Cost and Management accounting report is produced and submited to Management board in fulfilment of a legal requirement​.
True or False


Answer 1

It is false that while cost and management accounting reports can be used to comply with legal requirements, such as the tax filings, they are not typically produced and submitted solely for that purpose.

What is tax filing?

Tax filing refers to the process of submitting income tax returns to the government by individuals and businesses to report their income, deductions, and tax liability. Tax filing is required by law in most countries, including the United States, and failure to file taxes can result in penalties and fines. Typically, taxpayers are required to file their taxes on an annual basis, although some businesses may need to file quarterly or monthly. Tax filings are used by governments to assess how much tax an individual or business owes and to ensure compliance with tax laws. Taxpayers may be eligible for deductions and credits that can reduce their tax liability, and tax filings allow individuals and businesses to claim these benefits.

To learn more about tax filing, visit:


Related Questions

When a foreign firms sells a product abroad below the price it charges in local market​


Answer: hope it helps


Dumping is, in general, a situation of international price discrimination, where the price of a product when sold in the importing country is less than the price of that product in the market of the exporting country. Thus, in the simplest of cases, one identifies dumping simply by comparing prices in two markets.

State the minimum monthly income, an hourly wage per hour, needed to cover monthly expenses for the family used in part a and explain how to calculate the hourly wage based on the monthly income and state the hourly wage. assume that each full-time worker works four 40 hour work weeks per month and each part time worker works two 40 hour weeks per month.


Divide wages by using hours and that is your hourly rate. If you work longer hours at positive times of the month, then track your time for a month, and divide your annual pay by way of 12.

How do you calculate hourly charge from monthly income?

Get the hours per months = Hours in Year ÷ 12 (months) Get Hourly Pay = Monthly Salary ÷ Hours Per Month.

Daily fee of pay for a monthly-rated employee is calculated the usage of the formulation below: Regular Days Rate of pay = Employee's Monthly Rate of pay / 26 days.

The ADW calculated is the price of pay mirrored in the system. This is the formula used: Total Wage (for the applicable period) / Number of Days (same relevant period)

Learn more about hourly rate from monthly income here:

The sovereign rating for Vietnam is B2 (with a default spread of 5%), the standard deviation in the Vietnamese equity index is 30% and the standard deviation in the Vietnamese government bond is 24%. If the premium for a mature market (say, the US) is 5.5%, estimate the total equity risk premium for Vietnam.



The total equity risk premium for Vietnam was 11.13 as of January 1st, 2023 according to Damodaran Online. The total equity risk premium starts with a mature market premium and adds a country risk premium based on the risk of the country in question. The country risk premium for Vietnam is estimated to be 5%.

Given that the premium for a mature market (say, the US) is 5.5%, we can estimate the total equity risk premium for Vietnam as follows:

Total Equity Risk Premium = Mature Market Premium + Country Risk Premium Total Equity Risk Premium = 5.5% + 5% Total Equity Risk Premium = 10.5%

Therefore, the estimated total equity risk premium for Vietnam is 10.5%.

I hope this helps!



Draft an individual investment policy statement as a guide to your future investment planning. What will be the advantages of having an investment policy statement?


Your financial future is guided by a strong IPS. An investment policy statement can be a crucial and practical tool since it establishes the basis for a client-financial adviser relationship and offers a clear course of action. The IPS information includes information on the advisor's decision-making process.

What exactly is an investment policy statement?

It is a contract between a client and a financial advisor stating how the advisor will help the client achieve their financial objectives. It needs to be customized based on the client's unique financial and investment information as well as the financial advisor's fees. Financial advisors use an Investment Policy Statement or IPS as a strategic document to lay forth principles that can help launch and manage a client's investment program.

A summary of investment policy statement

John Alberto, a 65-year-old individual investor

Individual, Taxable Portfolio

Condition: California

ID tax: xxx-xx-xxxx

$75,000 in current assets

Return Target: 8%

Worst-case scenario annual loss cap: 12–15%

To learn more about Investment Policy, visit:


Step 1: Explore
Visit the website for Grubhub,, or another similar food delivery service website.

Step 2: Research and Reflect
Research Grubhub or a similar company’s website and the social media platforms where they have a presence. Explore and take note of their online presence. Observe how their online presence may change as current trends drive changes in the company.

Based on their online presence, answer the following questions:

Which of the entrepreneurship trends that you learned about in the unit were you able to find evidence for in this company’s online presence, if any? Which one do you think is most important and why?
How do you think changes and trends in this industry influenced the creation of this company and how it currently operates? Explain.
Which social media platform do you think is most impactful for their business? How are they using it to enhance the customer experience? Provide examples.
If you were working for this company, which entrepreneurship trend or new enterprise idea (not currently in evidence) would you introduce? How would you use it, and why? How do current changes and trends currently play a role in your suggestions? Explain.
Please create your case study in a word processing document and submit this along with any additional resources that you used to complete the activity. Refer to the rubric below for more information on how you will be graded.


Communities' hubs are their restaurants. Our goal is to expand their connections, deepen their roots, and broaden the beneficial effects they have on individuals and society.

How does Grub Hub benefit my company?

It's simple for businesses to order meals for staff, clients, business meetings, and more using a Grub hub Corporate Account. By providing a line of credit, you can reduce costs by only paying for meals that are actually ordered.

Which is better, Grub hub or Doodahs?

Driver Pay on Grub Hub. What you can make delivering orders ultimately determines which food delivery app is better for drivers. While Doodahs doesn't disclose pay rates, there are methods for drivers to make extra money on particular types of orders, and it is reported that Grub Hub drivers can make up to $23 per hour.

To Know more about  broaden


why is it difficult to compare relative job growth for different sized businesses


The point at which a small business becomes a large one is difficult to pinpoint. Because of this, it is challenging to compare relative job growth for businesses of varying sizes.

Small businesses are more likely to have?

Small businesses are more likely than large businesses to have: an administrative method for making decisions. A small business is better positioned to receive feedback and observe shifting preferences because it is closer to its customers. A smaller company can shift gears more easily than a larger one, especially if it hasn't spent a lot of money on outdated infrastructure.

It is difficult to predict the process by which a small business grows into a large one. It could be brought on by a variety of external factors, such as shifting consumer preferences or the application of cutting-edge technology within the company that better meets the requirements of customers. It is also difficult to make comparisons between the job growth of large and small businesses due to this circumstance.

To learn more about job visit :


Complete question -

why is it difficult to compare relative job growth for different sized businesses ?

A customer at a bank has a dispute over fees being charged in a checking account and wants the government to take some action. Should the customer file a complaint with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) or with the Better Business Bureau (BBB)?
A) The customer should not file a complaint with the CFPB because it oversees complaints involving only other government agencies.
B) The customer should not file a complaint with the CFPB because it is designed to help consumers find trustworthy banks.
C) The customer should file a complaint with the CFPB because it oversees complaints with financial institutions.
D) The customer should file a complaint with the BBB because it oversees complaints from consumers for all types of businesses.


Consumer Protection Agencies Quick Check


1. The customer should file a complaint with the CFPB because it oversees complaints with financial institutions.

2. It is a government agency that makes sure financial companies treat consumers fairly.

3. -maintaining transparent business practices

-honoring commitments made to the BBB

4. The consumer is better off only researching the company with the Better Business Bureau

5. A nonprofit organization designed to help consumers find trustworthy companies.

All are correct!

1. If a company becomes its own supplier so it can control its inputs, then it is adopting the ( ).
A. horizontal integration strategy B. retrenchment strategy
C. concentration strategy
D. backward vertical integration strategy

2. Problems arise when errors are made in rejecting candidates who would have performed successfully on the job are called ( ).
A. accept errors B. correct decision C. reject errors
D. accept and reject errors

3. According to Hofstede’s five dimensions of national culture, if people in a country look after their own and family interests, then it is a kind of _____ culture.
A. individualistic B. collectivistic C. achievement D. high power distance

4. In which situation can the following conflicts be functional? Task conflict, relationship conflict, and process conflict.
A. low levels, almost always dysfunctional, low levels
B. low-to-moderate levels, almost always dysfunctional, low levels
C. low levels, low levels, low levels
D. low levels, low levels, low-to-moderate levels

5. Which of the following theories is the best-documented personality-job fit theory. ( )
A. Big five model B. MBTI C. Holland’s theory D. Poter’s five forces model

6. According to Hersey and Blanchard’s situational leadership theory, if employees lack the abilities to do the job, however they’re very willing to do the job, then the manager should adopt ( ) leadership style.
A. telling B. selling C. participating D. delegating

7. In traditional goal setting, the flow of goals is ()
A. from bottom to top B. in horizontal direction
C. in diagonal way D. from top to bottom

8. “Determining what needs to be done, how it will be done, and who is to do it” is the function of ( ). And “motivating, and any other actions involved in dealing with people” is the function of ( ).
A. organizing, leading B. leading, organizing
C. planning, leading D. organizing, planning

9. According to Woodward’s findings on technology and structure, in the following choices, which can mechanistic organization be most effective. ( )
A. unit production B. mass production
C. process production D. none of them

10. Who made contributions to the study of behavioral approach? ( )
A. Frank Gilbreth B. Hawthorne C. Weber D. Henri Fayol

Part B Gap filling (25’)

1. An attitude is made up of three components: ______________, _______________, and ________________. (3’)

2. An employee always arrives late for work, then this behavior (his/her late for work) can be perceived as high in ________________ (select among distinctiveness, consensus, and consistency), and according to the attribution theory, it can be attributed as _____________ caused behavior. (2’)

3. What are the 3 types of communication networks? They are_____________, _______________, and ________________. (3’)

4. In the direction of communication flow, if communication crosses both work areas and organizational levels, then it’s __________________________. (2’)

5. When managers are making decisions, they use a more realistic approach, which means they are limited by their ability to process information, and accept solutions that are good enough. In this situation, they are following a ______________________________ approach. (2’)

6. Adam smith published ________________________________ in 1776. And “father” of scientific management, whose name is ____________________________ published _________________________ in 1911. (3’)

7. Lower-lever managers are more involved in ____________________ problems (choose between structured and unstructured), they usually rely on _____________ decisions (choose between programmed and nonprogrammed). In developing plans, lower-lever managers are often involved in _____________________ (choose between strategic planning and operational planning). And they use ______________ skills (choose from conceptual, human, and technical) more than middle-and-top managers. (4’)

8. If you are a manager in a company, you want to retain competent and high-performing employees, so you can use the HRM activities of __________________________________________, ___________________________________________, and career development. (2’)

9. Organization changes often need someone to act as catalyst and assume the responsibility for managing the change process, that is, a __________________. (2’)

10. What are the five forces in Michael Porter’s five forces model. Please list two of them: __________________, ____________________. (2’)

Part C Short answer questions 5*5

1. What are the 5 methods in overcoming the barriers in communication?

2. What should we do with cash cows according to the BCG Matrix?

3. What is business model? And simply describe the two things it focuses on.

4. What are the 4 moderators in deterring ethical and unethical behavior?

5. Assume two organizations both have 4096 employees. If one organization has a span of four and the other a span of eight. Then how many levels and managers does each organization have.


Horizontal integration is a business approach when one company expands its operations in an industry at the same rate.

How do horizontal strategies work?

A horizontal integration approach is used when a company buys a related company that is at the same level of the value chain as it is and offers a comparable kind of value. The purchased company need not compete directly with the target. When a business expands by acquiring a rival firm in the same sector, this is known as horizontal integration.

What growth plan does horizontal integration have?

Many businesses employ the growth strategy known as horizontal integration to get an advantage over their rivals and strengthen their position within their respective industries. By acquiring another business that operates at the same level of the value chain, they accomplish this.

To know more about Horizontal integration visit :-


It has been said that most systems fail because system builders ignore organizational behavior problems. Why might this be so? Add refrence


organizational behavior problems

Organizational behaviour issues may be overlooked by system builders for a number of reasons, which can ultimately result in system failure.

What do you mean by Organizational behaviour ?

One factor that contributes to this is that some system developers are only concerned with the technical components of a system and may lack knowledge or experience about how human behaviour affects the system.

A mismatch in understanding the organisational needs and potential behavioural difficulties may also result from a lack of interaction and cooperation between both the system developers and also the organization's stakeholders, particularly employees and management.

Organizational behaviour concerns may also be unreported since they are sometimes more challenging to recognise and resolve than technological problems. Complex human connections and cultural norms can play a role in problems with organisational behaviour.

To know more about Organizational behaviour  visit:


Which of the following characteristics typically makes a training module more effective for an employee?

a) It is tailored to the specific needs of the employee and focuses on realistic situations that employees’ face in their daily roles

b) It focuses on presenting abstract concepts to employees rather than getting into details about practical applications in their jobs

c) It is at a large, attractive venue where lots of people can sit and listen to a well-known speaker it at the same time


Option (a) It is tailored to the specific needs of the employee and focuses on realistic situations that employees face in their daily roles is the characteristic that typically makes a training module more effective for an employee. An organization will undoubtedly attract better talent and sustain itself if it develops its employees' talents and considers its expansion.

How do training programs in an organization benefit the employees?

In order to increase an employee's performance and productivity in their present company or work role, employee training and development is a program that teaches them a specific skill as well as knowledge. It enhanced present performance and supported increased employee development.  Also, it aids the firm in avoiding the expenditures associated with losing talent.

More staff can be retained by businesses with effective training and development programs, which also increase profitability and boost employee engagement. In addition to assisting an employee's progress, training and development also encourages business growth. Also, it aids in letting workers know that they are appreciated by the company. Employee development, however, has a wider focus. It is a sustained endeavor that is concerned with a person's growth.

To learn more about training, visit:


The federal government passes a law which a company, JuneCorp, feels unjustifiably discriminates against the
company and harms its ability to operate. Under the strict scrutiny test, which of the following statements is


Under the strict scrutiny test, the law must serve a compelling government interest and be narrowly tailored to achieve that interest. Therefore, if June Corp can prove that the law is not narrowly tailored to achieve a compelling government interest, the law may be deemed unconstitutional.

Scrutiny test is a legal principle used by courts to evaluate the constitutionality of laws or government actions that may infringe on individual rights. The level of scrutiny applied depends on the nature of the right involved and the importance of that right.

Learn more about scrutiny test, here


tanya is a financial analyst in RTE telecom as part of her analysis of the annual distribution policy and its impact of the firm's value
She makes the following calculations and observations
the company generated a free cash flow


The impact of the annual distribution policy on RTE Telecom's firm value was an increase from the original value of $250,000,000 ($50 * 5,000,000) to $242,500,000 after accounting for dividends and stock repurchases.

How to solve

First, calculate the total earnings:

Total Earnings = EPS * Outstanding Shares

Total Earnings = $2.5 * 5,000,000

Total Earnings = $12,500,000

Next, calculate the total amount distributed as dividends:

Dividends = 40% of Total Earnings

Dividends = 0.4 * $12,500,000

Dividends = $5,000,000

Then, calculate the total amount used for stock repurchases:

Stock Repurchases = 60% of Total Earnings

Stock Repurchases = 0.6 * $12,500,000

Stock Repurchases = $7,500,000

Now, calculate the number of shares repurchased:

Number of Shares Repurchased = Stock Repurchases / Stock Price

Number of Shares Repurchased = $7,500,000 / $50

Number of Shares Repurchased = 150,000

Finally, calculate the new number of outstanding shares and the new firm value:

New Outstanding Shares = Original Outstanding Shares - Number of Shares Repurchased

New Outstanding Shares = 5,000,000 - 150,000

New Outstanding Shares = 4,850,000

New Firm Value = New Outstanding Shares * Stock Price

New Firm Value = 4,850,000 * $50

New Firm Value = $242,500,000

The impact of the annual distribution policy on RTE Telecom's firm value was an increase from the original value of $250,000,000 ($50 * 5,000,000) to $242,500,000 after accounting for dividends and stock repurchases.

Read more about finance here:


Tanya, a financial analyst at RTE Telecom, is analyzing the company's annual distribution policy and its impact on the firm's value. She gathers data on the company's dividends and stock repurchases for the past year and compares it with the firm's free cash flow, earnings per share, and stock price. She notices that the firm distributed 40% of its earnings as dividends and the remaining 60% as stock repurchases. The firm's free cash flow for the past year was $10 million, and there are 5 million outstanding shares. The earnings per share (EPS) for the past year was $2.5, and the stock price is currently $50 per share.

What was the impact of the annual distribution policy on RTE Telecom's firm value, considering its dividends and stock repurchases?

Use the information below to answer questions 7-10 Mandated Company Ltd has established the following inventory levels for his manufacturing establishment: Normal usage Minimum usage Maximum usage Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) Delivery period 7. What is the re-order level? 20,000 units /day 12,000 units /day 26,000 units /day 100,000 units 26-30 days​


The re-order level can be calculated by adding delivery period to the time it takes to receive an order. Therefore, the re-order level is 806,000 units.

What is re-order level?

Re-order level is a term used in inventory management that refers to the minimum quantity of a product that a business needs to have on hand before placing a new order. It is also known as the reorder point or the minimum stock level. The purpose of setting a re-order level is to ensure that a business never runs out of stock, which could lead to lost sales and unhappy customers. The re-order level is determined by considering various factors such as lead time, demand variability, and safety stock. It is calculated by subtracting the lead time demand from the desired service level and adding the safety stock. By setting a re-order level, businesses can optimize their inventory management, reduce the risk of stockouts, and ensure they always have enough product to meet customer demand.

Re-order level = Maximum usage × (Delivery period + Time to receive an order) - Minimum usage

Re-order level = 26,000 units/day × (28 days + 5 days) - 12,000 units/day

Re-order level = 26,000 units/day × 33 days - 12,000 units/day

Re-order level = 818,000 units - 12,000 units/day

Re-order level = 806,000 units

To learn more about re-order level, visit:


Throughout this semester, you will develop a business plan for a business that you are thinking about opening, or one that you would be interested in owning. Following the Sample Student Business Plan in back of your textbook, complete the following. Submit in PowerPoint format.

Cover page
full legal name of your organization/business
name of majority owners
date of plan
Executive Summary
Description of your business idea and the nature of the target market
Type of organization (e.g. C Corporation, LLC, sole proprietorship)
Brief description of the products and/or services you will offer
Key success factors
Short-term business goals (less than one year)
Resources and skills that you and other owners and managers have that will help you make your organization successful, plus other skills needed and how they will be obtained
Mission statement for your corporation in 21 to 40 words that clearly states your competitive advantage, strategy and tactics
Company description
What industry are you in?
In what state are your registering or do you intend to register?
What is the geographic reach of the organization
Describe your target customer along as many dimensions as you have defined (demographics, geographic, needs, trends)
Define/describe your competition, both direct and indirect
Describe any international competitors who may be able to access your customers. How do you intend to compete against them?
What products/services do you intend to market?
Explain how your product will meet a customer need
Describe the features and benefits of the product/service your business will focus on selling
What, if any, copyrights, trademarks, patents or other intellectual property do you own or expect to own?
Describe your record keeping system, including the software you will use and whether it is specific to your industry
List the types of bank accounts you will need to open for your business
Estimate how much capital you will need and how you will go about obtaining the funds.


only 9 points for a whole presentation is unbelievable


Business Plan for "Healthy Eats Cafe"

Cover page:

Healthy Eats Cafe

Majority owners: John Doe and Jane Smith

Date of Plan: April 10, 2023

Executive Summary:

Healthy Eats Cafe is a new concept in the fast-casual dining industry, offering fresh and healthy meals for customers on-the-go. Our target market is health-conscious individuals who seek delicious and nutritious food options that fit their busy lifestyles. Healthy Eats Cafe will be established as a limited liability company (LLC), and our menu will feature a variety of salads, sandwiches, and smoothies made with locally-sourced ingredients. Our key success factors include a unique and differentiated menu, convenient location, and exceptional customer service. Our short-term business goals include securing a prime location, establishing relationships with local suppliers, and building a loyal customer base. The owners bring extensive experience in the food industry and possess skills in management, finance, and marketing. We will also hire additional staff with experience in culinary arts and customer service.

Mission statement:

At Healthy Eats Cafe, we are committed to providing our customers with delicious, fresh, and healthy meal options that fit their busy lifestyles. Our competitive advantage lies in our unique menu and exceptional customer service. Our strategy is to offer high-quality food made with locally-sourced ingredients at an affordable price. We will use digital marketing and social media to reach our target market and build brand awareness.

Company description:

Healthy Eats Cafe is in the fast-casual dining industry and will be registered in the state of California. Our geographic reach will initially be focused on the San Francisco Bay Area, with plans to expand to other regions in the future. Our target customers are health-conscious individuals between the ages of 18-45 who seek nutritious and delicious meal options. Our competition includes other fast-casual dining options such as Sweetgreen, Chop't, and Tender Greens. Indirect competitors include traditional fast-food restaurants, as well as meal delivery services. There are no significant international competitors in our target market.


Healthy Eats Cafe will offer a variety of salads, sandwiches, and smoothies made with locally-sourced and organic ingredients. Our menu will be designed to cater to the needs of health-conscious individuals who seek nutritious and delicious food options. Our products will meet a customer need by providing a convenient and healthy alternative to traditional fast-food options. The features and benefits of our products include high-quality ingredients, unique flavor profiles, and customizable options. We currently do not own any intellectual property related to our products. Our record-keeping system will be based on Quickbooks software, customized for our industry. We will need to open a business checking account, a merchant services account, and a line of credit. We estimate that we will need $500,000 in capital to launch our business, which will be obtained through a combination of owner investment and a small business loan.

Overall, Healthy Eats Cafe aims to fill a gap in the fast-casual dining industry by providing healthy and delicious meal options that fit the busy lifestyles of our target market. With a unique menu, exceptional customer service, and a commitment to using locally-sourced ingredients, we believe we can establish ourselves as a leader in the industry and achieve long-term success.

1.a) True or False: A firm is in the value destroying stage whenROIC < WACCb) True or False: ROIC and size are not correlated


The statement "A firm is in the value destroying stage when ROIC < WACC" is true because the ROIC is a measure of how effectively a company generates profits from its capital investments, while the WACC represents the cost of that capital. The statement "ROIC and size are not correlated" is false because there can be a correlation between ROIC and size in certain industries and situations.

If the ROIC is less than the WACC, it means that the company is not generating sufficient returns on its invested capital, and is effectively destroying value for its shareholders.

In some industries, such as manufacturing or retail, larger companies may benefit from economies of scale, which can lead to higher ROIC. In other industries, such as technology or biotech, smaller companies may have a competitive advantage due to greater flexibility and innovation, which can also lead to higher ROIC.

However, there is no clear or consistent relationship between ROIC and company size, and other factors such as industry structure and competitive position may play a more significant role in determining a company's ROIC.

Learn more about ROIC


What is the difference between a future taxable amount and a future deductible amount? And does this affect the beginning balances of deferred tax asset and deferred tax liability?


A future taxable amount is an amount of income that is expected to be subject to taxation in the future, while a future deductible amount is an expense that is expected to be deductible from taxable income in the future.

What is taxable amount?

Taxable amount is the total amount of income or profit that is subject to taxation. It is the amount of money that an individual or business must pay taxes on after deductions and exemptions have been taken into account. Taxable amount is calculated by subtracting the deductions and exemptions from the total amount of income or profit. This amount can be calculated on an individual basis or on a business basis. Depending on the jurisdiction, the taxes may be imposed at different rates and be collected by different levels of government.

This does affect the beginning balances of deferred tax asset and deferred tax liability. A deferred tax asset is created when a future deductible amount is expected to exceed a future taxable amount, resulting in an estimated future tax benefit. Conversely, a deferred tax liability is created when a future taxable amount is expected to exceed a future deductible amount, resulting in an estimated future tax expense.

To learn more about taxable amount

1. To what degree are trends in business and developments in technology forcing workers to write more than ever before? What evidence supports this trend? (Obj. 1)


The trend of increased writing requirements due to business and technological developments is significant.

What is business?

Business is the production or purchase and sale of goods and services with the ultimate goal of making a profit. Businesses can be divided into two main categories: those that produce goods and those who provide services. Goods-producing businesses create tangible products, such as furniture, clothing, and cars. Service-providing businesses provide services, such as consulting, accounting, and legal services.

Technology has allowed for an increase in the amount of data collected and processed, requiring workers to synthesize this information into written reports. Additionally, the trend towards remote working has increased the need for written communication and collaboration as a way to bridge physical distance. This has resulted in an increase in the need for written communication in the workplace, as well as an increase in the amount of written communication. Evidence of this trend can be seen in the rise of services such as online collaboration tools, and the prevalence of email and other written forms of communication in the workplace.

To learn more about business

4. Review the South African trends in terms of
legislation, and indicate your role as an HRD
practitioner in ensuring alignment with legislative
imperatives. (15)


As an HRD practitioner, it is essential to have a thorough understanding of these legislative requirements and ensure that the organization's HR policies, practices, and processes are in compliance

What is HRD?

HRD stands for Human Resource Development. It is a field within human resources management that focuses on the development of employees' skills, knowledge, abilities, and performance in order to enhance their overall effectiveness and productivity in the workplace.

As an HRD (Human Resource Development) practitioner, it is important to stay informed about the legislative landscape in South Africa and ensure that the organization's HR policies, practices, and processes are aligned with legislative imperatives.

Learn more about HRD from the given link


Scarcity exists when there are,
resources to meet unlimited needs and wants. Because of
, we must make choices about how to use resources. All the options for using resources that are not
Marginal means using one
"is the next-best alternative for the use of resources.
v unit of a resource.


This concept of scarcity, choice, and opportunity cost is fundamental to economics and helps us understand how resources are allocated in a world of limited availability and unlimited demand.

What is Scarcity for the question context?

Scarcity exists when there are limited resources to meet unlimited needs and wants. Because of this limitation, we must make choices about how to use resources effectively. All the options for using resources that are not chosen are referred to as the opportunity cost.

What is Marginal for the question context?

Marginal refers to using one additional unit of a resource, and the opportunity cost is the next-best alternative for the use of resources. In other words, when we choose to allocate resources towards one particular use, the opportunity cost is the value of the next-best alternative foregone.

Read more about fundamentals


At the W Hotel on Union Square in New York, they provide opportunity for more
formal communication by using an employee survey index. What percent of the
supervisors and manager s bonus is based on the survey results?


At the W Hotel where they provide opportunity for more formal communication by using an employee survey index. The percent of the supervisors and managers bonus based on the survey results is 33.3%.

How effective is supervisors and managers bonus which are based on survey results?

If bonuses are based on relevant and meaningful survey questions, they can motivate managers and supervisors to improve employee satisfaction, engagement, and overall performance. Also, bonuses can incentivize managers to develop better communication and leadership skills, which can lead to better team collaboration, employee retention, and productivity.

However, if the survey questions are poorly designed or irrelevant, or if the bonus amounts are not substantial enough to motivate change, the bonuses may not be effective in achieving the desired outcomes. Therefore, it is important to carefully design surveys and bonus structures to ensure that they are meaningful and impactful in improving workplace culture and performance.

Read more about bonus


Income tax is calculated based on:
O A. gross income.
O B. net income minus profits.
о C. net income minus deductions.
D. gross income minus deductions.


Income tax is calculated based on: C. net income minus deductions.

How is income tax calculated?

Income tax is calculated based on the net income of an individual or entity, which is the income after deducting allowable deductions from the gross income. Deductions are expenses or exemptions that are allowed by tax laws to reduce the taxable income, and they can include items such as business expenses, charitable donations, and certain personal expenses.

The net income, which is the remaining income after deductions, is then subject to the applicable tax rates according to the tax bracket of the taxpayer. Therefore, option C, "net income minus deductions," is the correct statement for how income tax is calculated.

Read more about Income tax


Exercise 11-11 Capitalizing interest (LO 11-2)
Kobe Company began constructing a building for its own use in February 20X1. During 20X1, Kobe incurred interest of $70,000 on specific construction debt and $15,000 on other borrowings. Interest computed on the weighted-average amount of accumulated expenditures for the building during 20X1 was $60,000.


1a. What amount of interest should Kobe capitalize?

1b. Prepare the journal entry to record payment of the interest.

2. If interest computed on the weighted-average amount of accumulated expenditures for the building during 20X1 was instead $90,000, what amount of interest should Kobe capitalize?


1a. Kobe should capitalize $60,000 of interest.

1b. The journal entry to record payment of the interest would be:

Interest Expense 60,000 and Interest Payable 60,000

2. Kobe should still capitalize $70,000 of interest.

What is an interest?

1a. The amount of interest that Kobe should capitalize is the lesser of the actual interest incurred on the specific construction debt, which is $70,000, and the amount of interest computed on the weighted-average amount of accumulated expenditures, which is $60,000. Therefore, Kobe should capitalize $60,000 of interest.

1b. The journal entry to record payment of the interest would be:

Interest Expense 60,000

Interest Payable 60,000

2. If interest computed on the weighted-average amount of accumulated expenditures for the building during 20X1 was instead $90,000, Kobe would still only capitalize the lesser of the actual interest incurred on the specific construction debt, which is $70,000, and the amount of interest computed on the weighted-average amount of accumulated expenditures, which is $90,000. Therefore, Kobe should still capitalize $70,000 of interest.

To know more about expenditures, visit:


Technician A uses a forward gun angle to achieve a deep penetration in the metal . Technician B uses the reverse gun angle to achieve a flat bead . Who is correct ?​


In a case whereby Technician A uses a forward gun angle to achieve a deep penetration in the metal and Technician B uses the reverse gun angle to achieve a flat bead, then Technician A is correct.

What is theDeep penetration?

Deep penetration refers to the depth that a weld penetrates into the base metal. In welding, the goal is to create a strong and durable bond between two pieces of metal by melting them and fusing them together. The weld should penetrate deep enough into the base metal to ensure a strong bond.

The depth of penetration depends on several factors, including the type of welding process, the welding parameters such as heat input, travel speed, and the angle of the welding gun or torch. A deeper penetration is usually desired in applications where the strength of the weld is critical, such as in structural welding, pipeline welding, or heavy equipment fabrication.

Learn more about angle at:


Question 2 of 10
What is the formula for determining productivity?


Answer: this should help just write it or type it out


Preparing statistical graphs is used in this step of market research


Statistical graphs are an effective way to visualize and analyze data collected during market research.

What is market research?

Market research is a systematic and organized effort to gather information about target markets or customers and to better understand the behaviors, needs, and preferences of a specific group of consumers. It is a form of data collection that involves quantifying and qualifying aspects of a market, such as size, competition, and potential for growth. It also involves understanding customer needs, wants, and perceptions as well as tracking customer satisfaction.

They can be used to identify patterns and trends in customer data, compare different customer segments, or provide a visual representation of survey results. Graphs can also be used to show correlations between different variables, such as the relationship between customer satisfaction and product features. Graphs are an essential tool for presenting quantitative data in a clear, concise, and easy-to-understand manner.

To learn more about market research

Initial cost of 60,000, expected net cash in flows of $10,000 per year for 8 yrs and a cost of capital of 12%.
What is the project’s NPV
Payback Period?
Discounted Payback Period?


NPV: The initial cost of the project is $13,088.55. This amount is calculated by subtracting the initial cost of $60,000 from the present value of the cash inflows over the 8 year period, which is $73,088.55.

What is initial cost?

Initial cost is the total amount of money required to begin a project or venture. It includes the costs associated with purchasing necessary equipment and materials, hiring personnel, and other expenses related to the start of the project.

IRR: The IRR of the project is 14.63%. This rate is calculated by finding the discount rate that would make the NPV of the project equal to 0.

MIRR: The MIRR of the project is 14.93%. This rate is calculated by finding the discount rate that would make the internal rate of return (IRR) of the project equal to the cost of capital.

PI: The PI of the project is 1.25. This ratio is calculated by dividing the present value of the cash inflows over the 8 year period ($73,088.55) by the initial cost of the project ($60,000).

Payback Period: The payback period of the project is 6 years. This is the amount of time it takes to recover the initial cost of the project.

Discounted Payback Period: The discounted payback period of the project is 5.97 years.

To learn more about initial cost


Explain with examples, why the study of macroeconomics is important to an undergraduate student of Economics in Nigeria.


Macroeconomics is the study of the overall performance and behavior of the economy as a whole, including the factors that influence economic growth, inflation, unemployment, and international trade. The study of macroeconomics is important to an undergraduate student of economics in Nigeria for several reasons:

1. Understanding the overall economy: Knowledge of macroeconomics is essential for understanding the overall performance and behavior of the Nigerian economy. This includes analyzing key macroeconomic indicators such as Gross Domestic Product (GDP), inflation rates, unemployment rates, and trade balances.

2. Policy-making: Understanding macroeconomics is essential for policy-making at the government level. This includes understanding how monetary policy and fiscal policy can be used to stabilize the economy, promote economic growth, and reduce inflation and unemployment rates.

3. Business decision-making: Understanding macroeconomics is also important for business decision-making. For instance, a business owner needs to understand macroeconomic trends such as inflation and exchange rates in order to make informed decisions about pricing, production, and investment.

4. International trade: Macro economics is important to international trade because it explains the workings of the global economy and how different countries interact with one another. For example, a student of macroeconomics can understand the factors that influence exchange rates and how these impact international trade between Nigeria and other countries.

5. Personal financial planning: Finally, understanding macroeconomics is important for personal financial planning. This includes understanding how inflation and exchange rates impact the value of money over time, and how these factors affect personal savings and investments.

To illustrate the importance of macroeconomics to an undergraduate student of economics in Nigeria, consider the following examples:

1. Suppose a student is interested in starting a business in Nigeria. Understanding macroeconomics would be essential for analyzing the overall economic environment and identifying potential opportunities and risks. For instance, the student needs to understand the current inflation rate, exchange rate, and interest rates in order to make informed decisions about financing, pricing, and production.

2. Suppose a student is interested in pursuing a career in government or public policy. Understanding macroeconomics would be essential for analyzing and formulating policies that promote economic growth, reduce inflation and unemployment rates, and stabilize the economy.

3. Suppose a student is interested in pursuing a career in international trade. Understanding macroeconomics would be essential for analyzing the global economy and identifying potential opportunities and risks in international trade. For instance, the student needs to understand how exchange rates impact the competitiveness of Nigerian exports and how trade policies affect international trade relations.

Hope this helps!!

Describe the "scientific" racial theories and nationalist ideas
that were cited to argue against human equality or
universal human rights;


The "scientific" racial theories that were used to argue against human equality and universal human rights were based on the belief that different human races had distinct biological characteristics and that these characteristics determined the intellectual and moral abilities of each race.

One of the most prominent scientific racists was Arthur de Gobineau, a French aristocrat who wrote a book titled "An Essay on the Inequality of the Human Races" in 1853. In his book, Gobineau claimed that the white race was superior to all other races, including the black race, and argued that racial mixing would lead to the decline of civilization. Gobineau's ideas had a significant impact on the development of the Nazi ideology.

Another influential figure in the development of scientific racism was Charles Darwin. Although Darwin did not explicitly support the idea of racial hierarchy, his theory of evolution was misused by many to justify racial superiority. Social Darwinism, which was based on the idea of "survival of the fittest," argued that different races and nations were engaged in a struggle for survival, and that the stronger races would inevitably dominate the weaker ones.

These ideas were often used to support nationalist ideologies, which held that one's nation was superior to others and should dominate the world. For example, in Nazi Germany, the belief in Aryan superiority was used to justify the genocide of millions of Jews, Romani people, and other minorities. Similarly, in the United States, the belief in white supremacy was used to justify slavery and segregation.

To know more about human rights click here


If an analyst would like to develop a trailing MA forecast that incorporates more variability of historical data, she/he can apply:

trailing MA with a small window width.

trailing MA with a large window width.

trailing MA with any window width.

all of the above.

none of the above.


If an analyst would like to develop a trailing MA forecast that incorporates more variability of historical data, she/he can apply: b. trailing MA with a large window width.

A larger window width means that more historical data will be used to calculate the moving average, which will result in a forecast that takes into account a wider range of variability in the data. A smaller window width, on the other hand, will result in a forecast that is less variable and more responsive to recent changes in the data. Therefore, option b is the correct answer.

What is forecast ?

A forecast is a prediction or estimate of future events, conditions, or trends based on historical data, statistical analysis, mathematical models, expert judgment, or a combination of these methods. Forecasts are used in many fields, including economics, finance, business, weather, sports, and engineering, to anticipate future developments and make informed decisions based on expected outcomes. A forecast can be short-term or long-term, and can involve a range of different techniques and methods. The accuracy and reliability of a forecast depend on the quality of the data, the appropriateness of the methods used, and the assumptions made about future conditions.

To know more about historical data, visit:


Complete question is: If an analyst would like to develop a trailing MA forecast that incorporates more variability of historical data, she/he can apply, trailing MA with a large window width.

A new program that Merck implemented to encourage its people managers to give more employee feedback is named


The name of the new program that Merck implemented to encourage its people managers to give more employee feedback is “Inspire the Best.”

What is the program about ?

Merck, a global pharmaceutical company, has implemented various programs and initiatives aimed at improving employee engagement and development, including programs focused on feedback and coaching.

Some of the programs that Merck has implemented in the past include the "360-Degree Feedback Program" and the "Performance Coaching Program." These programs are designed to provide employees with feedback and support to help them grow and develop in their roles.

Find out more on employee feedback at


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