Find the product. Equation is below.


Answer 1


12x^3 + 19x^2 + x - 5

Step-by-step explanation:

To solve this, I set up the problem like this:

(3x^2 + x - 1)(4x + 5)

Now, just distribute everything from the first set of ( ) to the second set of ( ). Here's what you should have when you do that:

12x^3 + 15x^2 + 4x^2 + 5x - 4x - 5

Now, you would just combine like terms, which would get you to the final answer.

Hope this helps!

Answer 2

12x³ + 19x² + x -5

Step-by-step explanation:

Polynomials are expressions that have multiple terms.

Breaking Apart Polynomials

When multiplying by a polynomial, we can break apart one of the polynomials, and multiply by each term individually. This means to multiply 3x² + x - 1 by 4x + 5, we can break apart the binomial into its separate terms. Instead of trying to multiply everything at once, we can multiply the trinomial by 4x and then multiply the trinomial by 5. Finally, add together the 2 products for the final answer.

Multiplying Polynomials

First, let's multiply the trinomial by 4x.

4x(3x² + x - 1)

To find the product, multiply each term of the trinomial by 4x, then add them back together.

4x * 3x² = 12x³4x * x = 4x²4x * -1 = -4x

So, the first product is 12x³ + 4x²- 4x. Next, let's multiply 5(3x² + x - 1) the same way.

5 * 3x² = 15x²5 * x = 5x5 * -1 = -5

This means that the second product is 15x² + 5x - 5. Finally, let's add the 2 products together.

(12x³ + 4x²- 4x) + (15x² + 5x - 5)

Then, simplify the expression.

12x³ + 19x² + x - 5

This gives us our final answer. The product of 3x² + x - 1 and 4x + 5 is 12x³ + 19x² + x - 5.

Related Questions

Project Option 1
For this option, you will work individually.

For this option, you will work individually.

You’ve worked hard in this module to become a pro at equations! Now, you’ll put your skills to the test. Your job is to create an equations portfolio. The format is up to you. Be creative! You may use a slideshow, document, video, etc. As long as all of the parts of the project are addressed, the delivery is up to you.

Your portfolio must include a minimum of the following five types of equations and solutions:

Two one-step equations
Two equations that contains fractions
One equation with distributive property
One equation with decimals
One real-world problem that is solved by an equation
Remember that each equation must include at least one variable. Once you have created each equation, you will solve it and show your work. Pretend that you are teaching the equations to a new pre-algebra student. Or you can actually teach them to a sibling or friend!

This is a total of 7 equations and solutions.


Equation 1: One-step equation

Solve for x: 2x + 5 = 11


2x + 5 - 5 = 11 - 5 (Subtract 5 from both sides)

2x = 6 (Simplify)

2x/2 = 6/2 (Divide both sides by 2)

x = 3

How to explain the equation

Equation 2: One-step equation

Solve for y: 8y - 7 = 23


8y - 7 + 7 = 23 + 7 (Add 7 to both sides)

8y = 30 (Simplify)

8y/8 = 30/8 (Divide both sides by 8)

y = 3.75

Equation 3: Equation with fractions

Solve for x: (3/4)x + 1/2 = 7/8


(3/4)x + 1/2 - 1/2 = 7/8 - 1/2 (Subtract 1/2 from both sides)

(3/4)x = 3/8 (Simplify)

(3/4)x ÷ (3/4) = 3/8 ÷ (3/4) (Divide both sides by 3/4)

x = 1/2

Equation 4: Equation with fractions

Solve for y: 2/3 - y/4 = 1/6


2/3 - y/4 = 1/6

(2/3)x 4/4 - y/4 = 1/6 x 4/4 (Multiply both sides by 4)

8/12 - y/4 = 4/24

8/12 - 3y/12 = 4/24 (Find a common denominator)

5y/12 = 4/24 - 8/12

5y/12 = -4/24 (Simplify)

5y/12 x 24/5 = -4/24 x 24/5 (Multiply both sides by reciprocal of 5/12)

y = -2

Equation 5: Equation with distributive property

Solve for x: 4(x - 3) = 20


4(x - 3) = 20

4x - 12 = 20 (Distribute 4)

4x - 12 + 12 = 20 + 12 (Add 12 to both sides)

4x = 32 (Simplify)

4x/4 = 32/4 (Divide both sides by 4)

x = 8

Equation 6: Equation with decimals

Solve for y: 2.5y + 0.75 = 4.25


2.5y + 0.75 - 0.75 = 4.25 - 0.75 (Subtract 0.75 from both sides)

2.5y = 3.5 (Simplify)

2.5y/2.5 = 3.5/2.5 (Divide both sides by 2.5)

y = 1.4

Learn more about equations on;


Find the volume of this object.
Use 3 for T.
Volume of a Cylinder
V= πr²h
12 in
14 in
12 in
V [?]cm
4 in

please help



First, we need to convert all the measurements to the same unit. Let's convert everything to inches, since the formula for the volume of a cylinder uses inches:

12 in = 12 in

14 in = 14 in

12 in = 12 in

4 in = 4 in

The object consists of a cylinder with a radius of 4 inches and a height of 12 inches, and a hemisphere with a radius of 4 inches. To find the volume of the object, we need to find the volume of the cylinder and the hemisphere, and then add them together.

Volume of the cylinder:

V_cyl = πr^2h

V_cyl = π(4 in)^2(12 in)

V_cyl = 192π in^3

Volume of the hemisphere:

The volume of a hemisphere is given by:

V_hemi = (2/3)πr^3

Since the radius is 4 inches, we have:

V_hemi = (2/3)π(4 in)^3

V_hemi = (2/3)π(64 in^3)

V_hemi = 128π/3 in^3

Total volume:

V_total = V_cyl + V_hemi

V_total = 192π in^3 + 128π/3 in^3

V_total = (576π + 128π)/3 in^3

V_total = 704π/3 in^3

Now we can substitute the value of π (3) to get the final answer:

V_total = 704π/3 in^3

V_total = 704(3)/3 in^3

V_total = 704 in^3

Therefore, the volume of the object is 704 cubic inches.

Using Trig to find a side.
Solve for x. Round to the nearest tenth, if necessary.



x = 9.0

Step-by-step explanation:

sin E = CD/EC = CD/x

<=>     sin 50 = 6.9/x     <=> x = 6.9/sin 50 ≅ 9.0

Miss Bailey went to the store and bought 8 packs of pencils and a binder that cost $12. He spent a total of $36. How much did each pencil pack cost?


Answer: miss bailey bought 8 for 3 dollars each  

Step-by-step explanation:

so if a binder cost 12 subtract that form the $36 and you are left with $24. divided it by 8 and are left with 3

ASAP please someone help me do a two column proof. I don’t get it


It should be noted that to prove that arc AB is equal to arc CD, we can use the fact that vertical angles are equal. Specifically, the angles formed by radii OA and OB are vertical angles with angles formed by radii OC and OD.

How to explain the proofing

Let's call the angle formed by radii OA and OB angle x, and the angle formed by radii OC and OD angle y. Since ZAOB is a central angle of circle O, we know that arc AB is equal to twice angle x. Similarly, since COD is a central angle of circle O, we know that arc CD is equal to twice angle y.

Now, since angles x and y are vertical angles, they are equal. Therefore, arc AB is equal to twice angle x, which is equal to twice angle y, which in turn is equal to arc CD.

Therefore, we have proven that arc AB is equal to arc CD.

Learn more about angle on


Assuming line ABCD is a diameter. The proof is not valid in general for any chord.

What is circle theorem?

To prove AB = CD, we show triangles ABO and DCO are congruent.

1. OB=OC     radius of inner circle

2. OA=OD     radius of outer circle

3. angle ABO = angle DCO

4. SSA = SSA indicates congruent triangles

Therefore AB = CD

Angles ABC and DCB are straight angles.

Angles OBC and OCB are congruent triangle OBC is isosceles with OB=OC

Therefore angle ABO = ABC - OBC = DCB - OCB = DCO

Learn more about circle theorems on


in order to maintain accuracy, political polling groups must maintain a certain degree of confidence with a small margin of error. fivethirtyeight is a polling company that wishes to survey a population of people, but maintain a margin of error of 0.05 or less with a 99% confidence level. what is the smallest number of consumers they should survey to guarantee this?


A minimum sample size of 665 consumers that FiveThirtyEight should survey to guarantee a margin of error of 0.05 or less with a 99% confidence level.

What is the sample size?

Sample size refers to the number of observations or individuals included in a study or experiment. It is the number of subjects or units that are selected from a population to be studied. The sample size is an important consideration in statistical analysis, as it can affect the accuracy and generalizability of the results. A larger sample size generally leads to more precise estimates and stronger statistical power, but it can also be more costly and time-consuming to collect and analyze.

According to the given information

To calculate the minimum sample size required to maintain a margin of error of 0.05 or less with a 99% confidence level, we can use the formula:

n = (Z² * p * (1-p)) / E²

where n is the sample size, Z is the Z-score for the desired confidence level (2.576 for 99% confidence level), p is the estimated proportion of the population that has a certain characteristic (we can use 0.5 for maximum variability), and E is the margin of error.

Plugging in the values, we get:

n = (2.576² * 0.5 * (1-0.5)) / 0.05²

n = 664.3

Rounding up to the nearest whole number, we get a minimum sample size of 665 consumers that FiveThirtyEight should survey to guarantee a margin of error of 0.05 or less with a 99% confidence level.

To know more about sample size visit:


How do I round 9979.03 to the nearest gram?


Gram is a unit of mass, so you cannot directly round 9979.03 to the nearest gram. However, if you assume that you are talking about the nearest gram of weight, then you can round it as follows:

Since 1 gram is equal to 0.001 kilograms, you can convert 9979.03 grams to kilograms by dividing it by 1000:

9979.03 grams ÷ 1000 = 9.97903 kilograms

Now you can round 9.97903 kilograms to the nearest gram by looking at the first decimal place after the desired rounding point, which is the gram:

- If the first decimal place is less than 5, you round down.
- If the first decimal place is 5 or greater, you round up.

The first decimal place after the gram is 0, so you round down, and the nearest gram is therefore:

9.979 kilograms or 9979 grams

Triangle ABC with vertices at A(−3, −3), B(3, 3), C(0, 3) is dilated to create triangle A′B′C′ with vertices at A′(−9, −9), B(9, 9), C(0, 9). Determine the scale factor used. 6 one sixth 3 one third


The scale factor used for the dilation of the triangle ABC to A'B'C' is 3.

To find the scale factor, we can compare the corresponding side lengths of the two triangles. Let's start by finding the length of side AB in both triangles.

Length of AB in the original triangle ABC:

AB = √[(3-(-3))² + (3-(-3))²]

= √[6² + 6²]

= 6√(2)

Length of A'B' in the dilated triangle A'B'C':

A'B' = √[(9-(-9))²+(9-(-9))²]

= √[18² + 18²]

= 18√(2)

Now we can find the scale factor by dividing the length of A'B' by the length of AB:

scale factor = A'B'/AB

= (18√(2))/(6√(2))

= 3

Therefore, the scale factor used is 3. The dilation has enlarged the triangle by a factor of 3.

To know more about Scale factor, visit,


If x - 2 is a factor polynomial f(x), which of the following statements does NOT have to be true?




Step-by-step explanation:

If x - 2 is a factor polynomial f(x), then the polynomial can be expressed as f(x) = (x - 2) g(x), where g(x) is another polynomial.

Using this information, we can check each statement to see which one does NOT have to be true:

A) f(2) = 0:

If x - 2 is a factor of f(x), then plugging in x = 2 gives f(2) = (2 - 2) g(2) = 0. This statement has to be true.

B) f(-2) = 0:

If x - 2 is a factor of f(x), then plugging in x = -2 gives f(-2) = (-2 - 2) g(-2) = -4 g(-2). This statement does NOT have to be true. For example, if g(-2) = 1/(-4), then f(-2) would not equal 0.

C) 2 is a root of f(x):

If x - 2 is a factor of f(x), then 2 is a root of f(x), meaning f(2) = 0. This statement has to be true.

D) 2 is a zero of f(x):

The term "zero" can be interpreted in different ways, but if it means the same as a root or a solution, then this statement is the same as statement C and has to be true.

Therefore, the statement that does NOT have to be true is B) f(-2) = 0.

suppose the customers arrive at a starbucks shop at an average rate of 1/min. use a poisson process to model the arrival of customers. what is the probability that at least one customer arrives at the shop during a one-minute interval? 0.736 0.368 0.632 0.264


The probability that at least one customer arrives at the shop during a one-minute interval is 0.632.

Since the arrival of customers at a Starbucks shop can be modeled as a Poisson process with an average rate of 1/min, the probability of exactly k customers arriving in a one-minute interval is given by the Poisson probability mass function:

P(k arrivals) = (λ^k * e^(-λ)) / k!

where λ is the average rate of arrivals (in this case, 1/min), e is the mathematical constant e, and k! is the factorial of k.

To find the probability that at least one customer arrives during a one-minute interval, we can use the complement of the probability that zero customers arrive (i.e., the probability of at least one arrival is 1 minus the probability of zero arrivals).

Thus, the probability of at least one customer arriving during a one-minute interval is:

P(at least one arrival) = 1 - P(0 arrivals)

P(at least one arrival) = 1 - [([tex]1^{0}[/tex] * [tex]e^{-1}[/tex]) / 0!] = 1 - [tex]e^{-1}[/tex] = 0.632

Therefore, the probability that at least one customer arrives at the shop during a one-minute interval is 0.632.

Learn more about Poission;


write an expression for the problem and evaluate the expression using the order of operations. bruce charged david and ricky $42 for parts and $12 per hour for labor to repair their motorcycle if he spent 3 hours repairing the bike how much money do david and ricky owe him?


The expression for the problem is:

Total cost = $42 + ($12/hour × 3 hours) × 2 people

How to write the expression

Bruce charged David and Ricky a fixed fee of $42 for parts plus an hourly rate of $12 for labor. He spent 3 hours repairing the motorcycle. Since there are two people (David and Ricky), we need to multiply the hourly rate by the number of hours worked (3) and then multiply that by 2. Finally, we add the fixed fee for the parts to get the total cost.

To evaluate the expression using the order of operations, we need to perform the multiplication first and then the addition. So, we have:

Total cost = $42 + ($12/hour × 3 hours) × 2 people

= $42 + ($36) × 2

= $42 + $72

= $114

Therefore, David and Ricky owe Bruce a total of $114 for the motorcycle repair.

Learn more expression on


Help with algebra 2 homework


The inverse function is given as follows: [tex]r = \sqrt[3]{\frac{3V}{2\pi}}[/tex]The radius of a sphere of volume 25 in³ is given as follows: 2.29 in.

How to find the inverse function?

The formula for the volume of an sphere of radius r is given as follows:

V = (2/3)πr³  

The radius as a function of the volume is obtained as follows:

r³ = 3V/2π

[tex]r = \sqrt[3]{\frac{3V}{2\pi}}[/tex]

Hence the radius of a sphere of volume 25 in³ is given as follows:

[tex]r = \sqrt[3]{\frac{25}{2\pi}}[/tex]

r = 2.29 in.

More can be learned about the volume of an sphere at


1. Write the equation of a circle with a radius of 14 and the center at (-5, 9).


[tex]\textit{equation of a circle}\\\\ (x- h)^2+(y- k)^2= r^2 \hspace{5em}\stackrel{center}{(\underset{-5}{h}~~,~~\underset{9}{k})}\qquad \stackrel{radius}{\underset{14}{r}} \\\\[-0.35em] ~\dotfill\\\\ ( ~~ x - (-5) ~~ )^2 ~~ + ~~ ( ~~ y-9 ~~ )^2~~ = ~~14^2\implies (x+5)^2 + (y-9)^2=196[/tex]

Lauren gets a 12% commission for every piece of jewelry she sells. How much will she earn if she sells a $3,200 bracelet?




Step-by-step explanation:

$3,200 x 0.12 = $384

She would make $384, just do $3,200(the cost of the item) times 0.12 and there is your answer. :)

Find the surface area of the composite figure. Round to the nearest tenth if necessary.



Step-by-step explanation:

· Find the surface area of a cone with a slant height of 8 cm and a radius of 3 cm. SA = B + πrS = (πr2) + πrs = (π(32)) + π(3)(8) = 9π + 24π = 33πcm2 = 103.62cm2. Find the surface area of a rectangular pyramid with a slant height of 10 yards, a base width (b) of 8 yards and a base length (h) of 12 yards.

a person swims 11 miles downriver in the same time they can swim 7 miles upriver. the speed of the current is 4 miles per hour. find the speed of the person in still water.


The speed of the person in still water is 18 miles per hour

Let's call the speed of the person in still water "x".

When the person swims downriver, they are swimming with the current, so their effective speed is the sum of their swimming speed and the speed of the current, which is "x + 4".

When the person swims upriver, they are swimming against the current, so their effective speed is the difference between their swimming speed and the speed of the current, which is "x - 4".

We know that the person covers 11 miles downriver in the same amount of time it takes them to cover 7 miles upriver. This means that the two distances are equal in terms of time:

[tex]11 / (x + 4) = 7 / (x - 4)[/tex]

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply and simplify:

[tex]11(x - 4) = 7(x + 4)[/tex]

[tex]11x - 44 = 7x + 28[/tex]

[tex]4x = 72[/tex]

[tex]x = 18[/tex]

for such more questions on distances


suppose coach bennet selects one senior and one junior as the first two players. the coach then randomly selects the third player from either group. taylor and jamie are both juniors on the team. if taylor is selected as one of the first two players, what is the probability that jamie will be selected as the third player? type in the correct answer in the box. use numerals instead of words. if necessary, round your answer to the nearest tenth.


If Taylor is selected as one of the first two players out of ten players on the team, the probability of Jamie being selected as the third player is 4/9.

Using the multiplication rule of probability, the overall probability of both events happening is 8.9%

How to find the probability of Jamie being selected?

Assuming that there are only seniors and juniors on the team, the probability of Taylor being selected as one of the first two players is 2/10, since there are two juniors out of ten total players.

If Taylor is selected as one of the first two players, then there are nine players left, of which four are juniors, including Jamie.

Therefore, the probability of Jamie being selected as the third player, given that Taylor is already selected, is 4/9.

Using the multiplication rule of probability, the overall probability of both events happening is:

P(Taylor and Jamie) = P(Taylor) x P (Jamie | Taylor)

P(Taylor and Jamie) = 2/10 x 4/9

P(Taylor and Jamie) = 8/90

P(Taylor and Jamie) = 0.089 or 8.9% (rounded to the nearest tenth)

Therefore, the probability of Jamie being selected as the third player, given that Taylor is already selected as one of the first two players, is 8.9%.

Learn more about probability


The number of tables needed is proportional to the number of
people who are attending a banquet. The table below shows the
D 20
Number of Tables
Number of People Attending
A banquet for 192 people is being held. How many tables are
needed for this banquet?
A 8
B 12
C 16
D 20


[tex]\begin{array}{ccll} tables&persons\\ \cline{1-2} 15 & 180\\ x& 192 \end{array} \implies \cfrac{15}{x}~~=~~\cfrac{180}{192} \implies \cfrac{ 15 }{ x } ~~=~~ \cfrac{ 15 }{ 16 }\implies x=16[/tex]

Habib drew a new diagram that has an area of [tex]6+4s^2[/tex].
What is the area of Habib's diagram when [tex]s=1/2[/tex]?


The area of Habib's diagram when s = 1/2 is 7.

What is circle?

A circle is a geometric shape that consists of all points in a plane that are equidistant from a fixed point called the center. It can also be defined as the set of points that are a fixed distance (called the radius) away from the center point. The distance around the circle is called its circumference, and the distance across the circle passing through the center is called its diameter.

To find the area of Habib's diagram when s = 1/2, we just need to substitute s = 1/2 into the expression for the area:

Area = 6 + 4s²

Area = 6 + 4(1/2)²

Area = 6 + 4(1/4)

Area = 6 + 1

Area = 7

Therefore, the area of Habib's diagram when s = 1/2 is 7.

To learn more about circle from the given link:


what is the probability that the larger of two continuous i.i.d. random variable will exceed the population median? stackage


The probability that the greater of the two random variables will surpass the population median is just 0.5 because both events are mutually exclusive.

The i.i.d means two random variable where there is an equal chance that one will be greater then the other.

So, it means there is 50% chances for both of them to be greater then the median.

The probability that the greater of the two random variables will surpass the population median is just 0.5 because both events are mutually exclusive. This conclusion is valid as long as the variable are given to be continuous and i.i.d.

To know more about probability, visit,


What is the measure of angle A in this triangle?



The Answer is 40°

Step-by-step explanation:

Base angles of an isosceles triangle are equal







let <A be X









divide both sides by 2




The total volume of the cylindrical can is given as follows:

C) 24.54 in³.

How to obtain the volume of a cylinder?

The volume of a cylinder of radius r and height h is given by the equation presented as follows:

V = πr²h.

The parameters for this problem are given as follows:

h = 5 in.r = 1.25 in.

Hence the volume of the cylinder is obtained as follows:

V = π x 1.25² x 5

V = 24.54 in³.

More can be learned about the volume of a cylinder at


A factory has 2 x 10^3 workers who make a total of 7 x 10^6 bikes each year. How many bikes does each worker make per year?




= 3,500

Step-by-step explanation:

therefore, each worker makes 3500 bikes per year



All of these ratios are equal to b, and we have shown that there is a constant ratio between consecutive output values.

What is ratio between consecutive output?

The common ratio is the ratio that remains constant between successive function output values. The behaviour of a geometric sequence, which is a series of numbers where each term is produced by multiplying the one before it by a set number (the common ratio), depends on the common ratio. The sequence is rising exponentially if the common ratio is bigger than 1. The sequence decreases exponentially if the common ratio is between 0 and 1.

To show that the function form shows a constant ratio we take:

[tex](x+1) / f(x) = (ab^{(x+1)}) / (ab^x) = b[/tex]

Similarly, we have:

[tex]f(x+2) / f(x+1) = (ab^{(x+2)}) / (ab^{(x+1)}) = b[/tex]

Hence, all of these ratios are equal to b, and we have shown that there is a constant ratio between consecutive output values.

Learn more about ratio here:


Chester worked for 8hour each day for 5days.He earned P2190.00.How much did he earn per hour?



P54.75 per hour.

Step-by-step explanation:

If he earned 2190 pesos on working 8 hours each for 5 days then he earned 54.75

Equation: hours x days / earnings

Therefore, 8 hours x 5 days = 40

2190 / 40 = P54.75 / hour

Donna is sharing her snacks with her friends. She went to the store and spent $4 on chips, $2.75 on cookies, $3.37 on fruit snacks, and $11.55 on drinks. How much did she spend in all? How much change did she have left over from $25? Also, she shared ¼ of her bag of chips between her and her 2 friends. How much of the bag did each friend get?


Donna spent:

$4 + $2.75 + $3.37 + $11.55 = $21.67

To find out how much change she had left from $25, we can subtract her total spent from $25:

$25 - $21.67 = $3.33

Therefore, Donna had $3.33 left over from $25.

If Donna shared 1/4 of her bag of chips with her 2 friends, then they split the remaining 3/4 of the bag. Assuming her bag of chips was a standard size, we can estimate that they each got about 1/4 of the bag:

1/4 of 3/4 is 3/16.

So, each of Donna's friends got approximately 3/16 of the bag of chips.



Step-by-step explanation:

hope it help

Solve for s.



s = p - q - 1

Step-by-step explanation:

q + 1 + s = p  Subtract q and 1 from both sides

q -q +1 - 1 + s = p - q -1

s = p - q - 1

Helping in the name of Jesus.

if you want to save $900,000 for your retirement, you invest your money in a savings account that has an APR of 6% which is compounded each month. you are 20 years old and planning to retire at age 65, how much money do you need to deposit into the savings account each month in order to reach your retirement goal at age 65?


We need to deposit $326.56 into the savings account each month in order to reach your retirement goal at age 65, assuming an APR of 6% compounded monthly.

What is Compound interest?

Compound interest is a type of interest that is calculated not only on the principal amount of money borrowed or invested, but also on the accumulated interest from previous periods. In other words, it is interest calculated on both the initial principal and the interest earned in previous periods.

To determine how much money you need to deposit into the savings account each month in order to reach your retirement goal at age 65, you can use the formula for future value of an annuity:

FV = [tex]PMT * \frac{(1 + r/n)^{n*t} - 1 }{r/n}[/tex]


FV is the future value, which is the amount of money you want to save for retirement ($900,000 in this case)

PMT is the payment you need to make each month

r is the annual interest rate (6% in this case)

n is the number of times the interest is compounded per year (12 in this case, since the interest is compounded monthly)

t is the number of years until retirement (45 in this case, since you are 20 years old and planning to retire at age 65)

Substituting these values into the formula, we get:

$900,000 =  [tex]PMT * \frac{(1 + 0.06/12)^{12*45} - 1 }{0.06/12}[/tex]

$900,000 = [tex]PMT * \frac{(1 + 0.005)^{540} - 1 }{0.005}[/tex]

$900,000 = [tex]PMT * \frac{(1.005)^{540} - 1 }{0.005}[/tex]

$900,000 = [tex]PMT * \frac{(14.78 - 1) }{0.005}[/tex]

$900,000 = PMT × 2756

   ∴ PMT = $326.56

Therefore, you need to deposit $326.56  into the savings account each month in order to reach your retirement goal at age 65, assuming an APR of 6% compounded monthly.

To learn more about Compound interest visit the link:


I need this answer asap can someone help?


The first step in finding the distance between vertex P and vertex V is find the length of diagonal between vertex P and vertex R.

option A.

What is the distance between vertex P and vertex V?

To find the distance between vertex P and vertex V, we need to draw a diagonal line from vertex P to vertex V.

After drawing the diagonal line, we will notice that we have a new right angle triangle.

with a height of 17 inches a base of diagonal length PR or TVa hypotenuse of diagonal PV

So since we know the height of the right triangle, we need to find the base of the right triangle first, which is equal to length of diagonal length PR or TV

So the correct answer will be "find the length of diagonal PR first.".

Learn more about diagonal lengths here:


Write the point-slope form of the equation of the horizontal line that passes through the point (2, 1). Include your work in your final answer. Type your answer in the box provided to submit your solution.


Therefore , the solution of the given problem of equation comes out to be y = 1 is the equation for the horizontal line.

What is quadratic equation?

For one-variable problems, regression modelling employs the polynomial solution answers x = ax2 + b + c=0. There is only room for one solution, according to the Fundamental Principle of Algebra, because it has an additional order. Both straightforward and intricate solutions are accessible. A "non-linear algorithm" has four variables, as the name implies. This suggests that there might be a single squared word.


=> y = k, where k is the y-coordinate of any point on the horizontal line, is the equation of a horizontal line in the point-slope form.

The y-coordinate of the given point (2, 1) will be the same as the y-coordinate of any other point on the line because

the given line is horizontal and passes through that location.

Therefore, the equation of the horizontal line going through the point (2, 1) has the following point-slope form:

=> y - 1 = 0

or merely:

=> y = 1

Consequently, y = 1 is the equation for the horizontal line.

To know more about equation visit:


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