brittany is a flight attendant on a major airline. she presents the safety guidelines to all the passengers and speaks directly to the passengers seated in the exit row to make sure they understand what to do in the case of an emergency landing. she also brings snacks, drinks, blankets, and pillows to the passengers to ensure that they have a comfortable flight. what skills is brittany exhibiting?


Answer 1

Brittany, as a flight attendant, is exhibiting skills such as effective communication, attention to detail, customer service, and safety awareness. These skills help her ensure passenger safety and comfort during their flight.

Brittany is exhibiting excellent communication skills as she is able to effectively convey important safety information to all passengers and ensure that those seated in the exit row fully understand their responsibilities. Additionally, she is displaying strong customer service skills by providing passengers with amenities such as snacks, drinks, blankets, and pillows to ensure their comfort during the flight. Overall, Brittany's ability to communicate clearly and provide excellent customer service make her a valuable asset as a flight attendant.

Know more about customer service here:


Related Questions

are you more likely to remember the material you study from our textbook if you: a. only look at the words b. simply read the words to yourself (covertly or overtly) c. think about the meaning of the words why? discuss the data presented in the book that supports your answer.


According to research presented in our textbook, simply looking at the words or reading them to yourself may not be enough for the effective retention of information. In fact, it is suggested that actively engaging with the material and thinking about the meaning of the words can enhance memory retention.

This is because when we think about the meaning of the words, we are creating connections between the new information and our existing knowledge, which leads to better recall.

One study cited in our textbook asked participants to learn a list of words and then recall them either immediately or after a delay. The results showed that those who engaged in deeper processing of the words (i.e. thought about the meaning) had better recall than those who simply looked at the words or repeated them to themselves.

Therefore, it is recommended that when studying from our textbook, you take the time to think about the meaning of the words and actively engage with the material in order to enhance retention and recall.

Know more about memory retention here:


luther's friends sometimes tease him about his preference for wearing pink button-down shirts and his plans to be a kindergarten teacher. luther's attributes most likely violate his friends' views of


Luther's attributes most likely violate his friends' views of gender norms and traditional masculinity.

In traditional gender norms, masculinity is associated with qualities such as toughness, dominance, and stoicism. Men are expected to conform to certain expectations, including wearing certain colors and pursuing certain careers.

Luther's preference for wearing pink shirts and wanting to become a kindergarten teacher goes against these traditional expectations set by society, which may cause his friends to tease him. They may view his behavior as non-conforming to their expectations of what a real man should be like.

To know more about gender norms


self-actualizers a. focus mostly on their own goals and tasks. b. focus on their need to have many friends. c. focus on problems outside themselves. d. focus on fulfilling childhood dreams and desires.


Self-actualizers focus on problems outside themselves. They tend to have a strong desire to understand and improve the world around them, and often have a deep sense of purpose or mission. So the correct option is B .

They are not primarily focused on their own goals and tasks, although they may be highly motivated to pursue their own interests and passions. Self-actualizers also tend to have a strong sense of personal responsibility and a commitment to ethical values. They may be introspective and reflective, and may seek to understand their own thoughts, feelings, and experiences in order to better understand themselves and the world around them.

Learn more about Self-actualizers


In Merton's strain theory, which category involves individuals accepting the societal goal but using new ways of reaching that goal?


In Merton's strain theory, the category that involves individuals accepting the societal goal but using new ways of reaching that goal is called Innovation.

In the context of Merton's strain theory, innovation refers to a mode of adaptation where individuals continue to accept the societal goals but use unconventional or deviant means to achieve those goals.

For example, an individual who desires financial success and social status (societal goals) but lacks access to legitimate means of achieving those goals, may resort to illegal or deviant means such as theft, fraud, or other criminal activities to attain financial success (unconventional means).

Merton argued that individuals who face strain between societal goals and the means to achieve those goals may choose innovation as a way to achieve success or social recognition.

This may happen when individuals are unable to attain their goals through conventional means, such as education, employment, or other legitimate channels, due to social or economic barriers. As a result, they may turn to deviant or unconventional means as a way to achieve their desired goals.

It's important to note that Merton's strain theory is a theoretical framework that has been subject to critique and has limitations in explaining all forms of deviant behavior.

Other factors, such as individual motivations, socialization, and cultural norms, also play a role in shaping deviant behavior.

Nonetheless, the concept of innovation as a mode of adaptation in Merton's strain theory helps us understand how individuals may respond to strain in society by using unconventional means to pursue societal goals.

To learn more about innovation, refer below:


an ethical persuasive argument a. requires admitting up front that you stand to gain from audience compliance. b. is a contradiction in terms. c. focuses on being both truthful and nondeceptive. d. includes all evidence, whether or not it's relevant. e. focuses on how the audience's actions will benefit the sender.


An ethical persuasive argument  Focuses on being both truthful and nondeceptive Therefore the correct option is C.

An ethical persuasive argument focuses on being both truthful and nondeceptive, requiring that the sender admit up front that they stand to gain from audience compliance. It is not a contradiction in terms because it does not involve deception or coercion.

Rather, it involves presenting an argument which balances truthfulness with facts, logic, emotion and appeals to values-based ethics. All evidence should be included as long as it is relevant to the argument and beneficial to the audience's understanding of why they should comply.

Hence the correct option is C.

To know more about values-based ethics visit:


What was the GDP for Brazil in 2017


According to the question, The GDP for Brazil in 2017 was estimated to be $2.26 trillion.

What is GDP?

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is a monetary measure of the market value of all the final goods and services produced in a specific time period. It is the total value of all goods and services produced within a country's borders in a year, or over a given period of time. GDP is used to measure the size of a country's economy and to compare the productivity and living standards of different countries. GDP includes private and public consumption, investments, government spending, exports, and imports. It is typically calculated by taking the sum of all final goods and services produced within a country's borders, and subtracting the value of any imports. GDP is used to measure the economic performance of a country and to compare it to other countries. It is also used to measure the progress of a country over time.

To learn more about GDP


Complete Question

What was the GDP for Brazil in 2017?

a mixture of belief and emotion that summarizes our evaluation of objects and predicts or directs our future actions is called a(n) question 16 options: a) self-assertion. b) attitude. c) reaction disposition. d) cognition.


An attitude is a combination of beliefs, emotions, and values that shape our thoughts and behaviors towards objects, people, or situations. It represents our overall evaluation or judgment of something, and is often formed through our past experiences and social influences.

Attitudes can be positive, negative, or neutral, and can influence our future actions and decisions. For example, if we have a positive attitude towards exercise, we are more likely to engage in physical activity in the future. Attitudes can also change over time and be influenced by new information or experiences. Overall, attitudes play an important role in shaping our perceptions and actions towards the world around us.

Learn more about social influences.


during world war ii, over 100,000 japanese americans were labeled as security threats and directly forced by the government to leave their homes and live in internment camps. this is an example of


This is an example of direct institutional discrimination.

Institutional discrimination is the unequal treatment of people in subordinate groups by society or institutions. Discrimination in the open. When someone receives therapy unfairly regardless of a protected trait, such as gender or ethnicity, this is referred to as direct discrimination.

For example, a woman may be denied a promotion because she is a woman, and the job is given to a less qualified guy. Direct discrimination happens if a person is treated unfairly for having a protected characteristic.

Indirect discrimination occurs when an obligation that appears to be neutral and the same or everyone has the unintended consequence of disadvantaging anybody because they have a characteristic protected by the Act.

learn more about direct discrimination here:


dr. myers convinced a patient that she could only be cured of her disease if she had sexual intercourse with him. dr. myers convinced the patient that he was injected with a special serum that gave his semen healing properties. while dr. myers was clearly lying about his healing powers, the patient consented to sexual intercourse. according to the famous case boro v. superior court, what crime is dr. myers guilty of?


Dr. Myers is guilty of fraudulently tricking the victim into engaging in consenting intercourse activity with him.

Boro v. Superior Court

According to the famous case vs. Superior court, The defendant, Daniel Boro (Defendant), deceitfully coerced the victim into engaging in consenting intercourse activity. Although the victim believed that having intercourse was necessary to preserve her life, the defendant was not convicted of crime since she was aware that they were having intercourse.

According to the question, A patient was persuaded by Dr. Myers that she could only be healed of her illness by engaging in intercourse activity with him. Dr. Myers persuaded the patient that he had an injection of a rare serum that provided his therapeutic qualities. The patient agreed to contact even though it was obvious that Dr. Myers was lying about his ability to heal.

Therefore, we can conclude that Dr. Myers is guilty of fraudulently tricking the victim into engaging in consenting intercourse activity with him.

To know more about Crime  visit:


a sailor who willfully commits any action resulting in attrition from a formal class a or c school


A sailor who fully commits any action resulting in attrition from a formal class "A" or "C" school is known as option A: fault of member.

A formal class "A" or "C" school is a program of study that imparts the technical know-how and abilities needed for particular Navy ratings or programs. Each Navy enlisted employment (rating) has two schools: an A school where sailors learn the fundamentals and a C school where they receive advanced training.

To complete Navy Enlisted Classification (NEC) criteria of a command's billet file, the majority of C school quotas are used. A C school may be taken into consideration en route to the next command if there is a genuine need for a new NEC and if a school quota is open during the appropriate transfer window.

To know more about Navy, refer:


Complete question is:

A sailor who willfully commits any action resulting in attrition from a formal class "A" or "C" school is known as which of the following terms?

A. fault of member

B. no fault of member

C. Retention eligible member

D. “Improper extension

A sailor who willfully commits an action that results in their attrition from a formal Class A or C school is demonstrating intentional behavior leading to their removal or withdrawal from a specialized training program.

To actively change or modify a certain behavior in order to accomplish a particular goal or end is known as intentional behavior change. This can entail modifying current habits somewhat or starting whole new activities. Intentional behavior change can be difficult since it calls for a lot of drive, self-control, and self-awareness. But with the correct attitude and assistance, it can be a powerful tool to change potentially hazardous or unwanted behaviors and enhance general health and well-being.

But intentional behavior could negatively impact their professional development and career in the Navy.

To learn more about Intentional behavior, click here:


the most easily observed, general pattern of sst is that


The most easily observed, general pattern of sea surface temperature (SST) is that it varies across different regions of the ocean. SST is the temperature of the top layer of the ocean, which is the layer that is most directly impacted by the sun's energy. As a result, SST tends to be warmer near the equator and cooler near the poles.

Another pattern that is often observed is the seasonal variation in SST. In many regions, SST is warmer in the summer and cooler in the winter. This is due to changes in the amount of sunlight that reaches the ocean's surface as well as changes in the ocean's currents.

Additionally, SST can be influenced by larger climate patterns such as El Niño and La Niña. During an El Niño event, for example, the waters in the eastern Pacific Ocean become warmer than usual, which can lead to changes in weather patterns around the world.

Overall, the most easily observed, general pattern of SST is its variability across different regions and over time. By monitoring changes in SST, scientists can gain important insights into the health of the ocean and the larger climate system.

To know more about  sea surface temperature refer here


Group influence brings individuals into the social fabric of an organization by:a. communicating role expectations b. communicating norms.


Group influence helps individuals become part of an organization’s social fabric by establishing role expectations and norms. Role expectations help individuals understand what is expected of them in their roles within the organization.

Communicating these expectations can help ensure that everyone is on the same page and has a clear understanding of their responsibilities. Norms also help shape the social fabric of an organization by providing guidelines for how people should interact and behave.

Establishing expectations and norms can help create a sense of unity, trust, and respect within the organization. It also helps encourage collaboration and innovation by providing a framework for how people should interact and work together.

Group influence helps individuals become part of an organization’s social fabric, which is important for the organization’s overall success.

Know more about organization here


This is a warning sign that indicates a narrow bridge ahead. The bridge is wide enough to accommodate two lanes of traffic, but with very little clearance.


A sign that reads "Narrow Bridge" alerts drivers that the bridge or flyover ahead is broad enough to support two lanes of traffic but has very little clearance.

Stay in your lane, go more slowly, and keep an eye out for approaching traffic. This warning sign informs drivers of a hazardous road situation that necessitates their immediate attention. Signs for the Narrow Bridge include black images on a yellow background.

Narrow Bridge Diamond-shaped ahead signs feature a slender bridge design in the centre. The words "NARROW BRIDGE" are printed in black on a different version of the sign. Before bridges which are wide enough to carry two lanes of traffic but have very little clearance, Narrow Bridge signs are put up.

Know more about Narrow bridge ahead here


some companies will group similar products together, offering a special price if all items are purchased. this incentive is called


Some companies will group similar products together, offering a special price if all items are purchased. This incentive is known as a product bundle.

A product bundle is a marketing strategy that involves grouping together multiple products or services and offering them as a package deal. By bundling products together, companies are able to create value for their customers and increase sales revenue.

Product bundling can take many different forms. For example, a company may offer a "buy one, get one free" deal on two similar products, or they may offer a discount when customers purchase multiple items together. Another common form of product bundling is the "value bundle", where a company will offer a set of related products at a discounted price compared to purchasing each item separately.

The benefits of product bundling for businesses are numerous. For one, it can help to boost sales and revenue by encouraging customers to purchase more items than they would have otherwise. It can also help to increase customer loyalty and retention, as customers may be more likely to return to a company that offers attractive bundle deals. Additionally, product bundling can help to simplify the purchasing process for customers, as they are able to find multiple products they need in one place and at a discounted price.

In summary, product bundling is a popular marketing strategy that involves grouping together multiple products and offering them as a package deal. This approach can benefit both businesses and customers alike by increasing sales, customer loyalty, and convenience.

For more such questions on Product bundling.


in metamotivation, a person a. strives for specific needs or d-motivation. b. is said to be developing from within. c. seeks to satisfy lower needs without the need to satisfy self-actualization. d. tries to reduce tension.


The principle of impartiality, which asserts that all individuals should be treated equally from a moral perspective, is a concept that has been called into question by feminist ethicists.

Feminist ethicists argue that the principle of impartiality can overlook the unique experiences and perspectives of individuals based on their gender, race, or socioeconomic status.

This critique is closely related to the ethics of care, which emphasizes the importance of recognizing and responding to the needs of others based on their individual circumstances.

Overall, while the principle of impartiality remains an important concept in ethical philosophy, feminist ethicists have challenged its universal application and called for a more nuanced understanding of moral obligations based on the specific needs and experiences of individuals.

to know more about principle of impartiality refer here

eden is a supervisor at bromide inc. she is very talkative and assertive. at office parties, eden tends to be the most sociable person in the crowd. she is friendly to every employee she comes across in the organization. in the context of personalities, eden is a(n) . a. mediator b. extrovert c. introvert d. narcissist


Option (b), At Bromide Inc., Eden manages the company. She is a talker and a bold individual. At workplace functions, Eden is frequently the party animal. She treats every employee in the organization with respect. Eden is an extrovert in the sense of personality.

Extrovert personality: What is it exactly?

Social interaction is something that extroverts like. They are compelled to interact with others and converse with them. Most people associate extroverts with being friendly, outgoing, and confident.

Are introverts or extroverts better off?

No personality type performs in every circumstance more well than this one. In circumstances when their outgoing, gregarious disposition is advantageous, extroverts frequently succeed. People generally excel in leadership roles and jobs that need good interpersonal ties as a result.

But introverts are terrific in occupations that need a lot more listening, analysis, and reflection. No matter what kind of personality you have, you can succeed by maximizing your strengths and developing ways to work around your weaknesses.

Learn more about extrovert:


the policy position of the ______ is that when this institution lends money to countries, it imposes a tight macroeconomic policy that is not always considered appropriate by critics.


The policy position of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is that when this institution lends money to countries, it imposes a tight macroeconomic policy that is not always considered appropriate by critics.

The policy position of the IMF believes that implementing these policies can help countries stabilize their macroeconomies and promote growth in the long run, but some argue that the conditions attached to these loans can have negative social and economic impacts on the borrowing countries.

The IMF is an international organization that provides loans to member countries experiencing balance of payments difficulties, which means they are having trouble paying for their imports and servicing their foreign debt.

To know more about IMF -


a collection of people who share affection and resources and who think of themselves and present themselves as a family are called


A household is a group of individuals that consider themselves to be a family, share resources, and express affection for one another.

A household is typically a group of people who live together and share common resources such as food, shelter, and utilities. Members of a household often work together to maintain the household and to care for one another. Household members may or may not be related by blood, but they share a sense of responsibility and commitment to one another.

Households can take many forms, from traditional nuclear families to extended families, blended families, or non-traditional family structures. Some households may include children, while others may consist solely of adults. Households can be formed through marriage, cohabitation, adoption, or other forms of family formation.

In many cultures, the household is considered the basic unit of society, and the well-being of the household is closely tied to the well-being of the larger community. Strong households can provide a sense of security and stability for their members and can contribute to the social and economic health of the wider society.

To learn more about households


evaluate the extent to which the progressive movement fostered political change in the united states


The Progressive Movement in the United States was a period of significant social, economic, and political reform that spanned from the late 19th century to the early 20th century.

The movement was motivated by a desire to enhance social welfare and individual rights as well as to solve problems like corruption, inequality, and injustice.

An consideration of the numerous political changes that were implemented during this time is necessary to answer the difficult question of how much the Progressive Movement encouraged political change in the United States.

The spread of democracy was one of the most important political developments that the Progressive Movement brought about. Prior to the movement, only white, male property owners were allowed to vote.

For such more question on Progressive:


populations with little genetic diversity are less likely to contain individuals that can withstanddifferent selective pressures.


Populations with little genetic diversity are less likely to contain individuals that can withstand different selective pressures because individuals in such populations are less likely to have genetic traits necessary to survive in new or changing environments.

Without genetic variation, populations are unable to respond to changes in their environment, such as changes in temperature, food sources, or the presence of predators. This lack of adaptation can lead to the extinction of the population.

Genetic diversity is essential for a population to be able to survive and over time. If a population has a small amount of genetic diversity, it is more vulnerable to changes in the environment and other selective pressures, and is more likely to go extinct.

Know more about  Genetic diversity  here


The Caribbean staple cassava has two varieties: manioc and _____.
a. taro
b. yuca
c. malanga
d. Pawpaw
e. zumos


The Caribbean staple cassava has two varieties: manioc and yuca.

Your question pertains to the two varieties of cassava, which is a staple food in the Caribbean. Cassava, a root vegetable, is commonly found in two varieties: manioc and yuca.

The correct answer is option b. yuca.

Manioc and yuca are both terms used to describe the cassava plant, scientifically known as Manihot esculenta.

They are interchangeable names for the same vegetable, but sometimes the terms are used to differentiate between the sweet and bitter varieties of cassava.

Manioc often refers to the bitter variety, while yuca refers to the sweet variety.

Cassava is an essential food source for millions of people in tropical and subtropical regions. It is rich in carbohydrates and can be prepared in various ways, such as boiling, frying, or baking.

Cassava is also used to produce tapioca and other food products.

While the other options provided (taro, malanga, pawpaw, and zumos) are not the correct answer to the question, they are all food items associated with the Caribbean or tropical regions.

Taro and malanga are other root vegetables, while pawpaw is a fruit, and zumos likely refers to fruit juices.

To know more about Caribbean staple cassava refer here


the most critically admired genre films strike a balance between


The most critically admired genre films strike a balance between originality and familiarity. In order to be successful, a genre film must adhere to certain conventions and tropes that are familiar to audiences.

However, if a film is too formulaic or predictable, it runs the risk of being dismissed as clichéd or unoriginal. The best genre films are able to take these conventions and put a fresh spin on them, creating something that feels both familiar and new.

Another important aspect of a successful genre film is the ability to effectively communicate its themes and messages. Whether it's a horror film exploring the nature of fear, a science fiction film grappling with existential questions about the future, or a romantic comedy examining the complexities of relationships, the best genre films use their conventions to explore deeper ideas and emotions.

Of course, a successful genre film also needs to be well-crafted on a technical level. This includes everything from strong performances and effective pacing to innovative cinematography and special effects. But ultimately, it is the balance between originality and familiarity, and the ability to effectively communicate themes and messages, that sets the most critically admired genre films apart from their peers.

For more such questions on Genre film.


which personality trait of good salespeople shows they care about their customers, their issues, and their problems?


Empathy may be the most useful selling trait, despite the extent of all the natural traits on this list. When going out to those who are unfit to do so, those who are able to put themselves in the shoes of their options and learn the issues that they face almost always win more sales.

A person who has a sales personality usually embodies all of the characteristics that contribute to better sales performance: fostering genuine trust, establishing solid relationships, locating the appropriate solutions to the appropriate issues, consistently following up, exhibiting grace under pressure, and closing deals of a higher value more quickly are some of the goals.

There are four types of customer personalities: driver, analytical, expressive, and adaptable. Let's learn more about each of these personalities and how to appeal to them.

To learn more about Empathy here


according nancy duarte, what pattern do effective speakers use to influence their audience? question 8 options: they start with what is and end with what could be. they start with a problem and end with a plan. they start with a problem and end with a question. they begin with the end in mind. they begin with what could be and end with a plan.


According to Nancy Duarte, effective speakers use the pattern of starting with "what is" and ending with "what could be" to influence their audience.

This approach allows the speaker to present the current situation, highlighting any issues or challenges, and then transition to a vision of a better future. By presenting this contrast, the speaker can inspire the audience and encourage them to take action towards the desired outcome.

To implement this pattern in a speech, follow these steps:

1. Begin by describing the current situation or "what is." This may include any problems or challenges that the audience is facing. Make sure to provide relevant and accurate information to establish credibility.

2. Transition to presenting a vision of "what could be." This is the ideal future state that the speaker wants the audience to strive for. Be sure to make this vision compelling and inspiring, painting a clear picture of the benefits that would come from achieving it.

3. Throughout the speech, alternate between "what is" and "what could be" to maintain engagement and reinforce the contrast between the current situation and the desired future state. This will help to motivate the audience to take action.

4. End the speech by summarizing the key points and reinforcing the message of "what could be." This will leave the audience with a lasting impression and inspire them to work towards achieving the vision presented.

By following this pattern, speakers can effectively influence their audience and inspire them to take action towards a better future.

To know more about Nancy Duarte refer here:


by the 1990s, researchers had shown that about 90percent of the variation in personality traits is due to genetic variations. group of answer choices true false


False. By the 1990s, researchers had shown that about 90percent of the variation in personality traits is due to genetic variations.


The heritability of personality traits varies, with estimates typically ranging between 30-60 percent. Environmental factors and personal experiences also play a significant role in shaping personality traits. Individual differences are heritable, by which we mean that genetic influences make a substantial contribution to individual differences in peoples’ observable characteristics (or “phenotypes”).

There are many factors that can influence personality, including environmental factors such as upbringing, culture, and life experiences. Additionally, the nature versus nurture debate regarding the relative contribution of genetics and environment to personality is complex and ongoing, and there is still much to be learned about the interplay between these factors.

To know more about personality traits, please click on:


The given statement "by the 1990s, researchers had shown that about 90 percent of the variation in personality traits is due to genetic variations" is false because it is generally agreed upon that genetic factors play a significant role in the development of personality traits.

Much study in psychology has been conducted on the heritability of personality traits, or the extent to which individual differences in personality can be linked to genetic variances.

However, it is not correct to argue that genetic differences account for 90% of the diversity in personality traits.

The most frequently recognised estimate of heritability for personality traits is around 50%, which means that hereditary variables account for around half of the diversity in personality, while environmental influences such as upbringing, culture, and life events account for the other half.

For such more question on personality:


The three major tasks of life, according to Adler, areA) school, marriage, and parenthood. B) life style, financial security, and achievement. C) self esteem, reputation, and challenge. D) love, work, and social interaction.


According to Adler, the three major tasks of life are D) love, work, and social interaction. These tasks are essential for individuals to achieve a balanced and fulfilling life, as they encompass the important aspects of human relationships, personal growth, and community involvement.

Learn more about Adler:



if a participant wanted to play on three teams for any given sport, which combination of divisions would be allowed?


A combination of divisions—Fraternity, Co-Rec, and Independent—would be permitted if a participant wanted to play on three teams for any given sport. "A".

There are sure games, like golf, bowling, and tennis that, generally, are viewed as individual games, which are sports played alone without colleagues.

For the most part, intramural competitions are coordinated inside school grounds to advance contests and fun among the understudies of the foundation.

Volleyball is played with two teams. A high net separates the six players on each team. In accordance with the rules of the game, each team attempts to score points by grounding a ball over the net on the court of the opposing team. The point is served by the winning team.

To learn more about Independent here


The policy allows participants to play on up to three teams in a given sport, as long as those teams are a combination of Fraternity, Co-Rec, and Independent divisions.

Some sports, such as golf, bowling, and tennis, are considered individual sports, where players compete alone without teammates.

Intramural competitions are typically organized within a school to promote competition and enjoyment among the students of the institution.

Volleyball is a team sport played with a high net that separates the six players on each team. The objective of the game is for each team to ground a ball over the net onto the opposing team's court to score points, with the serving team being the one that won the previous point.

To learn more about Independent here:


Identify each high school student as more likely to come from a middle-income family or a lower-
income family.
Middle-Income Family
Drag appropriate answer(s) here
Diann's parents taught her to show respect
by doing her work quietly and not asking
Kia's three older siblings did not go to
Lower-Income Family
Amalia's high school offers just one
Advanced Placement class.
Mike worked with a tutor at home to prepare
his college application materials.
Drag appropriate answer(s) here


The identification and classification of each family is given below:

Middle Income Family

Diann was raised by parents who instilled in her the value of being respectful by completing her work quietly and not questioning authority.

Lower Income Family

In contrast, Amalia attends a high school that offers only one Advanced Placement class, while Kia's older siblings did not attend college.

Mike, who comes from a lower-income family, received assistance from a tutor to prepare his college application materials.

These examples highlight the disparities in educational opportunities and resources faced by middle- and lower-income families.

Therefore, lower income family have limited options when compared to middle income families and higher

Read more about low income family here:


a composition made by combining on a flat surface various materials, such as newspaper, wallpaper, printed text and illustrations, photographs and cloth.


The term that describes a composition made by combining on a flat surface various materials such as newspaper, wallpaper, printed text and illustrations, photographs, and cloth is called a collage.

The art of collage making is a popular form of mixed media art that has been around for centuries. The word "collage" comes from the French word "coller," which means to glue or paste. Collage artists typically use a variety of materials to create a layered effect, using different textures, colors, and shapes to create a cohesive whole.

Collage art has many variations and can be created in many different styles, from abstract to representational, and can be used to express a range of emotions and ideas. Collage artists often create works that are both visually appealing and thought-provoking.

The use of collage as a medium allows for the incorporation of found objects and everyday materials, giving the artwork a unique and often surprising quality. Collage is a versatile and accessible art form that allows for a wide range of creativity and expression.

To know more about collage refer here


in regard to the terms used to differentiated mood disorders, cyclothymic is to dysthymic as: a. bipolar is to major depressive b. manic is to hypomanic c. major depressive is to bipolar d. bipolar i is to bipolar ii


In regard to the terms used to differentiate mood disorders, cyclothymic is to dysthymic as bipolar is to major depressive. Therefore the correct option is option A.

Both dysthymic disorder and cyclothymic disorder are regarded as less severe varieties of mood disorders. Dysthymic disorder is characterised by a persistently depressed mood, whereas cyclothymic disorder is characterised by chronic mood swings.

The more severe types of mood disorders are bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder. Major depressive disorder is characterised by chronic and severe emotions of sadness and hopelessness, whereas bipolar disorder is characterised by bouts of both mania and depression. Therefore the correct option is option A.

For such more question on cyclothymic:


Other Questions
One route through which stress may affect the immune system is through A) lowered epinephrine levels. B) elevated cortisol levels. C) reverse peristalsis. D) any of these. are the following solutions isotonic, hypotonic, or hypertonic compared with physiological solutions? Read the excerpt from an 1852 speech by Italian statesman Giuseppe Mazzini on Lombardy, a region of Italy that was ruled by Austria at the time. [Lombardy] struggled, they still struggle. . . For country and liberty;. . . They speak the same language, they bear about them the impress of consanguinity [common ancestors], they kneel beside the same tombs, they glory in the same tradition; and they demand to associate freely, without obstacles, without foreign dominationGiuseppe Mazzini, On Nationality, 1852Which summarizes Mazzinis argument about independence for Lombardy?Lombardy had some of the common bonds required of an independent nation-state, but not enough. Lombardy should not struggle for independence because it had strong bonds with Austria. Lombardy should be an independent nation-state because it had a strong national identity. Lombardy should not be kept from enjoying personal independence because of Austrias actions a forward exchange contract is being transacted at a premium if the current forward rate is group of answer choices less than the expected spot rate. greater than the expected spot rate. less than the current spot rate. greater than the current spot rate. 4. (12 points) The product manager for a brand of all-natural herbal shampoo has compiled 15 weeks of data on the weekly sales of the brand (in units), the level of media advertising (in thousands of dollars), the price (in dollars), and the use of displays (in number of stores with the brand on an end-aisle display). She then carried out a multiple regression analysis on these data in order to calculate a price elasticity. Her data and the results of the regression analysis can be seen below.(a) Name each of the variables that were used in this multiple regression analysis. For each of these variables, indicate whether it was an independent variable or a dependent variable in this regression analysis.(b) Use these data and the results of the regression analysis to calculate the price elasticity for this shampoo brand. Show your work.(c) Based on the course material, describe at least two issues that should lead the product manager to not entirely trust the price elasticity calculated from this analysis. At year-end 2015, Wallace Landscapings total assets were $2.17 million, and it accounts payable worth $560,000. Sales, which in 2015 were worth $3.5 million, are expected to increase by 35% in 2016. Total assets and accounts payable are proportional to sales, and that relationship will be maintained. Wallace typically uses no current liabilities other than accounts payable. Common stock amount to $625,000 and in 2015, and other retained earnings were $395,000. Wallace has arranged to sell $195,000 dollars of new common stock in 2016 to meet some of its financing needs. The remainder of his financing needs will be met by issuing new long-term debt the end of 2016. (Because the data is added at the end of the year, there will be no additional interest expense due to the new debt). Its that profit margin on sales is 5%, and 45% of earnings will be paid out as dividends. (A.) What were Wallaces long-term debt and total liabilities in 2015? (B.) How much new long-term debt financing will be needed in 2016? (Hint: AFN - new stock = new long-term debt).Answer for A is $590,000 and $1,150,000-- and B is $238,563. I need to know how you get those answers please. Music homework help! Please help me asap! I need help with the first problem How does L.Y.'s text-messaging behavior affect her perception of pain? which direction would the nurse include when teaching a patient about timing of administering famotidine as the temperature of a volume of air increases, the air molecules move faster, making them more tightly packed and thus increasing the air's density. true or false What is the degree of -4x to the power of 3 + 6x to the power of 4 -1 barrels for wine storage were invented by the . group of answer choices gaels greeks romans egyptians in handling equipment selection the ratio of dead weight to payload should be minimized? what is one of the zeros of the function shown in this graph? Select all equations that have n = 6 as a solution. 2 + n = 6 n + 6 = 12 4 n = 24 n 3 = 2 Nishi Corporations common stock just paid $0.79 dividend recently and dividends are expected to grow at a constant rate for the foreseeable future. The investors required rate of return on the stock is 10.89%. If the stocks current price is $15.62 per share, what is the growth rate projected? Use the Goal Seek to find your answer. Please post pictures of your excel work and solutions. Please give a detailed explanation. if the size of the zinc electrode were doubled, does the cell voltage increase, decrease or stay the same? justify your answer. a client diagnosed with schizophrenia is started on an antipsychotic neuroleptic medication which purpose explains what medication is used to achieve The government mandate of insurance on all people is ... A.Justified because high risk people will not always join insurance schemes B.Unjustified because it is not the role of the government C.Unjustified because low risk people do not need insurance D.Justified because without it insurance schemes will fail what time period was mozart a part of? question 12 options: 1) pre-twentieth century 2) twentieth century