center. The team could have had money in the land and paid for the construction, only to find that they had no chance of recovering any of their investment. This case is fairly simple in that the sole reason for the failure of the project was the wetland issue. In reality, projects like this are subject to a plethora of issues that can make or break them. Competition, a change in the marketplace, or a change in the overall economy or in area buying habits can affect a project. The best way to proceed with investments of these types is to commit as little to a project as possible in the early stages, and then contribute more as the risk in the major issues declines or is satisfied. Otherwise, real estate development investment can be a deep hole for unwise investors to dump a great deal of funds.


In the given case, the real estate development project faced failure primarily due to the wetland issue.

Despite having a good location, savvy investors, and financial strength, the lack of understanding of the potential impact of their actions led to a significant loss. Real estate development is a risky, volatile business with numerous factors that can influence success, such as competition, market changes, and economic shifts.

To minimize risks, it is advisable to commit minimal resources in the early stages of a project and increase investments as major risks are mitigated or resolved. This approach helps prevent unwise investors from incurring substantial losses in real estate development.

For more such questions on real estate, click on:


raphael, an employee of quality products, inc., takes a duty-based approach to ethics. raphael believes that regardless of the consequences, he must:


Raphael, an employee of Quality Products, Inc., takes a duty-based approach to ethics. According to this approach, Raphael believes that regardless of the consequences, he must fulfill his duties and obligations.

He focuses on doing what is right and follows established rules and principles to guide his behavior. Raphael considers it his moral duty to do the right thing, even if it leads to negative consequences for him or the company.

He does not base his decisions on personal gain or the potential outcome of his actions. Instead, he follows a set of ethical standards and principles that guide his behavior and decision-making process.

Raphael's duty-based approach to ethics emphasizes his responsibility to uphold moral obligations and to prioritize ethical principles over personal interests or potential outcomes.

For more questions like Outcomes click the link below:


b) (3 points) Under what circumstances will hiring the worker full time, i.e. l= 45, yield a valid critical point? c) (3 points) When will offering the minimum wage yield a valid critical point?


To determine under what circumstances hiring the worker full time (l=45) will yield a valid critical point, we need to consider the function being optimized (such as profit or revenue) and its constraints.

If the function is differentiable and the constraints are also differentiable, then we can use the first derivative test to find the critical points. Specifically, we need to find the derivative of the function with respect to the variable being optimized (such as the number of workers), set it equal to zero, and solve for the variable. If the resulting value is within the feasible range of the constraint, then it is a valid critical point. As for offering the minimum wage, it depends on the specific context and the function being optimized.

If the function is the cost of labor and the minimum wage is higher than the current wage, then offering the minimum wage could result in a valid critical point if it leads to a reduction in labor costs. On the other hand, if the function is the revenue generated by the worker and the minimum wage is lower than the current wage, then offering the minimum wage could result in a valid critical point if it leads to an increase in revenue. However, if the minimum wage is too low to attract qualified workers or too high to be affordable for the company, then there may not be a valid critical point.

Learn more about minimum wage here:


Companies sometimes employ stock splits to bring down the price of its shares so that the stock is more attractive to potential investors.
Consider the case of Tasty Tuna Corporation:
Tasty Tuna Corporation currently has 15,000 shares of common stock outstanding. Its management believes that its current stock price of $105 per share is too high. The company is planning to conduct a 4-for-1 stock split.


Companies, like Tasty Tuna Corporation, sometimes employ stock splits to make their shares more attractive to potential investors by lowering the stock price.

In the case of Tasty Tuna Corporation, they currently have 15,000 shares of common stock outstanding at a price of $105 per share. Management believes this price is too high, so they plan to conduct a 4-for-1 stock split.

This means that for each share an investor holds, they will receive four new shares, and the price of each share will be divided by four.

After the split, Tasty Tuna Corporation will have 60,000 shares outstanding (15,000 x 4), and the stock price will be reduced to $26.25 per share ($105 / 4). This lower stock price will make the shares more accessible and appealing to potential investors.

To know more about potential investors refer here:


What is the difference between a flexible spending account (FSA) and a health savings account (HSA)? FSA contribution is made from pretax dollars; an HSA contribution is made from after-tax dollars. H


An FSA is less flexible and held by the employer, withdrawals are prohibited, and contributions cannot be carried over to the following year. These are the main distinctions between HSAs and FSAs.

What distinguishes a health savings account from a flexible spending account?

Flexible spending accounts (FSAs) and health savings accounts (HSAs) differ most significantly in that an HSA is controlled by a person and permits contributions to roll over, whereas FSAs are employer-owned and have less flexibility options.

How do an MSA and an HSA differ from one another?

Medical Savings Accounts are only accessible to Medicare beneficiaries with high deductibles, whereas Health Savings Accounts are only accessible to those with high deductibles on private insurance plans.

To know more about  HSAs visit:-


the mental link customers make between a brand and its key product attributes is known as brand blank______. multiple choice question. equity loyalty asset association


The mental link customers make between a brand and its key product attributes is known as brand association. The correct option is D.

Brand association plays a crucial role in shaping consumers' perceptions, preferences, and purchasing behavior. It refers to the various attributes, benefits, and experiences that people associate with a particular brand.

These associations can be based on product features, quality, price, customer service, or any other factors that differentiate the brand from its competitors. A strong brand association can enhance brand equity, which is the overall value of the brand in the market.

This, in turn, can lead to increased customer loyalty, as customers are more likely to stay with a brand they have positive associations with. Developing and maintaining positive brand associations is an important aspect of brand management and marketing strategy.

To know more about brand, refer here:



the mental link customers make between a brand and its key product attributes is known as brand ______.

a. equity

b. loyalty

c. asset

d. association

a check received from the offeror may be held uncashed by the broker until acceptance of the offer, provided the:


When a broker receives a check from an offeror, they may hold it uncashed until acceptance of the offer is received. The offeror is the person making the offer, while the broker is the middleman who facilitates the transaction. The acceptance refers to the recipient of the offer agreeing to the terms of the offer.

This process is often used in real estate transactions, where the buyer makes an offer to purchase the property, and the broker holds the deposit check until the seller accepts the offer. This allows for a more secure transaction and ensures that the funds are available when needed.

However, it is important to note that the specific terms of holding the check may vary depending on the agreement between the offeror, broker, and acceptance. In any case, it is important to have a clear and concise agreement between all parties involved to avoid any confusion or legal issues.

To know more about broker, visit


Your Company is considering a new project that will require $530,000 of new equipment at the start of the project. The equipment will have a depreciable life of 7 years and will be depreciated to a book value of $229,000 using straight-line depreciation. The cost of capital is 12%, and the firm's tax rate is 34%. Estimate the present value of the tax benefits from depreciation.


Using a financial calculator or spreadsheet, we can find that the present value of the tax benefits from depreciation is approximately $44,143. This means that the company can expect to save $44,143 in taxes over the 7-year life of the equipment due to depreciation.

To calculate the present value of the tax benefits from depreciation, we need to first determine the annual depreciation expense. The equipment cost is $530,000, and it will be depreciated over 7 years using straight-line depreciation, so the annual depreciation expense will be

= ($530,000 - $229,000) / 7

= $44,143.

Next, we can calculate the tax savings from depreciation each year. The tax rate is 34%, so the tax savings will be 34% of the annual depreciation expense, or 0.34 x $44,143 = $15,001.

To estimate the present value of these tax benefits, we can use the formula for present value of an annuity. The annuity is the tax savings of $15,001 per year, and the time period is 7 years. The discount rate is the cost of capital, which is 12%.

To know more about present value visit:


Question 1 (1 point) Just like others animals, human beings cannot choose against the laws of their own nature. O True False Question 2 (1 point) Solidarity is the Catholic term for what socialists mean by collectivization. O True O False


False. Solidarity is a term used within Catholic teaching to describe the spiritual and social bonds between members of the Church.

It is based on the understanding that, through the grace of God, all individuals are connected and have a responsibility to care for each other. Collectivization, on the other hand, is a term used by socialists to refer to the process of organizing and managing production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services by a central authority, such as a government.

It is a means to achieving greater economic equality and social justice. The two terms are distinct and not interchangeable.

Know more about Catholic teaching here


Suppose you are thinking of purchasing the stock of Moore Oil, Inc. You expect it to pay a $2 dividend in one year, and you believe that you can sell the stock for $14 at that time. If you require a return of 20% on investments of this risk, what is the maximum you would be willing to pay?


The maximum amount you would be willing to pay for the stock is $13.33.

To find the maximum you would be willing to pay for Moore Oil, Inc. stock, we need to consider the dividend, the future selling price, and your required return.

In order to determine the maximum amount, follow these steps:

1. Determine the total expected return in one year:

We know the expected dividend is $2 and the expected selling price is $14. So, the total expected return is $2 (dividend) + $14 (selling price) = $16.

2. Calculate the present value of the total expected return:

We'll use the required return of 20% as the discount rate to find the present value. The formula for present value is:

PV = FV / (1 + r)^n,

where PV is the present value, FV is the future value ($16 in this case), r is the required return (0.20), and n is the number of years (1 in this case).

3. Plug in the values and solve for PV:

PV = $16 / (1 + 0.20)^1 = $16 / 1.20 = $13.33.

So, the maximum amount you would be willing to pay for the stock of Moore Oil, Inc. is $13.33, considering the expected dividend, future selling price, and your required return of 20%.

Learn more about Expected return:


retailers who offer updates and training to use complex products develop a competitive advantage over direct marketers because:


Retailers who offer updates and training for complex products gain a competitive advantage over direct marketers because they provide value-added services that enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty.

The retailers use complex products develop a competitive advantage

By offering product support and education, they help customers understand and utilize the products more effectively, leading to a better overall experience.

These retailers are also able to establish stronger relationships with their customers, as face-to-face interactions allow for more personalized service and communication. This personal touch can foster trust and credibility, which can be difficult to achieve through direct marketing channels.

Moreover, retailers with comprehensive training and support services are seen as experts in their field, which can help them build a positive reputation and differentiate themselves from competitors. This can lead to increased customer retention, positive word-of-mouth, and ultimately, higher sales.

In summary, retailers offering updates and training for complex products develop a competitive advantage over direct marketers by providing value-added services, fostering customer relationships, and establishing themselves as industry experts.

Learn more about retailing at


A Click Submit to complete this assessment Question 3 1 points Commercial paper is a short-term obligation issued by a corporation to raise short-term financing such as working capital needs True Fals


The statement "Commercial paper is a short-term obligation issued by a corporation to raise short-term financing such as working capital needs" is true because commercial paper is a widely used financing tool that allows corporations to quickly and easily raise funds for short-term needs.

Commercial paper is usually unsecured, meaning that it is not backed by collateral, and is issued at a discount to its face value. The discount represents the interest that investors will earn on the paper, and the face value represents the amount that the issuer will repay to the investor at maturity.

Commercial paper is typically issued by corporations with high credit ratings, and it is bought by a variety of investors, including money market funds, banks, and individual investors.

Learn more about commercial paper


walmart can obtain cooperation from manufacturers in terms of product specifications, price levels, and promotional support, given its position as the world's largest retailer. walmart is an example of a(n)


Given its scale and ability to negotiate favourable terms with manufacturers, Walmart is an example of a dominant or strong buyer in the context of supply chain management.

What supply chain management strategy does Walmart employ?

The direct, long-term ties Walmart has with manufacturers, distributors, and e-commerce companies are a key component of its supply chain strategy. In order to shorten lead times and accelerate fulfilment, it is important to reduce the number of touchpoints along the supply chain.

What is the buying power of Walmart customers?

Walmart is too enormous to be concerned about alternatives because of the breadth of its product line, competitive pricing, and convenient location. Because of this, purchasers' bargaining strength is rated as medium to poor. The retail chain sources its goods from different suppliers.

To know more about  Walmart visit:-


to journalize estimated uncollectible receivables using the allowance method, the adjusting entry would be a


To journalize estimated uncollectible receivables using the allowance method, the adjusting entry would include debiting Bad Debt Expense and crediting Allowance for Doubtful Accounts.

1. Estimate the amount of uncollectible receivables: Analyze the accounts receivable aging report and estimate the percentage of uncollectible receivables for each age group. Multiply these percentages by the total receivables in each age group to estimate the total uncollectible amount.

2. Record the adjusting entry: Debit the Bad Debt Expense account for the estimated uncollectible amount calculated in step 1, and credit the Allowance for Doubtful Accounts.

3. Update the financial statements: Reflect the adjusting entry on the income statement (reduce revenue by Bad Debt Expense) and the balance sheet (reduce accounts receivable by Allowance for Doubtful Accounts).

By using the allowance method, you estimate and record uncollectible receivables before they are actually identified as uncollectible. This method ensures that the financial statements provide a more accurate representation of the company's financial position and complies with the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).

To know more about Bad Debt Expense click on below link:


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