Although the group members had many ideas to choose from, Rebecca's idea won the most accord. Select the correct meaning of the word accord. Agreement Benefit Jealousy Popular


Answer 1

Accord means agreement.

Elaborate Accord

The word "accord" can be used in different contexts with slightly different meanings, but in the sentence provided, it means that Rebecca's idea was the one that received the most agreement or approval from the group members. It suggests that the group members discussed several ideas and finally came to a consensus or a mutual understanding, with Rebecca's idea being the one that everyone agreed upon.

This word is often used in formal or business settings, where a group of people need to come to a decision or make a choice together. In such situations, it is important to have accord or agreement among the members, so that everyone is on the same page and can move forward with a unified vision.

To know more about Accord visit:


Related Questions

Have you wrote to us regarding this issue before


"Have written" is simple past tense; "wrote" is present perfect tense. The explanation on this website is decent. When a completed action's results or consequences are still relevant, it is said to be in the Present Perfect.

How do the words write and wrote vary from one another?

Long vowels continue to sound in writing. I, you, she, he, and other people all used the past tense of write, which is wrote. Written is a past tense verb. I wrote to the bank, she wrote, and they wrote to me.

Has my mail from yesterday been received?

I wrote a letter to her yesterday is the proper way to phrase the sentence "I have written a letter yesterday," as "here Yesterday" should not be present with the tense of "I have written."

To know more about perfect tense visit:-


can someone please help me write a fictional short story for solar eclipses?


It didnt let me type it so I had to add it to a doc the upload pics. sorry about that. Also come up with your own ending after what happened. I got bored sorry again.

HELP ME PLEASE How does the conflict continue in your short story or novel? Describe an event and add textual evidence with a page number from your text. The story is “Tuesday of the Other June” by Norma Fox Mazer


This story makes apparent the issue of bullying, and the author feels that in order to end bullying, We need speak out for ourselves.

What is the conflict?

The conflict in the narrative is June T being bullied by June M and failing to stand up for herself in swimming class. But when June T defends herself in school, the situation is resolved. To avoid disappointing her mother, who insisted on it constantly, June didn't speak up for herself. . June first registered in a swimming lesson at the local pool. Prior to meeting the other, June was really eager to meet her new pals. The other June chose to pick on June, who was the biggest bully they were aware of. June soon believes she will be able to escape the bully, but when her mother announces that they are relocating, June realises she has really moved closer to the bully. June lived on her street and attended her school, which was a nightmare for June. In the end, June was fed up with being teased and harassed by the other June, so she finally confronted her.

To know more about Bullying visit:


Surprisingly, Guests have a _____ to use the indoor pool in the summer.
1- Trend
3- Movement
4- habit




Tendency is like automatic, while habit is gained after time and the others are pretty obv

Formulate the statement of the problem part of your research


there isn’t a photo to answer your question or even a statement

Researching What It Takes to Make a Difference: Tutorial
In this lesson, you conducted a search to answer a research question based on the unit's guiding question, what does it take
to make a difference. You also planned the body of your argumentative essay to prepare for the Unit Activity. In this activity,
you will select one of the main points from your plan and develop a body paragraph that will answer your research question.
You will use your Conducting the Search Graphic Organizer and the notes recorded in the Notebook tool () to complete
this activity.
Part A
Using your graphic organizer and notes in the Notebook tool (G), please complete the table below. List three main points
that you found from your sources related to your question. For each main point, identify evidence from your sources that
support the point. Then, select one main reason you would use to draft a body paragraph.
B IUX² X₂ 14pt
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Supporting Evidence
Main Points or Reasons
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Apr 10
12:15 A


1. Making a difference requires dedication and hard work.

• “Making a difference in the world requires dedication and hard work. It is not something that can be done overnight. It takes time, effort, and commitment to make a lasting impact.” (Source 1)

• “Making a difference in the world requires dedication and hard work. It is not something that can be done quickly or easily. It takes time, effort, and commitment to make a lasting impact.

In "Getting Ready for the Robots," how do paragraphs 5 through 7 contribute to the
development of the article? Use two details from the article to support your response.


Give instances of both the potential advantages and drawbacks of automation in the workplace. In the article, it is stated, for instance, that robots may increase productivity but may also result in job displacement.

What are paragraphs in Word?

A paragraph is a group of words and phrases that have an end-of-line character (return, line feed, or both) at the end of them in word processing and text editing. Even a single word followed by a return is considered a paragraph by the programmed.

How do I construct a paragraph?

First, introduce the subject of the paragraph with a powerful topic sentence. The topic is then further developed with a few sentences for help and growth. The last line of the paragraph should be a conclusion sentence that summarises the topic or provides one final piece of supporting evidence.

To know more about Paragraph visit:


Read the passage. Hugh the Mostly Fearless ran down the alley and stopped short. A tall stone wall blocked his escape, and on either side tightly shuttered houses loomed above him. No one was going to help him get out of this one. He turned around, and as he expected, his three pursuers started closing in. Why hadn’t he taken his father’s advice and become a plumber instead of a knight? He sighed, put his head down, and drew his _______. Which word best completes the sentence? spear sword knife axe​


b. The sentence is best completed by saying that he sighed, knelt down, and drew his sword.

Describe the passage's knight-related excerpt?

The passage makes it clear that the subject being discussed is a knight. Knights are armed with swords and ride horses. They are warriors from the middle ages. A knight would therefore draw his sword.

Which sword has a lot of power?

The blade of the Sword of Compassion is shattered, and it has been squarely and shortened. The weapon was given the name curtana in 1236 and has been utilised during royal rituals ever since. It was once considered a pleasure to carry this sword in front of family members.

To know more about Hugh  visit:


Write an reflection about the article The Power of Pets
Health Benefits of Human-
Animal Interactions


The main ideas in this article, like the advantages of having a pet for your physical and mental health, could act as a springboard for your reflection. After that, you might consider how this knowledge relates.

How is an article format?

The article should include both a description and a title that accurately conveys its subject matter. Depending on how much data is available on the topic you are presenting, the body of the essay can be divided into three to five paragraphs.

What is article ?

An article is a word used before a noun to denote whether it is specific or general. Specific nouns should be preceded by the article, whereas wide nouns should be preceded by the letter a (or an if the next word starts with a vowel sound).

To know more about Article visit:


Historic Context: John Rollin Ridge was a member of the Cherokee Nation and wrote in the mid-nineteenth century. Ridge was a lawyer and went West during the gold rush but didn't like mining, so he started spending more time writing novels, poetry, and essays. Yuba City boomed during the gold rush only to collapse after the miners moved on. During the Mexican-American War, Ridge spoke out against the way Mexicans were treated, and he carried that momentum into fighting for Native American rights after the war ended. He was regarded as the first Native American novelist.

Using your knowledge of historical context, which lines illustrate the desolation of Yuba City?

Though melancholy her decline, / By mem'ries sweet 't is haunted,
And luring tones and forms divine / Still make her scenes enchanted.
There, peace domestic reigns supreme, / In quiet, holy beauty,
And like the smiles of angels, seem / Parental, filial duty.


John Rollin Ridge lived out the rest of his days in California, where he held the editor position at The Daily National up until his passing.

Who wrote the first novel by an American Indian?

The Life and Travels of Joaquin Murieta, by Cherokee author John Rollin Ridge, was the first Native American book published in English (1854). Major Ridge was shot and killed while riding on June 22, 1839, a few miles south of Illinois Township.

Rollin Ridge is what kind of a hero?

Ridge's protagonist is a mix of a number of mysterious bandit personalities about whom little historical information is known, however at least three of them do appear to have shared the first name "Joaquin." Ridge's description of Joaquin Murieta's escapades, despite being a work of fiction, swiftly gained acceptance as truth (by the.

To know more about John Rollin Ridge visit :-


you have heard that your friend in another school wants to involve himself/herself in examination malpractice during the forthcoming Basic Education Certificate Examination. write a letter warning him/her of the dangers of such an action and advising him/her to take his/her studies seriously instead​



hope it helps


Dear brother ,
How are your studies? I hope you are preparing very well for your coming final exams. It is my prayer that you record a sounding success in the exams.

The purpose of my writing you is to express and warn you against the dangers in examination malpractice.

As you must  have been told several times before now that, examination malpractice which is a common phenomenon in most public examinations carried a penalty of twenty-one years  jail term under decree of our constitution, I hereby warn you not to fall a victim because it will affect you so much and the plans on the ground daddy has for you.

Besides, where there is a report of examination malpractice, such centre stands the risk of cancellation of results and so you might not be able to fulfill your desire of moving to the university, such centre stands the risk of cancellation of results and so you might not be able to fulfill y our desire of moving to the university. This would give a big set-back to the candidates concerned.

Bayo, I have known you as a serious and hard-working brother of mine, the moment you put yourself in the position of those seeking shadows in terms of ‘runs’ or certain help instead of sweating, you’ll just discover that you will become a lazy drone in academics and you may end up as a failure. So, try and read your books and pray to your God for a big success in your exams and I believe God is able.

Let me not waste your precious time with  too mush talk on exam malpractice; I have sent the sum of five thousand hair to your account to help you buy necessary things as well as keep you buoyant throughout the period of your exams. Spend wisely and face your studies. Greet your friends for me. My wife and children greet you.

What conclusion is supported by the information in paragraph 3 of the selection "Trees Rise in the Desert"?


Mesquite trees are said to have an extensive root system that enables them to receive water from buried sources in paragraph 3 in "Tree branches Rise in the Desert."

What inference may be drawn as from details in paragraph three of the text "Trees Emerge in the Desert"?

The inference drawn from this data is that mesquite trees' ability to get water via their deep root systems allows them to survive and grow in desert areas.

This is a description of the life and deeds of Burkinabe farmer Yacouba Sawadogo, who has made it his mission to establish woods in deserts, transforming many of these areas into hotspots for flora and animals.

To know more about Mesquite trees visit:


please help very urgent


Answer:The answer should be B.


A noun is a person place thing or idea


Answer: A noun is all of those. What are you asking?



a noun is a person place or thing


a word (other than a pronoun) used to identify any of a class of people, places, or things (common noun), or to name a particular one of these (proper noun).

What are central ideas in "Eileen Collins – NASA's First Female Shuttle Commander to Lead Next Shuttle Mission"?

Select the two correct answers.




The correct response is - The first female Shuttle commander is Collins. Collins believes that finishing a mission is the most thrilling aspect of space travel.

Who is Eileen Collins?

A former NASA astronaut and colonel in the US Air Force, Eileen Marie Collins. Collins, a veteran flight teacher, and test pilot became the first female Space Shuttle pilot and mission commander.

When the eight-day mission of the Discovery space shuttle was over in February 1995, Collins became the first female space shuttle pilot. The first space encounter with the Russian space station Mir took place during that trip. In 1999, when Collins was in charge of the Columbia for mission STS-93, she once again created history.

Collins is a former astronaut and a colonel in the United States Air Force. Former astronaut and colonel of the United States Air Force Eileen M. Collins is now retired. After a 28-year stellar career, she resigned from the Air Force in January 2005 and from NASA in May 2006.

Choose all the statements that are true about Nelson Mandela's speech.

A Mandela recognizes that the government is beginning to see its need to negotiate with those who would change its structure.Mandela recognizes that the government is beginning to see its need to negotiate with those who would change its structure.

B In this speech, Mandela has an angry, passionate tone that is full of powerfully dangerous emotion.In this speech, Mandela has an angry, passionate tone that is full of powerfully dangerous emotion.

C Mandela advocates that young people forego organizing formally and pursue violent protest.Mandela advocates that young people forego organizing formally and pursue violent protest.

D Mandela believes that continuing to recruit more members to the cause to end apartheid is as important as beginning negotiation with the government.Mandela believes that continuing to recruit more members to the cause to end apartheid is as important as beginning negotiation with the government.

E In this speech, Mandela is trying to motivate young people to continue the fight to stop apartheid.In this speech, Mandela is trying to motivate young people to continue the fight to stop apartheid.

F In order to make his speech dramatic and powerful, Mandela uses metaphors, similes, and other rhetorical devices to heighten his emotional effect.In order to make his speech dramatic and powerful, Mandela uses metaphors, similes, and other rhetorical devices to heighten his emotional effect.

G Mandela wants young people to think of negotiating with the apartheid government as the next step in the struggle to end racist government.


We can see here the true statements about Nelson Mandela's speech are:

A) Mandela recognizes that the government is beginning to see its need to negotiate with those who would change its structure.

D) Mandela believes that continuing to recruit more members to the cause to end apartheid is as important as beginning negotiation with the government.

Who is Nelson Mandela?

Nelson Mandela was a South African anti-apartheid revolutionary, political leader, and philanthropist who served as the President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999. He was the country's first black head of state and the first elected in a fully representative democratic election.

Mandela was born on July 18, 1918, in Mvezo, a small village in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa. He studied law at the University of Fort Hare and the University of Witwatersrand and became involved in anti-colonial politics, joining the African National Congress (ANC) in 1944.

The other statements are:

E) In this speech, Mandela is trying to motivate young people to continue the fight to stop apartheid.

F) In order to make his speech dramatic and powerful, Mandela uses metaphors, similes, and other rhetorical devices to heighten his emotional effect.

G) Mandela wants young people to think of negotiating with the apartheid government as the next step in the struggle to end racist government.

Learn more about Nelson Mandela on


Why were laws like the Twelve Tables unable to prevent corruption in the later Roman Empire?


The Twelve Tables were unable to prevent corruption in the later Roman Empire due to the concentration of power, lack of enforcement, and the decline of the empire.

Write a short note on The Twelve Tables.

The Twelve Tables were the first set of written laws in ancient Rome, established in 449 BCE. These laws codified Roman customs and provided a basis for legal proceedings. However, as the Roman Empire expanded and became more complex, the laws became increasingly inadequate in preventing corruption.

One reason for this was the concentration of power in the hands of a few individuals. In the later Roman Empire, the emperors and other high-ranking officials had significant power and influence, which allowed them to bend or break the laws without consequence. This led to widespread corruption, as these individuals used their positions to enrich themselves and their allies, often at the expense of the general population.

Another reason for the failure of the laws was the lack of enforcement. The legal system in the later Roman Empire was often inefficient and corrupt, and many cases were settled through bribery or other forms of influence. This meant that even if the laws themselves were sound, they were often not applied fairly or consistently.

Finally, the decline of the Roman Empire itself played a role in the failure of the laws. As the empire weakened, its institutions became increasingly dysfunctional, and corruption became more widespread. The lack of a strong central authority made it difficult to enforce the laws or hold individuals accountable for their actions.

Overall, while the Twelve Tables provided an important foundation for Roman law, they were unable to prevent corruption in the later Roman Empire due to a combination of factors, including the concentration of power, lack of enforcement, and the decline of the empire itself.

To learn more about Twelve Tables, visit:


(8th grade English) Identify the part of speech of each underlined word in the sentences below. Choose from the options in the bank provided. Each may be used more than once.

Noun Pronoun Verb Adjective Adverb

Preposition Interjection Conjunction

Not only can you relax in nature but also enjoy shopping in nearby Jackson Hole.


Blank # 1

Blank # 2

Blank # 3

(btw 'not only', 'but also', and 'nearby' is underlined


Blank #1: Adverb (Not only)

Blank #2: Conjunction (but also)

Blank #3: Adjective (nearby)

What is the part of speech?

Adverb (Not only): "Not only" is used to introduce an additional item or statement, and it modifies the verb "can relax." In this sentence, "not only" is functioning as an adverb that adds emphasis to the verb phrase "can relax." It indicates that there is something more than just relaxing in nature.

"But also" is used to connect two items or statements that are being compared or contrasted, and it joins the two verb phrases "can relax" and "enjoy shopping." In this sentence, "but also" is functioning as a conjunction that shows the contrast between relaxing in nature and enjoying shopping.

Lastly, "Nearby" is used to describe the location of Jackson Hole in relation to the speaker's current position. It modifies the noun "Jackson Hole" and functions as an adjective that provides information about the location of the nearby shopping area.

Learn more about Adverb from

im actually begging- ill give 40 points

i need a high school-middle school appropriate short story. im not asking anyone to write one for me, but if anyone has one i can steal that would help me incredibly. i would prefer it to be at a higher level of writing and at least one page but really anything or even a story base with a beginning middle and end would help me. this wont be graded, but i need this desperately.



read below!


i reach my hand out to touch the snow, a soft flake of white landing in my palm. it was only one, as if the rest were avoiding my grasp, and it was small. i could see very little of the design etched into the ice before it would inevitably melt away with the heat of my skin. it would leave a small drop of water to dampen my hand before there would be no trace of its existence left.

snow reminded me of humans. only if you were a legend or a prodigy would you have any proof of your life be passed along beyond your death. we as social creatures dont bother to register the past, and we only care about the present. history is important, but ignored nevertheless. even within our own families, its rare to know the first name of our great-grandmother. stories could be passed along throughout generations, but they would change over time, until they are no longer stories about your. theyre simply family tales. eventually, all humans will melt away like the snow had. eventually, i will die. i will die without a family who could pass on my story, and i would simply have existed just to be forgotten in the end.

some people may be sad when i die, and they will wish me insincere apologies for not being there when i needed it most. but they will move on to find people who they enjoyed much more; humans are social creatures, after all. we can only life in false grief for so long before its time to let go. they will place flowers by my grave on the day i am buried, and shed tears of false sorrow. but the flowers will be left unkept and ignored, and will slowly wilt away. theyll choose the chrysanthemums, which i am allergic to, for the sake of symbolism. but the reality is, they can only care for so long. they might call my number on accident, forgetting that there is no one on the other end of the line. though deleting my contact to clear out space only a few months in the future. im not one whos life will be passed on, but i know im not the only one.

my winter coat fell slightly off my shoulders as i dropped my dampened hand to my side, looking out at the view of the half-frozen river. winter in the morning was beautiful, who knew that the snow could fall so beautifully in front of a rising sun. the sky was a shade of blue, with soft pinks and yellows peaking over the horizon. it was a shame that it was cold, truly, or else this could be much more enjoyable.

i had never enjoyed the cold, but it kept my body numb and my brain silent. cold days were always the quietest, after all. i touched the snow-covered railing, letting out a soft sigh. it was hard to understand your own mind, i knew that. but in these last few moments, i had thought that it would be for the best to try and put my mind at ease. i wasnt nervous, nor was i scared. i was rather calm. i was at peace with the world and myself, and it would be the only time i could ever be.

Which of the following best explains a consistent problem in chemical insecticide usage?



Where are the following answer choices?


3. (03.02 MC)
Read an excerpt from Television and the Public Interest and answer the question. The speech was delivered by Newton N. Minow, chairman of the Federal Communications Commission to the nations television executives in 1961.
[1] But when television is bad, nothing is worse. I invite each of you to sit down in front of your television set when your station goes on the air and stay there, for a day, without a book, without a magazine, without a newspaper, without a
profit and loss sheet or a rating book to distract you. Keep your eyes glued to that set until the station signs off. I can assure you that what you will observe is a vast wasteland.
[2] You will see a procession of game shows, formula comedies about totally unbelievable families, blood and thunder, mayhem, violence, sadism, murder, western bad men, westem good men, private eyes, gangsters, more violence, and
cartoons. And endlessly, commercials-many screaming, cajoling, and offending. And most of all, boredom. True, you'll see a few things you will enjoy. But they will be very, very few. And if you think I exaggerate, I only ask you to try it
[3] Is there one person in this room who claims that broadcasting can't do better? Well a glance at next season's proposed programming can give us little heart of 73 and 1/2 hours of prime evening time, the networks have tentatively
scheduled 59 hours of categories of action-adventure, situation comedy, variety, quiz, and movies. Is there one network president in this room who claims he can't do better?
14] The best estimates indicate that during the hours of 5 to 6 PM sixty percent of your audience is composed of children under twelve. And most young children today, believe it or not, spend as much time watching television as they do in
the schoolroom. I repeat-let that sink in, ladies and gentlemen-most young children today spend as much time watching television as they do in the schoolroom. It used to be said that there were three great influences on a child home,
school and church. Today, there is a fourth great influence, and you ladies and gentlemen in this room control it
[Sif parents, teachers, and ministers conducted their responsibilities by following the ratings, children would have a steady diet of ice cream, school holidays, and no Sunday school What about your responsibilities? is there no room on
television to teach to inform to uplift to stretch, to enlarge the capacities of our children? Is there no room for programs deepening their understanding of children in other lands? There are some fine children's shows, but they are drowned
out in the massive doses of cartoons, violence, and more violence. Must these be your trademarks? Search your consciences and see if you cannot offer more to your young beneficiaries whose future you guide so many hours each and
every day.
[6] You must provide a wider range of choices, more diversity, more alternatives. It is not enough to cater to the nation's whims; you must also serve the nation's needs. And I would add this that if some of you persist in a relentless search
for the highest rating and the lowest common denominator, you may very well lose your audience. Because the people are wise, wiser than some of the broadcasters-and politicians-think
What argument does Minow make in his speech? (5 points)


Minow calls American television a "vast wasteland" in his talk "Television and the Public Interest" and implores television producers to keep in mind that they are accountable for the audience's welfare. We can read about a number of drawbacks of viewing television, particularly among young viewers, in the excerpt from "Television and the Public Interest" that is provided.

Write a short note on "Television and the Public Interest".

Former FCC Chair Newton Minow thought television programming was a vast wilderness. In this sense, he contends that television ought to respect viewers and teach them about their duties as citizens in addition to entertaining them.

Minow criticized the large number of dull shows that were broadcast by several television channels in his address. He had a strong conviction that his viewpoints were accurate, thus he was narrow-minded in this regard. He challenged his listeners to verify his assertions by focusing just on the television programs in question. By doing this, he demonstrated his narrow-mindedness about how bad television is compared to what it should be.

To learn more about Minow, visit:


Question 1
Which sentence from the selection best states its claim?
O "In this spring of 1953 the free world weighs one question above all others: the chance for a just peace for all
peoples." (paragraph 1)
"It weighs the chance for peace with sure, clear knowledge of what happened to the vain hope of 1945." (paragraph
O "The way chosen by the United States was plainly marked by a few clear precepts, which govern its conduct in
world affairs." (paragraph 9)
O "The result has been tragic for the world and, for the Soviet Union, it has also been ironic." (paragraph 19)


According to the available alternatives, the phrase that most effectively communicates the point is: "In this springtime of 1953 , free world considers one question more than any other: the possibility of a just peace across all peoples." (Section 1)

Which of the examples above most effectively makes its point?

The prospect of attaining a just settlement for everybody is the topic of the conversation, and this statement best communicates the point because it initiates the topic.

The other sentences offered do not immediately address the broader claim so effectively as this particular one does.

To know more about springtime visit:


You can give the tour guide a tip but it is not necessary.

You __________________________ give the tour guide a tip.



you can give a tour guide tip because why not


Part B
Using the main point and supporting evidence from Part A, draft a body paragraph.
Tip: remember that your paragraph should synthesize information. To synthesize, you take multiple ideas from your
evidence and draw conclusions for your reader that help answer your research question.
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Apr 10


The evidence suggests that the use of technology in the classroom can have a positive impact on student learning. For example, a study conducted by the University of Michigan found that students who used technology in their classes had higher test scores than those who did not. Additionally, the study found that students who used technology in their classes were more engaged and had better problem-solving skills. These results demonstrate that technology can be an effective tool for improving student learning.

how might the location of Judea have influenced the way the romans ruled the region?


Its influenced was of little importance to the Roman treasury, but it the land and coastal sea routes to the "bread basket" of Egypt and was a buffer against the Parthian Empire.

How did Rome make Judea part of the Roman Empire?

The Romans the ruling Hasmonean dynasty of Judaea (in power from c. 140 BCE) and the Roman Senate Herod the Great "King of the Jews" in c. 40 BCE. Judea proper, Samaria and Idumea became the Roman province of Iudaea in 6 CE.

Where was Judea located and why was it important?

Judea, where the New Testament says Jesus was born, was located in the present-day Middle East.

To know more about influenced visit :-




Answer: Technology may make an individual feel more alone.  

Explanation: Technology is the reason why many of us are not making personal connections, and can result in why many of us feel more lonely. When using technology, like cell phones, it could prevent us from enjoying relationships in our social life. When being on technology, it can affect your social life, and could make an individual feel like they don't want to socialize frequent.

Hope this helps!

In "Better Wait Till Martin Comes," when the cats repeat, "Better wait till Martin comes” the final time, which effect does it have on the story?

The story reaches its most exciting part.
The story’s problems are resolved.
The exposition of the story begins.
The tension of the story eases.


In "Better Wait Till Martin Comes," when the cats repeat, "Better wait till Martin comes" the final time, it has the effect of easing the tension of the story.

which effect does it have on the story?

"Better Wait Till Martin Comes" is a story about a family who moves into an old house in the countryside, only to find that it is haunted by the ghost of a young girl. The family's daughter, Amanda, befriends the ghost, who turns out to be a victim of abuse and neglect from her parents. Throughout the story, the family is warned by the local cats to "better wait till Martin comes" in order to deal with the ghost.

The repetition of the phrase "better wait till Martin comes" throughout the story builds a sense of tension and foreboding. The phrase serves as a reminder that the family is not equipped to deal with the ghost on their own, and that they must wait for Martin, an experienced ghost hunter, to arrive and help them. As the story progresses, the tension increases as the ghost becomes more active and menacing, and the family becomes more desperate for Martin's arrival.

To know more about story visit:





cuz i said so

Which of the following is not a key principle to reach your audience when writing?

Know what to expect from your readers based on their previous experiences.

Consider all readers that benefit from what you are writing.

Select a style that is hard for your readers to follow.

Clearly know whom you are writing for.


That which is not a key principle to reach your audience when writing is this: c. Select a style that is hard for your readers to follow.

What is not a key principle to follow?

A key principle that should not be followed while writing for an audience is sekecting a style that is hard for your audience to follow.

When you do this, there is every tendency of losing the attention of the people and your message will be eventually lost on them. So, option C is not a good step to take when writing.

Learn more about writing here:


The steady influx of observers continued until every seat in the courtroom was filled. Everyone watched the famous defendant, who appeared to be __ to what was being said as she nodded in affirmation to each whisper from her lawyer. look as she described the guilt While on the stand, the defendant had a[n] that she felt for her crimes; however, during the cross-examination, the prosecutor succeeded in provoking the defendant until she lost her temper. She stood and screamed in rage. "Defense, please your client," said the judge. After the outburst, the trial fell apart for the defense. The jury deliberated and found the defendant guilty, and one charges for lying on behalf of the defendant. of the witnesses faced __ charges for lying on behalf of the defendant. ​


Throughout the trial, the well-known defendant acknowledged her attorney's hushed comments by nodding in agreement. During cross-examination, she did lose her composure.

Who are witnesses in court?

Someone who is a witness is a person who is present when an act, a sequence of actions, or a scene is occurring. Any individual who has the capacity to grasp a fact with their five senses qualifies as a witness.

Why are witnesses requested?

A witness includes a person who was there when the crime was committed, heard it, or may know something crucial about it or the accused. Both the prosecution and the defence have the option of calling witnesses to provide testimony or share their knowledge of the case. Testimony is what a witness actually says in court.

To know more about Witnesses visit:


Help pls :(

In the second column, complete each row by dragging the textual evidence that could be used to support further the reader’s analysis of the criminal justice system. In the third column, write your personal response related to the analysis and supporting textual evidence from Monster.

Textual Evidence Options ( 3 of 3 )
“The film will be the story of my life... I’ll call it what the lady who is the prosecutor called me. Monster.”

“Steve, let me tell you what my job is here. My job is to make sure the law works for you as well as against you.”

“You let the jury know that you think the case is as serious as they do.”

“The film will be the story of my life... I’ll call it what the lady who is the prosecutor called me. Monster.”

“Steve, let me tell you what my job is here. My job is to make sure the law works for you as well as against you.”

“You let the jury know that you think the case is as serious as they do.”

Textual Evidence
My Personal Response
It is human nature to make assumptions about people, even in a trial.
Select Answer
It can be difficult to determine a person’s guilt or innocence.
Select Answer
The law isn’t always fair.
Select Answer


Steve, let me tell you what my job..... as against you.”- It can be difficult to determine a person’s guilt or innocence -

“You let the jury ...... serious as they do.- The law isn’t always fair.

“The film will be the story of my life..... prosecutor called me. Monster.”- It is human nature to make assumptions about people, even in a trial.-

What is Monster's primary takeaway?

Race, justice, and A.V.R.—appearance versus reality—are three topics that are examined in Walter Dean Myers' book 'Monster'. Everything Steve fears is represented by Monster. He is afraid of the jury in court who won't look at him, the jail full of monstrously aggressive men, and the jail itself. He fears himself the most, though. Racial prejudice, injustice, the dehumanization of those involved in the legal system, and violence are some of 'Monster's' major themes.

Steve's challenging trial and his horrifying encounters at the Manhattan Detention Center serve as the vehicle through which 'Monster' explores these topics. Steve becomes fixated on the word "monster," questioning whether it applies to him, when state prosecutor Sandra Petrocelli refers to him and other alleged offenders as "monsters." Steve's identity is represented by this label of dehumanization during his criminal trial.

To learn more about Monster, visit:


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