how can portions of text be emphasized? select all that apply.


Answer 1


Other ways to achieve emphasis

Use a question after series of statements

Place subordinate clause in front of main clause

Include short sentences (using variety sentences makes text seem choppy, but including them from time to time keeps readers’ attention and emphasizes particular part of text)

Use contrasting words or phrases.

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Refer to one or more details from the text to explain the disagreement between the speaker and his father over fruit. Base your answer both on evidence that is directly stated and ideas that you infer from clues in the text.


In the text, the speaker and his father have a disagreement over fruit, which can be inferred from clues in the text. One possible clue is a direct statement from the speaker that they prefer to eat fruit when it is ripe and sweet. This statement suggests that the speaker values the taste and quality of the fruit.

What is the disagreement?

The speaker describes how his father finds joy in simple pleasures like fruit from the orchard and how he doesn't care about owning expensive possessions or chasing after wealth. This implies that the father values the simplicity and natural beauty of life, including the simple pleasure of enjoying fruit.

On the other hand, the speaker's admiration for his father's simple ways may suggest that the speaker shares his father's perspective. However, it's possible that the speaker's father's perspective may not align with the values of the broader society or with the speaker's own desires for material possessions or wealth. This could potentially lead to a disagreement between the speaker and his father, where the father's contentment with simple pleasures clashes with the speaker's desire for more materialistic pursuits.

Read more about disagreement here:


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Refer to one or more details from the text to explain the disagreement between the speaker and his father over fruit. Base your answer both on evidence that is directly stated and ideas that you infer from clues in the text. In my father is a simple man.​

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