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Personal philosophy paper students with a learning disability and ADHD This 3-page paper must be typed, double-spaced, and use at least 2 sources in American Psychological Association (APA) 7th edition format. One reference must be the textbook, and the other must be an article published in a professional special education journal since 2005. Please consult the APA (7th ed.) manual in your library for proper formatting. This paper may be written in first-person style. The position paper must have the following components and be listed in this way using APA-style subheadings:Students I Desire to Serve-These four values loyalty, compassion, dedication, and respect are values that I think everyone should consider following. This is especially true if you wish to work with children with disabilities. When working with children I feel that it's important to have at least some of these values. Even though, education is not my first career choice. I knew I always wanted to work with children in a medical environment. In the future, I want to be a Child Life Specialist. If I had to pick the students I would like to work with, they would be ages 4 to probably 8. At aelementary grade level, with a learning disability or Attention-Deficit Disorder (ADHD). I have a learning disability and ADHD. So, I know what it's like overcoming obstacles and constantly having to prove yourself to other people. Helping children who are experiencing similar difficulties that I personal experiences is very important to me. Instructional Strategies-The two strategies that I would use if I had a classroom would be direct instruction and Direct instruction is an instructor directed strategy. It is useful for providing information or developing step-by-step skills. Some examples are lectures, questioning, explicit teaching, and demonstrations (Instructional strategies: Literacy basics). I need help with finding another Instructional StrategiesProfessional Skills Needed and Plan for Acquisition-description of 2 professional skills you hope to develop or refine in the future to best serve thesestudents and a plan of action describing how you will gain the knowledge and skills outlined in the previous section to make you a superlative professionalwith students/families/adults;Personal Philosophy of Education-a summary of your personal philosophy of general or special education. Reference/work cited page