Examples of limiting factors


Answer 1
Are biotic , like food, mates and competition with other organisms for resources .

Related Questions

Given what you learned about how influenza changes over time, how could you explain the emergence of drug resistance in bacterial pathogens?



Beneficial mutations events can generate resistance to drugs


Bacteria can develop antibiotic resistance through mutations, as well as horizontal transference events, that allow them to reduce/eliminate the effectiveness of drugs used to treat infections. For example, penicillin-resistant strains have been identified in Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pneumoniae. In general, mutations have a negative impact on the fitness of the organism; however, there are cases where mutations increase the fitness of the individual. In consequence, antibiotic resistance may occur by natural selection, where antibiotic-resistant bacteria that exhibit beneficial mutations are selected to survive and perpetuate their genetic material.

Considering the role of coenzyme Q, how do you think this product might function to benefit the heart?


Answer:Coenzyme Q10 has a crucial role of transporting molecules when electron transport chain takes place this is highly effective in enhancing aerobic respiration which results to a constantly supply of oxygen to the heart like when you exercise and effective aerobic respiration boost the function of the heart


How do
you think humans can impact the
biosphere by affecting the biogeochemical



hope this will help u


Biogeochemical Cycles

Human activities have greatly increased carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere and nitrogen levels in the biosphere. Altered biogeochemical cycles combined with climate change increase the vulnerability of biodiversity, food security, human health, and water quality to a changing climate.

Explore interactions between climate change and biogeochemical cycles.


Human activities

moreover, biogeochemical cycles combined with climate change increase the vulnerability of biodiversity, food security, human health, and water quality to a changing climate.

Plz help I’ll mark brainliest



C. The study of the interaction between living and nonliving factors in an environment


Ecology is the study of both living and nonliving things in an environment, the only answer that relates to this in significance is C.

Homeostasis: Response to Stimuli
From the examples below, select the examples of cells or organisms responding to stimuli in order to maintain homeostasis.
1.)A plant bending toward a light source
2.)A cell bursting because it takes up too much water
3.)A person shivering when their body temperature is low
4.)A unicellular organism beating microscopic hairs to escape a chemical pollutant in its environment
5.)A cell dying due to a chemical poison
6.)An animal growing larger
7.)Ants moving within their mounds depending upon the time of day
8.)Iguanas laying in the sunlight if their body temperature is low
9.)Birds migrating when seasons change
10.)A person or animal getting sick because of infectious bacteria
part2 fill in the blank
A state of biological balance, or ____________ , is important for the survival of individual cells and ____________ alike.
Physiological factors such as ____________ , water levels, and pH must remain within a certain ____________ for cells and organisms to remain healthy and functional.
Regulation of the ____________ environment of cells and organisms is carried out through ____________ and other control ____________ .
choice of words:



3.)A person shivering when their body temperature is low.

7.)Ants moving within their mounds depending upon the time of day

1-A plant bending toward a light source.

.-Iguanas laying in the sunlight if their body temperature is low.

.-A unicellular organism beating microscopic hairs to escape a chemical pollutant in its environment

.-Birds migrating when seasons change.

The maintenance of relatively constant internal environment of an organism is called  Homeostasis.It is an automatic regulations of the body systems and organs controlled by the brain and some receptors, specific for certain body fluctuations.E.g Thermoreceptors Chemoreceptors etc.

The fluctuations in the body internal systems must be controlled within a narrow limits, for existence of living organism.The brain receives inputs from the receptors, and the outputs from the brain ensures the  homeostatic control.

The above examples are typical homeostatic responses by the organisms involved, because the inputs from the receptors  send signals to the brain ,and the organisms  responded to these with the example above.


What evidence supports the LAW OF CONSERVATION OF ENERGY?
1. Mechanical energy is converted to chemical energy during photosynthesis
2. Energy is absorbed by chlorophyll and becomes chemical energy during photosynthesis
3. Oxygen is made from the breakdown of carbon dioxide during photosynthesis
4. The sun gives off light energy that is absorbed by plants


The evidence that supports the law of conservation of energy is as follows: mechanical energy is converted to chemical energy during photosynthesis.

LAW OF CONSERVATION OF ENERGY:The law of conservation of energy states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed but is changed from one form to another.

This means that energy involved in chemical reactions and natural phenomena is recycled by transformation and doesn't get destroyed.

A typical example that obeys this law is photosynthesis, which converts mechanical energy in sugar molecules to chemical energy in ATP.

Learn more about law of conservation of energy: https://brainly.com/question/2264339

Answer: The Answer is 3. Oxygen is made from the breakdown of crabon dioxide during photosynthesis.

Explanation: I took the test.

The process of photosynthesis requires the starting materials



Carbon Dioxide, Water, and sunlight


Answer:CO2 and H2O


The decimal reduction time (DRT) to kill 90% of cell present for autoclaving a culture is 1.5 minutes. How long would it take to kill all the cells if 106 cells were present? What would happen if you stopped the heating process at 9 minutes?





DRT = 90%

Cells present = 10^6

Autoclaving = 1.5 minutes



it would take it approximately 10.5 minutes to kill 10^6 of the cells.

If i should stop the heating process at 9 minutes this would have effect on some of the microbes as they are still present with 1 bacterium left which makes it not efficient.


The uterus has three parts. Which one of the following is NOT one of the parts of the uterus?
Question options:
A. Corpus B.Fimbrus C.Fundus D.Cervix



My ans is Letter B. Fimbrus

Answer: B. Fimbrus

This is not part of the uterus.

Hope this helps!

what is the last thing that happens when a cell divides to produce two new identical cells



The last phase of cell division is cytokinesis. In this phase the cytoplasm of parent cell divides in to two cells called as daughter cells. It occurs during late stages of nuclear division.

The visible change of cytokinesis in an animal cell can be observed as formation of Furrow or Pucker on the cell surface.

Forests dominated by gymnosperms tend to have mechanisms to allow it to regenerate after a fire. As a consequence this type of forest ______________.

a. dominate areas where the U.S Forest Service does not put out fires.
b. only lives 20-30 years
c. is dominated by trees of a single age
d. has no overstory species



Forests dominated by gymnosperms tend to have mechanisms to allow it to regenerate after a fire. As a consequence this type of forest is dominated by trees of single age .


It is possible to conclude the question given above in many ways. After a forest fire in a specific forest patch occurs, the impacts are determined by the severity of the fire and the type of forest in which the occurrence occurs. Usually, the dramatic effect on the trees and plants that can be seen in that region can be seen after such an occurrence has occurred. In certain situations, the situation can also worsen, leading to the destruction of the entire cover, if the circumstances favor the propagation of fires. In such cases, the removal of the prevailing structure can lead to the formation of a new forest structure through a mechanism called 'succession,' in which there is a sequence of progression in a biologically acceptable manner through the growth of different plant species. Simply put, the new plants will attempt to adapt or acclimatize to the conditions introduced after forest fire in such a way that this will later provide the route for the growth of plants and trees that can not easily accommodate in the harsh conditions. Therefore, instead of the forest surviving for a short period of time following a forest fire occurrence, there would be changes in the nature of the forest. This suggests that option 'B' is not the response that is most suitable.Choice 'A' appears to be logically inaccurate, taking into account that if they are of high intensity, fires may be uncontrollable. In addition, there is no clear mention of the fire's region of origin and which trees are most affected. Typically, gymnosperms illustrate a simple process in which they can not limit their destruction from the flames, while they can provide a way for their progeny to initiate next generation development in the form of seed. This occurs in the case of Gymnosperms in which, under ordinary conditions, the seeds of the plants are enclosed within a cone that is restricted from germinating. Although the fires pave the way for the seeds to germinate under certain fire conditions, which in turn leads to the emergence of the next generation of gymnosperms, and several studies indicate that these newly introduced seeds would have the same age as choice 'C' indicated. But, as this is not under the jurisdiction of the US Forest Service, legally, option 'A' tends to be wrong. At the same time, it can be seen that forest fires are not consistent in their coverage in certain cases, and thus the chances of dispersal and germination tend to be not even and thus choice 'C' can be reported to be either correct or incorrect in all possible ways.But, first, it is important to know what an overstory is for the option 'D'. A forest consists of trees of all sizes, from the smallest to the tallest pine trees. The uppermost element that is directly in contact with the light from the sun is the overstory. The manner in which the degree of overstory damage occurs depends on the moisture content of the trees and the other associated conditions around the trees. Taking this into account, a forest fire may either lead to the loss of an entire overstory or can have impacts that are confined to plants and trees at the ground level. So, even the 'D' option can be right or inappropriate. But, therefore, choice 'C' should be the most suitable response, taking into account that most studies indicate growth of single-age trees due to germination mediated in the presence of fire. This seems to be scientifically right for a small patch where there was also fire-mediated damage. Accordingly, the most suitable response should be option 'C'.

Hence , the correct option is C.

Can you read this??




I can't read the picture because it's too pixelated, but "Dndkfrjjdfjjd"

clearly means "Da National Day Known For ReJoicing Joe's Dad For Joyous Jiving Dogs".

Which of the three traits considered in this film (bipedality, extensive tool use, and large brains) were present in the 3.2-million-year-old Australopithecus fossil (Lucy)?.



The bipedality


One of the things the discovered fossil signified was that human bipedality was more ancient than the large brain size because Lucy actually had a small skull which could indirectly be translated to small brain size.

NOTE: Bipedality can be described to mean the ability of an organism to move about with two legs. Hence, it must have been discovered that Lucy had two legs.

. How are mineral deposits formed around vents?​



When hot, metal-laden water spews from vents and mixes with the cold ocean, the metals precipitate. Large piles of sulfide accumulate on the seafloor and are eventually buried by sediments, modified by heat and pressure in the crust, and uplifted. Some are exposed on land when erosion removes the overlying rocks.

When you are sitting in a bath, are your skin cells in a hypertonic or hypotonic solution?





Why do lunar and solar eclipses not happen every month?

Eclipses only occur during full and new moons.
Earth rotates around its axis faster than the moon.
The moon and Earth only travel through the penumbras.
The moon’s axis does not always align with Earth’s shadow.



Eclipses only occur during full and new moons. Earth rotates around its axis faster than the moon. ... The moon's axis does not always align with Earth's shadow.



The moon's axis does not always align with Earth's shadow.


The Earth goes around the Sun, while the moon goes around the Earth, so all of them lining up exactly doesn't happen that much. I also jus got it right.

What is the role of DNA polymerase in DNA replication?

A. It ties the chunks of DNA together.
B. It creates the replication fork.
C. It checks the DNA for errors.
D. It breaks apart the bases.


Answer: it checks the DNA for errors


Just took test


A. ties chunks of dna together, took the test


Two different groups of scientists studying a rare trait in ground squirrels report very different heritabilities. What factors influencing heritability values make it possible for both conclusions to be correct?



It is a trait highly influenced by environmental factors (i.e., it has low heritability)


In population genetics, heritability is a statistical measure to estimate the proportion of the phenotype variation of a given trait which can be explained by hereditable genetic factors. The heritability of a trait is influenced by environmental factors, genetic factors (e.g., allele frequencies, number of genes involved in trait variation, recombination rate, etc), and the interaction between genetic and environmental factors. A low heritability value suggests that most of the variation is not genetic (i.e., due to environmental factors), while a high heritability value suggests that almost all of the variability in a trait is due to genetic factors.

Determine the identity of an atom



The number of protons in one atom of an element determines the atoms identity.

How are the enzymes that nerve cells produce different from the enzymes that blood cells produce? A. The molecules that nerve cells digest are more complex than those digested by blood cells. B. The genes that are activated in nerve cells are different from those activated in blood cells. C. Nerve cells contain more ribosomes than blood cells. D. Nerve cells contain more mitochondria than blood cells.


Red blood cells carry a specific type of protein, called hemoglobin, which is able to bind oxygen and release it in other tissues. A nerve cell doesn't have this protein because it doesn't need to bind oxygen. Instead, the nerve cell uses other proteins that help it transmit signals to other cells.

Do the same mechanisms that govern gene expression operate in bacterial cells and eukaryotic cells? Explain your answer.



in prokaryotic cells, the control of gene expression is mostly at the transcriptional level. ... Eukaryotic gene expression is regulated during transcription and RNA processing, which take place in the nucleus, and during protein translation, which takes place in the cytoplasm.

Think critically A restaurant owner wants to serve fresh-cut fruit. What factors might be considered in choosing a recipe and preparation method




1.Oxidation- some fruit after cutting on exposure to air begin to oxidate this leads to a change of color, this color change could range from light brown to dark brown in some fruits such as apple this could make it unappealing to to the consumer.

2. Shelf life- How long can the fruits start after exposure to air before it begins to loose its taste assuming they are not consumed immediately. This have to considered in selecting fruits

3. Time- How long will it take to prepare and make the fruits ready, some fruits requires some thorough cleaning, professional cutting skill

if all will be available and will meet up the time required for the fruits to be served.

All this are some of the factors needed to be considered

A plant that was grown in the dark continuously would: ________.

a. not be able to take in CO2 without sunlight.
b. remain healthy because plants have stored materials in their roots that can provide what the Calvin cycle needs.
c. not be able to split water to provide NADH.
d. continue to photosynthesize because to in carbon dioxide, the only outside input to the Calvin cycle, does not require sunlight.



c. not be able to split water to provide NADH.


Photosynthesis, which is the process by which plant species obtain their energy, occurs in two stages viz: light dependent phase and light independent phase. The light dependent phase of photosynthesis requires the energy from sunlight, which is captured by the chlorophyll pigments in the leaves of the plant.

The light energy captured by the chlorophyll is used to split water molecule in a process called PHOTOLYSIS OF WATER. Overall, ATP and NADH (electron donor) are products of the light dependent stage, which enters the next stage to complete the photosynthetic process.

Therefore, a plant that was grown in the dark i.e. no access to light, continuously would not be able to capture light energy and hence not be able to split water to provide NADH.

A plant that was grown in the dark spontaneously would not possess the tendency to split water to provide NADH.

What is photolysis of water?

The process by which the species of plant attain their energy, that is, photosynthesis, takes place in two stages:

Light independent phaseLight dependent phase

In the light dependent phase, energy is needed from sunlight, and is captivated by the chlorophyll pigments present in the leaves of the plant. This energy from the light is used to split the molecule of water by a process known as photolysis of water.

The products of the light dependent stage is ATP and NADH that enters the next phase to complete the process of photosynthesis. Therefore, a plant, which was grown in the dark, that is, having no accessibility to light, would not possess the tendency to captivate the energy from the sunlight and thus would fail to split the molecule of water to provide NADH.

Thus, the correct answer is option c.

Find out more information about the photolysis of water here:


what does carbon footprint mean???



A carbon footprint is the total greenhouse gas emissions caused by an individual, event, organization, service, or product, expressed as carbon dioxide equivalent.



The amount of carbon dioxide a person produces


Which of the following describes the
A. a web of proteins that gives shape and
support to the cell
B. a membrane-bound organelle that contains
genetic material
C. the outer covering of a cell that separates it
from the environment
D. the structure that contains the information
about how to make a cell's proteins



either b or c


its been a while since I took biology but I'm pretty sure its in between those two answers

3. A plant cell (0.9% NaCl) is placed into a solution of 20% NaCl, the membrane is permeabl
water. What happens to the plant cell?
4. A plant cell (0.9% NaCl) is placed into a solution of 100% DI water, the membrane is
permeable to water. What happens to the plant cell?



3. the water inside the plant cell will diffuse out from the cell following the concentration gradient. cells will be plasmolysed.

4. distilled water will diffuse into the cell following the concentration gradient. cells will be turgid

Explain what would happen if the body's kidneys failed?

A. The body will not be able to produce enough blood.
B. The body will not be able get rid of waste products made by cells.
C. The body will not get sufficient amount of clean water.
D. The body will not be able to dispose of carbon dioxide in the blood.



b:) the body will not be able to get rid of waste products made by cells


Which of the following statements regarding the human
population are TRUE? Select TWO.(Remember, there is no
partial credit)
The world's population of humans is
In every country, the human population is
In some countries, the human population is
decreasing or staying the same.
The world's population of humans is
staying constant



The world's population of humans is



In every country, the human population is


What's the difference between a statute and a regulation in the US?
A. Statutes are laws passed by federal agencies, while regulations are laws passed by Congress
B. They're the same thing. Laws and regulations express the same concept.
C. Statutes are laws passed by Congress, while regulations are laws passed by federal agencies
D. Citizens that break the law are subject to heavier penalties, whereas breaking regulations would only result in fines at the worst



A. Statues are laws passed by federal agencies, while regulations are laws passed by Congress.


A statute is a law, enacted by the state or federal legislature. Regulations are rules set by agencies that fill in the ambiguous areas of laws

What 3 molecules, bonded
together, create a single link in the DNA chain



nucleotides, phosphate, sugar (for a better explanation go to google and that should help you! I hope this helps you)

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HELPPPPPPP!!!!!!! BRAINILIST TO FIRST PERSON TO ANSWER AND ANSWER CORRECTLY!! :> help me due today !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! from the details in this passage, choose the inference that dickens most likely wants readers to make about the members of the board in charge of the workhouse I need help please, can you help me? Is saying the beautiful are the ones who help people gramatically correct? Lee lo siguiente. _[Blank]_es tarde para aprender a bailar. Qu palabra completamejorla oracin? Algo Nunca Alguien Ninguna Can someone pease help me understand the problem? Help i'll give 100 points! and brainlist luv! xo __are the oil, coal, and naturalgas used to provide energy. a soccer ball is kicked horizontally off a cliff with an initial speed of 8 m/s and lands 16 m from the base of the cliff What is the time of flight of the soccer ball? Plz answer this!!!! Ill mark the first right brainliest Please help!!!Im beggging!! ASAP HELP PLZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Which was a consequence of Native American involvement in the Revolutionary War? (4 points) a American protection of Cherokee lands following the war b France and Spain deciding that the U.S. was a worthwhile ally c The assimilation of Mohawk land into Spanish territory d The Native Americans lost their land to the Americans what was the purpose of religious camp meetings in the early 1800s? 8. What is the result of (11x + 18i)(117 - 18i)? Which area of Africa was primarily Christian, even though it was/is locatedin north Africa? *MaliGhanaZimbabweEthiopia Would you rather own your own business or become a franchise I will brainlist, please help as a result, the net electric force experienced by each negatively charged particle is reduced to F/2. The value of q is The number of shovels and cost per 1000 kg forCa(OH)2