C6H12O6 + 6 O₂ ---> 6CO₂ + 6 H₂O
How many moles of oxygen are needed to burn 5.00 moles of glucose (C6H12O6)?


Answer 1
Answer is 30 mol

Ratio of C6H12O6:O2 IS 1:6
Mole of O2 = 5x6=30 mol

Related Questions

what is the concentration of a 250 mL aqueous solution with 54 grams of KNO3


Concentration of the 250 mL aqueous solution with 54 grams of KNO₃ is 216 g/L or 216 g/1000 mL.

What is an aqueous solution?

An aqueous solution is a solution in which the solvent is water (H₂O). In an aqueous solution, one or more substances, called solutes, dissolve in water to form a homogeneous mixture.

Concentration (in units of g/mL or g/L) = amount of solute / volume of solution

Given the amount of solute (54 grams) and the volume of the solution (250 mL); volume of solution = 250 mL = 0.250 L

So, concentration = 54 g / 0.250 L

concentration = 216 g/L

Therefore, concentration of the 250 mL aqueous solution with 54 grams of KNO₃ is 216 g/L or 216 g/1000 mL.

To know more about aqueous solution, refer



In an experiment, 5 g of Copper was heated with excess Sulfur to yield 4 g of Copper(I)Sulfide. What is the % yield?


The percent yield of copper(I) sulfide in this experiment is 31.83%.

What is percent yield?

To calculate the percent yield, we need to compare the actual yield (the amount of product that was obtained in the experiment) with the theoretical yield (the amount of product that should have been obtained if the reaction had gone to completion).

The balanced chemical equation for the reaction between copper and sulfur to form copper(I) sulfide is:

Cu + S →  [tex]Cu_{2}S[/tex]

The molar mass of Cu is 63.55 g/mol, and the molar mass of S is 32.06 g/mol. The molar mass of  [tex]Cu_{2}S[/tex]  is 159.17 g/mol.

First, we need to calculate the theoretical yield of copper(I) sulfide using the amount of copper used in the experiment:

5 g Cu × (1 mol Cu / 63.55 g Cu) × (1 mol [tex]Cu_{2}S[/tex] / 1 mol Cu) × (159.17 g  [tex]Cu_{2}S[/tex] / 1 mol [tex]Cu_{2}S[/tex] ) = 12.57 g  [tex]Cu_{2}S[/tex]

So the theoretical yield of copper(I) sulfide is 12.57 g.

The actual yield obtained in the experiment is 4 g.

The percent yield is then:

percent yield = (actual yield / theoretical yield) × 100%

percent yield = (4 g / 12.57 g) × 100%

percent yield = 31.83%

Therefore, the percent yield of copper(I) sulfide in this experiment is 31.83%.

What is theoretical yield ?

The theoretical yield is the amount of product that would be obtained in a chemical reaction if it went to completion, meaning that all the limiting reactant was used up and no product was lost. It is calculated using stoichiometry, which involves balancing the chemical equation for the reaction and using the coefficients to determine the mole ratio between the reactants and products.

Theoretical yield is often used as a reference value to compare with the actual yield obtained in an experiment, which is the amount of product actually obtained from the reaction. The percent yield can then be calculated by dividing the actual yield by the theoretical yield and multiplying by 100%.

To know more about yield, visit:



d. Addition of a catalyst
7) At 15 °C, a certain reaction is able to produce 0.80 moles of product per minute? At what rate might
the product be produced at 25 °C?
a. 0.80 moles per minute
b. 1.6 moles per minute
c. 0.40 moles per minute
d. 0.20 moles per minute


Addition of a catalyst, at 15 °C, a certain reaction is able to produce 0.80 moles of product per minute at 25 °C it will produce at a rate of 0.40 moles per minute. The correct option to this question is C.

Effect of temperatureAs the concentration of an enzyme rises, so does the rate of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction. An enzyme-catalyzed process moves more quickly at higher temperatures than it does at lower ones. The protein gets denatured at higher temperatures, which also noticeably slows down the rate of the reaction.With a reduced activation energy, a catalyst offers the reaction a different pathway. The rate will rise since there are more particles with activation energy today. The activation energy does not change as the temperature rises.The amount of energy that can be transformed into activation energy in a collision increases with temperature, which will speed up the reaction rate. The opposite would happen if the temperature dropped.

For more information on catalyst kindly visit to



Where does aluminum metal form during the electrolysis of aluminum ore?
at the positive anode
at the positive cathode
at the negative cathode
at the negative anode


At the anode:
During the process of electrolysis, Aluminium ions that are positively charged gain electrons from the cathode and form molten aluminium

For the equilibrium mixture:
NH4Cl(s) + heat <=> NH4+(aq) + Cl-(aq)

A) What change do you observe when you add concentrated hydrochloric acid, HCl, solution. Give complete explanation.


The addition of concentrated HCl to the equilibrium mixture will result in the precipitation of more NH₄Cl(s) as the equilibrium shifts towards the left. This can be observed as cloudiness or precipitation forming in the solution.

When concentrated hydrochloric acid (HCl) solution is added to the equilibrium mixture of NH₄Cl(s) + heat <=> NH₄+(aq) + Cl-(aq), the equilibrium will shift towards the left, meaning more solid NH₄Cl will be formed.

This is because HCl is a strong acid that will react with NH₄+ ion to form NH₄Cl(s) and H+ ion:

NH₄+(aq) + Cl-(aq) + HCl(aq) → NH₄Cl(s) + H₂O(l)

The increase in H+ ion concentration due to the addition of HCl will result in the shift of the equilibrium to the left to reduce the excess H+ ion concentration. This will favor the formation of more solid NH₄Cl.

Therefore, the addition of concentrated HCl to the equilibrium mixture will result in the precipitation of more NH₄Cl(s) as the equilibrium shifts towards the left. This can be observed as cloudiness or precipitation forming in the solution.

learn more about equilibrium here



Question 4 of 10
How much energy is required to vaporize 2 kg of gold? Use
the table below and this equation: Q = mLvapor
Latent Heat
Latent Heat
(boiling) (kJ/kg)


It requires 10.15 kilojoules of energy.

What is vaporization?

The term "vaporisation" (or "evaporation") often refers to the transformation of a liquid's condition into a vapour phase below its boiling point. The phrase, however, can also refer to the process of removing a solvent, independent of the temperature used.

What is energy?

When a body moves to exert force, it is said to be exerting work. Energy is the capacity to accomplish work. Energy is something we always need, and it can take many different forms.

If the gold is present in the liquid state, you only have to determine the latent heat of vaporization, or lvap. The empirical data for gold is 330 kJ/mol.

Q = mlvap

Q = (2 kg)(1 kmol/197 kg)(1,000 mol/1 kmol)

Q = 10.15 kJ

It needs an energy of 10.15 kilojoules

To know more about energy visit:



Calculate The PH After 15.0 ML Of 0.210 KOH Is Added In The Titration Of 55.0 ML Of .210 M HClOThe Ka Of HClO Is 4.0x10^-8


The pH after 15.0 mL of 0.210 KOH is added in the titration of 55.0 mL of 0.210 M HClO is 4.56.

To solve this problem, we need to use the balanced chemical equation for the reaction between KOH and HClO:

HClO + KOH → KClO + H2O

We can see that for every mole of KOH added, one mole of HClO will react. Therefore, the number of moles of HClO in 55.0 mL of 0.210 M HClO is:

n(HClO) = M(HClO) x V(HClO) = 0.210 mol/L x 0.0550 L = 0.0116 mol

When 15.0 mL of 0.210 M KOH is added, the number of moles of KOH added is:

n(KOH) = M(KOH) x V(KOH) = 0.210 mol/L x 0.0150 L = 0.00315 mol

Since the reaction is a neutralization reaction, the moles of HClO left after the reaction will be:

n(HClO) = n(HClO)initial - n(KOH) = 0.0116 mol - 0.00315 mol = 0.00845 mol

We can now use the equilibrium expression for the ionization of HClO in water to calculate the pH of the solution:

HClO + H2O ⇌ H3O+ + ClO-

Ka = [H3O+][ClO-]/[HClO]

At equilibrium, the concentrations of H3O+ and ClO- can be assumed to be equal to the concentration of HClO that remains unreacted, since HClO is a weak acid and does not dissociate completely in water. Therefore:

[H3O+] = [ClO-] = [HClO] = 0.00845 mol / (0.0550 L + 0.0150 L) = 0.105 M

Substituting these values into the equilibrium expression for Ka:

Ka = [H3O+][ClO-]/[HClO] = (0.105 M)² / 0.00845 M = 1.31 x 10⁻⁶

pKa = -log(Ka) = -log(1.31 x 10⁻⁶) = 5.88

pH = 1/2(pKw - pKa) = 1/2(14.00 - 5.88) = 4.56

Therefore, the pH after 15.0 mL of 0.210 KOH is added in the titration of 55.0 mL of 0.210 M HClO is 4.56.

To know more about titration, visit:



How many grams of Aluminum Sulfate are produced when 4 g of Aluminum Nitrate react with 3 g of Sodium Sulfate?

Al(NO3)3 + Na2SO4 ---------> Al2(SO4)3 + NaNO3


3.21 grams of Aluminum Sulfate are got when 4 g of Aluminum Nitrate reacts chemcially with 3 g of Sodium Sulfate.

WHat is the balanced equation for this reaction? How many grams of Aluminum Sulfate are produced?

The equation given is not balanced. Thus,  when balanced the equation becomes:

2 Al(NO₃)₃ + 3 Na₂SO₄ → Al₂(SO₄)₃ + 6 NaNO₃

The molar mass of Al(NO₃)₃ is:

Al(NO₃)₃ = 1(Al) + 3(N) + 9(O) = 213 g/mol

The molar mass of Na₂SO₄ is:

Na₂SO₄ = 2(Na) + 1(S) + 4(O) = 142 g/mol

From the balanced equation, we can see that 2 moles of Al(NO₃)₃ react with 3 moles of Na2SO4 to produce 1 mole of Al₂(SO₄)₃. Therefore, we can calculate the number of moles of Al(NO₃)₃ and Na₂SO₄ that react:

Number of moles of Al(NO₃)₃ = 4 g / 213 g/mol = 0.0188 mol

Number of moles of Na₂SO₄ = 3 g / 142 g/mol = 0.0211 mol

From the balanced equation, we can see that 2 moles of Al(NO₃)₃ produce 1 mole of Al₂(SO₄)₃. Therefore, the number of moles of Al₂(SO₄)₃ produced is:

Number of moles of Al₂(SO₄)₃ = 0.0188 mol / 2 * 1 = 0.0094 mol

The molar mass of Aluminum Sulfate (Al₂(SO₄)₃) is:

Al₂(SO₄)₃ = 2(Al) + 3(S) + 12(O) = 342 g/mol

Therefore, the mass of Aluminum Sulfate produced is:

Mass of Al₂(SO₄)₃ = Number of moles of Al₂(SO₄)₃ * Molar mass of Al₂(SO₄)₃

= 0.0094 mol * 342 g/mol

= 3.21 g

Hence, 3.21 grams of Aluminum Sulfate are liberated when 4 g of Aluminum Nitrate change state with 3 g of Sodium Sulfate.

Learn more about balanced chemical equation here:



The temperature of a 2.0-liter sample of helium gas at STP is increased to 27C, and the pressure is decreased to 80 kPa. What is the new volume of the helium sample? Round your answer to the nearest tenth of a liter?


The new volume of the helium sample would be 2.4 L.

Volume of a gas

According to the ideal gas law, PV = nRT, where P is the pressure, V is the volume, n is the number of moles of gas, R is the gas constant, and T is the temperature in kelvins.

At STP (standard temperature and pressure), which is defined as 0°C (273.15 K) and 101.325 kPa, the volume of 2.0 liters of helium gas contains one mole of helium atoms.

To find the new volume of the helium sample when the temperature is increased to 27°C (300.15 K) and the pressure is decreased to 80 kPa, we can use the following equation:

(P1V1)/T1 = (P2V2)/T2

where P1, V1, and T1 are the initial pressure, volume, and temperature, respectively, and P2, V2, and T2 are the final pressure, volume, and temperature, respectively.

Plugging in the values, we get:

(101.325 kPa)(2.0 L)/(273.15 K) = (80 kPa)(V2)/(300.15 K)

Solving for V2, we get:

V2 = (101.325 kPa)(2.0 L)/(273.15 K) * (300.15 K)/(80 kPa) = 2.36 L

Therefore, the new volume of the helium sample is approximately 2.4 L (rounded to the nearest tenth).

More on gas laws can be found here: https://brainly.com/question/27009857


Which sub atomic particles are similar in size



Neutrons and Protons


Different elements can have subatomic particles of varying sizes. The size of an atom is defined by the size of its electron cloud, which is composed of electrons, and the size of its nucleus, which is composed of protons and neutrons. The atomic number and subsequently the identity of an element are determined by the number of protons in the nucleus. The quantity of protons and neutrons in the nucleus determines its size. The quantity of electrons in the electron cloud and the energy levels they are located at define its size. The size of atoms can differ depending on the element due to differences in the amount of protons, neutrons, and electrons.

1. Ammonia reacts with oxygen to form nitrogen monoxide and
water vapor. How many moles of water are formed when 1.20
moles of ammonia reacts?


1.8 moles of water are formed when 1.20 moles of ammonia reacts

How is ammonia used?

Ammonia produced by industry is used as fertilizer in agriculture to the tune of 80%. In addition to these uses, ammonia is used to make polymers, explosives, textiles, insecticides, dyes, and other compounds. It is also used to purify water sources.

Ammonia is a colorless, intensely unpleasant gas with a pungent, choke-inducing smell. It readily dissolves in water to produce an ammonium hydroxide solution that can irritate the skin and burn. Ammonia gas is easily compressed and, when put under pressure, turns into a clear, colorless liquid.

4 NH₃ + 5 O₂ → 4 NO + 6 H₂O

4 moles of ammonia gives 6 moles of water

Moles of H₂O = 1.2 moles of NH₃ x 6 moles of H₂O/4 moles of NH₃

Moles of H₂O = 1.8moles

To learn more about ammonia  use:



What is eutectic temperature


The eutectic point is the lowest temperature at which the liquid phase is constant at a particular pressure.

What does the word "eutectic" mean?

A melting composition known as a eutectic consists of at least two components that melt and freeze at the same rates. The components combine during the crystallisation phase, operating as a single component as a result.

What are eutectic pressure and temperature?

The eutectic is the system's lowest melting point under its own pressure; it has a matching temperature called the eutectic temperature and produces the eutectic liquid as a result. In terms of composition, eutectic liquids are located between the system's solid phases.

To know more about eutectic visit:-



how do I convert 0.063 m to centimeters





multiply the length value by 100

please mark me as brainly list

Which reaction describes a beta emission? 226 86Rn + ₂He 94Pu + 4₂He⇒ 24296Cm + ¹on 1 88 Ra 239 118 54Xe 118 53 + +18 5926Fe⇒5927C0+0 -₁e​


Answer: 239/94Pu → 239/95Am + 0/-1e

Explanation: The present chemical transformation involves the conversion of a neutron residing in the nucleus of the element Plutonium-239 to a proton, accompanied by the release of an electron by beta decay. The subatomic particle known as the proton remains confined within the atomic nucleus, thereby triggering a metamorphosis of the constituent element, resulting in the creation of Am-239. Meanwhile, the emission of a beta particle occurs from the nucleus.

239/94Pu -> 239/95Am + 0/-1e

How much time does it take light to travel 6.03 billion km? (billion=109)

Answer to 3 sig figs.


Light takes 20,100 seconds or 5.583 hours to travel 6.03 billion km.

How to calculate total time taken using distance and speed?

To calculate the time it takes for light to travel 6.03 billion km, we can use the formula:

time = distance / speed of light

where distance is 6.03 x 10^9 km and the speed of light is approximately 299,792,458 meters per second (m/s).

First, we need to convert the distance from kilometers to meters:

distance = 6.03 x 10^9 km x 10^3 m/km = 6.03 x 10^12 m

Now we can calculate the time:

time = distance / speed of light

= 6.03 x 10^12 m / 299,792,458 m/s

= 20,107.394 seconds

To 3 significant figures, the answer is 20,100 seconds or 5.583 hours (since there are 3600 seconds in an hour).

Learn more about light here:



The Ka value for ethanoic acid, CH3COOH is 1.79 x 10-5. What is the pH of an equimolar solution of ethanoic acid and Na+CH3COO-?


The pH of the solution can be calculated using the following steps:

Write the chemical equation for the dissociation of ethanoic acid:

CH3COOH + H2O ⇌ CH3COO- + H3O+

Write the equilibrium expression for the dissociation of ethanoic acid:

Ka = [CH3COO-][H3O+] / [CH3COOH]

Since the solution is equimolar in CH3COOH and CH3COO-, we can assume that the initial concentrations of CH3COOH and CH3COO- are equal. Let's use the variable x to represent the concentration of CH3COO- and CH3COOH in mol/L.

[CH3COOH] = x mol/L [CH3COO-] = x mol/L

Since CH3COOH is a weak acid, we can assume that only a small fraction of it dissociates in water. Let's use the variable y to represent the concentration of H3O+ ions in mol/L that are produced from the dissociation of CH3COOH. From the dissociation of ethanoic acid, we know that [CH3COO-] = [H3O+].

[CH3COO-] = y mol/L [H3O+] = y mol/L

Use the equilibrium expression to solve for the concentration of H3O+ ions:

Ka = [CH3COO-][H3O+] / [CH3COOH] 1.79 x 10^-5 = y^2 / x

Solving for y in terms of x, we get:

y = sqrt(Ka * x)

Calculate the pH of the solution using the equation:

pH = -log[H3O+]

pH = -log(y)

Substituting in the value of y from Step 5, we get:

pH = -log(sqrt(Ka * x))

Simplifying, we get:

pH = -0.5 * log(Ka * x)

Substituting in the value of Ka, we get:

pH = -0.5 * log(1.79 x 10^-5 * x)

Now we can calculate the pH for the solution by substituting the value of x as it is equimolar.

pH = -0.5 * log(1.79 x 10^-5 * x)

pH = -0.5 * log(1.79 x 10^-5 * 1)

pH = -0.5 * log(1.79 x 10^-5)

pH = 4.74

Therefore, the pH of an equimolar solution of ethanoic acid and Na+CH3COO- is 4.74.

A sample with the phase diagram below starts at room temperature (25oC) and 1 atm. What phase change would the sample go through if it was cooled to 80 K?

a)Condensation (gas to liquid)

B)Fusion (solid to liquid)

C)Deposition (gas to solid)

D)Vaporization (liquid to gas)

E)Sublimation (solid to gas)

F)Freezing (liquid to solid)


Answer: C)Deposition (gas to solid)

Explanation: According to the phase diagram, at room temperature (25°C) and 1 atm, the sample is in the gas phase.  As the temperature decreases to 80 K, it falls below the sublimation curve. T he sublimation curve represents the conditions at which a substance can change directly from a solid to a gas or from a gas to a solid without passing through the liquid phase.

Since the sample is in the gas phase at room temperature, cooling it to 80 K would cause it to go through the process of deposition, where the gas particles directly transform into a solid without first becoming a liquid.  This is indicated by the section of the phase diagram below the sublimation curve.

For the reaction: N₂(g) + 3H₂(g) + 2NH3(g) AH = -76.4 KJ/mol. Determine the heat energy when 5.0g of hydrogen burns.​



-191 kJ


The given reaction is:

N₂(g) + 3H₂(g) → 2NH₃(g) ΔH = -76.4 kJ/mol

From the balanced equation, we can see that the stoichiometric ratio between hydrogen (H₂) and ammonia (NH₃) is 3:2. This means that 3 moles of hydrogen react to produce 2 moles of ammonia.

To determine the heat energy when 5.0 g of hydrogen (H₂) burns, we need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the moles of hydrogen (H₂)

Using the molar mass of hydrogen (H₂), which is 2 g/mol, we can calculate the moles of hydrogen (H₂) in 5.0 g of hydrogen:

Moles of H₂ = Mass of H₂ / Molar mass of H₂

Moles of H₂ = 5.0 g / 2 g/mol

Moles of H₂ = 2.5 mol

Step 2: Use the stoichiometry of the reaction

Based on the stoichiometry of the reaction, we know that 3 moles of hydrogen (H₂) react to produce 2 moles of ammonia (NH₃), and the enthalpy change (ΔH) is -76.4 kJ/mol.

Step 3: Calculate the heat energy

The heat energy for 2.5 moles of hydrogen (H₂) can be calculated using the given enthalpy change (ΔH) and the stoichiometry of the reaction:

Heat energy = Moles of H₂ x ΔH

Heat energy = 2.5 mol x -76.4 kJ/mol

Heat energy = -191 kJ (rounded to three significant figures)

So, the heat energy when 5.0 g of hydrogen (H₂) burns is -191 kJ (rounded to three significant figures), and the negative sign indicates that the reaction is exothermic, releasing heat.

Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) has a pKa of 2.97
a. Draw the structure the conjugate base of aspirin.
b. Calculate the percentage of aspirin (acetylsalicylic
acid) available for absorption in the stomach (pH = 2.0
and in the duodenum at (pH = 4.5).


a)  The conjugate base of aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) is formed when the acidic proton (H+) is removed from the carboxylic acid group (-COOH) in the molecule.

b)  More aspirin will be available for absorption in the duodenum (97%) compared to the stomach (12%).

Percentage of aspirin for absorption

a. The conjugate base of aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) is formed when the acidic proton (H+) is removed from the carboxylic acid group (-COOH) in the molecule.

b. The percentage of aspirin available for absorption depends on the degree of ionization of the molecule, which is related to the pH of the surrounding medium. At pH values below the pKa (2.97), most of the molecules exist in the protonated form (HA), while at pH values above the pKa, most of the molecules exist in the deprotonated form (A-).

Using the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation:

pH = pKa + log([A-]/[HA])

We can calculate the ratio of deprotonated (A-) to protonated (HA) forms at different pH values. At pH 2.0, the ratio is:

2.0 = 2.97 + log([A-]/[HA])

log([A-]/[HA]) = -0.97

[A-]/[HA] = 0.12

So, at pH 2.0, only 12% of the aspirin molecules are in the deprotonated form and available for absorption.

At pH 4.5, the ratio is:

4.5 = 2.97 + log([A-]/[HA])

log([A-]/[HA]) = 1.53

[A-]/[HA] = 31.6

So, at pH 4.5, 97% of the aspirin molecules are in the deprotonated form and available for absorption.

Therefore, more aspirin will be available for absorption in the duodenum (97%) compared to the stomach (12%).

Learn more on acetylsalicylic acid here https://brainly.com/question/14911199


A balloon ascends at a constant rate V in an atmosphere that is exponentially stratified so that the variation of temperature with altitude is given by T(z) -Toe". The balloon carries a thermocouple temperature sensor having a time constant t. Determine the sensor temperature as a function of time. Sketch the sensor temperature and the actual temperature versus time


We can plug them into the equation above and plot the temperature of the sensor and the actual temperature against time on a graph to visualize how they change over time during the ascent of the balloon.

What is Temperature?

Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in a substance, such as a solid, liquid, or gas. It is a scalar quantity that reflects the hotness or coldness of a substance. In other words, temperature indicates how much thermal energy is present in a substance.

This equation describes an exponential decay of the temperature with time. As time goes on, the temperature of the sensor decreases exponentially towards zero.

To sketch the sensor temperature and the actual temperature versus time, we would need additional information, such as the initial temperature T0, the time constant tc, and the rate of ascent V of the balloon.

Learn more about Temperature from the given link



Which amount of sodium hydroxide is would react exactly with 7.5g of a diprotic acid,H2A(Mr = 150)?


0.1 mol of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) would react exactly with 7.5 g of the diprotic acid [tex]H_{2}[/tex]A.

What is Molar Mass?

Molar mass is the mass of one mole of a substance, expressed in grams per mole (g/mol). It is calculated by adding up the atomic masses of all the atoms in a molecule or the formula mass of all the ions in an ionic compound.

The balanced chemical equation for the reaction between diprotic acid, [tex]H_{2}[/tex]A, and sodium hydroxide, NaOH, can be represented as follows:

2[tex]H_{2}[/tex]A + 2 NaOH -> [tex]Na_{2}[/tex]A + 2 [tex]H_{2}[/tex]O

From the balanced equation, we can see that 2 moles of [tex]H_{2}[/tex]A react with 2 moles of NaOH to produce 1 mole of [tex]Na_{2}[/tex]A and 2 moles of water ([tex]H_{2}[/tex]O).

First, we need to calculate the number of moles of [tex]H_{2}[/tex]A in 7.5g using the formula:

moles = mass / molar mass

moles of [tex]H_{2}[/tex]A = 7.5g / 150 g/mol = 0.05 mol

Since diprotic acid, [tex]H_{2}[/tex]A, reacts in a 1:2 ratio with NaOH, we need to multiply the moles of [tex]H_{2}[/tex]A by 2 to determine the moles of NaOH required for complete reaction:

Moles of NaOH = 2 * Moles of [tex]H_{2}[/tex]A

Moles of NaOH = 2 * 0.05 mol

Moles of NaOH = 0.1 mol

0.1 mol of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) would react exactly with 7.5 g of the diprotic acid [tex]H_{2}[/tex]A.

Learn more about Molar Mass from the given link



Calculate the concentrations of all species in a 0.510 M NaCH3COO (sodium acetate) solution. The ionization constant for acetic acid is a=1.8×10−5.







The concentrations of all species in a 0.510 M NaCH₃COO (sodium acetate) solution: [Na+]= 0.510 M , [OH-]= 1.8x10⁻⁵ M , [H₃O+]= 1.8x10⁻⁵ M , [CH₃COO-]= 0.510 M and [CH₃COOH]= 0.510 - (1.8x10⁻⁵) = 0.50982 M.

What is concentration?

Concentration is the ability to focus your attention on a single task or thought for a prolonged period of time. It involves being able to ignore distractions and to be able to work through any difficulties or obstacles that may arise. Concentration is an important skill to master in order to achieve success in any endeavor, whether it be academic, professional, or personal. Good concentration can help you to stay focused, organized, and productive. When you are able to concentrate, you can take in the information needed to make better decisions and solve problems. Concentration is a skill that can be developed with practice, such as by setting goals, breaking down tasks into smaller, manageable pieces, and avoiding distractions.

To learn more about concentration

To answer this question, you may need access to the periodic table of elements.

Which of these pairs of atoms would experience an ionic bond?

K and Br
S and O
H and S
Cl and Cl


K and Br since an halogen and a metal make a salt

Determine the molarity (M) of 0.2074 g of calcium hydroxide, Ca(OH)₂ (74.09 g/mol), in 40.00 mL of solution.



M=0.06998 mol/L


A mixture that contains large particles that are uniformly dispersed is called a _____.









there's no explanation


hope this helps

How much energy is involved when 100g of water is heated from 35°C to 115°C water vapor?


252,212 Joules of energy are required to heat 100g of water from 35°C to 115°C water vapor.

To calculate the amount of energy required to heat water from 35°C to 100°C, we use the specific heat capacity of water, which is 4.18 J/(g°C). This means that it takes 4.18 Joules of energy to heat one gram of water by one degree Celsius.

So, the energy required to heat 100 g of water from 35°C to 100°C can be calculated as follows:

Q1 = m × c × ΔT

Q1 = 100 g × 4.18 J/(g°C) × (100°C - 35°C)

Q1 = 26,212 Joules

Next, we need to calculate the amount of energy required to vaporize the water at 100°C. This is done using the heat of vaporization of water, which is 2260 J/g.

So, the energy required to vaporize 100 g of water at 100°C is:

Q2 = m × Lv

Q2 = 100 g × 2260 J/g

Q2 = 226,000 Joules

Therefore, the total energy required to heat 100 g of water from 35°C to 115°C water vapor is:

Q = Q1 + Q2

Q = 26,212 Joules + 226,000 Joules

Q = 252,212 Joules

Thus, 252,212 Joules of energy are required to heat 100g of water from 35°C to 115°C water vapor.

learn more about energy here



35.0 ml. of a 0.250 M solution of /OH is titrated with 0.150 M HCI. After 35.0 mL of the HCl has been added, the resultant


Determine the amount of KOH present in the resulting solution. KOH was initially 0.00875 mol, then 0.00525 mol of it interacted with HCl. As a result, 0.00875 mole - 0.00525 mol (= 0.00350 mol of KOH is left. The resulting solution has a volume of 70.0 mL (35.0 mL plus 35.0 mL).

Is HCl directly titrated with NaOH?

The titrant (NaOH), which is added gradually throughout the course of a titration, is added to the unknown substance. The equivalency point is the moment at which precisely the right quantity of titrant (NaOH) has indeed been added that react to the entire analyte (HCl).

What happens when you titrate NaOH to HCl?

What took place during titration: One mole of NaOH interacts with one mole of HCl inside the reaction between the two substances. NaOH with HCl equals NaCl plus H2O. (NaOH and HCl have a mole ratio of 1:1.) • The NaOH concentration is 0.1 M, or 0.1 molecules per litre.

To know more about solution visit:





The percent transmittance (%T) and absorbance (A) of a solution are related by an equation which can be used to solve this question.

What is the absorbance of this solution?

The percent transmittance (%T) and absorbance (A) of a mixture are associated by the following equation:

%T = 100 x 10^(-A)

We are given that the %T value of the solution is 51.6% at a wavelength of 550 nm. To find the absorbance (A), we can rearrange the equation above:

A = -㏒(%T / 100)

On substituting the value in the given %T value, we get:

A = -㏒(51.6 / 100) = -㏒(0.516) = 0.286

Therefore, the absorbance of the solution at a wavelength of 550 nm is 0.286.

Learn more about transmittance and absorbance here:



Calculate the cell potential, Ecell, for the following reaction at 298k.
Co(s)+2Ag+(0.010M)=Co+2(0.015M)+2 Ag(s)


To calculate the cell potential, Ecell, for the given reaction at 298K, we need to use the Nernst equation. The Nernst equation relates the cell potential to the standard cell potential, temperature, and the concentrations of the reactants and products. The Nernst equation is given as follows:

Ecell = E°cell - (RT/nF) ln(Q)


Ecell = cell potential

E°cell = standard cell potential

R = gas constant (8.314 J/K.mol)

T = temperature (298 K)

n = number of electrons transferred in the balanced redox reaction

F = Faraday constant (96,485 C/mol)

Q = reaction quotient

The given reaction is a redox reaction, which involves the transfer of two electrons from Co to Ag+. The balanced half-reactions are as follows:

Co(s) → Co2+(aq) + 2 e-

Ag+(aq) + e- → Ag(s)

The standard reduction potentials for these half-reactions are:

Co2+(aq) + 2 e- → Co(s) E°red = -0.28 V

Ag+(aq) + e- → Ag(s) E°red = +0.80 V

The overall standard cell potential can be calculated by subtracting the standard reduction potential of the anode from that of the cathode:

E°cell = E°red,cathode - E°red,anode

= +0.80 V - (-0.28 V)

= +1.08 V

Now we need to calculate the reaction quotient Q using the concentrations of the reactants and products. According to the given information, [Ag+] = 0.010 M and [Co2+] = 0.015 M.

Q = ([Co2+][Ag+]^2)/([Ag+]^2)

= ([0.015][0.010]^2)/([0.010]^2)

= 0.015 M

Substituting the values in the Nernst equation, we get:

Ecell = E°cell - (RT/nF) ln(Q)

= 1.08 - (8.314 x 298 / (2 x 96485)) ln(0.015)

= 0.829 V

Therefore, the cell potential, Ecell, for the given reaction at 298K is 0.829 V.

The volume of a sample of oxygen is 200.0 mL when the pressure is 3.000 atm and the temperature is 37.0 C. What is the new temperature if the volume increases to 400.0 mL and the pressure decreases to 2.000 atm?



140.3 *C


(P1 * V1) / T1 = (P2 * V2) / T2

where P1 = 3.000 atm, V1 = 200.0 ml, T1 = 37.0°C + 273.15 = 310.15 K, P2 = 2.000 atm, V2 = 400.0 ml.

Substituting these values into the formula gives:

(3.000 atm * 200.0 ml) / 310.15 K = (2.000 atm * 400.0 ml) / T2

Solving for T2 gives:

T2 = (2.000 atm * 400.0 ml * 310.15 K) / (3.000 atm * 200.0 ml)

T2 ≈ 413 K or 140°C.

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