Major trauma patients are at high risk of developing deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism. The nurse understands that trauma patients are at risk due to which factors? (Select all that apply.)
a.Blood stasis
c.Injury to the intimal surface of the vessel


Answer 1

Hypernatremia and hyperosmolarity are not typically associated with an increased risk of thrombosis in trauma patients. a. Blood stasis   c. Injury to the intimal surface of the vessel  e. Hyper coagulopathy  f. Immobility

Major trauma patients are at high risk of developing deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism due to a combination of factors. Blood stasis, which can occur due to immobility and injury to the intimal surface of the vessel, can lead to the formation of blood clots. Additionally, trauma patients are often in a hypercoagulable state due to the release of procoagulant factors and the activation of the clotting cascade. Hypernatremia and hyperosmolarity are not typically associated with an increased risk of thrombosis in trauma patients.

Antiplatelet medication isn't usually the best option for treating arterial thrombosis. A common anticoagulant medicine used to lower the risk of myocardial infarction and arterial thrombosis is warfarin. Warfarin prevents blood clots by preventing the production of clotting factors in the blood.  Although this medication is frequently combined with antiplatelet medications, due to the higher risk of bleeding problems, it is not typically the medication of choice for arterial thrombosis. Warfarin is therefore not typically advised as the first line treatment for arterial thrombosis, despite the fact that it may be helpful in some circumstances.

Learn more about thrombosis here


Answer 2

The nurse understands that trauma patients are at risk of developing deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism due to the following factors:
a. Blood stasis
c. Injury to the intimal surface of the vessel
e. Hypercoagulopathy
f. Immobility

Major trauma patients are at high risk of developing deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism due to several factors. Based on the given options, the factors that apply are:

a. Blood stasis: Slowed or stagnant blood flow can contribute to clot formation in the veins.
c. Injury to the intimal surface of the vessel: Trauma can damage the blood vessels, making it easier for clots to form.
e. Hypercoagulopathy: An increased tendency of the blood to clot can put trauma patients at higher risk for deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism.
f. Immobility: Prolonged immobility, which is common in major trauma patients, can lead to blood stasis and increase the risk of clot formation.
In summary, factors a, c, e, and f contribute to the increased risk of deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism in major trauma patients.

Learn more about venous thrombosis:


Related Questions


Maria is undergoing a lot of stress. She just lost her job of 5 years, and she is attempting to learn how to do her own taxes since she doesn't currently have the financial means of paying someone to do it. On top of this, she needs to find an affordable babysitter to watch her 3 year-old while she searches for a new job and goes on interviews.
What type of stressor is the loss of Maria's job?


Daily Hassle

Major life change



The type of stressor that the loss of Maria's job represents is a Major life change.

What are stressors?

Major life changes refer to significant events that cause disruption and require adjustment to new circumstances, such as the loss of a job or a divorce.

Losing a job can be a significant source of stress as it can have financial implications and affect one's self-esteem and sense of purpose. Additionally, the stress of losing a job can be compounded by the need to find a new job, pay bills, and support oneself and any dependents. This can make it challenging for individuals to cope with the stressor and adapt to the changes that it brings.

Learn more about stressors:


The loss of Maria's job is a major C, life change stressor.

What is stress?

Stress is a psychological and physiological response to a perceived threat or demand that challenges an individual's ability to cope. It is a natural and normal part of life and can arise from various sources such as work, relationships, financial difficulties, and health concerns. When stress is perceived, the body releases a complex mix of hormones and chemicals that prepare the body for the "fight or flight" response.

While this response can be beneficial in certain situations, prolonged or chronic stress can have negative effects on physical and mental health. Therefore, it is important to learn healthy coping strategies to manage stress.

Find out more on stress here:


a client reports pain with iv insertion what should the nurse do


If a client reports pain with IV insertion, the nurse should immediately assess the IV site for any signs of inflammation or infection.

The nurse should also check to make sure that the IV is properly secured and not causing any undue pressure on the surrounding tissues. If the pain is severe, the nurse may need to remove the IV and try to insert it in a different location. The nurse should also assess the client's pain level and administer pain medication if necessary.

Additionally, the nurse should provide emotional support to the client and explain what is happening and why the IV is necessary. The nurse should also document the incident in the client's medical record and report it to the healthcare provider. It is important for the nurse to act quickly and effectively to address the client's pain and prevent any complications from the IV insertion.

know more about inflammation here


the nurse is preparing to administer the initial intravenous (iv) dose of caspofungin to a client. before giving the dose, the nurse should review the latest results of what diagnostic testing? select all that apply.


Before administering the initial intravenous (iv) dose of caspofungin, the nurse should review the latest results of the following diagnostic testing: Liver function tests (LFTs), Complete blood count (CBC) and Renal function tests (RFTs).

The nurse should review the latest results of the following diagnostic tests before administering the initial intravenous (IV) dose of caspofungin to a client:
1. Liver function tests (LFTs): Caspofungin is metabolized in the liver, and it is essential to ensure the patient's liver is functioning well to avoid potential complications.
2. Kidney function tests: Although caspofungin is not primarily excreted by the kidneys, it's still essential to assess kidney function as part of a comprehensive patient evaluation before administering any medication.
3. Blood culture: Since caspofungin is an antifungal medication, it is important to confirm the presence of a fungal infection by reviewing the blood culture results.
These tests help ensure the safety and effectiveness of the caspofungin treatment.

To learn more about medication click here


a nurse is caring for a client who is receiving cyclobenzaprine. the nurse would expect to assess which finding as indicating the therapeutic effect of the drug?


Cyclobenzaprine is a muscle relaxant that is used to treat muscle spasms and pain.

The therapeutic effect of the drug is to reduce muscle spasms and improve muscle function. Therefore, the nurse would expect to assess a decrease in muscle spasms and an improvement in muscle function as indicating the therapeutic effect of the drug. The client may report less pain, increased range of motion, and improved ability to perform activities of daily living. Additionally, the nurse may observe a decrease in muscle tension, rigidity, and stiffness. It is important for the nurse to monitor the client's response to the medication and assess for any adverse effects, such as dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth, or blurred vision.

Learn more about Cyclobenzaprine  here:


a client has been diagnosed with candidemia and has just been prescribed anidulafungin. what is the nurse's best action?


The nurse's best action when a client has been diagnosed with candidemia and has just been prescribed anidulafungin is to ensure that the medication is administered correctly and monitor the client for any adverse reactions.

Firstly, the nurse should review the client's medication orders and confirm the dose, frequency, and route of administration of anidulafungin. The medication is typically administered intravenously, and the nurse should ensure that the medication is prepared and administered according to the manufacturer's instructions.

The nurse should also monitor the client for any adverse reactions, such as allergic reactions, fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, or changes in liver function tests. The nurse should report any adverse reactions to the healthcare provider immediately and take appropriate measures to manage the client's symptoms.

Learn more about symptomshere:


which common electrolyte imbalance would the nurse assess for when providing care for a patient with sickle cell anemia


When caring for a patient with sickle cell anemia, the nurse should assess for the common electrolyte imbalance of low potassium levels, or hypokalemia.

This is because sickle cell anemia can lead to increased red blood cell destruction and release of potassium from the cells into the bloodstream, which can result in decreased potassium levels. Hypokalemia can cause weakness, fatigue, muscle cramps, and abnormal heart rhythms, so it is important for the nurse to monitor the patient's potassium levels and intervene as necessary to prevent further complications.

When providing care for a patient with sickle cell anemia, a common electrolyte imbalance the nurse would assess for is hyperkalemia, which is an elevated potassium level in the blood. This occurs due to hemolysis of the sickle-shaped red blood cells, releasing potassium into the bloodstream. Monitoring potassium levels and managing hyperkalemia is essential in ensuring proper care for patients with sickle cell anemia.

To learn more about cell anemia click here


all of the following indicate a healthy body weight except multiple choice a weight within the common range for one's age group. a weight within an acceptable range for one's height. a fat distribution that is not a risk factor for illness. the absence of medical conditions that suggest a need for weight loss.


A weight within an acceptable range for one's height generally indicates that the individual is not underweight or overweight, and is maintaining a healthy balance between body mass and height.

The correct answer is b) A weight within an acceptable range for one's height.

A healthy body weight is typically determined by considering an individual's height and weight in relation to each other. It is important to note that body weight alone is not always a comprehensive indicator of overall health, as other factors such as muscle mass, body composition, and individual health conditions should also be taken into consideration. It is always recommended to consult with a qualified healthcare professional for a comprehensive evaluation of an individual's body weight and overall health status.

Learn more about “ healthy body weight  “ visit here;


Complete Question

Which of the following indicates a healthy body weight? (Multiple choice)

a) A weight within the common range for one's age group.

b) A weight within an acceptable range for one's height.

c) A fat distribution that is not a risk factor for illness.

d) The absence of medical conditions that suggest a need for weight loss.

Final answer:

Having a fat distribution that is not a risk factor for illness does not necessarily indicate a healthy body weight.


In order to determine a healthy body weight, we need to consider factors such as age, height, and fat distribution.

However, all of the given options indicate a healthy body weight except for 'a fat distribution that is not a risk factor for illness.' This means that having a fat distribution that is not a risk factor for illness does not necessarily indicate a healthy body weight.

Learn more about Healthy Body Weight here:


which disorder would the nruse identify as acute inflammatory bowel disorders select all that apply


Acute inflammatory bowel disorders refer to a group of conditions that cause inflammation in the digestive tract which include Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, and infectious colitis.

The nurse can identify these disorders by looking for symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, fever, weight loss, and bloody stools. Crohn's disease is a chronic condition that affects any part of the digestive tract, from the mouth to the anus. It causes inflammation and damage to the lining of the bowel, resulting in symptoms such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, and cramping.

The nurse can identify Crohn's disease by conducting a colonoscopy or other imaging tests. Ulcerative colitis is a chronic condition that affects the large intestine (colon) and rectum. It causes inflammation and ulcers in the lining of the colon, resulting in symptoms such as bloody diarrhea, abdominal pain, and rectal bleeding. The nurse can identify ulcerative colitis by conducting a colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy.

Infectious colitis is an acute condition that occurs when the digestive tract is infected with a virus, bacteria, or parasite. It causes inflammation and damage to the lining of the bowel, resulting in symptoms such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, and fever. The nurse can identify infectious colitis by conducting stool tests to detect the presence of pathogens.

In conclusion, the nurse can identify Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, and infectious colitis as acute inflammatory bowel disorders based on the patient's symptoms and diagnostic tests. It is important for the nurse to work with the healthcare team to manage these conditions effectively and prevent complications.

for more such question on   infectious colitis.


which characterisitic of clients with antisocial personalty disorder would the nurse consider when planning care


When planning care for clients with antisocial personality disorder, the nurse would consider their lack of empathy and disregard for the rights of others as a key characteristic.

This may require the nurse to implement boundaries and rules for behavior to ensure the safety and well-being of both the client and those around them. Additionally, the nurse may need to address any destructive or harmful behaviors exhibited by the client through therapy and medication management. It is important for the nurse to remain patient and non-judgmental while working with clients with antisocial personality disorder.

When planning care for clients with antisocial personality disorder, the nurse should consider the characteristic of manipulative and deceitful behavior. This will help the nurse develop appropriate strategies and interventions to effectively manage and support the client during their treatment.

To know more about Personality Disorder click here .


Complete Question .

Which characteristics will the nurse assess in the patient diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder?

during the relative refractory period, an initial threshold-level depolarization is usually not sufficient to initiate an action potential. why?


During the relative refractory period, an initial threshold-level depolarization is usually not sufficient to initiate an action potential because the membrane potential is still recovering from the preceding action potential.

During an action potential, the membrane potential rapidly depolarizes and then repolarizes. During the repolarization phase, the membrane potential becomes more negative than the resting potential, which is known as hyperpolarization.

The relative refractory period occurs during the hyperpolarization phase, when the membrane potential is more negative than the resting potential. As a result, a stronger than normal depolarization is required to reach the threshold level and initiate another action potential. This is because the voltage-gated ion channels that are responsible for generating action potentials have not yet fully recovered and are not as sensitive to depolarization during this time.

Learn more about hyperpolarization.


During the relative refractory period, an initial threshold-level depolarization is usually not sufficient to initiate an action potential because the membrane potential of the neuron is still elevated due to the outward flow of potassium ions.

This repolarization phase makes it more difficult for the neuron to reach the threshold potential and generate another action potential.

During the relative refractory period, a larger-than-normal stimulus is required to initiate an action potential because the membrane potential is closer to the resting potential and further away from the threshold potential. This is due to the fact that the relative refractory period follows the absolute refractory period, during which the neuron is incapable of generating another action potential regardless of the strength of the stimulus.

The relative refractory period is an important mechanism that allows for temporal summation of stimuli, where multiple subthreshold stimuli that occur in rapid succession can summate and generate an action potential. This is because the neuron's membrane potential is already partially depolarized, making it easier to reach the threshold potential.

Learn more about neuron  here:


if the patient is a minor, informed consent group of answer choices must be obtained from the babysitter. may still be obtained from the patient. is waived. must be obtained from a parent/legal guardian.


If the patient is a minor, informed consent must be obtained from a parent/legal guardian.

The babysitter does not have the legal authority to provide consent on behalf of the minor. However, if the parent/legal guardian is not present, the babysitter may still assist in obtaining the patient's medical history and providing information to the healthcare provider. Informed consent is the process of providing an individual with the information they need to make an informed decision about their treatment. When a patient is a minor, it is important that informed consent be obtained from their parent or legal guardian. This ensures that the minor's health care decisions are made with the best interest of the patient in mind.

learn more about healthcare Refer:


the view referred to when differenctiating left from right bbb is


The view referred to when differentiating left from right BBB is V1 .

Anatomical View: In anatomy, the view referred to when differentiating left from right is typically from the perspective of the person or object being observed. For example, when looking at a human body, the left side is typically the left-hand side of the body as seen from the person's own point of view, while the right side is the opposite side.

External Observer's View: the view referred to when differentiating left from right could be from an external observer's perspective. For example, when giving directions or describing the position of objects in a room, left and right may be determined based on the observer's point of view, facing the same direction as the observer.

Relative View: In some situations, left and right may be defined relative to another reference point or object. For example, when navigating on a map, left and right could be determined based on the orientation of the map or a compass direction.

Contextual View: The view referred to when differentiating left from right can also depend on the specific context or domain being discussed. For instance, in a political or ideological context, left and right may refer to different political ideologies or positions.

Therefore, the view referred to when differentiating left from right can vary depending on the context, perspective, and reference points being used. It's important to consider the specific context in which left and right are being referenced in order to determine the appropriate interpretation.

The complete questions is,

The view referred to when differentiating left from right BBB is _______.

To know more about BBB


A client calls the primary care clinic reporting diarrhea for 4 days and a low-grade fever. What instruction is most important for the nurse to give to the client?a) Encourage client to eat bulk-forming foods such as whole grain bread.b)Encourage rest, fluids, and acetaminophen for the feverc)Make an appointment for the client with the health care provider todayd)Take 2 tablets of loperamide followed by 1 tablet after each loose stool


Option C, "Make an appointment for the client with the health care provider today" is the most important instruction for the nurse to give to the client.

Diarrhea and low-grade fever can be symptoms of many different illnesses, some of which can be serious and require medical attention. It's important for the client to be evaluated by a healthcare provider to determine the cause of their symptoms and to receive appropriate treatment.

While options A, B, and D may be appropriate for managing symptoms of diarrhea, they do not address the underlying cause of the client's illness.

Additionally, taking loperamide before a healthcare provider has evaluated the client can mask symptoms and make it more difficult to diagnose the underlying cause of the diarrhea. Therefore, it's important for the nurse to advise the client to make an appointment with their healthcare provider as soon as possible.

learn more about diarrhea here:


a client who takes a beta blocker and loop diuretic for hypertension has been diagnosed with candidiasis. the client's provider has prescribed fluconazole 400 mg po. what is the nurse's best action?


The nurse's best action when a client who takes a beta blocker and loop diuretic for hypertension has been diagnosed with candidiasis and prescribed fluconazole 400 mg po is to assess the client for potential drug interactions and monitor for adverse reactions.

Beta blockers and loop diuretics can interact with fluconazole, increasing the risk of adverse reactions such as hypotension and electrolyte imbalances. Therefore, the nurse should assess the client's blood pressure, heart rate, and electrolyte levels before and after administering fluconazole.

The nurse should also monitor the client for potential adverse reactions, such as allergic reactions, liver toxicity, or changes in cardiac function. The nurse should report any adverse reactions to the healthcare provider immediately and take appropriate measures to manage the client's symptoms.

Learn more about diuretics here:


she took a drink of water from the fountain and the next day she was sick. the public drinking fountain made her sick.


Based on the information provided, it is possible that the woman became sick due to drinking water from the public drinking fountain.

It is important to note that public drinking fountains can harbor germs and bacteria, especially if they are not properly cleaned and maintained. It is recommended to use caution when drinking from public drinking fountains and to consider bringing your own water bottle or using a filtered water dispenser instead. Based on the given information, it seems that after she took a drink of water from the public drinking fountain, she fell sick the following day. It is possible that the public drinking fountain was contaminated, which led to her illness. It's important to practice good hygiene and be cautious when using public facilities to minimize the risk of getting sick.

learn more about water


true or false? norman cousins put humor therapy on the national health care map as an effective coping technique.


True. Norman Cousins put humor therapy on the National Health Care Map as an effective coping technique.

Norman Cousins was a political writer, author, and proponent of holistic medicine in the United States. In 1964, he was diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis, a degenerative condition that caused him excruciating agony and rendered him bedridden. He discovered that watching comedies like the Marx Brothers and Candid Camera helped him manage his discomfort and raise his spirits.

Cousins went on to study and describe the impact of humor on health, and he authored a book about it called "Anatomy of an Illness as Perceived by the Patient: Reflections on Healing and Regeneration."

Cousins' support for humor therapy helped to raise awareness of the significance of combining psychological and emotional components into medical treatment. He illustrated how comedy may help with physical discomfort, stress reduction, and overall well-being.

Humor therapy is now regarded as a useful coping tool and is occasionally used in conjunction with traditional medical therapies.

Learn more about Norman Cousins:


a nurse is admitting a client who reports difficulty voiding and who brought in a requested urine sample. in reviewing the results of the client's urinalysis, the nurse notes that the client's urine is positive for leukocyte esterase and nitrites. which of the following actions should the nurse take?a. repeat the test early the next morning.b. start a 24-hr urine collection for creatinine clearance.c. obtain a clean-catch urine specimen for culture and sensitivity.d. recognize this as an expected result.


C. Obtain a clean-catch urine specimen for culture and sensitivity. Leukocyte esterase and nitrites are both indicators of a possible urinary tract infection (UTI).

The nurse should obtain a clean-catch urine specimen for culture and sensitivity to confirm the presence of an infection and identify the appropriate antibiotic treatment. Repeating the test early the next morning may not change the results and delay treatment, while starting a 24-hr urine collection for creatinine clearance is not necessary in this situation. Recognizing this as an expected result is not appropriate, as a positive result for leukocyte esterase and nitrites should be further investigated to determine the cause.

The client's urinalysis results, which show positive for leukocyte esterase and nitrites, the appropriate action for the nurse to take would be to obtain a clean-catch urine specimen for culture and sensitivity. This is because the presence of leukocyte esterase and nitrites may indicate a urinary tract infection (UTI), and a urine culture and sensitivity test would help identify the specific bacteria causing the infection and the most effective antibiotic for treatment.

To learn more about urine specimen click here


how much isotonic crystalloid solution should you administer to a patient who weighs 65 kg and who has signs and symptoms of internal bleeding?


The appropriate amount of isotonic crystalloid solution for a patient with internal bleeding depends on several factors and should be tailored to the individual patient's response to therapy with close monitoring by a healthcare provider.

The amount of isotonic crystalloid solution that should be administered to a patient who weighs 65 kg and has signs and symptoms of internal bleeding depends on the severity of the bleeding, the patient's fluid status, and any underlying medical conditions they may have.

In general, the initial goal of fluid resuscitation in a patient with internal bleeding is to restore intravascular volume and perfusion. The recommended starting point for fluid resuscitation is typically 1-2 liters of isotonic crystalloid solution, such as normal saline or lactated Ringer's solution, given rapidly through an intravenous line. This should be followed by ongoing monitoring of the patient's response to fluid therapy, including vital signs, urine output, and laboratory values.

It's important to note that fluid resuscitation should be tailored to the individual patient, and the amount and rate of fluid administration should be adjusted based on the patient's response to therapy. In some cases, additional fluids may be required to maintain adequate perfusion and oxygenation, while in others, excessive fluid administration may lead to fluid overload and other complications. As such, it is important to work closely with a healthcare provider to determine the appropriate fluid management plan for each patient.

To learn more about isotonic crystalloids


a nurse is caring for a postoperative client who has a chest tube connected to suction


The indication of the chest tube functioning properly when the nurse has connected a chest tube to suction and a water seal drainage system is: (a) Fluctuation of the fluid level within the water seal chamber.

Chest tube is plastic tube, acting as a surgical drain through which fluid or air drained out of the chest. The tube is inserted into the body through the chest wall and into the pleural space. When the system where the drained fluid is being stored shows fluctuations, it indicates correct functioning of the chest tube.

Water seal chamber is the part of the chest tube system through which  air exits from the pleural space upon exhalation. It also prevents the entering of air into the pleural cavity.

Therefore, the correct answer is option a.

To know more about water seal chamber, here


The given question is incomplete, the complete question is:

The nurse is caring for a postoperative client who has a chest tube connected to suction and a water seal drainage system. Which of the following indicates to the nurse that the chest tube is functioning properly?

a. Fluctuation of the fluid level within the water seal chamber

b. Absence of fluid in the drainage tubing

c. Continuous bubbling within the water seal chamber

d. Equal amounts of fluid drainage in each collection chamber

An infant client is able to stand holding onto objects, plays peekaboo, and is starting to say mama and dada. the nurse identifies these behaviors are characteristic of which age?


The behaviors described are characteristic of an infant who is around 9-12 months old. At this age, infants are developing their gross motor skills, such as standing with support and cruising along furniture.

Infants go through rapid growth and development in the first year of life. During this time, they develop a range of physical, social, and cognitive skills that form the foundation for later learning and development.

Some of the key developmental milestones for infants include:

Motor skills: Infants typically develop the ability to roll over, sit up, crawl, stand, and walk during their first year of life. They may also develop fine motor skills, such as grasping objects and feeding themselves.Social and emotional skills: Infants begin to develop social and emotional skills early on, such as recognizing familiar faces and expressing joy, sadness, and frustration. They may also engage in early forms of social interaction, such as smiling and babbling.Language skills: Infants start to develop language skills through listening and imitating sounds and words. They may begin to say simple words like "mama" and "dada" around 9-12 months, and they will continue to develop their language skills throughout childhood.

It is important for healthcare providers to monitor infants' developmental milestones and provide appropriate support and interventions if delays or concerns arise. This may include referrals to early intervention services or further diagnostic testing to identify underlying health concerns.

Learn more about diagnostic here:


for a stroke patient with hypertension who is a candidate for recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rt-pa), which blood pressure control strategy is appropriate?


For a stroke patient with hypertension who is a candidate for recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rt-PA), the appropriate blood pressure control strategy depends on several factors, including the severity of hypertension, the patient's age, and the time elapsed since the onset of stroke symptoms.

Current guidelines recommend that for patients with a blood pressure greater than 185/110 mmHg, antihypertensive medication should be initiated and the blood pressure should be lowered to below 180/105 mmHg before administering rt-PA. In patients with a blood pressure between 180/105 mmHg and 185/110 mmHg, careful consideration should be given to lowering the blood pressure before administering rt-PA, depending on the patient's individual clinical situation.

Learn more about hypertension here:


.A patient has been taking senna [Senokot] for several days, and the nurse notes that the urine is yellowish-brown. What does the nurse know about this symptom?
It indicates that renal failure has occurred.
It is caused by dehydration, which is a laxative side effect.
It is a sign of toxicity, indicating immediate withdrawal of the drug.
It is an expected, harmless effect of senna.


The nurse know about this symptom is option d. It is an expected, harmless effect of senna

Senna is a natural laxative that is commonly used to treat constipation. One of the side effects of senna is that it can cause the urine to turn a yellowish-brown color. This discoloration is due to the presence of compounds called anthraquinones, which are found in senna and are excreted in the urine.

The yellowish-brown color is not an indication of renal failure, dehydration, or toxicity. It is a harmless effect of the medication and does not require immediate withdrawal of the drug. However, if the patient experiences any other symptoms or if their condition worsens, they should contact their healthcare provider.

Senna is a type of stimulant laxative that works by irritating the lining of the intestines, which causes them to contract and push stool through the colon. Senna is available in many forms, including tablets, capsules, and liquid extracts.

It is important to follow the recommended dosage and duration of use, as overuse of senna can lead to dependence, electrolyte imbalances, and other complications.

learn more about senna here:


A nurse is caring for a client in addisonian crisis. Which medication order should the nurse question? a) normal saline b) potassium chloride c) hydrocortisone


The nurse should question the medication order for potassium chloride and consult with the healthcare provider before administering it to a client in Addisonian crisis. So option b) is the correct answer.

In Addisonian crisis, the adrenal gland is not producing enough hormones which can cause a drop in blood pressure and a decrease in sodium levels. The nurse's priority in this situation is to administer medications that will help to increase blood pressure and sodium levels while also replacing the deficient hormones.

The medication order that the nurse should question in this scenario is the potassium chloride. While potassium is an essential electrolyte, it should be used with caution in Addisonian crisis as it can cause further electrolyte imbalances and may exacerbate the client's symptoms. The nurse should consult with the healthcare provider and determine if potassium supplementation is necessary or if it can be withheld until the client's condition stabilizes.

The other two medication orders, normal saline and hydrocortisone, are appropriate for a client in Addisonian crisis. Normal saline is used to increase fluid volume and blood pressure, while hydrocortisone is a steroid hormone replacement therapy that helps to restore cortisol levels. The nurse should administer these medications as ordered and monitor the client's response closely.

Know more about Addisonian crisis here:


a nurse is caring for an older adult client following a hip fracture. the fracture was repaired by open reduction/internal fixation (orif). what postoperative complications should the nurse anticipate? how can these be prevented?


Following ORIF, potential side effects can include post-operative infection, malunion, nonunion, knee discomfort, malrotation, compartment syndrome, and nerve damage.

What nursing care is given to a patient with ORIF?Maintain your dressing or splint until 72 hours after surgery. For the first three days, you can cover the dressing or splint when taking a shower using saran wrap or a large plastic bag and tape. After that, you can bathe the knee but you can still use the shower with it wet.Nursing care for a patient after internal fixation entails monitoring neurovascular state, giving medications, managing the patient's discomfort, preventing infection, and helping the patient with ambulation and exercises.Keep the wound dry and clean after surgery. In order to properly treat wounds, the dressing should be removed.

For more information on open reduction/internal fixation (orif) kindly visit to


the nurse is caring for clients who are experiencing subfertility. when providing instruction on how to aid conception, which instruction will the nurse include in the teaching session? select all that apply.


Maintain a healthy weight: The nurse should instruct clients to maintain a healthy weight as being underweight or overweight can affect fertility.

Reduce stress: The nurse should instruct clients to reduce stress levels as stress can interfere with ovulation and fertility.

Avoid smoking, alcohol, and drugs: The nurse should instruct clients to avoid smoking, alcohol, and drugs as these substances can reduce fertility.

Address underlying medical conditions: The nurse should encourage clients to address any underlying medical conditions that may affect fertility, such as thyroid disorders or polycystic ovary syndrome.

Consider assisted reproductive technologies: The nurse should inform clients about assisted reproductive technologies such as intrauterine insemination (IUI) or in vitro fertilization (IVF) if other methods are unsuccessful.

Learn more about medical here:


a pregnant patient in her second trimester will probably have a decrease in her


A pregnant patient in her second trimester may experience a decrease in her energy levels, as her body is working hard to support the growing fetus.

This is a common symptom during the second trimester, as the body adjusts to the hormonal and physical changes of pregnancy. However, it is important for the patient to maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine to support her energy levels and overall health throughout the remainder of her pregnancy.

There are several reasons why this may occur:

1) Hormonal changes: During pregnancy, the body produces high levels of the hormone progesterone, which can cause drowsiness and fatigue. Additionally, the increase in estrogen levels can affect sleep patterns, which can lead to decreased energy levels.

2) Increased physical demands: As the fetus grows and the uterus expands, it can put pressure on other organs in the body, such as the lungs and stomach. This can cause shortness of breath, heartburn, and other discomforts that can make it more difficult to feel energetic.

3) Nutritional needs: The second trimester is a time when the baby is growing rapidly, which means that the mother's body needs to supply more nutrients. If a woman is not consuming enough calories or is not getting the right balance of nutrients, she may feel fatigued.

To know more about the pregnant patient refer here :


hallmark finding associated with b12 and folate deficiencies


Megaloblastic anemia is the most common symptom of B12 and folate deficiency.

When the presence of the extra large blood cells in the body increases, we call it the condition of Megaloblastic anemia. When there is a deficiency of B12 vitamin and folate in the body we observe this condition as the hallmark in the body as both of these are very important for cell division and DNA synthesis.

Inadequate availability of these vitamins impairs DNA synthesis and red blood cell maturation in bone marrow, leading in the development of big and immature cells. Fatigue and the shortening of the breath are some symptoms related to megaloblastic anemia. Treatment usually entails vitamin supplementation as well as addressing the underlying problem.

To know more about Megaloblastic anemia, visit,


Complete question - What are the hallmark finding associated with b12 and folate deficiencies?

The hallmark finding associated with vitamin B12 and folate deficiencies is megaloblastic anemia, which is characterized by the production of abnormally large and immature red blood cells in the bone marrow.

Megaloblastic anemia occurs because both vitamin B12 and folate play important roles in DNA synthesis, and a deficiency in either nutrient can lead to impaired DNA replication and cell division

In addition to megaloblastic anemia, other signs and symptoms of B12 and folate deficiencies may include fatigue, weakness, pale skin, shortness of breath, numbness or tingling in the hands and feet, difficulty walking, loss of balance, depression, confusion, and dementia.

It is important to note that vitamin B12 and folate deficiencies can have similar symptoms but different causes. Vitamin B12 is found naturally in animal products, such as meat, fish, and dairy, and can also be obtained through supplements and fortified foods. Folate, on the other hand, is found naturally in leafy green vegetables, citrus fruits, and beans, and is also added to many fortified foods.

Learn more about vitamin  here:


Patient satisfaction scores are down in your 44-bed medical-surgical unit from last year's scores. Current scores are at 44% this year. Patients felt the nursing staff does not have time to care or listen and the nurses are unprofessional. The Quality Improvement Committee wants to bring the patient satisfaction scores back up to 88% or higher. The unit has limited finances and many new staff members.


Improving patient satisfaction scores is an important goal for any healthcare organization, as it can lead to better patient outcomes, increased patient loyalty, and improved financial performance. Here are a few strategies that the Quality Improvement Committee could consider to improve patient satisfaction scores in your medical-surgical unit:

1. Increase staff communication: Patients may feel that the nursing staff does not have time to care or listen. This could be due to a lack of communication between staff and patients. Encourage staff to communicate more frequently with patients and actively listen to their concerns.

2. Provide staff training: Unprofessional behavior by nursing staff can lead to negative patient experiences. Consider providing training to staff on professionalism, customer service, and communication skills.

3. Improve staff workload: If nursing staff are overworked, they may not have enough time to provide quality care to patients. Consider increasing staffing levels or adjusting nurse-to-patient ratios to reduce the workload.

4. Enhance patient education: Improving patient education can help patients better understand their care plan and feel more involved in their treatment. Consider providing more education materials, such as brochures or videos, and ensuring that patients have access to them.

5. Address patient concerns: Patient satisfaction surveys can provide valuable feedback on areas for improvement. Take the time to review survey responses and address any concerns or complaints raised by patients.

6. Celebrate successes: Celebrate successes with staff members to promote a positive work environment. Acknowledge and reward nursing staff for their hard work in providing high-quality care to patients.

7. Utilize patient feedback: Patient feedback can be used to identify areas for improvement. Consider implementing patient feedback mechanisms, such as suggestion boxes or online surveys, to gather feedback and improve the patient experience.

While limited finances and new staff members may present challenges, these strategies can help improve patient satisfaction scores in your medical-surgical unit.

the nurse is assessing a client who sustained a blast injury. the client is exhibiting signs and symptoms of an air embolus. the nurse would place the client in which position?


If a client who sustained a blast injury is exhibiting signs and symptoms of an air embolus, the nurse would place the client in a left lateral decubitus position. This means the client would lie on their left side with their head slightly elevated.

Placing the client in a left lateral decubitus position helps to prevent the air embolus from traveling to the right side of the heart and blocking blood flow to the lungs. This position allows the embolus to rise to the highest point in the heart, which is the pulmonary artery, and become trapped there.

Additionally, the nurse would administer high-flow oxygen to the client to help dissolve the air embolus, and monitor the client's vital signs and oxygen saturation closely.

It's important to note that air emboli are rare but potentially life-threatening complications of blast injuries, and prompt recognition and management are essential for a positive outcome.

Learn more about pulmonary  here:


A client prescribed omeprazole for gastroesophageal reflux disease reports a new occurrence of significant diarrhea. Which response by the nurse is most appropriate?
'Stop taking your omeprazole.'
'This is a normal side effect of omeprazole.'
'We are going to collect a stool sample for testing.'
Correct answer
'Antidiarrheal medication can be used to decrease this.'


The most appropriate response by the nurse is "Antidiarrheal medication can be used to decrease this." Diarrhea is a potential side effect of omeprazole, but it is not a normal or expected side effect.

What is diarrhea?

Diarrhea is a condition characterized by loose, watery stools that occur more frequently than usual. It is a common digestive disorder that can be caused by a variety of factors such as viral or bacterial infections, food intolerances, medications, or certain medical conditions.

The most appropriate response by the nurse is "Antidiarrheal medication can be used to decrease this." Diarrhea is a potential side effect of omeprazole, but it is not a normal or expected side effect. Stopping the medication abruptly without consulting the healthcare provider can worsen the symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease. Collecting a stool sample for testing may be necessary if the diarrhea persists or is accompanied by other symptoms such as fever or abdominal pain.

However, the initial approach would be to provide symptomatic relief using antidiarrheal medication such as loperamide, under the guidance of a healthcare provider. The nurse should also advise the client to contact their healthcare provider for further evaluation and management of the diarrhea.

Learn more on diarrhea here


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