Assignment: Devices

Identifying Rhetorical Devices

AP Language

Directions: Carefully read each of the following statements and identify the rhetorical

device/figure of speech contained in each. Some may contain more than one device.

You may choose among these terms:















Rhetorical Question



1. The village went to sleep, window by window. (Edmund Gilligan)

2. You are as cold and pitiless as your own marble. (Nathaniel Hawthorne)

3. But if possibility of evil be to exclude good, no good ever can be done. (Samuel


4. Frankly, my dear, I don't feel like dining out.

5. The true nature of man, his true good, true virtue, an true religion are things which

cannot be known separately. (Blaise Pascal)

6. Clang battleaxes, and crash brand! Let the King reign. (Alfred Lord Tennyson)

7. His first irresistible notion was that the whole China Sea had climbed on the bridge.

(Joseph Conrad)

8. Roll on, thou dark blue ocean, roll. (George Gordon, Lord Byron)

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Answer 1

The rhetorical devices used in the given statements are, Alliteration, Metaphor, Antithesis, Litotes, Parallelism, Alliteration, Hyperbole, Personification.

In statement 1, alliteration is used to create a rhythm and convey the idea of a quiet, peaceful village going to sleep. In statement 2, a metaphor is used to compare someone's personality to the characteristics of marble. Statement 3 uses antithesis to present a contrasting idea and make a point.

In statement 4, litotes are used to understate the speaker's lack of desire to dine out. Statement 5 uses parallelism to emphasize that certain concepts cannot be understood in isolation. In statement 6, alliteration is used to create a sense of excitement and momentum. Statement 7 uses hyperbole to convey the idea of the sea engulfing the bridge. In statement 8, personification is used to give the ocean human-like qualities.

To know more about rhetorical devices, here


Related Questions

A dependent clause can act as which part of speech within the structure of a sentence?

a. Verb

b. Pronoun

c. Adjective

d. Conjunction


A dependent clause supports the main clause in a sentence by functioning as an adverb, an adjective, or a noun.

Which of these statements includes a

He felt unwell and looked as pale as

She had teeth as white as pearls.

I was as hungry as a horse.

"Thank you for your help, you're a star!"



that would be the third sentence my friend

“Thank you for your help, you’re a star!”

Explain how commas are used in a series. Just need a small sentence answer


Individual entries in a list are separated by commas in a series.

Items in a series are separated by commas. This signifies that a comma should be used to separate each item in a list of three or more elements. For instance, you would write "red, blue, and green" if you wanted to list the colors red, blue, and green.

In sentences or phrases, commas can also indicate a pause, as in the sentence "My favorite colors are red, blue, and green." In this example, the comma is used to indicate a pause and to add clarity between the two sections of the statement.

Additionally, semi-colons should be used in place of commas to divide the items in the list if any of them include commas on their own.

To learn more about commas link is here


in his essay, swift appears to condemn the irish catholics in the same way as the social class he mocks. what possible motives might he have had for using such a strategy? what motives would writers today have to do something similar


In Swift's essay, "A Modest Proposal," he uses satire to mock both the Irish Catholics and the wealthy social class. By condemning both groups in the same way, he is highlighting the hypocrisy and injustices of the social hierarchy at the time.

One possible motive for Swift's strategy is to draw attention to the plight of the Irish Catholics, who were facing extreme poverty and famine. By using satire to criticize both the oppressed and the oppressors, he is calling for change and social reform.

Today, writers might use a similar strategy to expose injustices and call for change. Satire can be a powerful tool for highlighting societal issues and critiquing those in power. By condemning both the oppressed and the oppressors, writers can draw attention to the complex and often systemic nature of social problems. However, it is important for writers to be mindful of their audience and the potential impact of their words. Satire can be a powerful tool, but it can also be divisive and offensive if not used carefully.

To learn more about A modest proposal, click here:


Jingyi is researching some health and nutrition information, and she wants to know how many calories are in one cup of blueberries. What is the BEST search term or phrase for her to use?

A. calories cup

B. blueberries

C. calories blueberries

D. nutrition blueberries



Explanation:The best search term would be calories in one cup of blueberries.

5. Use the context clues provided in the passage to determine the meaning of the word coincides as it is used in paragraph 4 of / Never Had It Made. Write your definition here and identify clues that helped you figure out its meaning. Then check the meaning in a dictionary.


From context cues found inside a sentence, subsection, or its enactment it is conceivable to infer the meanings of new or unfamiliar words.

How can I get the passage's context clue?

Examine the strange word, then read the sentence before and following it. Connect your knowledge to the text. Determine a meaning. Verify or change your forecast. Make your prediction when you read the passage again.

What does the context of a paragraph mean?

Contextual indicators found within a sentence, paragraph, or passage can be used to infer the implications of words that are new or unanticipated.

To know more about context clues visit:


during what activity do we directly analyze the language of the problem to identify objects, their attributes, and their behaviors?group of answer choicesnone of theseuse case diagrammingnoun/verb analysisproblem descriptionclass outlining


During noun/verb analysis we directly analyze the language of the problem to identify objects, their attributes, and their behaviors. So the option B is correct.

Nouns refer to people, places, things, qualities, or ideas. For example, a noun might refer to a computer, a person, or a concept. Nouns can also refer to attributes or qualities associated with an object, such as size, shape, color, or speed.

Verbs describe actions or states of being. They can refer to physical or mental activities, or to changes in the state of an object. Verbs are usually accompanied by nouns that describe the objects involved in the action. For example, the verb "run" might refer to running a race, running a business, or running a program.

By analyzing the nouns and verbs in a sentence or phrase, we can better understand what objects, attributes, and behaviors will be involved in a proposed solution. This can help us to come up with more effective solutions that take into account the objects, attributes, and behaviors involved in the problem. So the option B is correct.

To learn more about noun/verb link is here


The complete question is:

During what activity do we directly analyze the language of the problem to identify objects, their attributes, and their behaviors?

Group of answer choices

A. use case diagramming

B. noun/verb analysis

C. problem description

D. class outlining

E. none of these

How lines 1 through 15 help to develop a central idea of "Extreme Sports: Extremely
Dangerous"? Use two details from the article to support your response.


The main theme is portrayed in the passages regarding the risks of extreme sports as told, that they carry a high level of risk by using Stephan Murray's story of breaking his neck while performing a double back flip as an example.

Which sports would you consider extreme?

Extreme sports are competitive activities that involve great risk and speed. They are often referred to as action sports or alternative sports. The sports that are most frequently included in this category are BMX, mountain biking, in-line roller skating, skateboarding, snowboarding, freestyle skiing, and street lugeing.

What is the rate of injuries in extreme sports?

With a computed incidence rate ratio, the average injury incidence rates for the extreme sports during the summer and winter were 6.10 per 10,000 person-years and 4.23 per 10,000 person-years, respectively.

To know more about Extreme Sports visit:


Did the presenters use any visual aids? If yes, what where they?

1. *Ted Talk video* Kio Stark
Title: Why you should talk to strangers

2. *Ted talk video* Kang Lee
Title: Can you Tell if a child is lying


Answer:  In the case of Kio Stark's TED talk, she may have used slides or images to support her message, but I cannot confirm it without more information.

For Kang Lee's TED talk, it's likely that he used visual aids such as videos or images to demonstrate his research findings about children's lying behavior.

Explanation: hi again

Draw a mind map to outline the typical achievements of Dai Viet civilization in the fields of politics and economy


A former name for Vietnam was Dai Viet (i Vit). The name was utilised from 1054 until 1400 and then once more from 1428 to 1804. In 939 CE, Vietnam broke away from China and took control of the Red River Delta. However, by the 14th century, the country had essentially crumbled.

Dai Viet practised which religion?

However, Buddhism continued to be the dominant religion of the kingdom in Dai Viet, and the oath, spirits, and Indra rituals of the king tied the regions of the mandala together as well as the realm to the universe.

In Vietnam, what does the word Dai mean?

The ao dai, a silk tunic with trousers worn by both men and women, is the national traditional attire of Vietnam.

To know more about Dai Viet civilization visit:-


What do the wooden benches, hand-carved butter churn, dasher, and quilts represent for Dee when she returns home to visit?

A. They represent people from her family who she wants to forget.

B. They represent the good memories she has of home.

C. They represent the few items of value from her home.

D. They represent her heritage and cultural identity.


The wooden benches, hand-carved butter churn, dasher, and quilts represent her heritage and cultural identity.

The correct option is D.

When Dee returns home to visit, she is interested in taking items that she considers important parts of her heritage and cultural identity. The wooden benches, hand-carved butter churn, dasher, and quilts all represent the traditions and values of her family and ancestors.

For Dee, these items are not just objects, but they hold deep cultural and historical significance. She wants to preserve them and pass them down to future generations as a way to honor her heritage and identity. In this way, these items are not just sentimental to her, but they also represent an important part of who she is and where she comes from. The correct option is D.

To know more about cultural identity


essay for cardiac nurse for senior project​


The essay for cardiac nurse for senior project​ is given as follows.

The Sample Essay for cardiac nurse

Cardiac nurses play a critical role in caring for patients with cardiovascular diseases. As a specialized nurse, their responsibilities include assessing patient conditions, administering medications, managing patient care plans, and providing education to patients and their families.

The role of a cardiac nurse is challenging but rewarding, as they make a significant impact on patients' lives by providing compassionate care and support during a vulnerable time. For a senior project, exploring the career of a cardiac nurse is an excellent way to learn about the profession's requirements, daily duties, and the impact they have on patient outcomes.

The project could include research on the education and training requirements, job outlook, and the steps needed to pursue a career in cardiac nursing.

Learn more about Essays:

ANY COMMENT GETS BRAINLIEST In your own words, evaluate the objectivity of each article. Where can you see the authors’ personal biases? Where can you see an objective delivery of facts? What is the central message of each article?

* * *

the answer:

you can see that something is biased by the way it is written. If a writing is biased the author will use words to make you feel a certain way, they will put their own personal feelings or opinion in subtle ways in hope that the reader will agree with them. Unbiased writing would not have adjectives that are subjective, only plain fact. Proof of bias in t he first article is through the use of these phrases: "masterful skills" "terrible sportsmanship" this is bias because it is not simply stating what happened, the other is building a tone by saying things like "terrible". It might not have been terrible to everyone, so that makes it biased. Proof of bias the second article is: "Unfortunately" "unsportsmanlike activity" "overzealous" "egregious penalties" "disappointing. "


Objectivity is an important factor when evaluating any article. By carefully evaluating the objectivity of each article, you can get a better sense of the author's true intentions and the article's overall message.

To determine the objectivity of an article, look for signs of personal bias from the author, such as the use of loaded language or emotive words. Additionally, consider how well the article delivers facts objectively. When facts are presented in a clear and unbiased manner, they can be trusted as reliable sources.

The central message of each article should also be evaluated. Is the author trying to persuade readers to accept a particular opinion or viewpoint? Or is the author simply presenting facts and allowing readers to make up their own minds? If the article is attempting to persuade readers to accept a particular opinion, it is likely to contain personal biases.

To learn more about objective delivery of facts link is here


can someone please read my essay

Every year, about 480,000 Americans die from smoking-related diseases. In this essay, I will discuss the health issues one may get from smoking.

To start with I will explain how smoking started. There are many types of smoking but the number one most smoked substance is tobacco. Smoking goes back to 5000 BC and would be used in rituals. Around the time of the Revolutionary War, tobacco goods started to become very popular in the US.

Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States. Smoking causes more deaths yearly than HIV, illegal drug use, alcohol use, motor vehicle accidents, and firearm-related incidents. Smoking tobacco causes 90% of all lung cancer deaths, more than women with breast cancer.

Smoking can cause lung disease by damaging your airways. Tobacco harms every organ in your body. Smoking tobacco introduces not only nicotine but also more than 5,000 chemicals, including numerous carcinogens (cancer-causing chemicals), into your lungs, blood, and organs. It has been proven that smoking tobacco can shorten your lifespan.

Some examples of diseases you can get from smoking are Lung Cancer, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), Heart Disease, Stroke, and Asthma. Those are just some of the many conditions you can get.

Lung Cancer
Compared to other cancers, lung cancer claims the lives of most individuals. Nearly 90% of lung cancer cases are caused by cigarette smoking, making it the leading lung cancer risk factor. There is a one in five possibilities that you will still be living five years after being diagnosed.

COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
Obstructive pulmonary illness (COPD) makes breathing difficult. Early death and severe lasting effects are the results. When COPD first begins to limit one's ability to be active, such as when playing with a grandchild, it typically grows worse, making even simple tasks like walking to the mailbox or going up a couple of steps difficult or impossible. People may become restricted to their homes, unable to have their desires or visit friends. Smoking cigarettes contributes to 85% to 90% of all cases of COPD. The sixth most common cause of mortality in the US is COPD.

Heart diseases
Nearly every function in your body, including your heart, is harmed by smoking. Smoking can result in challenges and artery pressure, which reduces the amount of blood and oxygen reaching your heart. The rate of cardiac disease also dropped as cigarette use declined in the United States. However, the leading cause of mortality in the US continues to be heart illness.

Smoking may lead to a stroke because it changes the blood vessels. When your brain's temporary blood flow is cut off, a stroke occurs. Because of the lack of air, brain cells begin to weaken. The effects of a stroke can include death, paralysis, speech difficulties, and changed brain function. Stroke is the fifth most common cause of death and plays an important role in adult damage in the United States.

Asthma is a chronic lung condition that makes it more difficult to "breathe," or send oxygen in and out of your airways. Cigarette smoke can cause quick and serious attacks of asthma because it affects the airways. More than 25 million people in the United States suffer from asthma, a severe medical disease. It only gets worse when you smoke.

Those are just some of the effects smoking can cause. Here is more, it can increase tooth loss and gum damage, lower the immune system, increase diabetes, premature aging, stained teeth, and bad breath.

As a result of all that I've stated, smoking can lead to lifelong illnesses or even death. Even though smoking can be a very tempting and addictive thing to do it’s best not to do it.

Health Risks of Smoking Tobacco (cancer. org)10 of the Worst Diseases Smoking Causes | State of Tobacco Control | American Lung AssociationSmoking: Effects, Risks, Addiction, Quitting, Treatment (


This essay was well written and informative. You did a great job of explaining the history of smoking and the various health risks associated with it. You also provided some helpful statistics to back up your points. The conclusion was also strong, emphasizing the importance of avoiding smoking. Overall, this was a great essay!

Chapter 10 Frankenstein: The creature uses threats to try to control Victor. Do you think that the creature could have more effectively interacted with Victor? How?


In Chapter 10 of Frankenstein, the creature indeed uses threats to try to control Victor, demanding that he creates a mate for him or else he will seek revenge on him and his loved ones. While this approach may have been effective in getting Victor's attention, it ultimately did not result in the creature achieving his goals.

In my opinion, the creature could have more effectively interacted with Victor by appealing to his empathy and compassion. Instead of threatening him, the creature could have tried to reason with Victor and explain the deep loneliness and isolation that he has been experiencing. By sharing his own feelings and experiences, the creature could have created a stronger emotional connection with Victor, potentially leading him to be more willing to help.

Furthermore, the creature could have approached the situation with a more collaborative mindset, working together with Victor to find a solution that would benefit both of them. By emphasizing their shared humanity and common goals, the creature could have fostered a sense of mutual respect and trust, potentially leading to a more productive and positive interaction.

Overall, while the creature's approach of using threats to control Victor may have been effective in the short term, I believe that a more empathetic, collaborative, and compassionate approach would have been more effective in achieving his long-term goals.


Jamie is trying to find the source for a long quote she wants to use in her paper. What is the BEST way for her to enter her search terms to find the quote?

A. Type the whole quote into the search bar exactly as it is written.

B. Take a selection of keywords from the quote and search for only those.

C. Type in part of the quote and filter for useful results, like a specific date.

D. Use part of the quote with distinctive keywords and add quotation marks.


Answer: Hi again! I found your question. The answer to your question is D! Brainliest? Read the explanation down below:


D. Use part of the quote with distinctive keywords and add quotation marks.

This is the best way for Jamie to enter her search terms to find the quote. By using distinctive keywords and enclosing them in quotation marks, she is telling the search engine to find the exact phrase that she is looking for. This will help her to narrow down her search results to only those that are relevant to her specific quote, rather than sifting through a lot of irrelevant information.

Answer: I would say either A or D


B is just obvious that it's wrong; you don't take just a skeleton of a long quote and hope for the best. C is the same thing. But A & D are great candidates for the correct answer due to the fact that if you type in the whole thing it's surely going to pop up

What is the mean of transport?


the "means of transport," which refers to the different modes of transportation that people use to travel from one place to another. Some common means of transport include cars, buses, trains, airplanes, bicycles, and boats, among others. Each mode of transportation has its own advantages and disadvantages, and people often choose the means of transport that is most convenient, efficient, and affordable for their needs.

What was Edgar's first memory of his mother? *

A. Caring for her

B. Coughing up blood

C. Singing on stage


Edgar's first memory of his mother, Eliza Poe, was option B: coughing up blood, as she was suffering from tuberculosis.

Eliza Poe, a noted traveling actress, was the mother of Edgar Allan Poe. Sadly, she passed away from tuberculosis at the age of 24, leaving Edgar, then only two years old, behind. Poe's dramatic readings of his most renowned works, which were a significant source of cash and ultimately helped him become America's first professional writer, were probably inspired by her acting legacy.

She supported Edgar Poe's artistic goals and encouraged him to read poetry from an early age until her untimely death in 1829, when he was just 20 years old, due to an undisclosed illness.

To know more about Edgard's poetry, refer:


l1. Draw five lines to match the country to its tradition
is ok


The countries and their various traditions are given below:

The Traditions

Japan - Tea Ceremony: The Japanese tea ceremony is a cultural practice that involves the ceremonial preparation and presentation of matcha, a powdered green tea. The tradition emphasizes mindfulness, respect, and harmony.

India - Diwali Festival: Diwali is a five-day festival of lights celebrated by Hindus, Sikhs, and Jains in India and around the world. The festival symbolizes the victory of light over darkness and good over evil.

Mexico - Day of the Dead: Día de los Muertos is a Mexican holiday that celebrates the lives of deceased loved ones. Families create altars, decorate graves, and prepare special foods to honor the dead.

Ireland - St. Patrick's Day: St. Patrick's Day is a cultural and religious holiday celebrated on March 17th in Ireland and around the world. The holiday honors St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, and celebrates Irish heritage and culture.

Brazil - Carnival: Carnival is a massive celebration held annually in Brazil and other parts of the world. The festival features parades, music, dancing, and elaborate costumes, and is often considered a celebration of life and joy.

Read more about traditions here:


which of the following is not an effective concluding transition?
By comparison
On the whole


Answer: Read the explanation! Brainliest?


All of the listed transitions can be effective concluding transitions, depending on the context in which they are used. However, it's important to note that the effectiveness of a transition depends on the specific content of the text and the writer's intended meaning.

That being said, it's possible for a transition to be ineffective if it does not fit the overall tone or purpose of the text or if it is used inappropriately. Therefore, it's important to use transitions thoughtfully and strategically.

In general, "on the whole" might be the least effective concluding transition out of the options listed, as it tends to be more commonly used to indicate an overall assessment or evaluation of something rather than to signal the end of a discussion or argument. However, as mentioned before, it could still be an effective transition in certain contexts.

scout agrees that exposing boo radley to a public investigation would be like shooting a _____.


Scout concurs that it would be like shooting a mockingbird to subject Boo Radley to a public examination.

This metaphor is used in Harper Lee's novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" to symbolize the innocence and vulnerability of certain individuals who have done nothing wrong and yet are persecuted or harmed by society. In the novel, Boo Radley is a reclusive and mysterious figure who is feared and misunderstood by many of the residents of Maycomb.

By comparing Boo to a mockingbird, Scout is suggesting that exposing him to the harsh judgment and scrutiny of the public would be a senseless act of cruelty and injustice.

Learn more about public investigation


what literary work contains this woodcut? a. the knights of the round table b. canterbury tales c. a knight?s tale d. the bible please select the best answer from the choices provided a b c d


The literary work that contains this woodcut is b. Canterbury Tales.

A group of pilgrims making their way to Canterbury Cathedral engage in a storytelling competition in The Canterbury Tales. The pilgrims have a purpose to relate their stories, which mirror the anxieties produced by the social upheavals of late medieval England, because of this overarching plot, or frame.

The significance of social position in Chaucer's day is a recurring theme in The Canterbury Tales. The Prioress and the Parson, for instance, are diametrically opposed people when it comes to social standing. The Parson cares more about his religious commitment than his social standing.

To learn more about Canteburry Tales, click here:


according to the terms of the agreement between latinus and aeneas in book 12, what will happen if aeneas wins against turnus?


According to the terms of the agreement between Latinus and Aeneas in book 12, if Aeneas wins against Turnus.

Then he will be granted the right to marry Lavinia and rule over the Latins. This agreement was made against the wishes of Turnus, who also sought to marry Lavinia and become ruler. Aeneas asks for protection, declaring that the Trojans will leave if Turnus triumphs. But if he succeeds, he won't make the Italians his slaves; instead, he'll invite them to join him as equal citizens in a new country.

                         The terms are accepted by Latinus. To seal the deal, they offer animal sacrifices. Aeneas informs Latinus that he does not desire a kingdom for himself. His sole objective, as it has been throughout the entire epic, is to construct a city where he and his exiled countrymen can live in harmony. The last altercation between Aeneas and Turnus is characterised as earth-shattering.

To know more about Aeneas refer :


Personal ……………. Left behind on seats in the theater are brought to the lost and found department, but most are nervous claimed


Personal property Left behind on seats in the theater are brought to the lost and found department, but most are nervous claimed.

Any personal items left on seats at a theatre must be collected by the lost and found department. Due to potential embarrassment over having forgotten anything in the first place, most people are reluctant to claim their lost items.

They can also worry that the item has been stolen or misplaced in the interim. Many people will not even try to find their lost belongings and instead assume they are lost forever out of their own peace of mind.

To learn more about Personal Property link is here


Based on the excerpt, which is the most reasonable plot prediction? Farquhar may unknowingly walk into a trap. Farquhar will pursue the soldier from the North. Farquhar and the soldier may engage in an altercation. Farquhar and his wife will forget about the soldier.


Farquhar and the soldier getting into a fight is the most logical storyline prediction.

What passage from An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge best demonstrates the third person limited point of view?

What passage from "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge" best demonstrates the third-person limited point of view? The water below him was once more visible to him after he opened his eyes. I might throw off the noose and dive into the stream, he reasoned, if I could only get my hands free.

How would you characterise Peyton Farquhar?

a planter from the South who is 35 years old. Farquhar is a successful land and slave owner from a prestigious Alabama family. He is a citizen and a fervent Confederate supporter.

To know more about plot prediction visit:-


Speaking and Listening: Planning a Multimedia Presentation (47-50)
To gather ideas:
1. Research the _________________ 2. Identify three _________________reasons.
3. Find _________________to support those reasons.
***Remember your audience and purpose, and choose reasons and evidence accordingly.
(evidence, topic, supporting)


Answer: (1 topic (2 supporting (3 evidence.
Explanation: First, you need to research the topic in order to support and provide evidence to your cause/purpose. Next, you need to support with three reasons for your topic. Finally, you need to provide evidence to support those reasons.

To gather ideas for the presentation, Research the topic and identify three reasons to support and find the evidence to support those reasons. Hence, the correct order is B, C, and A.

The multimedia presentation is a stand-alone presentation that presents the information in the form of slides, videos, or digital representations which includes sounds in the form of narrative or music. The general purpose of information includes informing, persuading, and entertaining.

From the given, plan for a multimedia presentation, gathering ideas involves researching the topic, identifying reasons for supporting the topic, and finally finding the evidence to support those reasons.

The correct order is B, C, and A.

To learn more about Multimedia planning:


What is the theme of the selection by Kiera Kass?



Explanation: appearances can be deceiving

Answer: The theme for selection by Kierra Kass is "appearances can be deceiving."


The selection by Kierra Kass has the theme " appearances can be deceiving". This is seen at two points:

Firstly, when she sees American prince Maxon on TV, and thinks he is a harsh, shallow and struck-up person but when she runs into the garden and meets him she finds him to be kind and soft.

Secondly, this theme is seen when she sees the king and thinks he is a good father but later finds out he puts his son down for not being confident enough and being too kind.


To know more about the theme

The architect poem that tribute to martin luther king jr what do they comare them to


The architect poem "A Monument for the Dreamer"  tribute to Martin Luther King Jr. They compare Martin Luther King Jr. to a monument that stands tall, shining in the sunlight and inspiring hope. They compare him to a beacon of light, a symbol of justice, and a leader of courage and truth.

More than a monument, Martin Luther King Jr. accomplished more. He served as a guiding light, a representation of justice, and a champion of courage and the truth. Inspiring people all around the world to speak up for what is right and fight for equality, he led a revolution of optimism and progress.

He demonstrated to us the power of perseverance and hard effort. He was an advocate for social justice and civil rights who had big dreams. People who value justice and equality will always remember him and his legacy. His spirit will live on for many generations, and his bravery and fortitude will never be forgotten.

To learn more about Martin Luther King Jr link is here


name of the theory establishing there are no fixed and stable identities that determine who we are


The theory that there are no fixed and stable identities that determine who we are is called postmodernism, which challenges essentialist views.

Postmodernism is the belief that there are no unchanging identities that define who we are. The idea of a permanent and stable identity was questioned by the philosophical and cultural movement known as postmodernism, which first appeared in the middle of the 20th century. This idea contends that identities are produced through language, culture, and social interactions rather than being natural or fundamental.

In addition to highlighting the value of variety, difference, and plurality, postmodernism contends that the construction of identity is a dynamic and fluid process that is continually debated and reinvented. This idea has influenced a wide range of disciplines, including literature, the arts, and the social sciences, and it has sparked fresh perspectives on how to comprehend the nuanced nature of individual identity.

Learn more about postmodernism:


The theory that establishes there are no fixed and stable identities that determine who we are is known as "fluid identity theory" or "identity fluidity."

A constantly evolving or changing identity is referred to as having a fluid identity. People's worldviews, ideas, and values are influenced by both their cultural identity and their cultural experiences. Instead of being a sort of sexual orientation, fluid is a form of gender identity or gender expression. Fluid refers to a person's internal self-identification and external self-presentation. Someone who is gender-neutral may identify as either male or female, neither, both, or neither the next day.

This theory suggests that identities are not fixed or predetermined, but rather are constantly evolving and shaped by various factors such as personal experiences, social context, and cultural norms. It recognizes that individuals have the ability to shape their own identities and move between different identities over time.

To learn more about Identity, click here:


true or false: 'subject' properly speaking names something that already exists whereas 'matter' properly speaking names something that exists only in potency, but 'subject' and 'matter' are broadly speaking interchangeable words.


The term "speaking names" refers to words that have a specific meaning and refer to something that exists in reality. "Potency" refers to something that has the potential to become actualized.

In this context, "subject" properly speaking names something that already exists, while "matter" properly speaking names something that exists only in potency. However, in a broader sense, these terms can be used interchangeably, especially in philosophical discussions.

It is a real last name that someone bears, although one with significance. For instance, John Smith would have a "speaking surname" since John Smith's ancestor was a real smith in the distant past and the surname was passed down through the family.

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I NEED HELP ON THIS ASAP! PLEASE IT'S DUE TODAY!! Given a rectangle with a length of 48 and a width of 6, which rectangle is similar?A. rectangle with a length of 72 and a width of 12rectangle with a length of 72 and a width of 12B. rectangle with a length of 64 and a width of 8rectangle with a length of 64 and a width of 8C. rectangle with a length of 36 and a width of 3rectangle with a length of 36 and a width of 3D. rectangle with a length of 42 and a width of 6rectangle with a length of 42 and a width of 6 The New Deal was a series of programs and projects instituted during the Great Depression by President Franklin D. Roosevelt that aimed to restore prosperity to Americans. When Roosevelt took office in 1933, he acted swiftly to stabilize the economy and provide jobs and relief to those who were suffering. | Research the New Deal and list three programs that FDR started to easy the suffering of the Great Depression. is this story specific only to jamica?Explain your thought. Why does the author consider some forms of embarrassment good for us, a Contrast and Contradiction from what we might expect? Do you agree with this view? the section of the coast that extends from normal high tide level to the highest elevation on land that is effected by storm waves is called the: question 1 options: nearshore. foreshore. backshore. offshore. annalucia is giving a speech on behalf of her company Theo: Argumentative Paper in favor of, What is the role of the Holy Spirit today? Jamie was working on his math homework with his friend, Kent. Jamie looked at the following problem. 9. 5 (8) 6. 5 He told Kent that he did not know how to subtract negative numbers. Kent said that he knew how to solve the problem using only addition. What did Kent mean by that? Explain. Then, show your work, and represent the answer as a single rational number HELPStained glass windows come in circles, semicircles, and quarter-circles. If Flo buys 2 circular windows, 5 semicircular windows, and 20 quarter-circular windows that all have a radius of 4 feet, what is the total area of the windows purchased by Flo? Round your final result to the nearest hundredth square foot.Area of circle: _____Area of semicircles: _____Area of quarter-circles: _____Total area of pattern: _____AnswersArea of semicircles = 125.60Area of quarter-circles=125.6Area of circle=50.24Total area of pattern=238.64Area of quarter-circles = 251.20Area of circle =100.48 Total area of pattern = 477.28Area of semicircles=62.8 the chemical associated with the homeostatic sleep drive is according to darwin, how do the processes of natural selection and descent with modification help to explain the variety among the galapagos finches? 1,000 J of heat is added to 50 g of water. What is the change in temperature of the water?options : 20 C4.18C718C4.78C the physical plant at the main campus of a large state university recieves daily requests to replace florecent lightbulbs. the distribution of the number of daily requests is bell-shaped and has a mean of 42 and a standard deviation of 4. using the empirical rule (as presented in the book), what is the approximate percentage of lightbulb replacement requests numbering between 42 and 50? 1. You go to the ice cream shop with your friends and you can choose an ice cream, a toppingand sprinkles. How many different sundaes can you make when you order one flavor of icecream, one topping and one color of sprinkles from the chart below? Show all possibleoutcomes in a tree diagram.Ice CreamChocolateVanillaStrawberryToppingFudgeMarshmallowSprinklesChocolateRainbowHow many sample spaces are there? HINT: How many possible combinations?b. P (Chocolate, Fudge, Rainbow) can yall help me with this question this would rlly help me out! How has "low-road capitalism" led to "a malnourished and mean kind of freedom that kept you out of chains but did not provide bread or shelter" The bandwagon effect is an example of the way _____ directly affects foreign exchange rates. a zero-coupon bond pays no interest. explain. when bonds are issued at a premium, the debt declines each period. explain. Explain how Avogadros number can give two conversion factors