for most children, the left hemisphere of the brain becomes more specialized during the preschool years in which skill area?


Answer 1

For most children, the left hemisphere of the brain becomes more specialized during the preschool years for language skills, including language comprehension and production.

Speech production and comprehension are both parts of language processing that are carried out by the left hemisphere of the brain. The left hemisphere develops specialised language processing regions and gains dominance as youngsters develop their language skills.

Lateralization, often referred to as this specialisation, takes place in the early years of life, notably between the ages of 2 and 5.

The left hemisphere grows more adept at processing language at this time, and youngsters gain more sophisticated language abilities, such as grammar, syntax, and vocabulary.

For such more question on production:


Related Questions

a composition made by combining on a flat surface various materials, such as newspaper, wallpaper, printed text and illustrations, photographs and cloth.


The term that describes a composition made by combining on a flat surface various materials such as newspaper, wallpaper, printed text and illustrations, photographs, and cloth is called a collage.

The art of collage making is a popular form of mixed media art that has been around for centuries. The word "collage" comes from the French word "coller," which means to glue or paste. Collage artists typically use a variety of materials to create a layered effect, using different textures, colors, and shapes to create a cohesive whole.

Collage art has many variations and can be created in many different styles, from abstract to representational, and can be used to express a range of emotions and ideas. Collage artists often create works that are both visually appealing and thought-provoking.

The use of collage as a medium allows for the incorporation of found objects and everyday materials, giving the artwork a unique and often surprising quality. Collage is a versatile and accessible art form that allows for a wide range of creativity and expression.

To know more about collage refer here


The Synergetic Model differs from the linear model of communication in that it emphasizes the role of _____ in the communication process.
a encoding and decoding messages
b noise and channels
c individual and societal forces, contexts, and culture
d two or more people creating meaning


The Synergetic Model differs from the linear model of communication in that it emphasizes the role of individual and societal forces, contexts, and culture in the communication process. The right answer is c.

The linear model, the synergetic model, and the transactional model are the three types of communication models. The transactional model sees each participant in the conversation as a transmitter and receiver of information, in contrast to the linear model, which is the straightforward back and forth style of communication that occurs between two people.

For the communication process, which is based on the synergetic model, to work properly, a number of components must be present. Individual forces, societal pressures, culture, and context are just a few of the components that the Synergetic model needs in order to achieve effective communication.

The correct answer is option c.

Know more about linear model here


which is the largest subgroup of native hawaiians/other pacific islanders? group of answer choices guamanians or chamorro marshallese native hawaiians samoans


The Correct answer is Option (C), Native Hawaiians is the largest sub-group.

According to the 2010 US Census, Native Hawaiian was the largest among the Hawaiian population accounting more than one-half million (527,077). Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander showed a rapid growth in every state between 2000 and 2010, with the fastest growth rate in Southern and Western states of US.

Samoan is the second largest sub-group after native hawaiian with a population of roughly half-million.  

Native Hawaiians also known as Indigenous Hawaiians are the indigenous Polynesian people who originally belongs from Hawaiian Islands. Gradually, with the development of society and culture they got assimilated in the mainstream and currently have presence over all the 50 states of US.

Learn more about Hawaii:


The largest subgroup of Native Hawaiians/Other Pacific Islanders is Native Hawaiians.

The phrase "Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander" describes those with ancestry in any of the indigenous peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands. The people of the Pacific Islands are a heterogeneous group with varying linguistic and cultural traditions.

Native Hawaiians belong to the Polynesian people that originally inhabited the Hawaiian Islands. Polynesians who migrated to Hawaii from the Society Islands did so at least 800 years ago.

Excellent navigators, the Marquesas Islands' Polynesians came to Hawaii in excess of 1,600 years ago. When Polynesians from the Society Islands first came to Hawai'i, it was about 800 years ago, they were already well-established on the islands.

To learn more about Native Hawaiians, click here:


those pointing out that we need to focus on the structural dimensions of social change, argue that:


There are several arguments in favor of focusing on the structural dimensions of social change:

Addressing the root causesSustainable changeCollective actionIntersectionality

Addressing the root causes: Focusing on structural dimensions allows us to address the root causes of social problems, rather than just treating their symptoms. Structural issues such as inequality, discrimination, and institutionalized oppression are often deeply entrenched in our societies and require structural solutions to address them.

Sustainable change: Structural changes are also more likely to lead to sustainable change, as they involve changes in laws, policies, and institutions that can have lasting effects. For example, passing laws to address systemic racism can have a much greater impact than simply encouraging individuals to be less racist.

Collective action: Structural change often requires collective action and mobilization, which can bring about a sense of empowerment and agency for those who have been marginalized or oppressed. This can lead to more effective social movements and a stronger sense of community and solidarity.

Intersectionality: Focusing on structural dimensions also allows us to take an intersectional approach to social change, recognizing that people's experiences of oppression and marginalization are often shaped by multiple intersecting factors such as race, gender, sexuality, and class. This means that solutions must also take into account how these different factors interact and reinforce each other.

Overall, while individual actions and changes in attitudes are important, focusing on the structural dimensions of social change is crucial for achieving meaningful and lasting transformation in our societies.

Learn more about structural dimensions of social change:


yogi loans his laptop to zoey. this is a. ​accession. b. ​acquiring ownership by possession. c. ​a gift. d. ​a bailment.


In this scenario, when Yogi loans his laptop to Zoey, this is known as (d) a bailment.

A bailment occurs when someone (the bailor) gives possession of the personal property to someone else (the bailee) for a specific purpose, with the expectation that the property will be returned after that purpose is fulfilled. In this case, Yogi is the bailor who owns the laptop and gives possession of it to Zoey for a specific purpose (to use the laptop).

Zoey is the bailee who has temporary possession of the laptop and is responsible for returning it to Yogi when she is done using it. The laptop remains Yogi's property throughout the duration of the bailment, and Zoey has a duty to take reasonable care of it while it is in her possession.

Learn more about bailment:


a significant determinant of health-relevant behavior in teens is:


A significant determinant of health-relevant behavior in teens is the influence of their social environment. This includes factors such as peer pressure, parental guidance, and exposure to various media.

Step 1: Identify the key factors in the social environment

The social environment plays a crucial role in shaping teens' health-related behaviors. Key factors include peers, family members, and media exposure, which all contribute to the development of healthy or unhealthy habits.

Step 2: Understand the role of peer pressure

Peer pressure is a significant determinant of health-relevant behavior in teens, as adolescents often look to their friends and social groups for guidance on how to act or what choices to make.

This can lead to positive behaviors, like participating in sports or maintaining a healthy diet, but it can also contribute to negative behaviors such as substance abuse or unsafe sexual practices.

Step 3: Recognize the importance of parental guidance

Parents and other caregivers play a vital role in modeling and reinforcing healthy behaviors in their children. By setting clear expectations and providing support, parents can help teens make responsible choices and avoid risky behaviors.

Step 4: Consider the impact of media exposur

Teens are exposed to a wide range of media sources, including television, movies, social media, and advertising.

These sources can have a powerful impact on teens' perceptions of what is considered normal or acceptable behavior, and they can either promote or discourage healthy habits.

In conclusion, a significant determinant of health-relevant behavior in teens is their social environment, which includes the influence of peers, parental guidance, and media exposure.

By understanding these factors, parents, educators, and community members can work together to promote positive health-related behaviors and minimize the risks associated with negative influences.

To know more about health-relevant behavior refer here


look at picture please answer correctly social studies​


Answer: industrial factories using unskilled workers: affect.

wages were cut out: cause

onion members were fired: cause

wages begin to arise: affect


Schopenhauer believed that most people cling to life because:
a. not to do so is a sin
b. it is so enjoyable
c. they fear death
d. that is what they have been taught to do


Schopenhauer believed that most people cling to life because they have been taught to do so. He believed that society instills the fear of death in individuals from a young age, leading them to prioritize the preservation of their lives above all else.

Additionally, he argued that people often cling to life due to their attachment to worldly possessions, desires, and relationships. Schopenhauer saw this attachment as a source of suffering, and believed that true freedom and happiness could only be achieved through detachment from these worldly ties.

Ultimately, Schopenhauer viewed the fear of death and attachment to life as obstacles to achieving true enlightenment and liberation from suffering.

To know more about Schopenhauer,refer to the link:


Which of the five causes of the great depression do you think had the most severe impact on the economy and why?
Industrial overproduction, consumer overspending leads to underconsumption, stop market speculation, disparity in wealth equals rich versus poor, bank panic>> bank run
At least 6 sen


main cause is- The stock market crash of 1929.- Once prices started their inevitable decline in October 1929, hundreds of thousands of overextended shareholders fell into a panic and rushed to liquidate their holdings, exacerbating the decline and engendering similarly panic.

What are the 5 reasons of the Great Depression?

Among the cautioned causes of the Great Depression are: the inventory market crash of 1929; the give way of world exchange due to the Smoot-Hawley Tariff; government policies; bank disasters and panics; and the fall down of the money supply.

The Depression was once specially lengthy and severe in the United States and Europe; it was once milder in Japan and plenty of Latin America. Perhaps no longer surprisingly, the worst melancholy ever experienced through the world economy stemmed from a multitude of causes.

Learn more about  causes of the great depression  here:

true or false? gaining incentive to cooperate by another channel member can often be accomplished through the use of reward power.


The usage of reward power can frequently be used to encourage another channel member to cooperate. This statement is true.

Reward power is one of the five types of power in the workplace, as identified by French and Raven in their seminal work on power in organizations. Reward power refers to the ability to provide or withhold rewards, such as money, promotions, or other benefits, in order to influence the behavior of others.

When one channel member has reward power over another, they can use this power to incentivize the other member to cooperate. For example, a supplier might offer a retailer a discount on their products if the retailer agrees to stock a certain number of items. The retailer is incentivized by the prospect of saving money and is more likely to cooperate as a result.

However, it is important to note that the use of reward power should be balanced with other forms of power, such as expert power or referent power, in order to create a sustainable and productive relationship between channel members. Over-reliance on reward power can lead to a transactional, rather than collaborative, relationship.

To learn more about reward power


eisenhower opposed the extreme actions of the anti communists, but he never publicly condemned the actions of wisconsin senator


Eisenhower did indeed oppose the extreme actions of anti-communists during the Cold War era, particularly those led by Wisconsin Senator Joseph McCarthy. McCarthy was notorious for his aggressive pursuit of alleged communists in the United States, resulting in the term "McCarthyism."

Eisenhower, while a staunch opponent of communism, sought to adopt a more moderate approach in addressing the issue. He believed in the importance of protecting civil liberties and avoiding witch hunts that unfairly targeted innocent citizens. However, he chose not to publicly condemn McCarthy's actions, as he aimed to maintain political stability and unity within his own party, the Republicans.

Eisenhower's silence on McCarthy's extreme tactics might also be attributed to his prioritization of foreign policy concerns, as well as his desire to focus on his administration's domestic initiatives. Publicly condemning McCarthy could have created unwanted controversy and derailed his policy agenda.

In summary, Eisenhower's opposition to extreme anti-communist actions stemmed from his belief in the importance of civil liberties and the need for a more measured approach to the threat of communism. Despite his personal disagreement with McCarthy's methods, he refrained from publicly criticizing the Wisconsin Senator to preserve political harmony and concentrate on other pressing issues.

For more such questions on Eisenhower.


If a person judges another group by his or her own standards, he or she is being:Select one:a. culturally relative.b. realistic.c. symbolic.d. ethnocentric.Correct


If a person judges another group by his or her own standards, he or she is being ethnocentric.

Ethnocentrism is a term used to describe the act of judging another culture or group by one's own cultural standards. It involves the belief that one's own culture is superior to others, and the tendency to view other cultures as strange or inferior.

This can lead to a lack of understanding and appreciation for cultural diversity. On the other hand, cultural relativism is the belief that all cultures are equally valid and should be understood and evaluated on their own terms, without imposing one's own cultural values or biases. Cultural relativism encourages an open-minded approach to understanding and appreciating different cultures and ways of life.

To know more about Ethnocentrism:


If a person judges another group by his or her own standards, he or she is being ethnocentric. Hence, the correct option is D.

The term "ethnocentrism" refers to cultural or ethnic prejudice, whether conscious or unconscious, in which a person sees the world through the lens of his or her own group, setting their own group as the archetypal group and evaluating all other groups in light of this ideal. The foundation of ethnocentrism is the idea that reality is fundamentally shaped by the perspective of one's own culture. After, of course, you strip away the surface differences like a colorful dress, strange food, quaint rituals, and even skin color, an ethnocentric individual wants everyone to think and act like him.

This is because they are using their own cultural values and beliefs as the standard by which they judge others, without taking into account the unique context and perspectives of that other group. Being culturally relative involves understanding and respecting the differences between cultures, while being realistic may or may not involve cultural considerations.

To learn more about Ethnocentrism, click here:


in some work environments that involve extremely complex and dangerous technologies, everyone looks for and reports small problem or unsafe conditions so they can be resolved before they pose a substantial risk. this type of work environment is known as a:


Option C is correct, This type of work environment is known as a high-reliability organization that involves extremely complex and dangerous technologies, everyone looks for and reports a small problem or unsafe conditions so they can be resolved before they pose a substantial risk.

An unsafe workplace can put all employees in dangerous situations, whereas a safe workplace can decrease the number of accidents and fatalities at work. This is due to the fact that dangerous and unsatisfactory working conditions can be detrimental to one's physical and mental health.

A high-reliability organization (HRO) is one that has repeatable, predictable systems that enable consistent operations while preventing potentially disastrous failures from occurring. In high-risk, hazardous operations, serious accidents can be avoided by combining organizational design, culture, management, and individual decision-making. Both schools' theorists emphasize the importance of human involvement with the system as the cause or prevention (HRO) of a system's mishap.

To learn more about the work environment, click at:


Complete question:

In some work environments that involve extremely complex and dangerous technologies, everyone looks for and reports small problems or unsafe conditions so they can be resolved before they pose a substantial risk. This type of work environment is known as a:

a- high-risk operation.

b- hazardous risk organization.

c- high-reliability organization.

d- high responsibility operation.

activation of cold receptors will cause ___________________ in blood vessels to the hands.


Activation of cold receptors can cause vasoconstriction in the blood vessels to the hands.

When exposed to cold temperatures, the body activates a series of physiological responses to maintain core body temperature, including vasoconstriction.

Vasoconstriction is the narrowing of blood vessels, which results in decreased blood flow to the affected area.

In the case of cold exposure, vasoconstriction occurs in the blood vessels of the skin and extremities, such as the hands and feet, to reduce the amount of heat lost to the environment.

This is achieved through the activation of sympathetic nerves that release norepinephrine, a vasoconstrictor.

The reduction in blood flow to the hands caused by vasoconstriction can lead to a decrease in hand temperature and a feeling of coldness.

Additionally, prolonged vasoconstriction can cause tissue damage due to reduced oxygen and nutrient supply to the affected area.

It is important to note that the activation of cold receptors and subsequent vasoconstriction is a normal physiological response to cold exposure.

However, in certain conditions, such as Raynaud's disease, this response can be exaggerated, leading to excessive vasoconstriction and tissue damage.

In these cases, medical intervention may be required to manage the symptoms.

To know more about vasoconstriction refer here


alex believes in providing total freedom and unconditional love to his children. based on baumrind's research, alex's parenting style would be best described as


According to Baumrind's research, there are four different parenting styles: authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, and uninvolved. Based on the information provided, it seems that Alex's parenting style would fall under the permissive category.

Permissive parenting is characterized by a lack of structure and discipline, as well as a high level of warmth and support. Parents who practice this style often prioritize their children's happiness and autonomy above all else, and may hesitate to set boundaries or impose consequences for misbehavior.

Alex's belief in providing total freedom and unconditional love to his children aligns with the permissive parenting style. However, it's important to note that while permissive parenting can lead to close,

positive relationships between parents and children, it can also result in behavioral and emotional problems for children who don't learn to regulate their own behavior and make responsible choices.

Ultimately, the effectiveness of Alex's parenting style will depend on a variety of factors, including his children's individual personalities and needs, his ability to set appropriate limits and consequences, and his willingness to adapt his approach as his children grow and change.

For more such questions on parenting styles


Which aspects of ancient Greek civilization were due to the climate? Choose three correct answers.

Houses had open courtyards.

Farmers grew olives and barley.

Farmers raised sheep and goats.

Ancient Greeks were excellent shipbuilders.

Ancient Greeks participated in many outdoor activities


The ancient Greek civilization was due to the climate aspects where houses had open courtyards, farmers grew olives and barley, and ancient Greeks participated in many outdoor activities. Thus, the correct option is (A, B, E).

The Mediterranean climate had a significant influence on ancient Greece's crops, towns, and cultural pursuits. This environment, with mild winters and scorching summers, aided in the production of products like olives and grapes, which served as the foundation of the economy.

The peninsular mainland, the Peloponnese peninsula, and the Greek islands are the three primary characteristics of Greek geography. Each one has a different style of terrain.

Therefore, the correct option is "Houses had open courtyards, Farmers grew olives and barley, and Ancient Greeks participated in many outdoor activities." Hence, the correct option is (A, B, E).

To know more about the ancient Greek civilization, visit:


a beginner can benefit from observing another beginner practice a skill especially when the observer can:


Begin by learning that skill. (B) Explain why a beginner witnessing another beginner acquiring a skill should result in a learning benefit.

This inhibits the observer from imitating a skilled model's performance of the skill and encourages the observer to engage in more active problem solving by a novice witnessing another novice. A beginner can benefit from observing another beginner practice a skill, especially when the observer can:

Identify common mistakes and errorsLearn from the mistakes and errors made by the other beginnerCompare their own performance to that of the other beginnerGain a sense of perspective on their own progress and improvementSee the skill being performed at a beginner level, which can be more relatable and understandable than watching an expert perform the skillReceive feedback and advice from the other beginner, who may have a unique perspective or approach to the skillFeel more motivated and inspired to continue practicing the skill by seeing someone else at a similar level of proficiency.

Learn more about beginner


luther's friends sometimes tease him about his preference for wearing pink button-down shirts and his plans to be a kindergarten teacher. luther's attributes most likely violate his friends' views of


Luther's attributes most likely violate his friends' views of gender norms and traditional masculinity.

In traditional gender norms, masculinity is associated with qualities such as toughness, dominance, and stoicism. Men are expected to conform to certain expectations, including wearing certain colors and pursuing certain careers.

Luther's preference for wearing pink shirts and wanting to become a kindergarten teacher goes against these traditional expectations set by society, which may cause his friends to tease him. They may view his behavior as non-conforming to their expectations of what a real man should be like.

To know more about gender norms


that there is a multiplicity of experiences and perspectives that defy easy categorization rather than a solitary, objective reality is a key idea of __________.


That there is a multiplicity of experiences and perspectives that defy easy categorization rather than a solitary, objective reality is a key idea of postmodernism.

Postmodernism is a philosophical and cultural movement that emerged in the mid- to late-20th century and challenges the notion of objective truth and universal values. Postmodernists argue that reality is subjective and constructed through language, culture, and social norms, rather than existing independently of human interpretation. They emphasize the importance of acknowledging multiple perspectives and the diversity of human experience, and often critique traditional power structures and dominant cultural narratives.

Learn more about postmodernism,


which of the following statements is false? as people grow older, their intelligence declines very little. as people grow older, their intelligence declines significantly. as people grow older, their intelligence holds steady in healthy individuals. as people grow older, intelligence declines are of little significance for competent


The statement that is false is that as people grow older, their intelligence declines very little. This is not accurate because, in most cases, as people age, their intelligence does decline to some degree.

This decline is often not significant, and many people’s intelligence remains relatively stable throughout their lifetime. However, there is evidence that intelligence does decline over time, especially in people with cognitive impairment due to aging or dementia.

Additionally, some individuals experience significant decreases in cognitive function and IQ over time, often due to age-related diseases or other medical conditions. Therefore, while intelligence may remain relatively stable in healthy individuals, it is often not the case for those who are not as healthy.

To know more about diseases , click here:


marco is wrestling with the decision to find a new apartment because he doesn't get along well with his current roommate, jason. this topic is sensitive and emotionally charged. how should his friend ayesha respond when marco shares his thoughts on the subject?


Ayesha should respond with understanding and compassion when Marco shares his thoughts about the situation.

She should let him know that she is there to listen and provide support, no matter what decision he makes. She should also reassure him that it's normal to feel overwhelmed by the situation and it's perfectly okay to take some time to think it through before making a decision.

Ayesha should also encourage Marco to talk to a therapist or a professional if he feels like he needs help in processing his feelings. Finally, Ayesha should remind Marco that the most important thing is to make the decision that is right for him and that she will be there to support him no matter what.

To know more about decision , click here:


the 'volador' who plays the flute and the drum is known as


The 'volador' who plays the flute and the drum is known as the 'caporal.'

This term comes from the Spanish word 'caporal,' which means a foreman or leader of a group. In the context of the 'voladores,' the caporal is the leader of the group of dancers and musicians who perform the ritual.

The 'voladores' or 'flying dancers' is an ancient indigenous ritual that dates back to pre-Columbian times in Mexico.

The ritual involves a group of men who climb to the top of a tall pole, tied with ropes and then descend while spinning around the pole. The caporal leads the group of dancers and musicians who perform the ritual on the ground.

The caporal's role is crucial in the 'voladores' ritual. He not only leads the group but also sets the rhythm and tempo of the music played by the flutist and drummer.

The caporal also signals the beginning and end of the dance and ensures the safety of the performers by giving commands to the other members of the group.

In summary, the caporal is a key figure in the 'voladores' ritual. He is responsible for leading the group of dancers and musicians, setting the rhythm and tempo of the music, and ensuring the safety of the performers.

Without the caporal, the 'voladores' ritual would not be complete.

To know more about caporal here


the belief that as humans we are all entitled to certain fundamental rights is a component of which school of thought? legal realism historical school positivist school natural law


The conception that we all have some abecedarian rights as humans is a element of the d) natural law academy of study.

Natural law is a legal system innovated on detailed study of mortal nature and on ideals essential in mortal nature that may be determined and applied irrespective of positive law( a state's or society's expressly espoused laws).

According to the legal gospel known as jusnaturalism, all people have essential rights that are bestowed not by legislation but by" God, nature, or reason." Natural law proposition can also relate to" propositions of ethics, politics, civil law, and religious morality."

It was anticipated in Western tradition by thepre-Socratics, for illustration, in their hunt for principles that governed the macrocosm and humans.

To know more about natural law:


Correct question:

the belief that as humans we are all entitled to certain fundamental rights is a component of which school of thought?

a) legal realism

b) historical school

c) positivist school

d) natural law

school health professional organizations emerged and expanded during what time period


School health professional organizations emerged and expanded in the early to mid-20th century, particularly in the United States.

The idea of school health services emerged in the late 19th century, with the goal of improving the health and well-being of school-aged children. In the early 20th century, various school health programs were established in different parts of the United States, often led by public health nurses or physicians. These programs provided a range of services, including health education, screenings, vaccinations, and treatment for common ailments.

As these programs grew in scope and importance, professional organizations began to form to support the work of school health practitioners. The National Association of School Nurses (NASN) was founded in 1968, while the American School Health Association (ASHA) dates back to 1927.

Other organizations, such as the Society of State Leaders of Health and Physical Education, emerged in the mid-20th century to focus on specific aspects of school health. Overall, the growth of these organizations reflects a recognition of the importance of school health services in promoting the health and well-being of children and youth.

To learn more about School health professional organizations, here


dr. myers convinced a patient that she could only be cured of her disease if she had sexual intercourse with him. dr. myers convinced the patient that he was injected with a special serum that gave his semen healing properties. while dr. myers was clearly lying about his healing powers, the patient consented to sexual intercourse. according to the famous case boro v. superior court, what crime is dr. myers guilty of?


Dr. Myers is guilty of fraudulently tricking the victim into engaging in consenting intercourse activity with him.

Boro v. Superior Court

According to the famous case vs. Superior court, The defendant, Daniel Boro (Defendant), deceitfully coerced the victim into engaging in consenting intercourse activity. Although the victim believed that having intercourse was necessary to preserve her life, the defendant was not convicted of crime since she was aware that they were having intercourse.

According to the question, A patient was persuaded by Dr. Myers that she could only be healed of her illness by engaging in intercourse activity with him. Dr. Myers persuaded the patient that he had an injection of a rare serum that provided his therapeutic qualities. The patient agreed to contact even though it was obvious that Dr. Myers was lying about his ability to heal.

Therefore, we can conclude that Dr. Myers is guilty of fraudulently tricking the victim into engaging in consenting intercourse activity with him.

To know more about Crime  visit:


as evidence of the stability of temperament over time, a study conducted by hertenstein et al. (2009) found from studying college photographs that:


The study conducted by Hertenstein et al. (2009) found evidence of the stability of temperament over time through the analysis of college photographs.

Specifically, the researchers examined the facial expressions of individuals in their college yearbook photos and compared them to self-reports of personality traits gathered approximately 30 years later.

The study found that individuals who had displayed more positive emotions in their college photos were more likely to report being extraverted and emotionally stable later in life. Conversely, individuals who displayed more negative emotions in their college photos were more likely to report being introverted and emotionally unstable later in life.

These findings suggest that our temperament and personality traits may be relatively stable over time, as evidenced by the consistency between individuals' facial expressions and self-reports of personality traits over a period of several decades. This has important implications for understanding the development of personality and the potential for interventions to alter personality traits over time.

For more about temperament:


The three basic characteristics commonly associated with motivation are: A) self-fulfillment, self-actualization, and self-efficacy. B) activation, persistence, and intensity. C) autonomy, competence, and relatedness. D) drive, incentive, and arousal.


The three basic characteristics commonly associated with motivation are: Activation, persistence, and intensity. Therefore the correct option is option B.

The beginning or starting of a behaviour or action is referred to as activation. It entails making the choice to perform a task or activity.

Despite any difficulties or hurdles that may come, persistence refers to the ongoing effort or drive to complete the activity or task.

The amount of effort and concentration put into a work or activity is referred to as its intensity. It has to do with how much energy or focus is put into the work. Therefore the correct option is option B.

For such more question on motivation:


The correct answer is B) activation, persistence, and intensity. These three basic characteristics are commonly associated with motivation Activation, Persistence,  Self-fulfillment

Activation refers to the initiation of behavior or the decision to start a task. Persistence is the continued effort towards a goal, despite challenges or obstacles. Intensity refers to the level of effort or energy put into a task, which can be affected by factors such as interest, importance, and reward. Self-fulfillment may be a desired outcome of motivation, but it is not one of the basic characteristics. Self-fulfillment is the process of realizing one's potential and achieving personal goals in order to find satisfaction and contentment. One must actively pursue their own personal growth and improvement in order to become the best possible version of themselves. Depending on a person's values, beliefs, and ambitions, self-fulfillment can take many different forms. For some people, it might entail following a particular career route or becoming financially successful. Others might define it as establishing deep connections with people, engaging in artistic or creative pursuits, or making a beneficial impact on society through activism or philanthropy.

Learn  more about Self-fulfillment here:


the most critically admired genre films strike a balance between


The most critically admired genre films strike a balance between originality and familiarity. In order to be successful, a genre film must adhere to certain conventions and tropes that are familiar to audiences.

However, if a film is too formulaic or predictable, it runs the risk of being dismissed as clichéd or unoriginal. The best genre films are able to take these conventions and put a fresh spin on them, creating something that feels both familiar and new.

Another important aspect of a successful genre film is the ability to effectively communicate its themes and messages. Whether it's a horror film exploring the nature of fear, a science fiction film grappling with existential questions about the future, or a romantic comedy examining the complexities of relationships, the best genre films use their conventions to explore deeper ideas and emotions.

Of course, a successful genre film also needs to be well-crafted on a technical level. This includes everything from strong performances and effective pacing to innovative cinematography and special effects. But ultimately, it is the balance between originality and familiarity, and the ability to effectively communicate themes and messages, that sets the most critically admired genre films apart from their peers.

For more such questions on Genre film.


The ancestors of present-day Japanese settled near the modern cities of _______ and _______.


The ancestors of present-day Japanese settled near the modern cities of Osaka and Kyoto.

The political and cultural epicentres of ancient Japan were these cities, which are now part of the Kansai region of Japan. Between the years of 794 and 1868, Kyoto served as both the imperial court's administrative centre and the palace of the emperor for more than a millennium.

The first capital of Japan to be built permanently was Nara, which did so in 710 AD. Buddhism was introduced to Japan through Korea and China at this time, and it significantly influenced the development of Japanese culture.

Both Kyoto and Nara saw the construction of numerous significant Buddhist temples and shrines, many of which are still well-liked tourist destinations today.

For such more question on Japanese:


The ancestors of present-day Japanese settled near the modern cities of Kyoto and Nara.

The founding of the ancestors of the modern Japanese in the region of Osaka and Kyoto can be dated to the Jomon period, which began at 14,000 BCE and lasted until around 300 BCE. During this period, communities of hunter-gatherers began to settle and practice agriculture, which prompted the development of a more complex society. By the Nara period (710–794 CE), the area around modern-day Kyoto had developed into the center of political and cultural activity in Japan. These communities had grown and altered over time. Kyoto functioned as the imperial capital, the emperor's home, and the center of politics, religion, and culture during this period.

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a neurologist is teaching about the region responsible for motor aspects of speech. which area is the neurologist discussing?


The neurologist is likely discussing the motor cortex, specifically the area known as Broca's area, which is located in the frontal lobe of the brain and is responsible for the planning and execution of speech movements.

Speech movement refers to the physical movements of the muscles and articulators involved in producing speech sounds. These movements are coordinated by the brain and are essential for producing intelligible speech. The articulators involved in speech production include the lips, tongue, jaw, and vocal cords, among others. The movements of these articulators are precise and coordinated, with the timing and placement of movements varying depending on the specific speech sound being produced. During speech production, the brain sends signals to the muscles and articulators involved in speech movement, instructing them to move in a specific way to produce the desired speech sound. These movements can be very subtle or very rapid, depending on the sound being produced.

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