Food web starting with sun and pointing to grasshopper and squirrel; Grasshopper pointing to squirrel, wolf, and snake; squirrel pointing to wolf, snake, and bird; wolf pointing to decomposition with worms and mushrooms; snake pointing to wolf and decomposition with worms and mushrooms; bird pointing to decomposition with worms and mushrooms; decomposition pointing to the sun stating soil nutrients.

If we removed the wolf, snake, and hawk from this food web, what best explains the impact it would have?

The number of producers would increase.
The number of decomposers would increase.
The number of primary consumers would increase.
The numbers of primary consumers would decrease.


Answer 1
If the wolf, snake, and hawk were removed from the food web, it would cause a decrease in the number of primary consumers. The grasshopper and squirrel are primary consumers that would no longer serve as prey for the snake, hawk, and wolf, resulting in their populations decreasing. Therefore, the number of primary consumers would decrease. The decomposers' population would not be affected by the removal of these organisms, and the number of producers would remain the same.
Answer 2


a decrease in the number of primary consumers


Food web starting with the sun and pointing to the grasshopper and squirrel; the grasshopper pointing to the squirrel, wolf, and snake; the squirrel pointing to the wolf, snake, and bird; the wolf pointing to decomposition with worms and mushrooms; the snake pointing to the wolf and decomposition with worms and mushrooms; the bird pointing to decomposition with worms and mushrooms; decomposition pointing to the sun stating soil nutrients. If we removed the producers from this food web, how would it affect the balance of the ecosystem? There would be an increase in consumers and decomposers. There would be a decrease in consumers and decomposers. There would be a decrease in primary consumers and an increase in secondary consumers. There would be an increase in primary consumers and a decrease in secondary consumers.

Related Questions

Question 1 (10 point)
Why do areas in western Europe have a warmer climate than other areas at the same latitude?

A. Western Europe is close to the equator.
B. Western Europe is at a high elevation.
C. current called the Gulf Stream brings warm water to the coast.
D. current called the Gulf Stream brings cold water to the coast.

Question 2 (10 point)
Why do locations near the equator generally have a warmer climate?

A. Regions near the equator receive solar energy at a more direct angle.
B. Regions near the equator are surrounded by water.
C. Regions near the equator are highest in elevation.
D. Regions near the equator receive fewer hours of direct solar energy.


Answer: Hi! The correct answer for Question 1 is C, and for 2 is A. Brainliest?


Question 1: The correct answer is C. The Gulf Stream current brings warm water to the western coast of Europe, which helps to moderate the climate and keep temperatures warmer than other areas at the same latitude.

Question 2: The correct answer is A. Regions near the equator receive solar energy at a more direct angle, which results in more intense heating of the surface and warmer temperatures. This is why areas near the equator are generally hotter than areas at higher latitudes.


Question 1: C.

Question 2: A.


Question 1:

Warm water is brought in by the Gulf Stream to western Europe, making the air and the climate warmer as well.

Question 2:

At the equator, the Earth is closer to the Sun, and so the energy released from the Sun is focused more on the equator than it is on other parts of the Earth.

Match the following descriptions of air masses with an area where they might develop. Think about moisture and temperature of each area to match with the air mass.​


This is the matching for the descriptions of air masses and the moisture and temperature and temperature areas where they might develop:

Warm, moist air mass → CDry, cold air mass → BDry, hot air mass → DCold, moist air mass → A

What are these moistures and temperatures?

Warm, moist air masses develop over warm oceans. Central America is located near the equator, which is a warm area. The warm water in the Pacific Ocean helps to create warm, moist air masses that move over Central America.

Dry, cold air masses develop over landmasses in high latitudes. Canada is located in the northern part of North America, which is a high-latitude region. The cold landmass in Canada helps to create dry, cold air masses that move over the country.

Dry, hot air masses develop over deserts. The United States has several deserts, including the Mojave Desert, the Sonoran Desert, and the Great Basin Desert. These deserts are located in warm, dry areas, which help to create dry, hot air masses that move over the country.

Cold, moist air masses can develop over any area, but they are most common over the poles. There is no specific area in the world where cold, moist air masses develop.

Find out more on moisture and temperature here:


Some regions have rich deposits of diamond. Other regions have large amounts of halite or other minerals. Considering past and current geologic processes, why do you think Earth's minerals are unevenly distributed? Give an example to support your answer.


Earth's minerals are unevenly distributed because their formation and distribution are influenced by a combination of geological, chemical, and physical processes that vary in intensity and frequency across different regions of the Earth's crust. These processes include tectonic activity, volcanic eruptions, weathering, erosion, and sedimentation, among others, which can create and redistribute minerals over time.

For example, some regions of the Earth's crust have rich deposits of diamonds because they were once part of ancient cratons or continental cores, which are the oldest and most stable parts of the continents. These cratons are made up of rocks that are rich in carbon, which is the raw material for diamond formation under high pressure and temperature conditions. Over millions of years, these rocks have been subjected to tectonic forces, which have caused them to be uplifted, eroded, and exposed at the Earth's surface, where they can be mined for diamonds.

In contrast, other regions have large amounts of halite or other minerals because they were once part of ancient oceans or shallow seas, which evaporated over time, leaving behind salt or other minerals that precipitated out of the water. These deposits are often found in arid or semi-arid regions, where the evaporation rate is high and the supply of fresh water is low.

Thus, the unequal distribution of minerals on Earth is a result of complex geological and environmental factors that have shaped the Earth's crust over millions of years.

Answer:Earth's minerals are unevenly distributed because their formation and distribution are influenced by a combination of geological, chemical, and physical processes that vary in intensity and frequency across different regions of the Earth's crust. These processes include tectonic activity, volcanic eruptions, weathering, erosion, and sedimentation, among others, which can create and redistribute minerals over time.


I agree with the other person

things that you can recycle that is useful​


One great way for disposing of used products that usually end up in the waste bin is through recycling. In the United States, there are approximately 3,500 sites that house the 220 million tonnes of waste that are produced annually, according to a Duke University analysis.

When we think about recycling, we usually imagine separating out our belongings and taking them to a recycling facility to be converted into something else (or having them picked up and delivered somewhere). This is an amazing way to protect the environment, but what about materials that cannot be recycled?

Things that can be recycled and it is useful:

Polythene BagsMilk CartonsPlastic Water BottlesEmpty the Ice Cream ContainersEmptyDeodorant BottlesOld Jeans Old Clothes

Learn more about Recycling,

Plastic bag
Bubble wrap
Aluminum foil

The diagram shows a food web in a national park.

A diagram of a food web is shown. Grasses, Aspen Trees, Cottonwood, and Willow are shown at the lowest level, Beaver, rabbit, elk, and mule deer are shown at the second level from the bottom. Topmost level has the coyote and gray wolf. Arrows are drawn from grasses to beaver, grasses to rabbit, grasses to elk, grasses to mule deer, aspen trees to beaver, aspen trees to elk, aspen trees to mule deer, cottonwood to beaver, cottonwood to elk, cottonwood to mule deer, willow to elk, willow to mule deer, beaver to coyote, rabbit to coyote, elk to gray wolf, and mule deer to gray wolf.

What is most likely the effect of unrestricted hunting of gray wolves on the food web of the region?

The vegetation will decrease.
The coyote population will increase.
The beaver and rabbit population will increase.
The elk and mule deer population will decrease.


Ideally the answer would be elk and mule dear would increase since they don’t have anyone to hunt them, and due to the increase there will be a decrease in vegetation
vegetation will decrease

What controls the movement of the lungs?


Answer: The respiratory system or the diaphragm.



The diaphragm is the main muscle for breathing. This dome-shaped wall of muscle does most of the breathing work by expanding and contracting the chest to draw air in and out of your lungs. When the diaphragm contracts, air is pulled into your airway through your nose or mouth


what role do you think the respiratory system has?



The main role the respiratory system has is to move fresh air into your body and excrete waste from ur body.


The respiratory system takes up oxygen from the air we breathe and expels the unwanted carbon dioxide.

Are there any parts of the human body that get oxygen directly from the air and not from the blood?
cornea in the eye


Answer: There are a few parts of the human body that get oxygen directly from the air and not from the blood. One example is the lungs, which are responsible for exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide between the air and the blood. Another example is the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity, where oxygen can diffuse across the thin epithelial layer and enter the bloodstream directly. Additionally, the skin can absorb small amounts of oxygen directly from the air, although the majority of the oxygen in the body is transported through the bloodstream.


Yes, there is a part of the human body that gets oxygen directly from the air and not from the blood, and that is the cornea of the eye. The cornea is the clear outermost layer of the eye that covers the iris, pupil, and anterior chamber, and it is responsible for refracting light and focusing it on the retina. The cornea is avascular, meaning it does not have its own blood supply, and instead gets oxygen and nutrients directly from the air through the tear film that covers its surface.

How do the lungs get rid of all the CO2 they've picked up from the blood?


Answer: The lungs get rid of carbon dioxide picked up from the blood through a process called pulmonary gas exchange. During this process, carbon dioxide diffuses from the blood into the alveoli of the lungs to be expelled from the body during exhalation.


The human body produces carbon dioxide as a waste product of cellular metabolism. Carbon dioxide is transported through the bloodstream from the cells to the lungs, where it is expelled from the body during exhalation. This process is essential to maintain a proper balance of gases in the body and prevent the accumulation of carbon dioxide, which can lead to a dangerous condition called hypercapnia.

The lungs remove carbon dioxide (CO2) from the body by a process known as respiration. During respiration, oxygen is taken into the body and exchanged for carbon dioxide, which is then expelled from the body through exhalation.

Here's how it works:

1. Oxygen is inhaled into the lungs through the mouth and nose, and passes through the windpipe (trachea) into the lungs.

2. Oxygen then diffuses across the walls of the air sacs (alveoli) in the lungs and enters the bloodstream, where it binds to hemoglobin in red blood cells.

3. At the same time, carbon dioxide from the blood diffuses across the walls of the capillaries surrounding the air sacs and into the air spaces of the lungs.

4. When we exhale, the air containing carbon dioxide is pushed out of the lungs and expelled through the nose and mouth.

The process of respiration is controlled by the respiratory center in the brainstem, which monitors the levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood and adjusts the rate and depth of breathing as needed to maintain the proper balance.

Overall, the lungs play a crucial role in removing carbon dioxide from the body and maintaining the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the bloodstream.

From largest to smallest, how are the airways structured?


Answer:Trachea, Bronchi, Bronchioles, Alveoli


The structures in order from largest to smallest is B. Bronchi, bronchioles, terminal bronchioles, respiratory bronchioles, alveoli. Air moves through these airways in this order during inhalation to reach the alveoli, where oxygen participates in gas exchange with the blood.

How does friction interact with objects



When two surfaces slide over one another the tiny bumps push on each other. Friction causes a force on a surface that is in the opposite direction to its motion. Friction can be reduced by the application of lubricants.

What is Friction's Interaction?

Friction is an interaction between two objects in contact that opposes the relative motion of those two objects. It is not something fundamental (like gravity, or electromagnetic force), but it comes up enough that it will be worthwhile to talk about it.

Learn more about Friction here:


Friction is a force that opposes the motion of objects in contact with each other. When two objects are in contact, the surface irregularities of the two objects interlock and create a resistance to motion, which we call friction.

The amount of friction that occurs between two surfaces depends on several factors, such as the type of materials involved, the force pressing the surfaces together, and the roughness of the surfaces. In general, rougher surfaces create more friction than smoother surfaces.

Friction can either help or hinder motion. For example, in some cases, we use friction to our advantage to create traction between our shoes and the ground to prevent slipping. Similarly, we use friction to slow down moving objects like brakes on a car.

On the other hand, friction can also be a source of energy loss. When two surfaces are in contact and rubbing against each other, some of the energy of the moving object is converted to heat due to the frictional force. This conversion of energy to heat can lead to wear and tear on the surfaces and reduce the efficiency of mechanical systems.

Overall, friction plays a crucial role in our daily lives and in the functioning of many mechanical systems. Understanding the interactions between friction and objects is important for engineering and designing effective machines and structures.


Which of the following describes the feeding relationships from one organism to the next in a linear path?

Food chain
Trophic level
Food web
Consumer chart



Food chain is the correct answer

Food chain is the correct answer

The table shows the potential energy and kinetic energy of a skier at two different positions on a hill.

Position and Energy
Position (above ground) Kinetic Energy Potential Energy
100 meters 0 units 50,000 units
60 meters 20,000 units ?

What is the potential energy of the skier at a height of 60 meters above the ground?
30,000 units, because total energy decreases
70,000 units, because total energy decreases
30,000 units, because total energy remains unchanged
70,000 units, because total energy remains unchanged


15,000 units, because total energy is 50,000 units

Mark me brainliest

According to law of conservation of energy, energy remains conserved. It only transforms from one form to another.

The total energy here is the sum of kinetic and potential energy.

At 100 meters, total energy = Kinetic energy + potential energy = 0 units + 50000 units = 50000 units

At 30 meters, total energy = Kinetic energy + potential energy = 35000 units + x units = 50000 units

x units = 15000 units

Thus if the kinetic energy has increased from 0 to 35000 units, the potential energy must decrease from 50000 to 35000 units to keep the energy conserved.wer:


the answer is c, 30,000 untis because total
energy remains unchanged.
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