Cljent 2: IS 30 years old and has a degree in computer science. When he/shegraduated they started a software design company which they have just sold49h of for E3,500,000 He/she receives a salary of £180,000 p.a. from theirompany. He/she is engaged to be married to a nurse who earns £20,000 p.arently owns a flat in Cambridge valued at £600,000 with a £300,000mortgage outstanding. He/she hopes to start a family soon and wants to buy aarger home He/she is a rsk lover and enjoys mountaineering as a hobbyCljent 2: IS 30 years old and has a degree in computer science. When he/shegraduated they started a software design company which they have just sold49%of for E3,500,000. He/she receives a salary of £180,000 p.a. from theirCompany. He/she is engaged to be married to a nurse who earns £20,000 p.arently owns a flat in Cambridge valued at £600,000 with a £300,000mortgage outstanding. He/she hopes to start a family soon and wants to buy aLarger home. He/she is a rsk lover and enjoys mountaineering as a hobbyClient 2: is 30 years old and has a degree in computer science. When he/she graduated they started a software design company which they have just sold 49% of for £3,500,000. He/she receives a salary of £180,000 p.a. from their company. He/she is engaged to be married to a nurse who earns £20,000 p.a. He/she currently owns a flat in Cambridge valued at £600,000 with a £300,000 mortgage outstanding. He/she hopes to start a family soon and wants to buy a larger home. He/she is a risk lover and enjoys mountaineering as a hobbyAssignment questionAt the beginning of the module you were allocated fictional client(s). In the tutorials, over the course of the module, you will be asked to create an Investment Policy Statement and a portfolio of investment instruments for your client. Based upon the client you have been allocated, and in the context of the current economic environment and the Covid-19 pandemic, answer the following questions.Assume that you cannot trade fractional shares and that you may not short sell any assets.(a) Provide a 200 word summary of the Investment Policy Statement you have created for your client. You must include and explain your client(s) unique need.(10 marks)(b) Provide a table listing all of the investment instruments that you have chosen to include in the final portfolio for your client. Demonstrate that purchasing these investment instruments has not cost more than the total amount of money the client had available for investment. Assume that you cannot buy fractional shares (i.e. you can only buy whole shares and not half a share).(10 marks)(c) (i) Explain which equities you have chosen to include in your client(s) portfolio and explain why you have chosen to include these companies.(25 marks)(ii) Detail each of the investment instruments, other than equities, that you have included in your clients portfolio. Explain why you have included them and how and why you think these investments are suitable for your client(s).Hint: You will need to explain how the investments you have chosen meet the needs of the client outlined in the Investment Policy Statement.(25 marks)(iii) Using CAPM, calculate beta and expected return of your portfolio. How do you think that your portfolio will perform compared to the market? Provide your calculations and assumptions.(20 marks)(iv) Explain the limitations of the portfolio you have created..


Answer 1

The Investment Policy Statement for Client 2 emphasizes long-term growth while balancing risk and preserving capital. The portfolio will consist of a diversified mix of equities, fixed income instruments, and alternative investments that align with the client's financial goals and risk tolerance.

The unique need of the client is to build a diversified portfolio that aligns with their long-term financial goals, including starting a family and purchasing a larger home. The portfolio will aim to generate returns that outpace inflation while minimizing downside risks.

The client's current assets, including the sale of their company and their flat in Cambridge, will be used to finance the portfolio.The portfolio will consist of a mix of large-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap stocks, as well as fixed income instruments such as government bonds and high-yield corporate bonds.

Additionally, the portfolio will include alternative investments such as commodities and real estate investment trusts (REITs).

For more such questions on Investment Policy


Related Questions

A stock has returns for five years of 14 percent, -16 percent, 12 percent, 23 percent, and 4 percent, respectively. a. The average return on the stock was? b. The variance of return for the stock was? c. The standard deviation was?


a. The average return on the stock was 8%. This is calculated by adding all the returns together and then dividing by the number of years, which in this case is 5.

b. The variance of return for the stock was 178.4%. This is calculated by taking the difference of each return from the average return, squaring them, and then dividing by the number of years.

c. The standard deviation was 13.35%. This is calculated by taking the square root of the variance. The standard deviation is a measure of the dispersion of data points around the average. In this case, the standard deviation is 13.35%, which indicates that the returns on the stock have been fairly consistent over the past five years.

Know more about average return here


a quality circle is multiple choice responsible for quality. total quality control. an inspection stamp found on meat. a group of employees who meet to discuss ways of improving products or processes. a team of customers and their contacts within the company who meet to discuss ways of improving products or processes.


A quality circle is a group of employees who meet regularly to discuss ways of improving products or processes. The focus of a quality circle is to identify and solve problems related to quality in a systematic and collaborative manner.

The correct answer is option A

A quality circle is part of the broader concept of total quality control. Total quality control is a management approach that emphasizes the importance of quality in all aspects of an organization.

This approach involves the entire organization in the pursuit of quality, from top-level management to front-line employees. The focus of total quality control is on prevention, rather than detection. This means that the organization seeks to prevent problems from occurring in the first place, rather than simply detecting and correcting them after the fact.

This group is focused on gathering feedback from customers and using that feedback to improve the products or services offered by the company. The ultimate goal of a customer focus group is to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty, which can lead to increased sales and profitability for the company.The correct answer is option A

For more such questions on employees


other things the same, if the fed increases the rate at which it increases the money supply then the short-run phillips curve shifts right in the long run. a. true b. false


False. An increase in the money supply does not cause the Phillips curve to shift in either the short or long run.

The Phillips Curve is an economic theory that states that there is an inverse relationship between inflation and unemployment. It does not directly factor in changes in the money supply.

In the short run, an increase in the money supply can lead to an increase in aggregate demand, and can cause inflation to increase.

In the long run, the increase in the money supply has no effect, as it is offset by an equal decrease in the demand for money.

Know more about Phillips Curve here


eBook Problem Walk-Through You have been managing a $5 million portfolio that has a beta of 1.35 and a required rate of return of 14.475%. The current risk-free rate is 3%. Assume that you receive another $500,000. If you invest the money in a stock with a beta of 1.65, what will be the required return on your $5.5 million portfolio? Do not round intermediate calculations. Round your answer to two decimal places


For the $5.5 million portfolio, the required return is 20.14% (rounded to two decimal places).

To find the required return on the $5.5 million portfolio, we need to first find the required return on the new stock investment and then calculate the weighted average of the required returns for both stocks.

First, let's calculate the required return on the new stock investment:

beta_new = 1.65

risk_free_rate = 0.03

market_return = 0.14475

required_return_new = risk_free_rate + beta_new * (market_return - risk_free_rate)

required_return_new = 0.03 + 1.65 * (0.14475 - 0.03)

required_return_new = 0.03 + 1.65 * 0.11475

required_return_new = 0.03 + 0.1893375

required_return_new = 0.2193375

The required return on the new stock investment is 21.93%.

Next, let's calculate the weighted average of the required returns for both stocks:

beta_old = 1.35

investment_old = 5000000

investment_new = 500000

total_investment = investment_old + investment_new

weight_old = investment_old / total_investment

weight_new = investment_new / total_investment

required_return_portfolio = weight_old * market_return * beta_old + weight_new * required_return_new

required_return_portfolio = 0.8648 * 1.35 * 0.14475 + 0.1352 * 0.2193375

required_return_portfolio = 0.1717176 + 0.0296315

required_return_portfolio = 0.2013491

Therefore, the required return on the $5.5 million portfolio is 20.14% (rounded to two decimal places).

For more such questions on return, click on:


The appropriate discount rate to use when finding present value is the rate of return we can earn on other investments of similar risk Select one: True O False


The statement "The appropriate discount rate to use when finding present value is the rate of return we can earn on other investments of similar risk" is true because the appropriate discount rate to use when finding the present value of a future cash flow is the rate of return that could be earned on an investment with similar risk.

This is known as the opportunity cost of capital, which represents the return foregone by investing in one opportunity instead of another with similar risk. Using a discount rate that is too low or too high can result in inaccurate valuations and investment decisions.

Therefore, selecting an appropriate discount rate that reflects the level of risk associated with the cash flow is critical to accurately determining its present value.

Learn more about the discount rate


Sisters Corp. expects to earn $7 per share next year. The firm's ROE is 12% and its plowback ratio is 80%. If the firm's market capitalization rate is 10%. a. Calculate the price with the constant dividend growth model. (Do not round intermediate calculations.) Priceſ b. Calculate the price with no growth. Price c. What is the present value of its growth opportunities? (Do not round intermediate calculations.) PVGO


The price with the constant dividend growth model is $75.00. This is calculated by taking the expected dividend per share of $7.00 and dividing it by the market capitalization rate of 10%, which is 0.10.

The resulting figure is then divided by the retention ratio of 80%. This gives the expected dividend growth rate of 8.75%. The price with no growth is $70.00, calculated by taking the expected dividend per share of $7.00 and dividing it by the market capitalization rate of 10%.

The present value of its growth opportunities is the difference between the price with the constant dividend growth model and the price with no growth, which is $5.00.

The constant dividend growth model and the PVGO both consider a company's expected dividends and ROE when determining the price of a company's stock. The constant dividend growth model takes into account the expected dividend per share, the market capitalization rate, and the retention ratio to determine the expected dividend growth rate.

The PVGO is the difference between the price with the constant dividend growth model and the price with no growth. This difference reflects the present value of the company's future growth opportunities.

Know more about retention ratio here


The modern Keynesian Model assumes that
Since the modern Keynesian Model allows for some price​ response, the aggregate supply curve


The modern Keynesian Model assumes that there can be short-term market failures and imbalances in the economy that can result in high unemployment and low economic growth. It emphasizes the role of government intervention through fiscal policies, such as increased spending and tax cuts, to stimulate demand and boost economic activity.

In contrast to the traditional Keynesian Model, the modern version recognizes that prices can adjust to changes in supply and demand in the long run, allowing for some price response in the aggregate supply curve. This means that the economy can eventually return to its natural equilibrium level of output and employment, even without government intervention. However, in the short run, the modern Keynesian Model still stresses the need for government intervention to address economic imbalances and stabilize the economy.
The modern Keynesian Model assumes that there is a combination of both rigid and flexible prices in the economy. Since the modern Keynesian Model allows for some price response, the aggregate supply curve will have a positive slope, indicating that as the price level increases, the quantity of goods and services produced will also increase.

Learn more about equilibrium here:


The modern Keynesian Model assumes that the economy may experience short-run fluctuations in output and employment, which are primarily caused by changes in aggregate demand. Unlike the classical model, the modern Keynesian Model allows for some degree of price stickiness, which means that changes in aggregate demand may not always result in immediate price adjustments.

As a result, the modern Keynesian Model suggests that changes in aggregate demand can have a significant impact on the level of output and employment in the short run. However, over time, prices and wages will eventually adjust, leading to a new long-run equilibrium.

Since the modern Keynesian Model allows for some price response, the aggregate supply curve is upward sloping in the short run. This means that as aggregate demand increases, firms will be willing to increase output, but at higher prices. Conversely, if aggregate demand decreases, firms will reduce output, but at lower prices.

In the long run, the aggregate supply curve becomes more elastic as prices and wages adjust to changes in aggregate demand. At this point, the economy reaches a new equilibrium level of output and employment.

Overall, the modern Keynesian Model provides a framework for understanding the short-run dynamics of the economy and the role of aggregate demand in driving fluctuations in output and employment. By allowing for some degree of price stickiness, the model can help to explain why changes in aggregate demand can have a significant impact on the economy, even in the absence of major supply-side shocks.

Click the below link, to learn more about Keynesian Model:


given the following project network and baseline information below and the form, develop a status report for the project at the end of period 4 and the end of period 8, what information are you prepared to tell the customer about the status of the project at the end of period 8?


A status report for the project at the end of period 4 and the end of period 8, as well as the information to communicate the status of the project to the customer at the end of period 8.

Status Report at the End of Period 4:

By the conclusion of period 4, the project was moving forward according to plan. Up until and including Activity E, all tasks were finished on time or ahead of schedule. Activity F is currently underway and should be finished by the end of period 5 on schedule. The project timeline or budget has not been affected by any unforeseen delays or problems.

Status Report at the End of Period 8:

The project is running late and over budget towards the conclusion of period 8. Except for Activity F, which had unforeseen delays and is now slated to be finished in period 9, all activities up to and including Activity E were finished on time or ahead of schedule. The completion of Activities G, H, and I have been delayed as a result of this delay, which has affected the succeeding activities. The project will now likely be finished in period 12, four periods later than the original baseline timeline.

To learn more about status report, refer to:


which of the following statements are true? multiple select question. a project with a positive npv creates cash inflows, but it may or may not recover the cost of the original investment. a project with a positive npv will recover the original cost of the investment plus sufficient cash inflows to compensate for tying up funds. the net present value method automatically provides for return of the original investment. the net present value method does not provid


Based on the given statements, the true statements are:
1. A project with a positive NPV will recover the original cost of the investment plus sufficient cash inflows to compensate for tying up funds.
2. The net present value method automatically provides for return of the original investment.

Explanation of true statements?

1. A positive NPV indicates that the present value of cash inflows is greater than the present value of cash outflows, which means the project will generate more cash than the initial investment, compensating for the funds tied up.
2. The net present value (NPV) method calculates the difference between the present value of cash inflows and the present value of cash outflows, inherently accounting for the return of the original investment.    

To know more about Net present value.



sensitivityreport assembly plants in jefferson city and omaha supply warehouses in des moines, kansas city, and st. louis. the supplies, demands, and transportation costs per unit were determined. the optimal solution for this problem was found using solver and the attached sensitivity report was generated. if the supply at jefferson city could be increased by 9 units, what would be the change in the total cost of the optimal solution? round your answer to whole dollars and include a sign if required.


.This results in the same total supply and demand as the original solution, but with a different set of allocations that also has a total cost of $540.

To find an alternative optimal solution for the transportation problem, we need to identify a different set of allocations that also satisfies the constraints and has the same total cost as the original solution.

One way to do this is by using the "Stepping Stone" method, which involves evaluating the opportunity cost of moving one unit of supply from an existing allocation to a vacant cell. The opportunity cost is the amount by which the total cost would increase if we were to move that unit.

Using the Stepping Stone method, we can identify the following alternative optimal solution:

Des Moines Kansas City St. Louis

Jefferson City 20 10 0

Omaha 5 15 10


Jefferson City: 30

Omaha: 20


Des Moines: 25

Kansas City: 15

St. Louis: 10

Total Cost: $540

In this solution, we have moved one unit of supply from Jefferson City to St. Louis, and one unit of supply from St. Louis to Omaha. This results in the same total supply and demand as the original solution, but with a different set of allocations that also has a total cost of $540.

Learn more about total supply


Full Question ;

Consider the following network representation of a transportation problem: Des Moines 25 30 Jefferson City Kansas City 115 20 Omaha St. Louis 10 Supplies Demands The supplies, demands, and transportation costs per unit are shown on the network. The optimal (cost minimizing) distribution plan is given below. Des Moines Kansas City St.Louis Supply Jefferson City 20 10 30 Omaha 5 15 Demand | 25 15 10 Total Cost: $540. Find an alternative optimal solution for the above problem. If your answer is zero, enter "0". Des Moines Kansas City St.Louis Jefferson City 20 Do 100 Omaha 20 15 00 Total Cost: $ 540 .

Sheffield Inc. now has the following two projects available: Project Initial CF After-tax CF1 After-tax CF2 After-tax CF3 1 -11,864.01 5,250 6,125 9,500 2 -3,336.42 3,750 3,150 = - Assume that RF = 5.How do you calculate working capital for a new project?


To calculate the working capital for a new project, you need to determine the difference between the project's current assets and current liabilities.

Working capital is the difference between a project's current assets (such as cash, accounts receivable, and inventory) and its current liabilities (such as accounts payable and short-term debt).

To calculate working capital, subtract the total value of a project's current liabilities from its total current assets. The resulting figure represents the amount of working capital available for the project.

For more questions like Liability click the link below:


external setup time refers to: group of answer choices the time it takes workers to set up a machine during scheduled maintenance the time to complete setup activities that do not require that the machine be stopped the time it takes equipment vendors to set up the machine none of the above


External setup time basically refers to the time which is taken in order to complete the setup activities which do not need the machine to be stopped.

The correct option is option b.

External setup time is basically the amount of time which happens to be associated with the elements or the activities of a setup procedure which are performed during the machine is running.

The term export is derived from the fact that these activities are performed outside of or are done away from the machine itself or when can say that these actions are external to the process.

Hence, the correct option is option b.

To know more about External setup time


The CEO of Kuehner Development Company has just come from a meeting with his marketing staff where he was given the latest market study of a proposed new shopping center. The study calls for a construction phase of 1 year, and a subsequent operation phase. This question focuses largely on the construction phase. The marketing staff has chosen a 12-acre site for the project that they believe they can acquire for $2.25 million. The initial studies indicate that this shopping center will have gross building area (GBA) of 190,000 sq. ft. The head of the construction division assures the CEO that hard costs will be kept to $54 per sq ft. of GBA, and soft costs (excluding interest carry and loan fees) will be kept to $4.50 per square foot of GBA. Site improvements will cost $750,000. The Shawmut Bank has agreed to provide construction financing for the project. The bank will finance the construction costs (hard and soft) and the site improvements at an annual rate of 13%. They will also charge a loan-commitment fee of 2% of the total balance. The construction division estimates that 60 percent of the financed construction costs will be taken down evenly during the first six months of the construction project. The remaining 40 percent will be taken down evenly during the last six months. a. What are the total construction costs that the bank is willing to finance? b. Given the terms of the construction loan, what will be the total interest carry for the shopping center project? c. What will be the total amount that Kuehner must borrow (Hint: remember to include interest carry)? d. How much equity does Kuehner need to put into the project? e. Acme Insurance Co. agrees to provide permanent financing for the project and "take-out" the construction loan at the end of 1 year. They agree to provide a fully amortizing mortgage with a 20 year maturity at a 12 percent annual interest rate. What is the monthly debt service that Kuehner will have to make once construction is complete and operations begin?


Okay, here are the steps to solve this question:

a) Total construction costs to finance:

Hard costs: 190,000 sq ft GBA x $54/sq ft GBA = $10,260,000

Soft costs: 190,000 sq ft GBA x $4.50/sq ft GBA = $855,000

Site improvements: $750,000

Total construction costs to finance = $10,260,000 + $855,000 + $750,000 = $11,865,000

b) Interest carry for the construction loan (at 13% annual rate for 1 year):

$11,865,000 x 0.13 = $1,542,450

c) Total amount to borrow (construction costs + interest carry):

$11,865,000 + $1,542,450 = $13,407,450

d) Equity needed:

Total project cost = $13,407,450 + $2,250,000 (land cost) = $15,657,450

Since taking out a $13,407,450 construction loan, the equity needed is $15,657,450 - $13,407,450 = $2,250,000

e) Monthly debt service once construction is complete (at 12% annual rate for 20 years):

$13,407,450 x 0.12 / 12 = $148,588 (monthly interest)

20 years x 12 months/year = 240 payments

$13,407,450 / 240 payments = $55,654 (monthly principal payment)

Monthly debt service = $148,588 + $55,654 = $204,242

Let me know if you have any other questions!

after the civil war, the geostrategic importance of hawai'i declined, as the american economy focused more on domestic production and trade. True or false?


False. After the Civil War, Hawaii's geostrategic importance increased due to its strategic location for American expansion in the Pacific and growing trade with Asia.

Hawaii's geostrategic significance rose following the Civil War for several reasons. Hawaii was a key place for American development in the region because of its location in the Pacific. Second, Hawaii was a crucial port of call for American ships as commerce with Asia increased considerably.

Thirdly, Hawaii's sugar business expanded quickly, which increased American investment there significantly. Therefore, rather than diminishing after the Civil War, Hawaii's geostrategic significance expanded, and it continued to be an important American possession in the Pacific for many years to come.

Learn more about Civil War:


False. After the civil war, the geostrategic importance of Hawaii declined, as the American economy focused more on domestic production and trade.

After the Civil War, the United States began to expand its influence in the Pacific region, and Hawaii's location became increasingly valuable. American business interests also saw Hawaii as a potential market for goods and a source of raw materials. In 1875, the United States and Hawaii signed a reciprocity treaty, which reduced tariffs on Hawaiian sugar and increased trade between the two countries. The treaty was renewed in 1887, and in 1890, Congress passed the McKinley Tariff, which increased tariffs on sugar and effectively ended the reciprocity agreement. This led to political instability in Hawaii, culminating in the overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy in 1893 and the eventual annexation of Hawaii by the United States in 1898.

learn more about geostrategic here:


stoves company has two foreign subsidiaries. one is located in france, the other in england. stoves company has determined the u.s. dollar is the functional currency for the french subsidiary, while the british pound is the functional currency for the english subsidiary. both subsidiaries maintain their books and records in their respective local currencies. what methods will stoves company use to convert each of the subsidiary's financial statements into u.s. dollars?


The method Simon will use to convert the financial statements of Stoves Company's subsidiaries into U.S. dollars is Translation/Remeasurement. Option D is correct.

This is involves translating the English subsidiary's financial statements from British pounds to U.S. dollars using the current rate method and remeasuring the French subsidiary's financial statements from euros to U.S. dollars using the temporal method.

Translation is used to convert the financial statements of foreign subsidiaries to the parent company's reporting currency. Remeasurement, on the other hand, is used to adjust the value of the foreign subsidiary's financial statements when the functional currency differs from the reporting currency.

In this case, since the functional currency is different for each subsidiary, both translation and remeasurement methods will need to be used to convert the financial statements to U.S. dollars. The Translation/Remeasurement method allows for both methods to be applied, as needed, to each subsidiary's financial statements.

Option D holds true.

This question should be provided with answer choices, which are:

A. Translation TranslationB. Remeasurement RemeasurementC. Remeasurement TranslationD. Translation/Remeasurement

Learn more about functional currency:


true or false: some projects, such as mines, have cash outflows followed by cash inflows and cash outflows again, giving the project multiple internal rates of return.


Some projects, such as mines, have cash outflows followed by cash inflows and cash outflows again, giving the project multiple internal rates of return is True.

Some projects, such as mines, may have cash outflows followed by cash inflows and cash outflows again, resulting in multiple internal rates of return (IRR). This happens when the project experiences negative cash flows in between positive cash flows, which can lead to multiple changes in the direction of the cash flow stream.

For example, a mining project may require significant upfront investment in equipment, construction, and exploration. After the initial investment, the mine may start generating revenue through the sale of extracted minerals.

However, the mining operation may require further investments in equipment upgrades, maintenance, and environmental remediation. These additional investments may result in negative cash flows, followed by positive cash flows once the mining operation resumes.

The multiple changes in the cash flow direction may result in multiple IRRs, which can make the project's financial analysis more complex. In such cases, financial analysts may use other performance metrics such as the net present value (NPV) to evaluate the project's profitability.

Learn more about inflows here:


Last year Janet purchased a $1,000 face value corporate bond with an 11% annual coupon rate and a 30-year maturity. At the time of the purchase, it had an expected yield to maturity of 12.2%. If Janet sold the bond today for $1,045.79, what rate of return would she have earned for the past year? Do not round intermediate calculations. Round your answer to two decimal places.


The rate of return Janet earned for the past year on the corporate bond is 15.58%.

We'll use the terms face value, annual coupon rate, maturity, yield to maturity, and rate of return in the explanation.

Calculate the annual coupon payment.
Face value = $1,000
Annual coupon rate = 11%
Annual coupon payment = Face value * Annual coupon rate
Annual coupon payment = $1,000 * 0.11 = $110

Calculate the total amount Janet received from selling the bond.
Selling price = $1,045.79

Calculate Janet's total return for the past year.
Total return = Annual coupon payment + Selling price - Face value
Total return = $110 + $1,045.79 - $1,000 = $155.79

Calculate the rate of return as a percentage.
Rate of return = (Total return / Face value) * 100
Rate of return = ($155.79 / $1,000) * 100 = 15.579%

After rounding to two decimal places, Janet's rate of return for the past year is 15.58%

To know more about rate of return click on below link :


If the firm's fixed costs double while variable costs are unchanged, then
A) marginal cost remains unchanged.
B) marginal cost more than doubles.
C) marginal cost doubles.
D) average total cost remains unchanged.


If the firm's fixed costs double while variable costs are unchanged, then the total cost of production will increase. This means that both the average total cost and the marginal cost will increase.

However, since only the fixed costs have increased, the increase in marginal cost will not be as high as the increase in average total cost. Therefore, the correct answer is D) average total cost remains unchanged. If a firm's fixed costs double while variable costs remain unchanged, then the correct answer is:
A) Marginal cost remains unchanged.
This is because marginal cost is the additional cost incurred in producing one more unit of a good and is only affected by variable costs. Fixed costs do not impact marginal cost as they remain constant regardless of the level of production.

Learn more about production here:


In the condition when the firm's fixed costs double while variable costs are unchanged, then the average total cost remains unchanged, option D.

This is because fixed costs do not affect the marginal cost, which is the additional cost of producing one more unit. However, fixed costs do affect the average total cost, which is the total cost divided by the quantity produced. Since the variable costs remain unchanged, the cost per unit (average total cost) will remain the same even if the fixed costs double. Therefore, if the firm costs double while variable costs are unchanged, then average then average total cost remains unchanged.

To learn more about variable cost:


which of the following statements applies to the discount rate? the federal funds rate is the same as this rate. this rate is charged to depositors who are unable to meet their reserve requirement. the fed does not directly control this rate. this rate is used when banks borrow directly from the fed.


The discount rate is the interest rate that the Fed charges commercial banks when they borrow directly from the Fed's discount window. It is a tool used by the Fed to provide liquidity to the banking system, and its level influences borrowing and lending decisions by banks. The federal funds rate is not the same as the discount rate, and the Fed does not directly control the discount rate.

The discount rate is the interest rate that the Federal Reserve charges commercial banks to borrow funds from the Fed's discount window. The primary purpose of the discount rate is to provide liquidity to the banking system. When banks face a shortage of funds, they can borrow from the Fed's discount window to meet their reserve requirements and continue their lending operations.

Out of the given statements, the statement that applies to the discount rate is this rate is used when banks borrow directly from the Fed.This is because the discount rate is the interest rate charged by the Fed to commercial banks when they borrow directly from the Fed's discount window.

The federal funds rate, on the other hand, is the interest rate that banks charge each other for overnight loans of their excess reserves. This rate is not the same as the discount rate, as stated in one of the given statements. The Fed sets the federal funds rate through its open market operations, where it buys and sells government securities to influence the supply of reserves in the banking system.

Another statement that is not applicable to the discount rate is ""this rate is charged to depositors who are unable to meet their reserve requirement."" This statement describes the penalty rate that the Fed charges banks for failing to maintain the required level of reserves. The penalty rate is higher than the discount rate and is meant to encourage banks to maintain adequate reserves to meet their obligations.

Lastly, the Fed does not directly control the discount rate, but it does influence it through changes in its monetary policy. When the Fed wants to stimulate economic activity, it can lower the discount rate to encourage borrowing and lending by commercial banks. Conversely, when the Fed wants to slow down the economy, it can increase the discount rate, making it more expensive for banks to borrow from the Fed and reducing the money supply.

Click the below link, to learn more about Federal Reserve:


The following facts are available about a convertible bond: Face Value = $2,000; Issue Price = $1,900; Parity = $1,750; Coupon 4%; Dividend Yield = 2.5%; Premium = $150. What is this CB s breakeven in years?
a. 4
b. 5
c. 6
d. 7


To calculate the breakeven in years for the convertible bond, we need to determine how long it would take for the convertible bond to earn enough interest and dividends to offset the difference between the issue price and the conversion price.

The conversion price is calculated by dividing the face value by the parity value:

Conversion Price = Face Value / Parity

= $2,000 / $1,750

= $1.143 per share

The premium is the difference between the issue price and the conversion price:

Premium = Issue Price - Conversion Price

= $1,900 - $1.143

= $756.00

To calculate the annual interest and dividend income, we first need to determine the annual coupon and dividend payments:

Annual Coupon Payment = Face Value x Coupon Rate

= $2,000 x 0.04

= $80.00

Annual Dividend Payment = Parity x Dividend Yield

= $1,750 x 0.025

= $43.75

The total annual income from the bond is the sum of the annual coupon and dividend payments:

Total Annual Income = Annual Coupon Payment + Annual Dividend Payment

= $80.00 + $43.75

= $123.75

To calculate the breakeven in years, we divide the premium by the total annual income:

Breakeven in Years = Premium / Total Annual Income

= $756.00 / $123.75

= 6.1 (rounded to the nearest tenth)

Therefore, the breakeven in years for this convertible bond is approximately 6 years. The answer is (c) 6.

To know more about convertible bond refer here


Managers at Durkmunder, a firm in West Feenistan, want to make their company a global leader in business process outsourcing (BPO). What should the Durkmunder managers look for as they decide where to locate their BPO facilities?
Multiple Choice
large, undeveloped plots of land for greenfield projects
many uneducated workers who are highly trainable
plentiful natural resources
an abundance of well-educated English speakers


Managers at Durkmunder, a firm in West Feenistan, want to make their company a global leader in business process outsourcing (BPO). As they decide where to locate their BPO facilities, they should look for an abundance of well-educated English speakers.

In the context of BPO, having access to a large pool of well-educated English speakers is crucial for several reasons. First, BPO often involves providing services to clients in English-speaking countries, which requires employees to have strong communication skills in English.

Second, well-educated employees are more likely to have the necessary expertise in various industries and be able to adapt quickly to the specific requirements of different clients.

Lastly, having a skilled workforce allows the company to provide high-quality services, which is essential for building a strong reputation and becoming a global leader in BPO.

While other factors such as large plots of land for greenfield projects, highly trainable workers, and plentiful natural resources may also be important considerations, they are not as directly related to the core needs of a BPO firm.

Access to an abundance of well-educated English speakers would be the most critical factor for Durkmunder managers as they decide where to locate their BPO facilities.

To know more about  business process outsourcing refer here #


You have $5,000 today. Your account earns 4% interest. How long
will it take for your account to grow to $9,000?(please show


It will take approximately 16.74 years for your account to grow from $5,000 to $9,000 with a 4% interest rate.

To find out how long it will take for your account to grow from $5,000 to $9,000 with a 4% interest rate, we can use the formula for compound interest:

Future Value (FV) = Present Value (PV) * (1 + interest rate)^number of periods (n)

In this case, we have:
FV = $9,000
PV = $5,000
Interest rate = 4% or 0.04 (as a decimal)

We need to find the number of periods (n). Rearrange the formula to solve for n:

n = log(FV/PV) / log(1 + interest rate)

Plug in the given values:

n = log(9,000/5,000) / log(1 + 0.04)

Now, calculate the result:

n ≈ log(1.8) / log(1.04)
n ≈ 16.74

So it will take approximately 16.74 years for your account to grow from $5,000 to $9,000 with a 4% interest rate.

Learn more about Present Value :


2. during the economic expansion from 2001 to 2007, rising home prices allowed households to increase borrowing by refinancing their mortgages for larger and larger amounts, and through home equity lines of credit. this increase in borrowing would:


The increase in borrowing by households during the economic expansion from 2001 to 2007, fueled by rising home prices, had positive effects on consumer spending and investment, but also increased economic risk and vulnerability to housing market fluctuations.

During the economic expansion from 2001 to 2007, rising home prices allowed households to increase borrowing by refinancing their mortgages for larger and larger amounts, and through home equity lines of credit. This increase in borrowing would have several effects:

Increased consumer spending: With increased access to credit, households would be able to spend more on consumer goods and services, which would help to stimulate economic growth.

Increased investment: With more funds available to households, they may also have been more likely to invest in stocks, bonds, and other financial assets, which could further stimulate economic growth.

Increased risk: Higher levels of household debt can increase the overall risk of the economy, as households become more vulnerable to economic shocks and changes in interest rates.

Vulnerability to housing market fluctuations: With much of this borrowing based on the value of homes, households would become more vulnerable to fluctuations in the housing market. A downturn in the housing market could lead to a decline in home values and a subsequent rise in mortgage defaults and foreclosures, which can have negative ripple effects throughout the economy.

The increase in borrowing during this period is often cited as a contributing factor to the 2008 financial crisis, as the resulting housing market collapse led to widespread defaults and foreclosures, which triggered a broader economic downturn.

Learn more about financial crisis :


Your broker charges $0.0029 per share per trade. The exchange charges $0.0173 per share per trade for removing liquidity and credits $0.0155 per share per trade for adding liquidity. The current best BID price for stock XYZ is $82.89 per share, while the current best ASK price is $82.90 per share. You post an order to buy XYZ at the current best BID price and wait. Shortly after, the best BID and ASK prices move lower (down) by one cent each. Your buy order is executed. Immediately, you post an order to sell XYZ at the new best BID price, and your sell order is executed. What will be your net loss per share to buy and sell XYZ after considering the commissions and any exchange fees or credits?


Your net loss per share to buy and sell XYZ, after considering the commissions and any exchange fees or credits, is -$0.0176.

To calculate your net loss per share, let's consider the commissions and exchange fees or credits.

1. Buying XYZ:
- Execution price: $82.89 per share
- Broker commission: $0.0029 per share
- Exchange fee (adding liquidity): -$0.0155 per share (credit)

2. Selling XYZ:
- Execution price: $82.88 per share (since prices moved down by one cent)
- Broker commission: $0.0029 per share
- Exchange fee (removing liquidity): $0.0173 per share

Now, let's calculate the net loss per share:

Net loss per share = (Execution price of sell - Execution price of buy) - (Total commissions and exchange fees)

Net loss per share = ($82.88 - $82.89) - [($0.0029 + $0.0029) + ($0.0173 - $0.0155)]
Net loss per share = -$0.01 - ($0.0058 + $0.0018)
Net loss per share = -$0.01 - $0.0076

Your net loss per share to buy and sell XYZ, after considering the commissions and any exchange fees or credits, is -$0.0176.

Learn more about net loss:


the fed buys $100 million of bonds from the public and also lowers the required reserve ratio. what will happen to the money supply


The money supply will likely increase when the Federal Reserve buys $100 million of bonds from the public and lowers the required reserve ratio.

When the Federal Reserve buys bonds, it creates new money which increases the money supply in circulation. This new money then circulates throughout the economy and increases the amount of money available for spending.

Lowering the required reserve ratio also increases the money supply by allowing banks to lend out more money than they are required to hold in reserve. This increases the amount of money available and can lead to an increase in the overall money supply. Overall, the Federal Reserve's actions of buying $100 million of bonds from the public and lowering the required reserve ratio will likely lead to an increase in the money supply.

Know more about Federal Reserve here


Beaver, a city in the United States, is attempting to attract a professional soccer team. Beaver is planning to build a new stadium that will cost $250 million. Annual upkeep is expected to amount to $800,000. The turf will have to be re- placed every 10 years at a cost of $950,000. Painting every 5 years will cost $75,000. If the city expects to maintain the facility indefinitely, what is the estimated capitalized cost at i = 8% per year?


The price per share for the following year would be $32 given that the stock is anticipated to have an ongoing dividend payment price per share and the cost of capital for the company.

When a stock, like the one described, has an indefinite payout, the price can be calculated by dividing the indefinite payment per share by the cost of capital.

10% interest rate, or 0.10. Base cost present value is equal to $500 million, or $500,000,000.


= $1,000,000 / 0.10

= $10,000,000 is the present value of annual maintenance.

Artificial turf replacement cost present value is calculated as ($2,000,000 * (r / (1 + r)20) - 1) /r

= ($2,000,000 (0:10 / (1 + 0.10)20)-1) / 0.10

= $349,192.50

($250,000* (r/ (1+ r5)-1)/

r= ($250,000* (0.10 / (1+ 0.105)-1) / 0:10)

= $409,493.70 Present value of the painting

As a result, we have: Capitalised cost equals the present value of the base cost less the present value of annual maintenance. Artificial turf replacement costs in present value every 20 years and painting costs in present value every 5 years come to: $500,000,000, $10,000,000, $349,192.50, $409,493.70, or $510,758,686.20.

To know more about price per share visit:


Question 10 (1 point) The distinctive invention of capitalist societies is the business firm, Independent of the state. True O False Question 11 (1 point) A nation's greatest resource is its human capital. O True O False Question 12 (1 point The Catholic Church opposes all forms of liberalism. True O False


The first two statements are true and the last statement is false. Question 10: True. The business firm is a distinctive invention of capitalist societies because it operates independently of the state.

In capitalist societies, the state's role is to regulate and create conditions for businesses to thrive, but businesses operate independently of the state. The business firm is a key institution that drives economic growth and creates wealth in capitalist societies.

Question 11: True. A nation's greatest resource is its human capital, which refers to the knowledge, skills, and abilities of its people.

Human capital is a critical factor in economic development, and countries that invest in education and training for their citizens tend to have higher levels of economic growth and development.

Question 12: False. The Catholic Church does not oppose all forms of liberalism. While it has historically been critical of certain aspects of liberal ideology, such as individualism and secularism, it has also embraced other aspects, such as social justice and human rights.

The Catholic Church's stance on liberalism is complex and has evolved over time, and cannot be reduced to a simple statement of opposition.

To know more about capitalist societies, refer here:


The Booth Company's sales are forecasted to double from $1,000 in 2019 to $2,000 in 2020. Here is the December 31, 2019, balance sheet:
Cash $ 100 Accounts payable $ 50
Accounts receivable 200 Notes payable 150
Inventories 200 Accruals 50
Net fixed assets 500 Long-term debt 400
Common stock 100
Retained earnings 250
Total assets $1,000 Total liabilities and equity $1,000
Booth's fixed assets were used to only 50% of capacity during 2019, but its current assets were at their proper levels in relation to sales. All assets except fixed assets must increase at the same rate as sales, and fixed assets would also have to increase at the same rate if the current excess capacity did not exist. Booth's after-tax profit margin is forecasted to be 5% and its payout ratio to be 70%. What is Booth's additional funds needed (AFN) for the coming year? Round your answer to the nearest dollar.


Booth's additional funds needed for the coming year is $335, rounded to the nearest dollar.

How to Calculate the Additional Funds Needed?

To calculate the Additional Funds Needed (AFN), we can use the following formula:

AFN = (A*/S) ΔS - (L*/S) ΔS - MS1(RR)

In this case, Booth Company's sales are expected to double from $1,000 in 2019 to $2,000 in 2020. We are given that the company's fixed assets were used to only 50% of capacity during 2019, but its current assets were at their proper levels in relation to sales. This means that all assets except fixed assets must increase at the same rate as sales, and fixed assets would also have to increase at the same rate if the current excess capacity did not exist.

Using this information, we can calculate the assets that vary directly with sales (A*) and the spontaneous liabilities that vary directly with sales (L*) as follows:

A* = (Accounts receivable + Inventories) + (Net fixed assets x 50%)

= ($200 + $200) + ($500 x 50%)

= $450

L* = (Accounts payable + Accruals) + (Notes payable x (1 - payout ratio))

= ($50 + $50) + ($150 x (1 - 0.7))

= $95

Next, we can use the AFN formula to calculate the additional funds needed:

AFN = (A*/S) x (ΔS) - (L*/S) x (ΔS) - (MS1 x (RR))

where S = projected sales, ΔS = increase in sales, MS1 = increase in retained earnings, and RR = retention ratio.

Substituting the values, we get:

AFN = ($450/$1,000) x ($2,000 - $1,000) - ($95/$1,000) x ($2,000 - $1,000) - ($250 x (1 - 0.7))

= $335

Therefore, Booth Company's additional funds needed for the coming year is $335. The company will need to raise external financing of this amount to support its projected increase in sales.

Learn more about Corporate financing


simon borrows $7,000 from the bank and wants to repay the amount in equal installments of $950. payments will be made at the end of each year. the bank wishes to earn interest on this loan at 6%. approximately how many years will it take simon to repay the loan? multiple choice question. 7 years 10 years 8 years


It will take approximately 8 years for Simon to repay the loan in equal annual installments of $950 at 6% interest per year.

We can use the present value of an annuity formula to calculate the number of years it will take Simon to repay the loan.

PV = PMT x (1 - (1 + r)⁻ⁿ) / r


PV = present value of the loan = $7,000

PMT = equal annual payments = $950

r = interest rate per period = 6%

n = number of periods (in this case, the number of years)

Substituting the given values, we get:

$7,000 = $950 x [(1 - (1 + 0.06)⁻ⁿ) / 0.06]

Solving for n, we get:

n = ln(1 + (PV x r / PMT)) / ln(1 + r)

n = ln(1 + (7000 x 0.06 / 950)) / ln(1 + 0.06)

n = 7.93 years (approx.)

learn more about annuity formula here:


A stock recently paid a $4/share dividend. They maintain the same dividend payments for the next 11 years. Afterwards, they will steadily increase their dividend payments by 2.5%/year, forever. R=14%. Calculate the stock price.


The stock price is $63.09.To calculate the stock price , we need to find the present value of all future dividends and the future stock price. We can use the dividend discount model (DDM) to do this.

First, we need to find the present value of the first 11 years of dividends. Since the dividend payment remains constant for those years, we can use the perpetuity formula:

PV = (D / R) * (1 - (1 + g)⁻ⁿ)

where PV is the present value, D is the dividend payment, R is the required rate of return, g is the growth rate, and n is the number of periods.

In this case, D = $4, R = 14%, g = 0%, and n = 11. Plugging in these values, we get:

PV = (4 / 0.14) * (1 - (1 + 0)⁻¹¹) = $28.57

This is the present value of the first 11 years of dividends.

Next, we need to find the present value of all future dividends beyond year 11. Since the dividend payment increases by 2.5% per year, we can use the growing perpetuity formula:

PV = (D * (1 + g)) / (R - g)

where PV is the present value, D is the first dividend payment after year 11, R is the required rate of return, and g is the growth rate.

To find the first dividend payment after year 11, we need to calculate the dividend payment in year 11 and then increase it by 2.5% each year. The dividend payment in year 11 is:

D11 = D * (1 + g)^11 = 4 * (1 + 0)¹¹ = $4

The first dividend payment after year 11 is:

D12 = D11 * (1 + g) = 4 * (1 + 0.025) = $4.10

Plugging in these values, we get:

PV = (4.10 / (0.14 - 0.025)) = $34.52

This is the present value of all future dividends beyond year 11.

Finally, we need to find the future stock price at the end of year 11, which is simply the expected dividend payment in year 12 divided by the difference between the required rate of return and the growth rate:

P11 = D12 / (R - g) = 4.10 / (0.14 - 0.025) = $34.52

Adding the present values of the first 11 years of dividends and all future dividends, we get the total present value of the stock:

Total PV = $28.57 + $34.52 = $63.09.Therefore, the stock price is $63.09.

To know more about stock price click here


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