all of the following are polysaccharides except group of answer choices chitin. cellulose. glycogen. lactose. amylopectin.


Answer 1

Lactose is the only option that is not a polysaccharide, while the rest are different types of polysaccharides.

Polysaccharides are carbohydrates made up of many monosaccharide units joined by glycosidic bonds. These carbohydrates are classified into different groups based on their chemical composition and properties.

Among the given options, the only polysaccharide that is not a carbohydrate is lactose. Lactose is a disaccharide composed of glucose and galactose. On the other hand, chitin, cellulose, glycogen, and amylopectin are all polysaccharides.

Chitin is a structural polysaccharide found in the exoskeletons of arthropods and fungi. Cellulose is a major component of plant cell walls and provides structural support to plants.

Glycogen is a storage polysaccharide found in animals, while amylopectin is a storage polysaccharide found in plants. In conclusion, lactose is the only option that is not a polysaccharide, while the rest are different types of polysaccharides.

To know more about  polysaccharide, refer here:


Related Questions

what allows chain termination to occur at each base of the template during an automated sequencing reaction?


During an automated sequencing reaction, chain termination occurs at each base of the template due to the incorporation of dideoxynucleotides (ddNTPs) alongside regular deoxynucleotides (dNTPs). These ddNTPs lack a 3'-OH group, which prevents the addition of the next nucleotide, resulting in the termination of the growing DNA .

During an automated sequencing reaction, chain termination occurs at each base of the template due to the incorporation of modified nucleotides called dideoxy nucleotides (ddNTPs). These ddNTPs lack the 3'-OH group necessary for the formation of a phosphodiester bond with the next incoming nucleotide, effectively terminating the growing DNA chain. The ddNTPs are incorporated into the DNA strand in a ratio with normal nucleotides, allowing for random incorporation and sequencing of the template. The resulting fragments of different lengths are then separated by size and read to determine the sequence of the original template DNA.

Learn more about automated sequencing here:


The species that is known as a robin in England has a yellow breast, and another species that is known as a robin in the United States has a red breast. Which statement about common names does this fact best exemplify


This fact best exemplifies that common names can be misleading because the same common name can be used for different species in different regions.

What are the species?

Species are groups of living organisms that can interbreed to produce fertile offspring. They share common characteristics and are distinct from other groups. In biological classification, the species is the fundamental unit of taxonomy, and organisms are classified into different species based on shared physical and genetic characteristics.

What is fertile offspring?

Fertile offspring refers to the offspring of two individuals who are capable of reproducing and producing viable offspring of their own. In other words, if two organisms can produce offspring that are capable of reproducing and continuing the lineage, then those offspring are considered fertile.

For example, if a male and female lion mate and produce cubs that can grow up to reproduce and continue the lion population, then those cubs are considered fertile offspring. In contrast, if a male lion mates with a female tiger and produces offspring (ligers) that are infertile, meaning they cannot produce viable offspring themselves, then those ligers are not considered fertile offspring.

To know more about species, visit:


Membranes are. A. Thin walls are the cells. B. Double-layers of phospholipids. C. Dual layers of Amino Acids D.Made up of waxes and sterols.


Membranes are B. Double-layers of phospholipids. Phospholipids are made up of a hydrophilic (water-loving) head and a hydrophobic (water-fearing) tail.

Membranes are double layers of phospholipids. In the double-layered membrane, the hydrophilic heads face the outer environment (either the extracellular space or the cytoplasm) while the hydrophobic tails face each other forming the interior of the membrane.

This phospholipid bilayer provides the basic structure of cell membranes, which acts as a barrier to separate the internal cellular environment from the external environment and helps in maintaining the integrity of the cell. In addition to phospholipids, membranes also contain other lipids such as cholesterol, proteins, and carbohydrates, which play important roles in various cellular processes.

Know more about phospholipids here:


the above figure represents a plastic dish containing a semisolid nutrient medium (blue) and several bacterial colonies growing on the surface (yellow). the plate was inoculated with exactly 0.1 ml of sample from a pond that is suspected to be contaminated with high levels of fecal coliform bacteria from a nearby hog farm. based on this information, what can you conclude about the number of coliform bacteria per millileter of pond water, assuming the medium facilitates coliform bacteria growth?


The number of coliform microorganisms per milliliter of lake water, accepting the medium works with coliform microscopic organisms plot there are 100 waste coliform bacterial cells per milliliter of lake water.

Cyanobacteria, which used to be called blue-green algae, are microscopic, photosynthetic bacteria. Because their dense growths frequently cause the water to turn green, blue-green, or brownish-green, they were originally known as blue-green algae.

Cyanobacteria utilize photosynthetic colors, like carotenoids, phycobilins, and different types of chlorophyll, which assimilate energy from light. Cyanobacteria, in contrast to heterotrophic prokaryotes, have internal membranes. Thylakoids, or flattened sacs, are where photosynthesis takes place.

Cyanobacteria likewise allude to blue-green growth. They are monera members. Due to their aquatic and photosynthetic nature, they are known as blue-green algae. They are Gram-positive photosynthetic prokaryotes that perform oxygenic photosynthesis.

To learn more about bacterial cells here


ecosystems are not static; they change day to day, year to year, and decade to decade. ecosystems have cyclic fluctuations, such as seasonal changes or population changes, as a result of migration, birth, and mortality. some fluctuations are easy to spot using a graph or model. can you identify these ecosystem fluctuations?


Yes, I can identify some ecosystem fluctuations that can be easily observed using graphs or models. One of the most common types of fluctuations is population changes. Another type of fluctuation is seasonal changes. Changes in the physical environment

Populations of species in an ecosystem can increase or decrease over time due to factors such as predation, competition for resources, disease, or environmental changes. These changes can be tracked using population graphs or models.
Another type of fluctuation is seasonal changes. These are cyclic changes that occur in ecosystems due to variations in weather, temperature, and daylight. For example, in a temperate forest, leaves on trees change color and fall off in autumn, and new leaves grow in the spring. These changes can be observed using phenology models.
Changes in the physical environment, such as changes in water availability, temperature, or nutrient levels, can also cause fluctuations in ecosystems. For example, a drought can cause a decrease in plant growth, which in turn can lead to a decline in herbivore populations. These changes can be monitored using environmental monitoring tools such as remote sensing or soil sensors.
Overall, understanding ecosystem fluctuations is essential for predicting how ecosystems will respond to environmental changes and for developing effective conservation and management strategies.

For more such questions on ecosystem


what would be expected to happen if activation of the integrins on the surface of leukocytes was prevented?


D. all of these would be expected to happen if activation of the integrins on the surface of leukocytes is prevented.

Leukocytosis, or an abnormally high white blood cell count, can be caused by a variety of illnesses, including infections, inflammation, injury, and immune system problems. To rule out leukocytosis, a full blood count (CBC) is routinely conducted.

Consuming Vitamin C will aid in the regulation of your body's white blood cell levels. Vitamin C-rich fruits include lemons, oranges, and limes, as well as papayas berries, guavas, among pineapples. cauliflower, which is cabbage, carrots, broccoli, and bell peppers are all good sources of vitamin C.

Autoimmune and inflammatory illnesses, which lead the immune system to target healthy tissues, are two disorders associated with obtaining a high white blood count. Infections are caused by bacteria or viruses. Leukaemia and Hodgkin's disease are examples of cancers.

learn more about leukocytes here:


Complete question:

What would be expected to happen if activation of the integrins on the surface of leukocytes is prevented?

A. The leukocytes would continue to roll from endothelial cell to endothelial cell.

B. The integrins would not be able to bind to ICAM on the surface of endothelial cells.

C. Extravasation would be prevented.

D. all of these

E. Tight binding between the leukocyte and endothelial cells would be prevented.

explain why the separated funnel was used to add the bromobenzene to the reaction mixture. list at least two reasons.


The separated funnel is a common laboratory apparatus used for liquid-liquid extractions.

It was likely used to add the bromobenzene to the reaction mixture for two main reasons:

The separated funnel allows for precise control over the addition of a liquid to a reaction mixture. This is important when working with potentially hazardous or reactive chemicals, as adding too much too quickly could result in a violent reaction or loss of product.Bromobenzene is denser than water, which means it would form a separate layer at the bottom of the reaction mixture. Using the separated funnel allows for easy separation of the organic layer containing the bromobenzene from the aqueous layer, which facilitates the extraction process and allows for the isolation of the desired product.

Learn more about bromobenzene


how does the mixed polarity/nonpolarity of phospholipids and membrane proteins determine the structure of the cell membrane?


The mixed polarity/non-polarity of phospholipids and membrane proteins plays a crucial role in determining the structure of the cell membrane. The interaction between phospholipids and membrane proteins determines the overall shape of the cell membrane.

Phospholipids have a polar head and a nonpolar tail, which creates a bilayer structure. The hydrophobic tails face inward, creating a barrier to water-soluble molecules, while the hydrophilic heads face outward, interacting with water. Membrane proteins can also have both polar and nonpolar regions, which allows them to be embedded in the phospholipid bilayer.

The interactions between these molecules help to determine the overall shape and function of the cell membrane, including its ability to selectively allow molecules to pass through the membrane.

For more such answers on Phospholipids


Signs of blast lung usually​ present:
days after the blast.
at the time of primary assessment or triage.
at the time of secondary assessment or triage.
hours after the blast.


Signs of blast lung usually present at the time of primary assessment or triage (option B).

Blast lung is a potentially fatal condition that can occur when a person is exposed to an explosive blast wave. The signs of blast lung usually present at the time of primary assessment or triage, which is the initial evaluation of a patient's condition after a blast event. These signs may include difficulty breathing, chest pain, coughing up blood, and low oxygen levels. It is important for medical personnel to be aware of these signs and to provide prompt and appropriate treatment to patients with blast lung. Delayed or inadequate treatment can lead to serious complications and even death.

Learn more about blast lung here:-


Signs of blast lung usually​ present: B. Signs of blast lung typically present at the time of primary assessment or triage.

What is a blast lung?

Blast lung is a type of lung injury caused by exposure to a blast wave. Symptoms may include chest pain, shortness of breath, coughing up blood, and difficulty breathing. Diagnosis is typically made through physical examination and imaging studies such as chest X-rays or CT scans. Treatment may involve oxygen therapy, mechanical ventilation, and other supportive measures. There is a higher risk of blast lung in individuals who are close to the source of the blast or who are exposed to multiple blasts.

Signs and treatment:
Blast lung typically presents with symptoms such as shortness of breath, cough, chest pain, and cyanosis. These signs can be observed during the primary assessment or triage stage. Treatment for blast lung may include providing supplemental oxygen, managing airway issues, and possibly using mechanical ventilation. Blast lung is diagnosed based on the presence of symptoms, physical examination, and chest imaging studies, such as X-rays or CT scans. The risk of developing blast lung depends on factors such as the intensity of the blast, proximity to the explosion, and individual susceptibility.

So, the correct answer is B. At the time of primary assessment or triage.

To know more about lung injury, visit:


which one of the following statements about the excretory system is incorrect? a. a decrease in blood volume or blood pressure stimulates production of angiotensin ii. b. aldosterone stimulates the reabsorption of na and water in distal tubules of the nephron. c. the net effect of atrial natriuretic peptide is to raise blood volume and blood pressure. d. an increase in plasma osmolarity stimulates release of antidiuretic hormone. e. the descending limb of the loop of henle is permeable to water but the ascending limb is not.


The statement that is incorrect about the excretory system is c. The net effect of atrial natriuretic peptide is actually to decrease blood volume and blood pressure.

Atrial natriuretic peptide is a hormone produced by the heart that promotes the excretion of sodium and water in the kidneys, which leads to a decrease in blood volume and pressure.

This is the opposite effect of angiotensin II, which is produced in response to a decrease in blood volume or pressure and stimulates sodium and water reabsorption in the kidneys to increase blood volume and pressure.

On the other hand, Aldosterone stimulates the reabsorption of sodium and water in the distal tubules of the nephron to increase blood volume and pressure.

Antidiuretic hormone is released in response to increased plasma osmolarity to promote water reabsorption in the kidneys.

The descending limb of the loop of Henle is permeable to water, while the ascending limb is not, which allows for the concentration of urine

Therefore the correct option in c.

For more such answers on excretory system


chromosomes are at the poles, two new nuclei are formed around chromosomes. after this phase two cells are formed.


After the chromosomes are at the poles and two new nuclei are formed around them, the process of cytokinesis begins.

What happens during mitosis?

During mitosis, the chromosomes line up at the center of the cell and are pulled apart by spindle fibers towards opposite poles of the cell. Once the chromosomes reach the poles, two new nuclei are formed around them, and this phase is called cytokinesis. The cytoplasm divides, and two new cells are formed, each with a complete set of chromosomes.

So, in summary, mitosis and cytokinesis are the processes that result in the formation of two new cells with identical genetic material. This involves the division of the cytoplasm to form two separate cells, each containing a nucleus with the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell.

To know more about mitosis, visit:


A biologist wants to test the rate of absorption into several different types of

cells, including red blood cells, muscle cells, and epithelial cells. She will use

radioactive labels to tag various molecules, which she can monitor and

record as they are taken up by each cell type. Which molecule should the

biologist tag with the radioactive label in order to collect the data she is

looking for?

A. Carbon dioxide

B. Water


D. Glucose


Molecule should the biologist tag with the radioactive label in order to collect the data she is looking for Glucose. Hence, the correct option is D.

Glucose is a vital molecule for energy production in the cells and is taken up by different cells for their metabolic needs. By tagging glucose with a radioactive label, the biologist can monitor and record the uptake of glucose by each cell type and compare the rates of absorption.

In order to collect the data she is looking for, the biologist should tag the molecule glucose with the radioactive label. Glucose is a simple sugar and an important source of energy for cells. It is absorbed into cells through facilitated diffusion or active transport mechanisms.

Hence, the correct option is D.

To know more about radioactive label here


gene flow, defined as the movement of genes from one population to another, can take place by migration, as well as


Migration can result in the genes flow between two populations of the same species, and this exchange is mediated by reproduction and vertical gene transmission from parent to offspring

Migration is one way that gene flow, which is referred to as the transfer of genes from one population to another

Gene migration and gene flow are two different terms. The exchange of genetic information between populations is referred to as gene flow.

As an alternative, horizontal gene transfer (HGT, also known as lateral gene transfer) can occur between two distinct species. Examples of HGT between two different species include gene transfer from an endosymbiont to the host or gene transfer from bacteria or viruses to higher organisms.

In a subsequent chapter of this book, HGT is covered in more detail. a population can experience gene flow

To know more about gene flow please check the following link


a researcher is comparing a plot of agricultural land planted with bt corn to a plot of agricultural land planted with non-gmo corn. based on what she knows about bt, she would expect to find


Bt corn is a type of genetically modified organism (GMO) in which a gene from the soil bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) is inserted into the corn’s genome.

This gene produces a protein that is toxic to certain insect pests, allowing the plant to resist insect damage. Therefore, when comparing a plot of agricultural land planted with Bt corn to a plot of agricultural land planted with non-GMO corn, the researcher would expect to find that the plot of Bt corn has fewer pests and more successful yields than the non-GMO plot.

The Bt gene would also likely be passed on to any offspring of the Bt corn, allowing for more successful yields for future harvests. Additionally, the Bt corn plot would require fewer insecticides to control pests, making it more cost effective and environmentally friendly.

Know more about Bt corn here


the movement of alleles among adjacent populations via migration of breeding organisms is called ____________ .


The movement of alleles among adjacent populations via migration of breeding organisms is called gene flow.

Gene flow refers to the transfer of genetic material, such as alleles, from one population to another through the movement of individuals or gametes (sperm and eggs).

This process can introduce new genetic variations into a population, which can impact the genetic diversity, adaptation, and evolution of the population. Gene flow can occur both naturally and through human-mediated activities, such as the intentional or accidental release of non-native species into new environments.

To know more about gene flow click on below link :


where do the instructions used to create proteins originate
A. the nucleus
B. the ribosomes contain all the instructions
C. the brain


The instructions used to create proteins originate in the nucleus of a cell.

Option A is correct

Where does the nucleus contain?

The nucleus contains the genetic material of the cell, which is in the form of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid).

Proteins are necessary for the structure, operation, and regulation of the body's tissues and organs, and DNA contains the instructions for their synthesis. Protein synthesis begins in the nucleus with the transcription of DNA into RNA (ribonucleic acid), which is then translated into proteins in the cytoplasm of the cell by ribosomes.

As a result, choice A is the correct answer .

Learn more about proteins at:


what is the function of the highlighted structures? multiple choice connecting to muscles circulating nutrients controlling center removing waste destroying foreign invaders


The function of the highlighted structures is to connect to muscles. Option A is the correct answer.

The highlighted structures referred to in the question are likely referring to the nerves, which are specialized cells in the body that transmit signals between different parts of the body.

Specifically, nerves that connect to muscles are called motor neurons, which transmit signals from the brain and spinal cord to muscles, enabling movement and other muscle-related functions.

Without motor neurons, muscles would be unable to contract and perform their various roles in the body.

Therefore, the function of motor neurons is crucial for a variety of bodily functions, from basic movements like walking and running, to more complex actions like speaking and writing.

Learn more about the muscles at


The question is -

What is the function of the highlighted structures?

multiple choice

a. connecting to muscles

b. circulating nutrients

c. controlling center removing waste.

d. destroying foreign invaders

if two people with sickle cell trait have children, what is the chance that a child will have normal rbcs in both high- and low-oxygen environments? what is the chance that a child will have sickle cell disease?


The chance that a child will have normal red blood cells in both high- and low-oxygen environments is 25%, and the chance that a child will have sickle cell disease is 25%.

What is sickle cell disease?

Sickle cell disease is a genetic blood disorder that causes red blood cells to become rigid and sickle-shaped, leading to blockages in blood vessels and reduced oxygen flow throughout the body. It can cause pain, organ damage, and other serious health problems.

When two people with sickle cell trait have children, each child has a 25% chance of inheriting two normal copies of the hemoglobin gene (one from each parent), a 50% chance of inheriting one normal copy and one sickle cell gene (one from each parent), and a 25% chance of inheriting two sickle cell genes (one from each parent).

The child with two normal copies of the hemoglobin gene will have normal red blood cells in both high- and low-oxygen environments.

The child with one normal copy and one sickle cell gene will have some sickle cell trait, but will not develop sickle cell disease. The child with two sickle cell genes will have sickle cell disease.

Therefore, the chance that a child will have normal red blood cells in both high- and low-oxygen environments is 25%, and the chance that a child will have sickle cell disease is 25%.

Learn more about hemoglobin here:


How do muscle fibers produce ATP?A) From creatine phosphate.B) Through anaerobic cellular respiration.C) Through aerobic cellular respiration.D) A and B are correct.E) A, B, and C are correct.


Muscle fibers produce ATP  through three main pathways: creatine phosphate, anaerobic cellular respiration, and aerobic cellular respiration. The correct option is E.

ATP  require energy to contract and produce movement, and ATP is the primary source of energy for this process.

Creatine phosphate is a high-energy molecule that is stored in muscle fibers and can be rapidly converted into ATP through a reaction catalyzed by the enzyme creatine kinase. This pathway provides a quick source of ATP for short bursts of intense activity, such as sprinting or weightlifting.

Anaerobic cellular respiration, also known as glycolysis, is a pathway that can produce ATP in the absence of oxygen. Glucose is broken down into pyruvate, which is then converted into ATP. This pathway is used during moderate to high-intensity exercise when oxygen supply is limited, such as during a sprint.

Aerobic cellular respiration is a more efficient pathway that can produce ATP in the presence of oxygen. It involves the breakdown of glucose or fats into carbon dioxide and water, and the release of ATP through a series of enzymatic reactions in the mitochondria of muscle fibers.

This pathway is used during low to moderate-intensity exercise, such as jogging or cycling.

In summary, muscle fibers can produce ATP through creatine phosphate, anaerobic cellular respiration, and aerobic cellular respiration. The choice of pathway depends on the intensity and duration of the exercise, as well as the availability of oxygen.

To know more about muscle fibers refer here:


Which of the following provides the best evidence that Earth's climate has changed over time?
A. the different varieties of flowering plants
B. the presence of insect bodies in hardened sap
C. the discovery of crocodile fossils in Greenland
D. the action of wind breaking down rocks into small pieces


The temperature of the Earth responds to changes in levels of greenhouse gases, as shown by ice cores from Antarctica, Greenland, and tropical mountain glaciers.

What proof exist that the climate has changed?

The rate of glacier retreat throughout the globe, the intensity of rainstorms, changes inside the timing of plant leafing out and the arrival the spring migrant birds, as well as the shifting of some species' ranges are only a few of the physical as well as biological changes which confirm climate warming.

How has the climate of the planet evolved over time?

As per NOAA's 2021 National Weather Report, the total surface or ocean temperatures have increased by 0.08 degrees Celsius (0.14 degrees Fahrenheit) on average every decade since 1880. Yet, the average temperature rise since 1981 was 0.32 °F (0.18 °C) per decade, a rate that was over twice as quick.

To know more about greenhouse visit:


_____ levels are indicative of inflammatory activity and may increase in response to stress. A. Cytokine B. Serotonin C. Thyroxine D. Oxytocin


Cytokines are the proteins that are released by cells in response to stress, injury, and inflammation.

They are important mediators of the immune response and can be produced in response to a variety of stimuli. They are involved in the regulation of the body’s inflammatory response and can be used as a marker of inflammatory activity.

Elevated levels of cytokines are indicative of an inflammatory response, as they are produced in response to the presence of infection, injury, or stress. Increased levels of cytokines can result in increased inflammation, which can lead to a range of health problems. Therefore, monitoring cytokine levels can be a useful tool for diagnosing and treating conditions associated with inflammation.

Know more about Cytokines here


Assignment Summary In this assignment, you will use simulations to analyze how climate, resources, and habitat size affect carrying capacity. You will then look at another simulation to analyze the effects of certain factors that affect biodiversity and populations. Finally, you will write and revise a conclusion on how human activity affects biodiversity. Background Information Population growth is the change in size of a group of organisms of the same species over time. It is affected by four factors: birth rate, death rate, immigration, and emigration. Carrying capacity is the maximum total population that an area can support. Carrying capacity limits population growth and is affected by competition for food, water, shelter, or mates, and threat of predators, disease, and parasites. Carrying capacity may be affected by one or a combination of these factors. Biodiversity is the total variety of organisms that live in the biosphere. Biodiversity is affected by the loss of habitat, introduction of invasive species, pollution, and/or human activities. Materials Computer with nternet access Notebook Pens Assignment Instructions Part I. Prepare for the project. Step 1. Write your name on the top-right corner of the Student Worksheet. The Student Worksheet can be found at the end of this document after the assignment instructions. Step 2. Read the entire Student Guide before you begin this project. If anything is not clear to you, ask your teacher for assistance before you begin. Step 3. Gather the materials you will need to complete this project. Step 4. Complete Part I of the Student Worksheet (Quick Check). Part II. Analyze factors that affect carrying capacity. Step 1. Launch the Gizmo Rabbit Population by Season. Be sure to follow the instructions in this guide and the Gizmo. Locate the important buttons and tabs you will be using in this simulation so you can familiarize yourself with the Gizmo. Step 2: Set up and run the first simulation. Under Land, choose Little


Competition for resources and the threat of predators can limit the carrying capacity of a population by reducing the availability of resources and increasing mortality rates, respectively.

Carrying capacity refers to the maximum number of individuals that can be supported by the available resources in a given area. Competition for resources, such as food, water, and shelter, can reduce the amount of resources available to individuals in a population, leading to decreased survival and reproductive rates.

Additionally, the threat of predators can increase mortality rates, further reducing population size. Thus, the combination of resource competition and predation pressure can limit the carrying capacity of a population and lead to population declines.

To know more about population, here


--The complete question is, How does competition for resources and the threat of predators affect carrying capacity in a population?--

5.) Is this comparable to running a background check? How much information would a DNA test reveal about a person's personality and intelligence?]


No, a DNA test is not comparable to running a background check. A DNA test can reveal information about a person's genetic makeup and inherited traits, such as predisposition to certain diseases, physical characteristics, and ancestry.

What is DNA?

DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is a molecule that contains the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all living organisms. It is a long, double-stranded helix made up of four nucleotide bases: adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), and thymine (T). The sequence of these bases determines the genetic information that is passed down from parents to their offspring. DNA is found in the nucleus of cells and can also be found in some, such as mitochondria.

It cannot provide information about a person's personality or intelligence. While some studies have suggested that certain genetic variations may be associated with personality traits or intelligence, these associations are complex and not well understood, and genetic testing is not currently capable of accurately predicting these aspects of a person.

Learn more about DNA from the given link




The genre of the selection is fiction.

The characters are:

Toady: a small boy who is sweet and can't keep secrets.Aunt Kipp: an elderly woman who loves tea and wears a bonnet. The children don't like her much.Mrs. Snow: a kind woman who helps Aunt Kipp. The children like her.Polly: a teenager who doesn't like Aunt Kipp and seems to be a troublemaker.

What is the Book Aunty Kipp about?

The main idea of the story is the conflict between Aunt Kipp and the children, particularly Polly, and how they learn to appreciate her in the end.

The lesson/moral is that we should not judge people based on their appearance or behavior and that everyone has something to offer.

Sequence of events:

Aunt Kipp comes to stay with the family.The children don't like her and make fun of her.Aunt Kipp overhears them and is hurt.Mrs. Snow helps Aunt Kipp make tea for the children, which they enjoy.Polly steals Aunt Kipp's tea set and gets caught by Toady.Aunt Kipp forgives Polly and the children come to appreciate her.

Important details that made the reading more interesting include the descriptions of Aunt Kipp's quirks and the interactions between the characters.

My opinion of the selection is that it is a charming and heartwarming story that teaches a valuable lesson about not judging people based on appearances. I enjoyed the interactions between the characters and the resolution of the conflict.

One question I have about the story is why Aunt Kipp's behavior and appearance were so off-putting to the children at first. Was it just because she was different from what they were used to, or was there something else at play?

Learn more about literature at:


how do plants obtain organic molecules? plants synthesize their own organic molecules. plants take up organic molecules through their roots. plants take in organic molecules through their stomata.


Plants obtain organic molecules: Plants synthesize their own organic molecules through a process called photosynthesis. During photosynthesis, plants use sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water to produce glucose, which is then used to synthesize other organic molecules such as starch, cellulose, and proteins.

So, the correct option is a) plants synthesize their own organic molecules.

Plants do not generally take up pre-formed organic molecules through their roots. While some organic molecules may be present in the soil, most plants obtain the nutrients and raw materials they need for synthesizing organic molecules through the uptake of inorganic nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

Plants also do not take in organic molecules through their stomata, as stomata are small openings on the surface of leaves that primarily serve to regulate gas exchange, allowing for the uptake of carbon dioxide for photosynthesis and the release of oxygen and water vapor as byproducts. So, the correct option is a) plants synthesize their own organic molecules.

Learn more about plants here:


The correct question could be :

how do plants obtain organic molecules?

a)plants synthesize their own organic molecules.

b)plants take up organic molecules through their roots.

c)plants take in organic molecules through their stomata.

Plants synthesize their own organic molecules through a process called photosynthesis. They absorb sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide molecules, and use these to create glucose and oxygen.

Carbon dioxide enters the plant through tiny openings called stomata, which are found on the surface of leaves. This allows plants to produce the organic molecules they need for growth and development.

Plants obtain organic molecules through the process of photosynthesis, in which they synthesize their own organic molecules using energy from the sun, carbon dioxide from the air, and water from the soil. However, plants can also take in organic molecules through their stomata, which are tiny pores on the surface of leaves that allow for gas exchange. Some organic molecules, such as certain amino acids, can be absorbed through the roots as well.

Overall, the primary source of organic molecules for plants is photosynthesis, but they do have the ability to take in some external sources as well.

Learn more about molecules here:


Commercial Pet Food Label Study Guide/review
1. The principal display panel contains what information?
2. What information is required on the information panel?
3. What are the requirements for the following terms on a label? (Write the % and what is
a. Name of a food or ingredient is main part of product name:
b. Descriptive (Modifiers) words such as dinner, entrée, formula, etc:
d. "Flavor":
4. How long can a "burst" or "flag" be on a label?
6 Monts of Production
5. What information is required to be on a guaranteed analysis?
6. How must ingredients be listed on a label?
7. What are two things that must be within the "Statement of Nutritional Adequacy?"
8. List two ways to show compliance on an AAFCO statement.
9. What are the minimum requirements for feeding directions?
10. What are the feeding directions for a therapeutic diet? Please help due 4/17


Complete and balanced foods contain all the necessary nutrients, and balanced foods have the right amounts of each nutrient. The words "Intermittent or supplemental feeding only" on pet food labels indicate that the diet is not balanced and complete.

Which nutritional details need to be listed on the product label?

The quantity of energy (calories and kilojoules), fat, saturated fat, carbs, sugars, proteins, and salt (all stated in grammes) that are contained in 100g (or 100 ml) of the item must be listed on the nutrition label.

An optimal diet must contain plenty of each important vitamin, as well as fibre and calories. When one nutrient is not consumed at the expense of another, a balanced diet is the consequence.

learn more about nutrient


once you have measured tv, irv, and erv, you can calculate all the following capacities except ________.


Once you have measured TV, IRV, and ERV, you can calculate all the following capacities except Total Lung Capacity (TLC).

To calculate TLC, you also need to measure the Residual Volume (RV), which is the amount of air remaining in the lungs after a maximal expiration.There are four main pulmonary capacities that are calculated using various combinations of tidal volume (TV), inspiratory reserve volume (IRV), expiratory reserve volume (ERV), and residual volume (RV). These capacities are:

Tidal Volume (TV): The volume of air inspired or expired during normal breathing.

Inspiratory Reserve Volume (IRV): The maximum volume of air that can be inspired beyond tidal volume.

Expiratory Reserve Volume (ERV): The maximum volume of air that can be expired beyond tidal volume.

Residual Volume (RV): The volume of air remaining in the lungs after a maximal expiration.

Knows more about Residual Volume here:


(complete question)

once you have measured TV, IRV, and ERV, you can calculate all the following capacities except ________.

a. Inspiratory Capacity (IC)

b. Functional Residual Capacity (FRC)

c. Vital Capacity (VC)

d. Total Lung Capacity (TLC)

Please do all the questions including the Punnett square





8. phenotypically normal male-X^HY,homozygous normal women-X^HX^H

probability of children with hemophilia-0%


For 6- X^HX^h * X^HY

progeny- X^HX^H  X^HY  X^hX^H   X^hY(25%)

for 7- X^HX^h * X^hY

progeny- X^HX^h(females without hemophilia)  X^HY(males without hemophilia)  X^hX^h(females with hemophilia-50% out of all female children)  X^hY( male with hemophilia out of all male children-50%)

he integrity of this muscle is critical for support of the pelvic viscera.


The integrity of this muscle is critical for support of the pelvic viscera. The muscle being referred to in this statement is most likely the levator ani muscle.

The levator ani muscle is a group of muscles that forms the pelvic diaphragm, which supports the pelvic organs, including the bladder, uterus, and rectum.

The integrity of this muscle is critical for maintaining continence, supporting the weight of the pelvic organs, and facilitating the process of childbirth. Dysfunction or weakness of the levator ani muscle can lead to a variety of pelvic floor disorders, such as urinary incontinence, fecal incontinence, and pelvic organ prolapse. Therefore, maintaining the strength and integrity of the levator ani muscle is important for overall pelvic health.

Know more about muscle here:


Abnormal lipid droplets in nonfat cells such as the heart, pancreas, liver, and skeletal muscle is known as:ectopic fatwhite fatbrown fatadipokine


Abnormal lipid droplets in nonfat cells such as the heart, pancreas, liver, and skeletal muscle is known as ectopic fat.

The term "nonfat" in this context refers to cells that are not traditionally considered to be involved in fat storage, such as heart, pancreas, liver, and skeletal muscle. Ectopic fat accumulation that is abnormal lipid accumulation can be a marker of metabolic dysfunction and is associated with various health conditions, including obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

To know more about Abnormal lipid in non fat cell visit


Other Questions
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