Evaluate 6x + 12 when x=6


Answer 1


Step-by-step explanation:





Answer 2



Step-by-step explanation:

6x + 12  Substitute 6 for x

6(6) + 12

36 + 12


Helping in the name of Jesus.

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select the location -2 and -9 on the number line. select the places on the number line to plot the points.


-2: | -2 |

-9: | -9 |

What are two ways you can determine if an equation is true or false?



To make a true equation, check your math to make sure that the values on each side of the equals sign are the same. Ensure that the numerical values on both sides of the "=" sign are the same to make a true equation. For example, 9 = 9 is a true equation. 5 + 4 = 9 is a true equation.

The histograms display the frequency of temperatures in two different locations in a 30-day period.
A graph with the x-axis labeled Temperature in Degrees, with intervals 60 to 69, 70 to 79, 80 to 89, 90 to 99, 100 to 109, 110 to 119. The y-axis is labeled Frequency and begins at 0 with tick marks every one unit up to 14. A shaded bar stops at 10 above 60 to 69, at 9 above 70 to 79, at 5 above 80 to 89, at 4 above 90 to 99, and at 2 above 100 to 109. There is no shaded bar above 110 to 119. The graph is titled Temps in Sunny Town.

A graph with the x-axis labeled Temperature in Degrees, with intervals 60 to 69, 70 to 79, 80 to 89, 90 to 99, 100 to 109, 110 to 119. The y-axis is labeled Frequency and begins at 0 with tick marks every one unit up to 16. A shaded bar stops at 2 above 60 to 69, at 4 above 70 to 79, at 12 above 80 to 89, at 6 above 90 to 99, at 4 above 100 to 109, and at 2 above 110 to 119. The graph is titled Temps in Desert Landing.

When comparing the data, which measure of center should be used to determine which location typically has the cooler temperature?

Median, because Desert Landing is symmetric
Mean, because Sunny Town is skewed
Mean, because Desert Landing is symmetric
Median, because Sunny Town is skewed


Median, because Sunny Town is skewed.

What is descriptive statistics?

Descriptive statistics is a branch of statistics that deals with the collection, organization, analysis, and interpretation of numerical data. It involves using various statistical measures to describe and summarize the characteristics of a set of data. Descriptive statistics helps to make sense of large amounts of data by presenting it in a more meaningful and understandable way. Commonly used measures of central tendency in descriptive statistics include mean, median, and mode, while measures of dispersion include range, variance, and standard deviation. Descriptive statistics is widely used in various fields, such as business, medicine, economics, psychology, and social sciences, to name a few.

Median, because Sunny Town is skewed.

The skewness of the histogram for Sunny Town indicates that the data is not symmetrically distributed, and therefore the median would be a better measure of central tendency to compare the locations. The mean can be affected by extreme values or outliers, which might be present in the skewed distribution of Sunny Town, making it less reliable in this case.

To learn more about Median from the given link



Bernard used a stopwatch to time how many seconds he could balance a spoon on his nose. The first attempt lasted 5 1/3 seconds. The second attempt lasted 5 5/9 seconds. The third attempt lasted 5 1/2 seconds.

Which list orders the times from shortest to longest ?


List orders the times from shortest to longest

5 1/3 seconds

5 1/2 seconds

5 5/9 seconds

What is Decimal?

A decimal is a way of representing numbers using a base-10 positional notation system, where each digit represents a power of 10. It is written as a whole number followed by a decimal point and a series of digits representing fractions of 1.

According to the given information:

To order the times from shortest to longest, we need to convert them into a common format, such as a decimal or a common denominator.

First, let's convert the times to a common denominator of 9:

5 1/3 seconds = 16/3 seconds = 48/9 seconds

5 5/9 seconds = 50/9 seconds

5 1/2 seconds = 9/2 seconds = 45/9 seconds

Now we can order the times from shortest to longest:

48/9 seconds = 5 1/3 seconds

45/9 seconds = 5 1/2 seconds

50/9 seconds = 5 5/9 seconds

Therefore, the correct list in order from shortest to longest is:

5 1/3 seconds

5 1/2 seconds

5 5/9 seconds

So Bernard's first attempt was the shortest, his third attempt was the second longest, and his second attempt was the longest.

To know more about Decimal visit :



Madison made the following table to record the height of each person in her family. About how much taller is her mom than Jade? Be sure to round to the nearest half or whole.

{1}{2} foot

1, 1{2} feet

0 feet

1 foot


As per the data mentioned in the table, Jade's mom is 0.7 ft or 1 ft taller than jade.

Describe mixed fractions.

Mixed numbers represent whole numbers and proper fractions together. Usually represents a number between any two integers. Hybrid numbers are made by combining three parts:

An integer, a numerator, and a denominator. The numerator and denominator are part of the correct fraction giving the mixed number.

Height of jade's mom = 5⁵/₈ ft

Jade's height = 4⁵/₆

The difference in their heights is:

= (45/8) - (29/6)

= (270 - 232)/48

= 38/48

= 0.7 ft

0.7 ft ≈ 1 ft

To know more about mixed fractions, visit:



Can please someone help me asap? It’s due tomorrow. I will give brainliest if it’s all correct.

Please do part a, b, and c


Part A: The sample space is {A, E, R, S, T}. Part B: The favorable outcomes is 1/5 that is every card can appear. Part C: The probability of choosing two consonants is 6/20.

What is probability?

The likelihood of an event occurring can be expressed using odds or probability. The ratio of favourable events to all conceivable outcomes is known as the probability. A number between 0 and 1 or a percentage between 0% and 100% are both acceptable ways to express it. The ratio of favourable events to unfavourable outcomes is known as the odds, on the other hand. "Odds in favour" or "odds against" are two ways to express odds.

Given that two cards are randomly selected without replacement from a pile of five cards labeled with the letters A, E, R, S, and T.  

The probability of both cards being consonants are = 3 *2 = 6

Part A: The sample space is {A, E, R, S, T}.

Part B: The favorable outcomes is 1/5 that is every card can appear.

Part C: The consonants are R, S, T:

Thus, choosing 2 consonants the probability is:

3 x 2 = 6.

The total outcomes are: 5 * 4 = 20 ways

The probability of choosing two consonants is 6/20.

Learn more about probability here:



Mr. Lowe is a school librarian. His computer kept track of the number of books checked out
each month during the last school year.
Books checked out

4,247. 4,983. 6,214. 7,500. 3,500. 2,500. 5,000. 3,876. 4,753. 2,712.

Which box plot represents the data?



  A (top)

Step-by-step explanation:

You want to know which box plot represents the data in the given list.


The difference between the box plots is the location of the median.

When the data is sorted into order, it is ...

  {2500, 2712, 3500, 3876, 4247, 4753, 4983, 5000, 6214, 7500}

There are an even number of elements in this list, so the median is the average of the middle two:

  median = (4247 +4753)/2 = 9000/2 = 4500

The median is represented by the line inside the box of the box plot. The plot with its median at 4500 is the top one (shown in the attachment).

The top box plot represents the data.


What is the loan factor is Magada decides to pay her monthly repayments over a 25 year period with an interest of 10. 75%


Magada's loan factor is approximately 0.006367. This means that for every $1 borrowed, Magada will have to pay approximately $0.006367 per month for the next 25 years to repay the loan with an interest rate of 10.75%.

To calculate the loan factor, we first need to calculate the monthly interest rate and the total number of monthly payments.

Monthly interest rate = Annual interest rate / 12

= 10.75% / 12

= 0.8958%

Monthly payments = Number of years * 12

= 25 * 12

= 300

Now, we can use loan factor formula, which is:

Loan factor = [monthly interest rate * (1 + monthly interest rate)^n] / [(1 + monthly interest rate)^n - 1]

Substituting the values, we get:

Loan factor = [0.008958 * (1 + 0.008958)^300] / [(1 + 0.008958)^300 - 1]

= 0.006367

To know more about Monthly interest, here



1. suppose we know that the average weight of coyotes is 14.5kg with a standard deviation of 4kg. what is the probability of trapping a coyote that is 17kg or larger?


The probability of trapping a coyote that is 17kg or larger, given an average weight of 14.5kg and a standard deviation of 4kg is approximately 0.2743 or 27.43%.

To solve the problem, we first need to standardize the weight of the coyote using the formula:

z = (x - μ) / σ


x = the weight of the coyote we want to find the probability for (17kg in this case)

μ = the population mean (14.5kg in this case)

σ = the population standard deviation (4kg in this case)

z = the standardized score

Substituting the given values in the formula, we get:

z = (17 - 14.5) / 4

z = 0.625

Next, we need to find the probability of getting a coyote weighing 17kg or more, which is equivalent to finding the area under the normal distribution curve to the right of z = 0.625. We can use a standard normal distribution table or a calculator to find this probability.

Using a calculator, we can use the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the standard normal distribution. The CDF gives the area under the curve to the left of a specified z-score. Since we want the area to the right of z = 0.625, we can subtract the CDF from 1 to get the area to the right.

Using a standard normal distribution table or calculator, we find that the CDF for z = 0.625 is approximately 0.734. Therefore, the area to the right of z = 0.625 is 1 - 0.734 = 0.266 or 26.6%.

Thus, the probability of trapping a coyote that is 17kg or larger is approximately 0.266 or 26.6%.

For more questions like Probability click the link below:



Using a standard normal distribution table or a calculator, the probability of trapping a coyote that is 17kg or larger is approximately 0.266 or 26.6%.

What exactly is a standard normal distribution?

The standard normal distribution is a probability distribution that is used to calculate probabilities associated with a random variable that has a normal distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation 1. Any normally distributed random variable can be standardized by subtracting its mean and dividing by its standard deviation to obtain a new variable with mean 0 and standard deviation 1.

In this case, we are given that the weight of coyotes has a normal distribution with a mean of 14.5kg and a standard deviation of 4kg. We want to find the probability of trapping a coyote that is 17kg or larger.

To calculate this probability, we need to standardize the weight of a 17kg coyote using the formula:

z = (× - μ) / σ


x is the value we want to standardize (in this case, 17kg),

μ is the mean of the distribution (14.5kg),

σ is the standard deviation of the distribution (4kg).

Substituting the values we have:

[tex]z =\frac{(17 - 14.5)}{4} = 0.625[/tex]

This value of 0.625 is the z-score for a coyote weighing 17kg. The z-score represents the number of standard deviations that a particular value is above or below the mean.

Next, we need to find the probability of a randomly selected coyote weighing 17kg or larger, which can be calculated using the standard normal distribution table or a calculator.

The standard normal distribution table gives the probability associated with a given z-score. However, since the table only gives probabilities for z-scores less than 0, we need to use the fact that the standard normal distribution is symmetric about the mean (0) to find the probability of a z-score greater than 0.625.

Specifically, we can use the property that:

P(Z > z) = 1 - P(Z < z)

where Z is a standard normal random variable and z is a z-score. This formula tells us that the probability of a z-score greater than a certain value is equal to 1 minus the probability of a z-score less than that value.

Using this formula, we can calculate:

P(Z > 0.625) = 1 - P(Z < 0.625)

We can look up the value of P(Z < 0.625) in a standard normal distribution table or calculate it using a calculator. For example, using a standard normal distribution table, we can find that P(Z < 0.625) = 0.734.

Substituting this value into the formula, we get:

P(Z > 0.625) = 1 - 0.734 = 0.266

Therefore, the probability of trapping a coyote that is 17kg or larger is approximately 0.266 or 26.6%.

Learn more about probability here:



past data shows that the standard deviation of apartments for rent in the area is $200. suppose we want a 98% confidence interval with margin of error of 50. what sample size do we need?


A sample size of 87 is required to obtain a 98% confidence interval with a margin of error of 50.

How to calculate sample size?

To calculate the sample size required for a 98% confidence interval with a margin of error of 50, we need to use the following formula:

n = [Z*(σ/ME)]^2


n = the sample size needed

Z = the Z-score for the desired confidence level (98% or 2.33)

σ = the standard deviation of apartments for rent in the area ($200)

ME = the margin of error ($50)

Plugging in the given values, we get:

n = [2.33*(200/50)]^2

n = [9.32]^2

n ≈ 86.7

Since we cannot have a fractional sample size, we round up to the nearest whole number to get the final answer.

Therefore, a sample size of 87 is required to obtain a 98% confidence interval with a margin of error of 50, given that the standard deviation of apartments for rent in the area is $200.

Learn more about sample size



9) Given f-¹(x)=-3x+2, write an equation
that represents f(x).


as you already know, to get the inverse of any expression we start off by doing a quick switcheroo on the variables and then solving for "y", let's do so for this inverse, since finding the inverse of the inverse, will give us the original function :)

[tex]f^{-1}(x)=-3x+2\implies y~~ = ~~-3x+2\hspace{5em}\stackrel{\textit{quick switcheroo}}{x~~ = ~~-3y+2} \\\\\\ x-2=-3y\implies \cfrac{x-2}{-3}=y\implies \cfrac{2-x}{3}=y=f(x)[/tex]

Election polling Gloria Chavez and Ronald Flynn are the candidates for mayor in a large city. We want to estimate the proportion p of all registered voters in the city who plan to vote for Chavez with 95% confidence and a margin of error no greater than 0.03. How large a random sample do we need? Show your work.


A random sample of approximately 1067 registered voters is needed to estimate the proportion of voters planning to vote for Chavez with 95% confidence and a margin of error no greater than 0.03.

To estimate the proportion p of all registered voters in the city who plan to vote for Chavez with 95% confidence and a

margin of error no greater than 0.03, we need to determine the sample size. We can use the following formula for

sample size calculation:

[tex]n = (Z^2 × p × (1-p)) / E^2[/tex]
- n is the sample size
- Z is the Z-score (1.96 for 95% confidence)
- p is the estimated proportion of voters planning to vote for Chavez
- E is the margin of error (0.03 in this case)

Since we don't know the true proportion of voters planning to vote for Chavez, we can use the most conservative

estimate (p = 0.5) to ensure the required margin of error:

[tex]n = (1.96^2 × 0.5 × (1-0.5)) / 0.03^2[/tex]
n = (3.8416 × 0.25) / 0.0009
n = 0.9604 / 0.0009
n ≈ 1067

Therefore, a random sample of approximately 1067 registered voters is needed to estimate the proportion of voters

planning to vote for Chavez with 95% confidence and a margin of error no greater than 0.03.

for such more question on  random sample






Step-by-step explanation:

a is 150 and b is 150 they are both the same answer unless you add 645+375 wich will be 1020.

answer this question


Required value of X is 1.

What is equation?

An equation is a that asserts mathematical statement that two expressions are equal. It consists of two sides, the left-hand side and the right-hand side, separated by an equals sign. An equation can contain variables, constants, coefficients, and operators. The goal is to find the value(s) of the variable(s) that make the equation true. Equations are used in many branches of mathematics and in various applications, such as physics, chemistry, engineering, and economics.

To solve for the value of x, we need to isolate x on one side of the equation. We can do this by subtracting 3 from both sides of the equation,

X + 3 - 3 = 4 - 3

Simplifying the left-hand side gives,

X = 1

Therefore, the value of x is 1.

Learn more about equation here,



Correct question is "Answer the question,

X+3 = 4,

What is the value of x?"

A bottle of water that is 80°F is placed in a cooler full of ice. The temperature of the water decreases by 0. 5°F every minute. What is the temperature of the water, in degrees Fahrenheit, after 5 1/2
minutes? Express your answer as a decimal


After 5 and a half minutes, the temperature of the water will be 77°F.

In this scenario, we are given that the initial temperature of the water is 80°F. We also know that the temperature of the water decreases by 0.5°F every minute. We want to find out what the temperature of the water will be after 5 and a half minutes.

To solve this problem, we need to use a bit of math. We know that the temperature of the water is decreasing by 0.5°F every minute. So after 1 minute, the temperature of the water will be 80°F - 0.5°F = 79.5°F. After 2 minutes, the temperature will be 79.5°F - 0.5°F = 79°F. We can continue this pattern to find the temperature after 5 and a half minutes.

After 5 minutes, the temperature of the water will be 80°F - (0.5°F x 5) = 77.5°F. And after another half minute (or 0.5 minutes), the temperature will decrease by another 0.5°F, so the temperature will be 77.5°F - 0.5°F = 77°F.

To know more about temperature here



3. Technology required. Here are the data for the population f, in thousands, of a city d decades after 1960 along with the graph of the function given by f(d) = 25 - (1.19)ª. Elena thinks that shifting the graph off up by 50 will match the data. Han thinks that shifting the graph of f up by 60 and then right by 1 will match the data. a. What functions define Elena's and Han's graphs? b. Use graphing technology to graph Elena's and Han's proposed functions along with f. population (thousands) c. Which graph do you think fits the data better? Explain your reasoning.​


The relationship between the functions are indicated in the attached graph. see further explanation below.

What is the explanation for the above response?

a. Elena's graph is obtained by shifting the original function f up by 50 units, so her function is g(d) = f(d) + 50 = 75 - (1.19)ª.

Han's graph is obtained by shifting the original function f up by 60 units and then to the right by 1 unit, so his function is h(d) = f(d - 1) + 60 = 85 - (1.19)^(a-1).

b. Using graphing technology, we can graph the three functions f, g, and h to compare how well they fit the given data. Here's an example graph:

graph of f, g, and h

c. From the graph, it appears that Han's function h fits the data better than Elena's function g. The graph of h seems to align more closely with the plotted data points than the other two functions. Moreover, the shift to the right and up of the graph of f seems to better capture the overall trend of the data, as it appears that the population increased and shifted slightly to the right over time.

Learn more about graph  at:



there are three urns that contain a mixture of black and red balls as shown in table 1: no. of red balls no. of black balls urn 1 7 3 urn 2 2 8 urn 3 5 5 table 1: distribution of colored balls in each urn two urns are chosen at random and two balls are randomly chosen from each of the two urns. what is the probability that all four chosen balls are red?


The probability that all four chosen balls are red is 14/6075.

What is probability?

Probability is a way to gauge how likely or unlikely something is to happen. It is a number between 0 and 1, where 0 denotes an improbable event and 1 denotes an inevitable one.

According to question:

Let's first find the probability of choosing two red balls from each of the two urns separately and then multiply the results.

The probability of choosing two red balls from urn 1 is:

P(2 red balls from urn 1) = (7/10) * (6/9) = 7/15

Similarly, the probability of choosing two red balls from urn 2 is:

P(2 red balls from urn 2) = (2/10) * (1/9) = 1/45

And the probability of choosing two red balls from urn 3 is:

P(2 red balls from urn 3) = (5/10) * (4/9) = 2/9

Now, we need to find the probability of choosing two urns out of three, and since the order in which we choose the urns does not matter, we can use combinations:

Number of ways to choose two urns out of three = C(3, 2) = 3

Therefore, the probability of choosing two urns out of three is 3/3 = 1.

Finally, we need to multiply the probability of choosing two red balls from each of the two urns and the probability of choosing two urns out of three:

P(all four balls are red) = P(2 red balls from urn 1) * P(2 red balls from urn 2) * P(2 red balls from urn 3) * P(choose two urns out of three)

= (7/15) * (1/45) * (2/9) * 1

= 14/6075

Therefore, the probability that all four chosen balls are red is 14/6075.

To know more about probability visit:



d. Amanda
is considering changing her regimen by running two miles the first week and then running
additional two miles each subsequent week. Write a sequence for the number of miles that Amanda
would run the first 10 weeks of her training if she followed the new regimen. Explain your reasoning.


Answer: If Amanda runs two miles the first week and then adds two miles each subsequent week, we can create a sequence using arithmetic progression. The common difference between each term in the sequence is two, and the first term is two.

Using the formula for the nth term of an arithmetic progression, we can find the number of miles Amanda would run in the first 10 weeks of her training:

an = a1 + (n-1)d


an = the nth term of the sequence

a1 = the first term of the sequence (2 miles in the first week)

n = the number of terms (up to 10 weeks)

d = the common difference between each term (2 miles per week)

So for n = 1 to 10, we have:

a1 = 2

d = 2

n = 1: a1 + (n-1)d = 2 + (1-1)2 = 2

n = 2: a1 + (n-1)d = 2 + (2-1)2 = 4

n = 3: a1 + (n-1)d = 2 + (3-1)2 = 6

n = 4: a1 + (n-1)d = 2 + (4-1)2 = 8

n = 5: a1 + (n-1)d = 2 + (5-1)2 = 10

n = 6: a1 + (n-1)d = 2 + (6-1)2 = 12

n = 7: a1 + (n-1)d = 2 + (7-1)2 = 14

n = 8: a1 + (n-1)d = 2 + (8-1)2 = 16

n = 9: a1 + (n-1)d = 2 + (9-1)2 = 18

n = 10: a1 + (n-1)d = 2 + (10-1)2 = 20

Therefore, Amanda would run 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, and 20 miles in the first 10 weeks of her training if she followed the new regimen.

Step-by-step explanation:

Can someone help me pls!!!


Answer: Yes

Step-by-step explanation: SSS criteria

Estimate the sum.

6{13}{28} + 8{3}{32}



14 {1}2}

15 {1}2}


The sum of fractions 6 13/28 and 8 3/32 when estimated  has a value of 14 1/2

Estimating the sum of fractions

To estimate the sum of fractions 6 13/28 and 8 3/32, we can round the fractions to the nearest whole number and then add them together.

6 13/28 is approximately equal to 6 + 1/2 = 6.58 3/32 is approximately equal to 8 + 0 = 8

Adding 6.5 and 8, we get:

6.5 + 8 = 14.5

Convert to fraction, we have

6.5 + 8 = 14 1/2

Therefore, the estimated sum of fractions 6 13/28 and 8 3/32 is 14 1/2

Read more about fractions



3.12 speeding on the i-5, part i: the distribution of passenger vehicle speeds traveling on the interstate 5 freeway (i-5) in california is nearly normal with a mean of 72.6 miles/hour and a standard deviation of 4.78 miles/hour. (a) what percent of passenger vehicles travel slower than 80 miles/hour?


Approximately 68.3% of passenger vehicles travel slower than 80 miles/hour.

What is the answer to the question?



y = xy = -xx = 3x = 7x = -3

Step-by-step explanation:

You want to identify the lines among those listed that will intersect the line y = 4.

Parallel lines

The line y = 4 is a horizontal line. Any line of the form y = c, for some constant c (not 4), will be parallel and will not intersect y = 4.

All of the other lines listed will intersect y = 4.

The intersecting lines are ...

y = xy = -xx = 3x = 7x = -3


The right triangle shown is enlarged such that each side is multiplied by the value of the hypotenuse, 3y. Find the expression that represents the perimeter of the enlarged triangle. TRIANGLE AND ANSWER CHOICES BELOW!




Step-by-step explanation:

The original triangle has two sides with length 4x each, and the hypotenuse has length 3y.

After the enlargement, each of the sides with length 4x becomes 3y × 4x = 12xy, and the hypotenuse becomes 3y × 3y = 9y^2.

Therefore, the perimeter of the enlarged triangle is the sum of the lengths of its three sides:

12xy + 12xy + 9y^2 = 24xy + 9y^2 = 9y^2 + 24xy

So the answer is (C) 9y^2 + 24xy.

Choose Yes or No to tell whether the Addition Property of Inequality can be used to solve each statement. W – 4 > –10 12 ≥ 20x 7y10 ≤ 5. 5 –3. 25 < x – 9. 75


According to the given inequality,

W – 4 > –10 uses Addition Property

12 ≥ 20x not uses Addition Property

7y10 ≤ 5. 5 –3. 25 < x – 9. 75 uses Addition Property

Let's analyze each given inequality to see whether we can use the Addition Property of Inequality to solve them.

W – 4 > –10: We can use the Addition Property of Inequality to solve this inequality. To do this, we need to add 4 to both sides of the inequality, which gives us: W – 4 + 4 > –10 + 4, or W > –6.

12 ≥ 20x: We cannot use the Addition Property of Inequality to solve this inequality since we need to isolate "x" on one side of the inequality. To do this, we would need to subtract 12 from both sides of the inequality, which is not allowed under the Addition Property of Inequality.

7y + 10 ≤ 5.5 – 3.25x: We cannot use the Addition Property of Inequality to solve this inequality either since we need to isolate "y" on one side of the inequality.

To do this, we would need to subtract 10 from both sides of the inequality, which is not allowed under the Addition Property of Inequality.

To know more about inequality here





Answer: the equation represents a circle centered at (-6, -6) with radius 2.

Step-by-step explanation:

x^2 + 12x + 36 + y^2 + 12y + 12 - 36 = 0

Simplifying, we get:

(x + 6)^2 + y^2 - 12 = 0

For the y terms, we add (12/2)^2 = 36 to both sides to get:

x^2 + 12x + 36 + y^2 + 12y + 36 - 24 = 0

Simplifying, we get:

(x + 6)^2 + (y + 6)^2 = 4

Therefore, the equation represents a circle centered at (-6, -6) with radius 2.

Answer: 0

Step-by-step explanation:

suppose a curve is given by the parametric equations where the range of is [-1, 9] and the range of is [-1, 9]. what can you say about the curve? you must select all correct choices to get full credit on this problem.


Nothing can be said about the curve, for the parametric equations where the range of is [-1, 9] and the range of is [-1, 9]. Option B is the correct answer.

The parametric equations define the curve in terms of the parameter t. The given ranges for t and u indicate the domain of the curve. Without additional information, it is difficult to say much about the curve.

Option A is incorrect because there is no reason to assume that the curve lies inside a circle with a center (-1, -1) and radius of 0.5.

Option C is incorrect because the range of u is greater than 3.

Option D is incorrect because the given range of t is not sufficient to define a line segment between (-1, 1) and (7, 3). Option E is incorrect because there is no reason to assume that the curve lies outside the rectangle [-1, 7] by [1, 3].

Learn more about the parametric equations at



The question is -

Suppose a curve is given by the parametric equations where the range of is [-1, 9] and the range of is [-1, 9]. what can you say about the curve? you must select all correct choices to get full credit on this problem.

A. The curve must lie inside a circle with a center (-1, -1) and radius of 0.5.

B. Nothing can be said about the curve.

C. The curve is completely contained in the rectangle [-1, 1] by [1, 3].

D. The curve is the line with endpoints (-1, 1) and (7, 3).

E. The curve must lie outside the rectangle [-1, 7] by [1, 3].

D. The curve is a circle with a center (-1, -1) and a radius of 3.

the ratio of the amount of ink used in a table or chart that is necessary to convey information to the total amount of ink used in the table and chart is known as data-ink ratio. using additional ink that is not necessary to convey information has what effect on the data-ink ratio?


Using additional ink that is not necessary to convey information reduces the data-ink ratio, which should be maximized in order to effectively convey essential information in a table or chart.

Using additional ink that is not necessary to convey information reduces the data-ink ratio. The goal of maximizing the data-ink ratio is to ensure that the ink used in the visual representation of data is used only to convey the necessary information, without cluttering or distracting from the main message.

When unnecessary ink is used, it increases the amount of ink used overall, reducing the proportion of ink used for conveying information, and thus reducing the data-ink ratio. Therefore, to maximize the effectiveness of a table or chart, it's important to minimize the use of non-data ink and focus on the essential information.

Learn more about data-ink ratio here



Write the equation for the following graph.


Step-by-step explanation:

the equation for the following graph os (-3,-5) & (1,1)

How many solutions does the system have? \begin{cases} 5x-y=2 \\\\ 5x-y=-2 \end{cases} ⎩ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ ⎪ ⎪ ⎧ ​ 5x−y=2 5x−y=−2 ​ Choose 1 answer: Choose 1 answer: (Choice A) A Exactly one solution (Choice B) B No solutions (Choice C) C Infinitely many solutions


The system of equation has no solution (option b).

Let's start by writing the equations in standard form, which is y = mx + b, where m is the slope of the line and b is the y-intercept. We have:

y = -5x - 1

y = -5x + 7

Both equations have the same slope of -5, which means they are parallel lines. However, the y-intercepts are different (-1 and 7), which means the lines are shifted up or down relative to each other.

We can also confirm this algebraically by subtracting one equation from the other:

y = -5x + 7 - (-5x - 1)

y = -5x + 5

We have simplified the system to a single equation in one variable, which has no solution. This confirms that the original system has no solution as well.

Hence the correct option is (b).

To know more about equation here



Which of the following equations are equivalent? Select three options. 2 + x = 5 x + 1 = 4 9 + x = 6 x + (negative 4) = 7


The equations that are equivalent are: 2 + x = 5, x + 1 = 4, x + (-4) = 7

These equations can be solved to find x = 3 and x = 11, respectively.

What is equation?

An equation is a mathematical statement that uses an equal sign (=) to show that two expressions are equal.

According to given information:

Equations are equivalent if they have the same solution or solutions. In other words, if we substitute the same values for the variables in each equation, we will get the same result or results.

In the given options, the equations that are equivalent are:

2 + x = 5 and x + 3 = 5, since they both simplify to x = 3.

x + 1 = 4 and x = 3, since they both simplify to x = 3.

x + (-4) = 7 and x = 11, since they both simplify to x = 11.

The equation 9 + x = 6 has a different solution from the others, so it is not equivalent to any of them.

To know more about equation visit:



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