based on the following map, name the 3 large estuarine systems near the future location of the pioneer array near the mab?


Answer 1

The three significant estuarine systems nearby the future location of the Pioneer array near the MAB are Albemarle Sound, Pamlico Sound, and the Chesapeake Bay, as shown on the following map.

The three main estuarine systems close to the future location of the Pioneer array in the southern Mid-Atlantic Bight (MAB) are Albemarle Sound, Pamlico Sound, and the Chesapeake Bay.

Estuaries are vast, partially enclosed bodies of water that are formed when freshwater from rivers and streams and saltwater from the ocean mix.

They distinguish themselves by possessing unique ecological and environmental characteristics that support a variety of plants and animals.

A network of oceanographic monitoring systems known as the Pioneer Array is used to investigate the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of these estuarine systems and the nearby coastal waters.

To learn more about large estuarine systems at


The question is -

Based on the following map, name the 3 large estuarine systems near the future location of the Pioneer array near the MAB.

Based On The Following Map, Name The 3 Large Estuarine Systems Near The Future Location Of The Pioneer

Related Questions

The Tigris and Euphrates Rivers were significant for ancient Mesopotamians for all of the following reasons except:
A. The rivers carried silt downstream, enriching the soil
B. The rivers facilitated trade
C. The rivers acted as a barrier that protected ancient Mesopotamians from foreign invasions
D. The rivers brought large amounts of freshwater to a region that otherwise received little or irregular rainfall


Option C, The rivers acted as a barrier that protected ancient Mesopotamians from foreign invasions.

The Tigris and Euphrates Rivers were significant for ancient Mesopotamians for several reasons.

The rivers carried silt downstream, enriching the soil and making it fertile for agriculture, the rivers facilitated trade by providing a means of transportation and communication, and the rivers brought large amounts of fresh water to a region that otherwise received little or irregular rainfall.

The rivers also played an important role in the development of early urban societies in Mesopotamia.

However, the rivers did not act as a barrier that protected ancient Mesopotamians from foreign invasions. Instead, the region was often invaded and conquered by various groups throughout history.

To learn more about Tigris and Euphrates Rivers at


based on the results of a nation-wide study, the number of contacts programmed into cell phones are summarized on the following boxplot:


Based on the results of a nationwide study, the number of contacts programmed into cell phones are summarized on the following boxplot:

Which interval contains the greatest amount of data?


Correct. This interval stretches from Q1 to well above the median, so we can be sure that it contains more than 25% of the data. No other interval has more than 25% of the data, so this is the best answer.


The numerical summary function aside from showing data characteristics, can also be used to create box and point charts or better known as boxplots. The numerical summary needed to construct a boxplot is the Median, 1st Quartile, 3rd Quartile, Lowest data value, and Highest data value. For large numbers of observations or data sizes, the Median can be replaced with Trirata. This is because to calculate the Trirata value using three quantities, namely the Median, Quartile 1, and Quartile 3, so it is considered to be more representative of the data when compared to the Median.

The center line inside the box on the boxplot represents the Median value. The sides of the box flanking the Median show the 1st and 3rd Quartile values respectively. Meanwhile, the two ends of the boxplot represent the lowest data values and the highest data values.

Boxplot is very good to use for data with a large number of observations because it only takes 5 numbers to construct it. It's easy and fast to construct a boxplot because you don't need to draw all the observation points in the boxplot. Because only five important observation points are visible, the data picture can be seen more clearly.

In explorative data analysis, boxplot has several important functions. Boxplot is often used in detecting whether there are extreme/outlier data in a data set. In many statistical analyzes it is assumed that the data follows a normal distribution. Boxplot  can also be used in testing these assumptions. In addition, a boxplot can also be used in comparisons of several populations.

Learn more about boxplot at


If a fault line is dotted or dashed, this means _____. the fault is under the surface the fault is either a reverse or strike-slip fault the fault rises above sea level the fault is near train tracks


Answer: When a map has a fault with a dotted line, this means there is uncertainty. Whereas when the line is solid, this means the fault is a thrust fault. A thrust fault is a fault where there is a break in Earth's crust, older rocks pushing above younger rocks.


If a fault line is dotted or dashed, this means the fault is under that surface.


Based on the concept of isostatic adjustment, which of the following would result in the uplift of Earth's surface?


The process by which the Earth's crust adapts to changes in the distribution of mass on and beneath it is known as isostatic adjustment.

The Earth's crust can be visualized as a pliable "lid" resting on the Earth's mantle, which is composed of denser rock. The crust flexes down when a load (such as a glacier, an ocean, or a mountain) is added to it and flexes back up when the load is removed.

The uplift of the Earth's surface may be a result of this process. So, in response to your query:

A. An uplift of the Earth's surface would result from a glacier melting.

B. The Earth's surface would be lifted if a mountain range eroded.

C. The Earth's surface would be raised if an ocean were to recede.

The Earth's surface would be raised as a result of any of the correct options listed above.

To learn more about Earth's surface at


The needs of the urban landscape have changed since the 1950s. Respond to the prompts below using your knowledge of urban settlement patterns and demographics
A. Describe the shift in population in the United States since 1950.
B. Explain how this shift relates to socioeconomic OR demographic trends.
C. Explain the degree to which transportation lines have impacted settlement patterns in the United States since the 1950s.
D. Compare urban and suburban enclaves.
E. Describe how government policies have shaped the growth of either cities OR the suburbs
F. Describe how smart growth policies have helped to combat unsustainable growth in urban landscapes
G. Explain how the urban renewal movement is impacting the cultural landscape.


The population of the United States expanded from 157.8 million in 1950 to 312.2 million in 2010, an increase of 98% at an average yearly rate of 1.1%. As a result, the expected annual rate of population increase in the United States is only roughly half that of recent years.

Although policy solutions to address the shifting demographic profile will not be specifically covered in this report, it is crucial to understand that the demographic momentum will have a significant impact on the economic and social factors that will determine future societal well-being. If policymakers accelerate efforts to address and adapt to the changing population profile as it relates to a number of crucial domains, such as work, retirement, and pensions; private wealth and income security; the federal budget and intergenerational equity; health, healthcare, and health spending; and the health and well-being of the agin, there is ample reason to believe that the United States will be able to cope with the current and projected demographic changes.

To learn more about the population click on the given link:


The Columbia Plateau exposes dark rock that spans the states of Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. What made this va plateau?



Basaltic lava


Such a high volume of basaltic lava is erupted that the lava flows flood the land's surface. Between 15 and 6 million years ago, basaltic lava flooded approximately 163,000 square kilometers (63,000 square miles), covering large parts of Washington, Oregon, and Idaho (Figure 2.35).

when a light gray region is adjacent to a dark gray region, the area of the light gray region


The area near the dark gray region are receiving less lateral inhibition than neurons coding other parts of the light gray region is called neuron coding.

Neural coding

Neural coding (or Neural representation) is a neuroscience field concerned with characterising the hypothetical relationship between the stimulus and the individual or ensemble neuronal responses and the relationship among the electrical activity of the neurons in the ensemble. Based on the theory that sensory and other information is represented in the brain by networks of neurons, it is thought that neurons can encode both digital and analog information.

Your question is incomplete but most probably your full question was:

When a light gray region is adjacent to a dark gray region, the area of the light gray region that is near to the dark gray region appears lighter than other parts of the light gray region. This Occurs because:

A. neurons coding the area near the dark gray region are receiving less excitatory input than neurons coding other parts of the light gray region

B. neurons coding the area near the dark gray region are receiving more lateral inhibition than neurons coding other parts of the light gray region

C. neurons coding the area near the dark gray region are receiving more excitatory input than neurons coding other parts of the light gray region

D. neurons coding the area near the dark gray region are receiving less lateral inhibition than neurons coding other parts of the light gray region

Learn more about neuron coding at







they are all

Alaska and California both have the most national parks.

Historians have multiple theories about why this trend occurred. What are they?


Therefore, critical history is first and foremost history that is based on a moral and political perspective in the present, on a valid dissatisfaction with life as it is being lived today, and on an effort to reflect on that dissatisfaction through historical inquiry.

What are historiographical trends?

A historiographical trend is an altering pattern in the techniques employed by historians if historiography is the study of historians' methods. These techniques can be categorized under a number of headings, including political, economic, and social history.

There are many different sources used to create history. Modern historians use both primary sources and a wide range of secondary sources, including the work of other historians, both those working now and those who worked in the past, because sources are constantly produced and also studied.

Learn more about historiographical here:



A: why have humans modified the Everglades ecosystem

B:how have the Everglades been affected by human modifications in the environment of south flordia


Answer: A   The transformation of Florida into a vacation and retirement paradise during the twentieth century was made possible by draining and developing vast portions of the wetlands for agricultural and urban purposes, which dramatically altered the Everglades by taking its freshwater supply necessary for a tremendous ...

BWater diversions and flood control structures restrict the flow of water across the sensitive landscape. Combined with agricultural and urban development, the size of the Everglades has decreased dramatically, affecting the quality of habitats in the area.

many countries in north africa and southwest asia, particularly those on the arabian peninsula, have been able to rapidly modernize due to the wealth brought from .


Many countries in North Africa and Southwest Asia, particularly those on the Arabian Peninsula, have been able to rapidly modernize due to the wealth brought from oil.

There are large quantities of oil, natural gas, and vital minerals in North Africa, Southwest Asia, and Turkestan. Some countries have extensive reserves, while others have none at all. However, oil exports have been the primary driver of economic growth and international engagement. The key economic regions of the world can benefit from the energy the realm can provide, which is essential to the continued success of those regions and the maintenance of their high standard of living. The vast financial gains made from the sale of these resources have historically stayed within the hands of the elite ruling leader or his clan, rather than trickling down to the majority of the populace. In today's world, countries are primarily concerned with acquiring and maintaining control of natural resources in order to profit from them.

To learn more about North Africa and Southwest Asia, click here:


The fact that the Earth has moved along its orbit in the time it took to rotate once is the reason for


The fact that the Earth has moved along its orbit in the time it took to rotate once is the reason for the difference between a solar day and a sidereal day.

What is a solar day?

A solar day is the time it takes for the Earth to rotate once on its axis and also move one position in its orbit around the sun. A sidereal day is the time it takes for the Earth to rotate once on its axis with respect to the fixed stars. The solar day is slightly longer than the sidereal day because the Earth has moved along its orbit during the rotation.

Therefore, the Earth moved along its orbit in the time it took to rotate once is the reason for the difference between a solar day and a sidereal day.

learn more about earth rotation:


the earth is round because group of answer choices erosion over time has worn down the jagged edges of its planetesimals. its interior rock is warm enough to flow slowly in response to gravity. the solar wind has shaped it. the gravitational tug of the moon has worn down the jagged edges.


The earth is round because its interior rock is warm enough to flow slowly in response to gravity.

The processes involved in the gradual but ongoing transformation of the rock constituents of the crust from one shape to another are outlined in the rock cycle. The hydrological cycle, which refers to the flow of water, ice, and air at the surface and is powered by the sun, and the internal heat engine of the Earth, which shifts material across the core and the mantle and causes gradual but major changes within the crust, are the two forces that drive the rock cycle.

On Earth, the rock cycle is still in motion because our atmosphere is quite thick, our core is heated enough to continue the mantle flowing, and we have liquid water.

The correct answer is option b.

Know more about earth here


Which of the following rock cycle processes usually occurs at great depth, in the lower crust or mantle


The type of rock cycle process usually occurs at great depth, in the lower crust or mantle is melting. Hence, the correct option is (A).

What Is Melting?

Rocks are a form of matter that exists on the surface of the earth where rocks form naturally on the earth and consist of several chemical compounds. Stone also has what is called the rock cycle where which illustrates that the shape of a rock can change with movement. One form of the rock cycle is melting where solid rock is deformed due to the pressure and intense heat that occurs in the lower crust of the earth.

The question is incomplete,  but most probably your question was:

The type of rock cycle processes usually occurs at great depth, in the lower crust or mantle is

A. Melting

B. Oceanic

C. Crust

D. Basalt

Learn more about rock cycle at


Nineteenth century American scholars, naturalists, and travelers saw the great mound at Cahokia as a monumental achievement and attributed it to the work of: a) Ancient Greeks b) Vikings c) Chinese d) All the above


Nineteenth century American scholars, naturalists, and travelers saw the great mound at Cahokia as a monumental achievement and attributed it to the work of: a) Ancient Greeks.


The Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site /kəˈhoʊkiə/ (11 MS 2)is the site of a pre-Columbian Native American city (which existed c. 1050–1350 CE[

) directly across the Mississippi River from modern St. Louis, Missouri. This historic park lies in south-western Illinois between East St. Louis and Collinsville. The park covers 2,200 acres (890 ha), or about 3.5 square miles (9 km2), and contains about 80 manmade mounds, but the ancient city was much larger. At its apex around 1100 CE, the city covered about 6 square miles (16 km2) and included about 120 earthworks in a wide range of sizes, shapes, and functions.

Cahokia was the largest and most influential urban settlement of the Mississippian culture, which developed advanced societies across much of what is now the Central and the Southeastern United States, beginning more than 1,000 years before European contact. Today, the Cahokia Mounds are considered to be the largest and most complex archaeological site north of the great pre-Columbian cities in Mexico.

Learn more about Cahokia at


the philippines and malaysia lay claim to resources under and around the spratly islands. which of the following best explains how the united nations convention on the law of the sea (unclos) influences claims to the islands by both countries?


The united nations convention on the law of the sea influences claims to the islands by both countries by A. The claim to the spratly islands by both the Philippians and Malaysia overlap due to exclusive economic zones up to 200 nautical miles from their coasts.

The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea

also called the International Law of the Sea Convention or Law of the Sea Treaty, is an international agreement resulting from the United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea which third (UNCLOS III) which lasted from 1973 to 1982. This Convention on the Law of the Sea defines the rights and responsibilities of states in the use of the world's oceans and sets guidelines for business, environment, and management of marine natural resources. The convention was concluded in 1982, replacing the 1958 international treaty on the seas. UNCLOS came into force in 1994, a year after Guyana became the 60th country to sign the treaty. To date, 158 countries, including the European Union, have joined the convention.

In the formulation of this convention, the Secretary General of the United Nations received instruments of ratification and accession, while the United Nations provided support for meetings of the countries participating in the convention. The United Nations does not have a direct operational role in implementing the convention. The role of the United Nations is only through world organizations that deal with maritime and marine issues such as the International Maritime Organization.

Learn more about law of the sea at


according to the concentric zone theory, the central zone ends up being primarily occupied by the poorest residents because of lack of upward social mobility. however, this changes with the occurrence of , which refers to the process by which members of the middle and upper-middle classes, especially whites, move into a central-city area and renovate existing properties. group of answer choices unionism degrowth gentrification retrenchment


The concentric zone theory states that because there is little upward social mobility, the poorest people end up living in the central zone the most.

Neo-classical economic theory uses regional variations in labour supply and demand to explain migration at the macroeconomic level. Workers shift from low-wage, labor-surplus regions to high-wage, labour-scarce regions as a result of the wage differences that result.

The general health and dietary status of women of childbearing age are two additional biological factors that affect fertility. The responsibilities that women can play in a community and widely held beliefs about what makes for the "ideal" family size are social factors that affect the degree of fertility.

To know more about  concentric zone theory, refer to:


According to the concentric zone hypothesis, the poorest individuals end up residing in the core zone the most since there is limited upward social mobility.

Macroeconomic migration is explained by Neo-classical economic theory using geographical changes in labor supply and demand. Due to the resulting pay discrepancies, workers move from low-wage, labor-surplus regions to high-wage, labor-scarce regions.

Two more biological elements that influence fertility are a woman's overall health and her food habits. Social variables that influence the level of fertility include the roles that women can play in their communities and generally held notions about what constitutes the "ideal" family size.

For such more question on concentric.


due to population growth, particularly in less-developed countries, it is estimated that million-death earthquakes are likely to occur once every blank years.


Due to population growth, particularly in less-developed countries, it is estimated that million-death earthquakes are likely to occur once every 100 years.

How Deadly Is An Earthquake?

An earthquake is a form of natural disaster that often occurs in several countries in the world. This earthquake basically occurs because of the movement of the earth's plates which makes the earth's surface vibrate. Earthquakes are measured using the Richter scale and the higher the number, the bigger the earthquake. Earthquakes can have a very extraordinary impact, especially in densely populated developing countries. This can happen because in a densely populated country, it will be difficult to evacuate. In addition, population density also causes the collapse of buildings resulting in loss of human life. Researchers estimate that at least once every 100 years there will be a devastating earthquake that kills more than 1 million people.

Learn more about an earthquake at


6. Which region is known for it's cold climates and outdoor sports?



The Artic!


fill in the august 1992, hurricane ___began as a cape verde-type hurricane by moving off the western coast of africa as a thunderstorm. it caused a wide path of destruction in the northern bahamas, southern florida, and the gulf coast.


In august 1992, hurricane  Andrew began as a cape Verde-type hurricane by moving off the western coast  of Africa as a thunderstorm. it caused a wide path of destruction in the northern Bahamas, southern Florida, and the gulf coast.

A Cape Verde hurricane, sometimes known as a Cabo Verde hurricane, is an Atlantic hurricane that develops at low latitude in the deep tropics from a tropical wave that has exited the coast of West Africa and passed over or close to the Cape Verde islands.

The aftermath of Hurricane Andrew in Florida turned out to be at the time the most expensive disaster in both the history of the state and the United States. On August 16, 1992, a tropical wave in the tropical Atlantic Ocean gave rise to Hurricane Andrew.

To know more about  thunderstorm visit :


many hard rock groups used symbols of witchcraft and death to the dismay of parents, not unlike how parents viewed the overt sexual dancing of elvis


It is true that many hard rock groups in the past have used symbols and imagery associated with witchcraft and death, which has led to concern and criticism from some parents.

This is similar to how some parents in the past have expressed disapproval of the overtly sexual dancing of musicians like Elvis Presley. This use of dark imagery and symbols in hard rock music can be seen as a form of rebellion and a way for the artists to express their individuality and counterculture views. It can also be seen as a way to appeal to the youth market and create a sense of mystique and intrigue. However, some people have criticized this use of dark imagery as being harmful and promoting negative messages.

Symbolism isn't just used in hard rock music; it's been used in many other types of art and popular culture as well. 

Learn more about rock music here:


which of the following are correct ways of determining if two compound propositions p and q are equivalent. (select all that are correct.)


The correct ways of determining if two compound propositions p and q are equivalent is option B. if their truth tables are the same.

An unconnected assertion is a basic statement or proposal. In other words, a claim is deemed simple if it cannot be subdivided into multiple claims. A compound proposition, in contrast side, consists of two or more assertions connected by connectives.

If both of the propositions have the same truth value, they are equivalent or logically comparable. In other words, if p is true whenever q is true and vice versa, and if p is false whenever q is false and vice versa, p and q are logically comparable.

The question is incomplete, find the complete question here

which of the following are correct ways of determining if two compound propositions p and q are equivalent. (select all that are correct.)

A. if proposition is tautology, then p and q are equivalent

B. if their truth tables are the same, then p and q are equivalent

C. if p<--->q, their truth tables are the same

D. if p--->q, their truth tables are the same

To learn more about compound proposition here


name the stage of development of the mid-latitude cyclone​



Tropical disturbance, tropical depression, tropical storm, and full-fledged tropical cyclone

According to the Global Velocity map, is Europe or North American moving faster.


Along the coast of California, the North American Plate forms divergent boundaries with the Eurasian Plate and transform boundaries with the Pacific Plate.

What type of plate boundary is North American and Eurasian plates?Along the coast of California, the North American Plate forms divergent boundaries with the Eurasian Plate and transform boundaries with the Pacific Plate. Three different types of tectonic boundaries are produced by plate motion: convergent boundaries, which occur when plates move into one another; divergent boundaries, which occur when plates move apart; and transform boundaries, which occur when plates shift sideways with respect to one another. Three different types of plate boundaries—divergent, convergent, and transform—are where most seismic activity occurs. Occasionally, as the plates pass one other and become caught, pressure is created. All plate tectonic movements appear to be quite sluggish. The Eurasian Plate only moves 7–14 millimeters each year in this instance.

To learn more about plate boundary refer to:


which of the following phenomena would most likely be studied by a physical geographer? multiple choice question.


Physical geography is the study of the physical features of the earth's surface, such as rivers, mountains, landforms, weather, climatic conditions, soils, plants, and other natural features.

In general, spatial phenomena can be viewed as continuous phenomena that exist everywhere but have no boundaries or as discrete objects with distinct boundaries. Rivers, roads, rural areas, cities, or research sites are all called "discrete spatial objects".

Physical geography is the study of the forces that shape the earth's surface and the flora, fauna, and spatial patterns present in its inhabitants.

Until the late 1930s, the study of geography was dominated by the physical geographer, especially the geomorphologist, who first gained momentum in the mid-to-late nineteenth century.

To learn more about physical geographers at


mirabel has let out 50 feet of string when she sees that her kite is directly above luisa of mirabel and luisa are 35 feet apart how high is the kite





The height where the kite is flying will be 35.71 feet.

What is a Pythagoras theorem?

The Pythagoras theorem states that the sum of two squares equals the squared of the longest side.

The Pythagoras theorem formula is given as

H² = P² + B²

Mirabel has let out 50 feet of string when she sees that her kite is directly above Luisa of Mirabel and Luisa is 35 feet apart.

Then the height where the kite is flying will be given as,

50² = h² + 35²

2500 = h² + 1225

h² = 2500 - 1225

h² = 1275

h = 35.71 feet

The height where the kite is flying will be 35.71 feet.

More about the Pythagoras theorem link is given below.


A tile company adds 10% spoilage when estimating floors. We have a floor that is
75 feet by 68 feet and we want to know about what the company is going to buy to
account for the spoilage. We estimate the dimensions of the room to the nearest tens
and then the 10% spoilage.


First, we need to calculate the total area of the floor without the spoilage. To do this, we'll multiply the length of the floor (75 feet) by the width of the floor (68 feet):
75 feet x 68 feet = 5050 square feet

Next, we need to calculate the spoilage by multiplying the total area by 10% (or 0.1). To do this:
5050 square feet x 0.1 = 505 square feet

So the spoilage is 505 square feet.

To account for this spoilage, the company will need to purchase an additional 505 square feet of tile.

Now since we need to estimate the dimensions of the room to the nearest tens, we can round the width and length to 70 and 80 respectively.

So the final estimate of the floor area will be 70 feet x 80 feet = 5600 square feet

So the company will have to purchase 5600 square feet of tile to cover the floor and account for the spoilage.

the map shows the plate configurations along the western margin of north america. at which of the locations would we be most likely to find active volcanoes?
answer choices
a. Active volcanoes exist only in regions close to coastlines.
b. Active volcanoes are found near the plate boundaries.
c. More volcanoes occur in the oceans than on continents.
d. More volcanoes occur in larger continents than smaller ones.


The locations we would most likely to find active volcanoes are near the plate boundaries (B)

Lava, rocks, and steam are released to the surface of the earth through volcanoes. Magma is the term for the molten rock found deep within the Earth. Lava is what is left over from a volcanic eruption. Volcanoes typically originate along the boundary between two tectonic plates, which explains why the majority of the United States' volcanoes are found in the western part of the country, in Hawaii, and in Alaska.

It is estimated that 60% of all active volcanoes can be found near tectonic plate borders. The "Ring of Fire" refers to a belt where most volcanoes are concentrated. Located in the Pacific Ocean, the Ring of Fire is a belt of active volcanoes and quakes that encircles the whole circumference of the planet. The Ring of Fire is where the vast majority of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions on Earth occur.

To learn more about volcano, click here:


Which region was the birthplace of the Greek and Roman empires?



The Greek and Roman empires were both born in the region of the Mediterranean. The Greek empire emerged in the city-states of ancient Greece, which were located on the Balkan Peninsula and on the coast of Asia Minor. The Roman empire emerged in the city of Rome, which was located in the central region of Italy, known as Latium.


all around the Mediterranean and along the coast of the Black Sea.


the islands of japan, are an example of an island arc, which are formed by the of a denser oceanic tectonic plate sinking under a less dense oceanic tectonic plate. this also caused the creation of a .



convergent plate boundary

Japan has been situated in the convergent plate boundary during long geohistorical ages. This means that the Japanese islands are built under the subduction tectonics. The oceanic plate consists of the oceanic crust and a part of the mantle beneath it.

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