consider a collection of enveloped consisting of 2 red, 1 blue, 2 green envelopes, and 2 yellow envelopes. If two envelopes are selected at random, with replacement, determine the probability that at least one envelope is a yellow envelope.

Can I get a detailed answer so that I can use it to study?


Answer 1


The probability of picking a yellow envelope is 2/7

Step-by-step explanation:

red envelope =2

blue " " =1

green " "=2

yellow " " =2

Total envelope =2+1+2+2=7

Probability thay at least one envelope will be yellow

P=number of yellow envelope/Total envelope


Related Questions

An investment opportunity is offering an annual interest rate of 12% compounded continuously.
How much should you invest initially if you want to have fifteen thousand dollars after nine years?
Do not include a dollar sign in your answer. Round your answer to the nearest cent.



data given

interest rate 12%

amount to be received 15ooo


Step-by-step explanation:




A is amount

p is principal

r is rate interest

n number of interist period



15000/1.12^8 =p×1.12^8/1.12^8



: .you should invest 6,058

The amount to be invested initially if you want to have fifteen thousand dollars after nine years is $3947.18.

How to find the compound interest?

If n is the number of times the interested is compounded each year, and 'r' is the rate of compound interest annually, then the final amount after 't' years would be:

[tex]a = p(1 + \dfrac{r}{n})^{nt}[/tex]

We are given that:




We need to find P. You can do this by rearranging the formula:


Then plug in the given values and use a calculator:



Therefore, by the given interest rate the answer will be $3947.18.

Learn more about compound interest here:




The equation of the form y = c + b logₐX is y = -3 + 3 Log₃X

How to derive the equation?

Recall that Slope-intercept form of a linear equation is where one side contains just “y”. It looks like y = mx + “b” where “m” and “b” are numbers. This form of the equation is very useful because the coefficient of "x" (the "m" value) is the slope of the line and the constant (the "b" value) is the y-intercept at (0, b)

The equation of the line is give as

y-y₁ = m(x-x₁) + c

Where m is the slope and c is the intercept

This implies that

y -3 = m(x -2)

But slope is given as  m = (y₂ - y₁)/(x₂-x₁)

m = (9-3)/ 4-2) = 6/2 = 3

Then, the equation is

y - 3 = 3x - 6

Collecting like terms we have

y = 3x -6+3

y = 3x -3

Writing this in the form y = c + b logₐX

y = -3 + 3 Log₃X

Learn more about slope intercept form on


The equation of the function in the form y = c + b log_a(x) is y = logₓ2

Calculating the equation of the function

We can start by assuming that the equation is of the form y = c + b log_a(x), where c and b are constants and a is the base of the logarithm.

Using the point (2, 3), we get:

3 = c + b log_a(2)

Using the point (4, 9), we get:

9 = c + b log_a(4)

Simplifying the second equation using the logarithmic identity

loga(4) = 2 loga(2), we get:

3 +  2b loga(2) = 9

Substituting the first equation into this one, we get:

3 = 9 - 2b loga(2)

So, we have

-6 = - 2b loga(2)


bloga(2) = 3

So, we have

b = 3 / log_a(2)

Substituting this value of b into the first equation, we get:

3 = c + b log_a(2)

3 = c + 3 / log_a(2) * log_a(2)

So, we have

c = 0

Therefore, the equation of the curve is y = (2 / log_a(2)) log_a(x)

We can simplify this equation by using the logarithmic identity log_a(x^b) = b log_a(x):

y = 2 log_a(x) / log_a(2)

y = (2 / log(2)) log(x)

So the final equation is:

y = logₓ2

Read more about logarithm at


how can you tell if a quotient is less than 1'.



Step-by-step explanation:

Okay so when a smaller number is divided by a larger number, the quotient is less than 1.  Hope this helps Bye sisters slay.

If you horizontally…


Check the picture below.

so following the template below, a shift 2 units to the left, means C=2


Convert to polar form


To convert the expression, Y=x^2-64/16 into the polar form, we would have: r = 2 / √(sin^2θ + cos^2θ).

How to convert into the polar form

The polar form of a mathematical expression is a way of representing complex numbers using their magnitude and angle.

For a complex number z = a + bi, where a and b are real numbers, its polar form is given by z = r(cosθ + i sinθ), where r is the magnitude of z and θ is the angle that z makes with the positive real axis.  

So, for the given expression, the polar form can be converted this way:

r^2 sin^2θ = r cos^2θ - 4

r^2(sin^2θ + cos^2θ) = 4

r = 2 / √(sin^2θ + cos^2θ)

Therefore, the polar form is r = 2 / √(sin^2θ + cos^2θ).

Learn more about the polar form of a mathematical expression here:


Triangle PQR is rotated 180 degrees clockwise about the origin to produce the image Triangle P’Q’R’. Which of the following statements is TRUE abóyate Triangle P’Q’R’.



Step-by-step explanation:

We get triangle PQR by plotting the point P (1, 4), Q (3, 1), R (2, -1) on the graph paper when rotated through 180° about the origin. The new position of the point is: P (1, 4) → P' (-1, -4) Q (3, 1) → Q' (-3, -1) R (2, -1) → R' (-2, 1) Thus, the new position of ∆PQR is ∆P’Q’R’.

Brenda is fishing from a small boat. Her fishing hook is 12 feet below her, and a fish is swimming at the same depth as the hook, 16 feet away. How far away is Brenda from the fish?



We can use the Pythagorean theorem to solve this problem. Let's call the distance Brenda is away from the fish "x". Then, we have a right triangle with legs of length 12 and x, and a hypotenuse of length 16. So:

x^2 + 12^2 = 16^2


x^2 + 144 = 256

x^2 = 112

Taking the square root of both sides:

x ≈ 10.6 feet

Therefore, Brenda is approximately 10.6 feet away from the fish.

Find the critical value t


The answer of the given question based on the Critical value is , , the critical value to for the confidence level c = 0.99 and sample size n = 22 is 2.819.

What is Critical value?

In statistics, the critical value is a value that is used to determine whether to reject the null hypothesis in a hypothesis test. It is based on the chosen level of significance, which is the maximum probability of making a Type I error (rejecting a true null hypothesis). The critical value is determined by the sampling distribution of the test statistic, which is often a t-statistic or z-statistic, depending on the test and the characteristics of the population being studied.

To find the critical value t for a 99% confidence level and a sample size of 22, we need to use a t-distribution table or a calculator.

Using a t-distribution table with 21 degrees of freedom (n-1), we find that the critical value for a 99% confidence level is approximately 2.819.

Therefore, critical value for confidence level c = 0.99 and sample size n = 22 is 2.819 (rounded to nearest thousandth).

To know more about Null hypothesis visit:


Ian has a deck that measures 20 feet by 10 feet. He wants to increase each dimension by equal lengths so that its area is tripled. By how much should he increase each dimension?



10 feet

Step-by-step explanation:

Let's start by finding the current area of the deck:

Area = length x width = 20 ft x 10 ft = 200 sq ft

If Ian increases each dimension by the same amount, let's call this amount "x", then the new dimensions of the deck will be:

Length = 20 ft + x

Width = 10 ft + x

The new area of the deck will be:

New Area = (20 ft + x) x (10 ft + x)

We know that Ian wants the new area to be triple the original area of 200 sq ft, so:

New Area = 3 x 200 sq ft

New Area = 600 sq ft

Substituting this into the equation above and solving for "x", we get:

(20 ft + x) x (10 ft + x) = 600 sq ft

200 + 30x + x^2 = 600

x^2 + 30x - 400 = 0

(x + 40) (x - 10) = 0

We discard the negative solution, and we get:

x = 10 ft

Therefore, Ian should increase each dimension by 10 feet to triple the area of his deck.

To confirm, we can check the original area of the deck which is 20 ft x 10 ft = 200 sq ft.

If Ian increases each dimension by 10 feet, the new dimensions of the deck will be 30 ft x 20 ft. The new area of the deck will be 30 ft x 20 ft = 600 sq ft. This is triple the original area of the deck (200 sq ft), which is what we wanted to achieve.

Therefore, increasing each dimension by 10 feet will triple the area of the deck as required.

Ian should increase both the sides by 10 feet each.

This is a simple mathematics problems related to the topic of mensuration.

Firstly we calculate the current area of the deck:

Area of the deck (rectangle) = l x b

Area of the deck (rectangle) = 20 x 10

Area of the deck (rectangle) =  200 square feet

Since Ian wants to triple the area of the deck, the required area is 600 square feet.

We now look at pairs of numbers multiplying which will give us 600:

(1,600) (2,300) (3,200) (4,150) (5,120) (6,100) (8,75) (10,60) (12,50) (15,40) (20,30) (25,24)

Out of the above pairs only one pair fulfils Ian's criteria to increase the length and breadth of the deck by equal measure, i.e., (20,30). So, Ian should increase the length and breadth of his deck by 10 feet each.

To know more about Mensuration,

Is a measure of 30 inches​ "far away" from a mean of 15 ​inches? As someone with knowledge of​ statistics, you answer​ "it depends" and request the standard deviation of the underlying data.
​(a) Suppose the data come from a sample whose standard deviation is 3 inches. How many standard deviations is inches from 15 ​inches?
​(b) Is 30 inches far away from a mean of 15 ​inches?
​(c) Suppose the standard deviation of the underlying data is 10 inches. Is 30 inches far away from a mean of 15 ​inches?


Hence, 30 inches deviate by 1.5 standard deviations from the 15-inch mean as the underlying data's standard deviation is 10 inches.

what is standard deviation ?

The standard deviation of statistics is a measurement of how much a group of data values deviate from their mean (average) value. While a significant standard deviation suggests that the pieces of information are dispersed throughout a broader range of values, a low standard deviation suggests that the data points are generally close to the mean.


a) If the sample's standard deviation is 3 inches, then the number of standard deviations from the mean of 15 inches that are 30 inches is:

z = (30 - 15) / 3 = 5

b) The context of the data and the standard deviation will determine whether 30 inches is distant from a mean of 15 inches.

A departure of 15 inches from the mean, meanwhile, can be viewed as being significantly off the mean if the standard deviation is minimal.

c) If the underlying data's standard deviation is 10 inches, then the number of standard deviations from the mean of 15 inches that are 30 inches is:

z = (30 - 15) / 10 = 1.5

Hence, 30 inches deviate by 1.5 standard deviations from the 15-inch mean as the underlying data's standard deviation is 10 inches.

To know more about standard deviation visit:


f(x) = x2 + 4; interval [0, 5]; n = 5; use left endpoints


Therefore, the Left Riemann Sum for this function, interval, and number of subintervals is 50.

The left endpoint rule is what?

The top-left corner of these rectangles touched the y=f(x) curve. In other words, the value of f at the subinterval's left endpoint determined the height of the rectangle over that subinterval. This technique is called the left-endpoint estimate because of this.

With left endpoints and n = 5 subintervals, we may use the Left Riemann Sum formula to approximate the area under the curve of f(x) = x2 + 4 over the range [0, 5]:

Left Riemann Sum = ∑[i=1 to n] f(x_i-1) Δx

In this case, a = 0, b = 5, n = 5, and we will use the left endpoints, so:

Δx = (5 - 0)/5 = 1

Using the left endpoints, the subintervals and their left endpoints are:


[tex]so,\; x_0 = 0, x_1 = 1, x_2 = 2, x_3 = 3, x_4 = 4.[/tex]

Now we can calculate the Left Riemann Sum:

Left Riemann Sum= [tex]f(x_0)\Delta x + f(x_1)\Deltax + f(x_2)\Deltax + f(x_3)\Deltax + f(x_4)\Deltax[/tex]

= f(0)×1+f(1)×1+f(2)×1+f(3)×1 + f(4)×1

= 4+5+8+13+20

= 50

To know more about the function visit:-


What number increased by 3.5% of itself equals 621?



Step-by-step explanation:

We need to find a number which increased by 3.5 of itself equals 621.

Let that number be x.

x increased by 3.5 of itself equals 621 implies x+ 3.5x = 621.

x(1+3.5) = 621

x(4.5) = 621

x = 621/4.5

x = 138

Therefore the required number is 138.

Answer: 138

Step-by-step explanation:

We need to find a number which increased by 3.5 of itself equals 621.

Let that number be x.

x increased by 3.5 of itself equals 621 implies x+ 3.5x = 621.

x(1+3.5) = 621

x(4.5) = 621

x = 621/4.5

x = 138

Therefore the required number is 138.

Matt can save $225 per month that he puts into a savings
account earning 5% annual interest. How much will he have
saved after 2 years?



FV ≈ $5,673.56

Step-by-step explanation:

To calculate the total amount that Matt will have saved after 2 years of saving $225 per month at an annual interest rate of 5%, we can use the formula for the future value of an annuity:

FV = P * (((1 + r/12)^(n*12) - 1) / (r/12))


FV is the future value of the annuity

P is the periodic payment (in this case, $225 per month)

r is the interest rate per year (in this case, 5%)

n is the number of years (in this case, 2)

Substituting the given values, we get:

FV = $225 * (((1 + 0.05/12)^(2*12) - 1) / (0.05/12))

Using a calculator, we get:

FV ≈ $5,673.56

Therefore, after 2 years of saving $225 per month at an annual interest rate of 5%, Matt will have saved approximately $5,673.56.

F(x)=2/3x-1 show creat points to graph
Label values on thex&y axis


To create points for the graph of f(x) = (2/3)x - 1, we can choose values of x and calculate the corresponding values of f(x). See explanation below and attached graph.

What is the explanation for the above response?

To create points for the graph of f(x) = (2/3)x - 1, we can choose values of x and calculate the corresponding values of f(x). For example:

When x = -3, f(x) = (2/3)(-3) - 1 = -3 - 1 = -4When x = -2, f(x) = (2/3)(-2) - 1 = -2 1/3When x = -1, f(x) = (2/3)(-1) - 1 = -1 2/3When x = 0, f(x) = (2/3)(0) - 1 = -1When x = 1, f(x) = (2/3)(1) - 1 = -1/3When x = 2, f(x) = (2/3)(2) - 1 = 1/3When x = 3, f(x) = (2/3)(3) - 1 = 1

So, we have the following points for the graph: (-3, -4), (-2, -2 1/3), (-1, -1 2/3), (0, -1), (1, -1/3), (2, 1/3), (3, 1).

We can now plot these points on a graph, with x-values on the horizontal axis and f(x) values on the vertical axis. We can label the horizontal axis as "x" and the vertical axis as "f(x)" or "y".

Note that the graph of f(x) = (2/3)x - 1 is a straight line with slope 2/3 and y-intercept -1.

Learn more about graph at:


Find each value or measure.

x =

(40 points) will give brainiest for effort



x = 5

Step-by-step explanation:

given FH is a diameter , then

arc FH = 180°, that is

FG + GH = 180°

103° + GH = 180° ( subtract 103° from both sides )

GH = 77°

the central angle HIG is equal to the arc that subtends it GH , so

∠ HIG = 77°

∠ EIF and ∠ HIG are vertically opposite angles and are congruent , then

∠ EIF = 77°

the arc EF subtends the central angle EIF , so

EF = 77°

the sum of the 3 arcs = 180° , that is

HD + DE + EF = 180

15 + 18x - 2 + 77 = 180

18x + 90 = 180 ( subtract 90 from both sides )

18x = 90 ( divide both sides by 18 )

x = 5

then arc DE = 18x - 2 = 18(5) - 2 = 90 - 2 = 88°

Which expression represents the phrase The sum of w and twenty

A. 20w
B. w + 20
C. w^20
D. 20 x w


I believe that would be A. similar to combining like terms, but because it does not have another number to add, it would give the variable at the end.

What is the price per cubic inch for the regular size popcorn


the price per cubic inch for the regular size popcorn is #29.85

How to determine the price?

You should understand that Price is what a buyer pays to acquire products from a seller.  It takes into account the overall value of the offering, including the value of all raw materials and service that went into making an offering, as well as its markup or margin

The popcorn has 6 faces and the area of the popcorn is given as

Area = LBH




Area= 3*5*6 = 90 cm²

Therefore, Price is given as $1.99

This implies that 1.99*90 = $179.1

Therefore the price per inch is 179.1/6 = #29.85

Learn more about price on


A wall is 2000 sq ft. A gallon of paint covers 400 sq ft. Complete the conversion factor: 1 gallon / ? sq ft


To cover a 2000 sq ft wall, we will need 5 gallons of paint.

what is area?

Area is the measure of the size of a two-dimensional surface or region, expressed in square units. It is a fundamental concept in geometry and is used to quantify the amount of space inside a shape, such as a square, rectangle, triangle, or circle. The unit of measurement for area varies depending on the system used, but in the International System of Units (SI), the standard unit of area is the square meter (m²). In everyday life, we often use other units of area such as square feet, square inches, or square centimeters.

To find the conversion factor, we need to divide the number of square feet by the number of square feet covered by one gallon of paint:

Conversion factor = 1 gallon / (400 sq ft/gallon)

So, for a wall that is 2000 sq ft, we can use this conversion factor to find the number of gallons of paint needed:

Number of gallons = (2000 sq ft) / (400 sq ft/gallon) = 5 gallons

Therefore, to cover a 2000 sq ft wall, we will need 5 gallons of paint.

To learn more about conversion factors from the given link


Bokamoso rides a bicycle to school every day (taking the same route). If she rides at 16 km/h, it takes her 45 minutes to get to school. 1. How far does Bokamoso ride on the way to school?​


5.40 km is the distance Bokamoso ride on the way to school

What is speed, distance and time?

Speed is determined by dividing the distance travelled by the time taken to travel it. It gives the amount of time it took to travel a certain distance divided by the distance travelled.

Speed is inversely correlated with time and directly correlated with distance. As a result, distance equals speed times time, and time equals distance divided by speed; as speed rises, distance travelled will shorten, and vice versa.

Bokamosa rides at 16 km / hr

To get to school = 45 min

= 45 * 0.75 hour

= 0.3375 hr

Distance = Speed * Time

d = 16 * 0.3375

= 5.40 km

Hence, 5.40 km is the distance Bokamoso ride on the way to school.

To know more about distance check the below link:


There is a 25% chance that a vowel is drawn from a bag of random letter tiles. what is the probability of drawing a vowel, placing it back in the bag, and then drawing a consonant


The probability of drawing a vowel, placing it back in the bag, and then drawing a consonant is 0.1875 or 18.75%.

Calculating the probability

The probability of drawing a vowel from the bag of random letter tiles is 25%. Since the tile is replaced after drawing, the probability of drawing a vowel on the second draw is also 25%.

The probability of drawing a vowel and then a consonant can be calculated by multiplying the probabilities of each event:

P(vowel and consonant) = P(vowel) x P(consonant)

= 0.25 x 0.75

= 0.1875

Read more about probability at


The table below shows the numbers of two to five bedroom houses in the Belmont Neighborhood. What is the mean number of bedrooms in a house in this neighborhood?
Number of bedrooms Frequency
2 7
3 35
4 56
5 27


The mean number of bedrooms in a house in this neighborhood will be: 3.824.

How to determine the mean number of bedrooms

In order to find the mean number of bedrooms in a house in the Belmont Neighborhood, we need to calculate the weighted mean by multiplying each number of bedrooms by their respective frequency.

Next, we will add the products, and then divide by the total frequency. So we can start as follows:

(2 * 7) + (3 * 35) + (4 * 56) + (5 * 27) = 14 + 105 + 224 + 135 = 478

Total frequency = 7 + 35 + 56 + 27 = 125

Therefore, the mean number of bedrooms = 478 / 125  approximately 3.824

Learn more about weighted mean here:


which of these is another way to write the function g(x)= 3x



y=9 (3x/9-2) + 18=3x

Step-by-step explanation:

what is 4361 divided by 7


4361/7 is equal to 623
the answer is 623 your welcome

The expression below is equal to -20g plus a constant term. -8(2.5g-4.25)+5.25 What is the value of the constant term?



We can simplify the expression -8(2.5g-4.25)+5.25 by distributing the -8:

-8(2.5g-4.25)+5.25 = -20g + 34 + 5.25

Simplifying further, we can combine the constant terms:

-8(2.5g-4.25)+5.25 = -20g + 39.25

So the value of the constant term is 39.25.

The volume of a cube is increasing at a rate of 56 in^3/sec. At what rate is the length of each edge of the cube changing when the edges are 4 in. long? (Recall that for a cube,
V = x^3.)



Step-by-step explanation:

Let's denote the volume of the cube as V and the length of each edge as x. Given that the volume of a cube is V = x^3, we can find the rate at which the length of each edge is changing.

We're given that the rate of change of the volume is dV/dt = 56 in³/sec. We want to find the rate of change of the length of each edge, which is dx/dt, when the length of each edge is 6 inches.

First, we differentiate the volume equation with respect to time t:

V = x^3

dV/dt = d(x^3)/dt

Using the chain rule:

dV/dt = 3x^2 * (dx/dt)

Now, we know that dV/dt = 56 in³/sec and x = 6 in. Plugging these values into the equation, we get:

56 = 3 * (6)^2 * (dx/dt)

Solving for dx/dt:

56 = 108 * (dx/dt)

dx/dt = 56 / 108

dx/dt ≈ 0.5185 in/sec (rounded to four decimal places)

So, the rate at which the length of each edge is changing is approximately 0.5185 inches per second when the edges are 6 inches long.

What are the answers to these questions?
absolute maximum is ? and it occurs at x = ?
absolute minimum is ? and it occurs at x = ?


The absolute maximum value of f(x) is 4.5 and it occurs at x = -0.5, and the absolute minimum value of f(x) is -0.241 and it occurs at x = 0.833

Calculating the absolute maximum and minumum of the function

To find the absolute maximum and minimum of the function f(x) = 4x^3 - 2x^2 - 5x + 3, we need to take the derivative of the function and set it equal to zero to find the critical points.

f(x) = 4x^3 - 2x^2 - 5x + 3

f'(x) = 12x^2 - 4x - 5

Setting f'(x) = 0, we get:

12x^2 - 4x - 5 = 0

Using the quadratic formula, we get:

x = -0.5 or x = 0.833

Now we need to check the values of f(x) at the critical points and the endpoints of the interval

f(-0.5) = 4(-0.5)^3 - 2(-0.5)^2 - 5(-0.5) + 3 = 4.5

f(0.833) = 4(0.833)^3 - 2(0.833)^2 - 5(0.833) + 3 = -0.241

So the absolute maximum it occurs at x = -0.5, and the absolute minimum occurs at x = 0.833

Read more about absolute maximum at


Given the figure below .find X and Y to three significant digits.Write your answer in the answer box provided below


Check the picture below.

Make sure your calculator is in Degree mode.

[tex]\cos(25^o )=\cfrac{\stackrel{adjacent}{x}}{\underset{hypotenuse}{12}}\implies 12\cos(25^o)=x\implies \boxed{10.876\approx x} \\\\[-0.35em] ~\dotfill\\\\ \sin(25^o )=\cfrac{\stackrel{opposite}{z}}{\underset{hypotenuse}{12}}\implies 12\sin(25^o)=z \\\\[-0.35em] ~\dotfill\\\\ \sin(50^o )=\cfrac{\stackrel{opposite}{z}}{\underset{hypotenuse}{y}}\implies y=\cfrac{z}{\sin(50^o)}\implies y=\cfrac{12\sin(25^o)}{\sin(50^o)}\implies \boxed{y\approx 6.62}[/tex]

Use the information below to determine the new coordinates of the image under the given translation.
Triangle ABC with vertices
A(0, 7), B(7, 3),
and C(1, 4): (x, y) → (x − 3, y - 4)


The new triangle A'B'C' after the translation is A'(-3, 3), B'(4, -1), and C'(-2, 0).

What is translation?

A shape is translated when it is moved up, down, left or right without turning. They are congruent if the translated shapes (or the image) seem to be the same size as the original shapes. They have only changed their direction or directions.

To perform the given translation (x, y) → (x − 3, y - 4) on the triangle ABC with vertices A(0, 7), B(7, 3), and C(1, 4), we need to apply the same transformation to each vertex of the triangle and obtain their new coordinates.

For vertex A(0, 7), the transformation gives:

(x, y) → (x − 3, y - 4)

(0, 7) → (0 - 3, 7 - 4)

The new coordinates of A are (-3, 3).

For vertex B(7, 3), the transformation gives:

(x, y) → (x − 3, y - 4)

(7, 3) → (7 - 3, 3 - 4)

The new coordinates of B are (4, -1).

For vertex C(1, 4), the transformation gives:

(x, y) → (x − 3, y - 4)

(1, 4) → (1 - 3, 4 - 4)

The new coordinates of C are (-2, 0).

Therefore, the new triangle A'B'C' after the translation is A'(-3, 3), B'(4, -1), and C'(-2, 0).

Learn more about translation on:


The histograms display the frequency of temperatures in two different locations in a 30-day period.

A graph with the x-axis labeled Temperature in Degrees, with intervals 60 to 69, 70 to 79, 80 to 89, 90 to 99, 100 to 109, 110 to 119. The y-axis is labeled Frequency and begins at 0 with tick marks every one unit up to 14. A shaded bar stops at 10 above 60 to 69, at 9 above 70 to 79, at 5 above 80 to 89, at 4 above 90 to 99, and at 2 above 100 to 109. There is no shaded bar above 110 to 119. The graph is titled Temps in Sunny Town.

A graph with the x-axis labeled Temperature in Degrees, with intervals 60 to 69, 70 to 79, 80 to 89, 90 to 99, 100 to 109, 110 to 119. The y-axis is labeled Frequency and begins at 0 with tick marks every one unit up to 14. There is no shaded bar above 60 to 69. A shaded bar stops at 4 above 70 to 79, at 4 above 80 to 89, at 6 above 90 to 99, at 6 above 100 to 109 and at 10 above 110 to 119. The graph is titled Temps in Beach Town.

When comparing the data, which measure of center should be used to determine which location typically has the cooler temperature?

Median, because Sunny Town is symmetric
Mean, because Sunny Town is skewed
Median, because Beach Town is skewed
Mean, because Beach Town is symmetric



Whats the question?

Step-by-step explanation:

plsssssssss 2/7=4/5+9q


Answer: q= -2/35

Step-by-step explanation:

Rearrange terms 2 Subtract  from both sides 3.Simplify the expression Subtract the numbers Subtract the numbers 4 Divide both sides by the same factor 5 Simplify the expression Divide the numbers Cancel terms that are in both the numerator and denominator Move the variable to the left


q = -2/35

Step-by-step explanation:

2/7 = 4/5 + 9q

(2/7) - (4/5) = 9q

(10/35) - (28/35) = 9q

-18/35 = 9q

(-18/35) / 9 = q

(-18/(35*9)) = q

-18/315  = q

q = -2/35


2/7 = 4/5 - 9*2/35

2/7 = 4/5 - 18/35

10/35 = 28/35 -18/35

10 = 28 -18

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