HELP! I ONLY HAVE 5 MINS LEFT! You and 15 other people are at a party. The host tells you that they have placed one special item in a bag with 16 items total. The host says that there is an 80% chance that the special item is still in the bag, and a 20% chance that it was taken out.

The host passes the bag around and each person selects an item at random. You decide to keep your item hidden while everyone else shows theirs, and no one finds the special item. What are the odds that the special item is in your item?


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:

There is a 67.5% chance that the special item is in your bag.

The initial probability that the special item is in the bag is 80%.

The probability that the special item is not in the bag is 20%.

The probability that the special item is not in any of the other 15 bags is 15/16 * 14/15 * 13/14 * ... * 3/4 * 2/3 = 1/2.

The probability that the special item is in at least one of the other 15 bags is 1 - 1/2 = 1/2.

The probability that the special item is in your bag is 80% * 1/2 = 67.5%.

Here is a breakdown of the probabilities:

* The special item is in the bag: 80%

* The special item is not in the bag: 20%

* The special item is in one of the other 15 bags: 1/2

* The special item is in your bag: 67.5%

Related Questions

Explain what the constant of proportionality means in the equation y = 5/2 x



[tex]y = \frac{5}{2} x[/tex]

[tex] \frac{y}{x} = \frac{5}{2} [/tex]

The constant of proportionality is the ratio of y to x. Here, the ratio of y to x is 5 to 2. We see that y is directly proportional to x.

Determine the domain of the graph above


The domain of the graph in this problem is given as follows:

C) -3 ≤ x ≤ 4.

How to obtain the domain of the graph?

To determine the domain of a graph, you need to identify the set of all possible input values (also known as the independent variable) that produce a valid output (also known as the dependent variable) on the graph.

On a graph, the input values are represented by the values of x of the graph.

On the graph in this problem, we have that it assumes values of x between -3 and 4, with closed intervals, hence the domain is given as follows:

-3 ≤ x ≤ 4.

More can be learned about the domain of a function at


For #1 - 6, use the information given to write the equation of the line in slope intercept form.
1. Line where slope is -32 and y-intercept is 7
1. Line where slope is 5 and x -intercept is 2
1. Line going through the points (-1, -5) and (4, -2)
1. Line going through the points (0, 1) and (2, -2)
1. Line where m = 4 and and b = -76
1. Line that passes through the points (1, 3) and (4, 12) with a y-intercept of 0


An equation of a line where slope is -32 and y-intercept is 7 is y = -32x + 7.

An equation of a line where slope is 5 and x-intercept is 2 is y = 5x - 10.

An equation of a line that is going through the points (-1, -5) and (4, -2) is y = 3x/5 - 22/5

An equation of a line that is going through the points (0, 1) and (2, -2) is y = -x/2 + 1

An equation of a line where m = 4 and and b = -76 is y = 4x - 76.

An equation of a line that passes through the points (1, 3) and (4, 12) with a y-intercept of 0 is y = 3x + 0.

What is the slope-intercept form?

In Mathematics and Geometry, the slope-intercept form of the equation of a straight line is given by this mathematical expression;

y = mx + c


m represents the slope or rate of change.x and y are the points.c represents the y-intercept or initial value.

First of all, we would determine the slope of this line;

Slope (m) = (y₂ - y₁)/(x₂ - x₁)

Slope (m) = (-2 + 5)/(4 + 1)

Slope (m) = 3/5

At data point (-1, -5) and a slope of 3/5, a linear equation for this line can be calculated by using the point-slope form as follows:

y - y₁ = m(x - x₁)

y + 5 = 3/5(x + 1)  

y = 3x/5 + 3/5 - 5

y = 3x/5 - 22/5

Read more on slope here:


complete the vector to describe the transformation


The translation vector for the rectangle is described by T(x, y) = (- 3, - 6).

How to derive the translation vector of an entire figure

In this problem we must derive the translation vector between a rectangle and its image set on Cartesian plane (let assume that the origin is on the lower left corner of the square). The translation formula is:

B(x, y) = A(x, y) + T(x, y)


A(x, y) - Coordinates of the original point.B(x, y) - Coordinates of the image.T(x, y) - Translation vector.

If we know that A(x, y) = (6, 9) and B(x, y) = (3, 3), then the translation vector is:

T(x, y) = B(x, y) - A(x, y)

T(x, y) = (3, 3) - (6, 9)

T(x, y) = (- 3, - 6)

To learn more on translations:


The number is less than 9,000.

The number is even.

50% of the digits are even.

The digits in the thousand's place and the hundred's place are odd.

The digit in the thousand's place is the number of nickels in a quarter.

The difference between the digit in the thousand's

place and the hundred's place is four.

The digit in the hundred's place is the identity element for multiplication.

The digit in the ten's place is the number of sides on a quadrilateral.

The digital root of the number is seven.





There are 5 nickels in a quarter,

5 - 1 = 4,

There are 4 sides in a quadrilateral,

and 6 would make the digital root 7.

5146 -> 5 + 1 + 4 + 6 = 16

16 -> 1 + 6 = 7

C. The table below shows the ages in years of 42 children at a birthday party. AGE(YEARS) NO OF CHIDREN 7 2x 8 3x 9 4x-1 10 X 11 X-2 (i). Find the value of x. (ii). Calculate, correct to the nearest whole number the mean age. (iii). Find the probability of selecting at random a child whose age is less than 9 years. 12 x-3 CURT​


(1) The value of X is equal to 4  (2) The mean age is 3. (3) The probability of randomly selecting  a child under the age of 9  is approximately 0.83.  

 How to calculate the average?

The formula for calculating the average of given numbers is equal to the sum of all values ​​divided by the total number of values. There are three main types of averages: mean, median, and mode. All of these techniques work slightly differently and often give slightly different typical values.

(i). Given that there are a total of 42 children on the birthday, finding the value of x:

2x + 3x (4x-1) + x + (x-2) + (x-3) = 42

11x - 6 = 42

11x = 48

x = 4

Therefore, the value of x is equal to 4.

(ii). To find the average age, we need to calculate the sum of all the ages and divide by the total number of children:

Average age = (7 x 2 + 8 x 3 + 9 x (4-1) +10 x 4 +11 x (4-2) 12 x (4-3)) / 42

 = (14 + 24 + 27 + 40 + 22 +12) / 42

 = 139/42

 = 3.31

Rounded to the nearest whole number, the average age is 3.  

(iii). The probability of randomly selecting  a child under 9 is obtained by adding  the number of children aged 7, 8 or 9 (because we want children under 9) and  dividing by the total number of children:

Number of children under 9 years  = 2x + 3x + (4x-1)

Number of children under 9 years  = 9x - 1

Number of children under 9  = 9(4)–1

Number of children under 9 years  = 35

Probability of choosing a child under 9  = number of children under 9  / total number of children

Probability of choosing a child under 9 = 35/42

The probability of choosing a child under 9 years old is ≈ 0.83

Thus, the probability of randomly selecting  a child under the age of 9  is approximately 0.83.

Learn more about mean, median, and mode here


Express answers in terms of pi.
The radius of a cylinder is 10; the length is 2. Find:
a. circumference of the base.
b. area of the base.
c. L.A.
d. T.A.
e. V



a. The circumference of the base is 2πr, where r is the radius of the cylinder. Therefore, the circumference of the base is:

2π(10) = 20π

So the circumference of the base is 20π.

b. The area of the base is πr^2, where r is the radius of the cylinder. Therefore, the area of the base is:

π(10)^2 = 100π

So the area of the base is 100π.

c. The lateral area of the cylinder is given by the formula 2πrh, where r is the radius of the cylinder and h is the height (or length) of the cylinder. Therefore, the lateral area of the cylinder is:

2π(10)(2) = 40π

So the lateral area of the cylinder is 40π.

d. The total surface area of the cylinder is the sum of the lateral area and the areas of the two bases. The area of each base is πr^2, which we already calculated to be 100π. Therefore, the total surface area of the cylinder is:

2(100π) + 40π = 240π

So the total surface area of the cylinder is 240π.

e. The volume of the cylinder is given by the formula πr^2h, where r is the radius of the cylinder and h is the height (or length) of the cylinder. Therefore, the volume of the cylinder is:

π(10)^2(2) = 200π

So the volume of the cylinder is 200π.

A recliner is discounted by $190. If the original price is $800, estimate the sale price by first rounding each number to the nearest hundreds


all u got to do is subtract

The Monday relates to the Thursday so than, the Friday relation the ….? A: Tuesday B : Saturday C : Sunday D: Monday E:



The correct answer is B: Saturday.

The relationship between Monday and Thursday is that they are two days apart in a typical Monday-to-Sunday week. Similarly, Friday is also two days apart from Tuesday in a typical week, so the relationship between Friday and Tuesday would be the same as the relationship between Monday and Thursday. Therefore, the correct answer is B: Saturday.

Convert: 83.36m= cm

pls help


Answer: 8,336

Step-by-step explanation:

So 1 meter is equal to 100 centimeters. All you have to do is multiply 83.36 by 100.

83.36 * 100 = 8,336

Hope this helps!!! :)

Each tile is 3/4 of inch by 3/4 of an inch what is the area of each tile



9/16 of a square inch

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex] \frac{3}{4} \times \frac{3}{4} = \frac{9}{16} [/tex]


9 /16 inches^2

Step-by-step explanation:

To find the area of the tile, multiply the length by the width

A = 3/4 * 3/4

A = 9 /16 inches^2

Question 9 (10 points)
A rectangular mattress has a length that is twice it's width. The width is known to be
1 meter across, what is the area of the mattress?
O2 sq. meters
none of these
3 sq. meters
6 sq. meters


1/18  is the area of the mattress. none of these of the option.

What is a quick rectangle answer?

A quadrilateral of the kind represented by a square has equal sides that are equal to one another and four vertices that are equal to 90 degrees. The equiangular quadrilateral is hence another name for it. Since a rectangle's opposite sides are parallel and equal, a parallelogram is another word for a rectangle. With four sides, four corners, and four right angles (90°), a square form is a closed 2-D object. A square's opposing sides are comparable and equal.

Based on the given conditions, formulate = 1/2 * 1/1 + 2 * 1/2 * 2/1+2

                                      = [tex]\frac{2/3}{2 * 3 * 2}[/tex]

                    = [tex]\frac{2}{3} * \frac{2}{2 * 3 * 2}[/tex]

Cross out the common factor = 1/3 * 1/3 * 2

                              = 1/3 * 3 * 2

                             = 1/18

Learn more about rectangle


Using the table given in the photo, please help me understand and answer these questions. any help would be very appreciated!!! ​


The average rate is given as 0.2895 gallons per hour

What is gallons per hour?

Gallons per hour (GPH) is a unit of measurement used to express the rate of flow of a liquid, typically fuel.

It represents the number of gallons of fuel that can flow through a particular system or device in one hour.

For example, the GPH of a car's fuel pump indicates how many gallons of fuel it can deliver to the engine in one hour. This unit is commonly used in the context of measuring the fuel efficiency of vehicles or other machinery.

Read more about Gallons per hour here:


Miranda is standing at the corner of a 7 m by 11 m field. She needs to go to the corner diagonally opposite from where she is standing. How much shorter is it if she cuts across the diagonal instead of walking around the perimeter of the field? Round your answer to the nearest hundredth of a meter.


Therefore, Miranda saves approximately 22.96 meters by cutting across the diagonal instead of walking around the perimeter of the field.

What is perimeter?

Perimeter is the total length of the boundary or outer edge of a two-dimensional shape, such as a square, rectangle, triangle, or circle. It is the distance around the shape, and is measured in units such as centimeters, meters, feet, or inches. To find the perimeter of a shape, you simply add up the lengths of all its sides. For example, the perimeter of a square with sides of length 5 cm would be 4 × 5 cm = 20 cm. The perimeter of a rectangle with length 6 cm and width 4 cm would be 2 × (6 cm + 4 cm) = 20 cm.

If Miranda walks around the perimeter of the field, she will travel a distance equal to the perimeter of a rectangle, which can be calculated as follows:

[tex]Perimeter = 2(Length + Width) = 2(7m + 11m) = 2(18m) = 36m[/tex]

To cut across the diagonal of the field, Miranda will travel a distance equal to the length of the diagonal of the rectangle. This can be found using the Pythagorean theorem:

[tex]Diagonal = \sqrt(Length^2 + Width^2) = \sqrt(7m^2 + 11m^2) = \sqrt(170m^2) \approx 13.04m[/tex]

So, the distance Miranda saves by cutting across the diagonal is:

[tex]36m - 13.04m \approx 22.96m[/tex]

Rounding to the nearest hundredth of a meter gives:

≈ 22.96m to 2 decimal places

Therefore, Miranda saves approximately 22.96 meters by cutting across the diagonal instead of walking around the perimeter of the field.

To know more about diagonal visit:


Colin uses
cup of vegetable oil in each cake that he makes for his father's beker
If Colin made 8 cakes, how much oil did Colin use in all?
Mark only one oval.
I added 13:5
A. 51/3 cups
OB. 41/3 cups
OC. 51/2 cups
OD.41/2 cups


The number of cups of vegetable oil used by Colin to make 8 cakes is given by A = 5 1/3 cups

What is an Equation?

Equations are mathematical statements with two algebraic expressions flanking the equals (=) sign on either side.

It demonstrates the equality of the relationship between the expressions printed on the left and right sides.

Coefficients, variables, operators, constants, terms, expressions, and the equal to sign are some of the components of an equation. The "=" sign and terms on both sides must always be present when writing an equation.

Given data,

Let the equation be represented as A

Now, the value of A is

Substituting the values in the equation, we get

Let the number of cups of vegetable oil used by Colin to make 8 cakes be represented as A

Now , the number of cups of vegetable oil used by Colin to make 1 cake is given by = ( 2/3 ) cups of oil

And , number of cups of vegetable oil used by Colin to make 8 cakes A =

A = 8 x number of cups of vegetable oil used by Colin to make 1 cake

On simplifying the equation, we get

[tex]\text{A} = 8 \times \huge \text{(} \dfrac{2}{3} \huge \text{)}= \dfrac{16}{3}[/tex]

[tex]\boxed{\bold{A = 5 \dfrac{1}{3} \ cups}}[/tex]

Therefore, the value of A is 5 1/3 cups

Hence, the number of cups of vegetable oil required is 5 1/3 cups

To learn more about equations click:

Complete question is-

Colin uses 2/3 cup of vegetable oil in each cake that he makes for his father's bakery.

If Colin made 8 cakes, how much oil did Colin use in all?

A. 5 1/3 cups

B. 7 1/3 cups

C. 8 2/3 cups

D. 16 1/3 cups​

A bus traveled on a level road for 2 hours at an average speed 20 miles per hour faster than it traveled on a winding road. The time spent on the winding road was 3 hours. Find the average speed on the level road if the entire trip was 225 miles.


By answering the presented question, we may conclude that As a result, the average speed on the flat road is 57 miles per hour.

what is expression ?

In mathematics, you can multiply, divide, add, or subtract. An expression is constructed as follows: Number, expression, and mathematical operator A mathematical expression is made up of numbers, variables, and functions (such as addition, subtraction, multiplication or division etc.) It is possible to contrast expressions and phrases. An expression or algebraic expression is any mathematical statement that has variables, integers, and an arithmetic operation between them. For example, the phrase 4m + 5 has the terms 4m and 5, as well as the provided expression's variable m, all separated by the arithmetic sign +.

Let's apply the formula:

distance = time speed

The bus went for 2 hours on the level road, hence the distance travelled is:

1 distance = x 2

The bus went for 3 hours on the twisting route, hence the distance travelled is:

3 distance2 = (x - 20)

Because the bus's total distance travelled is 225 miles, we may write:

distance1 plus distance2 equals 225

Substituting distance1 and distance2 expressions yields:

x × 2 + (x - 20) × 3 = 225

When we simplify this equation, we get:

2x + 3x - 60 = 225

5x = 285\sx = 57

As a result, the average speed on the flat road is 57 miles per hour.

To know more about expressions visit :-


Ejercicio 2.- La temperatura ambiente a las 8 am era de 61 grados Farenheit. Fue aumentando de forma lineal hasta la 1 pm en que el termómetro marcó 81 grados. a) Escriba una ecuación lineal que muestre la temperatura en función de la hora en ese intervalo. b) Calcule con esa ecuación la temperatura a las 11:15 am. Aproxime a la décima de grado Farenheit si fuera necesario. oprondamos a hacer ecuaciones y resolver​


a)Por lo tanto, la ecuación lineal que representa la temperatura en función de la hora es T(h) = 4h + 29

b) Por lo tanto, la temperatura a las 11:15 am aproximadamente es de 75.3 grados Farenheit.

what is  aproximadamente ?

"Aproximadamente" is a Spanish word that means "approximately" or "roughly" in English. It is often used to indicate that a value or measurement is not exact, but rather an estimation or approximation.

In the given question,

a) La ecuación lineal que relaciona la temperatura con la hora en ese intervalo es:

T(h) = m*h + b

donde T es la temperatura en grados Farenheit, h es la hora en formato de 24 horas, m es la pendiente de la recta y b es el término independiente.

Primero encontramos la pendiente m:

m = (81 - 61) / (13 - 8) = 4

Luego, encontramos el término independiente b utilizando uno de los puntos:

61 = 4*8 + b

b = 29

Por lo tanto, la ecuación lineal que representa la temperatura en función de la hora es:

T(h) = 4h + 29

b) Para encontrar la temperatura a las 11:15 am, primero convertimos el tiempo a horas decimales:

11:15 am = 11 + 15/60 = 11.25 horas

Luego, sustituimos este valor en la ecuación lineal:

T(11.25) = 4(11.25) + 29 = 75.25

Por lo tanto, la temperatura a las 11:15 am aproximadamente es de 75.3 grados Farenheit.

To know more about aproximadamente , visit:


- Sarah received a coupon for 15% off the total purchase price at a shoe store. Let p be the
original price of the purchase. Use the expression p-0.15p for the new price of the purchase.
Write an equivalent expression by combining like terms.


The expression p - 0.15p represents the new price of the purchase after the 15% discount has been applied. To simplify this expression by combining like terms, we can factor out p:

p - 0.15p = p(1 - 0.15)

Simplifying the expression in parentheses, we get:


Therefore, an equivalent expression that combines like terms is:


This represents the new price of the purchase after the 15% discount has been applied.

Cooper went shopping for a new camera because of a sale. The store was offering a 25% discount. What number should he multiply the prices on the tags by to find the price he would have to pay, before tax, in one step?


well, let's say the regular price is "x", which oddly enough is the 100%, and we know the store is doing a 25% sale, that means the new prices are 100% - 25% = 75%, 75% of the regular price, so when buying item for "$x", the sale price will just be

[tex]\begin{array}{|c|ll} \cline{1-1} \textit{\textit{\LARGE a}\% of \textit{\LARGE b}}\\ \cline{1-1} \\ \left( \cfrac{\textit{\LARGE a}}{100} \right)\cdot \textit{\LARGE b} \\\\ \cline{1-1} \end{array}~\hspace{5em}\stackrel{\textit{75\% of x}}{\left( \cfrac{75}{100} \right)x}\implies \text{\LARGE 0.75}\cdot x[/tex]

Find the range of the relationship



The range is {-7, -4, -1, 2, 5}.

In 2014, Michelle's annual base salary was $87,000. She also earned 3% commission of her annual sales of $500,000. What was Michelle's income during 2014?​


Answer: Michelle's income during 2014 was her base salary plus her commission.

Her commission was 3% of $500,000, which is 0.03 x $500,000 = $15,000.

So her total income for 2014 was $87,000 + $15,000 = $102,000.

Step-by-step explanation:

Triangle D has been dilated to create triangle D′. Use the image to answer the question.

image of a triangle labeled D with side lengths of 2.7, 4.8, 4.2 and a second triangle labeled D prime with side lengths of x, 1.6, 1.4

Determine the scale factor used.

one third
one half


The scale factor is 1/3.

What is the scale factor?

The difference in scale between an original object's scale and a new object that is its representation but is larger or smaller is known as a scale factor. For instance, we can increase the size of a rectangle with sides of 2 cm and 4 cm by multiplying each side by, let's say, 2.

Here, we have

Given: Triangle D has been dilated to create triangle D′.

To find the scalar value, simply choose one side of D and one did of D’ and divide them to find the scalar. We can verify that we have the correct scalar by performing this division on each related edge. Below I will do D to D’ represented like D/D’:

4.8 / 1.6 = 3

4.2 / 1.4 = 3

2.7 / x = 3

Knowing that the scaling for each edge is 3, we can solve for x.

2.7 / 3 = x

0.9 = x

The edges for D are 4.8, 4.2, and 2.7 respectively to D’ scaled by 1/3. So we can determine that the edges for D’ are 1.6, 1.4, and 0.9 respectively to D scaled by 3.

So if we go D’ to D, we scale by 3. If we go D to D’, we scale by 1/3.

Hence, the scale factor is 1/3.

To learn more about the scale factor from the given link


Find the value of x please.

choices are..



We have supplementary angles.

123 + 3x = 180

3x = 57

x = 19


x = 19

Step-by-step explanation:

Angle on a straight line add up to 180

123 + 3x = 180

3x = 180 - 123

3x = 57

3x/3 = 57/3

x = 19

change 52 out of 97 to a percentage? give your answer to one decimal place


To convert 52 out of 97 to a percentage, we need to divide 52 by 97 and then multiply by 100:

52/97 x 100 = 53.6%

Therefore, 52 out of 97 is equivalent to 53.6% when rounded to one decimal place.

In the figure shown, triangle RST is similar to triangle UVW. Write an expression in terms of m and p that represents tan (R).


The value of tan(R) is 2/3

What is the trigonometric ratio?

The trigonometric functions are real functions that relate an angle of a right-angled triangle to ratios of two side lengths. They are widely used in all sciences that are related to geometry, such as navigation, solid mechanics, celestial mechanics, geodesy, and many others.

using tan (θ) = opposite/Adjacent

Here, tan (R) = opposite/Adjacent

Where: opposite side = 14

Adjacent Side = 21

tan (R) = 14/21  = 2/3

tan (R) = 2/3

Hence, the value of tan(R) is 2/3

To learn more about the trigonometric ratio visit:


The complete question is in the attached figure:

What is tan(R) =?

Find the probability of drawing a green, then yellow, with replacement.
A bag has 4 green blocks, 6 red blocks, 7 blue and 3 yellow.


P (green, then yellow) = P(green) * P(yellow) = (4/20) * (3/20) = 0.03 or 3%.

What is Probability?

Probability is a measure of the likelihood or chance of an event occurring. It is expressed as a number between 0 and 1, where 0 represents an impossible event and 1 represents a certain event. The probability of an event can be calculated by dividing the number of favorable outcomes by the total number of possible outcomes. Probability is used in many areas of science, such as statistics, physics, and engineering, as well as in everyday life to make informed decisions based on the likelihood of various outcomes.

The probability of drawing a green block on the first draw is 4/20 (since there are 4 green blocks out of a total of 20 blocks in the bag).

Since the block is being replaced back into the bag after each draw, the probability of drawing a yellow block on the second draw is still 3/20.

Therefore, the probability of drawing a green block followed by a yellow block is:

P (green, then yellow) = P(green) * P(yellow) = (4/20) * (3/20) = 0.03 or 3%

To know more about probability visit:


Use π = \frac{22}{7}: Henry bought exactly the right amount of fencing to put around his circular herb garden, which has a diameter of 14 feet. Then he decides to make the garden larger by doubling the diameter. How much more fencing does Henry need to purchase to enclose the new garden?


The answer of the given question based on the circle is , Henry needs to purchase an additional 44 feet of fencing to enclose the new garden.

What is Circumference?

Circumference is distance around edge of  circular object. It is same as  perimeter of  circle. The circumference of a circle can be calculated using the radius of the circle, which is half the diameter.

The circumference of  circle with diameter d is given :

C = πd

Using the given diameter of 14 feet, the circumference of the original garden is:

C1 = πd1 = (22/7) * 14 = 44 feet

When the diameter is doubled to 28 feet, the circumference of the new garden is:

C2 = πd2 = (22/7) * 28 = 88 feet

To find how much more fencing Henry needs to purchase to enclose the new garden, we need to subtract the original circumference from the new circumference:

C2 - C1 = 88 - 44 = 44 feet

Therefore, Henry needs to purchase an additional 44 feet of fencing to enclose the new garden.

To know more about Distance visit:


A bag contains 26 letters and 10 numerals. Robin draws two cards from the
bag. What is the probability that she draws 2 numerals?
OA. 1/7
O B. 1/14
O C.1/63
D. 2/13



On the first draw, there are 10 numerals out of 36 cards.

P(first card is a number) = 10/36 = 5/18

On the second draw, there are 9 numerals out of 35 cards.

P(second card is a number) = 9/35

The probability of both events is the product:

P(both cards are numbers) = P(first card is a number) x P(second card is a number)

= 5/18 x 9/35

= 1/2 x 1/7 (cancel a 5 and a 9).

= 1/14

Find ordered pairs y=-7x+8


The ordered pairs for the equation y = -7x + 8 are (0, 8), (1, 1), and (-1, 15).

What are the  ordered pairs for the equation y?

To find ordered pairs for the equation y = -7x + 8, we can substitute different values of x and solve for y.

Let's choose three values of x:

When x = 0, y = -7(0) + 8 = 8. So one ordered pair is (0, 8).

When x = 1, y = -7(1) + 8 = 1. So another ordered pair is (1, 1).

When x = -1, y = -7(-1) + 8 = 15. So another ordered pair is (-1, 15).

Therefore, the ordered pairs  are (0, 8), (1, 1), and (-1, 15).

Learn more about  ordered pairs for the equation here:


radical form of a^2/5
help please



The answer is ⁵√a²

Step-by-step explanation:


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the highlighted structure contributes to which autonomic function? inferior view of the brain. the highlighted structure is the most inferior bunch of yellow colored tissue arising between an oblong structure situated in the middle of the brain and a large structure, each half of which embraces the roundish structure.the highlighted structure contributes to which autonomic function? neural regulation of respiration through the carotid body, which senses chemistry of the blood decrease in heart rate and respiratory rate through stimulation of the cardiac and pulmonary plexuses in file explorer, the new folder button is in the new group on the ____ tab on the ribbon. The diameter of a circle is 12.5 cm. What is the circumference of the circle? Question 1 options: 19.63 cm 35. 25 cm 39.25 cm 78.5 cm please tell me quick!!!! This pattern follows the rule add 2. What is another feature of this pattern? (4 points) An image of a pattern. Term one has one dot, term two has three dots, term three has five dots, term four has seven dots. a The terms appear even, odd, even, odd. b All the terms are even. c Two terms are even, then two terms are odd. d All the terms are odd. which value must be added to the expression x2 - 3x to make it a perfect square trimonial madeoff donated stock (capital gain property) to a public charity. he purchased the stock three years ago for $100,500, and on the date of the gift, it had a fair market value of $201,000. what is his maximum charitable contribution deduction for the year related to this stock if his agi is $502,500?multiple choice why is language so important for the learning of culture? group of answer choices all answers are correct. language conveys meaning. language allows us to talk about the past, present, and future. language allows us to communicate abstract ideas. without language it would be difficult for children to learn. steroid hormones enter the target cell nucleus and act directly on the ______, changing target cell physiology by either activating or inhibiting transcription. What specific civil rights issues regarding AI and/or big data usage will you exploreBrianliest will be given:))) scientist established the environmental defense fund and used its contributions for a series of legal actions across the country to halt_______ In which two Gospels (out of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) did Peter go to the tomb?This is regarding the Catholic bible by the term takeover constraint, we mean group of answer choices constraints placed by the firm on raiders who want to take over the firm. legal constraints that limit the ability of the raiders to acquire a firm. provisions in the charter of a company that prevents it from attempting a takeover of other companies. the risk of being acquired by a hostile raider. How does the current interest rate environment in the U.S. affect the interest rate risk that bondholders are subjected to in the U.S.? What would be your recommendation to people close to retirement that are typically advised to hold a significant portion of their retirement portfolio in U.S. bonds? (Hint: check the current and historical levels of the Federal Funds Rate, which is the baseline interest rate in the U.S.) if the after-tax cost of debt is 10%, what is the pretax cost for a firm in the 21% tax bracket? enter your answer as a percent rounded to two decimal places. What does it mean to 'Get a new perspective'?O A. Avoid the situationO B. Talk to a trusted friendC. Try to understand another person's point of viewD. Walk away Roget's Search Engine Limited plans to pay dividends of $2.00, $3.50, and then a liquidating dividend of $20.25 over the next three years. If investors expect a 10 percent return on their investment, what is the value of the company today? (Do not round intermediate calculations. Round the final answer to 2 decimal places.) Current value______$ FIN Corp. has determined that its before-tax cost of debt is 9.0%. Its cost of preferred stock is 12.0%. Its cost of internal equity is 15.0%, and its cost of external equity is 19.0%. Currently, the firm's capital structure has $400 million of debt, $ 100 million of preferred stock, and $500 million of common equity. The firm's marginal tax rate is 40%. The managers have determined that the firm should have $80 million available from retained earnings for investment purposes next period. What is the firm's marginal cost of capital (WACC) at a total investment level of $200 million? (Break Even - retained earnings/% of equity) a.11.29% b.14.20% c.13.58% d.10.64% e.12.86% mountains also have an unmatched power to drive human evolution. starting tens of thousands of years ago, people moved to high altitudes, and there they experienced natural selection that has reworked their biology. in tibet, for example, people have broader arteries and capillaries. in the andes, they can dissolve more oxygen into their blood. what do these different traits of people who live in high altitudes illustrate? adaptive evolution, due to the environmental pressures of living in the high altitudes stabilizing selection, resulting in the reduced variation of the population leading to decline neutral variations, resulting in genetic changes that have little or no impact on the population acclimatization, due to individuals adjusting to the environment Evaluate the following.Write an exponential function of the form y = ab^x that has the given points(1,6 3/4), (2, 1-4) Hurry please What is the mean for the following set of data?2,5, 7, 8, 11, 11, 1210118