Do I need to take COVID-19 test report to visit the Maldives?


Answer 1

Traveler Health Declaration (THD) must be filled in and submitted by all travelers travelling to and from Maldives, within 72 hours prior to their travel. You may submit the form electronically via Tourists are allowed entry without quarantine on arrival.

Related Questions

in your own words explain why story telling is important to human being​


Here are some reasons why storytelling is essential to humanity:


What is story telling?

Storytelling is important to human beings because it serves as a fundamental means of communication, connection, and understanding. Since the earliest days of human existence, stories have been used to convey information, share experiences, and express emotions. Here are some reasons why storytelling is essential to humanity:

Communication: Stories are a powerful tool for conveying complex ideas and emotions in a way that is relatable and engaging. Through storytelling, individuals can share their perspectives, beliefs, and experiences with others, allowing for greater understanding and empathy.

Connection: Stories have the ability to foster a sense of connection and community among individuals. They can bring people together by creating shared experiences, values, and beliefs. Storytelling allows individuals to connect on a deeper level, transcending cultural, geographic, and generational boundaries.

Meaning-making: Stories help humans make sense of the world around them. They provide frameworks for understanding and interpreting the complexities of life, including morality, relationships, and the human condition. Stories give meaning to our experiences and help us make sense of our own identities and place in the world.

Read more about story telling  here:


Project 1: Modernized Version of Three Chapters of The Outsiders
While the theme of social classes extends across time, some of the specific instances and events
addressed in The Outsiders seem confined to America in the 1960s. Think about how Hinton's
novel could be updated for a modern-day audience. What social groups cause the most friction
today? How would this friction be demonstrated? What would be the consequences of their
feuding? Create a modern-day version of the first three chapters of The Outsiders. You may
create a written or a video version. Be sure to think about how to translate the novel into the
present day.
Answer the questions in the chart below to help you re-create a modern version of the first
three chapters of the novel.
Tips for Success Questions to Answer
Literary Ele-
ments from The
Most Import-
ant Characters:
Darry, Dally,
Johnny, Two-Bit,
Steve, Cherry,
and various
unnamed Socs
Reread chap-
ters 1 and 2 to
refresh your
memory about
the characters in
those chapters.
1. How would the character's
change to reflect teens today?
2. What would their hair and
clothing look like today?
3. What activities would they val-
ue today that weren't available in
the 1960s?
4. What details about the culture
(such as movies, movie stars,
cars, clothing, etc.) do teens
today think are important as op-
posed to those in the novel?
Your Thoughts and


In a modern-day version of The Outsiders, the characters' personalities, behaviors, and perspectives could be updated to reflect contemporary teenage culture.

What is the The Outsiders?

An example, Ponyboy, the protagonist, could be portrayed as a tech-savvy teenager who is knowledgeable about social media, video games, and online trends. Sodapop, his brother, could be depicted as a fashion-conscious and socially aware teenager who is passionate about social justice causes. Darry, their older brother, could be portrayed as a responsible and ambitious student who is focused on his academic and career goals.

What would their hair and clothing look like today?

The characters' hair and clothing styles could be updated to reflect current fashion trends. Ponyboy could have a modern haircut, such as an undercut or a man bun, and wear casual and comfortable clothing, like skinny jeans and graphic t-shirts. Sodapop could have a stylish and trendy hairstyle, such as a fade or a pompadour, and wear fashionable clothing, like designer jeans and vintage-inspired t-shirts. Darry could have a polished and professional look, with a clean-cut hairstyle and formal attire, reflecting his ambitious and responsible nature.

What activities would they value today that weren't available in the 1960s?

In a modern-day version of The Outsiders, the characters could value activities and hobbies that are popular among contemporary teenagers. For example, they could be interested in social media, video games, sports, music festivals, and other forms of entertainment that are prevalent in today's youth culture. They could also engage in social activism, participate in online communities, and be aware of current events and social issues.

What details about the culture (such as movies, movie stars, cars, clothing, etc.) do teens today think are important as opposed to those in the novel?

Teens today may have different cultural references and interests compared to the 1960s. For example, instead of classic movies and movie stars mentioned in the original novel, modern teens may be more interested in current popular movies, TV shows, and celebrities. They may also have different preferences for music genres, fashion trends, and technological devices, which could be reflected in the modern version of The Outsiders.

Read more about The Outsiders here:


6. What is the responsibility of media in a democratic society.​


Answer: First, it ensures that citizens make responsible, informed choices rather than acting out of ignorance or misinformation. Second, information serves a “checking function” by ensuring that elected representatives uphold their oaths of office and carry out the wishes of those who elected them.


why is bomba important to titi


Is this from a book because I don’t know who these are
It is not clear who or what Titi refers to, so I cannot provide a specific answer. However, Bomba is a traditional Puerto Rican music style that is important to the cultural identity of many Puerto Ricans. It is often associated with African heritage and the struggle against oppression, and it has been used as a form of resistance and protest. For many Puerto Ricans, Bomba is more than just music - it is a way of preserving their cultural heritage, expressing their identity, and connecting with their roots. So, Bomba may be important to someone named Titi for similar reasons.

explain me effect of hyperconjugation knhyfheeqf (meetand inductive​



Inductive effect and hyperconjugation usually occur simultaneously. Inductive effect will undoubtedly outweigh, when the molecule is easily polarized. In addition, the spatial effect may mask the hyperconjugation effect. In benzene homologues hyperconjugation enhances the inductive effect.

Define the Concept the Concept of multilingualism​



Use of more than one language.

Multilingualism is the use of more than one language, either by an individual speaker or by a group of speakers. It is believed that multilingual speakers outnumber monolingual speakers in the world's population.

Calendars are useful to track homework assignments.




Because it keeps you focused and prepared for what is coming

Yes it is true

Because when you dont know what you had set up, you put it on your calendar so you wont forget and to track when whatever upcoming tested there are

2 Read the section "The Go-To Guy." Which
sentence from this section supports the
conclusion that Logan sometimes
struggles in social situations?
(A) Yet there are other students who
support him and admire his passion and
hard work, he said.
(B) The school's teachers also
know Logan is the go-to guy for a
computer problem, McWilliams
said. (C) Logan has autism, which
is a difference in how a person's
brain develops.
(D) Autism can make it hard for people, to
talk to others and make friends.


The sentence that supports the conclusion that Logan sometimes struggles in social situations is (D) Autism can make it hard for people to talk to others and make friends.

Personal philosophy paper students with a learning disability and ADHD
This 3-page paper must be typed, double-spaced, and use at least 2 sources in American Psychological Association (APA) 7th edition format. One reference must be the textbook, and the other must be an article published in a professional special education journal since 2005. Please consult the APA (7th ed.) manual in your library for proper formatting. This paper may be written in first-person style. The position paper must have the following components and be listed in this way using APA-style subheadings:

Students I Desire to Serve-These four values loyalty, compassion, dedication, and respect are values that I think everyone should consider following. This is especially true if you wish to work with children with disabilities. When working with children I feel that it's important to have at least some of these values. Even though, education is not my first career choice. I knew I always wanted to work with children in a medical environment. In the future, I want to be a Child Life Specialist. If I had to pick the students I would like to work with, they would be ages 4 to probably 8. At a
elementary grade level, with a learning disability or Attention-Deficit Disorder (ADHD). I have a learning disability and ADHD. So, I know what it's like overcoming obstacles and constantly having to prove yourself to other people. Helping children who are experiencing similar difficulties that I personal experiences is very important to me.

Instructional Strategies-The two strategies that I would use if I had a classroom would be direct instruction and Direct instruction is an instructor directed strategy. It is useful for providing information or developing step-by-step skills. Some examples are lectures, questioning, explicit teaching, and demonstrations (Instructional strategies: Literacy basics).

I need help with finding another Instructional Strategies

Professional Skills Needed and Plan for Acquisition-description of 2 professional skills you hope to develop or refine in the future to best serve these
students and a plan of action describing how you will gain the knowledge and skills outlined in the previous section to make you a superlative professional
with students/families/adults;

Personal Philosophy of Education-a summary of your personal philosophy of general or special education.

Reference/work cited page


Title: Personal Philosophy for Working with Students with Learning Disabilities and ADHD

What is Personal Philosophy?


As someone who has a personal experience of overcoming learning disabilities and Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), I am passionate about working with children who face similar challenges. In this paper, I will outline my personal philosophy for working with students with learning disabilities and ADHD, including the values I prioritize, the instructional strategies I would use, the professional skills I aim to develop, and my overall philosophy of education.

Students I Desire to Serve:

I believe that all students, regardless of their disabilities or challenges, deserve access to quality education that is inclusive and individualized. In particular, I am drawn to working with students who are between the ages of 4 to 8, at the elementary grade level, and who have learning disabilities or ADHD. I understand the difficulties these students face in their academic and social lives, as I have experienced similar challenges myself. Therefore, I am committed to providing support, understanding, and advocacy for these students to help them succeed.

Instructional Strategies:

As a future educator, I plan to use a combination of instructional strategies to best meet the needs of my students with learning disabilities and ADHD. One strategy I would use is direct instruction, which involves explicit teaching, questioning, and demonstrations to provide information and develop step-by-step skills (Instructional strategies: Literacy basics, n.d.). I believe that clear and structured instruction can help students with learning disabilities and ADHD to understand and retain information more effectively.

Another strategy I would utilize is differentiated instruction, which involves tailoring instruction to the diverse needs of individual students. This may include modifying the pace, content, or method of instruction to accommodate different learning styles and abilities. I would also incorporate multisensory approaches, such as using visual aids, hands-on activities, and technology, to engage students and facilitate their understanding of concepts.

Professional Skills Needed and Plan for Acquisition:

To best serve my students with learning disabilities and ADHD, I recognize the need to continually develop and refine my professional skills. Two skills that I hope to focus on are:

Individualized Instruction: I plan to enhance my ability to provide individualized instruction that is tailored to the unique needs and abilities of each student. This may involve conducting assessments to identify individual strengths and weaknesses, developing individualized education plans (IEPs), and implementing differentiated instruction strategies to address specific learning needs.

Collaboration and Advocacy: I aim to strengthen my skills in collaborating with other professionals, such as special education teachers, speech therapists, and parents, to create a supportive and inclusive learning environment for my students. This may involve regular communication, team meetings, and coordination of services. Additionally, I plan to advocate for the rights and needs of my students with learning disabilities and ADHD, by staying informed about relevant laws, policies, and best practices, and actively promoting inclusive practices within the school and community.

To acquire these skills, I will seek professional development opportunities, such as workshops, conferences, and online courses, that focus on evidence-based strategies for working with students with learning disabilities and ADHD. I will also engage in reflective practice, seeking feedback from colleagues, mentors, and students, and continuously self-assessing my strengths and areas for improvement.

Personal Philosophy of Education:

My personal philosophy of education for students with learning disabilities and ADHD is rooted in the principles of inclusivity, individualization, and advocacy. I believe that all students have the right to access quality education that recognizes their unique strengths, needs, and abilities. As an educator, I will strive to create a positive and inclusive learning environment where students feel valued, respected, and empowered to reach their full potential.

I also believe that effective education for students with learning disabilities and ADHD requires a multi-faceted approach that addresses their academic, social, emotional, and

Read more about Personal Philosophy here:


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