According to the corespondence theory of truth, there are no definitive truths, only different opinions.
True or False


Answer 1




The correspondence theory is often traced back to Aristotle’swell-known definition of truth (Metaphysics 1011b25):“To say of what is that it is not, or of what is not that it is,is false, while to say of what is that it is, and of what is not thatit is not, is true”...

Related Questions

True or false the Americans got mad when the British tied up American Sailors.​


That the Americans got mad when the British tied up American Sailors. is True.  This is known as the practice of impressment.

What is the practice of impressment?

Impressment refers to the practice of forcibly conscripting individuals into military or naval service, often against their will or without their consent.

During the early 19th century, the British Navy engaged in impressment as a means to recruit sailors to serve in their naval fleet, particularly during the Napoleonic Wars (1803-1815).

This practice was deeply resented by the United States and its citizens, as it violated American sovereignty.

It was one of the factors that contributed to the worsening relationship between the United States and Britain, ultimately leading to the 1812 War.

Read more about impressment at


How did Abraham Lincoln get national attention before the election of 1860?


Answer: Abraham Lincoln gained national attention prior to the 1860 presidential election through a variety of means, including his debates with Stephen A. Douglas, his Cooper Union speech, and his House Divided speech.

In 1858, Lincoln ran for the U.S. Senate against incumbent Stephen A. Douglas. The two engaged in a series of seven debates across Illinois, which were widely covered by the press and drew large crowds. While Lincoln ultimately lost the election, the debates elevated his profile and established him as a leading voice in the Republican Party.

In February 1860, Lincoln delivered a speech at Cooper Union in New York City that helped solidify his reputation as a serious presidential contender. In the speech, Lincoln argued that the Founding Fathers intended to limit the spread of slavery and that it was the duty of Congress to prevent its expansion into new territories. The speech was widely circulated in newspapers and helped to dispel doubts about Lincoln's ability to appeal to voters outside of the Midwest.

Finally, in June 1858, Lincoln delivered his famous "House Divided" speech upon accepting the Republican nomination for senator from Illinois. In this speech, he declared that "a house divided against itself cannot stand" and warned that the nation could not continue to exist half-slave and half-free. The speech helped to galvanize anti-slavery sentiment and cemented Lincoln's status as a leading opponent of slavery.

Overall, through his debates with Douglas, his Cooper Union speech, and his House Divided speech, Abraham Lincoln was able to gain national attention and establish himself as a leading figure in the Republican Party prior to the 1860 presidential election.

Explanation: :D

What is the difference between marginal cost and marginal revenue?

oMarginal cost is the money earned from selling one more unit of a good. Marginal revenue is the money paid for producing one more unit of a good.

oMarginal cost is the money paid for producing one more unit of a good. Marginal revenue is the money earned from selling one more unit of a good.

oMarginal cost is the money a producer might make from one more unit. Marginal revenue is the money a producer actually makes from one more unit.

oMarginal cost is the money a producer actually makes from one more unit. Marginal revenue is the money a producer might make from one more unit.


Answer : oMarginal cost is the money paid for producing one more unit of a good. Marginal revenue is the money earned from selling one more unit of a good.

Explanation: Marginal cost is the money paid for producing one more unit of a good. Marginal revenue is the money earned from selling one more unit of a good. The Davis family grows organic vegetables to sell at a local farmer's market.

convert this into a paragraph???


American troops were capable of carrying out a wide range of tasks. They possessed immense firepower and could destroy entire cities and villages. However, they were unable to make the South Vietnamese people love the government that the United States had brought to power in Saigon, nor govern the country themselves. The American troops could either be withdrawn or stay which they chose to remain

What is a paragraph?

A paragraph is a group of related sentences that express a single idea or theme. It is a structural unit of written language that usually consists of several sentences, although it can be as short as a single sentence or as long as several pages.

A well-written paragraph has a clear topic sentence, which introduces the main idea of the paragraph, and supporting sentences that provide evidence, details, examples, or explanation to develop or support the topic sentence.

A paragraph typically ends with a concluding sentence or transition that helps to connect the ideas in the paragraph to the next paragraph or the overall argument or theme of the piece of writing. Effective paragraphing is important for readability, coherence, and organization in writing.

learn more about paragraph:


What weakness of Japan’s geography did the allies exploit?
A. Japan’s borders are very large, so Allies were able to sneak in undetected
B. Japan has large oil fields, so Allies were able to take the oil to refuel while fighting
C. Japan relies on imports, so Allies cut off supply lines
D. Japan has no access to the sea, so Allies surrounded them easily





What was the result of the damage caused by the Great Seattle Fire of 1889?


120 acres (25 city blocks) had been destroyed, as was every wharf and Mill from Union to Jackson Streets. Although the loss of human life was evidently low (no statistics were kept on that) it was estimated that 1 million rats were killed. Thousands of people were displaced, and 5,000 men lost their jobs.

Which statement is true about the Native American population in the United States?

A)It declined in the late 1800s due to mass migration to other countries.

B)Native Americans share a common culture and language.

C)Some groups are currently developing mineral resources on their land.

D)Native Americans came to the United States to help build railroads.


C) Some groups are currently developing mineral resources on their land.

Why is Morley important to the narrator's understanding of herself? Use two details story to support your response.


he helps the narrator develop a deeper understanding of herself and her role in the family, and also because he is the cause as to why the narrator is no longer viewed or treated as the “baby” of the family.

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Fill in the blanks to tell what Blare
did to help the children of Haiti.


The plan was for Blare to deliver more than just his one unique bear to Haiti. He intended to appeal to his neighborhood to gather several bears. He wanted to amass 2,000 bears. Many children in Haiti would be inspired by that.

Blare Gooch: Who is he?

Blare Gooch, a 13-year-old from Grand Rapids with connections to Bronson, was chosen by Parenting magazine as one of the "Kids of the Year" for his "Blare's Bears for Haiti" campaign.

Does Haiti pose a threat?

Avoid traveling to Haiti due to kidnapping, bloodshed, and unrest there. Americans need to leave Haiti immediately due to the current security, medical, and infrastructure problems. United States citizens who want to leave Port-au-Prince should follow local news reports and only depart when it is judged safe to do so.

Learn more about infrastructure problems:


Sequencing Copy the organizer
below. Use it to place into sequence
the important events in the record
of British imperialism in North and
East Africa


Organizer: race towards Africa, Berlin Meeting, British rule over Egypt, Omdurman Battle of the Mahdist War, British rule over Sudan, Kenya was colonised by the British, 'Mau Mau' movements for independence in uprising

Use it to place into sequence the important events in the record of British imperialism in North and East Africa

In the late 19th century, the Scramble for Africa—a period of intense colonisation and exploitation of Africa by European powers—began. The Berlin Conference, which included Britain, was held in 1884 to divide Africa among the European powers. Following its 1882 takeover of Egypt, Britain waged the Mahdist War against rebels in Sudan from 1884 to 1899, which culminated in the Battle of Omdurman. Up until the country's independence in 1956, the Sudan remained under British rule. Because of political unrest and economic inequality, many African nations are still suffering from the effects of British imperialism in North and East Africa.

To Know more about Battle of the Mahdist Visit:


What do you think might result from the
growing sectionalism in Congress?


Northern congressmen voted against proslavery measure such as the Fugitive slave act and South were against abolition of slave trade in Washington.

Do you agree that states have the right to secede from the Union if they disagree with
the Federal Government? Why?


The borders of the United States were shared by the Confederate States of America, the Border States, and the Territories. Under Jefferson Davis' leadership, the seven states that had previously announced their secession formed the Confederate States of America on February 4, 1861.

What does it mean that states are unable to exit the federation mean?

The Constitution doesn't allow for states or other sections of the union to break away. India's territory and boundaries will never change since no state has the power or right to alter them in a way that would affect the union as a whole.

Do states have the power to sever ties with the union?

According to some, secession has been justified as both a constitutional right and a natural right of revolution. Texas v. White (1869), a decision by the Supreme Court, noted that a successful secession might come about as a consequence of a revolution or the consent of the states.

Learn more about natural right of revolution:


Which of the following was NOT a reform program of the Progressives



As the 1900s opened, reformers pushed for a number of changes. Together their efforts built the progressive movement. The progressive movement had four major goals: (1) to protect social welfare, (2) to promote moral improvement, (3) to create economic reform, and (4) to foster efficiency.


3.) What spurred the growth
of Virginia?
a) tobacco
b) coal mining
c) new farmland for
d) new urban areas were


B. Coal mining because Quizlet said so

What was president Lincoln’s central goal during the civil war



President Lincoln's central goal was to preserve the Union.

Explanation: Hope it helps you :))))

give an overview of the checks and balances between the three branches of the federal government.



The legislative branch makes laws, but the President in the executive branch can veto those laws with a Presidential Veto. The legislative branch makes laws, but the judicial branch can declare those laws unconstitutional.

. Read these two sentences from the passage: "Although the Constitution is more than
220 years old, it is still important today. It sets up the structure for our government
and divides it into three branches: legislative, executive, and judicial."
Which of the following describes the relationship between these two sentences?
A. The sentences describe a problem that has been solved.
B. The sentences explain a sequence of events.
C. The second sentence explains the first.
D. The first sentence is the effect of the second.

Someone pls :(


The answer is A
Because the sentences describe a problem that has been solved

Which of the following are true regarding bonds?
a. There is no opportunity cost in owning a bond
b. All bonds earn the same amount of interest.
C. Bonds are interest-bearing assets.
d. The bond holder owns part of a company.


Option (b) and (c), Bonds are interest-bearing assets and all bonds pay the same interest rate, which is accurate.

Since all bonds have the same interest rate, they are predictable.

Bonds are predictable since they all have the same interest rate. They frequently produce larger profits than do equities. Bonds' versatility allows them to quickly adapt to changing market conditions. Companies may decide to pay off their bonds earlier.

What separates financial instruments that bear interest from those that do not?

The two distinct types of notes are interest-bearing and non-interest-bearing notes. Notes with an interest component have a predetermined rate of interest that must be paid on top of the principal. Non-interest bearing notes, which have no fixed rate of interest, are zero-bearing notes.

Learn more about interest-bearing assets:


Read the following sentence from the passage: "Congress is divided into two parts-
the Senate and the House of Representatives."
In this sentence, the word divided means
A. joined
B. split
C. changed
D. shared

Someone pls:(


The word, " divided" in the sentence would mean B. split.

How is Congress split ?

The word "divided" means to separate or split something into different parts. In the context of the sentence, it refers to the separation of the legislative branch of the US government into two separate chambers, which are the Senate and the House of Representatives.

The Senate and the House of Representatives are separate chambers of the US Congress, with distinct powers and responsibilities. The Senate is composed of 100 members, with two members representing each state, while the House of Representatives has 435 members, with the number of members per state based on the population of each state.

Find out more on Congress at


Upon his arrival at Sobibor, Abraham was chosen to work as one of the Sonderkommando. Having heard rumors of the fate of most prisoners deposited at Sobibor, Abraham could not hide his relief. A Nazi guard read his face and sneered, “Don’t get too comfortable, Jew.” What did the guard MOST likely mean by this statement?

He knew that Abraham would probably die of disease quickly anyway.

He was telling Abraham that he could arrange his death at any time.

The guard did not have any reason behind this statement other than racism.

He knew that those in Abraham’s job were replaced every four months.


Option (b), Abraham received the message that he might plan his demise at any time.

For Jews, how lethal was Sobibor?

To carry out the mass murder of Europe's Jews, the SS built killing facilities that were entirely or mostly used for gassing human people in gas chambers. Sobibor was one of these killing grounds. It was one of three extermination camps linked to Operation Reinhard, an SS plan to kill more than two million Jews living in the General Government, the German-ruled part of occupied Poland.

Sonderkommandos, which were labor organizations, were founded by German prisoners of the Nazi extermination camps. They were made up of prisoners, the most of whom were Jews, who were forced to help in the Holocaust's gas chamber murder of victims out of fear for their own lives. The Sonderkommandos of the concentration camps, who were always inmates, had nothing to offer with the SS-Sonderkommandos, a group of ad hoc organizations put up between 1938 and 1945 from the personnel of various SS departments.

Learn more about Nazi extermination camps:


If you worked for a federal agency, would you report a wrongdoing or keep quiet? Explain your answer.


No, you do not have a responsibility to report wrongdoings, is the quick response. not a mandate under the law.

If you worked for a government agency, would you speak up if something was wrong?

You might harm millions of people who have nowhere else to turn if you decide not to report misconduct, though. Despite the fact that the public has the ability to vote, it does not follow that they are necessarily informed of the activities of your agency. So many government employees feel it is their "ethical duty" to expose wrongdoing.

Which inappropriate actions are reportable at work?

Whistleblowing in the workplace refers to the act of reporting misconduct at work, such as financial irregularities or prejudice. However, they might also be a third party like a vendor or customer. This person is typically an employee.

Learn more about Whistleblowing:


List the 4 unemployment types and give an example:


Answer: Frictional unemployment. Frictional unemployment is caused by temporary transitions in workers' lives, such as when a worker moves to a new city and has to find a new job. ...

Structural unemployment. ...

Cyclical unemployment. ...

Seasonal unemployment


explain why Japan began to
invade other countries leading up to WWII?


Answer:Faced with severe shortages of oil and other natural resources and driven by the ambition to displace the United States as the dominant Pacific power, Japan decided to attack the United States and British forces in Asia and seize the resources of Southeast Asia.

Weakness in the articles of confederation federal system?


Congress received little respect and little assistance from state governments vying for power.

Which Article of Confederation flaw was the most significant?

The Congress was unable to enforce laws or collect taxes under the Articles of Confederation, which made it impossible for the new country to pay back its debts from the Revolutionary War. This was one of the Articles of Confederation's weaknesses.

The Articles of Confederation had flaws that were revealed over time; state governments eager to hold onto their authority gave Congress little respect and little assistance. Without the states' voluntary consent, Congress would not be able to generate money, control commerce, or pursue foreign policy.

Learn more about Articles of Confederation:


5. Explain two reasons why Elizabeth Cady Stanton opposed the Fifteenth Amendment.
(4 points)



While both Stanton and Anthony had been abolitionists, they were opposed to the 15th amendment because it did not include voting rights for women. They insisted that all men and women must gain the right to vote at the same time.


What was the Chinese political historic perspective in 1839 during the opium trade?


In 1839, China was ruled by the Qing dynasty, which had been in power since 1644. The Qing dynasty was facing various challenges at the time, including a weakened economy, increasing social unrest, and pressure from Western powers seeking increased trade opportunities.

The opium trade was a major issue for China during this time. The British had been importing opium into China from their colonies in India, leading to widespread addiction and social problems in China. In an effort to curb the opium trade and address the societal issues it created, the Qing government issued a series of edicts and regulations prohibiting the importation and sale of opium. The British government, however, refused to comply with these regulations, and tensions between the two nations continued to escalate.

From a Chinese political historic perspective, the opium trade was seen as a symbol of Western imperialism and a threat to China's sovereignty. It was believed that foreign powers were seeking to exploit China's weaknesses and impose their own economic and political systems. This created a sense of nationalism and resistance among the Chinese people, and ultimately led to the outbreak of the First Opium War in 1839.

Qing Dynasty ruled China in 1839, the Dynasty had a perspective that the opium trade posed a great threat to the political as well as the social order of the country.

Opium was considered an addictive as well as harmful drug by the Qing Dynasty which the British merchants were forcing upon Chinese people in order to gain economic and political power as well as influence over China. This trade was viewed as exploitation and imperialism by the Chinese government.

Opium trade was considered a direct challenge to the authority and sovereignty of the Chinese government. The government devised several anti-opium campaigns in order to stop the opium trade leading to the Opium War of 1839. The war from the Chinese perspective was considered a struggle to save their country as well as protect their people from foreign aggression and the harmful effects of opium.

To know more about, Opium trade, visit :

Berlin was located:

A. On the border of the U.S.S.R. and U.S. territory
B. Entirely in the U.S. territory
C. Entirely in French territory
D. Entirely in the U.S.S.R. controlled territory



Berlin was located partially in the U.S.S.R.-controlled territory and partially in the territory of the Western Allies, consisting of the United States, Great Britain, and France, following the end of World War II. The city was divided into four zones of occupation, with the Soviet Union controlling the eastern part of the city and the other Allies controlling the western part.

The answer is A. Berlin was located on the border of the U.S.S.R. and U.S. territory during the Cold War.

evaluate the impact public opinion, interest groups, and political parties on elections.


Public opinion may be influenced through political media and public relations. In order to spread its message and sway people's beliefs, mass media also employ a variety of advertising tactics.

What is public opinion what does it impact?

The widespread consensus on a topic or candidate that is significant to society is known as public opinion. the public's viewpoints on topics that matter to them. The expression didn't first appear until the 17th century in France, despite the fact that writers have long understood the importance of the general public's opinion.

Senators have more time between elections, so they may make decisions without considering public opinion and later apologise to their constituents. Changes in public opinion have little impact on senators' votes, but they do run the danger of not being reelected.

Despite the fact that there will always be a diversity of contemporary public perspectives, this phrase refers to the one that seems to be most common.

learn more about public opinion:


Washington produces 70 percent of which agricultural good in the United
A. Potales
B. Apples
C. Shellfish
D. Wheat





apples have a brainly day

In their quest to have direct trade with Europeans on the coast, Akyem and Akwamu often clashed. Akwamu Kingdom was successful in materializing this ambition by her conquest of Accra in 1677. However, by 1730, Akyem had conquered Akwamu kingdom to possess not only Akwamu itself but its large provinces like Accra and Ladoku.
Based on the above,
1. Discuss the initial challenges that Akyem faced with regards to raising people to administer those large territories.
2. What is the history behind the inability of Akyem to raise people to rule those territories?
3. What temporal solution did Akyem offer to solve the situation?


Due to a lack of formal education and training possibilities, the Akyem people had a difficult time producing people to manage their sizable territory.There are numerous historical, social, and political causes that have contributed to the Akyem people's historical failure to produce rulers to reign over specific territory.There are a lot of reasons why Akyem were unable to properly control the territory they had taken from Akwamu.Who are the Akyem?

The Eastern Region of Ghana is home to the Akyem kingdom and ethnic group. The Akyem people have contributed significantly to Ghana's development and have a rich history and culture.

The size of the Akyem state, which made it challenging to retain centralised authority over the populace, was one of the largest challenges. Lack of a formal educational system in the Akyem presented another difficulty because it limited the chances for young people to acquire the knowledge and abilities necessary to work as competent administrators.

The Akyem are a member of the wider Akan ethnic group, one of Ghana's main ethnic groupings, and are found in the West African nation of Ghana.

To know more about Akyem people, visit:


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