Consider the following quote:

"Anecdotes can be just as valid as evidence as statistics, even though statistics tend to have a better reputation as objective fact. But every statistic is really a form of anecdote; every statistic tells a tale in shorthand. " Ken Lindblom

What do you think Lindbolm means by "every statistic tells a tale in shorthand?"


Answer 1

Ken Lindblom is suggesting that statistics, while often considered more objective and reliable than anecdotes, are still a form of storytelling in a condensed or abbreviated form.

What does Ken statement imply?

Based on Ken's statement, statistics are a way of conveying information or narratives in a concise manner.

Statistics can be seen as a form of shorthand because they summarize data and provide a numerical representation of information, which can be easier to process and understand.

Just like anecdotes, which are personal or localized stories, statistics also have their own narrative or story to tell.

Learn more about anecdotes here:


Related Questions

What is the difference in sucide rates between individuals suffering from a mood disorder and individuals who are not?


There is a significant difference in sui. cide rates between individuals suffering from a mood disorder and those who are not.

What is the explanation for the above response?

Studies have consistently shown that people with mood disorders, such as depression or bipolar disorder, are at a higher risk of sui. cide compared to the general population.

The risk is especially high among individuals who have attempted sui. cide in the past. In fact, approximately 15% of individuals with depression will die by sui. cide, and bipolar disorder increases the risk by 20-fold.

It is important to note that sui. cide is a complex phenomenon, and while mood disorders are a risk factor, other factors such as substance abuse, trauma, and social isolation also play a role in increasing the risk.

Learn more about mood disorder at:


How does common use make this from monopoly


If a product or service becomes widely used and popular among consumers, it can attract competition from other companies, which can result in the market becoming more competitive and reducing the dominant position of any one company.

What is Monopoly?

A monopoly is a situation where a single company or entity has exclusive control over the production or sale of a particular product or service. Monopolies can be harmful to consumers because they often result in higher prices, lower quality products or services, and less innovation.

Additionally, government regulation and antitrust laws can also prevent monopolies from forming and promote competition in the marketplace.

Read more about monopoly here:


How do trade organizations (and supranational organizations) relate to economies of scale?


Trade organizations and supranational organizations can have a significant impact on economies of scale.

What is the trade?

Economies of scale refer to the cost advantages that arise when the production of goods or services is increased. As production volume increases, the average cost per unit decreases, leading to cost savings and increased efficiency.

Trade organizations, such as the World Trade Organization (WTO) or regional trade organizations like the European Union (EU), can facilitate economies of scale by promoting and regulating trade among member countries. By eliminating or reducing trade barriers, such as tariffs or quotas, trade organizations can facilitate increased trade volume among member countries. This increased trade volume can lead to economies of scale as producers can access larger markets and achieve higher production volumes, leading to lower costs per unit.

So, Supranational organizations, such as the EU, can also facilitate economies of scale by harmonizing regulations and standards among member countries.

Learn more about trade  from


A slowdown in the economy increases unemployment and decreases output. As a result of this action, there will be

an increase in the quantity supplied of loanable funds.

an increase in supply the of loanable funds.

a decrease in the supply of loanable funds.

an increase in the demand for loanable funds.

a decrease in the demand for loanable funds


In the case that we have a slow down economy, there will be a decrease in the demand for loanable funds. Option D

What is a slow down economy?

When the economy slows down, economic activates are going to be slowed down also and companies may not be involved anymore in a large scale purchase.

When this occurs,  there be a rise in savings that would lead to a rise in the supply of loanable funds, and a fall in savings would lead to a fall in the supply of loanable funds as we can see in the analysis above

Learn more about slow down economy:


e. Does Eric have any other options besides the ones presented here? Try to think
of at least two other options. (5 points)


Eric has several other options to consider.

What are the options?

One option is taking a gap year to gain life experience, travel, or volunteer, allowing him to explore his interests and passions further before making a decision.

Another option is seeking internships or entry-level positions in different industries to gain hands-on experience and a better understanding of potential career paths. This would help him build a diverse skill set and professional network while clarifying his long-term goals.

Read more about goals here:


Eric is a recent college graduate who is unsure about his career path. He has been offered a job at a start-up and an opportunity to pursue a master's degree with a full scholarship. Does Eric have any other options besides the ones presented here? Try to think of at least two other options.

An urban economist wishes to test the claim that the distribution of U.S residents in the US is different today than in 200. In 200, 19% of the population of the US resided in the Northeast, 22.9% resided in the Midwest, 35.6% resided in the South, and 22.5% resided in the West. The economist randomly selects 1500 households in the US and obtains the following.

Northeast: 272
Midwest: 303
South: 564
West: 359

Is there convincing evidence that the distribution of US residents in the US is different today than in 2000? Preform an appropriate test of significance to test the economist's claim at a .01 significance level.


We have convincing evidence to suggest that the distribution of US residents in the US is different today than in 2000 at a 0.01 significance level.

What is the explanation for the above response?

To test whether the distribution of US residents in the US is different today than in 2000, we can use a chi-square goodness-of-fit test. The null hypothesis is that the observed distribution is the same as the expected distribution from 2000, and the alternative hypothesis is that the observed distribution is different from the expected distribution.

We can calculate the expected number of households in each region under the null hypothesis as follows:

Expected Northeast = 1500 * 0.19 = 285

Expected Midwest = 1500 * 0.229 = 344.85

Expected South = 1500 * 0.356 = 534

Expected West = 1500 * 0.225 = 337.5

We can use the formula for the chi-square test statistic:

χ² = Σ (observed - expected)² / expected

where the sum is taken over all categories.

Using the observed and expected values from above, we can calculate:

χ² = [(272 - 285)² / 285] + [(303 - 344.85)² / 344.85] + [(564 - 534)² / 534] + [(359 - 337.5)² / 337.5]

= 11.841

The degrees of freedom for this test are (4-1) = 3.

Using a chi-square distribution table with 3 degrees of freedom and a significance level of 0.01, the critical value of χ² is 11.345. Since our calculated χ² value of 11.841 is greater than the critical value of 11.345, we can reject the null hypothesis.

Therefore, we have convincing evidence to suggest that the distribution of US residents in the US is different today than in 2000 at a 0.01 significance level.

Learn more about test of significance at:


During the primaries for the 2020 presidential election, candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren became known for saying "I have a plan for that. " This phrase could be called Sen. Warren's most famous what? A. Cautionary tale B. Challenge C. News cycle D. Sound byte


The phrase could be called Sen. Warren's most famous D. Sound byte


What is a Sound byte ?

A sound byte is a brief, memorable remark or quote that captures a message or idea, and it is frequently utilized in the media and politics.

In this context, the phrase became synonymous with Sen. Warren's campaign, implying her willingness to address many policy issues with concrete plans and solutions. This is often considered admirable in politicians running for office.

Find out more on sound bytes at


Ap Psychology**

What is the difference between an internal and external locus of control? Explain which locus is more at risk for developing learned helplessness


In psychology, the concept of locus of control refers to an individual's belief about the degree to which they can control the events that affect their life. There are two types of locus of control: internal locus of control and external locus of control.

An internal locus of control is the belief that one's own actions and decisions determine the outcomes they experience in life. Individuals with an internal locus of control tend to take personal responsibility for their successes and failures, and they believe that they have the ability to influence events and make things happen.

On the other hand, an external locus of control is the belief that events in life are largely determined by external factors, such as luck, chance, or the actions of other people. Individuals with an external locus of control tend to attribute their successes and failures to outside factors, and they may feel powerless to change their circumstances.

Research suggests that individuals with an external locus of control may be more at risk for developing learned helplessness, which is a state of apathy or resignation that occurs when individuals believe that their actions cannot change the outcome of a situation. Because individuals with an external locus of control may feel that their outcomes are determined by external factors outside of their control, they may be more likely to give up in the face of adversity and experience feelings of helplessness and hopelessness. In contrast, individuals with an internal locus of control may be more likely to persist in the face of adversity, because they believe that their actions can influence the outcome.

For more than twenty-five years, the congregation of the Westboro Baptist Church has pick- eted military funerals. Church members believe that God hates the United States, specifically its military, for its tolerance of homosexuality. The picketing has also condemned the Catholic Church for scandals involving its clergy. At the funeral of Marine Corporal Matthew Snyder, picketers held up signs that said, "Thank God for Dead Soldiers, Doom Nations," "America Is Doomed," "Prieand "Youhe protest was peaceful and lasted for about thirty minutes before the funeral began. In Snyder v. Phelps, the Supreme Court ruled that the protest was protected by the Constitution.
A. Identify a provision of the Constitution that is common to Snyder v. Phelps (2011) and Schenck v. United States (1919). B. Explain why the facts of Schenck v. United States led to a different holding in Snyder v. Phelps. C. Describe an action that city or state government officials who disagree with the holding in Snyder v. Phelps could take to limit its impact.


A. Both Snyder v. Phelps and Schenck v. United States involve First Amendment free speech protections.

What did this involve?

B. Schenck v. United States involved speech that presented a clear and present danger to national security during wartime, whereas Snyder v. Phelps involved speech on a matter of public concern (the military and homosexuality) in a public space, which is given greater protection under the First Amendment.

C. City or state officials who disagree with the holding in Snyder v. Phelps could enact reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions on picketing at funerals, as long as those restrictions do not target the content of the speech.

Additionally, officials could potentially use their authority to create designated protest zones that balance the right to free speech with the privacy and emotional needs of funeral attendees.

Read more about free speech here":


A tablet charger uses 15 watts and it takes 5 hours to fully charge. The cost of electricity is $0.15/kWh. a. If this tablet is fully charged once a day. How many kWh does it use each year? (Remember to convert watts to kilowatts) b. What is the annual cost of charging this tablet?


Note that he annual cost of charging the tablet is approximately $4.11.

What is the explanation for the above response?

a. To calculate the kWh used each year, we first need to calculate the total energy used to fully charge the tablet once. Energy = Power x Time, so the energy used to charge the tablet once is:

Energy = 15 watts x 5 hours = 75 watt-hours (Wh)

To convert watt-hours to kilowatt-hours (kWh), we divide by 1,000:

75 Wh ÷ 1,000 = 0.075 kWh

So, the tablet uses 0.075 kWh of electricity to fully charge once. If it is charged once a day, it will use 0.075 kWh x 365 days = 27.375 kWh per year.

b. To calculate the annual cost of charging the tablet, we need to multiply the kWh used per year by the cost of electricity per kWh:

27.375 kWh x $0.15/kWh = $4.10625 per year

Therefore, the annual cost of charging the tablet is approximately $4.11.

Learn more about annual cost at:


Which one is NOT an outcome of the performing stage in a group's life
O problem-solving talk
O quality of work
O productivity
O membership satisfaction


Note that Consensus is not an outcome of the performing stage in a group's life cycle. (Option E)

What is the explanation for the above response?

The performing stage is the stage where the group has developed a sense of cohesion and is able to work together effectively to achieve its goals.

The outcomes of the performing stage are typically focused on the quality of work, productivity, problem-solving talk, and membership satisfaction. Consensus is typically achieved during the norming stage, which comes before the performing stage in the group's life cycle.

Learn more about life cycle at:


Amy opens a new checking account and deposits $20,000 in cash at Metropolitan Bank. The

required reserve ratio is 25 percent. Use this information to answer parts (a)-(e).

(a) What is the amount by which Metropolitan Bank's liabilities have changed? Explain.

(b) Calculate the change in required reserves for Metropolitan Bank. Show your work.

(c) What is the dollar value of the maximum amount of new loans Metropolitan Bank can

initially make from Amy's deposit? Explain.

(d) As a result of Amy's deposit, calculate the maximum amount by which the money supply

can change throughout the banking system. Show your work.

(e) How will the change in the money supply in part (d) affect aggregate demand and

unemployment in the short run? Explain.


If Amy opens a new checking account and deposits $20,000 in cash at Metropolitan Bank.  This means that the bank's liabilities increase by $15,000.

What is  bank's liabilities?

(a) The deposit of $20,000 in cash increases Metropolitan Bank's assets by $20,000. However, since the required reserve ratio is 25%, the bank is required to hold 25% of the deposit, or $5,000, in reserves. This means that the bank's liabilities increase by $15,000 ($20,000 - $5,000).

(b) The change in required reserves is equal to the deposit amount multiplied by the required reserve ratio. In this case, the change in required reserves is 25% of $20,000, which is $5,000.

(c) The maximum amount of new loans that Metropolitan Bank can initially make from Amy's deposit is equal to the excess reserves, which is the amount of reserves the bank holds above the required reserve ratio. In this case, the bank's required reserves are $5,000 (25% of the $20,000 deposit), and the bank is holding $15,000 in excess reserves ($20,000 - $5,000). The bank can loan out up to the full amount of its excess reserves, which is $15,000.

(d) The maximum amount by which the money supply can change throughout the banking system is equal to the initial deposit multiplied by the reciprocal of the required reserve ratio. This is because when a bank makes a loan, the borrower's account is credited with new money, which can then be deposited in another bank, and so on. The maximum change in the money supply is:

$20,000 x (1/0.25) = $80,000

This means that the initial deposit of $20,000 can potentially lead to a maximum increase in the money supply of $80,000 if all banks loan out their excess reserves.

Learn more about bank's liabilities here:


1 example in the film scream 1996 that brings a surprising amount of comedy


One example in the film Scream (1996) that brings a surprising amount of comedy is the scene where Randy Meeks (played by Jamie Kennedy) is explaining the "rules" of a horror movie to a group of teenagers at a party.

What is the explanation for the above response?

One example in the film Scream (1996) that brings a surprising amount of comedy is the scene where Randy Meeks (played by Jamie Kennedy) is explaining the "rules" of a horror movie to a group of teenagers at a party.

As he goes through the list of horror movie cliches, such as "don't have sex," "never say 'I'll be right back,'" and "never assume the killer is dead," the absurdity of the rules becomes increasingly clear, and the humor of the situation becomes more and more apparent.

deadpan delivery and the characters' reactions to his speech add to the comedic effect of the scene. Despite being a horror film, Scream uses humor to subvert genre expectations and keep the audience engaged in a unique way.

Learn more about comedy at:


4. Compare a baby's concept of the world to a three-year-old's concept of the


A baby's concept of the world, typically in the first few months of life, is limited to their immediate sensory experiences. They rely heavily on their senses of touch, taste, smell, sight, and sound to explore and understand the world around them.

What is the concept?

Their concept of the world is primarily centered around their caregivers, basic needs (such as feeding, sleeping, and comfort), and the immediate environment they are in.

On the other hand, a three-year-old's concept of the world is more developed and expanded compared to a baby's. By the age of three, children have gone through significant cognitive, emotional, and social development. They have acquired more language skills and are able to express themselves more effectively. Their understanding of the world is broader and more complex, as they have started to make sense of their surroundings and interact with others.

Some key differences between a baby's concept of the world and a three-year-old's concept of the world include:

Language development: A three-year-old has a significantly greater vocabulary and language skills compared to a baby. They can understand and use more words to communicate their thoughts, feelings, and ideas. This allows them to have more meaningful interactions with others and better understand the world around them.

Lastly, Cognitive development: A three-year-old has a more advanced cognitive development compared to a baby. They can engage in simple problem-solving tasks, have a basic understanding of cause and effect, and can make simple connections between objects, events, and people in their environment.

To know more about concept here:


For each of the following determine whether the average demand will shift to the right to the left, or may unchanged, explain each of your answers


The shift in average demand can be influenced by various factors such as changes in consumer preferences, economic conditions, technological advancements, and market competition, among others. Therefore, it is difficult to predict with certainty when the average demand will shift to the right, to the left, or remain unchanged.

How to explain the demand

However, some general trends may provide insights into potential shifts in average demand. For instance, if there is an increase in the population or an increase in the disposable income of consumers, demand may shift to the right. On the other hand, if there is a decrease in the population or a decrease in disposable income, demand may shift to the left. Additionally, changes in consumer preferences, such as a growing interest in sustainable products, may lead to a shift in demand towards environmentally friendly products.

Overall, the shift in average demand is influenced by multiple factors and can be challenging to predict accurately. It is essential to conduct thorough market research and analysis to understand the factors driving demand and anticipate potential shifts.

Learn more about demand on;


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