Does anyone know test 3 for edhesive computer science? (Not AP)


Answer 1

1) Note that the five things algorithms must posses are:

an orderclear instructionsoperations that can be executed by a computeroutputstop in a finite amount of time

2) To forecast its performance and help determine which algorithm is best to use per time is why we analyze algorithms.

3) The person who as a 19th century mathematician developed principles that are used in Boolean conditions is called George Boole.
4)  !=  means "not equal" to.

What is the explanation for the above response?

1 )An algorithm must have a clear order of instructions, be able to be performed by a computer, create outputs, and stop within a fixed period of time in order to be effective.

2) Analyzing algorithms aids in forecasting their performance and determining which is best suited for a certain task.

3)  A 19th-century mathematician named George Boole created concepts that are being utilized today in Boolean conditions.

4 In computer languages, the "!=" sign denotes "not equal to".

Learn more about algorithms at:


Full Question:

Although part of your question is missing, you might be referring to this full question:

1) What are the five things algorithms must have?

2) Why do we analyze algorithms?
3) Who is George Boole?
4) What does != mean?

Related Questions

you are a linux forensic investigator. you are running a series of advanced shell commands on what you believe is a compromised server. which command do you use to list the contents of deleted disk blocks?


The command to list the contents of deleted disk blocks is 'blkls'.

What is the shell command to list the contents of deleted disk blocks in Linux forensic investigation on a potentially compromised server?

The shell command to list the contents of deleted disk blocks in Linux forensic investigation on a potentially compromised server is blkls

To list the contents of deleted disk blocks, you can use the blkls command from The Sleuth Kit (TSK) package.

Here's the syntax for the blkls command:

blkls [options] <imagefile> [<inode> [<offset>]]

The <imagefile> parameter specifies the path to the disk image you want to analyze. The optional <inode> parameter specifies the inode number of the file you want to analyze, and the optional <offset> parameter specifies the byte offset within the file where you want to start the analysis.

By default, the blkls command will list the contents of deleted blocks for all files in the specified image file. You can use the -i option to specify the inode number of a specific file you want to analyze.

Note that in order to use the blkls command, you will need to have access to the disk image you want to analyze. If the server has been compromised, it's possible that the attacker may have deleted or modified important files. Running a forensic analysis on the server can help you identify any such changes and potentially help you determine the cause and scope of the compromise.

Learn more about Linux forensic


ASCP Board of Certification MLS Computer Adaptive Testing Exam ReviewLewis Blood Group System is a human blood group unlike most others. The antigen is produced and secreted by exocrine glands, eventually adsorbing to the surface of red blood cells. Its expression is based on the genetic expression of the Lewis and Secretor genes.
Based on the following genotype (Le) (sese), what would you predict the Lewis antigen phenotypic expression to be?


Based on the given genotype (Le) (sese), the predicted Lewis antigen phenotypic expression would be Le(a-b-). This is because the (Le) gene is responsible for the production of the Lewis antigen, while the (se) gene controls the secretion of the antigen.

The (sese) genotype means that the individual does not secrete the antigen, while the (Le) gene determines the presence of the antigen on the red blood cells. Therefore, the individual would have a Lewis phenotype that is Le(a-b-), meaning they would not express either the Le(a) or Le(b) antigens.
Based on the genotype (Le) (sese), the predicted Lewis antigen phenotypic expression would be Le(a+b-). This is because the presence of the Le gene allows for the production of the Lewis antigen, but the sese genotype indicates a non-secretor, which prevents the expression of the Le(b) antigen. Therefore, only the Le(a) antigen will be expressed on the red blood cells.

To learn more about responsible click on the link below:


The maps above show the arrangements of Earth's continents and oceans 65 million years ago and at present. Which of the following best explains the change seen in the Atlantic Ocean over the last 65 million years?
Magnetic forces pulled continents apart to make the Atlantic Ocean basin larger.
Tectonic plate motion caused the Atlantic Ocean basin to increase in size.
Magnetic forces pushed continents toward each other to make the Atlantic Ocean basin smaller.
Tectonic plate motion caused the Atlantic Ocean basin to decrease in size.


The best explanation for the change seen in the Atlantic Ocean over the last 65 million years, as shown in the maps above, is B. Tectonic plate motion caused the Atlantic Ocean basin to increase in size.

Write a short note on the Atlantic Ocean.

The Atlantic Ocean is the second-largest ocean in the world, covering an area of about 106.4 million square kilometres. It is located between the Americas to the west and Europe and Africa to the east and is connected to the Arctic Ocean to the north and the Southern Ocean to the south. The ocean has an average depth of around 3,646 meters, with its deepest point, the Puerto Rico Trench, reaching a depth of about 8,376 meters.

The Atlantic Ocean plays a crucial role in the world's climate and ocean currents, with warm water from the equator moving northward and cooler water from the poles moving southward, forming the Gulf Stream and other major ocean currents. It also supports a diverse range of marine life, including whales, dolphins, sharks, and a variety of fish species.

In addition to its ecological and environmental importance, the Atlantic Ocean has played a significant role in human history, particularly with regard to exploration, trade, and commerce. The ocean has been crossed by countless ships over the centuries, connecting people and cultures around the world. Today, the Atlantic Ocean remains a vital resource for transportation, fishing, and energy production, and it continues to be an important part of global trade and commerce.

To learn more about Atlantic Ocean, visit:


Of the threat vectors listed here, which one is most commonly exploited by attackers who are at a distant location?
A. Email
B. Direct access
C. Wireless
D. Removable media


Of the threat vectors listed here, the one most commonly exploited by attackers who are at a distant location is likely email.

Email is a commonly used attack vector by cybercriminals because it allows them to target a large number of users at once, and it can be done from a remote location without needing physical access to the target system. Attackers can use various methods, such as phishing or social engineering, to trick users into clicking on a malicious link or downloading a file that contains malware.

Direct access, wireless, and removable media threat vectors typically require physical proximity to the target system. Direct access refers to the physical access to a system or network, while wireless attacks typically require the attacker to be within range of the target's wireless network. Removable media, such as USB drives or CDs, require the attacker to have physical access to the target system to insert the media.

Learn more about email here:


suppose you want to define a constructor for objects of the custom shoes class. what should you place in the blank to complete the javascript command block for this purpose? this.pairqty


To define a constructor for objects of the CustomShoes class, you should create a constructor method within the class definition that accepts a parameter "pairQty" and assigns it to the object's property "this.pairQty".

To define a constructor for objects of the custom shoes class in JavaScript, you should use the keyword "function" followed by the name of the constructor (usually starting with a capital letter) and then include the parameters that will define the object's properties.

For example, if you want to define a custom shoe object with properties for size and color, you could use the following command block:

function CustomShoes(size, color) {
 this.size = size;
 this.color = color;

In this command block, "CustomShoes" is the name of the constructor, and "size" and "color" are the parameters that will define the object's properties. The "this" keyword is used to refer to the current object being created, and the dot notation is used to assign the values of the parameters to the object's properties.

Learn more about constructor:


what strategy can help reduce overfitting in decision trees?make sure each leaf node is one pure classpruningenforce a maximum depth for the treeenforce a minimum number of samples in leaf nodes


Enforcing a maximum depth for the tree is a strategy that can help reduce overfitting in decision trees. Overfitting occurs when a decision tree is too complex and captures noise in the training data.

This can result in poor performance when the tree is used to make predictions on new data. One way to reduce overfitting in decision trees is to limit the complexity of the tree. Enforcing a maximum depth for the tree is one such way to limit its complexity. By setting a maximum depth for the tree, the tree is prevented from growing beyond a certain number of levels, which can help to reduce its complexity and prevent it from overfitting the training data. This forces the tree to generalize the relationships between the input features and the output variable, rather than simply memorizing the training data. Other strategies to reduce overfitting in decision trees include pruning the tree, which involves removing nodes that do not improve the overall performance of the tree, and enforcing a minimum number of samples in leaf nodes, which ensures that each leaf node has enough samples to make reliable predictions. However, it's important to note that the best strategy for reducing overfitting in decision trees depends on the specific dataset and problem being addressed. It's generally a good practice to experiment with different hyperparameters and strategies to determine the best approach for a particular problem.

Learn more about leaf nodes here:


To reduce overfitting in decision trees, there are several strategies that can be employed.

One strategy is to make sure each leaf node is one pure class by pruning the tree. This can be done by removing nodes that do not significantly improve the tree's accuracy. Another strategy is to enforce a maximum depth for the tree, which will prevent the tree from becoming too complex and overfitting the data. Additionally, enforcing a minimum number of samples in leaf nodes can also help reduce overfitting by ensuring that each leaf node has enough data to make accurate predictions. These strategies, such as class pruning enforcement and tree enforcement, can all be used together to help reduce overfitting in decision trees.

Learn more about decision trees:


improved production technology and a better educated workforce are two main sources of increased


Improved production technology and a better-educated workforce are two main sources of increased economic productivity.

By utilizing new technology and techniques, businesses can streamline their economic production processes and achieve higher levels of efficiency.

At the same time, a better-educated workforce can bring fresh ideas, skills, and knowledge to the table, enabling companies to adapt to changing market conditions and stay competitive. By investing in both technology and human capital, businesses can maximize their productivity and drive sustainable growth over the long term.

Learn more about the workforce:


which are application development environments commonly used in developing mobile applications? select all that apply. group of answer choices xampp visual studio android sdk xcode


15 instruments for creating mobile apps

Use React Native. Open-source mobile app development software for both Android and iOS was developed by Meta and is available in this app. Sencha, Mobile Angular UI, AppInstitute, Xamarin, Xcode, Android Studio, and Apache Cordova are some examples of third-party developers.

What are developing mobile applications?Personal digital assistants, business digital assistants, and mobile phones are all examples of mobile devices, and mobile app development refers to the act or process of creating a mobile app for one or more of these devices. Programming languages such as Objective C, Swift, Java, etc., as well as strong coding and development skills in each of these languages. A mobile app developer must be able to write understandable and practical code, as well as user-friendly UI design.  The process of creating a mobile app requires experience, knowledge, and money. A no-code tool, however, would greatly simplify the process of creating an app.

To learn more about developing a mobile applications, refer to:

Where is the option to insert a Pivot Table in Excel 2019 located?
Insert tab in the Tables group
Formulas tab in the Data Analysis group
Data tab in the PivotTables group
Data tab in the Tables group


You must click on insert tab in the table group

the role-based or feature-based installation is used to distribute components of the remote desktop services role across different servers for use in a virtual desktop infrastructure. group of answer choices true


The given statement "the role-based or feature-based installation is used to distribute components of the remote desktop services role across different servers for use in a virtual desktop infrastructure" is true.

The reason is that role-based installation allows different components of the Remote Desktop Services role to be installed on different servers in a virtual desktop infrastructure.This means that the load can be distributed across multiple servers, which can improve performance and availability.

Feature-based installation, on the other hand, allows specific features of the Remote Desktop Services role to be installed on different servers. This is useful when you want to install only specific features that are required by a particular application.

In summary, both role-based and feature-based installation are used to distribute components of the Remote Desktop Services role across different servers in a virtual desktop infrastructure. The choice between the two depends on the specific needs and requirements of the deployment.

For more questions like Installation click the link below:


aws s3 supports static website hosting and does not support dynamic website hosting, because s3 does not support server-side scripting/programming. true false


True, AWS S3 supports static website hosting but does not support dynamic website hosting, as S3 does not support server-side scripting/programming.

This means that the website content consists of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, images, and other static files that can be served directly to clients without any server-side processing. However, it is possible to add dynamic functionality to a static website hosted on S3 by using client-side scripting (such as JavaScript) or integrating with third-party services (such as APIs or serverless functions). In summary, the statement "AWS S3 supports static website hosting and does not support dynamic website hosting, because S3 does not support server-side scripting/programming" is false, because while S3 does not natively support server-side scripting/programming, it is possible to add dynamic functionality to a static website hosted on S3 using other methods.

Learn more about programming here:


when hand-tracing a portion of code, which statement about boolean conditions is true? group of answer choices they typically are too complex to be evaluated. they are crucial to evaluate since they determine if-statement conditions and looping. it is rare to encounter a boolean condition. they do not need to be monitored because their result usually is not stored in a variable.


When hand-tracing a portion of code, the true statement about Boolean conditions is: they are crucial to evaluate since they determine if-statement conditions and looping.

The statement that is true about boolean conditions when hand-tracing a portion of code is that they are crucial to evaluate since they determine if-statement conditions and looping. Boolean conditions are used in programming to compare values and determine whether a statement is true or false. They are essential in decision-making processes in code and are often used in if-statements and loops. It is important to understand and evaluate boolean conditions when hand-tracing code to ensure the logic is correct and the code is executing as intended.

Learn more about programming here



When hand-tracing a portion of code, it is important to note that boolean conditions are crucial to evaluate since they determine if-statement conditions and looping.

This means that they play a significant role in the control flow of the program. While they may be complex at times, it is important to understand and evaluate them to ensure proper program execution. Therefore, the statement "they are crucial to evaluate since they determine if-statement conditions and looping" is true.

Learn more about conditionals and looping:


although excel 2019 will create a pivottable report using access 2019 data, it does not have formatting tools that can be used with the report.


Excel 2019 can indeed create a PivotTable report using Access 2019 data, allowing you to analyze and summarize the content loaded. However, it's important to note that Excel 2019 does not have specific formatting tools designed for use with the PivotTable report generated from Access 2019 data.

A PivotTable is a powerful tool to calculate, summarize, and analyze data that lets you see comparisons, patterns, and trends in your data. PivotTables work a little bit differently depending on what platform you are using to run Excel.

Pivot Table Reports. Pivot tables are used for summarizing data. They can automatically process large amounts of data and generate a report showing count totals, averages, sums, and other calculations, as well as arranging data into groups.For example, below is a table of sales information in its original format. It lists products sold by sales representatives. However, it is hard to compare how each sales representative is performing or identify which product generates the most revenue. These questions can be easily answered using a pivot table report.

learn more about PivotTable report here:


Although Excel 2019 will create a PivotTable report using Access 2019 data, it does not have formatting tools that can be used with the report is true.

To create a PivotTable report in Excel 2019 using Access 2019 data, follow these steps:

1. Open Excel 2019 and create a new workbook.
2. Go to the "Data" tab in the Excel Ribbon.
3. Click on "Get Data" and then choose "From Database" followed by "From Microsoft Access Database."
4. Navigate to the location of your Access 2019 database and select it.
5. Choose the table or query you want to use for the PivotTable report and click "Load."
6. The data will be imported into Excel, and you can now create a PivotTable report by going to the "Insert" tab and clicking "PivotTable."

However, it is essential to note that while Excel 2019 allows you to create a PivotTable report using Access 2019 data, it does not have specific formatting tools designed for this report. You can still use the general formatting tools available in Excel, such as changing fonts, colors, and number formats, but they might not be optimized for PivotTable reports created using Access 2019 data.

Learn more about the PivotTable report :


an internal communications pathway that carries data between the cpu and memory locations is?


The internal communications pathway that carries data between the CPU and memory locations is known as the system bus.

The system bus is a collection of wires that transmit data, instructions, and other information between the different components of a computer system, including the CPU, memory, and other peripherals. It consists of three main parts: the address bus, the data bus, and the control bus.

The address bus carries memory addresses from the CPU to the memory, the data bus carries data between the CPU and memory, and the control bus carries control signals that coordinate the activities of the different components.

Learn more about control bus here:


Assignment Directions:
Can you find programs on the Internet that are running on a cloud-computing platform? How can you tell? There is a difference between a program that runs in a script like the Java-based HTML editors or RadInks, an online SFTP program. These are not cloud-computing examples.

Research cloud-computing vendors and see what they are offering in terms of free trials. When you find two different examples, write a comparison. Ask yourself the following questions: What are the benefits of the cloud-based application? It what ways is it different from or the same as a program that runs locally? What is cumbersome or difficult about the program offered on the cloud platform, and how would the problem be alleviated by a program running on your local machine? Be specific. If you cannot tell the difference, ask yourself why.

You may create this report on PowerPoint or as a live website using your trial WordPress account. Include illustrations and video if possible. Make a compelling argument for your point of view.


There are several cloud-computing platforms that offer programs or applications as a service (PaaS) or infrastructure (IaaS).

Can you find programs on the Internet that are running on a cloud-computing platform?

To identify if a program is running on a cloud platform, you can look for the terms "cloud-based" or "as a service" in the description or marketing materials of the program. Additionally, cloud-based programs usually offer access through a web browser or mobile app, and they are hosted on remote servers, allowing users to access and use them from anywhere with an internet connection.

Two examples of cloud-based programs are Mi,crosoft 365 and Go.ogle Workspace. Both of these platforms offer free trials and provide users with access to a suite of productivity tools such as word processing, spreadsheets, and email.

One benefit of cloud-based applications is that they are accessible from anywhere with an internet connection, allowing users to work remotely or collaborate with others easily. Additionally, cloud-based applications do not require users to install or maintain software on their local machines, reducing the need for hardware upgrades or software updates.

One drawback of cloud-based applications is that they rely on internet connectivity, and their performance can be affected by slow or unstable internet connections. Additionally, users may have concerns about the security and privacy of their data, as cloud-based applications store data on remote servers that may be vulnerable to cyber-attacks or data breaches.

In contrast, locally installed programs offer the advantage of faster performance and more control over data security and privacy. However, users are responsible for maintaining and updating the software, which can be time-consuming and require hardware upgrades.

Overall, the choice between a cloud-based or locally installed program depends on individual needs and preferences. Cloud-based programs offer greater flexibility and accessibility, while locally installed programs offer greater control and security.

Read more on cloud-computing here:


49) directories and portals, web site evaluators, forums, fan clubs, and user groups are all forms of:


Directories and portals, web site evaluators, forums, fan clubs, and user groups are all forms of online communities.

which are directories and portals, web site evaluators, forums, fan clubs, and user groups?

Online communities have become an integral part of the internet, providing users with a platform to connect, share information, and collaborate with others who have similar interests or goals. These communities can take many forms, such as directories and portals, web site evaluators, forums, fan clubs, and user groups. Each of these forms of online communities has its own unique features and benefits.

Directories and portals are a popular type of online community that provides users with a comprehensive list of links to other websites on a particular topic. They can be particularly helpful for users who are new to a particular topic or who want to discover new websites related to their interests.

Web site evaluators, on the other hand, allow users to rate and review websites based on various criteria such as design, functionality, and content. This type of online community can be particularly helpful for users who are looking for trustworthy and reliable websites on a particular topic.

Forums are another popular type of online community that allows users to discuss and exchange information on a particular topic. They can be particularly helpful for users who are looking for answers to specific questions or who want to discuss a particular topic with other users who share their interests.

Fan clubs and user groups are online communities dedicated to fans of a particular celebrity, band, or brand, or users of a particular product or service. They can provide fans and users with news, updates, and exclusive content related to their interests or products.

Online communities have transformed the way we use the internet, providing us with a way to connect and collaborate with others who share our interests or goals. Whether you're looking to discover new websites, rate and review websites, discuss a particular topic, or connect with other fans or users, there is an online community out there for you.

Learn more about Online communities


Use python

You will write two functions in this challenge. First write a function called rec_dig_sum that takes in an integer and returns the recursive digit sum of that number.

Examples of recursive digit sums:

101 => 1+0+1 = 2

191 => 1+9+1 = 11 => 1+1 = 2

5697 => 5+6+9+7 = 27 => 2+7 = 9

Then use that function within another function called distr_of_rec_digit_sums, that returns a dictionary where the keys are recursive digit sums, and the values are the counts of those digit sums occurring between a low and high (inclusive) range of input numbers. Assume low and high are positive integers where high is greater than low, and neither low nor high are negative. Your function should return a dictionary, not just print it.


def rec_dig_sum(n):


Returns the recursive digit sum of an integer.



n: int



rec_dig_sum: int

the recursive digit sum of the input n



def distr_of_rec_digit_sums(low=0, high=1500):


Returns a dictionary representing the counts

of recursive digit sums within a given range.



low: int

an integer, 0 or positive, representing

the lowest value in the range of integers

for which finding the recursive digit sum

high: int

a positive integer greater than low, the

inclusive upper bound for which finding

the recursive digit sum



dict_of_rec_dig_sums: {int:int}

returns a dictionary where the keys are

the recursive digit sums and the values

are the counts of those digit sums occurring




Based on the fact that there  two functions in this challenge.the function called rec_dig_sum that takes in an integer and returns the recursive digit sum of that number is given in the document attached.

What is the functions about?

The  rec_dig_sum(n) function  is known to be one that tends to takes an integer n as a form of an input and it is one that often tends to calculates the amount of the  recursive digit sum of that said or given number.

Note that for it to be able to do this, it has to change the integer to a string in order to access individual digits. It is one that will then also uses a recursive method to be able to calculate the amount of digits.

Learn more about functions from


this semi-retired doctor formed a plan that would alleviate poverty among the elderly and stimulate the economy at the same time.


This semi-retired doctor formed a plan that would alleviate poverty among the elderly and stimulate the economy at the same time is true.

To achieve this, the doctor would:

1. Identify the key challenges faced by the elderly population, such as lack of income, insufficient healthcare, and limited social support.
2. Develop a comprehensive program addressing these challenges, which may include offering financial assistance, affordable healthcare, and social services for the elderly.
3. Establish partnerships with government agencies, non-profit organizations, and businesses to fund and implement the program.
4. Promote awareness and education about the program to the elderly population and the wider community.
5. Monitor the progress and impact of the program, making necessary adjustments to improve its effectiveness over time.

By implementing this plan, the semi-retired doctor aims to alleviate poverty among the elderly and stimulate the economy simultaneously, creating a more inclusive and prosperous society for all.

Learn more about promoting empowerment in people:


write pseudo code to solve the dinning philosopher problem. more importantly, explain whether your code will cause deadlock or not, and why.


This Dining Philosophers problem solution using resource hierarchy ensures that deadlocks will not occur, as philosophers pick up forks in a strict order, breaking the circular wait condition.

Here's a simple pseudo code for the Dining Philosophers problem using the "Resource Hierarchy" solution to avoid deadlocks.
1. Define number_of_philosophers
2. Create a fork for each philosopher
3. Assign a unique rank to each fork
4. For each philosopher, do the following:
  a. Determine the lower-ranked fork
  b. Determine the higher-ranked fork
  c. Repeat:
     i. Think
     ii. Pick up the lower-ranked fork
     iii. Pick up the higher-ranked fork
     iv. Eat
     v. Put down the higher-ranked fork
     vi. Put down the lower-ranked fork
This pseudo code does not cause a deadlock because each philosopher will pick up the forks in a specific order (from lower-ranked to higher-ranked). This ensures that at least one philosopher will have two adjacent forks with a lower rank, thus breaking the circular wait condition that leads to deadlocks.

To learn more about Hierarchy Here:


the linux kernel start-up code will perform all the following work except a. calculating the amount of ram present b. identifying the cpu type c. loading a standalone program called boot from the boot device d. calling the c-language main procedure to start the main part of the operating system.


The Linux kernel start-up code performs several critical tasks, it does not directly call the main procedure to start the operating system.

The Linux kernel start-up code is responsible for initializing the operating system and preparing it for use. This process involves a number of tasks, including calculating the amount of RAM present and identifying the CPU type.

The start-up code also loads a standalone program called boot from the boot device. However, it is important to note that the Linux kernel start-up code does not call the C-language main procedure to start the main part of the operating system.

This is because the main procedure is typically called by the boot loader or other system-level software. The start-up code instead sets up the necessary environment and resources for the main procedure to run, such as configuring the memory management unit and enabling interrupts.

In summary, while the Linux kernel start-up code performs several critical tasks, it does not directly call the main procedure to start the operating system.

To Learn More About Linux


In programming languages, the use of keywords is more restrictive than reserved words.TRUE/FALSE


In programming languages, the use of keywords is more restrictive than reserved words. TRUE.

Keywords are specific words in a programming language that have predefined meanings and cannot be used as identifiers (variable names, function names, etc.). Reserved words, on the other hand, are words that may have special meaning in future versions of the language or are set aside for specific purposes, but they may not have a predefined meaning yet. As a result, using keywords is more restrictive because their meanings and uses are strictly defined within the language.

Learn more about keywords and reserved words:


True. In programming languages, the use of keywords is more restrictive than reserved words.

Keywords are words that have a predefined meaning in a programming language and are used to define the structure and syntax of the language. Examples of keywords in Java include "class," "public," "private," "if," and "else."

Reserved words, on the other hand, are words that have been reserved for future use in the programming language but do not have any defined meaning at present. They cannot be used as identifiers (e.g., variable names or function names) in the program. Examples of reserved words in Java include "goto," "const," and "native."

The use of keywords is more restrictive than reserved words because keywords have a specific purpose in the language and cannot be used for any other purpose. In contrast, reserved words may have a purpose in the future, but currently, they can be used as identifiers. However, it is generally considered a bad programming practice to use reserved words as identifiers because it can lead to confusion and errors.

Learn more about programming languages here:


Energy bill calculator problem:
3 points.
Write a subroutine that will output the raw cost of energy usage by taking three parameters: previous meter reading, current reading and calorific value.
The units used equals the current reading minus the previous reading.
kWh = units used * 1.022 * calorific value divided by 3.6.
The calorific value varies a little by each supplier, are governed by legislation and provided by the National Grid. Assume a value of 39.3.
Energy is charged at 2.84p per kWh.
You do not need to format the output because the result is the input to further calculations.


Below is a Python subroutine that takes in the previous meter reading, current reading, and calorific value as parameters, and outputs the raw cost of energy usage:

What is the Energy bill?


def calculate_energy_cost(prev_reading, curr_reading, calorific_value):

   units_used = curr_reading - prev_reading

   kwh = units_used * 1.022 * calorific_value / 3.6

   cost = kwh * 0.0284

   return cost

To use this subroutine, simply call it with the appropriate parameters. For example:


prev_reading = 1000

curr_reading = 1200

calorific_value = 39.3

raw_cost = calculate_energy_cost(prev_reading, curr_reading, calorific_value)


This would output the raw cost of energy usage based on the given meter readings and calorific value. Note that the output is in pounds and pence, since the cost per kWh is in pence. If you need the output in a different currency or format, you'll need to modify the subroutine accordingly.

Read more about Energy here:


attributes in xml should not be used when: group of answer choices the attribute data in question has some substructure of its own. the attribute data in question is information about the element. the attribute data in question is used to identify numbers of names of elements. the attribute data in question does not have a substructure of its own.


Attributes in XML should not be used when the attribute data in question has some substructure of its own. Attributes in XML are used to provide additional information about an element.

Instead, complex data structures should be represented using child elements of the main element. For example, consider an XML representation of a person, where we want to include information about their name and their address. We could use attributes to represent the individual pieces of the person's name (e.g., firstname , lastname), but we should not use attributes to represent the components of the person's address (e.g., street, city, state, zip). Instead, we should represent the address information as child elements of the main person element.







       <street>123 Main St.</street>






In this example, the name information is represented using child elements (i.e., first_name and last_name), while the address information is also represented using child elements (i.e., street, city, state, and zip). This approach is more flexible and allows for more complex data structures to be represented in the XML document.

Learn more about data structures here:


Attributes in XML should not be used when the attribute data in question has some substructure of its own.

This is because attributes are meant to provide additional information about the element they belong to, but they are not designed to hold complex data structures. Instead, XML elements should be used to represent data that has a substructure of its own. Additionally, attributes should not be used to identify numbers or names of elements, as this information should be included as part of the element name itself. However, if the attribute data in question does not have a substructure of its own and is simply providing information about the element, then it is appropriate to use an attribute. In this case, the attribute should be given a descriptive name that clearly indicates its purpose.

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suppose you have a disk with 512-byte sectors, 96 sectors/track, 110 tracks per surface and 8 surfaces. howmany sectors will you need to store a file that has 300,000 120-byte records? note that a record cannot span twosectors


You will need 75,000 sectors to store a file that has 300,000 120-byte records without spanning records across two sectors.

Suppose you have a disk with 512-byte sectors, 96 sectors/track, 110 tracks per surface, and 8 surfaces. To determine how many sectors you will need to store a file with 300,000 120-byte records without spanning records across two sectors, follow these steps:

1. Calculate the total number of bytes needed for the records:
  300,000 records * 120 bytes/record = 36,000,000 bytes

2. Determine how many records can fit in a single sector without spanning across two sectors:
  512 bytes/sector / 120 bytes/record = 4 records/sector (with 32 bytes remaining in each sector)

3. Calculate the number of sectors needed to store all 300,000 records:
  300,000 records / 4 records/sector = 75,000 sectors

Therefore, you will need 75,000 sectors to store a file that has 300,000 120-byte records without spanning records across two sectors.

Learn more about sectors to store files:


To calculate the number of sectors needed to store a file with 300,000 120-byte records, we first need to determine how many sectors each record takes up. Since the disk has 512-byte sectors and a record cannot span two sectors, each record will take up two sectors. This is because 120 bytes is less than half of a 512-byte sector, so each record will fit within a single sector, but since records cannot span sectors, each record will require two sectors.

Next, we need to calculate the total number of sectors needed to store 300,000 120-byte records. Since each record takes up two sectors, we can simply multiply the number of records by two to get the total number of sectors required:300,000 records x 2 sectors per record = 600,000 sectorsTherefore, we will need 600,000 sectors to store a file with 300,000 120-byte records on a disk with 512-byte sectors, 96 sectors/track, 110 tracks per surface, and 8 surfaces. To store a 300,000-record file with 120-byte records on a disk with 512-byte sectors, you need to first calculate the total number of bytes required to store the file and then determine how many sectors are needed.Total bytes required = Number of records × Record sizeTotal bytes required = 300,000 records × 120 bytes/record = 36,000,000 bytesSince a record cannot span two sectors, you must allocate a full sector for each record. Thus, each 512-byte sector can hold 4 records (512 bytes/sector ÷ 120 bytes/record = 4.26, but the fifth record would span two sectors).Now, calculate the number of sectors required to store the file:Sectors required = Total records ÷ Records per sector Sectors required = 300,000 records ÷ 4 records/sector = 75,000 sectorsSo, you will need 75,000 sectors to store a file that has 300,000 120-byte records on a disk with the specified parameters.

Learn more about sectors here


true or false: a well-designed website should be designed for scanning more than reading. true false


The answer to "A well-designed website should be designed more for scanning than reading" is True.A well-designed website should indeed be designed for scanning more than reading, as users typically scan webpages for key information rather than reading every word.

An effective website design should fulfill its intended function by conveying its particular message while simultaneously engaging the visitor. Several factors such as consistency, colors, typography, imagery, simplicity, and functionality contribute to good website design. A strong website design can set the first impression for visitors, benefit SEO campaigns, help build trust, encourage users to convert, allow brands to stand out among competitors, bolster PPC campaigns, and so much more.

This is why it is important to organize content with headings, bullet points, and short paragraphs to make it easier for users to quickly find the information they are looking for.

Scanning is reading rapidly in order to find specific facts. While skimming tells you what general information is within a section, scanning helps you locate a particular fact. Skimming is like snorkeling, and scanning is more like pearl diving.

One of the ways in which organizations secure and protect applications from malicious attacks is through the use of website vulnerability scanners. These automated security tools are used to check applications for exploitable vulnerabilities that could lead to a successful application attack.

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True. A well-designed website should be designed for scanning more than reading. This means that the website should have clear headings, subheadings, and bullet points to make it easier for users to quickly find the information they are looking for without having to read every word on the page.

A well-designed website should be easy for users to scan quickly and find the information they are looking for, rather than requiring them to read every word on the page. This is because users often visit websites with a specific goal in mind and want to find the relevant information quickly and efficiently.To make a website easily scannable, designers often use techniques such as headings, bullet points, and bold or italicized text to draw attention to key information. They may also use white space and clear typography to make the text easier to read at a glance. By designing for scanning, websites can improve their usability and user experience, which can lead to increased engagement and conversions.

Learn more about scannable here


Bruce has set up his Git environment and finished working on his new script. What should he do next?
A. Add the script to the staging area.
B. Issue the git init command.
C. Commit the script to the local repository.
D. Issue the git log command.
E. Commit the script to the remote repository.


Bruce should add the script to the staging area using the "git add" command, and then commit the script to the local repository using the "git commit" command. If he wants to share his changes with others, he can also push the changes to a remote repository using the "git push" command. Therefore, the correct answer is A and C.

Assuming that Bruce has already initialized a Git repository in the directory where he has been working on his script, the next step for him would be to add the script to the staging area using the git add command. This command will prepare the changes made to the script for the next commit.

After adding the script to the staging area, Bruce can then commit the changes to the local repository using the git commit command. This will create a new commit object that contains the changes made to the script along with a commit message that describes the changes.

Once the changes have been committed to the local repository, Bruce can optionally view the commit history using the git log command. This command will display a list of commits along with their commit messages, author information, timestamps, and other metadata.

Finally, if Bruce wants to share his changes with others, he can push the commits to a remote repository using the git push command. This will upload the commits to a remote Git server, making them available for others to pull and merge into their own local repositories.

Learn more about script  here:


Bruce has already initialized a Git repository for his project, the next step would be to add the script to the staging area using the "git add" command. A

The script to the staging area, Bruce should commit the changes to the local repository using the "git commit" command with a meaningful commit message.

If he wants to see the commit history, he can use the "git log" command.

However, issuing the "git init" command (option B) is not necessary as Bruce has already set up his Git environment and initialized a repository. Similarly, committing to the remote repository (option E) would come after committing to the local repository and setting up the remote repository with the "git remote" command.

The "git add" command to add the script to the staging area, supposing Bruce has previously set up a Git repository for his project.

Bruce needs to use the "git commit" command to add the script to the staging area and then commit the modifications to the local repository with a clear commit note.

He may use the "git log" command to view the commit history.

Bruce has already built up his Git environment and initialised a repository, thus using the "git init" command (option B) is not required.

For similar questions on Script


which of the following is normally not done in the design phase of the sdlc? decisions for hardware and software purchases are made user interactions are planned out (inputs, outputs, user interfaces) cost / benefits of the new system are carefully calculated logical dfds and erds are converted into physical dfds and erds the physical data model is created


In the design phase of the SDLC, the following is typically not done: The new system's benefits and costs are carefully weighed.

What is meant by SDLC?To design and create high-quality software, development teams employ the software development lifecycle (SDLC), which is a time- and money-efficient procedure. Through proactive preparation, the SDLC seeks to reduce project risks and ensure that software will satisfy customer expectations both during production and after. The SDLC contains five phases: conception, design, implementation, upkeep, audit, or disposal, which also involves a review of the risk management strategy. The Software Development Life Cycle, sometimes known as SDLC, is a method for creating software that is of the highest possible quality while being developed at the lowest feasible cost. A well-structured phase-by-phase process offered by the SDLC enables a company to quickly create high-quality software that has undergone thorough testing and is prepared for usage in production.

To learn more about SDLC, refer to:

in addition to performing regular backups, what must you do to protect your system from data loss? answer regularly test restoration procedures. restrict restoration privileges to system administrators. store the backup media in an on-site fireproof vault. write-protect all ba


Performing regular backups is a critical step in protecting your system from data loss.

However, backups alone may not be enough. To ensure the safety of your data, you should regularly test restoration procedures to ensure that your backups are valid and can be restored in case of a disaster.

Additionally, it's important to restrict restoration privileges to system administrators only, to prevent unauthorized access or accidental data loss. Another important step is to store the backup media in an on-site fireproof vault to protect against physical damage or theft.

Finally, write-protecting all backup media can prevent accidental or intentional modification of the data, providing an additional layer of protection against data loss. By implementing these measures, you can help ensure the safety and integrity of your data.

To learn more about : backups


which vlans will be configured by default on a switch where no other custom configuration has been performed


On a switch with no custom configuration, the default VLANs that are configured are VLAN 1 (the native VLAN) and VLAN 1002 to 1005 (the default Token Ring, FDDI, and ISL VLANs). These VLANs are part of the switch's default configuration and cannot be removed.

By default, when a switch is powered on and has no other custom configuration, all ports are assigned to VLAN 1. VLAN 1 is the default VLAN and is used as a native VLAN for management and administrative traffic.It is important to note that this default VLAN configuration can vary depending on the specific switch model and manufacturer. Some switches may have additional VLANs pre-configured, or may not have any VLANs configured by default. It is always recommended to check the switch documentation or consult the manufacturer's support team for specific information on the default VLAN configuration of a particular switch.

LEARN MORE ABOUT  documentation  HERE


It's important to note that while VLAN 1 is the default VLAN, it is generally considered a security best practice to assign all ports to a different VLAN and disable VLAN 1. This is because VLAN 1 is often targeted by attackers as a way to gain access to the network. It's also common practice to rename VLAN 1 to something other than "default" or "native" to avoid giving potential attackers information about the network.

In addition to VLAN 1, some switches may also have other default VLANs configured depending on the manufacturer and model of the switch. For example, Cisco switches may have additional default VLANs such as VLAN 1002-1005, which are used for special purposes such as Token Ring and FDDI networks. However, these default VLANs can typically be deleted or modified if needed.

Learn more about vlan:


which of the following statement of exceptions in pipelined implementation is incorrect?group of answer choicesa pipelined implementation treats exceptions as another form of control hazard.overflow causes all the flush signals to be set at the start of the next clock cycle.the address of the offending instruction is saved in the exception program counter (epc).the overflow exception is detected during the ex stage.


The assertion that "the overflow exception is detected during the ex stage" is false. When using a pipelined approach, the overflow error is discovered during the MEM phase.

Exceptions are viewed in a pipelined implementation as a form of control hazard since they can interrupt the pipeline's usual flow of instructions. When an overflow happens, all of the flush signals are set at the beginning of the subsequent clock cycle. This eliminates any outdated instructions from the pipeline. After addressing the exception, the system may go back to the right instruction since the address of the problematic instruction is recorded in the exception programme counter (epc). The claim that the overflow exception is found in the EX stage, however, is untrue. at a pipelined implementation, it is really discovered at the MEM stage.

Learn more about statement of exceptions here.


The incorrect statement of exceptions in pipelined implementation is 2nd option -  "overflow causes all the flush signals to be set at the start of the next clock cycle."

This statement is incorrect because overflow does not necessarily cause all flush signals to be set. Overflow is just one type of exception, and how it is handled depends on the specific design of the pipelined implementation. Some designs may require all flush signals to be set, while others may only flush the affected instructions.  Additionally, the other statements are correct - a pipelined implementation treats exceptions as another form of control hazard, the address of the offending instruction is saved in the exception program counter (epc), and the overflow exception is detected during the ex stage.

Learn more about pipelining:


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