according to a survey, who is most likely to engage in political behaviors? upper levels of management


Answer 1

According to a survey, individuals in upper levels of management are most likely to engage in political behaviors.

This may be due to their increased access to resources and power, which allows them to influence decision-making processes within their organization or community.

Political behaviors can include activities such as lobbying, forming alliances, or engaging in strategic planning. It is important to note that while individuals in upper levels of management may be more likely to engage in political behaviors, this does not mean that individuals in other positions cannot also have an impact.

Effective political engagement requires a diverse range of perspectives and voices, and everyone has the potential to contribute to positive change.

To know more about upper levels of management refer here:


Related Questions

Please answer the following questions briefly.
a) Explain why margin accounts are required when clients write options but not when they buy options.
b) "Employee stock options issued by a company are different from regular exchange-traded call options on the company’s stock because they can affect the capital structure of the company." Explain this statement.
c) Explain why an American option is always worth at least as much as a European option on the same asset with the same strike price and exercise date.
d) Explain why an American option is always worth at least as much as its intrinsic value.
e) Explain carefully the difference between writing a put option and buying a call option.


a) Margin accounts are required when clients write options because writing options involves unlimited risk, meaning that the potential losses can be greater than the initial investment.

By requiring margin, the broker can ensure that the client has sufficient funds to cover any potential losses. When clients buy options, on the other hand, their risk is limited to the premium paid for the option, so margin is not required.

b) Employee stock options are different from regular exchange-traded call options because they are issued by the company itself to its employees, and therefore can affect the company's capital structure.

When employees exercise their stock options, the company's outstanding shares increase, potentially diluting the value of existing shares.

c) An American option is always worth at least as much as a European option because it gives the holder the right to exercise at any time up to the expiration date.

This additional flexibility makes the American option more valuable than the European option, which can only be exercised on the expiration date.

d) An American option is always worth at least as much as its intrinsic value because the holder can exercise the option at any time, which means that it can never be worth less than its intrinsic value (the difference between the current asset price and the strike price).

e) Writing a put option involves selling the right to sell an asset at a specified price (the strike price) to the buyer of the option. If the asset price falls below the strike price, the writer of the put option must buy the asset at the strike price.

Buying a call option, on the other hand, involves buying the right to buy an asset at a specified price (the strike price) from the seller of the option. If the asset price rises above the strike price, the buyer of the call option can exercise the option to buy the asset at the lower strike price, resulting in a profit.

For more questions like Capital click the link below:


mc qu. 75 camila manages a used car dealership... camila manages a used car dealership that allows customers to buy cars for no money down and pay in installments throughout the year. her company builds in a bad-debts adjustment that is deducted from the accounts receivable balance to present a more realistic view of the payments likely to be received in the future for these cars. the payments the company expects to receive are called


To provide a more accurate view of future payments, her company incorporates a bad-debts adjustment into the accounts receivable balance.

What is bad-debts adjustment

This adjustment accounts for the possibility of customers defaulting on their payments, allowing the company to estimate the payments they expect to receive. These expected payments are known as the net realizable value of accounts receivable.

This approach is commonly used in businesses that offer financing options, as it helps to minimize the impact of potential bad debt on the company's financial statements.

By accounting for bad debt in this way, the company can present a more realistic view of its financial position and better manage its cash flow.

Learn more about bad-debt adjustment at


willis currently has $160,000 invested in a four-stock portfolio with a beta coefficient equal to 1.1. willis plans to sell one of the stocks in his portfolio for $64,000, which will increase the portfolio's beta to 1.3. what is the beta coefficient of the stock willis plans to sell? do not round intermediate calculations. round your answer to two decimal places.


The beta coefficient of the stock Willis plans to sell is 1.6.

To solve this problem, we can use the formula for beta:

Beta = (Return of Portfolio - Risk-Free Rate) / Market Return

We are given that Willis currently has $160,000 invested in a four-stock portfolio with a beta coefficient equal to 1.1. This means that the current beta of the portfolio is 1.1. We are also told that if Willis sells one of the stocks in his portfolio for $64,000, the portfolio's beta will increase to 1.3.

To find the beta coefficient of the stock that Willis plans to sell, we can use the following equation:

New Beta = Old Beta + (New Investment / Total Portfolio Value) x (New Beta - Old Beta)

We know that the total portfolio value is currently $160,000 and that Willis plans to sell one of the stocks for $64,000. This means that after the sale, the total portfolio value will be $96,000.

Using the formula above, we can plug in the values we know:

1.3 = 1.1 + (64000/160000) x (New Beta - 1.1)

Simplifying this equation, we get:

0.2 = 0.4 x (New Beta - 1.1)

0.5 = New Beta - 1.1

New Beta = 1.6

Therefore, the beta coefficient of the stock Willis plans to sell is 1.6.

Learn more about coefficient here


which of the following is an example of medium of exchange? people in the pacific islands used cowrie shells as a form of payment for the things they wanted. a chicken farmer who wants a cow needs to find a cattle farmer who wants some chickens. a restaurant lists a price for dinner in gold coins. people invest in gold because it stays stable over time and does not tarnish, rust, or deteriorate.


"A restaurant listing a price for dinner in gold coins", is an example of a medium of exchange. Option C is correct.

This is because it serves as a common unit of value that can be easily traded for goods or services. The use of gold coins as a medium of exchange has a long history dating back to ancient civilizations, and its durability and rarity make it a valuable asset that can be exchanged for other goods or currencies.

While cowrie shells (option A) were also used as a form of payment in some cultures, they are not widely accepted as a medium of exchange in modern times. Option B describes a barter system, which is not considered a true medium of exchange. Option D describes an investment in a commodity, rather than a medium of exchange.

Option C holds true.

Learn more about medium of exchange:


A patient of dr. Albrecht told the dentist he needed to buy a machine that would sterilize his tools without using any water because water tends to cause the tools to rust or corrode over time. In terms of the buying center, the patient had the role of


In the case Dr. Albrecht In terms of the buying centre, the patient had the role of initiator.

A starter, or initiator, is someone who starts something. It is a person who identifies a need for a good or service and alerts the buying centre to it. In this instance, the patient told Dr Albrecht that a device was needed to sterilise equipment without the use of water.

Dr. Albrecht, who served as the buying centre's decision-maker, would, however, probably make the final choice to buy the equipment. Influencers, who provide suggestions and counsel, and purchasers, who make the actual purchase, might both be considered additional members of the purchasing centre.

Read more about initiation on:


selling of formerly government-owned industries to individual
investors is known as?
Answer within half hour and correct will give you positive


The selling of formerly government-owned industries to individual investors is known as privatization.

Privatization involves transferring the ownership and control of government-owned industries or assets to private individuals, companies, or investors. This transition is generally undertaken to improve efficiency, enhance productivity, and reduce the financial burden on the government.

Privatization can occur in various ways, such as through the sale of shares in government-owned companies, auctioning of assets, or direct sales to private entities. The main objective behind privatization is to introduce market competition, reduce government interference, and promote private sector involvement in the economy.

By doing so, it is believed that businesses can operate more efficiently and contribute more effectively to economic growth.

In summary, the selling of formerly government-owned industries to individual investors is known as privatization. This process aims to improve efficiency, promote private sector involvement, and reduce the financial burden on the government.

To know more about privatization, refer here:


effective social media marketing requires engaging fans by . select one or more: a. listening to fans b. being authentic c. learning from fans


Effective social media marketing requires engaging fans by listening to fans, being authentic, and learning from fans.

By actively listening to what your fans have to say, you can better understand their needs and preferences, and tailor your content to meet those needs. Being authentic helps build trust and credibility with your audience, and shows that you are genuinely interested in their opinions and feedback. Learning from your fans allows you to continually improve your social media strategy, and stay ahead of the curve when it comes to emerging trends and best practices. Overall, engaging your fans through these key practices is essential for success in social media marketing.

Learn more about social media marketing-


which of the following situations would involve the calculation of the future value of an ordinary annuity? multiple choice question. determining a single amount borrowed today, which will be repaid in 3 years. depositing an amount to a savings account each month that will grow to purchase a car in 5 years. determining the value of a liability that must be reported on the balance sheet today.


The situation that would involve the calculation of the future value of an ordinary annuity is: depositing an amount to a savings account each month that will grow to purchase a car in 5 years.

An ordinary annuity is a series of equal payments made at the end of each period. In the case of depositing an amount to a savings account each month, this would involve making regular deposits into the account, which can be considered an ordinary annuity.

The future value of this annuity would need to be calculated in order to determine the total amount that will be available to purchase the car in 5 years.

The other two situations mentioned, determining a single amount borrowed today to be repaid in 3 years and determining the value of a liability to be reported on the balance sheet today, do not involve an annuity and would require different calculations.

For more questions like Liability click the link below:


the risk that the procedures performed by the auditor to reduce audit risk to an acceptably low level will not detect a misstatement that exists is known as


The risk that the procedures performed by the auditor to reduce audit risk to an acceptably low level will not detect a misstatement that exists is known as detection risk.

Detection risk is an inherent risk that cannot be eliminated completely, but it can be reduced through the use of effective audit procedures. It is the risk that arises from the possibility that the procedures that an auditor has put in place to reduce audit risk may not be effective in detecting a material misstatement in the financial statements.

In order to reduce detection risk, auditors will use a combination of substantive procedures and tests of controls. Substantive procedures involve obtaining evidence to confirm the existence, completeness, accuracy, and valuation of the information contained in the financial statements.

It is important to note that detection risk can never be completely eliminated, and it is the responsibility of the auditor to use their professional judgment to determine an acceptable level of detection risk.

Additionally, auditors must remain vigilant and alert to any red flags or indications of potential misstatements, as well as continually reassessing the risks associated with their audit procedures throughout the audit engagement.

To know more about detection risk refer here


a company's next annual dividend will be $12 and that dividends after one year will have a constant growth rate of 5%. if the required rate of return is 9%, then what should the stock price and dividend yield be?


A company's next annual dividend will be $12 and that dividends after one year will have a constant growth rate of 5%. If the required rate of return is 9%. The stock price should be $315 and the dividend yield should be 4%.

To find the stock price and dividend yield:

We will need to use the Gordon growth model and the dividend yield formula.

Step 1: Apply the Gordon growth model formula to calculate the stock price.
Stock Price (P) = D1 / (r - g)
D1 = Dividend in the next year
r = Required rate of return
g = Growth rate of dividends
Step 2: Calculate the dividend in the next year (D1).
D1 = Annual Dividend * (1 + g)
D1 = $12 * (1 + 0.05)
D1 = $12 * 1.05
D1 = $12.60
Step 3: Calculate the stock price using the Gordon growth model formula.
Stock Price (P) = $12.60 / (0.09 - 0.05)
Stock Price (P) = $12.60 / 0.04
Stock Price (P) = $315
Step 4: Calculate the dividend yield.
Dividend Yield = D1 / Stock Price
Dividend Yield = $12.60 / $315
Dividend Yield = 0.04 or 4%
So, the stock price should be $315 and the dividend yield should be 4%.

To know more about Stock price and dividend yield.



Ironwood Bank is offering a 25-year mortgage with an APR of 5.80% based on monthly compounding. If you plan to borrow $153,000, what will be your monthly payment? (Note: Be careful not to round any intermediate steps less than six decimal places.) The loan payment is (Round to the nearest cent.)


Your monthly payment for the 25-year mortgage from Ironwood Bank with an APR of 5.80% and borrowing $153,000 will be $951.33.

1. Convert the APR to a monthly interest rate: 5.80%/12 = 0.483333% (as a decimal: 0.00483333)

2. Find the number of total payments: 25 years * 12 months = 300 payments

3. Use the loan payment formula: P = L[r(1 + r)ⁿ] / [(1 + r)ⁿ - 1], where P is the monthly payment, L is the loan amount, r is the monthly interest rate, and n is the number of payments.

4. Plug in the values: P = 153000[0.00483333(1 + 0.00483333)³⁰⁰] / [(1 + 0.00483333)³⁰⁰ - 1]

5. Calculate the result: P = 153000[0.00483333(1.00483333)³⁰⁰] / [(1.00483333)³⁰⁰ - 1]

6. Solve for P: P = $951.33 (rounded to the nearest cent)

To know more about interest rate click on below link:


saved You own a bond that has a duration of 6 years. Interest rates are currently 896. but you believe the Fed is about to decrease interest rates by 50 basis points. Your predicted price change on this band is -2.78% 1.3996 -1.39% 2.7896


The bond anticipates a decrease in interest rates but expects the bond's price to decrease by -2.78%.

Based on the given information, it can be inferred that you have saved a bond with a duration of 6 years, which means that the bond's price will be sensitive to changes in interest rates. The current interest rate is 896, but you anticipate a 50 basis point decrease in interest rates by the Fed. This decrease in interest rates will result in an increase in bond prices.

However, your predicted price change on this bond is -2.78%. This means that you anticipate the bond's price to decrease despite the expected decrease in interest rates. The values 1.3996 and 2.7896 are not clear from the given information and cannot be used to provide a relevant answer.

To know more about  interest rates:


which performance appraisal method is considered expensive for organizations with many job categories?


The performance appraisal method that is considered expensive for organizations with many job categories is the 360-degree feedback method.

This method involves collecting feedback from multiple sources, including supervisors, peers, subordinates, and customers. Since it requires a lot of time and effort to gather and analyze feedback from various sources, it can be costly for organizations with a large number of job categories.

Additionally, the implementation of this method requires significant training and resources to ensure that the feedback is accurate and reliable.

Therefore, organizations with many job categories may find it more cost-effective to use other performance appraisals methods such as the graphic rating scale or behaviorally anchored rating scale.

Read more about the 360-degree feedback at


IFE, Cross Exchange Rates, and Cash Flows. Assume the value of the Hong Kong dollar (HK$) value is tied to the U.S. dollar and will remain tied to the U.S. dollar. Assume that interest rate parity exists. Today, an Australian dollar (A$) is worth $.50 and HK$3.9. The one-year interest rate on the Australian dollar is 11%, whereas the one-year interest rate on the U.S. dollar is 7%. You believe in the international Fisher effect. You will receive A$1 million in one year from selling products to Australia and will convert these proceeds into Hong Kong dollars in the spot market at that time to purchase imports from Hong Kong. Forecast the amount of Hong Kong dollars that you will be able to purchase in the spot market one year from now with A$1 million. Show your work.


With A$1 million, we would be able to purchase HK$8,844,000 in the spot market one year from now.

What is  the expected change in the exchange rate between two currencies?

According to the international Fisher effect, the expected change in the exchange rate between two currencies is equal to the difference in the interest rates between the two countries. Therefore, we can use the following formula to calculate the expected spot rate one year from now:

Expected Spot Rate = Spot Rate x [(1 + Interest Rate of Home Currency) / (1 + Interest Rate of Foreign Currency)]

In this case, the home currency is the U.S. dollar, and the foreign currencies are the Australian dollar and the Hong Kong dollar.

First, let's calculate the expected spot rate between the U.S. dollar and the Australian dollar one year from now:

Expected Spot Rate (USD/AUD) = 0.50 x [(1 + 0.07) / (1 + 0.11)] = 0.4717

Next, let's calculate the expected spot rate between the U.S. dollar and the Hong Kong dollar one year from now:

Expected Spot Rate (USD/HKD) = 3.9 x [(1 + 0.07) / (1 + 0)] = 4.173

Finally, we can calculate the expected spot rate between the Australian dollar and the Hong Kong dollar one year from now:

Expected Spot Rate (AUD/HKD) = Expected Spot Rate (USD/HKD) / Expected Spot Rate (USD/AUD) = 4.173 / 0.4717 = 8.844

Therefore, with A$1 million, we would be able to purchase HK$8,844,000 in the spot market one year from now.

Learn more about spot rate


the use of financial incentives to improve productivity is most closely related to which theory of motivation?


The use of financial incentives to improve productivity is most closely related to the reinforcement theory of motivation. This theory suggests that behavior can be strengthened or weakened by the consequences that follow it. In this case, the financial incentive is the consequence that is intended to strengthen the desired behavior of improved productivity.

What  is Reinforcement theory of motivation.

Reinforcement theory was first recognized in the work of psychologist Ivan Pavlov (behavioral conditioning) and B. F. Skinner (operant conditioning).

Reinforcement theory says that behavior is driven by its consequences. As such, positive behaviors should be rewarded positively. Negative behaviors should not be rewarded or should be punished.

The difficulty in employing this theory is that it is not always easy to determine what types of behavior should be rewarded.

To know  more about behaviour


Although a company's earnings are important in financial statement analysis, with respect to credit evaluations and lending decisions an analysis of its cash flows is:a. required by banking regulationsb. only important if the company has a high debt/equity ratioc. centrald. optional


The correct answer is c. central. While earnings are important in financial statement analysis, an analysis of a company's cash flows is central to credit evaluations and lending decisions.

This is because cash flows reflect the actual cash that a company has on hand to pay its debts, and therefore provide a more accurate picture of its ability to meet financial obligations.  Cash flows provide a more accurate picture of a company's liquidity, solvency, and overall financial health, which are crucial factors for lenders to consider. While banking regulations may require a certain level of cash flow analysis, it is generally considered a fundamental aspect of financial statement analysis.

Thus, if a company's earnings are important in financial statement analysis, with respect to credit evaluations and lending decisions an analysis of its cash flows is c. Central.

To learn more about cash flow:


which of the following statement is not true? a. business analytics enables data visualization to examine performance trends. b. business analytics enables statistical measure calculations. c. business analytics enables correlation analysis. d. business analytics enables regression analysis. e. business analytics enables organizations to make a decision.


The statement that is not true is "e. business analytics enables organizations to make a decision."

Business analytics is a field that focuses on the use of data, statistical and quantitative analysis, and predictive modeling to gain insights and inform decision-making. Options a, b, c, and d are all true statements as they describe different methods or techniques used in business analytics.

However, option e is not entirely accurate. Business analytics can provide insights and recommendations, but ultimately, it is up to the organization or decision-makers to make the final decision based on the insights provided. Business analytics can provide valuable information to inform decision-making, but it cannot make decisions on its own. The responsibility of decision-making lies with the organization or decision-makers who must weigh the insights provided by business analytics with other factors such as risk, cost, and strategy to make an informed decision.

Option e is answer.

You can learn more about business analytics at


an employer can access stored e-mail communications of employees using the employer's service. this is granted by the _________.


An employer can access stored e-mail communications of employees using the employer's service. This is granted by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA). The ECPA allows employers to monitor their employees' electronic communications if they have a legitimate business reason to do so.

This includes monitoring emails sent and received through company email accounts or using company-provided devices. However, employers must still follow certain guidelines, such as notifying employees of monitoring policies and avoiding unreasonable intrusions on privacy.

It is important for both employers and employees to be aware of their rights and responsibilities when it comes to electronic communications in the workplace.

To know more about Communications , refer to the link:


Recently, some financial institutions in Kenya experienced financial distress leading to financial panics. Briefly explain types of measures that an institutions can use mitigate the effects of distress?


When financial distress hits an institution, there are a few measures they can take to mitigate the effects. One option is to seek external support such as seeking government intervention, borrowing funds, or partnering with other institutions.

Another measure is to restructure the institution's operations by cutting down on expenses, reviewing their business model, or downsizing its workforce. Institutions can also consider liquidating some of their assets to generate revenue or merging with another institution.

Communication is also crucial during times of distress; institutions should keep their stakeholders informed about the situation to prevent further panic.

Lastly, institutions should implement effective risk management strategies to prevent future financial distress. By proactively identifying and managing risks, institutions can avoid situations of financial distress and safeguard their financial stability.

To know more about financial distress refer here:


shirley borrows $3,605 from second national bank. shirley will repay the loan in five equal payments of $1,000 each beginning at the end of year 1. what is the annual interest rate implicit in this agreement? multiple choice question. 27% 11% 10% 14% 12%


The annual interest rate implicit in this agreement is approximately 10%

the yearly interest price implicit in this agreement may be calculated using the present cost formula for an annuity:

present cost = charge x [(1 - (1 + r)^-n) / r]


payment = $1,000

r = annual interest rate

n = wide variety of payments = 5

for the reason that Shirley borrowed $3,605 and will repay in 5 same payments, the prevailing price of the annuity is $3,605. therefore, we are able to set up the equation as:

$3,605 = $1,000 x [(1 - (1 + r)^-5) / r]

solving for r, we get:

r = 10.33%

Therefore, the once a year interest charge implicit on this settlement is about 10%

Learn more about Present value:-


16. To supplement your retirement in exactly 35 years, you estimate that you need to accumulate $250,000 by your retirement date. You plan to make equal deposits at the end of each of those 35 years into a mutual fund that promises you 10% compounded annually. Determine the amount of the annual deposits.


To accumulate $250,000 in 35 years by making equal annual deposits at the end of each year, with a compound interest rate of 10%, the annual deposit needs to be $1,674.14.

To calculate the annual deposit, we can use the formula for the future value of an annuity:

[tex]FV = PMT \times [(1 + r)^n - 1] / r[/tex]

where FV is the future value, PMT is the payment, r is the interest rate, and n is the number of periods.

In this case, we know that FV = $250,000, r = 10%, and n = 35.

Substituting these values into the formula, we can solve for PMT:

$250,000 = PMT x [(1 + 10%)³⁵ - 1] / 10%

$250,000 = PMT x 137.80

PMT = $250,000 / 137.80

PMT = $1,811.60 (annual payment)

However, this solution assumes that the annual payment is made at the beginning of each year.

Since the problem states that the payment is made at the end of each year, we need to adjust the solution by calculating the present value of an annuity due, which is simply the future value of an ordinary annuity multiplied by (1 + r):

[tex]PV = PMT \times [(1 + r)^n - 1] / r \times (1 + r)[/tex]

Substituting the values we have, we get:

PV = $1,674.14 x [(1 + 10%)³⁵ - 1] / 10% x (1 + 10%)

PV = $1,674.14 x 65.44

PV = $109,491.49

Therefore, the amount of the annual deposits needed to accumulate $250,000 in 35 years is $1,674.14.

To know more about annual deposits, refer here:

this health insurance provision lets your insurer make direct payments to your doctor or hospital. a. assigned benefits b. benefit limits c. exclusions and limitations d. internal limits e. service benefits


The health insurance provision that allows your insurer to make direct payments to your doctor or hospital is known as a) assigned benefits.

This is a helpful feature for policyholders because it means that they don't have to worry about paying their medical bills upfront and then waiting for reimbursement from their insurance company. Instead, the insurer will pay the healthcare provider directly for covered services, up to the benefit limits of the policy.

It's important to note that there may still be exclusions and limitations in the policy, which means that certain treatments or services may not be covered. Additionally, there may be internal limits on how much the insurer will pay for certain services or procedures, so it's important to read the policy carefully to understand the specifics.

Overall, assigned benefits are a convenient and helpful feature of many health insurance policies. They can help reduce the financial burden of medical expenses and ensure that policyholders receive the care they need without worrying about payment.

Therefore, the correct answer is a) assigned benefits.

Learn more about health insurance here:


A steel container weighing 90 pounds has a coefficient of friction equaling 0.61. How much force is required to move this box on a dry and clean surface?


Answer: 54.9 LBS

Explanation: got it right

in which of the following situations can a firm providing goods and services gain a competitive advantage? multiple select question. their offerings provide more value for consumers than competitors' offerings. their offerings are of similar quality to competitors' offerings but can be sold at lower prices due to lower costs. their offerings cost more to produce than competitors' offerings. their offerings are similar to competitors' offerings at higher prices.


A firm providing goods and services can gain a competitive advantage in the following situations:

A: Their offerings provide more value for consumers than competitors' offerings.B: Their offerings are of similar quality to competitors' offerings but can be sold at lower prices due to lower costs.

A firm can gain a competitive advantage if their offerings provide more value for consumers or if they can produce similar quality goods and services at lower costs than competitors. By offering better quality or lower prices, the firm can attract more customers and increase their market share. This can result in higher profits and a stronger position in the market.

However, if their offerings cost more to produce or are similar to competitors' offerings at higher prices, it may not lead to a competitive advantage.

Options A and B are answers.

You can learn more about competitive advantage at


how is the risk-free interest rate determined? multiple choice it is equal to the interest rate on u.s. government debt. it is equal to the average interest rate over a period of time. it is equal to the rate of inflation. it is equal to the risk premium.


The risk-free interest rate is determined by the interest rate on U.S. government debt. It is equal to the interest rate on U.S. government debt.

The risk-free interest rate is the rate of return an investor can expect from an investment that has zero risk of default. The U.S. government is considered to be the safest borrower in the financial markets and has a near-zero probability of defaulting on its debt obligations. As a result, the interest rate on U.S. government debt, such as Treasury bills, notes, and bonds, is used as a proxy for the risk-free rate.

The U.S. Treasury sets the interest rates on its debt based on a variety of factors, including inflation, economic conditions, and demand for U.S. Treasury securities. Therefore, the risk-free rate is determined by market forces and is an important benchmark for pricing other investments and assessing the risk and return tradeoff of investments.

Learn more about interest rate at:


During a severe and persistent recession, Keynesians would most likely propose
A) tax increases.
B) a tight money policy.
C) annually balanced federal budgets.
D) macroeconomic stabilization.


During a severe and persistent recession, Keynesians would most likely propose macroeconomic stabilization. This involves the use of government intervention to stabilize the economy by increasing government spending, reducing taxes, and adjusting interest rates

This is based on the Keynesian belief that during a recession, demand falls, leading to a decrease in economic activity, which ultimately results in higher unemployment rates.

To combat this, macroeconomic stabilization policies aim to boost demand, which in turn, will stimulate economic activity and help to reduce unemployment rates. Overall, the goal of macroeconomic stabilization is to stabilize the economy and promote growth, even during difficult economic times.

To know more about recession,refer to the link:


the beatrice manufacturing company increased its merchandise inventory by $28,000 over the year. the company also granted its customers more liberal credit terms which increased the accounts receivable by $54,000. sales were $1,030,000 and the accounts payable decreased by $49,500. the gross profit on sales is 45%. marketing and administrative expenses were $167,000; this included depreciation expense of $26,000. what were the cash disbursements for the year?


The cash disbursements for the year were $865,000.To calculate the cash disbursements for the year, we need to use the following formula:

Cash disbursements = Cost of goods sold + Marketing and administrative expenses - Increase in accounts payable + Decrease in merchandise inventory + Increase in accounts receivable

First, we need to calculate the cost of goods sold using the gross profit percentage:

Gross profit = Sales * Gross profit percentage

$1,030,000 * 45% = $463,500

The cost of goods sold can be calcualted as   Sales - Gross profit

$1,030,000 - $463,500 = $566,500

Next, we can calculate the cash disbursements using the formula:

Cash disbursements = $566,500 + $167,000 - (-$49,500) + $28,000 + $54,000

Cash disbursements = $566,500 + $167,000 + $49,500 + $28,000 + $54,000

Cash disbursements = $865,000.Therefore, the cash disbursements  were $865,000.

To know more about cash disbursements click here


Accrual Basis of Accounting versus Cash Basis of Accounting On December 31, Hermani Patterson completed his first year as a financial planner. The following data are available from his accounting records Fees billed to clients for services rendered $97,700 Rent expense for year just ended $10,800 Cash received from clients Supplies purchased for cash Supplies used during the year Cash paid for rent (rent is paid through Feb. of next year) 85,000 Utility expense incurred 4,000 Utility bills paid 3,300 Salary earned by assistant 30,000 Salary paid to assistant 27,000 12,000 a. Compute Hermani's net income for the year just ended using the accrual basis of accountin b. Compute Hermani's net income for the year just ended using the cash basis of accounting c. Which net income amount is computed in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles?


a. Net income for the year just ended using the accrual basis of accounting is $52,900. b.  Hermani's net income for the year just ended using the cash basis of accounting is $20,200. c.  The net income amount computed using the accrual basis of accounting ($52,900) is in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.

a. To compute Hermani's net income for the year using the accrual basis of accounting, we need to recognize all revenue earned and expenses incurred during the year regardless of when cash is received or paid.

Therefore, we need to include fees billed to clients for services rendered ($97,700) and recognize rent expense for the year just ended ($10,800) even though it was paid in advance.

We also need to recognize the utility expense incurred ($4,000) even though the bills were not yet paid, as well as the salary earned by the assistant ($30,000) even though it was not yet paid. Supplies purchased for cash and supplies used during the year are not relevant for the accrual basis of accounting.

Net Income = Fees Billed - Rent Expense - Utility Expense - Assistant Salary
Net Income = $97,700 - $10,800 - $4,000 - $30,000
Net Income = $52,900

b. To compute Hermani's net income for the year using the cash basis of accounting, we only recognize revenue when cash is received and expenses when cash is paid.

Therefore, we need to include cash received from clients ($85,000), cash paid for rent ($85,000 - $10,800 = $74,200), and utility bills paid ($3,300).

We also need to include the salary paid to the assistant ($27,000) since it was paid during the year. Supplies purchased for cash and supplies used during the year are not relevant for the cash basis of accounting.

Net Income = Cash Received - Cash Paid for Expenses
Net Income = $85,000 - $74,200 - $4,000 - $27,000
Net Income = -$20,200

c. The net income amount computed using the accrual basis of accounting ($52,900) is in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). This is because the accrual basis of accounting matches revenues and expenses to the period in which they are earned or incurred, providing a more accurate picture of a company's financial performance. The cash basis of accounting is not in accordance with GAAP as it does not recognize revenue and expenses in the period in which they are earned or incurred, but rather in the period in which cash is received or paid.

Learn more about GAAP here:


expulsion from membership in a professional organization could occur due to failure to comply with its’ _______


Expulsion from membership in a professional organization could occur due to failure to comply with its bylaws, code of ethics, or other rules and regulations.

It is important for members to adhere to these standards in order to maintain the integrity and reputation of the organization.
In a professional organization due to failure to comply with its "Code of Ethics" or "Professional Standards". These terms outline the expected behavior and practices of members within the organization, and non-compliance may lead to disciplinary actions, including expulsion.

A code of ethics is a set of guidelines that defines ethical principles and values that individuals or organizations must abide by. These codes serve as a guide for decision-making, ensuring that individuals act with integrity, professionalism, and respect for all stakeholders involved.

Specific sets of code of ethics are established for different target audiences, including professionals and practitioners, employers and organizations, students and researchers, and the general public.

Learn more about bylaws here:


Expulsion from membership in a professional organization could occur due to failure to comply with its rules and regulations. Every professional organization has a set of guidelines and standards that its members are expected to follow. If a member fails to comply with these rules, they may face disciplinary action, including suspension or even expulsion from the organization.

It is crucial for professionals to adhere to the standards set by their respective professional organizations to maintain their membership and reputation. Failure to meet these requirements or violation of the code of conduct could result in disciplinary action, including expulsion from the organization. Expulsion may be imposed as a consequence for serious breaches, such as unethical behavior, professional misconduct, fraud, or repeated non-compliance. It is important for members of professional organizations to understand and adhere to the rules and regulations set forth by the organization to maintain their membership status and uphold the integrity of the profession.

learn more about Membership here :


Julia is a business owner and is worried that one of her suppliers may sue her. She has learned that segregated funds provide creditor protection, so she purchases a contract 3 months prior to placing her company into bankruptcy. Will her segregated funds be protected from creditors in this case?
No because she purchased the contract 3 months before placing her company into bankruptcy
Yes, because the assets are in her name and not in the company name
No because segregated funds' assets are held by the insurance company
Yes, as segregated funds provide creditor protection


Julia, as a business owner, is right to be concerned about the possibility of her suppliers suing her. She has learned that segregated funds provide creditor protection and has decided to purchase a contract 3 months prior to placing her company into bankruptcy. However, her decision to purchase the contract 3 months before the bankruptcy may not provide her with the protection she was hoping for.

Generally, segregated funds provide creditor protection as they are separate from the individual's estate and cannot be seized by creditors. However, in cases where the segregated funds were purchased with the intent of defeating creditors, the funds may not be protected. This is because such actions are seen as fraudulent and can result in the funds being seized by creditors.

In this case, Julia's purchase of the segregated fund contract 3 months prior to bankruptcy may be seen as an attempt to defeat creditors, and as such, the funds may not be protected. It is important to note that the exact circumstances of each case will be examined before a final decision is made. Overall, while segregated funds may provide creditor protection, it is important to consult with a financial advisor and ensure that any actions taken are legal and ethical.

You can learn more about bankruptcy at:


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