Can someone help me asap? It’s due tomorrow. I will give brainiest if it’s correct.


Answer 1

Answer: spinner: yellow, die: 1

Step-by-step explanation:

        We will look at the table given and select the answer option that correctly lines up with what we're looking for based on the given context, see attached.

        The spinner must be on yellow and the die must be on 1 or 4, this leads us to the 3rd answer option;

               spinner: yellow, die: 1

Related Questions

Which simulation is a representation of independent events?


The independent events are the ones in the third option, spinning the spiner twice.

Which simulation represents independent events?

Two events are called independent if the outcome of the first event does not affect the outcome of the second event.

From the given options, the only two that are independent are spining the spinner two times.

For example in the case of the candy, when you pull one candy and eat it, you can't pull it again, so the outcomes for the second event are modified.

In the case of the spinner that does not happen, that is why the events are independent.

Learn more about independent events.


The ratio of the lengths of corresponding diagonals of two similar kites is =. What is the ratio of their areas?


The ratio of the areas of the similar kites with the given corresponding diagonals is calculated as: 1/49.

What is the Ratio of the Areas of Similar Kites?

The ratio of the areas of similar polygons are the square of their corresponding sides that are proportional to each other.

Thus, let the kites have diagonals d1 and d2, with d1/d2 = 1/7. Since the kites are similar, their corresponding sides are also proportional.

Therefore, the ratio of their areas = square of d1 / square of d2

ratio = 1² / 7²

= 1/49

Learn more about similar kites on:


Complete Question?

The ratio of the lengths of corresponding diagonals of two similar kites is 1/7. What is the ratio of their areas?

assuming we are testing a hypothesis using the one-way anova test with more than 2 independent normally distributed populations, how can the f-statistic be calculated?


One measure we use to determine the F-statistics is the ratio of the variability within and across groups when we are doing the one way-ANOVA test.

We are interested in discovering whether there are significant differences between the means of the populations when doing a one-way ANOVA test on more than two independent normally distributed populations. A test statistic used to reach this conclusion is the F-statistic.

The ratio of the variability of the between group and within group is the a tool that we use to find the F-statistics.

F is equal to (SSB/k-1) / (SSW/N-k)

To know more about f-statistic, visit,


how many atheletes in total were acccused of using performance-enhancing drugs? of these, how many were using and how many were not? what percentage of those accused of using were falsely accused?


There have been numerous cases of athletes being accused of using performance-enhancing drugs, and the numbers may vary depending on the sport, country, and time period in question.

Additionally, determining how many athletes were using or not using performance-enhancing drugs would require specific information on individual cases.

Regarding the percentage of athletes falsely accused of using performance-enhancing drugs, it is difficult to determine an accurate figure without examining each case in detail. False accusations may occur due to various reasons, such as flawed testing procedures or contaminated supplements, and the percentage of false accusations may vary depending on the situation.

If you have a specific case or sport in mind, I can try to provide you with more information on that topic.

For more questions like drugs visit the link below:


Find the area of the trapezoid. 1. 6 m
4 m
12 m
2. 10 in. 15 in. 6 in
3. 2 yd
8 yd
6 yd
4. H = 10 cm, b,
= 3 cm, by = 5 cm


The area of the trapezoid is 72 square meters.

In order to find the area of a trapezoid, we need to use the formula:

Area = (b1 + b2) x h / 2

where b1 and b2 are the lengths of the parallel sides, and h is the height of the trapezoid.

In this case, we are given the lengths of the parallel sides as 6m and 12m respectively, and the height of the trapezoid is 4m.

So, we can plug these values into the formula to get:

Area = (6m + 12m) x 4m / 2

Area = 18m x 4m Area = 72m²

To know more about trapezoid here


Complete Question:

Find the area of the trapezoid.

Base 1 = 6 m

Height = 4 m

Base 2 = 12 m

In triangle LMN, angle N = 90 degrees. LM = 10, MN = 6, & LN = 8

What is tan of angle M?.


In a right triangle, tangent of one of non-right angles is equal to  ratio of the length of opposite side to the length of  adjacent side. The tangent of angle M is 5/3.

In this case, we want to find  tangent of angle M.

Let's label the sides of  triangle opposite, adjacent, and hypotenuse, as follows:

Opposite: side LM, which is opposite to angle M.

Adjacent: side MN, which is adjacent to angle M.

Hypotenuse: side LN, which is the longest side and opposite to the right angle N.

Using the Pythagorean theorem, we can find the length of the hypotenuse LN:

[tex]LN^2 = LM^2 + MN^2 \\LN^2 = 10^2 + 6^2\\LN^2 = 100 + 36\\LN^2 = 136LN = sqrt(136) = 2*sqrt(34)[/tex]

Now, we can use the tangent formula:

tan(M) = opposite/adjacent = LM/MN

tan(M) = 10/6 = 5/3

To know more about Pythagorean theorem, here


A can contains

15/16 pounds of vegetables. One serving of these vegetables weights


​What is the total number of servings of vegetables in the can?


As  portion of the vegetables weights 1/4 pound and totals **15/16 pounds , the can has **3 and 3/4 servings** of veggies.

What does pound and weight mean?

A pound is a unit of weight or mass measurement. The Latin word "libra," which means "weight" or "balance," denotes a measurement system employed in ancient Rome and which is equivalent to around 12 ounces.

Mass is the quantity of matter in a thing, whereas weight is the force of gravity acting on the object

Each portion of the vegetables weights 1/4 pound and totals **15/16 pounds** in the can. We must divide the can's overall weight by the weight of one serving to determine how many servings of veggies are included therein.

We thus have:

'''The can weighs 15/16 pounds in total.

Weight of one serving is one-fourth of a pound.

We divide the entire weight of the can by the weight of one serving to get how many servings are in it:

``` (15/16) ÷ (1/4) = (15/16) × (4/1)

= 60/16 = 3 3/4 ```

As a result, the can has **3 and 3/4 servings** of veggies.

To know more about weight and pounds visit:


suppose a scientist designs an experiment to test a hypothesis. which of the following is true? 1 point if the experimenter does the test correctly, the hypothesis will be proven correct. a good experiment is one that produces the most data. an experiment should always be done in a professional science lab, using lab equipment. the results of the experiment might support the hypothesis, or might not.


The results of the experiment might support the hypothesis, or might not.

The correct statement is that the results of the experiment might support the hypothesis, or might not. It is important to design a well-controlled experiment that tests the hypothesis in a rigorous and systematic way. The goal is not to prove the hypothesis correct, but rather to gather evidence that either supports or contradicts the hypothesis. It is also important to conduct the experiment in a suitable environment with appropriate equipment and procedures to ensure accurate and reliable results.
Your question focuses on understanding the relationship between a hypothesis, an experiment, and the possible outcomes.
An experiment is designed to test a hypothesis, which is an educated guess or prediction about a phenomenon. When conducting an experiment, the results might either support the hypothesis or contradict it, leading to further investigation and refinement of the hypothesis. A well-designed experiment should be able to provide valuable data and insights, regardless of the outcome.

Learn more about hypothesis here:


The statement that is true is:

"The results of the experiment might support the hypothesis or might not."

A scientist designs an experiment to test a hypothesis.

In such a scenario, it is important to note that the outcome of the experiment cannot be predicted with certainty.

The scientific method involves formulating a hypothesis, designing an experiment to test the hypothesis,

collecting and analyzing data and drawing conclusions.

The hypothesis is an educated guess that can be tested through experimentation.

It is important to remember that a hypothesis can never be proven to be 100% correct, only supported or refuted by the evidence obtained through experimentation.
It is not accurate to say that if the experimenter does the test correctly, the hypothesis will be proven correct.

This is because there are many variables that can affect the outcome of the experiment, and it is impossible to control all of them.

Additionally, a good experiment is not necessarily one that produces the most data.

A good experiment is one that is well-designed, carefully controlled, and yields reliable results.

The use of lab equipment is also not a requirement for conducting experiments.

While it is often necessary for certain types of experiments, many experiments can be conducted with simple materials and equipment.
Ultimately, the results of the experiment might support the hypothesis, or might not. If the results support the hypothesis, it can be considered a step towards validating the hypothesis.

The results do not support the hypothesis, it does not necessarily mean that the hypothesis is incorrect.

It could mean that the experiment was flawed, or that the hypothesis needs to be revised based on the new information obtained from the experiment.
Designing and conducting experiments is an important part of the scientific method.

Guarantee that an experiment will yield the desired results, a well-designed and carefully controlled experiment can provide valuable information that can help scientists understand the natural world.

For similar questions on Hypothesis


Write the equation, domain, and range of the graphs.


The equation of the function on the graph is y = ∛(x-3).

Calculating the equation, domain, and range of the graph

The graph is a cubic function shifted 3 units right

The function y = ∛(x-3) represents the cube root function shifted 3 units to the right.

So, the equation of the function is y = ∛(x-3).

The domain of the function is all real numbers since we can take the cube root of any real number.

The range of the function is also all real numbers because for any real number x, there is a real number y such that y = ∛(x-3).

Also, the function is defined for all values since taking the cube root of any number is a real number.

Read more about transformation at


What is the equation of a line, in point-slope form, that passes through (-2,-6) and has a slope of 1/3?
y+6= 1/3(x+2)



Step-by-step explanation:


You need to use the Point slope formula


Plug your point into the equation with the slope (m)

y-(-6) =1/3(x-(-2))

Then simplify


have a new hobby - a saltwater fish tank that will contain mostly live corals (called a reef tank). i am currently in the planning stage and am gathering knowledge to give me the best chance of success with my tank. as part of the planning stage, i reached out to 700 experienced central florida reefers (people who currently have a reef tank) and asked them to provide the following information: size of the tank (in gallons), type of lighting used (florescent, led, hybrid, or other), and how long (in years) they have been in the hobby. part of the analysis involves trying to estimate the proportion of all central florida reefers who use led lighting. a 95% confidence interval was constructed to be: (.755, .816). the sample proportion reported was .7855. was the sample size considered large in the construction of this confidence interval? group of answer choices no, since n is less than 30. yes, since n is at least 30. yes, since np and nq are both at least 15. no, since np and nq are not both at least 15.


This indicates that the sample size was large enough to construct a reasonably precise confidence interval.

Since n is at least 30" or "yes, since np and nq are both at least 15."

The sample size, we cannot definitively choose between these two options.

Information provided; the sample size is not explicitly stated.

Determine whether the sample size is considered large enough for the construction of a confidence interval based on the conditions for using a normal approximation to the binomial distribution.
One condition is that np and nq are both at least 15, where n is the sample size, p is the proportion of interest (in this case, the proportion of central Florida reefers who use LED lighting), and q is the complement of p (i.e., 1-p). This condition ensures that the distribution of the sample proportion is approximately normal.
Another condition is that the sample size is large enough that the standard error of the sample proportion (sqrt[pq/n]) is small enough to use a normal approximation.

This condition is not explicitly stated, but it is typically considered to be met when n is at least 30.
Since we do not know the sample size, we cannot directly determine whether the conditions are met.

That a 95% confidence interval was constructed with an interval estimate of (.755, .816) and a sample proportion of .7855.

For similar questions on sample size


I’m not sure which answers here are correct, can someone please help!






Step-by-step explanation:

the answer equals 0.016

c equals the same

and so does d

A random number generator assigned each pepper to one of two groups. The weights of the peppers in each group, given three randomizations, appear in the tables.

First Randomization
Group A Group B
13.6 9.2
12.1 8.2
15.9 11.5
11.2 13.8
9.7 14.6
Second Randomization
Group A Group B
8.2 12.1
13.8 14.6
15.9 13.6
9.2 11.2
9.7 11.5
Third Randomization
Group A Group B
8.2 12.1
9.7 13.8
11.5 13.6
14.6 11.2
15.9 9.2
For each table, calculate the mean weight for each group,
, and find the difference of the mean of group A and the mean of group B (


After the first randomization,
is ,
is , and (

) is .
After the second randomization,
is ,
is , and (

) is .
After the third randomization,
is ,
is , and (

) is .


Therefore, the mean weight for each group in the three randomizations are:

First Randomization:

Group A: 12.5

Group B: 11.46

Second Randomization:

Group A: 11.56

Group B: 12.4

Third Randomization:

Group A: 12.18

Group B: 12.18

What is mean?

The mean, also known as the average, is a measure of central tendency in statistics. It is found by adding up all the values in a data set and dividing by the number of values in the set. The mean is sensitive to extreme values, or outliers, in the data set, and can be influenced by them. It is one of the most commonly used measures of central tendency, along with the median and mode.


First Randomization:

Group A: (13.6 + 12.1 + 15.9 + 11.2 + 9.7) / 5 = 12.5

Group B: (9.2 + 8.2 + 11.5 + 13.8 + 14.6) / 5 = 11.46

Second Randomization:

Group A: (8.2 + 13.8 + 15.9 + 9.2 + 9.7) / 5 = 11.56

Group B: (12.1 + 14.6 + 13.6 + 11.2 + 11.5) / 5 = 12.4

Third Randomization:

Group A: (8.2 + 9.7 + 11.5 + 14.6 + 15.9) / 5 = 12.18

Group B: (12.1 + 13.8 + 13.6 + 11.2 + 9.2) / 5 = 12.18

To know more about mean,




Step-by-step explanation:

After the first randomization,

A  is  12.5

B  is 11.46

and A-B  is 1.04

After the second randomization,

A is 11.36

B is 12.6

A and B is -1.24

After the third randomization,

A is 11.98

B is 11.98

A and B is 1


Find the three trigonometric ratios. If needed, reduce fractions.


[tex]\sin(X )=\cfrac{\stackrel{opposite}{36}}{\underset{hypotenuse}{45}}\implies \sin(X )=\cfrac{4}{5} \\\\\\ \cos(X )=\cfrac{\stackrel{adjacent}{27}}{\underset{hypotenuse}{45}}\implies \cos(X)=\cfrac{3}{5} \\\\\\ \tan(X )=\cfrac{\stackrel{opposite}{36}}{\underset{adjacent}{27}}\implies \tan(X)=\cfrac{4}{3}[/tex]

the auto parts department of an automotive dealership sends out a mean of 6.9 special orders daily. what is the probability that, for any day, the number of special orders sent out will be exactly 5 ? round your answer to four decimal places.


The answer to this question is  0.1754

If each book is 5$ and I have 133$ then how many books can I buy?




Step-by-step explanation:

You just divide 133 and 5 and you get 26.6



Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\frac{133}{5}[/tex] = 26.6

You cannot buy part of a book, so you can buy 26 books

26 x 5 = 130.  You will have $3.00 left over.

Helping in the name of Jesus.

Please help me with this homework


The circumference of the circle given the radius as 9 cm in terms of π is 18π cm.

How to find the circumference of a circle?

Circumference of a circle = 2πr


Radius, r = 9 cm

Circumference of a circle = 2πr

= 2 × π × 9

= 18π cm

Ultimately, the circumference in terms of π is 18π.

Read more on the circumference of a circle:


in a recent study, 90% of the homes in the united states were found to have large-screen tvs. in a sample of nine homes, what is the probability that:


The number of ways to choose 0, 1, and 2 homes out of 9, respectively

Why 90% of the homes in the united states were found to have large-screen tvs?

we need to assume that the sample of nine homes is a random sample from the population of all homes in the United States. Based on this assumption, we can use the binomial distribution to model the number of homes in the sample that have large-screen TVs.

Let p be the probability that a randomly selected home in the United States has a large-screen TV, which is given as 0.9. Let X be the number of homes in the sample of nine that have large-screen TVs. Then X follows a binomial distribution with parameters n = 9 and p = 0.9.

Exactly 7 of the 9 homes have large-screen TVs.The probability of exactly 7 homes having large-screen TVs is given by the binomial probability mass function:

P(X = 7) = (9 choose 7) ˣ (0.9)⁷ ˣ (0.1)² ≈ 0.3874

where (9 choose 7) is the number of ways to choose 7 homes out of 9.

At least 8 of the 9 homes have large-screen TVs.The probability of at least 8 homes having large-screen TVs is the sum of the probabilities of X = 8 and X = 9:

P(X ≥ 8) = P(X = 8) + P(X = 9)= (9 choose 8) ˣ [tex](0.9)^8[/tex] ˣ [tex](0.1)^1[/tex] + (9 choose 9) ˣ [tex](0.9)^9[/tex] ˣ [tex](0.1)^0[/tex]≈ 0.5749

where (9 choose 8) and (9 choose 9) are the number of ways to choose 8 and 9 homes out of 9, respectively.

At most 2 of the 9 homes do not have large-screen TVs.The probability of at most 2 homes not having large-screen TVs is the sum of the probabilities of X = 0, X = 1, and X = 2:

P(X ≤ 2) = P(X = 0) + P(X = 1) + P(X = 2)= (9 choose 0) ˣ[tex](0.9)^0[/tex] ˣ[tex](0.1)^9[/tex] + (9 choose 1) ˣ [tex](0.9)^1[/tex] ˣ [tex](0.1)^8[/tex] + (9 choose 2) ˣ (0.9)² ˣ (0.1)⁷≈ 1.3082e-06

where (9 choose 0), (9 choose 1), and (9 choose 2) are the number of ways to choose 0, 1, and 2 homes out of 9, respectively.

Learn more about homes


If X has the hypergeometric distribution, what is the minimum value that X can take?

N – K






If X has the hypergeometric distribution, the minimum value that X can take is option (e) 0

The hypergeometric distribution models the probability of getting a certain number of successes in a fixed-size sample drawn without replacement from a finite population containing a known number of successes and failures.

The minimum value that X can take depends on the specific parameters of the distribution.

If the population size is N, the number of successes in the population is K, and the sample size is n, then the minimum value that X can take is max(0, n - (N - K)).

This is because the sample can contain at most n items, and if all of them are failures (i.e., none of them are successes), then X would be 0. On the other hand, if there are fewer than n failures in the population, then the sample can contain at most n - (N - K) successes. If n - (N - K) is negative, then there are more successes than failures in the population, and X can take any value between 0 and n, inclusive.

Therefore, the correct option is (e) 0

Learn more about hypergeometric distribution here


Using the functions below, analyze the change in the key features from f(x) to g(x).


5x y= 3xy so it is the awesome

A gray whale swims 161 kilometers in 24 hours. The equation below can be used to find the rate (r), in kilometers per hour (kph), at which the gray whale swims. Rounded to the nearest tenth, what is the rate at which the gray whale swims?


The rate at which the gray whale swims is 6.7 kilometers per hour.

What is the equation that relates the distance, rate, and time?

The equation that relates the distance, rate, and time is distance = rate × time

This equation can be used to calculate any one of the three variables if the other two are known.

For example, if you know the rate at which an object is moving and the time it has been moving, you can use this equation to find the distance it has traveled. Or, if you know the distance traveled and the time it took to travel that distance, you can use this equation to find the average rate of travel.

We are given that the distance traveled by the gray whale is 161 kilometers in 24 hours. Therefore, we can use the equation to find the rate at which the gray whale swims,

rate = distance / time = 161 km / 24 h ≈ 6.7 kph

Rounding to the nearest tenth, the rate at which the gray whale swims is approximately 6.7 kilometers per hour.

Learn more about the equation of distance, rate and time?


Find the circumference of each circle with a diameter of 22 cm. Use 3.14 for the value of Pi. Round your answer to the nearest tenth. IM IN 7TH


Rounding to the nearest tenth, the circumference of the circle is 69.1 cm.

Describe Diameter?

Diameter is a term used to describe the measurement of a straight line passing through the center of a circle or sphere and connecting two points on its circumference. It is the longest chord that can be drawn in a circle, passing through the center and splitting the circle into two equal halves.

In other words, the diameter is the distance across the circle or sphere, passing through its center, and it is twice the length of the radius. The diameter is a fundamental measurement in geometry and is used to determine other important properties of circles and spheres such as their circumference, area, volume, and surface area.

Diameter is commonly denoted by the symbol "d" and can be calculated using the formula:

d = 2r

where "r" is the radius of the circle or sphere. The diameter can also be found using the Pythagorean theorem, where the diameter is the hypotenuse of a right triangle with sides equal to the radius.

Understanding the concept of diameter is important in many fields, including mathematics, engineering, and science, and is useful for solving problems related to circular and spherical objects.

The formula for the circumference of a circle is C = πd, where d is the diameter.

Given that the diameter is 22 cm, we can plug this into the formula:

C = πd

C = 3.14 × 22

C = 69.08

Rounding to the nearest tenth, the circumference of the circle is 69.1 cm.

To know more about circumference visit:


the equations y = a and x = a are perpendicular true or false


Answer: True

Step-by-step explanation:



I believe they are true

Step-by-step explanation:

find the surface area of a cylinder with a radius of 2 feet and height of 8 feet​


To find the surface area of a cylinder, we need to add the areas of the top and bottom circles, which each have an area of pi times the radius squared, and the area of the curved lateral surface, which has an area of 2 times pi times the radius times the height.

So, the surface area of a cylinder with a radius of 2 feet and height of 8 feet is:

- Area of top and bottom circles: 2 x pi x r^2 = 2 x pi x (2 ft)^2 = 8 x pi ft^2
- Area of curved lateral surface: 2 x pi x r x h = 2 x pi x (2 ft) x (8 ft) = 32 x pi ft^2

Adding these areas together gives us the total surface area:

8 x pi ft^2 + 32 x pi ft^2 = 40 x pi ft^2

Therefore, the surface area of the cylinder is 40 x pi square feet, or approximately 125.66 square feet.

Verify Associative property: 2/3 + (3/4 + 1/5) = (2/3 + 3/4) + 1/5..

Please help tomorrow is my final exam ​


We verified that the associative property of addition holds for the given expression below

Verifying the Associative property

Let's verify the associative property of addition for the given expression:

2/3 + (3/4 + 1/5) = (2/3 + 3/4) + 1/5

We can simplify both sides of the equation by finding a common denominator for the fractions:

2/3 + (3/4 + 1/5) = (2/3 + 3/4) + 1/5

Multiplying 2/3 by 20/20, we get:

40/60 + (3/4 + 1/5) = (2/3 + 3/4) + 1/5

Multiplying 3/4 by 15/15, we get:

40/60 + 45/60 + 1/5 = (2/3 + 3/4) + 1/5

Combining the first two terms on the left-hand side, we get:

85/60 + 1/5 = (2/3 + 3/4) + 1/5

Simplifying the fraction 85/60, we get:

17/12 + 1/5 = (2/3 + 3/4) + 1/5

Multiplying 2/3 by 4/4, we get:

17/12 + 1/5 = (8/12 + 9/12) + 1/5

Combining the fractions in the parentheses, we get:

17/12 + 1/5 = 17/12 + 1/5

Since both sides of the equation are equal, we have verified that the associative property of addition holds for the given expression:

2/3 + (3/4 + 1/5) = (2/3 + 3/4) + 1/5.

Read more about epression at


Rectangle PQRS is dilated about the origin to form P'Q'R'S'.
• Point P has coordinates (2, 0.5).
• Point P' has coordinates (8,2).
• The perimeter of PQRS is 16.
What is the perimeter of P'Q'R'S'?
A. 16
B. 24
C. 32
D. 64


The perimeter of the rectangle P'Q'R'S' is 64

What is the perimeter of P'Q'R'S'?

If we let k be the dilation factor, then for any point (x, y) in PQRS and its corresponding point (x', y') in P'Q'R'S', we have:

k = distance from (0, 0) to (x', y') / distance from (0, 0) to (x, y)

To find the dilation factor, we can use the given points P and P':

k = distance from (0, 0) to (8, 2) / distance from (0, 0) to (2, 0.5)

k = √(8^2 + 2^2) / √(2^2 + 0.5^2)

k = √(68) / √(4.25)

k = 4

Given that

The perimeter of PQRS is 16.

So, we have

Perimeter of (PQRS)' = 16 * 4


Perimeter of (PQRS)' = 64

Hence, the perimeter of (PQRS)' is 64

Read more about dilation at


if the number of bacteria in a petri dish culture doubles every 3 hours, and initially there were 2500 bacteria present, in how many hours will there be 100,000 bacteria?


The time required to have number of bacteria to be 100,000 is equal to 15.96 hours.

Let us consider,

N = final number of bacteria

   = 100,000 bacteria

N₀ = initial number of bacteria

    = 2500 bacteria

t = time elapsed

T = time it takes for the population to double

   = 3 hours

Use exponential growth formula to solve this problem,

N = N₀ × 2^(t/T)

Substitute the values in the formula,

⇒ 100,000 = 2500 × 2^(t/3)

Simplify this equation by dividing both sides by 2500,

⇒ 100,000/2500 = 2^(t/3)

⇒ 40 = 2^(t/3)

To solve for t, we can take the logarithm of both sides of the equation,

⇒ log40 = (t/3) log 2

⇒ t/3 = log 40 /log 2

⇒t = 3 × ( log 40 /log 2)

Using a calculator, we can evaluate this expression to get,

t ≈ 15.96 hours

Therefore, it will take approximately 15.96 hours for the number of bacteria to reach 100,000.

learn more about bacteria here


3. Soshi's rhombus has a base of 12 in. and a
height of 10 in. Jack's rhombus has base and
height measures that are double those of Soshis
rhombus. Compare the area of Jack's rhombus to
the area of Soshi's rhombus.



The area of Jack's rhombus is four times the area of Soshi's rhombus.

Step-by-step explanation:

First, calculate the area of Soshi's rhombus. Use the formula for the area of a rhombus:

[tex]A = bh=\\A=(12)(10)=\\A=120[/tex]

Now, we have the Soshi's rhombus is 120 [tex]in^2[/tex].

Jack's rhombus' base and height are double those of Soshi's; multiply each value by two.


Now, substitute the values in the formula for the area of a rhombus:

[tex]A = bh=\\A=(24)(20)=\\A=480[/tex]

Notice that 480 is 4 times 120.

This is because area is a two-dimensional measure (measured in units squared, like [tex]in^2[/tex]) while length is a one-dimensional measure (measured in regular units, like cm and in), The one-dimensional measures of Jack's rhombus are double those of Soshi's, and to translate this to the two-dimensional measure of area, square 2 (2 squared is 2 times 2).

2 squared is 4, so:

the area of Jack's rhombus is four times that of Soshi's.

Jada swims 4 laps, which is 2/5
of the number of laps she plans to swim.

How many laps does Jada plan to swim? Use x
for the number of laps Jada plans to swim.



Let x be the number of laps Jada plans to swim.

According to the problem, 4 laps is 2/5 of the number of laps she plans to swim, so we can write:

4 = 2/5 * x

To solve for x, we can first multiply both sides by the reciprocal of 2/5, which is 5/2:

4 * 5/2 = x

Simplifying the left side:

10 = x

Therefore, Jada plans to swim 10 laps.

a marketing organization claims that less than 15% of its employees are paid minimum wage. if a hypothesis test is performed that fails to reject the null hypothesis, how would this decision be interpreted? g


If a hypothesis test is performed and fails to reject the null hypothesis, it would mean that there is not enough evidence to support the claim that less than 15% of the marketing organization's employees are paid minimum wage.

Therefore, it would not be concluded that the claim is true. The null hypothesis assumes that the claim is false or that the percentage of employees paid minimum wage is not significantly different from 15%.

The failure to reject the null hypothesis means that the evidence does not contradict the null hypothesis, but it does not necessarily prove it to be true.

Learn more about hypothesis:


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